HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-06-10, Page 8• • •
, •
•, TITU*SDA1'., JUNE 10, 1226. •
ose, u
° inond Rings
Deautiful . in design on alispray
Johnsen's •Jewellery •Si,ore. Prices
ranging from $20,00 to $100,00.
Don?t miss seeing the new style
co glass in Tea Sets anti Water Sets
Amber and Amber Trim. This•is
•the best display ever shown, in C/in7
• Graduate of Toronto, College of Optometry
Fine Jewellery itild Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store
' , . •„, -
..._ _ ... . .
Stock -lied -tiring Sale
Of Suits if •c,
4nd ::-
A 'Real
Price- a,
• I
Never before have we out so deeply int e the prices in this de-
partment, but WC are willing. to sacrifice profits entirely to lear out
our big sock 'of Ready-to-wear clothing. Our loss is your gain. Buy
your tuit orPVGEMIt TI9W tItict saye IlloneY,
Men's Fine Print Shirts, all sizes 14 to 161,fi
Odd Lines to clear at .
- 98c
Men's Fine Cambric Shirts, assorted patterns,
Reg. $2.25 and .$2.5o, to clear at
Mon' a Fine Cotton Sox, black or brown, to clear at 6 Pairs for $1.00
Men's Cotton Work Sox'a-speeial at 5 Pairs for $1.00
5.Dozen Ladies' brown Caohemerino Hose, size flifi only, regular 50e,
Sale Pries 5 Pairs for 51.00
Plumsteel Bro.
PHONE 26. • ..• -'
,,k cornea eteo'm ehe mine,
00 •'•‘'' •
It' 4 ,s
' A.shestos rock eta
shingle that's
different from all others
• Heretofore there has been only one johns -Manville
• Asbestos Shingle, distinguishable by its rock -like hatd-
• Now you can get many of the extraordinary merits of '
that famous johns -Manville rigid shingle at a reduced
price—in fact within a few cents of the cost of so-called
• composition shingles—through the introduction of
• The Slate Surfaced Asbestos Shingle
\Made, of Asbestos felt densely impregnated with asphalt
and surfaced with crushed red, green or blue -black slate, or
with feldspar which is a neutral gray; in two styles;
vjdual Shingles or four in one Strip Shingles.
PlexStene Asbestos,Shingles are mineral through and
• through and hould not be confused with ordinary com-
position shingles. Flexstone Asbestos Shingles assure
the user greater Ere safety and more years of service with
lowerupkeep cost. They are approved by Underwriters'
• Laboratories, Inc., and take base rates of insurance,
Write, call or 'telephone., We'll be glad to give yott
e,futher particulars and price8,„
0 II r el lie
' Hardware Plumbing Electric Wiring Phone 147w,
i)Let's-start 'this with a aitti.� story
and as, 'stories off times ate 'rt --"Once
upon'a time" a man to clineh bs'at-
'gm-tient as to the inthelief of the gen-
•eraf iiii,. wageredthat -lie would
offer gold guineas.for the price a \a
shilli,ug, without d-P111'ehaser' He 4:11d
so next day to pastel's by on a cr,owd;
ed street corner; withdlit making a
sale: Human nature it still the same,
That is whYwe want to show you
a four piece set of Baking or Mixing
Bowls, One each 6 -in, and
9 -in., ivory color with +blue band, will
stand oven heat Ideal for baking
and cooking, easily and, thoroughly
cleaned and with the protect -lain af
an asbestos mat can be used over
flame, all- four pieces 'for 98c.
The sanerl one is good walla at 25;,
estimate the special...VI:dna in the three:
larger ones for the balance asked.'
The very best bargain 'is where the•
_seller makes some profit and the
buyer makes more. It is so when you
buy the Our bowls for 98c.
Tfii \Fair Cow
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best -
Mr. Mervin Elliott of London was
home 'for the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs, John 'Wiseman returned -
last week froliT fortnight's visit
in Windsor. '
MISS dary MciVfurchie of Toronto is
Spending h reit Yasatiell
her home in town.
