HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-06-24, Page 4i7 S k `x JUNE24, 926
Made for. 'Mon,' Womeai and
C'h •ldreii in pure thread a
silk andwodLcombination, Ray-
on silk ; Mercerized I...isle and
H t
Summer's styles, Popular shades,
Lock Stitch, to prevent run- .
;Reinforced toe, heel and,sole,
o getter Values in Caiiada.:'.
A new and complete line now:' on display
Musical Instrument
See or Call
�' '�•;"
J. e -.
Dealer in all Musical Instruments
Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton
°fi tgine
Mr, and Mrs.; •,Fergusen and 'son
Sta e, YFerguso'n; wi-Ee and children ox
Stratford spent ,Sunday with.Mr. wire
Mxs. Wm. Britton.
Mr. Chas. McGregor is' lluay fixing
his cow stalbles, with cement floors,
stalls and/water inside'.'.
Miss Phebo W iketield is s;tonding
a few days,`n Clinton, •
Another fooball gainowill be lilty
ed here on. Friday evening,
Nis Helena ' Stanley :'of the Soo,
Mieli., visited friends here for a few
da s,
We are glad to say tham our ,sic
people, viz. ' Mrs. Geo. 'Stephenson, -
Mrs. Alex, Leitch, Mrs. C Dexter ano
Mrs. W. Jamieson ate: a11 improving
The recent rains have Made a
wonderful change on crops and veg-
About fifty women enjoyed a fine
quilting bee at the manse last Wed-
nesday. ,
Softball is all the go now with our
girls. Good luck to them.
(Crowded out last week) •
Mr. Robb. .Cooper of the London
Road is holidaying in 'Detroit at pre-
sent, going down there on the Steam,.
er Greyhound. We wish him an en-
joyable trip.
Mr. John Hinsdale, for -many years„
an old and respected resident of this
community, passed away on,, Friday
night, last, Mr. Dinsdale farmed for
along. period of years on the second
line, Stanley, on the place now oe-
cupied by Mr. Cleave Cochrane. Some
years ago,. owing to a breakdown of
a once strong constitution, he was
"compelled to leave -the farm and re-
tire to' Hensall. Though unable to
walk yet -he lived for a good ninny
years after going to Hensall and
though crippled more or less all the
time lid enjoyed life and always had
a senile and hearty handshake for his
old friends. .He was a man of stea:-
ing integrity, an earnest christlan
and when death came it was only an
,opening of the door to the larger lite
'beyond the grave. Be left to mourn
the loss of a kind husband and father
a wife and four daughters, Mrs.
Simmons at home, Mrs: Callas and
Mrs. Woods of California, Mrs. Hoy
Verrnilyea of Toronto also one'bro-
Elluilett; Townsiiip
Mi A...F. Johns treated his pupils
>r Ptl.' �Fd1
Mas `Fred Cook 15 lard uji ti
attach 'ot 1i n1 ago.
Tho W. M:>''S of nseaorlh held Eich'.
aneeti 1g at'tlie horn of 'Mrs. Mae
Derit±id on. Thuisday� last
Mi ind 7VIrs Albexit Gi.ezier were
in:.T ondob bn Satniday last .
112 Geo. 'i 4} yai de'bur.gii when
',clriving nerithtas far• as Itmlong'li took
notice that• Mx Neble.has the
-best field of, fall wheat fiat he satin;
.on his'lourney,.
and their parents to a picnic at Hay-
field onSaturday last, '
Huron Beekeepers' Association; held
a' very.' successful field day at the
apiary at C. H. Cartwright on Mon-
day, about 90: beekeepers were •pre-
sent: ,
The speakers of the day wee Prof.
F. Eric Millen,' Provincial Apiarist,
0. A. C:, Guelph, Mr. Halstead, man-
ager of the IToney Producers Co-op-
erative Toronto, and local beekeep--
ers.'sMr Millen took up swarm con. -
G:101 and foul' brood. Mr. Ilalstead
spoke 'on co-operative selling and ad-
The Association passed a resolution
to stamp otic foul brood in Huron
countyby'burningthe contents of al.
drsoased colonies.
The weather, being unfavorable fox
the demonstration in the yard, the
people repaired to the ba i n'vvlierc:
they listened with much interest to
the speakers.
tier Mr. Robt. Hinsdale of the town
line Stanley and one sister, Mrs. Geo.
