HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-06-17, Page 1WL`l'il �JIIII�'
lam 6 -• 48th Year
Apleasing sift for everyoccasion-a ropriate forthe
P � � PP
-Is' aafiful m
karat gold
filled case
.1 unix. e
it r�
1 g
., it
g ,g
elt5' jewel lever movement, two adjustments, several dainty de-
signs. Engraved ed
h ribbon, on,gold or
band. Best value in town.
n. '
$10.50 and up
RE .
EP,7f. Yei1'qcir
alf Priee Sale
of Suits
>w. The remainder ofour stock of suits, con-
sisting of mostly navy tricotine and pioret
twill, will be sold at one-half the. regular
price or less. Sizes 34 to 42. As there
are $nly fourteen of these suits, we would
advise your making an early selection,
New summer goods are arriving daily.
Window space is absolutely inadequate to
display a fair portion of these as they are
received. We are at your service and you
cannot call too often to please us.
Wheat, $1,30.
Oats, 40c to 45c.
Buckwheat, 60e.
Barley GOc.
Eggs, 20c to 30e. t
Butter, 30c to 32c.
Live`Hogs $13,00.,
The fo11aw
ents at
Toronto University were suc-
cessful in "their recent exams:
I Misses Winnie McMeth; Beryl 1);..
Salter, Isabel E. Fraser, Esther L,
' Trewartha, Ruth Higgins, Agnes 3.
Combe and ' Messrs, W. N. Hovey,
Fred G. MeTaggart, Elmer W. N.
Paisley and •Nellis. C. McNeil.
11liss Fraser took first class hon-
ours in'English and history and se.
Gond class in modern -languages, Miss
Trewartha took third class ;honours :iii
modern languages , and le. McNen
took third class in mathematics anrt
Mie. Robert G. Hunter passed his.
second year, ar
taking first 'cias
in physics, the first student In
Ithree -years
to reach
s grade.
Mr. Spece Jackson passed his
am. in dentistry,
Congratulations are due these
young people and are heartily extend.
Mrs. -Ferguson will acc,oinpany .her
husband, Prexnu} e•.i Inward G Fergu-
'5 sit to aY field o
son, on hn vi ,I3 n
VVecinesday next, when the Conserve••
rives 'of all -titin part of ()Mario 'tviIi
meet ioi• a-b`aslret •picr'iie. A largN
gathering is expected. The pragl•iim
of sports connnontes at one. o'clock.
Speaking to follow.
The local branch of the L 0. 13, 61..
celebrated its fifth anniversary ly s.
,party intheir club rooms on Monday
evening,when the members and some
of their friends spent a very pleasant
social evening in cards,asd Glancing,
followed by refreshments: The lights
went, off just as they were about to
leave 'and they had to "go home nt
•the• dark," blit ,happily, the rain had
Wesley -Willis United •church
The Brotherhood meets at tee.
o'clock. Dr: P. Hearn will give an
At the morning e Rev.i vice the ev. J:
n service
E. Hogg will take up the Sunday
school lesson, "Joseph and his Breth-
ren." Intermediate and junior class-
es meet -during the preaching serviese
The Rey. A. A. Holmes will preach
in the evening, his subject being:
"The Changeless Christ." '•
Ontario Street United Church
Morning classes meet at 10.
Morning message; "The did Time
Evening subject: "Lengthen tate
Cord and ,Strengthen the Stake.' "
Juniors en Friday at 709,-
The Young People's League visited
the Wesley -Willis League Monday
evening. Owing to the heavy storm
very few'were able to get out but
the evening was an .enjoyable one.
