HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-06-24, Page 8• , • ,. • • • .mpad Rings: eautiful disPlay. in Son'S .Jevellery• Store. . Prices • ' ranging. front `320.00 to 1 M.iiso Seeing the new• style cut glass ni Tea Sets ancl, Water. Setlri a ‘disPlay the, be !Ina' An11) R, H -JOHNSQN araduate d Toronto doliege o(pontrY • " 1Tine ,Iewellery and Itepah,s Next. lifovay's Drug Store —..iimennenas AIPIVwf--4--7.4,., ---W-.1 ii1111,1111fillillid ci.". '. •,1'''..;',..rtie,,i,a,:lliNlif,111'11,Kliii,. 1 On Spring and Summer Caps Extraordinary' values during our BigClothi4 Sale. Suits at Slaughter prices, for[Cash only. 1:11.17:11 • • -Plumstepl Bros. - 'HONE 25, 11 Oft NeUrl''' e6 ,4•••""rt77,77...7".717.,„ 3Ul;Z 3.01N4 a , . S 'A 'jO • And when yon,have an antici- pate with confidence • and •pleasure, that the -finality pf year judgment will be 'that.the "exchange of' 98q of legal •tendef.for a set cLf.„.,,iniking. balth1,8' botvls is indeed, a small invest- ment give ownership of a desirable and exceptional. vallie. in the buying of them you will have good reason to congratulate yoUr good jiudgment There are one each. 6 -in., 8 -in. - and 9 -in, In the,set, ivory ground blue band, guaranteed against break- age in actual ovenuse, easy to wash, easy to keep_ clean. SIWAV are not cheap bowIS but good ,bowls cheap. We do not advertise them at $1.50 for 98c but We :ar.e.,c;treful to know that they are much Value'at a little price. YOIrSEE MEM AND JUDGE THEM? ' " speak no more, do wbat. you will, your wisdom be your guide." —Shakespeare. Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best p L. W. CURRELL—THOS. SHIPLEY GROCERY SPECIALS FOR TICNICS—"Sandwich Spree" delightful preparation for sand- wiches, Potted Veal, Tongue, Hann,,Lete., Olive Butter, Peanut Butter, Best packs of Salmon in 1 lb, and W. lb. tins, 'Olives, plain and stuffed in assorted. sizeso NEW TOM'AWOES, OUCTJMBERS, LETTUCE., CABBAGE • COOKING ONIONS AND 'STRAWBERRIES Call us on,the telephone or let 'uS have your order and we will supply promptly the best quality goods at surprisingly low prices. • C, & S. GROCERS gain' Store, phone 125j; Branch Store, Phone 125 J. Announcement of Demonstration ON JUNE 28th AND 29th Mr. V. E. Taplin the world's leading f.00twear .Specialist, assist- ed iby Miss Arbour, an expert demonstrator -and fitter, willdemon- . arate 'Poplin Natural -Tread Shoes at W. Herw's Shoe Store on June 28 and 29. Absolutely free advice on all -conditions of feet and health due to faulty footwear and wrong posture: "Positively no breaking in" required. This is a great opportunity to have Mr. Taplin personally fit you, and when one fitted you can: always -et YOUR size from us. All sizes from A th•EEEE. W. HERN, Shoe Merchant Phone 34w Goderich, Ontario If you must k of price • think of this,roofing • Backed by Johns -Manville Inc., If with over fifty years experience in the manufacture_pf roofings. blade of carefullyselected rag felt thoroughly saturated with life- , 'giving natural asphalts; A , Pilot Roofing Quantity oxitput and distributing economies make possible the 1 production of this roofing, which combines moderate first costwith • really good service. We recommend the application of , Johns - Manville Pilot with • Pyramid Kaps, fasteners that in— sure an absolutely weather - tite job. Ask us. about this feature. S utter & Perdu.- Hardware, Plunibing, Electric Wiling Mr. John Wiseman attended the T. 0. 