HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-06-17, Page 6adMe•, „,.,. cas It taken. 1atG tadViee; -..rather..0an,.!be'latittte& fla P77.01telTiP1eSt,',!IY111S'IlP ''6116;01CP fro the-OntSider;" leautifulgi11 ants h&$ :trot" the, :1!,ever :-• -ages; :Mauve Th eX , ena.a6.d.... to; create c;reitelentef" ventablatS,sttbY;6s' boov.• We;:diMancied:•.ofi: -.-treadingethe trit1e that..;7116-had.;,tha70'-' :then -his :grandfather- use , bete "t• inthritinentet, .,geod'-deal, t, evilon „7.. the „Sitrface of ktliingat liere and a1ound'tte.:World;-goMetintea io nittelt t.t.tthat people are teMpted'to Pessi- -Mistie.about man and 'his fetniet" ret marks the Dttlutli:'Heraild.,.,But the solOngt'as:the;BibleiYthe source :.-1Fthall rei Winciciniteriatall real hope, •1 is. theWorldis loest' 411t1t" . . 1:0 7: , (PhYee C)0 V.IY,Vrk? 11411,•di-A..(H444 Diet, ).;.'FlyOm'Tena, 1, .Z"9'614''Or'ari4'rfoos;Dere,,.' pa.700c,. .,Margaret;r+...41....,LaWrasoiri.;1•Iellte, "a; t(41"ern,):;-."Lifitleay,,FlOreoce,'2"rLittte,. dAttlOi't EtollY7 - "Mlate ..-Bet);;;I.liVfaite1Org,.!DokethY„ ..4;. Nivea er.;. ;g4721'1'(:40) PICEWelq, 'Bessie, 4/' 111tiEwen„ -Grace,t1t aw ogam;), 4„;..1+46yuel; ,IVI:ertent Doris, at, ''.,t(Hist.yr .; Preaertelc; 3,' t,)•;.. • • ' :144tp„a, • :2t (Aritit)";T".-Mirteh,. Dorothy, :3,' tArt); Nedigr Helen,t4;'No'ble,...Reggle,. 4: - Pickett, Isabelle, .4;e- Cie-, Keyrierd!, Mary, 4;:hteynelds, Rose: 0, '('PhYs., 'Arith„ Zeol,;.Gram.) IVforits,, •3; (Art);. :Salter, Al- ert,. a,„Sciidri' Marian, :•37 (Bot.); SbObbieole:',.Ruth; 1; '(l?alys., .Zoolt, Grant.); Shook, Olgai:3,(Art): SmIth, Stevens,,• Nornia; p, (phys..) .Stewattt; Helen, '3;.: '(Hist.)r Stock;;12O:c1,'4;IStreete; Madeline; 2; ,-Taylor, . Ana, 2, (Geog.,, Hist.); Thompson; Emily,: 0; (Phys.„' Aritb.; Zool.„ Gram.); !Pre- wartha, Cora, 3, (Bot.); Variclerburgh, 'Albert 2, !(Zeolt. Gram.) ;Venner, .1.4arry, 4;; ,Verrner, Ruth, 3; Vodden, Merjorie, '3, (Geog.); Watkins, Hazel, 'Chas, 3, (Latin), "What the brides married in," re- , reark's the Brute Herald and Times, "is about seven tines as important, . as 'what she's maeried to.", Slit we fancy that is a Ash con- . elusidn. More Tuss is made•eyer the bride's gown than the bridegroom 011, -the wedding da, perhaps, but we fancy the groom has,been pietty well, • diecusied before that day arrives, • and, this is the first appearance of . the gown. • • C. H. Hale, of the.- Orillia Packet - Times, was elected president for -the /orthcoming year at the annual meet- , hog' of the Selected Town.Weeklies of • Ontario, hel in Toronto recently, - Other officers elected were: Honor- ary presidentll. Vt.'Eedy, St. Marys; vice-president, F. 3. A. Davis, Carle- ton Place; secretary-treasuinr,-G. W. James, Bowmanville, Ont. Those "Selected Town Weeklies" take themselves very seriously, don't they? Who f'selected" them, we'd 'like to know, and why? • 7 "The Chicago water steal,' i—s no • new worry, it appears. The following alanetted in last •week's Simcoe Re- - former: --: "In an issue_of, the Reformertof years ago, we find the following item: 'The water ,in Lake Erie is Said to be about 18 inches below its former level and ship -owners wish it back •, again, They say Very Mei watei. is caused by the Chicago drainage canal.' So the audacity a certain Windy City offidials Worried our grandfathers, and judging by actione of the past two years, it will continu. e • a asurce of annoyance to our grand- -sons." A Barrie merchant,- sent out an 'eppeal to the people to buy in their •own town—and the appeal was made e in a circular Which was not.printed 'in 'thetown •of' Bairie,L=St. Marys • Journal -Argus. • • Funny 'thing about this town 10Y- -alty business, the merchants always expect ,the town newspaper to bacic them ue in any campaign to build up -the town, and are seldom disappointed. But very often they overlook the fact -that the newspaper is also a business, dependent for support, which must come from the community in which it is published. If every business man well' as loyal to the community In tirhiCh be does tbusiness as the av- -erage local neevspaper-publielier the -rural communities would be much :mann prosperous than they are. ect•;z.