Presbyterian Church
Service on Sunday' in the Baptist
church at. 11 °relook. Subject. "What
is God Like?" Sunday school at 10
Instead of the usual mid -week ser-
vice preparatmi service will be held
on Friday evening . at 8 d'clock, cep
'ducted by Rev. J. Foote, Exeter, Cone-
' munion service on -Sunday, June 27th,
The annual picnic of the S.S. and
congregation will take place to'Bay-
field on Wednesday, July 21st,
Last Sunday afternoon andevening
r-�---i Rev. A. Macfarlane conducted 'omni -
Don`t Disappoint Dad, He can use a new one,
Buy Dad
-For, a�her s Dai
Sunday, June 20th, is being observed from Halifax to Vancouver
as Father's' Day. It's a day on which to. give Father some small--
token of appreciation•
We r.a rrestaNeeltie- Faker now wears practically the same
kind of neckwear as hisson He wants something with color and
life to it, and: that is the ,kind of Neckwear we, are showing for
Father's Day. /
ears his new Tie -a t •
Waicit Dad ;itr°ut when"hew giffrom the
Father's family -on Fath Da y.
Variety for
You'll find a great�► your
Do it now!
Square Deal
Every nn
versant servee s. 110 D,ungartnon Prea-
byterian church to crowded congrega-
tions. He was accompanied' by the
male quartet and several members o-3
the choir, who assisted in the praise
Owing to lack of space we are oh-
ligedto hold over a lot of Local anti
district news this week.'
Mr. Alex. Welsh left for London'
Wednestray morning where he will
visit for a couple of weeks.
Tax paying tine is around again.
June 30th is the last day for the pay-
ment of the first instalment of '1926
Mt. Arthur Gale of the Bell Tete -
phone staff,• Stratford; was a visitor
aver the week -end at the home of hes
parents; Mr. and .Mrs. Oliver Gale,
Orange :street.: ,
' Monday's electric storm ' did littlo,
if any, damage about here, although
other sections did net escape so welt.
The accompanying rain Was fine tor'
• hay, root anoi :late grain. crops.
kr. W. S. Downs was called to
Kincardine on Tuesday in connection
with a contract for a carved ornament'
and was successful in securing it to
be ,executed at. his Clinton ,shop,
Miss Mabel • Wright, :who has been
attending the .School -.of Couimeneo,
has taken a position in Toronto anti
left Monday for the city., eller sister,
Miss Olive, acompanied her for a lit-
tle visit,
The lacrosse season, in so far, as
this district is concerned, -openson
the local grounds= tomorrow,: Friday-,
evening, when •St. Marys plays the
local team. The -boys ought to have
the encouragement of a goircl crowd.
MissMcLaughlin, o•
whhas been a
member of the C. C.'].; staff s1nce'
September, has accepted a', position oi,
the staff of the St. Marys Collegiate.
Miss McLaughlin' taught in the St.
Marys Collegiate before.
The Ratepayers and School Trus-
tees Assoeiation will hold'their annual
meeting in the ,Starr Theatre, Clinton,
Sattirday afternoon, when matters
of importance will be discussed. Al.l
interested in school affairs should at-
The name of A. M. Agnew appeared
amongst on<,•st 'the successful
students who
passed their sixth
year exami
in medicine at the. Toronto College of
Medicine. 'Mr. Agnew is a son of
Dr. and Mrs. Agnew of Vancouver,
formerly of Clinton, and a nephew
of Mr. .1, McMurchie and Mrs. W.
Brydone of town. •
A very successful June bazaar was
held en Dr. IShaws lawn on Friday
afternoon last. -This function, which
attracted a large number of residents,
was organized by the Girls' -Auxiliary
of the: Presbyterian church under the
capable direction of the president,
Mrs. George Rbberton,'.",The various
booths and stalls were managed by
the following ladies, each having the
assistance of a willing band of young
helpers: Candy, Mrs. el. D. McTag-
g, g
art; Rummage, -.Mrs. C. Streets;
Touch and Take, Miss A.'Howson and.
Mrs. W. Shaddock; Home-made `bak
ing, Misses McKenzie,.: Pearson and
Glen; Fancy work, Mrs, FL R. Sharp,
Mrs: J. Stevenson and Mrs. P. Mutch;
Quilt's and aprons, Mes.;W, Dodds and
Mrs. E. Scruton; afternoon tea, Mrs,
R. Forrester Autograph quilt, Mrs.
(Dr.) Axon.