Petty; of Hensall' survive., The, fun-
eral services were held at his. home
on Monday afternoon conducted Ay
his`,lrastor, Rev Mr. Sincl irof Car-
mel United ehurch, aesistdil by Rev.
Mr. Naylor of the Anglican church.
The pallbearers were; C. McDonnell,
J, Zuel'le, J. Coulter, Wm. Jones, D.
Cantelon and A. Peck • Interment
was made in Hensall cemetery.
Mr 5 a Mrs A. k utter' motored
:f? om forth 'Bal? on ')Sunday; and are'
v sitin the Tatter's arexits, M4r•, and
Mrs.'. J. Stinson
hV±iss' Thelma 'Ritz of Stratford ss
Home iox''the summer vacation.
- .Miss Edith, I4orner of iLcndon and
Miss Caroline ,itoteier of Tharnesville
oaree en Wtiednesday last to' spend a;
,week as the guests of ars. J. H. Me
A�laburn -
Miss Lot fe*Jaeleson returno l home'
on Monday .after spending a week
;with her brother at Fort Dover
Mrs, "Banes and -:Mrs. Mallard of
Exeter motored here on Monday to
apednd a week .with.Rev. and Mrs.:
M1: and 14 s• John Wallis of Run-:
yard Mich and 1Vfr. Jas. Blair of
Goderich township • called on.their
cousins, Misses hr, A- and S BI?.r
on Monday:" -
Mi J C. Clark has been confiners,
to' his, bed: for the. past week W.
hope fora speedy recovery. ^'"',
Miss Evelyn Currie of Goderic;i,
spent the ,: -week-end with relatives
here, '
Mrs. Bennett of Blyth is visiting'ai
the home of Mir and Mrs, Jas. Mutch•
Several front here atteudecl•, the an-
niversary services at Sinith's `Iii11
last Sunday.
Mi. Wm. Anderson has treated
himself to an Essex coach and: My,
•• t- o
Dodge car.
0. E. Eriat t d g
Mr. Russell King and family moved
into the. Lawlor house of the village:
last week. r i
Last Wednesday evening the Knox
'United Sunday ,school held a social,
the games wore played on Mr.
Geo. Sturtly's field. After. the games
the party retired to the basement of
the church, where .the, Intermediate
Bible class -presented Rev Mr. Banes
with a handsome Bible, as a token of
appreciation as teacher of their {;lass,
before he leaves for .Salford., After
this. a grand 1•nncii was served by the
At a meeting in Goderich on Sar-
nrdav evening last of the Huron
Presbytery Y. P. Softball League a
schedule of games for - group one,
North Huron district wase formed as
June 28—Victoria St. at North St.
Auburn at Benmiller.
,'July, 2—Victoria St. at Auburn. '
Benmiller at North St.
July 5—Auburn et North St,
Benmiller at Victoria St.
July 9--Nortli St. at Victoria St.
July 14—North St. at Auburn.
Victoria St. at Benmiller.
July 16—Auburn at Victoria St.
North St. at Bemniller.
Report of flog Shipments for week
ending June 17, 1926:
Clinton—Total hogs, 97; select ba-
con, 43; thick smooth, 40;,heayies, 7;
shop hogs, 1,
Londesboro—Total hogs, 118; select.
bacon, 39; thick smooth, 58; heaviee,
'10; shop hogs, 4; lights and feeders, 2.
:Brucefield—Total hogs 34; select
bacon, 15; thick smooth, 11;, heavies,
1; extra heavies, 1; lights and feed-
ers, 6.
Huron County—Total hogs, 1,516,
seleet bacon, 463; heavies, 93; extra
heavies, 10; shop hogs, 34; lights and
Mr. J. Br- Mustard is (building a
house on the lot where the Methodist
ehureh formerly stood. Thor'e.'is a
great demand for houses in Bruce -
field, '
• ,Mr. Arthur McQueen was in Tor-
onto last week as a delegate to the
Oddfellows Grand Lodge, which wee
held in the'city. He also visited his
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs..W.
Landsborough of Port Credit.
The many friends of Mrs. Alex.
Ross, sr., were glad -to see her able
to be out at church again after her
•neeient illness. •
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ross 'of Wing --
ham -were the guests of Mr. and Mie.
Hugh Berry last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.. Jas. McQueen mot-
ored to Listowel and Trowbridge Iast
week and also visited friends in.
Brussels. They were accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs, Jas,- Moodie..
My. and Mrs. Ilinsman of Mitche'1
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Walker last week.