„1, j7iJN.i. aammeawiamismalasiseisamisaileir0aiessawasmatiantsialassaaa We have second; da Oats: coming of Nv , coming th, estqrn th Vtre vtill sell off dr,ices, ' e' eat' reAsenabf t- der e Ge es cin' Pig AtleireWS (3. es 01-3 M pn.ste rlPfeltio The Liberal -Conservative AssociatiOn of Mrestern ,Ohtario in • Conjunction with ,The Liloeral-Conservative Association • of. Huron Cotinty will hold a monster basket picnic at . IlAYFIEL1) vvet:i., June, 2s Marriages COLE—GRIOT-I — At Ontario street united church -parsonage, mit June 16th, by the Rev. Cr J. lVfoothouse, Edna May, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gifford, Crich, Tuckersmith, to Oliver J. Cole of Goderich townshtp, son of Mr. T. H. Gole, Clinton. CRICH---4„VODDEN—In Tuchersmitb, on June 8th, by, the Retr. 0, J. Moorhouse, Grace • E. Vodden, - daughter of Mr. W. A. Vodden of Clinton,- to Herman Crich, son ot Mr. and, Mrs. Josef& Crigh, ersmith. MeOLYMONT--- COLEMAN— In Stanley township, on June ilth, by the Rev. J. J. Durrant, Mabel E., daughter of Mr. George Coleman, • to Fred MeGlyment, son of the laze James S. and MI's. MoOlymont, all of the Peer Line. CAMPBELL—IVIcKENZIE— In Goa- erich, on June . 10th, by the Roe, Selby Jefferson, Jean youngest daughter of Mrs. Donald McKenzie o Goderich township, to Celli, Campbell of Stanley township. „Lowgu SCHOOL.REKILTS` AT AT ONE O'CLOCK SPEAKERS 0111 THE DAYWit7L BE • IION. G. HOWARD, FEItGUSON - Prime Minter of- the Province Of Ontario 'HON. W. H. PRICE • LC.,LL.B., 111 VA. - Treasurer of the Prevince of Ontario Minister of Mines of the Privirtee of • PROGRAM OF SPORTS will commence at one:o'clock. Among which will be a Soft ,Ball Match, Belby • Show, and a • special prize •will be awarded to the oldest Conservative on the grounds; also a special prize for thellargest • Coriservative family in attendance. • BAND IN ATTENDANCE Hot water supplied free of charge. • No charge for parking autos. •EVER.' YBOrky WELCOME "GOD SAVE THE KING"• PRESIDENTSit A. A. Ingram '1 Chas. Middleton. George.' McKee Dr. James Armstrong • Peter W. Scott SECRETARIES—. • Gordon M. Reid " Roberterliggins II. X. A. McEwen Dudley Holmes, sr, Dudley Holmes ecl Phota$• We' make' it Spetea pertraite.,-.DO'not lei; thi e 'tab, event go past' without some good Portraita 'nude at-ieur 'Sialc110.. '7. STUDIO 'OPEN EVER( TUESDAY Hours:.' :9:30 a.M, to 5 Let us' deVehiti .'3.11d1tnlrit Your" Snap' shots'. and 'do'' your etlargiitg. aialtiog Photes la.oue bustness,. thets -why Qui' Werk 1g.satiefacteryt Buligesei. Portrait Stii4i0 • MITCEELL AND, CLINTON„ •, Births• MIPDLETON -- In -Clinton Pubhe • Hospital, on June 4th, to Mr. ana Mrs. Fred Middleton, Goderich - township, a daughter.--Chaelotte Elizabeth. •• • • EAST—In Hullet townshiP, on June 13th, to 331, and Mrs. Chas. East, a son, • Deaths Clinton Hospital', on Juno 1.6th, William IL Hill of Hullett, tn his -60th yer.• CLARIC—At St Helens, Ont, ou June 13th, Peter Clark, in his 43rd year. •• IN MEMORIAM ";•- COOK—In loving , memory, of etir • dear 'nether, Nancy took,- :who • passed away June 13th, 1922. 