The very handsome sum of $250:0u
was realized. On account of -the huge
suecess of his undertaking the Aux.
iliary has ecided to snake this an` an-
nual affair the first Friday in June.
We would 'again call attention to
the fact that news items which are
sent into this office without signature
cannot be used.
Recently we received a marriage
announcemene without so much as a
scribbled•initial to tell from whom it
came; Anyone who would take the
troubleto think of the matter at all
would know that no reputable news-
pliper eoiilili°ake tlte'responsibility of
publishing notice of a marriage with-
out proper proof of same.
Waren such unsigned news items
conte to hand one must take the
trouble to verify thele, if such means
are within reach. If not, or if the
item is not of sufficient importance to
justify the trouble of seeking veri-
fication, it goes into the wastepaper
basket. - '
The.News-Record wants the news,.
it:always oh the alert for it and
spends much time seeking news, If
any item:>sent in •by any one of aur
many friends.does not appear it is. not
because we do not appreciate the
news, we always appreciate news and
also the thought and trouble in send-
ing it in. But,oftem it is because it
came unsigned -and verification was
not at hand. Sign your name every
time. We would also urge that it .be
sent in early, right after the event.
Nothing' riles an editor much more
than to be expected to publish an at,
count of an event a week or two af-
ter it 'happen. - It is "news" we -want.
.. One of the questions debated at the
recent meeting of the Huron County
Council was the matter re petitioning
the Govermnent to pave the Huron
road between. Goderich • and Clinton.
At Januar 's .ineettn amotionwas
passes(, some say without much con-
sideration,•but'anyway was passed,
expressing -the opinion that the mat-
ter of paving the Provincial Highway
between Goderich ' and Dublin, con-
sidering that it had been impreveo
and widened, should be left over for'
a few years. ,Before the meeting al
the :council th:is'•year .a ,petition was,
circulated, and signed by :a large ma-
jority of the councillor, 'asking -thee
the road between Goderich arid Clin.'
SUMMER IIOURS AT LIBRARY, on Wednesday. She wal'aecompan_e I
by her daughter, Bessie Vail• an i
Summer hears are now beingtib- Master Jjolrby ail,.-
Mrs. Jon and-'iamrl ani Is • .
yt d,t
This means that the Wednesday heli y •
holiday is being observed and that the :Bonthron of Iljensall are occupying'
library is only, °ren from revenfto John 'Pearson's cottage Tor the sun -
served- in the Clinton Public Library.
eighteach evening, except Saturday. mei:
The afternoon hours are unchanged. Mrs, Walters, Mlss Elizabeth Wa
tens and Master Jack -of Grand .Rai-
Rai-THE CHAUTAUQUA. Q :ids, Mich.; are visiting Mrs. Walter,9
Mother, Mzs Jas. Thomson.'
July are Chautauqua days
MSS Ruth Higgins care b n
in Clinton and; it is• anticipated that 11l sr or e
the program -will be a very ,pleasing from London on Thur dap last to
one. • spend her holidays with her parents.
Mr. C. C. •Bt erkiiis, - advance marl Mrs. Andrew Weir of London is v:a
itingJher sister, Mrs, W. J. Tippet
for the Chantatiqua, was .in town •
Tuesday confering with the rota, Miss Margaret '.Baker, Mrs. York,
committee and majcing lrnal arrange- Miss Yolk., and Mr. •Eric York of Toe -
' onto sient the week -end with isee
Miss: Givinn will be:the superinten-
dent of Chautauqua this year and will,- Mr`. Norman Toms of Detr._ort'is
also have ai • of he children's de -spending: his vacation with his meth -
h chargeer, ars. John Toms,
pertinent ,which for some years pastlV
The issue of the Toronto Dahy-
Star of June, 10th contained an ac-
count of the first joint graduation ex -
n ester" and
of -the Toronto W
Tha following from the Goderich er ace n
Star refers to the death of a sister Grace Hospitals in Convocation Hall
of our townsman, Mr. E, 0.` Munro: _ on the evening of June the ninth,also
The death .of 1Vliss Nellie Munro, the pictures of five of the graduates
which occurred at her home an Sun- of Western Hospital:•who had reeeiveo
day evening, May 30th, is the cause prizes. 'Amongst whom -was Miss
of regret among a wide circle of re- Alice G. Stinson,who wmn Dr." Gordon.
latives and friends miss. Name's Copeland's prize .for practical work
illness was a brief.ane, as she was in in obstetrics, Alice is es Bayfield girl
her usual, health up to the week be- so' we are naturally proud of her .ane
fore her death. She was a native of extend to her our congratulations.
