HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-07-01, Page 3-High School BDaIcii w nd Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL "AND - ART SCHOOLS With the apprdval of the Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in' accordance with the regulations Mimed by. the Department 'of Education.. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION le given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of,AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE.'• Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of. the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE 'AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study In -Public; Separate, Contlnuatl'on and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes,: Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliamedt Buildings, Toronto. MAN APPS "';`'' D 400,000` YEARS - AGO Skull Discovered in Trinil, Java, Considered Proof of.That. 404 A.ie'hncentt laropus ezwclas eancZerletal YU,=� rhe Sketch shows. how scientists think Trinil man -sometimes known by the more resounding title of Pithecanthropus Erectus-•.-and-Neanderthal man must have looked. So scientists have arrived at these eonclnsions'from- careful study of theskulls..bnd other bones found. Secrets of Science. By David Dietz. Mau, 'as we have already said, emerged the ruler of tho earth' at the close of the great glacial period which olosed the Age of Mammals. So let us take -leave of the, geolo- gists and paleontologists now, anti see what those sci'entiet.s who denote their time to the -study of man -the anthro- pologiste and archeologists -have to tel us about the beginning of the human race. • - The record of the beginning of Man is unfortunately most.obscur'e. It is • not surprising to find it so. ltilsells are found in sedimentary egegaeseigliall TORONTO OFFERS BEST MARKET FOR Poultry, Butter, ,figs We Otter Toronto s Best PNcea. { LINES, LiMiTED St. Lawrence Market Toronto 2 racks. These rocks,.ittwill be,remem- bered, were formed under water. Consequently they are -rich in beans of sea life and fossils of ainp)ribians and reptiles which lived in marshes, Fossils of mammals whishlived, in dry regions are scarce. Naturally, there would be few fossil remains of man. The earliest record of Ulan consists of stone and flint implements found In layers of rock which'were formed at the start of the ice age t,blob closed the Age of Mammals. These are roughly hewn hammers or hatchets, so shaped as to be held in the :hand -by their tops. Scientists have named them eoliths.. • But no fossil remains of their users have ever been: found. - The oldest fossil was found in Trinil, Java. The top of a Skull, some teeth and a thigh bone were found. " • The creature is referred to 'as Trinil• man, but he was ::only a eerie of walk• ting ape -man, anthropo:ogiste believe.• Trinil man lived 400,00e years ago, scientists believe, Ii°'o U b•Z-g"r+- sera f. 9 ` Arey;w:ti being l-OSQUquickly ended ITO torture is if you keep. A 'a can of Flit h - Alandy. Flit spray dears your home in a few minutes of dis- ease -bearing fiiee and mosquitoes. It is clean, safe and easy' to use. -ills A,II llolasehold lnsegt@. a Flit spray also destroys bed bugs, roaches and ants. It Searches out the cracks' and crevices whre they hide and breed; and destroys insects and their eggs, Spray Flit o your garments. Flit kills moths and theirh larvae `which eat holes. Extensive tests showed th fabrics, at Flit spray did not stain the most delicate Flit is the result of exhaustive,research by' expert entomol- ogists and chemists. It is harmless' to mankid. Flit lies replaced the old methods because it kills all the insects --and does it quickly. GetaMlittcan and sprayer today, STANDARll OIL' CO°. (STEW 1ERSEY) Distributed In Canada by Fred J. Whitlow & Co., Toronto. DESTROYSw Files. Mosquitoes Moths Ants,,, Bed Bugs Roaches "The11,,note can ,eith Ohs - black bane' 3 'The enes`t fossil ..is one:. found in ale delb'et-g, Germany. Tills, was a : jaw home. The creature Is, referred to i as the