HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-07-01, Page 1'CeG 2364 ; 48-th Ye viviTH `'WH1C4iIS , INCORPORATED TIE' #CLINTON NEW ERA ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY t, tbzo cHAli til uptill, LIN THE HOME PAPE] THUflSOAY, FBI�BY, SATURY:ANIIJAtIHU, A Y. }� learnn� gift t for everyoccasior7 a io rials for the ... P P P el girl grauate eautiful•model,, of 14 karat gold filled ease, 15' jewel lever movernentr, two adjustments, several dainty de- sign's. Engraved or plain—with ribbon; gold or leather wrist band. °`Best value in/own. $10.50 and OTHER GIFTS GALORE! 410 -iteitilar-- JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST exmoonmooloasommammow War Weather ppargil New frocks are being added to our stock daily. "This week we have received further ship- ' merits of fugi silks and striped bro,adeioths. To our Piece Goods Depart- ment have come an assortiner,t of spotted crepes and voiles, Fugi Silks in 'a11,lire ,nese Popular Shades 29 -in. heavy` cotton crepes for chikleente Wear, he orchid, or- 'aege, blue, rose and white. .An excoptionhily good quality and the; price is only 8a per q per yard I.R o" Specials la Saturday in Men's 'and YQ +Men's Suits in bro- ke • 1fQ ked: '` , . , d size' s in many . cases o>nI • y one na suit of taring at 9 y $14.90 lei alio,:l. 30 only �en'•s ,ari>1 "�`�urt>'g � . Seri's :Suits in light and medium shade,; Ain t tw,ektis and worsteds tivatidin g same of the. 'famous nS p 111x7 t3^ � e3' Tweeds ,sizes 35 .to 44+ R:an . g tri in -PAM &a o ria . g� your .q for '-°---•.^-tea Lot No. 2. 20 only Men's 7 s and Your )Vien's wits ' •-; < • In lixedi • 'and g rain dark shades, siz'es 33 to 40. Your,Chblee of lot for 9.90 THE MDRRISH GLQTHIE Snare ileal: to ° E'er a i 1 LOCAL MARKETS. Wheat, $1.30. Oats; 46e to 50e. Buckwheat, 70.e. Barley, .60e. Eggs, •20c 2 0 .,9 g, t o Butter 30e to 32e. .� • Live Hogs y113.00}• SPECIAL MEETING OF W. i. A special meeting, ° of the Women's Institute will be held in their regular meeting place on Tuesday, July ,6th at 3 pen. All members are requested to be present. MIDI LETON-FERGUSON. Yesterday, June 30th, at high noon, a quiet wedding was solemnized at St. John's Anglican church, near Lord don, by Rev. Professor S. E. McReg- ney, when Elsie Myrtle, oily daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ferguton of Goderich township and Thoma?. Alvin Middleton of Luean, youngese son of Mr. and' Mrs. John Middleton of Granton, were united in marriage The bride and bridegroonz'were at- tended by Mr. and Mrs. Tooker,'1Vzr•. Tookey being a business partner of the bridegroom. The ' bride was - charmingly gowned in 'pgwder blue and' silver grey georgette with hat, Mose and shoes to match and carries a shower bouquet of Ophelia and Sweetheart roses, :After, the "cere- mony the ere-nronythe couple proceeded on e motor trip to Hamilton, Niagara and Buf- falo. On their reture they 'will be at homeito their €rieeds+in Lucan. WILL COME TO CLINTON. The foliewing is from last weekes St. Marys Journal -Argus: "The• gem's -annual meeting of the (South Perth Orange Lodge was held on Saturday -afternoon in the Lodge rooms on Water street. There was s good turnout of. delegates from Strat- ford, Mitchell, Granton, " Woodham, Kirkten and Downie Township and a large amount of business was passe, ed through the 'proper,channeis. Two deputation ,mere present, one from Woodstock and one from Clinton inviting the local lodges to, walk .eith them on the 12th and after smite de- Liberation the invitation of Clinton was accepted. County Master N. L. dira•ndon ,:presided over the ineetmig and' during the, session Past County. Master G. W:•Heagy of Stratford was prehented with a. past:nnaster's• jewel, When