Rev.' and Mrs. Eric' Anderson ane
Goderich,-a`es' daughter of the -lad livMr.ed,
little daughter, of Monkton' called on
hernd fall her
She survivedanvy• friends as they were passing through
one eat her Mrs.ife She is,ofw,by the village on Thursday last.
one sister, J. Story, town, and
six brothers: William, of Watertown, Mr. Wm. L. Metcalf spent Thursday
withparents. Mrs.
and Fridayhis
James, Moosomm
S. Dakota; - a
Sask.; David, of town; George, ofMetcalf accompanied him upon his re -
Stratford; Ed., of Clinton;: and Fred burn to {inn. Arbor Mich.
of Toronto. All except William and ,,Miss J, Grantgof-Clinton ;is spend -
James were here far: the funeral, ing the .summer with Mrs. Mary
which took place on Tuesday at noon' Bailey.
to Maitland cemetery. Rev, R. C. Mr. and Mrs, n
Jaek White and fa.
MeDermid eonteted the services and ily spentthe week -end at the homeor.
the pallbearers were the four,bro- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Talbot of the
thews, David, Edward, George and Sauble line. ,and visited Mrs. Lloya
Fred. The funeral was largely at-Mrxkins onn Suncl'ay.
tended, and the following ,from out Miss L. Weston returned home on
of town, in addition -
the anothers, Saturday last after s,?ending,"several
were present to pay the last tribute: weeks in Detroit. Her sister, Mrs. P.
Mr. Carl Campion, Toronto; Mrs: O., Crane, and two children accwnpanlea
Munro, Mr. Geo. Munro, jr., Mrs, T. her.
Simpson, Mr . Henry Yeandle, Mr. At a meeting of the congregation
Tom Story, IStnatford Mr. Robert
of Trinity church on Tuesday of last
Fitzsimmons, Mr. Joseph Copia, Clin- week it was decided to do' some ea -
ton. tensive repairs to the church. The
_ work is to commence in September,
LACROSSE !SCHEDULE The committee appointedto take
Representatives from St, 'Marys, ehargo!am e Wm. J. Stinson, `F A. Ed'
Stratford and Clintonhad a meeting wards, Joseph Mossop ancLD. H. Mc -
in Stratford 'on Friday in the interests Naughton, The Senior Guild met as
the rector, on J'Ionday,-
of lacrosse. Messrs. N. Counter ane
E. Wended represented Clinton. ed the st'othe• business it: was deeid-
ethat they hold °;lunch counter on
Prospects are good for some fast the square on the Liberal-Conserva-
has been a .copular feature.
nesday-from the hoipe of Mrs. E. At.
-good. Rev. F. ILPaullconducted the
'service and interment was m'ad'e in
Bayfield cemetery, The floral trg
butes wed many : and beautiful. The
p tlibear ern were: Chris, Parker, .Jack
Pas l.er, ,Jack Howard, Walter John-
ton Ross Harrison and Walter West
lake. Those from a distancewho at-
tended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs.
Thos.liinig and family, Mr. Hugh
Harris, Mr. and Mrs E. B. FIale, Mrs.
H. Storey, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hale,
Mrs. L. B. Smith, Mrs. E. A, Feather-
ston, London; Mr. and Ms. Harola
Ring, Sarnia; Mr. Albert Vanstoae
and son Garfield of Gerrie; Mrs. Don
Harrison, Miss . Jean Harrison, Mn
Ross Harrison, Mrs. 'Earl.'McIlwain,
Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Gledhill,Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Walters, Miss Ida,.,
Oke, Mr. Ed. Walters, Mr. Jack Wal-
ters, Benmiller; Mr. W. Walter. of
rn •hie
g n and Mrs. Ada Walters of
Goderich. The Sympathy of all is ex-
tended to the bereaved ones. •
Lacrosse in this group. tive.Picnic Day.'