Hol-ltlbe_g'-man, But he, toe, was only a sort of walking ape -man. The etoue i'mplcmonte, h-owever. which date buck to this period, show great' 'progress .over the 'Implements. of the � day of Trinil man, t^VI:ogress was_be ing made. Tho third 'loved was foiuhd in 'Putt - .down, Sussex, England. •, Pat -Iowa man: dates back 100,000 ye -ore- ago. Then 90000 years, ago a more pass - ab e creature inacle, hit appearance He R'a6 the so-oalletl , leandert.hal man. There ' fa evidence that he lived do . tribes or fainillen throughout.Inueh of Elui-cpe, Neandorthal man, lronever, prole_ usly could not "walk: erect or hold -dis head entirely erecta He had a brutish appearance and a most uuderdevelep ed' chin. But ho lived in cevee, understeNtt the use of fire, made stone and wooden icistrnmen£s and built' traps to catch the big beasts of the time by digging tvonebee- and covering them over with brush. Then about 252000 years ago, as- -the great,lce.age came to an,end,'true-maw emerged:: IS _ON. STRIKE IIEN DIGESTION Food Fails -to Nourish- Relief Can.be Had Through Dr. . Williams' Pink Pills. Is your digestion on strike? Doyou turn away front your food at,meal times, 'although, you know' :you need the nourishment your food should give you? Is what you eat followed. by. pains, flatulence -or nausea? These symptoms show that your atomaeh is in no state to digest food even if you eat it. `Do not re.'y on remedies that merely give temporary relief. A sound stomach depends upon rich; -red blood, and if it does not -do the work nature Intended, the trouble must be correct- ed -through the blood 'and ehere is no better way to build up .the blood than by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Every dyspeptic who has tried thorn-ia delighted with the Improved appetite' and renewed strength that so quickly follow their use. 1irs.-A. Quinlan,.. Stratford, Ont„ is one who has tested the value of these pills in trouble of this kind. Sire says, -"I feel it a duty to let you know what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills- have done for me. - Some time ago I. suffered severely from indi- gestion, which left me run down and nervous. I could neither eat nor sleep well, anti decided to consult a doctor. He told me that I was almost blood- less and gave ins Some medicine, but as it did not appear to help use I d'e- oided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got three bakes Sud, by the time I had taken them I felt better. I then got three more boxes and when I lied taken thein I felt like a new womany and I was again able to do my Noise - work, and have not since had any re- turn of the trouble." Di'. Williams" Piulc Pills are Sold b all medicine dealers, or will be sent by. mail at, 60 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine- Co., Brockville, Out, A little booklet "What to Eat and How to Eat," will be sent free to 'any address for the asking. The Scarf Maker. ` In the rear of'a little I•lindu shop the scarf maker works .at her profession. Before the sun .has tipped the Bom- bay harbor with its silvery caress, she winds her way through the rambling streets: to her little den. She does not hurry; indeed, she walks unseeingly among 'the few early pedestrians; her gaze is turned toward the fast brightening east. With dreamy eyes she watches the enders -as the softer hues gradually give place to roseate envie- which in turn become vermillion. In fancy she is .;again roaming the rough hills of the inland country., She tends the shew'on the hl-lieide, breething•the sweet fragrance of dew -laden wild flowers. She sees the flash of the bird of paradise, its gorgeous tail feathers bobbing in the tall grasses. Thescream of a parrot -on a faraway tree makes her eyes dance With appreciation of the wild life, Colors, dew, suurlee-ah, living is slier lo-relinese,! Such remembrances as these quicken her footsteps,' There is the Nile -green scarf of the, sheerestsilky gauze un• finished 'from yesterday morning. A peacock design of decoration lies been chosen from her poetfolic of precious, meano�es. -With the finidst brtistir she applies the paint to the, flinty mesh, her shapely brown' lingers working deftly and eagerly; The odor of the aliet is to her P e the sweetest. of fragrances; and as the:tie•' sign develops, drew darts- dreamy eyes shine, - The stroke of the brush is now a caress the shadings become so deli- tato and so perfectly blended that later, when viewing her fnislredwork, a joyous surpnis•e is here. 