The Clinton News Record, 1926-06-17, Page 8oa
se Bud Bloc Wine
Dia, »,."a�
Beautiful in design on ciispIay in
Johnson's, . Jewellery Store,_,='rices '.
ranging frons $20.00 to 5100.00.
'Don't miss < seeing the new style
cut'glass,in Tea Sets and Water Sets,
it Amber and Amber Trim. This is"
the hest display; ever shown hi OIin-
ton, •
Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry
Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hoveees Drug Store
On Spring and`Summer.Caps
Extraordinary values during our Big Clothing Sale.
Suits at Slaughter prices, for:Cash only.
r ii ',.
Iumsteel POS.
ou mist think n�: - ri
�.� .gar � e ' -� •: ;� ,._.
'think of thi§ roofing
ktuts Manvl
Packed by JQl t?§ -Manville Inc„
with aver ffty"ysart experience"'
in the manufacture of roofings.
Madeof carefully selected rag felt
thoroughly •saturated with life_
givingmatural asphalts;
Pilot Roofing.
Quantity output and distributing
economies make possible the
production of this roofing, 'which
combines moderate first cOstwith
really good service.
"' 'We recommend the application
of 'Johns - Manville Pilot with
Pyramid Kaps, fasteners that in-
sure an absolutely weather-tite
job. Ask us about thisfeature.
Sutter & Perdue
Hardwire, Plumbing, Electric Wiring
Phone 147w
Tt,ckersanith Township
On Monday evening Last the mem-
bers of Turner's church choir met ae
' the home of the bride-to-be, Miss Ed-
na Crich, and, as a token of appreeta-
tion of her services, presented her
with a •handsome gift of silverware.
The choir let,der spoke on behalf or
the choir and Miss Pearl Crich made
the presentation. Miss' Crich replied'
in 'a very j pleasing manner and
thanked then for their gift. After
the presentation lunch was served and
the rest .of the evening; oentin soeiai
A pretty . wedding tookn lace on
Wednesday, June 9th, at 4 *clock at
the home of Mr. and Mts. Newman
Garrett, when their sista, Grace E.
Vodden, datdghter of Mr.' W. A. Vod-
den of Clinton, was married to Mr.
.,'Terman Crich, eon of Mr. and bars.
The ceremony - was conducted b5
Rev. C. J. lifoorhause, pastor of On-
tario street United church, C1'nton,.
The -bride, who was given away by
her father, looked loyely in a dress
of honeydew silk crepe with :gold lace
trimmings, a d carrying a bouquet of
,p'ink� i,osesyaSirl lily of-the-valley..She
was attended by her little twin nieces
Lim=a and Irene. Garrett,: who loo1e d
try pretty dressed; in whit sit
broadcloth with powder blue trim-
mings and carrying: baskets of sweet
Following the ceremony supper was
teetered and later Mr, and Mrs. Crich
Ieft by motor for4:London, Learning -
ten Windsor and Detroit, the bride
donning for travelling., a frock at
cabaret greed brocaded canton crepe,
With hat to match. -
On their return they will reside or
the groom's farm in Tuckersmith.
Their friends extend ' hearty goes
Co rich Township
Mr. and•:Mes; T.' Settles sent last
week visiting ,friends an Detroit.
The many friends of iifiss Bertha
Cox, who underwent an-eperation 7,n.
the Clinton Hosyital on, Friday, are
glad to -}rear she is improving nicely.
Mr., and Mrs. ,las. R. Stirlinp•.spe'nt
Sunday in Blyth.`
There was a large attendance u`
Zion church on Sunday, it being ehlle
ren's day.
Mrs, Chas. Cook, who has \been ill
for; the past two months, is improv-
ging. ,
'Mrs. b. B. Perham of Detroit came
over on -the Greyhound last week ene
spent a few days with her - parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Soddart.
Mr, and Mrs. 'George Pearson and.