the County Lodge had finished their' business the.: St. Marys; Orange ?nen held a sort of meeting to; arrange for their appearance at Clinton on the: Glorious Twelth." t AMONG TRE CHURCHES: co Baptist' Church Rev. J. B. McCormack sof Brace - bridge will preach in this ehureh.See- day evenings IIOSPITAL BOARD TO MEET. The Hospital Board will have its monthly meeting on Tuesday evening instead of Monday owing to the C1ra4ntauclua and will. meet in the, Heard i 1 d loon of the i t a hall. town. aI. ENGAGEMENT N' • Mrs. M._Glew 'announces the en gagentent of her youngest daughter, Marjorie Helen, to -Mr. Walter S. Bentley, youngest son of r. nd Mrs. Fred Bentley of. Toronto, the marriage to take place early •in July, FRIDAY NIGHT'S FIRE + Fire of unknown origin at midnight on Friday ,partially destroyed the` building on the corner of Mary ant. ,King streets, the building owned and occupied d up by Mr. John Cartwright, bur, better known o asElliott'swn ired livery barn. The buiiding also housed the blacksmith shop: of Messrs/ Jones and .Son. Tha fire started at the south- west corner, crept up the corner or the building. and spread over the up- per story, Mr.: Cartwright's cream separators, etc,, for which he was agent, were badly water' soaked and the blacksmith tools also. The lora and inconvenience to ell concerned is consideralble. YOU SCAN. VOTE ON IT, At the 'big,, Conservative picnic a: Bayfield last -week Premien' Ferguson told the people -that he would, not sub- mit a Iignor policy in the shape or legislation, ' . but would 'endeavor to ascertain public sentiment throughout 'the province and would then submit his :policy through the ''Government candidates in the several, constituen- cies in the coming election. a., "I'have said over and: over again," he declared, "and sometimes' I•.am criticized' for saying there will' be nu more'referendal end piebitseites, Weil, I confess that ell my b inging up, my reading of history, ail my know-- edge of constitutional ;affairs, baa convinced me that the good old Beet- ish practice of constitutional, reproe sentative, democratic government is the soundest in the world 'today. That )places the responsibility with the pear ple through their representatives le the Legislature. That is the course :that this. Government will•pursue,, and we will not seek to hide behind pleb- iseites, referenda, women's skirts, church organizations, or any other sort of,barrage. We will route 'out' into" the 'open and' 'tell •yoa what°:our honest belief is, and we Will ask you o give us eredit for honesty of Pur- pose end conviction' -in whatever urge we suggest to ,you. That will e tte' Way the 'Ontario Temperance Act will be dealt with, That will be he way every piece gflegislation pro.. reed by,. this Government will be dealt with," Ontario Street United Church T e The Sunday sehool will meet at, ten stern, on Sienday and for the sunt - neer menths, f The morning messages "A very ,1 Blessed :People." Evening sinbject. .f r `Withered $'Carts." , °' S. S. Picnic m n o Wed nesY, da .Ju:+ 3 HE DOHERTY PICNIC: Saturday was the annual picnic day or the Doherty Pianos and the (Sher - eek -Manning Company, London, who n egathered at Hayfield- and had e.great big time.. The weather did - 't seemtob e very favorable, 1e ss By In the morning', but that didn't prevent carload after carload comm: up from Louden, accompanied by eir band, and- they were 'o • Y .ire i joined v b other Y carica '<:' ds a , rid away they �' 3 nt to t he lakeside, kesia' e, carrying with them an'abundance of goon things eat, plenty' of.'tamps to protect em from the chilly winds and a ;de- riminatioe to have a geed time. Gaines of variops kinds' occupied he holies a`nd the