'True art is achieved in those Happy menrents.:- At one o'clock the shop rs opened for, business, "No ra.ppinge bye prosµ pective buyer, however, insdsbont,',are answered in the neoihiiug, -.Those fresh hors are' reserved for work;- the lazier part of this clay is for sales, The artist, herself distplays hoe wares. Lack of a common lahgua'ge is no barrier to understanding and appreciation. The, :tenderness with which the foreigner hanndles the'seni•le; the exclamatione of joy end wonder; the quick flesh of art r-soognrtion all these things are to the as -tint; the purchaser's tribute. There are scarfs decorated with flower designs -wild Rowers upon which one can almost smell the dew; there are subdued colors and colors brilliant. Autumn leaves adorn sense dainty thins; birds' of paradise Beer from -delicately tinted foliage. Any of -these wonderful scarfs would have graced • the Queen of Sheba be :self. All the colors and marvellous imagery of the Orient are poi'tarayed there in r'ea'l artistry. That -dark, dreamy -eyed scarf tetalcerI _Can one ever forget a visit .to the Hindu woman's shop?. • ' Minaret's Liniment for burns, A Comeback with Chickens 5.!.' 1 ll rI ) P rxl • ,ate „, Sts - isoftentimes cruel in its manifestations, yet fregisently victims of its. strokes are compen- sated_in such a manner as to reveal that human kindness continues to remain a vital factor in the lives Of men. This is the tale of John Cor- bett, of Quibell, Ontario. uibell is a community on the Canadian Na= • tional Railways, west of Hudson, and is one of the entrances into the ,Red Lake Gold Fields. It was there that Mr. •Corbett received a blow which might well have discouraged any but a stout spirit, 'and it is at the same Quibell that he is striving forward towards a remarkable reha- bilitation. John Corbett, at one time section' hand on the Canadian National Rail- ways, set out to perform a kindly act, one winter's day over a year ago, having undertaken . to deliver some groderies to a feeble old woman who resided some distance from the village. While- in the house, Mr. felt faint but thought Corbett e 15' nothing of it as he -lead occasionally suffered dizzyspells, the result • of injuries received while serving' overseas with 'the Canadian Expel ditiorran Forces. He set out on the return journey, but had gone only a short distance when he was over- come and fell unconscious in the snow. When he later regained con ecioubneas and managed to stagger to the house ' of neighbor, both hands were completely frozen: It was necessary` to send the unfor- tunate man to Wihnipeg for treat - Ment, but the effect ofhis experi- ence wag such that amputation of both hands followed. Under such circumstances and with such a severe handicap, the fu- ture ,was not -very bright for Mr. Corbett, but theldonde did lift and what followed brought, the sunshine back to his life. After consultation with represen- tatives -of the Department of Colo- nization,-. Agriculture and Natural Resources, Canadian National Rail- ways, the latter recommended that the most advantageous occupation in which to place Mr:Corbett would be poultry raising, r An poultry a u -to- p d p try' disuse was erected last November, while" this sprint- additions were made in the form of a modern brooder house complete with stove and feed lis- P e- P pers. This building is large enough for three to four hundred- young -flicks. Mr. Corbett has found a ready market for , and as the hens laid well _ all winter he has been obtaining some revenue -right from the start. From this it will be seen. that -the project is now well established as a going concern. My