.their daughters" Margaret and Vir-
ginia, motored over from Wayne,
Mich., and are spending a vacation
with the former'g parents, Mr. and
Mats. Robert Pearson. They were ac•
eompanied by Mrs. Angus Cole, -vho.
is visiting relatives. ire Clinton and
(ADA NCwd-Recor4
TlHURSDAY, JUN 17, 1926:
In on's
Let's' start this with a little story
and as stories off times start—"Once.
upon a. time" a man to clinch his ar,
gement as to the unbelief cf the gen-
eral) public, wagered that% he „would'
offer gold guineas for'the price of a
ehhilling, without a=purchaser, He did
so next day to passers by on a c'r`owd-,
'ed street corner without making 'a
sale. .Humnan nature is still the same,
That is why we want to show you
a four piece set of Baking or Mixing
Bawls, ono each .6 -in, 7 -in., 8 -in. and
9 -in., ivory color with blue band, will
stand "oven ` heat. Ideal for baking
and cooking, easily and thoroughly.
cleaned and with the .protection of
an ,asbestos,mat can be used over a„.
flame, :all -four .pieces, for 98c.
The small one is good value at 2'5e;
estimate the special value in the three
larger{" ones for the ba=lance asked.
The very best bargain is Where the
seller ` makes some profit and the
buyer makes more. It is so when you
buy the four bowls for ,98e. ,/r`
Tile WFair Co.
Offen- the Cheapest—Always the Best
Mrs. A. Whiten ie visiting with het
brother, li3'r. L. Crich of Tucker: -
smith. l
Miss .Cicely Kennedy of Mildmay
spent the week -end at her home In
Miss Spencer* of Toronto hag been
visiting her aunt, Mrs, Robert
. Marshall, •
Mr, nd • Mrs. W. U. latornell of St.
Thomas . visited with Clinton
' friends over the week -end. a '
4L7•. and *Si It. i# Kong of Pontine,
Miele, are the guests this week oe
Rev. 3 ',E. and lIrs. Hogg.
Mis. A. McKinnon is spending the
' week -end at Woodstock, with het
sister,- Mos. C. W. Davidson.
Mr. and,Mrs. James 'Scott are spend-
ing a vacation with their daughter,
Mrs. (Dr.) Adams, at Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Lucas spent 'the
week -end as -the guests of Mr. and
Pilrs. Hugh Ferguson of Stratford:
Mrs. W. Younger, Mips Eleanor and
Mr. Charleg,Youngee left last weer:
for Toronto where they intend mak-
ing their home. • '
Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Webster of, Lon
dati,oto 'visited with the formes'
Sister`s, Mrs. R. G. Saville and Mrs.
W. A. Vodden, on Tuesday.
Mr. E. G. Courtiee and Miss Hattie
Gourtice and Idrs. John' Tiplady
motored to Sarnia and spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. S.
Dr. and Mrs. Gend=er went up to their
cottage at Southampton yesterday
to see about haying some improve-
ments made before it is Noceupied
for the summer.
Mr. and Mti. 13. E. -Rorke and Miss
Florence Cunerighame motored to
St. Thomas Tuesday to attend the
graduation exercises in connection
with Alma 'Coll'ege.
Mr. James ,Beattie, of Watford, Mt.
and .Mrs. Andra Beattie and two
sons and Miss Ella Beattie visited
the Misses Beattie of the Vogue
for a ,few days recently.
Mr. and M'rs. T. Churchill, accompan-
ied by. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Castle;
moto=red to St. Catharines, where
they visited Misses Mildred and
Lottie Livermore,- going on to_
Niagara balls.
I'4r, and Mrs. Clif. Andrews and child
of Scarboro Bluffs and little Mis
Marion Gillies of. Kiteheneir spent,
the week -end at the home of the
fornier's parents, Magistrate and
Mrs, Andrews. .