'She always leaned to watch for um, Anxious if we 'were late, In winter by the window, In summer by the gate; And though 'we mocked her tenderly, Who had such foolish care, The long way haine seemed more sale Because she waited there. Her thoughts' were all so ,full of us, She never :Could forget, And so•I think that where she 'is She must be watching: yet; Waiting, until we come to her, Anidous; if we are late, -Watching from heay.ents window, Leaning from heaven's gate." • —Sadly missed by children. ' CLINTON C. I. The following are the results of the Departmental subjects only of • the Lower school. The Departmental subjects ofForm 1 are Aub, Georgraphy, Canadian His-, lot:vend Botany.' Those of Form 2 rare Arithmetic, „tEriglish OV Latin (Grammar, Zoology and Physiogranhy. •"The nufnber 'after the name Mai- -cates the number of subjects in which the student was sothessful. The sub- jects in :brackets after the name are • those -ib which the student failed ana in which he must now.pase the regu- "lar. Departmental Examination in norder,to gettending n that subject. The -time-table for Departmental Low'er School examinationa is as fol- . Friday, 'June 25th: a.m., 9:00 (5- :11:30, Physlographyr pat., • 1:30 to •4,4:00, Gremmar and Latin Grainnum. :Mooday,'June 28th: a.m., 9:00 to Geography. -pan 1130 to 4:00, 4Canaaiiit History. TilescleY, June 29th: ann., 9:00 te 11:30, Art.,' p.m., 1:30' to '4:00, 1301 - any, Agrieulturc`(1sb rear,), ' -Wednesday, June,„30th: 9t00 to :31:80,' Arithmetic; 'p.m., 1:30 to 4:00, 'Zoology, Agrieultore (1st year,) -7- IT any student ,is iio detllot regard - in these examinations, he 'should get, in touch with Princ/Pal Teeter before June 25th 'Studytthe above time -table Studenits have ibeen known to appeal: ' for 10 certain examination the day ter it had taken, place, Do not be one HIBBERT —.In loving memory • of Mrs. Margaret Hibbert, who Went to be with Jesus June 12th, 1923. "Oh how patientwas her suffering, When our hands could give no ease. God, the Helper of the helpless. Saw the grief and gave her ethe, Friends may think we have :forgotten Wihen sometimes they see us smile, Hut only God knows the heart ache That the smile hides, all the while." --Elsie. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Younger, Eleanor and. Charles gratefully acicneWledge the. man; thoughtful kindnesses and helpfulness extended: to them by the many friends af Clintonduring their. ead bereave - Dorothy,, (PhYs., Zobl.).; ./30.ggahit., Bruce, 2, 2.; , (hIist,„ :B• -Carter, AndreY,,t,:ei • iCheiveri',Isalielle .3,' (71iSt.) ;:-.Coekt, Bey; 3, j(att) Cory, Irene,. 3, (Hist.); Corless„ Benson-, 15, cutivor„, 61-2 PLAY FAT' HENS - VVANTED 1-11.gh Prices% , 1 For all ItiodS of good •live poultry. We Advise yen to,piek out your -sur-• plus poultry now while the price is high. Take advantage , -of our high pries.” • • Always in the Maricet Tor nevi -laid egg,s. Our gradieg 'aria pries will pleaae, you, if you take car' of N. W. 'Frewartha, Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w Tuesday alta WedaeSdaY o aeh weelt. • . • W Plione 21-638 The Base Line AIM 'YOUR EYES 100 PERCENT EFFICIENT ?- We do' not ask you to answer yes or no to that, because we realize no one knows the answer to that ques- tion until his eyes have had a thor- ough examination, The well-inform- ed person makes it a point to know about his eyest, Wetcan determinet& condition .of 'your eyes, and give you the help they need. W. H. Hellyar, Optometrist, Clinton, Ontario. _ • The 4 -act play "Valley Farin" will be presented by the Young People of Union Church in Holmesville United church on FRIDAY, JUNE 18th 12 in Cast COME AND ENJOY THIS PLAY Admission 35o and 25e, Agents 3500 monthly easy gelling Magic Gas. 31 box equals 313 gallons gaso- line. Proven merits. Your name on cans. 300% profit. Write quick, P. A. Lefebvre and Co., Aleicandta, Ont. 62-1. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Don't .forget the- garden party and strawberry festival • to- be given by the Ladies' Aid of Bums' church 'in the school ,grounds 'of 5, No:6 (Ilarlock) Hullett, on June 25th sun - per 'commencing at 6 pm. Good pro- gramme will 'bit given as the services of the comic singer,: Mr. H. McGee, also those of an excellent elocutionist bave been secured. The Clinton ICil-• tie Band will be in attndance. 