0. F. convention in Toronto. Mr. W. N. Manning of London visiten the Doherty plant on TueSdaz iifr, George Middleton of . Windsor spent the week -end in Clinton. Rev. Mr. Hogg and Miss Sean Hogg are in Siirithanipton this week. Miss E. Doane of ,Buffalo is spending a few weeks at her home in town. PJiss Mary Turner sailson the Har- monic, July 6, for Port Arthur, N. Miss Ida Ball,j's sailing on the Har- monic, July 6, for ,Sault Ste, Maris. Mr. John Bowden has been visiting jil iiamiiton for a couple ---of weeks. Miss-Cleta Ford,of the staff of Alma College, St. Thomas is home for her vacation. Mr. Elliott, the auctioneer, intends going to the Royal' Muskoka in a few .days. Mr, Morrison and Mr, and Mrs. P. Quigle attended the Eucharistic Congress in ,Chicago. Prof. H. F. R. Shaw of Dartmouth University is spending a part ,,of his holidays in Clinton. Mrs. Elizabeth McNaughtin from Ed- rnonton,..Alta., was &visitor of Mrs. John B. Lindsay last week. Rev. ,Mr. and Mrs. Hazelwood of Couittvright, Muriel and 'Jim, are visiting at Mrs. R. Carter's. -Miss Margaret MeTaggiart left on, Friday for„ Quebec from where she will sail for a summer in Europe. Mr4. Edgar Torrance of Galt an& .Mrs. Foote of Toronto are guests townitt of Mr. and Mrs, Torrance. Mrs. Vateher, daughter of Rev. A. Holmes left on 19th. to return to lhaenrd.hote at .St. John's Newfound- • Miss Emma Higgitisi, of the teaching staff of the Guelph •Colegiate has arrived in Clinton for the summer holidays. Mr. Wylie, father of Mrs, Hogg, left on Monday for 'Toronto, after spending the- winter with Rev. and Mrs. Hogg. •Mr and Mrs. Ed ,Simpson of Duluth, are. visiting relatives in Hut - lett and Tuckersmith, Mts. Simp- son is a sister' of Mrs. VePlige,,ana the two sisters had ntit seen each other for thirty yeass. la's. J. C.. .Gandier leaves tomorrow for -Toronto, where she will spend the week -end vvith relatives. On Saturday she attends a meting of the Provincial executive of the 9. For Sandwiches „ Other Picnic Things 1-'eanilt Butter, per pail .. ... . . ....... , 25e 'Queen OfiveS",• per bottle „....... ,.......,......... 39e . Maple Buttei",•,per jar . , ........., 35e ,..-- Cheese Wafers, icer pkg.: .....:.......,.. , • 20e Deviled Ham, Tongue and Peal 10e Assorted Iiirafers, per plcg. 50a . _ Campbell's pork and Beans 2 for 25c ' Baking Powder . , . . .. 18c A113mer soups 2 for 250 3 for 25c with glass fruit napPie . ibs. Good Rice , ... 25c • 3 Ths Rolled Wheat . .... 28c • .3 Quaker Corm.Flakes 29c , Shelled 'Walnuts, per lb. 48c ' A limited quantity only.• lbs..'Rolled Oats • - 28e Prunes per lb 20c Sherri's jelly Powder , • WASH QUICK The new washing compound, with two packages an apron will be given, Frees, per pkg. 25c, 6 bars Washing Soap • 25e • . WEEK -END SPECIALS' • Golden Bantam Corn . • 30e • 25c Ginger Wafers, per pkg. I • 2 Cans Corn ..... . Strawberries—Cucumbers—Tomatoes 25c and 30e 15e 2 0 c BFruit e yC'S"Skpi ects4pgeez' Cake2 Cans Peas . : 1.0c Loose Cocoa per 'lb. - . . Flexo, the large pkg. of fine soap chips 25c Bodley's Spongue and Marsmallow Cakes 25c and 30c Fresh Salmon Trout Tuesdays and Fridays. ' In the Morning First Delivery Ta.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early , I Service T. O'Neil .' Phone 1 48 dash ' and ' Where "Sells for less" price prevails. , 1011AMAJWIMANONIN" WAINO/VOMMIIPIWININVI.