Mrs. A. T. ,Cooper and ` Mr. Willis
Cooper retuemed last week from
Evanston, I11., where the latter
went to visit relatives and .the
for'nier was , called, ' owing to the
sudcden' death of her mother, a
Couple of weeks ago.
Mas. Nelson Cole and : Mies Myrtle
went over to 'Detroit on the Grey-
hound last week to visit the for-
nter's daughter, Mrs. A. Stickney.
On their return they were aae n1-
pained by Mrs. +Stickney and babe,
who are spending a few weeks here.
Miss Louise Beaton, who spent a
couple of years teaching in West
China, has returned home and is
with her mother in town for va..
cation. Miss,: Beaton' returned by
way `of Europe 'and had a very
irieasant trip and visited many In-
tere.eting• and histo=`}c' places in
Europe and in the British Isles.'
Mr, and M'rs. G. Es Hall and Miss Ev-
elyp Jeft Tnesday , afternoon for
Quebec, where the Canadian Week-
ly Newspapers Association is hold-
ing its annual meeting tide year.
The sessions opened yesterday. -
- ter the business meeting a boat trip
dowyf the St. Lawrence and up. the
ISaguenay to Chicoutimi 'has been
arranged, for the members and
their wives.
ybu can Is wheresccure your Wants for " Capi g 9 and
Sunfiner Foods.
How quickly 'you :-can Serve meal if you have a few
supplies..on hand, for example.
Canned Pinea les
Brunswick Sardines . 4 for -25e
Tuna Fish; per tin " 40e.
Beaver Chicken - , 3be
Kraft Cheese, pkg. .... 25e,
Salad Dressing . , 3c
Fruit Salad .. , 402
(Delicious for Salads)
O'Neil's Washing Soap, 6 bars for 25c
Special Soap Deal. 20 bars-`O'Neil's soap and a,
Granite Sauce pan $1.45.
-Get our price on. Sugar, in sack lots
Special Price in five sack lots. .
Friday and Saturday
Corn 2 tins for 250 Soups, Aylmer, 2 for
15c 250
per tin Shelled Walnuts, per lb. 4se
Green Peas, m Corn, per tin . , 20c ,:Baking Powder,"Our Own";per tin e ...... , lee
,Shred7 lbs.dRoi ed d oast, per lb .. . . . . ...:... • :: . 29e - 3 lbs. Good Rice for.. , . 25e
Golden Banka
Oats for 28c 3•l1bs. Rolled Wheat :r 2be
Fresh Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumber's and Strawberries -' '
Have you tried Flexo, the large pkg.. 25c Bodley sponge and Marshmallow cakes for 25c and 300, -
Fresh Salmon Trout, Tuesdays and Fridays.
In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m: - In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m.
Cash and
Where "Sells for less " price prevails.toiNtsedowtmomokomloomwomwhavivitowlmoiwovivvaiwwwftwompetioutwoo
Kindly Order Early ,
YOUR PART—Call 125w. or 125e for poutneed ,.
OUR PART — Prompt Attention—Quick Service-4ua14ty Goods
Courteous Treatment,
Grape Fruit--Oranges—Lemons—Bananas—Pineapples
New Cabbage—Lettuce—Green Onions—Texas Cooking Onions
A Full Line of the Finest Quality Groceries at Popular Prices
Variety and Quality to Suit the Taste of the Most Exacting
Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store; Phone 125 J'.
Thee Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's
church -will holda lawn tea on the
ehureh lawn on .
,S,'UESDA.Y, JUNE 22nd
from 3 to 6 o'clock
Sandwiches, Tea, Cake and Ice • Cream
People You Know .
Mrs. R. J. Cantelon of Detroit visited
lase week with her sister-in-law,
Mess ,Bertha Cantelon.
Mss. ;Frank' Garbs was In Stratford
last week, as the guest of her sis-
ter, Mrs..Thornas .Lawson.
Mi. and M'rs. Hurry 'Jones of Strat-
ford spent- tile week -end as the
guests of Mr 'and Mrs. J. L. Heard.