Mrs. Collier and Iittl datighter, Miss
Ruth, spent the week -end With
friends in South London,
Mrs. E. H. Wise and Miss Edna took
in the Greyhound excursion and are
visiting in Detroit andYindsor.
Mr. and Mrs, John Inglessand family
of Stratford visited Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Plumsteel over the week -end.
Mr. E. A. Warner of the Burks Falls
Arrow was in town last week, vis-
iting his cousin, Mrs, W. Younger.
Mr. James Mahaffy attended the fun-
eral of his brother, the late John
1VIahaffy of_ Hibbert on Thursday
Mr. and 52 i's. E. Mitchell and child
of Windsor have been visiting the
fernier's another, Mrs. M. Mitchell
of town. •
Ite'v. J. E. Nogg will conduct anni-
versary services .in 'toys' church,
Thames Road, west of Exeter, on,
Sunday. -
Misses Eleanor..Plinnsteel and Marion
Thompson spent the week -end as
the guests of Miss 1VIehla McElroy
qaf Blyth. -
Mis Barry Combe, who was recently
graduated from the Margaret
Eaton School, Toronto; is home for
the vacation.
Mrs.' Clement and little son, Sidney;
of Regina, .Sask., are visiting the
lady! a parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas White.
Mr. John P. Scruton and bride of
Windsor spent the week -end with
the former's mother, Mrs. John'
Scruton of town.
Miss Lillian Roberts. of Windsor
came over on the Greyhound on.
Monday and is spending the week
at the helm of her uncle, XT. G. E.
Mr- and Mrs. Orville Jenks and lit-
tle son and Mrs. Kniffen of Detroit
motored over last 'week and are,
guestsaat the home of Mrs. Jenks'
• parents, Mr, 'and Mrs. 16. Ward,
Rev. 12. B, Hawkins of Blyth was in'
town on. Friday. He came, down to
• hear. the Rev.. M. Robinson, mis-
sionary, from Sanan, who spoke in
'St. Nun' church on Frklay even:-
Mr. M. G. Ransford was in Prescot
iast,week. .He 'off there on Sons -
day evening, drove right through
the night, made a stop of three
hours in Toronto on Monday and,
st• 2 drive on home, arriving home Mom:
• ve,
Mrs, 'Acheson and • Miss Brunel' of
• Toronto have been visiting during
the past week at the home- of the
fornier!s nephew, Mr. Z. A. Ford.
former's nephew; Mr. J. A. Ford.
On their return td Toronto Mrs,
Ford. and Miss Jean accompanied
Mrs and IVIrs, 11, H. Campbell and
• their three little sons of Columbia,
• Ohio, who were oft a motor thin to
•visit relatives at - Cleveland, Buffalo;-
Hamilton and • Ititehener, spent a
• Couple of davai as the guests„of Mr.
and Mrs. facto •Crich:• Mr. Campbell
being a brother of Mrs. Crieh,
Bev. Dr, Mark Rumba of Morcitni,
Mem, silent a fewolayt during the
nag week as the guest 'a alis sis
Jars Miss G. ,11,11111bO1ls iVizr, W.
Pickard 8,21d1VitS. J. A.„Ford,, D.
itimahall was 'ieu. laic, way to the
'Councii, of.. the 1initd
r Ohutoh•of Canada, v:•111c1,1 is Meet,-
' hag in Mentreal this week, ,,,.,.,
" .
So many tf-iiirigs happen in 3 -Line. .
:e hai:Te allthenewest fruits we cap secure, for the wedding
bottle 50c
olives, i;ott16 .