Guests. Gallant and gay, in their doublets of • gray Ail -at a flash :like -the dartings of Chattering Arabic, African, Indian--- •Cer.tain of epringtime, my swallows came! - r Doubites of gray silk, and surcoata of • purple,'•' Anti rugs of russet round each white -throe t, Garmented brave they had orossetl: the waters, Mariners sailing with never a-boatt Sailing a sea than the bluest deep Uhler, . ¢ Vaster to trayerse than any which rolls 'Meath kelson of warship, or bilge of trader, '- Betwixt the brinks of the frozen Poles; Cleaving tile clouds with their moon - edged platens High over city and vineyard and mart; April to pilet then •11'Iay tripping at - ter; And each bird's compass his small stout heart. - -Sir Edwin Arnold. A MEDICINE THAT ALL MOTHERS PRAISE Baby's Own - Tablets Banish Babyhood and Childhood Ailments. Mrs. H. Oakes, Sardia, Out,, days;• "I have Used Bailees Own Tablets in my home for the past fifteen years and I believe the good health sayelrildr•en enjoyTo' due entirely to this hrediehie. The Tablets are helpful at teething time; - relieve -bolds anti are alw, aye, beneficial in the minor ailments of lit- tle ones. it-tle'.ones. I have recommended Baby's Oiris Tablets to other mothers' whose' experience with them Inas been as, satisfactory es my, own." Baby's. Own', 'Tablets do one tiring; 'only, hut they de it well. They act -as a gentle laxative which thoroughly re-. gulates the- bowels- and, sweetens- the sttomach, thus banishing constipation and . indigestion; -colds and ,simple feverS and turn the cross, sickly baby irate a well, happy, laughing' child. 'Baby's Own Tablets are -soI•d by medicine dealers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' ll it in Brockville, } ac D uCo,,Bockaside, Ont. , Amber. Exhibits of aur,bea•, valued at 51,000,- 000, ere now on their way from Eng- land to -the Sesqui-Centennial Exposi elan at Philadelphia. Amber' in a sort of resin, of vegetable oiigtir and it homes lergely front the Baltic Sea,` ori. whose shores it is cast by the 'rtiavese though some of itis dug from `a bed orf carbonized weed iset'.feell Koenigsberg and Memel. When Thales,-hof Miletua, rubbed amber a.nd attracted light bodies with it, he performed the ,`,ret electrical experiment of which there in record.' ,Pie cos of autber 'weighing, twelve pounds have been, feline, but they are as rare as gold nuggets or large dislnentis, Choosing Rugs is Important Task for Home Owner. It has been well said that the right rug pulls .a room together or a house together as nothing else can. Not even the wells and time' ceiling of a room can be made to unite it scattered furnish- ings so completely as eau the rug up- on which or around ,whiOh these fur. Melange - are placed, The satisfaction which .the eye feels in. the out-of-doors is due not a little to ,the unifying ::ef- fect of nature's carpet underfoot as well au' to the sky overhead, The beginner in interior decoration, particularly if ignorant; of both the decorative, quality of design and its'. historical and regional values - in other words its period interest -seeks, shelter with plain walls and plain Cat'r'- pets. This is playing very Safe indeed, for with decorative ornament on the over -draperies and upholstery alone, and with a few decorative accessories, it easy to compose a room without offense. , And this is what • is happening ali Over .Canada. A cretonne or hand - blocked fabric, a brocade'or brocatelle is chosen for drapery; one or more of its three or more colors is "matched" for the upholstery. One of its colors in it deeper shade is chosen for the. rug. Its lighter tones are chosen for the walls and the glass curtains, and presto! the thing is done as easily as thy.minutes required for an em- ployee to go ,to a shop and "match" - the colors, just like a dress -maker's: errand girl. In the finished result we cannot say that the rug Is unsuitable; but oh, what monotony! As well have nothing but green grass in a Iuiwn everywhere -with never a garden of flowers to delight the earth. Lawns have their place, so have plain