~4100~4 440"010404,14140 Londesboro The monthly-nteeting of the Wo- men's Institute"Was held in the com- munity hall on Friday, June 18th with a large attendance. The president 'opened the meeting by singing tile opening "Ode" and Mrs. J. Tainblyn led ,in prayer. The Lord's Prayer Was led by Mrs. H. Moon, after which the business was tranSticted. It was decided that the picnic will be at home this year and that two girls would be sent to atte.W the course held at Guelph this week. Prograin: Quartet, Mesdames Adams, Carter, Little, Manning; Instrumental solo, Miss...Gladys Grainger; duet, Mes- dames Ross and .Scott; reading, Miss Mary Cartwright; instrumental solo, Miss Gladys, • Mountain; solo, ,Mrs. ,(Rev,) Snell. • The i'Veaker, Mrs. Collins,' gave an address on "Horne -making Ideals," which was most interesting. The Meeting dosed by singing "God Save the Kihg." All repaired to the base- ment where supper was saved. We are Sorry* to report that Mr. John W2pdman 3M in very poor health. Miss jean Maines of Chicago is spending her 'Vacation at, her home here. as to require another vat. The prim of cheese has been advancing a cent per lb. every sale. Shipments are made twice every month during sum- mer and once a month in winter. lx the cheese market continues to ad- vance accordingly the farmers will receive a good ....price for their milx this season. . Miss Frances Potter visited friends in London! last week. The play "Valley Farm" put on by the young people from Union church, Galerieh Tp., in Hohnesville church on Fridayseyening was a deeided suc- ess, the proceeds amounting to $53J)0. xi% and Mrs. H. Bennett.and fam, from Windsor visited the latter's parents last week, Mr, and Mrs. D. Glidden. The provincial auditors have fin- ished their work and returned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.•Humphrey Grey and family are visiting the former's brother, Mr. William Grey. The Londesboro boys softball team will play the Blyth boys on Monday evening, June 28th, at 6:30 at Blyth. The Londesboto Girls softball team will play Clinton Wesley -Willis girls team' on Wednesday, June 30th at. 6:30 pan, at ' Clinton, Everybody come and cheer., ' Miss Annie Garrett has returned home from tSratford Normal. The following item will be of inter- est to. Londesboro people as the late Dr. :Bell and Mrs. Bell were-lormer residents of Londesboro: When the sad news came that Dr. T. H. E. Bell had passed away at the Hillsdale hospital on the evening of June 7th, not ;Only Reading but the whole countryside was grief-stricken, for _they had alt thought it possible the time was so near at hand when the Doctor weruki not be in their midst. While tir. Bell had been to ill health for More than two years, yet his friends Iliad always clung to. Home and School Club in Oshawa. the hope that ...time would effect s Miss Patty cunningkarn of Clinton change for the ,better. • has returned home for the holidays from, Alma College, St. Thomas,. where she received the senate prize for Junior Progress ,in Swimming presented to her at the annual Con - Vocation last week. - Miss Clark has been in Toro'nto for a feW days this week attending the there were—young and old—who triainial meeting, of the Canhdlan collie...to pay their last respects. Wonten's Press Club. This is a , The friends which he made during his „.fifteen yeas' practice in Reading are legion. Tb.6 Dowers sent by the friends an'd Various •organizations beggar description. • Duping the- fuu- eral hour cm, Thursday afternoon all 'business was suspended, and many lathering which brings . together ) . over omen from every province 'of: the • ne hundred newspaper NVO , HottnesviDlle. , • Dominion.' Miss` Etta ITanle:Y; principal of. the school at M- ilia Is returning this, 'Week to spend her•holidasre-in Clin- • Mr.."and Mrs, Wilfred IVfanaghan of 'Detroit motored to Clinton for trio , weolt-end. They :were tieenninanied ' by Ivry. nud -Mrs. Charlitv Joslings,,- lVfiss Marion Andrews -manilla(' lett wealt after a very enioyable sizc- 'Weeks' irin to the west. Miss An- rli..ws visited her brother at Alm,- Alberta aind also Banff. La,Ice , it was deadedto install e whey sep- • aw ins Louise and manic- of the well -know larator in the Ilehnesville plant an 1 points ttf,--beauty -arid interest. Tier necessarY equipment for' butter.:n141C- ' • ' . The directors of' the Holmeardie Cheese and Butter Co. recently ,made a trip through'one of the bet dairy districts of western Ontario visiting several factorid. In each factory so visited had been installed" a whey separator and it was claimed that orisidevelble'' In;oXit was made from the cream or butter made. The but- ter was sampled by theviators anct pronounced eve' to creamery or butter. Later a meet)ing4 of the dir- eaters and stock -holders was held 'and LIBERALS Attention The annul meeting of the South Huron Liberal Associltion, as consti- tuted for both Provincial and Federal purposes will be held in TOWN HALL, HENSALL —on ----- Friday, June 25th at 1:34 p.m. Hon. Nelson PaDiament Mrs. Zoe Stevens sand other speakers will ad- dress the meeting. A full attendance of the Liberals, of the Riding is desired. C. FRITZ - - Vice -President T. G. ISHILLINGLAW - Secretary .. 62-2 ecla Furnaces Lead . THERE IS A REASON . , It Saves One Ten of Coal in Seven - • Call in and get i„ a price en, that flirimee, you are thinkifig of installing this year, of prepare for cold weather by having your -.old one overhauled' during the suinnier months, . , „, .„ • Phone244 and leave your glider and We Will look -after your 'work for you. ' ' • • Why Not Take It Easy? Since the Spring Work is over spend Mae time onYour Verandah We have a wonderful stock of verandah furniture of all kinds. 40e/riairs and Rockers at all prices. Don't fail to see our new Cocotex. Verandah Rugs, sizes ranging .from 3x9 feet to 7,4•.,x0ik, feet. They will wear for a life time. and prices are very reasonable. Then we .have Hamm° CouChes, Hatninocics, Siin7Stop Shades, in fat every- thing to make the verandah comfortable and cosy. it When thinking of installing a IbathroOm, of Eavestroughs or roof- ing it will pay you to consult us for prices, etc. Clinton Hardware and FurnitureC 111 THE STORES WITH A STOC3K FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 41•01•111.1.11111.1•16010111121111•11101, New MEN'S SUITS Combining Style, Quality,. Material \for only ,$32.00. -• Clothes have a lot to. do with your self-respect, your credit, the confidence other people feel in you. Dolor for dollar we feel that the best investment you 'can make is in one of our fine appearing— long wearing—handsoraely tailored suits at $32. COME IN AND SEE THEM Biltmore Pelt and Straw Hats—New line of .Summer Fit -TJ Caps Davis & Herman VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W „wamerernianoriassiair... Spot Cash for Eggs and Poultry. • Qualitu Counts_ We are in the rnarket for Eggs and Poultry all seasons of the year, prepared to pay top prices for top 'quality. 92 per ceniof Farmer's eggs received last week graded , Extras and Firsts. e11.1NN `LANGLOIS & Co. Limited . HEAD OFFICE , -- MONTREAL, QUE. Clinton Branch ope4: each 'day from 7 a.m. to p.m; I . Write, Phone or Call for. any' further information you require "" GUNN,LANGLOJS & CO,: LIMITED. CLINTON, ON1'., BRANCH 190, • ' 1 •' sister IVCrs:- E. 'F. (Illlies of -Kite:- ing, which ...is , expected will e in HistEDvvARE and , maiiiing fora zoliger visit, Tbe, milk supplY has so 4nereased Phone 244 - - • PLUMBING ,epei,, who cconvpaitleci her, is ro- %I/GO:trig order Tit a,few days.