HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-06-10, Page 5• .1 a SI c - en,. it atter t aa . - In jaz"it • " a'C1Q1int c hid o rev, o posits oar 4vings first, We . • never buy anything unleis we have the cash to pay for it and each year bur savings are groWing." A Joint Account in the name of htisband and wife allows the wife to deposit or -withdraw money tduring her husbanci'd absence or when he cannot get to the bank during business hours. • A SavingAccount for the children will' teach them the value of keeping their money, thus helping them to form the habit of sa.ving. • d Clinton Branch - R. E. Manning, Manager 44 Miss .Cetil McLeod returned on 'Monday, after spending several weeks in Detroit. • Mrs. Trebiloock and Mrs. Walsh and little Miss Margaret Walsh of • London are 'occupying the formers • cottage in Lakeside Park. Dr. and "Mrs. E. W. Garrett and •family of Cleveland eame on Sunday to Rabt. Heard'e cottage, where they intend spending the summer season. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. .Sauder, Miss cavearm • I two heart that beat as. one". We have met .together to spend a social hour and to extend- to you both our heart- iest good -wishes for future happiness and prosperity. We shall miss Martha from our church and social gatherings and we extend a hearty welcome to both of you to be with us as, often as possible. To express our esteem and appreciation M a tangible way we ask yeti to accept 'these gifts with the best wishes from your friends at St. James church, Middleton, and from the members of the A. Y. P. A. Wan. Wise, 'S. G. Middleton." - Betty and blaster Bobby Sander. and . AVIiss Ruble Fisher were week -end guests of their aunt,.MTS. P. A. Ed- wards. • Mr. T. T. Brown spent the week- ' end in Arlcona. The Beraniller Circuit Club will present "The Village Lawyer" in the • treat hall en Friday, June llth,,under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the United chureh. The Club ,.presented a play hererlast year, which was very much enjoyed by all who hoard it. • Large congregations were present at St. Andrew's United church Sun- day morning and evening. The Rev. E. McL. Smith of Weston was the • preacher for the day with the pastor, .Rev.- H. Kennedy, conducting the serviees. Mr, ,Smith, representing the Ontario Prohibition Union, delivered 't a very hnpressive discourse, setting forth the present situation in the province as to the liquor traffic and :the relation of the Christian thurchto the same. A subscription to the amount.ef , thirty dollars :was re- • ,ceived in support of the Prohibition fund, The Misses IVIusselman assist- ed the choir in the morning and sang .a very beautiful duet. In the even - Mg the local choir sang speludidly, the duet being taken by Miss Jean McKenzie and Mr. Robert.Reid. The Y. P. S. .held the last regular meeting in the basement of St. And- rew's church on Friday evening last, 'when the meeting took the form of n -social, It was decided: to hold a beach party on Friday, June 25th. An Ma.' proinptu program was given, consist. • . ing of violin selections by Harold Scotehmer, eolos by 'Miss Jean Mc - 'Kenzie and Miss ,Lucy • Wfootle: and a reading by • Miss avf. Howell, after which there' was a contest and games were played, just beftere lunch the president, eN1r, Harold Scotehmer, called the :meeting -to order and read • a shortaddress to Miss Jean Mc.: Kenzie after which she was presented with a library table by • Messrs. Brown Stewart and John Watson, on ,behalf of the members of the Young ,People's Society. The citizens of Blyfield were great- ly shotketf on Monday to hear of the • decease of Mrs'. A. Atwood of Detroit, 'formerly- Miss Lillian Xing. The funeral