Children's, Misses'
and Women's
A complete range of sizes from Child's 7 to women's'7
in strap slippers and, oxfords. A few misses pumps are in-
cluded in this offering.
This is a real, chance to get a pair of white shoes for sport
o"r"house wear at a real money -saving price. This is your
chance to get a good pair of white shoes right at the start of
the season at a bargain. Price is something every thrifty wo-
man is looking for
Your Choice, only. $1.00
.This sale also includes a big assortment of`womat s strap
slippers and ox rds in kid, calf,' patent and satin in grey's,
browns,,and black. This lot is divided into three``.classes
e$-1.,.50,'..1.85, '..2.45
Misses cross strap sandals sizes 11 to
A s ecial bar-
d"Ts, t.
Here •are
the- facts
When 3 telephone orders
can be taken in the time..,
required for one order
over tile' counter — as
has been proven -= and
the amount of a telephone
sale averages' almost a
third more, as it does,
can there be any doubt
in your mind that the
merchant who uses the
telephone consistently
will win out over the
rival who does not?.,
Can you afford to over-
look the rapidly increas-
ing importance of the
telephone in your bue'i-
ness for increasing sales
and reducing the cost o£
Be open-minded. Try it
not spasmodically, but
consistently, and judge
- fay yourself,
Mxs: •Mary Heard- and Miss Lillian
•%lea d ot, Osnabroek, S. Dale„ have
cota3e tospend the summer. with their
are the
• T3ti es , At resent they
.re v P
guests oi: Mas, Geo /Castle,
Asa Eru Stine Partridge: and Miss`
,Mi e
1\f. 'Slade: of London si'ient several
days last week in the former's cat-
tag'e in `Lakeside "Park.
Mr. and Mrs. 0 iSeTilivan of Lon=
don are: occupying Dr. Tilhean's eo9
rage, , '
that is; half '?mlolled,-Powell;'aha Jil rax 16k13)11.-'1"'
ebronPinily • Its,
Natlrt,ard,-Cour :e, of Empire, Stefan Mont onxex'y, Heidi, Spyzi
Sae.n 4 , . o ks.4,e1,1"0-',C'.0'1'.ttilla of liigleside
Soc ol'o� y: .Saciahsm',Ct'itical .and , n ooi ei •i�Dessert,Cxold,-
Contitrtictive, Ramsay 11; edgx}a1d, M, , 4, n y,
Relig ¢n: The Simple: Things- o
hId I ,9
the Chi!x5ttau.Life Morgan. Be o
IIe Conxeth, Morgan, God's 1Vlethod5:
Will Morgan.
-with hian-Morgan;.,,...., God's; Peufect
History: The Backwoodsman, Skel-
tell, -.,•
Literature: Penguin Island, France.
Natnrei Jack Miner and the Birds,
Miner. ' '
JumiorrTravel: David goes Voyag-
i Pu am.
n , , -`
ni � Under Two � ags, , ni a;
Mrs..Trebilcoelr, and.; Mao. Walsh
and little -daughter;, returned to Lon-
don on Saturday.'
4Mr. and Mrs'. A.3. Stevens and
family •of London: spent the week-
end in their- cottage "Merrytime
Lodge•' in Lakeside Park.
'Mr's. A. L. Dodds and, family of
Stratford are: occupying, one of Mr..
Relit, Heard's cottages.
Mrs.' Agnes ,Biaart : returned -to'
her home on Thursday after spent: -
Mg the winter with her daughter 1n
Toronto. . _ ,
Mrs. Ernest Geddes, little Miss
Mary and Muster- Stewart Geddes of
llelgrave are 'Visiting Mrs. Geddes'
sister, 'Mrs Jas. Ferguson,
Messrs. Chas. Geminharclt, Alfred
Mallard, Ernie Pawn- .and Gordon
Peters motored: front Toronto on .sun.-.
day to spend a few days with the
former's parents, Ms.' and Mis. F,,
Miss Jessie Metcalf came home on
Monday to spend her vacation with
her parents.
Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Thomas and
fancily of London spent the week -end,
in their cottage.
Mize A. McIntyre' of ,Strathroy is
s carding the summer with Mrs. M.
Mr. Wm. Glass is vlstting his moth-
er Mss. J. Glass.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith are vis-
iting friends in London.