.' 1P)iinaliennOtives;
Olives„, large, stuffed arld_plaiii '
' - cakes. NewDates, A, Raisins, etc
For Luncheons, O 0 iiciiii,e4kel ib. 45c,,,
• . • - •
20d arid 40c , , 11
, -11•Jrilthld cake wing for e' • -
'bottle ,
For June Parties,' Bazaars and all the other Wedding Anniversaries we have Fresh Strawberries Cia;)y and
tbey are getting
, • ,, , - New r omatoes, k,ucumoers and Lettuce
i •,, . •
.-a, r, • 1 • 1 '
Fruit Salad; all ready for use, per tin 35c and 40c. • Fruit in glass.' Apex quality
. • '
Peaches Pineapple, Pears Strawberries, per jar 50c . ;•
aqc5r, Cheese, oxue or s Pimento, Cream and ra t
• .0'1\1il's 'Washing Soap,.6 bars for 25c. • Flexo Washing Flake., pkg. 25c, -
• •t ,. WEEK•END SPI Spoq9 and Marshmallow cakes 25c and 30c
' r . 3' ilbS. GoOd Rice' ioi . : . . . . , .. , ...... . . .... ... . . . 25c Ip , pl ,
: . Good Pink Salnion, large slier 25e Shelled Walnuts, • lb. . 48c
6 for 25e , '- Our Own Baking Powder, per tin 18e
Toddy, per till ..',-, ...... - , 40e ' Shredded Cocoanut, per lb. .•.....,, ... . . , ..... ... „. 29c
:S: 0. S- Cleanser, per pkg.
15e *- Golden Bantam Cern, per tin , ..... ........... .. .... 20c
.• 2 for 25e.
Palm. Tree Soap
Special price on Sugar, by the bag ( Cash )
Fresh Salmon Trout, Tuesdays and Fridays
Coupon Pony Votes given away-wipi.a:11 eash purchasesand accounts paid
We will be open Thursdifevenings during Band Concert Season.
In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. giadly Order Early
W .To O'Neil ''
I Phone'
. Servic; 0 41
Where " for less" price prevails.
"P. ._••=1-7--• ..--7----
Art 0 .. 1
t —
YOUR PART—Call 125w or 125j for your need
OUR PART --„Prompt Attention—Quick Service -:--Quality Goods and
Courteous Treatment,
Grape Fruit—Oranges—Lemons—Bananas--Pineapples
New Cabbage—Lettuce—Green Onions -Texas Cooking Onions
A Full Line of the 'Finest Quality Groceries at Popular Prices
Variety and Quality to Suit the Taste of thb Most Exacting
Slain Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J.
People You -Know"
Mrs. James Mellturehie, who has been
visiting in Toronto, hat returned
Miss Miriam Scruton attended the
'Plodding of her brother in London
laSt week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker left this
Week on a motor trip to Toronto
and Kingston.
Miss RubS, Irwin was in London last
week for a few days.
Miss Emma Higgins of the Colleg-
,iate Institute staff, Guelph, spent
the 'week -end at her home in town.
Miss'Annie Judd returned Monday af•-
.tert a week's visit with her sister,
Mrs. N. W. Rymer of Niagara Fat,
,Mr. Joe Higgins -left last week' for
Hamilton, having 'taken a position
Or -the summer vacation period.
• with the Westinghouse Electrical
52r. T 5'. GillieSand •little Miss Mar-
: ion -and a little friend df -Kit7chener
sent the week -end as tlie guests
of-Mag;istrate ',S. J. and Mrs. And-
Ir.,and Mrs. W. R. Alexander, ,Mr.
and, Mis. Roy• Alexander ,and Nor-
' maAlexarider of Pinkerton, and
• My. and Mis. Jane a Wilson of
Paisley Were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
• W. Wilson of town over the week-
• end,
Miss Carol Evans went over on the
, .Greyhound excursion and is attend-
• ing the graduation \of her coueins,
•Misses• Mary and Katherine 'Evans.
at Ann Arbor, tomorrow: She will
spend a forthight with, friends in
Michigan. • „
Mr. and Mrs. 12.16. Rorke' and Mrs. D.