took place from the home. of 'Mrs. Elizabeth Atwood or Wedees- day. • Mts. W. IL Shannon and Mise 'Gladys Shannon of Toronto and Mm. ,Le Ro'y Hi1s and MM.. F.'g.,1 Jen- nings of -London are occupying the fernier's eottage in Lakeside Park. A Liberal -Conservative picnic is to • be held on 'June 3rd on Gregor • 'Square, When 'it is expected that •'Prettier Ferguson and.. other promin. • ent nionbers Will give addresies. • A program of sports, etc., is be- kng planned. Be sure and come to "Bayfield on thatfdate. -' 'Messrs. Armstrong, Needles, Mor- • ley,....Aawkine, Stanley, 'Knechtel and Smythe el the Canadian Goochieh'Co., C. Euteell'and F.Ttrwin of Merchants Printing Co, •Ken Burroughs of the, • Bank of Montreal of Kitchener were • guests at the Albion en.Sattraclay 'and. •.Sundey >While on a fishing trip. 00derAeh Tevionti;hiin :Misses Ethel and Grace :Stirling at-' . • tended a concert at .Leeburn on Fri..' • , „day eveiang: • Miss Lillian Potter has .reeigned as • • 'teacher of S. S. No. 9, after four 'years!. of very effitiont, tervice. The • "trustees are advertising Ter a teacher. , , Zie.n;1 Mrs. Warwick Cole' and lit- "Ele-son. df Detroit )stre-sferiding 16;,\;. ....weeks with the fernier's parents; lair-, •;and Mi•s. Peter, Cole. •. . •• On ,Friday evening 'last. the mem- hers .ox St. Paul's church„ Middleton • and the A. met at the home "of Mr. W. 14. Johnston, Huron Road, 'to wish good luck and present Mr. and • :IVIrs.'Ernest Ellwood with abeautiful.: ' table and ell'eir. 'After the opeekttat-' 'ion a vety pleasant evening M. game eend music wae spent: • .f;pi I g. the, address: " ."' " •' "To "Mr: and Kro,..Ellwead: Gra be- • ' half 'of' your Intends assembled here •' to -night, it becomes, my pleasant duty „ . to remind you that we eve no forget- luVol the fact, that y,oubaveleundhed. Outupon the ada of Matrimony "Ae Marriages MeCOOL.-JAGO--At St. •Paul's rec- tory, 'Clinton, on June 3rd, by the Rev. L. C. Harrison, Dorothy Flor- ence, dauiliter of. Mr. and Mrs. W.` Tagb, of 'Clinton, to Frederick Carl McCool, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lianc McCepl' of Hullett. TIOLLANDCOOKE — At Ashfield parsonage, on June 7th, by the Rev. Mr, Dickinson, Bertha May Cooke, 'youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Cooke, of Ashfield, to Bruce, Henry Holland of Ashfield, young - son of Mr. and Mrs. George Holland of Clinton. SCRUTON—HOUGH—At London; on June Sth'by the Rev. A. C. Cum- - mer, -rector of 'Christ -Church, Lon- don, Nellie Whaneta, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hough of Thorndale, to John Franklin Scruton, only son of Mrs. John Scruton of Clinton. MAY—PFAFF—At Central United' church, St. Thomas, on June 2nd, by the Rev. Robert Hicks, Alice Pfaff, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pfaff, of Exeter'to C. Hedley May, son of Mr. ancl Mrs, Joseph May, of Usborne. Births RAPSON In Clinton Public 'Hos- pital, on June 3rd, to Mr, and Mrs. Ira Rapson, of Hullett, a son. VANCAIVIP—Iii Morris, on May 27th, to Mr. and lairs. Vancamp, a son. GILL—In Tuckersinith, on May 31st, toMrNitral Mrs: Sam Gill, a son, Death AXON—In Clinton, on June 341. Is- ' ahella Patterson, widow of the late Frederick Axon, aged 75 years and 6 months. HAYES-1n Clinton, on June 8th, Mary Tebbutt, widow of.the late George Hayes, aged; 75 • years 2 months and 6 days. MORRISON—In McKillop, on May 81st,Jane Armstrong, relict of the late Francis Morrison, aged 88 years and 3 months. PLA The 4 -act play "Valley, Farm" will be presented by the Youeg People. of Union 'Church isi Holinesville United church on FRIDAY,. JUNE 18th •'12 in Cast COME AND ENIOY, THIS PLAY Adetission 35c and 25c STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL • Don't forget the garden party and • strawberry festival to be given by:, the' Ladies' Aid of 'Burns' elturdh in the sehifol grounde of S. No. 6' (Ilarlock) Hullett, osc June 25th sup - .per commencing at 6 p.m.' -Good pro- gramme will be given as the services of the coinie singer,' Mr. H. McGee, also those of an excellent elocatiorast haveabeen secured. The Clinton Ka- tie Band will be iic attndance. 