The Y. P. S. will hold the first
/beach party -on Friday night near the
south pier. It is hoped that the mem-
hers will all be present and remem-
ber -to bring their own cups anti
spoons. •
On Sunday, June 27th, thea service
'Ti Trinity church will be held in the
evening at 7 .p,01• instead of in the
morning, The Right Rev. David Wil-
liams, Bishop of Huron, will perform
the ancient Apostolic Rite. of the
laying on of hands in Confirmation.
Sunday school ,•will be at the usual
hour, 10 a,ln.
July 19—Beimtiller .at Auburn. "A United. Church and a United'
'On Friday evening last the former Country" swill be the subject of the'
Wesley. Methodist congregation' met sermon preached by Rev. H. F. Ken -
at the Parsonage, where they pre- . nedy next Sunday morning, June
27th, at 11 o'clock at St. Andrews
I'1 0
Dovotl,y.'Vernon.of Haddon Iia ,
Major;, The Wings of the Morning,
Tracy;_. -The ,'Lengthened Shadow,
Locke; oThe .Clansman, • Dixon; Bull
,Dog, 'Drummonds; First 'round, 'Me-
Neile Elsie and the Child, Bennett;
A Gentleman Adventure, Reith; Ther
•v Curwoo 1
Ancient Highl ay,
Will kill many times jnore dies"
for the 'money than any other
fly Each pad .will kill flies
ll every„ day, for three'
weeks: At all Grocers, Drug-
gists and ,,General Stores''--
10c and 25c per package.'
seated Rev, and Mrs. Banes with a
purse of money, prior to their depart-
turo for ,Saltford, in Oxford comity,
where they are to be stationed. After
the presentation a program of read-
ing, solos, duets and speeches were
given, followed by a delightful lunch,
provided, by, the ladies.
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Manning of
London visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbertivlogridge recently,
the gentleman being Mrs..Mogridges
Mir. and Mrs: J. J. Washington, Mr.
and Mrs. Amos Andrew, Mrs. 0. E.
Erred and Mr. Walter Washington
motored to London on Monday to at-
tend, the fifteenth wedding anniver-
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jenkins.
Miss Elsie 'Lawlor returned home
from London on Saturday, where she
has been working.
Mr. 0. E. Errata went to Toronto
on Monday, having shipped a cani_ot
cattle on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher .Townsend
called on relatives here on Thursday
Rev P. S. Banes preached in North
street church; Goderich, on Sunday
morning last.
Mr. Joe Scott of Toronto, is here
visiting his wether, Mr. Robert Scott.
The United Sunday School is bold-
ing a social evening at Mr. George
Sturdy's on Wednesday evening.
United church. The service will be
patriotic throughout. Let ns show
our Christian Patriotism by" attena-
ing `God's House text Sunday ---,
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
United church held their regular
meeting last Thursday at the: home
of the Misses Brownett, The meet-
ing was presided ove'ti by the presi-
dent, Mrs. (Rev.) II., F. Kennedy. As-
ter it devotional period and the eon-
sidering of a few items of business+,
,a dainty lunch was served. There
were over thirty present. The next
meeting will be held in July 'at the
home of Mrs. R. S. Reid.
- Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Kennery were
invited guests at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. Wet. Johnston, $iters Hill,
Goderich township on Tuesday last,
the occasion being the golden wed-
ding anniversary of the latter. Quite
a Iarge number of friends and rela-
tives were present at• this happy
It is expected that quite a number
troy; Bayfield will .attend the Gat•den
Party to be held on friday evening
of this week arthe Borne of Mr. ano
Mrs. Reid Torrance, just south of
Porters Hill on the 6th concession,
Goderich township.
The following is the list of ,new
books th•t have been added to the
BayfieldNblie: Library:
• Travel: Grass, Cooper;` The Map
Getting Skinnier
Every Dag
Something Mtist :Be Done and Done
Right""F'` w=Quick
Hollows in Cheeks and Neck Growir
Deeper Every ''Week
Tens of thousands of thin, run-
down men—yes, and women too --are
getting discouraged—are giving up
all hope of ever being'' able to take
on flesh and look healthy and strong.
All such people can stop worrying
and Start to simile and enjoy life
right now for McCoy's •Cod' Liver Ex-
tract Tablets which any druggist will
tell you all about are -putting flesh
on hosts. of 'skinny folks every day.
Coe : woman, tired, weak and dis-
couraged, gained 15 pounds in five
weeks ,and now feels fine., •
We all know ' that the .livers of
Cod fish are full' of vitalizing flesh
producing vitamines and'.t)tese, same
vitamines of the highest class are
found in McCoy's ;Cod Liver Extract
Tablets -sugar coated and as :easy to
take as candy.