61-2. . • For Sale 2 Quebec . heaters, one perfectly PONT, one used 'about four months. Apply Mrs,. C. Elelyar, Rattenbury street. e 62-1-p. Farm For Sale • • • Plirt lot 17-18, on thb 8th eon. of Hullett, consisting of 8133. acres, good builclings. Also 50 acres on Con. 9, Apply on premises or by mail,to, Wm. H. Hesk, Londesboro,"R. R. no.1. 62-12-p Plain Sewing ' Orders taken and promptly filled for Plain sowing including lingerie, aprons, children's clothing. Also or.- ders taken for fancy work, Mrs. Win. Shipley, Townsend street. Garden .Party„,', A garden party under the auspicee, of the United Churches of Porters Hill will be held.on the lawn of Mr. Reid Torrance on the 2513h day of ,Tame. A good program is being pre- pared. •Come and enjoyn real garden party. . • • ' 62-2 • • Auction Sele of Horses and Colts Mr, Geo. F. Hilson's sale of horses and Otte will take place at Goderich 011 Monday, June 28th, eentinerming at r o'clock, There will be:about 36 head in this the first consignment and they are -said -16 be a splendid lot of grade Clydesdales,' T-Gundty and Sot, Auctioneers. 62-1 rent and removal from town, , . CARD OF THANKS , Mrs. A. WilkenwisheS. to -extend lien -sincere' thanks for' the kindness and ;SymPathy shown her during the illness -and after, the death of her 63= ter„ Mrs. G. Hayes. WARNING Owing to alothe of privileges GX- tended to boys and young men who have' :been using swimming hole „in river at :Stapleton, warning in giVeg. that furthertrespassing priVate nropertat ,will not be alloWed. M.' G Ransforcl.,• •62-1. .--Teeche Waitcd For S. 5, No. 4, Goderich toVenshlP• Applications received we to July iOth, ,State salary and qualifications. Hew W. Churchill, Sec.-Treas.,. R. R. No. 2, Clintem Ont, •622 ) Teacher Wanted . Qualified Frotestany • teacher for school ,section No. 10, • -Goderich with 1 er 2 years' • experience pre- ferred, Please apply personally to job' It •Middleton, Sec,-Treas, R, 31 _.,..Clinton;. — . Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders for the cement work of a bridge between Lots 15 and 16, con. 5, also one on Con. -4, opposite Lot 38, Goderich township, will be..re- :ceived •by .the - undersigned up to Monday; June 21st, Plans and specifications may be seen at my office after ,Monday, June 14th. R. G. Thompson, Township Clerk. 61-2 Ford Coupe for Sale • 1925 Model, in good running order. Apply to W. J. Nediger Clinton, 62-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS Clinton Motor -Truck 1111achirie • One Six cylinder 'Mc-LAUGHLIN " Five Passenger Car, • , ' n good Condition. Only ran eleven thousand miles Necliger -Manager , • Teacher Wanted Experienced teacher, capable of taking' up continuation work, for S. S. No. Goderich township, Duties to commence Sept. 1st. Applications receivedup to Monday, June 21st, personal applications preferred. .D, N. Welsh, R. R. No. 2, Hayfield, Sec - Treasurer. 61-2. • In the Estate of Christena McDermid, Deceased Notice is herby given that all per- sons having claims against the es- tate of Christena MaDeTmid, late of the town of Clinton in the County of Huron„ widow, deceased, who died ,on or about the 5th day of,Jantmey, 1926, ',are required to deliver .to Charles 1VIeGregor, the administrator of the said estate or his solicitor, on or before' the 19th:day of 'June, A„D. .102„6, a full statement of their claitns, together with partichlars thereof, and the nature of the' securities, if any, held by to all' duly verified by 'af- fidavit. Ana -Take Notice that after the said last mentioned date the said adminis- trator wilt proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as he shall have received due notice and in ac- cordance therewith. Dated at Clinton Ont4riO, this 27th day ef May, A.D. 1920. W. 13ryclone, Clinton,. Ontario, Sol- icitor for the said Administrator: 60-3 Salvation Army Tuesday evening June 22nd, at 8 o'clock a musical program will be given in the .5. A.Halt by :Captam atingdon of Goderich. -Numbers will be rendered