61-2. Plain Sewing Orders taken and promptly filled for plain seiNag, • including lingerM, aprons, children's clothing. Also or- ders taken for fancy work. Mrs. Wm; Shipley, Townsend street. 61-2-p • Tenders Wanted Sealea tendere for.the cement work of a bridge b'etween Lott 15 and 16, con. 5, also •one on Con. 4, opposite Lot 33, Goclerieh township, will be 'to- ceived .by • the undeesigned np to Monday,. June 21st, . Plans and specifications may be seen at ny office after Monday, Jene 14t1). R. Ge•ThOmpsore Townshin tlerk. 61-2 Grass Perm to Rent , p.in We 1is 6410a4;'°f, Off il.fplcar. at '1"'s.rkiiiPlile" drices.„ • ndrevfi &Howes -Pborie-.33w • • 61-1, '••••04RD PP`I't/ANKS•' 4131, Robert D, •Mag -401r and fagn4 with er...geress theft appteciatien for , the kindnes-s and .synipathY shewri, them by 'the* neighhors.:and friende ''in their' time of .'deepeet porroti and bereavement. •. • - •Monster Picnio •The Liberal -Conservative AseoeMtion •of 'Western Ontario • Conjunction with • The Liberal-Chneervittive Association • of Huron County will hold a wionster basket pionic-at • BAYFIELD .•Wed., June '23 : • AT' ONE O'CLOCK' SPEAKERS OF THE DAY WILL BE HON. G.'110WARD FERGUSON •K.C., M.L.A. llrime Miniter of 'the Province, of • Ontario HON. W H. PRICE LL.B., M.L.A. Treasurer of the Province' of Ontario 140N. CHARLES McCREA K.C., M.L.A. Minister of Mines of the Privince of 'Ontario ' PROGRAM OF SPORTS will continence at one o'clock, Among which will be a Soft 'Ball Match,:„Baby Show, and a special prize Will .be awarded to the oldest Conservative on the grounds; also a seecial prize for the largest Conservative family in attendance. BAND IN ATTENDANCE • mat Hot water supplied free of charge. No charge for parking autos, EVERYBODY WELCOME • "GOD SAVE THE KING" PRESIDENTS,— A. A. Ingram Chas, Middleton George McKee Dr, James Armstrong Peter W. Scott SECRETARIES— Gordon M. Reid Robert Higgins • II. 3. A. McEwen • Dudley Holmes, sr. Dudley Holmes 61.2 Teacher Wanted Experienced teacher, capable of taking up continuation work, for S. S. No, 9, Goderich township. Duties to commence Sept, lst. Applications received up to Monday, June 21st, personal applications preferred. D. N. Welsh, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield, Sec - Treasurer. 61-2. TOWN OP CLINTON . By -Law No. 7 for 1926. " TAKE NOTICE that it is the -in- tention of the Municipal Council of the Town of Clinton to pass a By-law entitled "By -Law No. 7 for 1926 of the Town of Clinton. "A By-law to stop en a portion of Bond street and also Gross -Street and Centre Street in the Town of Clinton." The said by-law :has had its first eand second readings and it will be finally considered at the 'fleeting of Council to be held . at the Council Chamber, Clinton, on Monday, the 5th day of July, A.D. 1926, at the hour of 8 o'clock. . All .persons interested are required to attend at sucli meeting and make known their objection, if any, to the said By-law. Copies of the said By- law may be seen at the Clerk's Office „during office hours in the interval. Publiehed by order of council` D. L. MaephersonrClerit, .61-4 Maid Wanted A competent general Servant want- ed. Apely, Mrs., E., C. James, 850 Wirterloo street, London, Ont. 61-1 Tire Lost On Saturday, June 5th, • on Tele- phone road or Bayfield road, between 7th con. Goderich townehip and Olin; ton, a rim, tire- and cover. Finder kindly leave at Star garage, Clinton, or phone -3 on 608, •Clinton central - 61-1-p • 'Resting the Eyes Will Net Prevent Eye Strain If it is caused by an error of vision.' alt isn't Work that hurts such eyes. 