•St. Marys are noted as a perfect Mrs. A. G. Atkinson and Master
lacrosse • machine, ',while Stratfora Arthur returned from Detroit on the
claim to have strengthened their`team Greyhound on Thursday last.
Clinton fans can rest assured that the Mr. Geo, L. Blair of Detroit spens
boys who are doing their bit to adver- the week -end with his parents."
else the town by playing Ganada's Fishermen report good perch fish-
national game this summer will give ing off the pier this week.
a good account of their sportinanshIp. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Murray and son
The .boys need new sweaters, sticks of Detroit motored to Bayfield anti
gloves and caps and are, i)urehasing spent the' week -end with his brother,
these and they ask the public to' help Don Murray:
them keep in line with other towns : Mrs. P. Doig and family'ofLondon.
by giving their su;rport.are now occupying their summer cot
The first game of the season for tage in Lakeside Park. •-
this district, will be played on the 111'rs. W. Huber and son Ward jun.-
unlocal' ,grounds on Friday, tomorrow for of Cleveland are ,the guests of
evening, between St. Marys and Clin- .Mrs. E. Garrett. '
ton. A good game is expected ane A very large :picnic was held In
lovers of lacrosse' will attend to give Jowet't's Grove on Saturday last when
the boys a good' send off. about three hulndred members of the
`All members of theClinton Public Webster and Troyer families •assem•
school, admitted free to Friday's bled and enjoyed a good program 01'
game.- games and contests and also• renewed
The following, is + the schedule for acquaintances. Several were ,present
this „district:. ' from Toronto.
June 18 -'St. Mary's at Clinton. The comedy drama, "The Village
• 21 -Clinton at Stratford. • Lawyer," was very well presented •ne
• 26 -Stratford at St. Marys, d:he Benmiller^ Circuit' 'Club, They
were little late in comfit owin • to
9- 1" aSt. Mary's.t
• 2, C rnton t g g. -
.July 5-1Stratfbrd at Clinton. ' a mishap to one of the cars contain-
" 9•--ISt..Mary's at Stratford. ' ing members of the caste but it was
" 16 ---Clinton at-St,iViary's. ' mina enjoyed by : all those present.
" 19 -Stratford af Clinton, Several selections were given by tee
• 22--ISt•Mary's at Stratford. orchestra, also from ,Benmiller.
" 27 -St. May's at Clinton, •• The play,'"The Little Clodhopper,"
" 30 -Clinton at Stratford. will be given in the town hall. on
Aug. 6 -Stratford at St. Mary's. Wednesday evening, June 23rd by the
Teams .finishing fist and second Zurich Junior Dramatic •"Club 'under
will play`oii' for the group title. The the auspices of the Bayfield Library..
layoffs 'must be concluded by Aug.; This should be a good finish to the
18. Kg dal,.
year . but when the !Several ne v rules will be• in force' Last week brief'mention was, naug
matfor her aved' p .new a sad ;neat. ;.o ,,,:,.,m mother
up -at the rice `f t`'"
nary's motion, yin's the the way geed Wso i A y Stratford } referee will be in in the person of.Mrs. Aubrey Atwood
vigorous was; the opposition by some chal•ge•of Friday's game, of Detroit formerly Miss Lillian King,
of the members that a- Majority voted Mrs: Atwood had not had good health
not to rescind the • January motion, for some time and had undergone an
which seemed to set tle the e matter oh operation eration but was apparently making
paving' for, this year, at least .;
IHowevere there .was another' iaastion
At Victoria, Unitedchurch parson-
age, •Goderich, on June 10th, the nitre-
ridge ceremony uniting Jean, younger
daughter 'of 1VLr.s. Donald 1% cKe nzte
of G'oderieh Tp., to 'Mr ,Coin Camp-
bell of Stanley, was performed by
Rey. Selby Jefferaen. The .'young.
co a e' on a motortripLon-
don, Niagara, Toronto repel other
points. ,Ont herr rc grinthey willre
side on the groom's farm, 'Brunson
Stanley. r,• androe am
bell are very popular and they have
the 'best wishes ofthe communityfor
a long and happy future.