on Horse Shoes; nim- ble:es, -etc. A.clmiSsion '25c, ,children 100. • 62 -1 - Auction Sale - • Of a splendid farm MO about 60 notes of alfalfa and mixed hay. Mre. James Glen will bold a -public auction sap at.tive.emeMisee, lot 5 concession • 7 W. on eTelle 25th, 'commencing • at 1:30 N'clods: sharp. The farm, whieittis one of the b,est in •the district, ',contains 100 aeres. Every field on the place has grown alfalfa. The house is a selid brick; the barns are ample, with stone and cement stabling. There is a goo,a bearing orchard, good fericee mid rehUnclaime of- water. The terms Will be liberal'and will be •announced at time.of sale, .The hay t be sold Is mostly ,alfalfa,' :balance 'mixed alfalfa and tiinethy and promises to be n ex - 00110111 crop. 1t ;be sold inlots to suit purehasers..Terms on hey—Five inenthe credit onfuroishhig approVed joint notes; a discount :allowed tet - cash. T. Gundry, Auctioneer. • 62-1 , Birthday P'a'rty and 'Bazaar The Girls' Club of -Wesley:Willis church will hold a Birthclay Party and Bazaar ori the evening of Friday, June 18th, at 8 .'clock'io the School Room. Booths, are being arranged for the sale of home-made cooking, candy, aprons, as well as a touch -and - take booth. Lunch will also be served, and during the evening several musi- cal numbers will be rendered. Come anti enjoy a pleasant and profitable evening with the members of thfc Club. • Cheese for Sale Cheese for sale irt 10 ib. lots or more any time, present price 226 lb. W. H. Lobb, president and salesman. R. R. No. 3, Clinton. • 40-tf, Clothes Cleaned end Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re. •paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned Rooms over Heard's barber, shop W. 3. Jago. —83-tf THE P BLI al tQ,flUT1.13 atur 1ictW:tOF f?)ClalS, these every Saturday iller Hardware Co. Deering t and M-cCormick Agency - Ow ands Old Stand •' • TELEP#ONE. CH1NAM1flL STORJI Has brought a new thought to our minds which'we would like to impress, on the minds of others. When You set your milk bottle out just drop your grocery wants intim bottle, We endeovor to give -the :best service we can at both the Dairy and Grocery so your order will 'hare the Most, prompt and careful attention. Specials for this Week Black 'tea. 70o and 80e lb, Green tea. . . 60c and 70c lb. Cocoa, loose 10e ib: • ,- Canned tomatoes . . 15e tin Aylmer fancy tomatoes 22c tin Tomatoe soup . 10e tin S. ,O. S. Cleaner .....150 per pkg. L LAWSON & CO. Delivery Service from 7.30 • 1.80' to 6 Phone 111 . Clinton's 0/A1dt-A - I3I4S HE -AT FOLKS ARE BLUE - :BLOOM. TOERE 15 NO MIXTuRE. 411T1,1 THEP SLATE OR. STONE 'k FAlAiLies !NOM FAMILY TREE FAM1LI ES. OF THE. FORIEVT TO•lar OF CLINTON 13I -Law No 7 for 1926. TAKE NOTICE that itis the in- tention ,of the Mtuiieipal Council of the Town of Clinton to pass a By-law entitled "13y -Law No,. 7 for 1926 of the Town of Clinton-. A By-law to stop up a portion of Bond' street and also Cross :Street and 'Centre Street in the Town .crE Clinton:" The said.by-lave has had, its lire..., and second readings and it will be finally considered at the meeting of ,Council to be held. .at: the Connell , Chamber, Clinton, on, Monday, the 5173 day e July, A.D. 1326, at the hour.. of 8 o'clock. 1„ All persons inbereited are' required to attend at such meeting end: make known their objections, if any, to the said .13y -taw. „Copies of the said By- law may be seen at the Clerk's Office during office.hoors in the in:terve'. Published •liy order of council D. L. Meepherson Clerk: . . , House For Sale Nine -roomed, two-storey brick cot - tag, electric lights ancl.tewn water, go6c1.`stable,,one half acre of.land and goad orchard,' also fair-sized garden. Apply to :George pneario street, enet., 00-3 t • Petate es for-. Sale '1 Quantiry .:of. • early New Yorker 'seed' potatoes. ApPly to T. R. Serie R. Phone 23-610. . , „ , • • . r • ' Eitahy s • S. C. W. LEGHORNS 315.0 per hohdred $13,00 per :hundred' for jell.