day was spent very pily by members of the` company rid the'staffs of the two branches of factory. Following is the list of prize wine ere in the various gamest 21st is Presbyterian Church ' The W.A. will meet«on. Tuesday ai- $li tern n o nnext atth horn , e e of Mrs. T. M. Johnston, the n, Undone: eel r we tPatriotie 'servie° in ' the Baptist church on Sunday at 11 &cloaks'.Sub- to jects "The true .glory of a nation." th Sunday school at ld; (o'clock, to Remember the• congregational me. rine to Bayfield ori Wednesday, Jury 21st. \ t St. ;Paul's Church hnp The Rightr',Rev. David Williams 'x a h he of er-, n, day by The +pe eve of of 0) of s- v, and :Bishop of Huron, administered' t rite of eo firmati,on to ' a class twenty-six at a largely attended s vice: in St: 'Paul's" church o'n Mon, evening. ' The rector, the Rev. Let. Harris° conducted the serviee, assisted the Rev. F. H. Paull. of Bayfield. Itishop preached a most impress' sernacc, choosing as his text part the 26th verse of the 18th ehapter St. John's gospel. • 'ad The confirmation class eensisted twelveboys .and young men'and fou teen "girls. and women. holy Caniinunion: will be adinini tered on Sunday morning next. • ',Wesley -Willie United Church On .Sunday evening last ,the Re A. A. Holmes ,preached the last. ser Ho mon of his'' active ministry, after forty years of strenuous labor, the greater part of it in Newfoutdlano., his .native land, in the serviel ;of the Methodist chureh'. He took for his text Parrl's confident words: "For I am, sent to preach the gospel."' "I )rave•'never doubted," said Mr. Hobnes "during my long•minist%y, that I was =called end cent to preach the gaspep, ' nd God' ' has given hie fruits of my. labors on -nnany fields." elle „told something of his early labors`` on the mission fields in Labrador. A large coal.gregation was present to eisten to his message. Next week we expect to, have a somewhat' lull'sketeh of his work and life in Newfoundland,; The Brietlieehood wilt not: meet on Sunday, nor until further notice.. On Sunday next the pastor will re- sume the studies in the Old Testa. meet. Sulb e t. 1 ra el Er, a � ¢ slaved n, ypt- Evening subject: `The Won- ders of the World," The Sunday .s.01001 will meet at er- even o'clock as :usual. The ^W, 1ST, S. will meet at the home aI Mrs. �S. J,-Atedrews on Thursday evening next, -July 8th,at eight colonic. i The Mi cion' end League is viritir• t pixie race. ((3 and under--1Vd:. mehe A. Agnew, Ne -Cook. (Heys' race (6 and under) -R. Dee- r) G MpFarland, E. Cooper,, 11icklies! (balloon race (5 and under)• r: Niekle, M. Murch, E. Cook. iris' race (12 and under) -Mary oper,;•M•, Carter, J. Neilans, Boys' race (12 end under) --,S-;: Cobk,. C.Dixn� k, O M.. . rCudn o ,. r re, Boys' 'seek race ---;S, Cook, C. Sher - loci,, IL Pickett.'.;:' 14fen's sack race --1B ItteDougalI, I3 Chowen, R. ,Cook. ' • Bo . ys' wheelbarrow race (12 ana e,) - Sherlock -Hoskin, :Cudmore. y, afeeeh-Pickett. Companion Taco mixed -Mrs, Mc- Farland and Chowen, M.,alt Wo n z .and Cook, .Misses Maenirng and Sherlock. Companion race; -boys Murch and Pickett, Chapman tined Larkin, Cud - more and, NickIe. Couaniont ease, girls - Cudmorr• and Gould, Nash: and Carter, Fraser and Redeem . Hundred yard dash --J. Canter, EY:' Chewers, J. ,Larkin: Ladies' nail driving contest -Mrs, Mfoffatt, Mese Barrett, Mrs. "Mal -asr land Ladies rPedje race -Mrs. Melear-' land and Chewers 11>r. and Mrs. Cook, Misses Manning and R.emp., Relay epee -Clinton team, London team, Ladies' 50 -yard dash -Mies y Gould; Miss Cudniore, Miss Manning. Foreman's race,' 50 , yards -,• Cliowei i B.r ' g G burn s, J. Jewett. Rine; race, mixed )Mrs. Cook aiid Ellwood, M'r's, 'Tohey and Cook, kiss. Ruiner and Livermore. ' Ladies' ;balloon race -Miss Walton, ve. Coo; IVlGould. boxing l:in barwela-iss.W. Fulford. 