Mr, and; Mis, Dave Reid and Mrs.
Jas, Reid motored from Detroit Oh
•, • and spent
Saturday p .Sunday
latter's siete•• Miss ]Vola, F'ergnson,
Mrs. Jas. Reid remained withher nis-
Misses C. P. ,and J. B. Rankin of
Mount 'Pleasant, Mich., came on
a occupytheir 'cottage,
a last to
Thursday t
Y g
"Hillcrest," urin • e summer
a g
n oohs',
Furs. J. .Sherwood Wade of Sault
Ste. Marro is visiting: her aunt, Mrs.
Malcolm Toms• •
Mrs. Henry Weston, who has spent
the, past month in Detroit, returned
good progress towards recovery when
she suddenly passed to. The Great
on the minute beok,for the January -Beyond on Monday, June::= the Oth.
meeting,: reading as 'follows: "By J Lillian was well known to everyone in.
Messrs; Middleton and Livingstone,
this vicinity having" lived' here the
that the;H.uron County Council• mere- 1 greater hart of her life and it was
orilize the Pr 'viiicial Government re with very deep regret that, her many
paving the Highway; between. Clinton q friends heard of her decease As r
and Goderich, ' that the, work when nbl 1 ft t to L girl she attended the public school
undertaken be' done in one year, on hole. She-was-,aiso a regular atten-:
aocouint of -the detours caused and 1 t dant alt Trinity church Sunday school,
the. closing of the Highway during in which she also taught a class for;
oonstruetien." line, M M C p several years. As a inentier•of Trina
The`motion by Messrs. McQuaid ity church she was an energetic ane
and Henna, eeconurendirir the ,put- h t faithful' worker and also iii tonnes-
1'iii ff of the paving work is linin- d 1 v f t tion With the Junior Guild. In 1915
number foray -eight, In the mean- of this village and m,1.916 they moved
have made
t'where theyh
Brno a .cottrrct for the paving of Sive y to !Detroit,
miles: or,so of the Highway, from , their home' ever since. To this ha}ip"y
Goderich to Taylor's:Corners, has al- union were bgrnl four children, De;
ready'been let and the -work is under t phine, who .died when about the age.
way. A number of the councillors C of two, and the• three surviving., Del -
seemed to think that when a lot' o1' oris, Jimmy and Harold. Besides her,
family sur i eo
an and fan she is w v
being done Huron
paving- work was b g
1 g
'" d mother,two sin-.
the byher Father an
• r itand, H d '
have sharea,
might.:AS well a
•according to the Middleton -Lavine n tors and two•brothers Mr. and Mrs.
Eton Motion, the council thought h
wise to do the work between Clinton
�bered: forty-seven and the above is she was nnarried to Arlie Atwood, also
Mr. Arlie Atwood and Mr. and Mrs.
Thos- King family wish to thane
their many friends for their kindness
and sympathy during their sad De-'
reavement also for the beautiful floe -
al tributes and those who se' kindly
loaned their cars.
. The "following, ;copied from an Ab-
erdeen, South, Dakota, paper, refers
to the death of .a former Bayfield
resident, -which• occurred on June Oth:
•,Mrs, J
auresa •1
E eson
died at a local hospital.
at 9 o'clock Sunday morning follow-
ing an operation. ,
The deceased was born at :Bayfield,
Ontario, March 31, 1860. She move8
to Aberdeen from Goderich Ontario
I.'? 1905, and has lived here since.
She issurviyed by her husband
two. -sons, Frederick of Aberdeen and.
Wilbur of Minneapolis; a daughter
Lulu of Aberdeen; three sisters, Mrs.