rugs, so have rugless floors for that matter. But style to -day de- mands design and more design; to know how to use other than solid `col- ored rugs is becoming a necessity. Strange Mourning Custom. Among the wild peoples of the Philippine Island is a trice known as Tingians. When the husband of one of these' Tingian' women dies the. widow at once removes. practically all of her clothing. She facts until she is little better than skinr_and bones and she does not take any kind of a bath for six in ` Air In Ice Cream. Ice cream contains 40.to,50 per cent of ail..r. - Minarci's Liniment Kilts of Pale.. - There is reason for believing that the name o9 the city of Liverpool . nifics simply the pool where,small� trading vessels "livered,' or delivered their cargoes. To "liver" a ship, in eastern- Scot:'and, is to discharge her cargo. eel New ,Intl(acylinder Flurley•Dzv t on hfoi,rn to Ims 1nat wast a Woritl,s nand for durailoa Leo than one sent per mile to operate, and.over 100 tailed per cation of eat. lilacath, bainnea. 520 per tinlith. Price ties, Walter Andrews, Ltd. 346 Yon.^e £it. - •T.oron to: Minard's Liniment for Cacbtachc. ISSUE No. 20--'23, The. Pleasant Task, IIs would fiat:do tlic'thing canted woigk Unlr s ,ho tt glc tit rs plca�ant, is duty roust notbmd 01111i_Ic,.,. Joy resat be even pi'c^ end And so he seer ehed ilio ell 3; Te find the job he'd like to do,, Now, there's it elitism which divides 1•,ien's work m ltinp ayhrxi, Andone can't oecfrotsliy:1,olh Sues, ' 'Which goes wil,ls-opt my sayinig, Pltei•o is tin job nit otirth to day. Which pleases one Sowell Pa play, The thing we really like to do ,le- se honest toiling, It's seeing irksome duties through Which keeps the kettle And if ii'secork beyond a doubt, i' Somewhere it calls for courage stout Andso from post to post he went l To, find a job which suited,.,", Hut everywhere in din -content Away fromtasks boa scooted; He wanted woilc which seems like piny And that does not ekist to -day. Edgar A. Guest, The Human Machine. Common sense -recognizes the fact that a sound physical basis underlies a wellregulated life in its spiritual manifestations. I•f a man'sliver is.ont of order, so are his views. An enlarge, meat of the ecpleen or of the craa'ium, an" excessive "amount of gall, seems- to carry over from the amatomttoal realm into the personal character and .to have much -to- do with making a man an un- desirable citizen, customer or friend,. Not meeely as a man,,thinleeth, Fut ae. he eateth and drinleeth, so is he. 'If 100 per cent.: efficiency is sought;' it is .as bad- a plan to eat unassimilabhe fare into the stomach as it is to feed boiler fires in a power :plaint' with fuel that wilt- not produce the required units of energy because it lee the wrong kind, Young mien lgoking^with varying de. grecs of admiration or of envy on those who have achieved may ascribe the attainment to some extraordinary quality of the attainer. Very often they will Rod the: rise to conspicuous eminence was due largely to the fact that ature's s.imPle precept -of of self-con- trol and a as. well -ordered life e w C011- ,slstently heeded. The rules of the Evanmeassommoimat• game were found where any one can, - find them and obeyed as any ane may obey them. These rules do not permit a wastrel to engage In extravagant ex- oessee-of any sortl the day of reckon- ing inevitably comes. A. man 'may browbeat or cable an officer of the human law, but in the caste of the @ ns.•. tared °diets the -re is no ohanoe of air- cus i.vention, Nature keeps vigil all the time to make sure Mat we obey and tomes down upon us with•a heavy Sand of punishment when we rebel, Prizes Offered for Essays oar dNt FIS TUc Torok De pair for inadrghlea, In vmttintlmi will, Della,uo-nand /.lOtf Httspitat,, Nov; Yuri, city, off,,,',, ,lire. yac5p' peurap P Tra idup to 5'.'. -„ulnen, hvvinp tial': csol red /Annalai,. and dations of becoming: nurses. Tifia tio,pitut 5'. adapted :the *ht. t, ur ,system, Tb pnpge revel,. uniform. of the School, ool, n t tl ly ,tlowane• and 44110107d e pane, to mrd treat Nolo York. rap forth... 