13fete's , tog;o'-war•, 'London vs,t. Clin- ton Cliaifon team, •' Softball game --Clinton 9, London'&. drawn fbi' this week, PLAY OFF IN SEAFORTI-I, The `softball teams of street church and the Brucefiel will play off the bie score ins_S on'tFriday night at seven o'clo empire, t Re B Rev.Snell, P L ender WL1NT ' 3 0 I3RUCEPIELI7. Most' of the menthols of 'the People's League, of Ontario 'church journeyed to `Brucefiel day evening - to . the softball Br•ucefield took a strong lead first but ,after some _time th girls warmed pi and did their good playing.. LITTLE LOCALS. Y1s,, EXAMINATION NOTES. Ontario. The high 'School\Examinations wilt. d team be core/Acted next Monday, Dr. J. M. eaforth Field and Mr. A.:F.,Johns are pre- ck. The sidin • g, born. The Entrance. Erauninz;i;ioii was held Monday, Tuesday ani) Wednes. Xoung `day, 'forty-one candidates ,from Olin- oung 'ton public school and sixteen from d street the ,eerrocnding rural schools wrote upon it,: Principals' Teeter and Gen, game. des presided. at the e'local Mr. A. F. Johns took change of -this` usual examination at Blyth.' -Tlie Clinton Knitting Cornea Blatt, picnicked at ,Bayfield yes Chaiitaunua opens in :Clinton Have your secured your t"future.iL•liets ;� ,� e Those three -cent stamps' wil to, be saved for 'parels. Two will carry your letter today, It is ex••peeted that the Entrance re- sults will be published about the middle of July. ny and torday. , s today. People You `Know season Mr, and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart have returned from a trip to Montreal. I have Mrs, 0, L. Paisley is visiting her sis- cents, ter, MTs. W. Tebbutte Godertah. and en Mrs, D. .C. Donnell of. Detroit s vis iting her niece, Miss Zetta Bawdes. ut on Mr. and Mrs. Russel McCaig of Galt A'coat of gravel' is being p Itattenb6ry 'street west, this Good business. That was "a ba of toad.' Mr, Henderson of Brantfor supply at thht C. R. station the absence' on vacation 'of Vanliorne, Mr. Robert Waficdr, who stiffer stroke a few weeks ago, is not ing as much headway toward ery a3 his friends would like to The Orangemen are making parations for a big'.den1onstrati Clinton on'Tilly lath. Anyone wishes to see the crowd will ha come to -Clinton. ^The corners are being shave the comet walks at the juneti Albert and Rattenbury streets. is to allow the girt n osse roe swing around. "Pedestrians is ,take as -little room as possible. ILEATTI OF FORMER CITIZ week `''spent Ssnday with Clinton friends.. d spot BIOS Rath 1VfeMath of Ayr (Continua; tion school is home for.the vacs tion, CI will iMiss Agnes Walker of Kingston as daring spending her vacation at her home Agent in town. Principal Geddes of the Public school ed a .deft Wednesday for his home at mak- •Beigrave. recon Miss Clark returned Friday evening last, after spending several days see., in Toronto. pr,._ Miss Gertrude Wallis of; the staff. of i, ea , the Midland High School is. home who • tem the ;holidays. ve to Miss Winnifred McMath left -last week ;for Muskoka, twhere she wili spend the summer.'• d or Mr. W. J'- Cantelon of Red Deer, Alta., on et is visting his ,_parents, Mr, and Mrs. -This D. Cantelon of town. an to Miss Ruth •Robinson `of Woodstock is indiy ' spending this week with her cousin, ' Miss Dorothy Holmes.• DN. Miss Gladys.ePetty of klensall was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0, Sti-. Iv me Potter on Sunday last. ref- Mr. Rutherford of Owen Sound was of a the gaest for e few days hist wee:: of Mr. end Mrs. John Zapfe. dia.