.11. Cunningham. motor to St. Thom-
' as this afternoon to attend the
• commencement eoncert in connec-
tion with Aima .College, which
takes place this' evening. The
graduation exercises take 'place
• next Tuesday, when Miss 'Dorothy
Rorke will be.a graduate.
Mr. and Mrs. Ttreal Taylor of Lon-
don spent a few days last week as
the guests of the latter's father,
Mr. James .Steyens of .Clinton. Mr.
• and IVIrs. Taylor have jiist returned
from, a five -months' trip to Europe.
A.,good part ol the time they spent
in South France but they 'visited
Italy, ISwitzerland, Scotland and
Engilancl. IVIr, Taylor had the plea -
euro of spending some Eine in
Yorkshire, where he was born, and
preached in the little chapel at
Husthwaite,. where as a child he
attended Sunday school, Mr. and
Mrs. Taylor went up to Edhiburgh
the ;aay before the trains Stopped
inlining.wherthe big strike was on•
They intended Sailing from Glasgow
but, owing to strike, conditions
their plans . were ehanger. They
wine on the En'Oiress of Scotland.
They saw Lohdoiduring the strike,
when the streets were jammed -with
traffic, but no •sign of anything in
the shape of mob or riot, Mr. and
Mrs. Taylor thoroughly enjoyed
their visits 'to the spots of histor-
ical interest in the different coun-
tries visited but are glad to be
..baek home in Canada. ,The Tay-
lors come to Clinton on May 24,
1872, and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor ar-
rived home from this jaunt on May
24th last.
Come Bogs and Girls
To the Candy Booth at the Presby-
terian Bazaar on Mrs. (Dr.) Shaw's
lawn an • .
The booth will -inelude Lucky Pies,
Balloons, Boxes and Bags
Candy from 5 cents up.
Crime to the Candy Bariver,...1tine lith
Kindly leave donations of candy at
Miss McDonald's millinery store or
at Mrs. M. D. MeTaggart's. 60-2.-p
cc la
Furl -loges Lead
It Saves One Ton of Coal in Seven
Call in and get a price on that
furnace you are thinking of installing
this year, or •prepare for cold weather
by huving your old ono overhauled
during the summer months.
Phone 244 and leave your order and
we will look after your work for you,
Phone 244
We Furnish the Home
from Cellar to Attie
We can supply you with almost anything necessary for the
home. Let us give you estimates on- I, Bathroom or Plumbing, Roof-
ing or Eavestroughing.
Coal Oil Stoves or Ranges, Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors and
Screen Windows at Real PrIces.
As usual we have a large stock of Furiliture for the Same Brides
to select from. We would ask you to call and inspect our stock, we
know we can suit you both in assortment anal price, and we will
make prompt delivery to any address.
Clinton Hardware -and FurnitureCo
Furniture Phone: 104 •Hardware 195
Illy Son's Suit
te .
"First, because I want quality—and. I've learned frosn past ex-
perience that I always can he mare of getting it at Davis and Her-
man's. les GUARANTEED. Their materials are always of the
finest grade ---perfectly woven, flawless 'in every reSpeet, designed to
withstand long and hard usage,
"And...price—well, I've never ^been able to figure out just how
that gore can -offer such 'wonderful suits at so low price! They
are always far below what one expects to pay for such smart suits
--and much lower than they could get for them. Naturally, that
point appeals to iny good shopping sense. I get quality, style, and
low plate. --,-what more does one want!"
Davis & Herman
immnmiftememme lalwpmwifateloaneam
• Spot Cash for Eggs and Poultry
• Quallip Counts •
• We are, in the market for Eggs a'id Poultry all seasons of
the year, prepared to pay top prices for top quality.
• „. 94 per cent of Farmer's eggs received last week graded"
Extras and Firsts. -
- GUNN- LANGLOIS &Co: Limited
Clinton Branch open each day from 7 a.m. to 6 pan.
Write, Phone or call for any further information you require