° BARRED ROCIcS $18.00 'per hundred for May . 4716.00 per hundred 'for June • Custom Hatching 5c per egg INGLENOOK POULTRY YARDS E. J. Trewartha '110,14ESVILLE,' ONT. Phone 611-r-22 • 57-tf SE41) Years of expenience have gone in- to the selection of 0111 stock as to quality and price. We have a com- plete line of Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, - Red Clover, White and Yollow Sweet Clovers. All seeds 'grown in Ontario and specially selected for hardiness, Car load of Bran, Shorts_and Pur- ity Flour expected daily, Special prices. J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers 11.160101NUM101=15710...WINIMI. F. R. DARROW • BARRISTER will be at his office in Clinton each MONDAY ” From 3to,6 p.m. 30-tf, tot COAL Having erected new coal sheds will have on hand full stock of coal for immediate delivery. Prices reason- able. Also a quantity of dry maple wood. R. J. 111/11LLEIR Orders taken at residence, phone 119 COAL, Stove 5011(1 NIlt 004), Cae, Soft Goal • and Kennel Goal Also Some Wood • , WARD Phond 185. Puron Street, Ladies' Attention I am prepared to de, first class re- pair work for all makes of Sewing lVfachines. Also a full stock of , Needles, Belts and Parts ' for all makes Sole Agent for the Singer W. GLEN COOK PhOne 1713. P.O. Box 201, Clinton 09 AMONIIIMOIO /1111101MOM0101111051•1111.11.1111/11 }lave you ever noticed the imprinrt 04 a leaf on a piece of eoal? You'll find one sometimes—a silent reminder of the pre -historic forests from which coal came. • • Think of the centuries of sunshine and f-reelo air that must have been absonbed by these forestsbefore they were finally buried! - That is the coal we offer you: wood mixed -with concentrated sunshine and oxygen, and pressed for thousands of years. , . No wondor it burns ,go welil Callthe Iggflite ' for good, .cle_aii"coal Dependable Shoes When you buy a pair of shoes the first consideration should be quality.Quidity. in shoes is not in the grade of leather used only, it includes good Shoemaking, The. Shoes we sell have always had a reputation, for good wearing qualities. They are AIways Dependable ' because of the high quality of leather used and Superior Shoemaking. The true test of Shoe Value is not in the first cost, but the final cost—not what they cost per pair, but what they cost per year. It is upon this simple test of value that the success of Our SIOC:e businesa is biSeat '•, telliN Our New Spring Lines Show Very Attractive Prices Ladies' goods ranging from 32.50 to $5.50 Men's lines from $3.50 to $7.50 Super Qualities romging as high as 310.50 <1.4 FRED JACKSON • The Big Shoe Store • Opposite...the Town Hall \C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances • Wiring and Repairs- Phone 151w PHONE 74 •CLIINITOI'l • nstead'of Fragile Glass use Unbreakable CEL -O -GLASS After years of careful experhnentiug in the laboratory, and after severe practical' tests, scientists have reported another remarkable discovery. They have found an unbreakable, economical substitute for glass, It has all and more of the advantages of glass, but none of its disadvantages.- Thiswonderful material it known as Cal -0 -Glass. transparent material. This material is tongh and will not become Ce8t-15;-Otass is not a Cloth o I t1DmOs en °air econnifettIns ley Ceel lo-t0h- Gdil'Pa Ps sc clwiitnh ,,,..,°tah::-. glass -„sOulbasststlist e as . strong, iVranY tdurable product. It is composed of a wire netting,,enclosecl in a clear, beittle. Ce11-0-Glase is light,- easy to handle, and it can be tiled. in lightinexpensive frames. It is ale -tight, waterproof, weather proof, , tpaileliaid,Ilugollittspo:fn oofEv,xetrhr ite4vitonegdceobgldereende:ethoroughly :iett.t eits tae dr, a aigt awinilaltistas evnedr ea trealitni.e snow and hail storms. 11 keeps the heat imand the eold out better • •i• C'Etaralsol-th 13310145 199 ' !.. •