- Mr. and Mrs. Fred MOICool of %onides- et of bore end Miss Jean Miller of Olin - ex ou ton Spent Thursday last in Strat- a 1"c- ford, deers Mr. and Mts. F. Laytoh `s d'11Tt�e rung 1Co?nith and children of •Brucefield Wii- spent Sunday with friends at'Strat- pring .-ford, tit`hat 1VIr•. Fred Rumball of Toronto "has south been visiting ' his mother, Mrs. was Clara• Itunibali, during' the past n to week. ac- 'Mrs, Hlarry Twitehell and little Miss. thin- 03etty of• Windsor are the guests vote' of the former's sister, Mrs. Murray and • I'4clswan. • geree Rev. Father Gaffney'rcterned Friday (2), evening from 'Chicago, 'whsle' he Barer attended the Euebaristic celebra- " 0. tion Last week. eery, Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn has returned from a wa , visit with ber r dau 'h h ter in daughter Windsor. years She was accompanied home by her ter little grandson; Master Billy Cross. Hi Mr. F. F. Gillies and Mt. 13. Rey of hr Kitchener nand Mist s Ruth Bru erinan g •t ^ o f Waterloo were .the e ee w k enc L ey- guests. of Magistrate and Mrs, An- e,t- dress. • re- Mee and Mrs F. Start, Mrs. W. D. Aug Smith, and Miss Kathleen Strat or W oOdstock , spent the weekend a ^ the guests of„Mr, and •Mrs, 0.W., et° : ' iPotter. de Dr. P: Hearn leaves .neit,weec on 4,, 14se`- holiday trip up the lake's toiMich eY poeoton. He will be accompanied en- by his ]brother, Mr. R. T. Hearn, of he Toronto:” Mi. and Mrs. W.. A, Holmes and Miss ri'Dorothy:leave Saturday„„ on'.a Obit -- weeks' motor trip to Moetimore's point, Muskoka,. and other ;pelma St. •of interest. oa Mrs. Rsibte Dunbar, who:was called home some weeks ego owing to•the, illness ' of her father, the late de- George Burnett, .left Monday foe play her home in Winnipeg. rya Miss Freida Wallis was graduated in institutional ^ management ;front. the Macdonald Institute, Guelph, on :Feiday last. She is spending• the vacation at her'horne in town.. Mr. and Mrs,' B.' J. Wallis Mi•, Wilmer Wallis; Miss 'Gertrude Waris,' Miss Mary Jenkins and..li:isses 1V3arjorie --and Ruth Willitlt' attended the graduation. exercises' in connection with Macdonald Institute last Fri- Mss and Mcc. 0, E. Hail and Miss Evelpn returned ,14londay after a fortnight's. abilence, 'They took in the meeting of the Canadian Newspapers Acsoeiat'ion. at Quebec and also visited friends to Northern Ontario. m The. Weyburn '(Sark.) Revie June 23rd contained the following 'rence to the death of a member former well-known 'Clinton fansiI 'Citizens of Weybutst city and triet will learn with. much regr the death . at New Westminst Monday; rune 21, of Mr. William M tsay,•'one• of the eariieet'pio of the Weybure district. "Co here with his father; the late Mx. Barn Jelin 21ZcMuryay, in the sp 13b9, and homesteading on is now the G. W. Davidson farm. of the ,present eity, the deceased very widely end favorably know tem extensive Circle of friends and quaintances. Ile was 'married teen years ergo to Miss Myrtle M arid is stulvived by his widow four. children, John (12), Mar (10), George (6), and. William besides his mother, Mrs. Mat MoMeriay, and two sisters, Mrs. S. Mitchell and Mrs. Frank McSh 0 0 fbt'b of 'Otis . i art . The deceased area e sa been at Clinton, Ont., fo'ty-six ad'o. He moved to New iiV'e`stniins some six years ago stud resided t su• bre nen ] t d u to Y thet' nn p,a .of death. I Fe took a 'a ' mune t” pr n ar P lacrosse and hockey eke circles teles in. W burn., in. the early . •days, having oolled in both pastimes. 'He was p deceased by his father in Au • 1521. The funeral is being held`'.at Westuunater this attcrnoon.