'It' FS their 'inabiliky to 'netts titelight that, enterthenti' If Yhti'aelt •What will evevente skicheee,eendition—there is but one answer—glasses, ' Glasse/ made esp'eeially fOr.the patient alter' careful examicurtion. Oar', service promises • accureey And Satisfaction. W. H. Hellyar, -Opiemetriek„., Clinton-, Olgt. , Seed'13116V1iAlitl-Of Aal.)entity;lal -0-i*einiOltwhat ler ,seed. Thi'S. ; ditl :net' get any rein • last "fall.l.!Alh'ely.' R. R. 'Sloan) Bayfield. 'Phone 15-r-600. . 60-2 4TOUSe,,Fer Nine.itoonted•two-StordY ,beick tap, electric lights and town water,. good stable,„one half acre- of land. 4111-cl good Orchard, also far -sited garden,' Apply to •0,edege OriteriP, street, east.''' " 60-8 Grass ,farm„ l,set 2, Cora 13, lItillett •, • •. .„, townshier 11 nee rented eattle.. ' ' Potatoes for Sale • he taken to pasture, 3. 14.• WheatleyQuantity of early New Yorker •RL R' Np, 1, lyb1s.' 'Ph •23--18 aced, .potatoes: • Apply to el-T.13.n- -Blyth Central.•• 61:1;n. "•• eddin Ph0Ip ,..*.e snake a.""l'aPP°1 p1 'Weddolg .,0eePes.t)7Clt'el-Qq‘'litQtA.1.e.;;1:iEr''..:::!..:'':'4!'''''' ,:por ?,a'./. • ..;.,.„. ii .oi.xiee,.004,,00;,0i.,.4,$,..f; .".'„iiitcle,nk nor '.$So .10, •„,„: .S7:::,.'.10:A''9;(1:7,7P'tt:':'::11:17‘01P.::::::h::,: ,i,.,..,,...Hpiltg,t',.. 943,9,. sare'.'•;"..te.:.,,,i,i.."1,.: ii41:is.H;tip#elco'illld.ji...?":?3't!r),,..1'.1'.7„,', '''IVIa10.11 PA9.''tii* i''' qt.*':11.4,1rs, .-.1t.'.enr.Worle ie,satkelett',..gly,.:.:„..,...... ;,11LiigesS,-.13.ceitintrt„Sind0',:'..,t'-f,'':h. iviitoFfOti,'4$D,;•Otirriro.,.:. Bruce' Line Transport Daily sdrVice to Lucan, 11:tete• Hen - sail, BaYfield, Clinton and Goderich • All goods insured while' in transit Lodal and Long, Distance' Hauling COITLBREDGE ksTp,"IvEsTON , , • '06 ma Street, London RATES REASONAL3LE Ordei•s left w11,11 W. 3. Nediger, Clinton, proMptly attended to, Phone 98, Clinton. 56-5-p • • Varni Bargain 190 4..cres Colborne township, 11,e; miles from •Holmesviille, 5 iniles fpm Clinton. Two comfortable frame houses, barn 40x75, stone stabling, all le good •condition. Gond land, 3 acres fine orchard. Good water supply, rural mail and phone. ... The biggest bargain in farm prop- erty on the market and must be sold at an early: date. Inspection invited. Immediate Possession • Price $5000 • Write .or Phone A. D. SUTHERLAND Real Estate, Insurance and Bonds Seaforth, Ontario — Phone 152 60-2 FAT HENS • WANTED Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each.weelc. • W. Marquis Phone 21-638 The Base Line 60-tf Upholstering and Remodelling Our beautiful lines of Tapestry and other coverings are making a hit. We have at present some remnants suit- able for an odd chair; also some full suite 'size pieces Whith will go at special prices during this month. Bring along your shabby Suite or Odd Piece And We Will Make It Like New Pinnies Repaired or Refinished; also Reupholstered Or Covered as required. Repairs or Alteratioes to all lines of ' Furniture • Orders Oaken for crating SHOP— • Opposite Ontario • Street Church Shed Clinton — hPone 95 06-2-p . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Christena MeDermid, Deceased a Notice is herby given that all per- sons having claims against the es- tate of Christena McDermid, late of the town of Clinton in the County of H•uron, widow, deceased, who died on Or about the 5th day of January, A.D. 1926, are required to deliver to Charles McGregor, the administrator of the said estate or his solicitor, on or before the lath day Of June, A.D. 1926, a full statement of tleir claims, together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the sectrities, if any, held by them all duly verified by af- fidavit.• ' And Take Notice that after the said last mentioned date the said adminis. Mater will proeeed' to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to 'such claims as he shall have received due notice "and in ac- cordance therewith, Dated at Clinton:Ontario, this 27th 4.1fty of May, A.D.1926. W. II3rydone, Clinton;,;°Marie, Sol- icitor for -the- said Administrator. .•., House For Sale . A nine room frame house. on Rain. cess street an irs • 'e ass eon ion he6aitittnrto omcellar, umaeret,e deerteri c light, Apply. to E. •, ••„,59-3 • Bittlulay •Perty and Bazaar - The '0,fele' ,Club of .'Wesley -Willie church will .116111 a Birthday. Patty iand •Bazaar ore .the evening of Friday, June 18th, at 8 o'elock in, the Sehool Kadin. 2,Beetbs ,ere behlge,arranged •'•foi.-• Oleg hale'..fril lfeene:Iiiade heolting, candy, aprons, as Well 'as a.konelealted- • take booth. Luneh.will also ib e served, and:during' the evening.. several' Mud - 'ea' numbers will he "rendered. Come aud enjoy a pleasant and -prefitablP evening' -with • the inetribers of the Club. • . , Cheese; for Sale ' Cheese for „sale lit 10 lb. lots or more aey thne, preoent,price 23,1, lb. W, Lobb, president 'and salesman, R. R. No. 8, Clinton.,•• 40-tf” "• , Ohithee 0.:31eanee „end Pressed Clothoe cleaned preseed -And' rtg, nalted Woolen goods dry 'Cleaned Rooms over:„ Heatd's barber shell. kine, 3D. R. 3, Phalle, gg-010,J':08.:3,-p. " .• ..e..egetj • „, rk" BU1IAZ k4 ri €.)11., pr t• • 00'r 4.1 cl,46 • u• 1'; 6yeu , ;;:;I the price •ig • • • . ,f high Ts4Se a:7 anta • e"ejrF. es. • -"t 10,11.1 egy)tt giaducg i01 • please yott-i/ -Lten"take 'care ,at • !, „,, „:•• • ANI. phones—Office, 214j Riaidence, 214* • , Clinton=Motor .Truck • and Machine Co. and,Tulies , Patching Material Storage Batteries - Battery Repairing and Charging Gasoline; Oil and Grease Auto Assessories and Repairing FORD COUPE FOR SALE 1924 ncode1aIn good running, order • Repainted Examiner Sor applicants for chauffeur's licenses W. J. Nediger Manager • • •- You Are Liable To become involved in a suit for 'damages to persons or property while driving your car upon the eereets;the highways or byways,' LET US PROTECT YOU We will assume all liability for in- jury to yourself or the public. To your car or that of the other fellow. AT' SMALL COST We will gladly furnish you with all particulars IR. E RORKE Licensed Agent for Life, Fire, Authmobile, Accident and Sickness, Public Liability and all other lines of insurance PHONE 253w SUGAR. Sugar and Butter, "Best Sellers" in the Grocery trade are only two of hundreds we carry ready to fill your order at a mohiefit's notice. Every- thing we buy for you must be the best and it must- be priced to save you money. 4 SPECIALS THIS -WEEK a Matches 3 boxes for 33c 3 lb. Pail Lard for Brocens, each . . 39c 2 lbs.,Baby Puffed Raisins) 29c '2 lbs. Valencia. Raisins 29c ALWAYS—A good stock of Fresh, Clean Dairy Butter. L. LAWSON & CO. USE OUR SERVICE Phone 111 • Clinton's gilitnifit, SHE POEsM' HUBBY WILL EaoW E EATING AT THE CLOB Whether you're a' newly-wed or a married person of years'. standing. • Even FE you're not married at all— You know that sometimes "the kit- chen range gets so contrary that you can't eook a thing ,fit' to eat on it Ws very probably the lault el the fuel ,you're Let the He Heat Folks feniali yha with the proper diet /or year range. Then WEI eh your cooking improve, • ,C foie good, dean.coal : • . . . , " I1 r. . . ' COAL COMPANY . , . .., I'llONE 74s• peciabl Window for ecia1........ will pay you to wteh • 111.er flardwai?e, Co: Deming and McCormick Agency Rowlandls Old Stand • TELEPHONE 53 ; CHI-NAMEL STORE , • Elabg Chicks'-- • . • S. C. W. LEGILORNS $15.00 per hundred for May $13.00 per hundred for June BARRED ROCKS $18,00 per hundred for May •$1.6.00 per hundred for June - Custont Hatching 5c per egg . INGLENOOK POULTRY YARDS • E. J. ihrevtraiiila HOLMESVILLE, ONT. Phone 611-r-22 •67-tf • SEEDS Years of expeziende have gone in- to the selection of our stock as to quality and price. We have a com- plete line of Tithothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, Red Clover, White and Yellow Sweet Clovers. All seeds grown in Ontario and specially selected for hardiness. Car load of Bran, Shorts: and Pur- ity Flour expected daily. Special prices. - J.. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers . F. R. DARR:QIN ' BARRISTER will be at his office in Clinton each • MONDAY From 3 to 6 p•.m. 30-tf. COAL — Having erected new coal sheds'will have on hand full stock of coal Tor immediate delivery."- Prices reason- able, Also a quantity of dry maple -Mod. R. J. -MILLER Orders taken at residence, phone 119 COAL Stove and Nut Coal, Coke, Soft Coal and Kennel Coal Also Some Wood t E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Street, Ladies' Attention I aril prepared to do first class re- pair work for all makes of Sewing Machines. Also a full stock of Needles, Belts and Parts for all makes Sole Agent for the Singer I W. GLEN COOK Phone 171J P.O. Box 201, Clinton 09 Dependable Shoes When you buy a Pair of shoes the first consideration should be quality. Quality in shoes is not in the grade of leather used only, it includes good Shoemaking, The Shoes we sell have always had a reputation for good wearing qualities. They. are Always Dependable because of the high quality of leather used and Superior Shoemaking. The true test of Shoe Valpe is not in the first cost, but the Eitel cost—not 'what they cost per pair; but what they cost per year. It is,upon this simple test of value that the success of our Shoe business is based. •.ta..; Our New Spring Lines Show Very Attractive Prices Ladies' goods ranging from $2.50 to. $5.50 ' Men's inee from $3.50 to $7,50 Super Qualities ranging as high as $10.50 TI • FRED jACKSON The Big Shoe Store , Opposite the Town Hall C. FL VENNER,'Eleetrieian • Electric IRAnges, Fixtures, bulbs, Irons, Fans and other - Appliances Wiring and ttepairs. 40/10011/01. nomelirsoMERIONCE.111•111.• Phone 151w Instead of Fragile Glass use Unbreakable EL -0 -GLASS After years of calmful caperimenting in the laboratory, and after severe peactical tests, scientists have reported another remarkable discovery. They have found an unbreakable, economical substitute dor, gips. .Ithas all and more of the advantages of glass, but none of • its dis'adyantages. This wonderful material is known as Ce1=0-Glase. CetwOmG16158 is not a Ciolh Do not confuse Ce1-0-Glass with other glass substitutes. Many of these are merely;eloth dipped in wax. Cel.0,Glass is a strong, derable prodect. It is Composed of a wire netting, enclosed in a clear, transparent material. • This material is tough spud 'will -not become brittle. Cell -CP -Glass is light, easy to handle, and it can be used in - light, inexpensive frames. It is air -tight,. waterproof,' weather proof, • and rustproof, having been thoroughly tested against severe' rain, snow,,and hail siorms.. keepe the, heat in and the coid out better than glaas. Extreme cold does not affent it and it will .stand a tem- perature of over 400 degrees Pahretheit. •har esworth