1 form:Dory; ,arms the aupar{ntettalpilf.. There are shout 83,000 ,persons as b. akeefers in the U.S. i.SI NESS :OF Y'CU',�'ilr .. Earl,. money -an flet .It ovary ,.peek. :Self fruit 1; ii we ins shrubs, sliodii tree., hedtloz, rade.' and ccernronno. Outft.furnlaheq. Old, establish- ed fit has ' n attractive proposition for men or Woman of seed standing and encrpotle. E. D. SMITH 0, SONS, LIMITED, Take a spoonful of Sal Lithcifos in a glass of water daily before break- fast and rid your self of that die- agreeable feeling of dullness. .An efficient saline laxatve that gent- ly purges the sys- .a tem of clogging poisons and makes a new being of you. "Saving & Spending.” Prizes aggregatirig'$1,S00,00 are be- ing offered by Mr. Alvan T. Simonds, of Fitchburg, Mass,, for the best essays on "Saving &Spending" as factors of prosperity. $1,000.00 will go to the writer of the best essay -and $260,00 each to the next two best. The contest closes December 31, 1926, and is open to everybody -everywhere. This is: the fifth yearlycompetition on politicaleconomy subjects which Mr,- Simonds has offered prizes for, in an endeavor to arouse'a more general ,interest in the subject of economics as related to individual and general welfare.. " The competition Is open to Cana• diens and intending competitori. are invited to address for infornmtion, "The Contest Editor•,'" Simonds Sew all Steel Co., 470 Main Street, Fitch- burg, blase. No entrance fee or other, expense is Involved. Use HIInard's Liniment 1n the stables. The human ear is said to be -grow- ing smaller; formerly it used to in- crease in - size in prouortionto the body. The tendency is now for into decrease. - WE BiJY FLEECE WO Ir L Harris Abattoir Co., Limited Strachan .Ave., Toronto, • tllACi' N Ga uvl S .,tet CuticuraComf ortsl ender Aching Irritated Feet Bathe the feet for several minutes with"Cuticura Soap and warm wa- ter, then follow with a light .poli- cation of' Cuticura Ointment, gently rubbed in: This treatment is most successful in .relieving and corn - forting tired, hot, aching, burn- ing feet: eafnpte Each r,ca tr seal, Addrece Canndiao nepot: "menheaos, w,. Taleels- race, soup rec.•eintmrnt 5R'sad lee. Totegm We. War Cuticura Shaving Stick 25e. PAINSALL OVER BODY Two More Cases of Feminine Ill- ness Relieved by Lydia F. Pink. liam's Vegetable Compound Ballington, N. S. -"I had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pains all over my body. I would have to go to bed every month and nothing,would do me good.- My husband and my father did my work for me as I have two children and we have quite a big place. I read in the paper about Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, and then got a little book about atthrough themail and my husband sent to Eaton's and'. got me a bottle, and then we got more from the store. I -am feeling fine now and do all my work and am able to go out around more. I tell my friends it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compotrhd that makes me feel so well. '-Mrs. VICTCRRICrsARDSbN, Barrington, Nova Scotia. - Dull Pains in Backe. St. Thomas, Oct: =- "I took four bottles of Lydia E. Pinkhain's"Vege- table Compound and found great re- lief from the dull, heavy pains in the small of my back and the weakness front which I suffered for five years after my boy was born. Afterteking the Vegetable Compound and using Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash I am feeling, better than I have for the past seven years, and advise my friends to take it."-Mrs.F,JoiNsoN, 49 Moore Street, St. Thomas, Ont. Cl ,� i hs %) shb are -T'S so strong you could stand on `doingany it without.it .harm. The rubbing surface is -heavy SMP - , Pearl Enamel, positively smooth as ^,. glass, but unlike glass, it cannot breakl And ix wont wear out, like zinc. The back is heavily re-inforced with wood. It's a washboard that .' will last for many years,, and remember, it is SMP made. The Sheol iiietal-Producia Co.eeCanteecla' Limi Montroat TORONTO : infinf lucg .... Ea,aeonleo &'anceue'er ECalgere 1