•. The ceased's mother and sister, Mrs: Sherry, attended the funeral. Th left for the west lust week imfin lately upon receipt of • word of lE late Mi•, McMurray's serious con tion. GOOD LM31tOShS,E. .i . The following report of the eillarys-Clinton ,lacrosse : match Mondey,appeared 'in the Beaeon-Iter aid on Tuesday: "One of'the cleanest games of, 1 cross° seen for some time was here last night between St. Ma ani d Clinton o p a.nd resulted in a win for aSt. Marys, 4 to 2. Only two minor penalties were .imposed by Referee Jack.Alberts,te•neh team drawing one. 13oth goalies played wonderful games and were called upon to stop many difficult shots. The first goal of the game was scored by St, -.Marys, tnom, scoring on a pass from Noble. No iinore scoring materialized in the first period'' and it ended 1-0 for St. Marys. . In the second - period, after 10 minutes of play, 'W..ilntore again scored on a pass from Noble. Three minutes later N. {look scored Clinton's first goal. In the third 'period, after five minutes of. •play, Clinton tied the score when R. Middletort` made a'Ione. rush fi'em centre field and beat Stevens with a" ast shot'. St. Mares went into the lead again when Wil - more scored- his '•third goal 'of the game 0> a -scramble in front of the Clinton net. The fourth pet'iod saw same fast playing, but neither team \vas 'able to score. The game : was witnessed' by only a fan -sized etowd, but they were treated to a fast brand of lacrosse. Thaa to ins Clint on 'Tedford, i 'lie e NilW; Muteb, C..1'stlford, L. Cooke. '.N, Coot, 'Middleton, F. Mutch, W. Sneed, 8.. Mitch; snubs, K. Roberton;" le. M'e- Ewen.L ; St. Marys Yates: 'Alessi)), Rituals. son, 'Near, Ready, 'Vtiihnore; •Dunne?, Noble, A. Stevens; rubs, Sandet'cott, Ci Smith. Goal ,un,piye -e-lie 1 o a,'id ,Van S orne: IVIr. and Mrs. ,H. B. -Chant attended the wedding of the foe'naer's'niece, daughter ; of Prof, and 'ides, Chant of :Toronto, yesterday. Mr. Chant returned in'the evening but Mea. Chant is remaining for a longer visit• - - Mr. George VanHorne, C.N.R. agent, and Mrs. Van3orne leave Saturday moriniee on a trip to Vancouver, B C ,. Theywill stai-i off ff to visit relatives t ver a t ))nose Jaw for" a week end will also stop : at Vegervifle, Jasper Panic anP Prince 'Rupert, ;'go- ing boat'frothe latter place, : h• yin to Vancouver. On their Teter): journey they will travel;part'o3'the way via C P.:2, They will be:,ac- companied as fan as Noose Jaw .5 Mrs, Vanljoi ace's ' sister, Mrs 1VIootley of Ext .1^ and her daughter. la•ptez`, Iiaward ,McCullagh,' They'>will be zilisent es month:: Lillian M. Iaotter, Teeelies:.. THE CJ3' UTAUQUA IS ON. The big tentas set up on the Pub lie School gs=ou ds, Entertainments'"' each atteenoon and evening; beg'In- ni n this, Pharsdti afternoon. i. Thursday, The program this season will be onh of the most'interesting and instructive that has yet been given inthis conn - inanity. Conte and help to make, it a success. ChiIdren's meetings in the morning, Tree to all ehilyden, t,Ra-llueefieki. Mrs. Taylor and her daughter and Me son arid' his wife of Detroit were the guests of Mrs. Brock and tin's. Jamieson last week. Mrs: Anna McDonald of Blyth• via- rte dt the ho a me o C. Haugh, last week.. The Mrs. The Sunday school teachers, off: - cess and scholars were pleased to nee their superintendent, Mr.` 0. Haugh, in his eaccustomed place again : -last Sunday after his recent illness. He had been absent five Sundays, Mr. Hugh Aikenhead; assistant superin tendent, officiated in his absence. Mr• Haugh thanked the teachers and offs- deer 'for the beautiful 'bouquet of flowers which was sent by thein to the Hospital when he was there. Mee. Armour's cousins, Mr. -arid Mrs. Dinwoodie, visited at the Manse this week. Mr. Dinwoodie is manag- er of •the Standard bank at Lucan, Mrs.' Hohner, now of Winchelsea, . - spent a few days at her home here, last eveek. Messrs' Austin and Vernon Wheer2 ea of letroit visited at the hpmerof theireth.is Veekencs,. Mr. anct Nies. T, )Wheel - Mr and Mee. R. Mr*Kesszie are we- lting friende here this week, Mrs. Thompson, sr., is the guest of her' daughter, Mrs. Jas. Moodie, this week. 