Mrs. E. Ar.•mstreng, who 'spent the
winter in Toronto, is wending a.
few weeks' in her own cottage in
Mr. and Mrs, T. 11. IVlaeRea of Detroit
are spending,i a vacation in town,
being guests 0f the former's sister,
Mrs. George Roberton,'
Mr. T. Mustaedi of the elate of the
Toronto Normal, Mr.' Arnold Ven-
ner and Mx,Ray -Carter motored
"`up from_ TOeitito last weekand
spent a feet/ d'•ays, returning the be-
girining of the 'week for the..finar
Constance .
Mr. and 14Trs. Clark of Gederiele
spent. Surulay at 'the home of Messrs:
R. Lawson and Alex Leitch.
Mrs. Fred T hl5it of Forest is vis-
iting her sister,oMrs. Win. Button.
We are glad to say that Mrs. C.
Dexter is so •inch improved' that
slie was able to' he' brought home last
week... Hope she will continue to im-
The Ladies Aid is Meeting this
Thursday afternoon, The Burn's
Ladies' Aid is meeting' with them.
M -r. and Mrs' Levi Parr and child-
ren of Brussels, weep callers at Mr.
Jas. Mann's on'Sunday.
The Mission Band meets 'tine Sat-
urdayy afternoon at the home of . lays.
James Hugill,
Mr. Geo, Lavis "spent a few days
last week with friends in Seaforth
and Clinton.
hits, Maud Herman and brother;
Sidney Duln7age, of. Detroit spent a
few days visiting -their mother, Mrs.
Jas, Mann, and other friends here-
The annual meeting of the South.
Huron Liberal Association, as consti-
tuted for both Provincial and Federal
purposes will be held in
Friday, June 25th
at 1:30 pan.
Hon. Nelson Parliament Mrs. Zoe
Stevens and other speakers will hd-.
dress the meeting,
A. full atteeirdanee of the Liberals,
of the Biding' is desired.
C, F'RITZ - Vice-Presidenn
T. G. iSHdIOLINGLAW( - Secretary
Furnaces Lead
It Saxes One'"Ton•of- Coal in Seven
;Call in. 'and' get a •price. on that
furnace you are thinking of installing
this year, or, prepare Cor cold weather
by having your old one overhauled.
during the sunznler months.
,Phone 244 and leave your order and
we will look after your work for you.
Phone 244
Why j\I�t Fake
It. Easy?
Since the Spring W,orleis over spend more time
on Your Verandah ,
We have a wonderful steak of verandah furniture of all kinds.
Chairs and Rockers at all prices. Don't fail to sea our new Cocotex
Verandah Rugs, sizes ranging from 33[9 feet to 71/x91/ feet. They
will wear for a life time. and prices are very reasonable. Then we
have Hammo Couches, Hammocks, Sun -Stop Shades, in feet every -0
thing to make the verandah comfortable and cosy. '
When thinking of installing aibathroom, of Eavestroughs or reef-
oofing it will pay you to consult us for prices, etc.
Clinton Hardware ajid FUrnitureCo
Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195
Combining ,Style, Quality, Material for only
Clothes have a 'lot to do with your self-respect, your;: credit, the
confidence other people feel in you. 'Dolat' for dollar we feel that
the best investment you can make :is in one of our fine appeasing--
long wearing—hardsontely tailored suits' at $32. -
,Biltmore' Felt and Straw Hats --New, line of ,S miner F•it-U Caps
Davis &
Spot ` Cash for Eggs acrd Poultry
Qualliitu Count=s - Poultry-
We are. in thefig;'
market for E sand`
ea11 seasons of
the year, prepared to pay top prices for top quality,
91 per cent of Farmer's eggs received last weekgraded'
t. Extras and Firsts,,
Limited =ted
Clinton `Branch' open each day from 7 a.m. to 6 pen.
Write, Phone or Call f or any firrtlier information you, require