John Davidson of Bayfield, Ontario,
Mrs. George Phoenix of Saginaw,
Mich., .and Mrs. Harry 'Ker, of ,Brant-
ford,,, Ontario and a brother, Fred
Ahrens of Bay City, Michigan. Mrs.
Eagleson was a member of the Meth.
odist church. '
Sorrowing "friends •, gathered iu a
synsJathetie host at tate funeral- ser-
vices for one they had so Well -be-
loved. The services were conducted
by Rev. Verne Mitchell of the First
Methodist church • and his heartfelt
words found response in the sorrow-
ful hearts of all.
A wonderful display 'of flowers at-
tested the love of many for Mrs.
Eagleson. Thepallbearers were
Messrs. Mnbbott. Jacobs, Benson,
Herschleb, Janes McI{enzie and. Wail-
ter Hays.
Loncesbt o
Rev. Mr. Snell is spending this wee;:
in, Toronto and at other points,
Mrs. (Rev.) Snell and Miss Snell
and Mrs. W. Lyon motored over to
Seaforth Wednesday afternoon.
Miss' K. Kirk of Toronto is spend-
ing her vacation with her sister, lure.
W. Lyon,
Mr. J. Fairserviee has purchasea
the evaporator here from Mr. A. As-
quith of Aulburn.
Mr.' and Mrs. A. Brundson of La.
Combe, Sask., are: at present visiting
at the home of his parents, Mr. anti
Mrs. W. Brundson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Brundson, accom-
panied by their son and daughter-rn-
law, Mr. and Mrs: A. lrundson, ane.
Mr:. -and Mrs.'H. J3rundson, Blyth'ane
Mr. Harold Adams motpred to Mount
Forest on (Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. •Moss of near Auburn
spent Sunday. at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. H. Riley:
Mr, . -Riley has: several contracts'
near ;Lucknow and is at present there .
working at them,
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman. of near
Clinton spent Tuesday at the home of
Mrs.' T, Little. .
Mr.' J. Lyon and Mr. E. Wood took
in the excursion to Detroit last week.
Mts. Goyim: ,whobaa been confined
to the' house through' a sprained hip,'
we are glad to say, is improving,, -
though slowly;'
Mr. and Mrs: E. Adams''" and lir.
and Mrs. Wan. Brigham visited at the
home of: Mr. and Mrs. T. Lawson and
Mas. J. Rapson on 'the Base• Line on
Sunday...' Mrs. 31 Rapson is ninety-
seven years old, one of the old pion-
eers, and is enjoying fairly good
health. .
Mr.' and Mrs. ,Snowden' of Toronto
visited friends here recently.,
Mrs. (Rev.).Clyesdale and Mrs. .
Harvey of Exeter called on friends
here on -Saturday:
Mr. A. Quinney and daughters,
Gerrie and Verna, spent the week-
end -with Mr. M. Braithwaite.
Dr. and M'rs. Lyon . «3 ,Stratfor+f
spent Sunday with the former's pat-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. WM. Lyon of the
Gravel Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Norinan .Garter apo.
son were Sunday visitors in'the 'vil-
lage. '
There will be soft ball practice: on
the community playground on Friday
Rev, and Mrs. Will Fingland os
Mimico spout a: few days of,last week
ithM r n l
w M . and Mrs. John F"ih and.
Mr, Perrin of Guelph spent a few
days in the'village last week.
Miss Blanche Snell,of }victoria. CoI: '
lege' is 'home for the vacation.
Miss. Esther -Lyon is visiting'her
niece Mrs. W. Gillies of is
W Niagara
, ss
Misses n Olive .nes mile and O nue Lyon have
That. King, Hilda, Shirley and Frans' returned after spending' some time xn.
Sarnia. The Palmerbt -
of,Londaniand Harold of S att
Miss Illary `L.' Little of . London is
Tuesday and the funeral, Which was visiting her parents, :Mr, and Mrs.
largely attended, took pinee on Wed- ['Thos. Little ,• of the Gravel road.
and Goderich „a11 in the »some ,year,d
remains were brought to Hayfield on
rReeve McQuaid ofMcliillop :seemed.
to,be the spearhead of the •oppositlnn,