'Such splendid orders' for fall bulbs have e&sse.in this week from nearly every Horticultural Society member. For the benefit df those whose inter). tions havebeen good but who have, ii been a ,Ilia tardy,'` the Secretary is breaking a rule and holding open the Holland order until Friday but not Pater.' Everyone who has joined the Society since its organization last .fall is a member in good standing un- til April of . text year. For every dollar's worth of stock -ordered aside from the :fee there,may be an extra membership in the family, edit is up to' e h'meniber to notify the semi,. tary of the names to be added to the Inst so, that each may share in the benefits of membership' and build up. an interested and enthusiastic cor. muni,ty.. One member encourages, the other' end already Enicefieid es' making cpelnddd progress along hos- ticulturai /Inas. r t, 1 Goderich, .Township Mr. and &Vi'rs. A. Sloan of Blyth spent the eveek-end visiting friends in the neighborhood. Miss Ma� ria nSti' Stirling Ieft' da g on Satur- day' far • ' y Wmd . ser there she will jo_n. the Misses Muriel and Freida Stir- ling on a.:trip to :.Banff and will visit other points on thedeeturrt home. Mr. Geo. Gook had the mis fart u ne to I se. ' has 'h home o e byfire on Saturday y riorming, the bu$ldzng .and contents Were .totxfly destroyed, Mrs, Gook and her daughter. had gone out to milk and the fire -got such a start that nothing could be saved. The. loss', is- heavy, . - and the inconvenience' or. haying everything one owned, burned is very great. A. large'efowd ,attended the garden party held at Mr. and Mrs.''Ieid Tor- Tanee's on 'Friday evening. A. most enjoyable time was spent by all. The proceeds in all amounted to about 566, • •Mee. Louis Foley and three• daugit- teirs of • Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. A. Maguire. Miss Seotchnier :of Stanley has been engaged as teacher for S. &. No, 10 for' the ;coming year, ,.. On Friday: afternooln last, Miss ',.. • Daisy •Mediger, who has resigned es teacher of •S. S. No, 10,•tats' pleas- antly peas- antly surprised when her pupils pre- sented her with a .set of silver spoons. Mr.eAlex. Welsh who, ascan anted P bis '• brother,•David'Welsh, to his home in Sanduslty, Mich.;' 555 also beets vis - itingl friends at Detroit • • 'Mr.a dNix Mee. George g W.Y'eai and two daughters'`ieturned to, their :. home in Wayne; Riichti; ore'Fiiisla'y'Iast, after. Spending thiehevacation the home of the formers parents, 'Mr. and Mie.',Roliit. Pearsorv. They were accompanied by Mrs. Angus Cele, who also yisited hereabouts for, some' weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson oi`, Kirkton, Ontario; spent the weekend with the Iatteu's mother and:•sister, Mrs. Dallied; Hicks and. IVfrs, R. Y. Cox. fliers, Hicks, who had been vis- iting her daughter, mac taken 111, and is still being cared foratMrs.cox's' home. � 1VIn. D. E. Hicks of ter:tralia' s ent Sunday with his P another, Mrs. 79. Hicks, and sister, 1VLesi R. 713 Cox, of the 6th. concession. The folowing is the report of the June promotion examinations at S. S. No. 9: Priombted from Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th- Ri c. heard Evans h n ( o. ), MarWelsh, y (hon.); Jean Miller•, David Welsh. Jr. 3rd ,to si•. 3rd. --Harold d Yeo (hc0.); Evelyn 'Wise, Jack 'Gilber• Se 2nd to jr. 3rd.-•-•Tiessie' Welsh (bon;), Albert; l'e'er""son'. Jr. fi Wilt Grigg.• t2nci.toSr. 2nd -Eldon Yeo; lReg- inald,•i4liller. `Sr. Printer -Elwin McCullagh. Jr. Prirner,�--Donald Harris , 53uriel