And this shows what, .faith the
matters, have 10 MoOdy's foil they say;
if any thin person don't' gain at least
5 pounds' in 30 ':days your druggist
will give you your •money back—and
only 60 cents forrpo tablets, ,Ask any,
live pharmacist anywhere in North
or'Sout7 America ":
But he sure to get 1, cCoy's the
origxual,,end gentrme.--;Advt.
Clydesdale Stallion
Sired by King Thomas
Will lean, his own stable, Bayfield
Road, en Monday, morning and travel
by way of 'Clinton and Base Line to
M. BuIleO's,'16th eon. of•.Goderich Tp,
for noon, thence by way of 16- con.
south to his own stable for night.
Wednesday will leave his 'own stable
and, travel byway of Bayfield road to
Lobb's corner, thence by wiry of
Varna Roo to Ben Rathwell'e corner,'
thence west to Peter .Cole's corner,
along 9th ooh, iof. Goderich Ty. to
\Reuben Griggsfor noon, then by way
of 9th -con. Goderich: Tp. to Huron
Road, then to • Hoimesville, to 14th
Con ,, to WanVedden's corner, then to.
his own stable • for i'aight. Friday
morning will leavehis own stable and.
go by way of 'Clinton and Huron Road
t Ain Cerner and then to Kinburn
for noon, then west to Gravel road
and:south on Gravel "road to Ins own
'stable fell the might, where he will re.
'main until the foliowing Monday
morning. '
This route : will be eo'ntinuocl
throughout .the season, health and
weather permitting.
^,.,TERMS: To insure' foal $13.00,
two mares, $25.00, >to •'.lee paid. 00 or
before March,. lst, 1927., All mares
at risk °of owners Mares .-must he
returned regularly to horse :or wilthe.
charged whether in foal or not.
GUS BISEACIi;; klroprietor,
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
tmdersig'hed, and endorsed "Tender
for North Pier. Construction; Goder-
`ieh, Ont.," will be received until 12
o'clock noon (daylight saving), Tues-
day, July 6,`.1926, for the reconstruc-
tion of the North Pier for a length
of 500 feet, at : Goderich, Huron.
County, Ont. • .
Plans and forms of contract: can he
seen and specification and forms or
tender obtained . at this Department,
at the offices of the District Engi-
neers, -Cusons Building, _ ,Lenclon,
Ont.; Equity Building, Toronto, Ont.,
and et the Post Office, Goderich, Ont,
Tenders will -not' be considered un-
less made obi printed forfns supplied
by the Department and in accordance
with conditions contained therein.
;lilaoh tender must be 'accompanied`
by anaccepted cheque on a chartered_
bank payable - to the order.. sof. the
Ministerof.Public :Works, equal to 1.0t
,per cent. of the amount of the tender.
Bonds of the Dominion of Canada- or
bonds of the Canadian National Rail-
way Company will also be accepted as,
security, or 'bonds and a cheque it
recIuil ed✓to make up' an odd amount:
NOTE ---Blue prints can ' be ob-
tained et this Department by deposit-
ing an accepted ehhclrte for the sure
of $ib:00, payable to the order of the,
Minister' of Public Works, 'which, wit,"
'he returned if the intending bidder.
submit a regular bid,
By Order's'
'.S. E. O'BRIEN,
Department of Public Works,,:;
Ottawa, June 14, 1926 62-2
Reports' on
ii 1t
At frequent int rvals throughout
the season the Bank of Montreal
issues reports on the progress of
the crops, in Canada. These're-
ports, telegraphed to headquarters
from the Managers of the Bank's
600 Branches, cover every Prov
ince and form a reliable index of
crop conditions.
The reports are furnished free.
Upon request at any Branch:of the
Bank your name will be placed on
our ,nailing list.
Total Assets in Excess of $750,000,000.00 -
This ever-present task of the bus-
ineds man-- is one that Advertising
Can most efficiently. perform.
Advertising in the
News -Record
would carry any 'message you desire
into every home in this community.
It would spread the "news" about
new. merchandise, special sales or new
store policies quickly and thoroughly.
Take a friendly interest in telling
the "buyers" of this town what you
have for sale that is of service to
them and you will win new customers
Progressive dvertise
Clintcni e s ecord'
Ere _