HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-06-10, Page 4WINSEaraniagl KEEN lottrentgEMZEMANEM 'T1rURSDAV,' JUNi1.10, :19261_: fr; QllniQil ; ,ale 3.^iti"a'.al;d COOP "+•ar' ' STORE NEWS osier Made for men,"Women and Children in 'pure thread silk, silk ansa wool combination, Ray- on silk Mercerized Lisle and cotton Summer styles, Popular shades; Lochs Stitch, to prevent run Reinforced toe, heel and sole. Ia' ° 7 V °=. The ams IMP es No Better Value .in Canada. A new and complete line now on display A. T. .0 0P CL1NTON as ads.• - •- Clinton's • l s cal Instrument Representative resentative See or Gall j T. J. r.-' I L Dealer in all Musical Instruments Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton Net Profit from the Estimated.Annalal N ' Operation of a Douthitt Spray Process Milk Powder Plant (Based on an Average of 40,000 lbs. Whole Milk psi Day) With a whole milk creamery handling an average of only 40,- 000 pounds of milk daily, averaging,4 per cent. butterfat, yoil would have a total of 14;600,000 pounds of whole milk nor. year, whirl skimmed tp 35 per cent. cream for churning, would give you 584,000. pounds of butterfat, or 718,320 pounds of butter, based on a 23 per cent. overrun, and leave a total of ;12,896,180 pounds of 'liquid skim . mils, which should give you 1,100,666 pounds of 'sldni milk powder. You would also have 1.419,820 pounds of liquid buttermilk, which should give you 100,874 ,gottnds'of dried buttermilk. • • ANNUAL GROSS RETURNS • 718,820 lbs. Butter at40e.... $287,328.00 1,160,656' lbs. Skim Milk Powder at l0c 116,065.00 100,874 lbs. Buttermilk Powder at.9c 0,070.•60 $412,464.16 LESS 'RAW MATERIAL COST 14,600,000 lbs. whole milk testing on the average of 4 per cent. butterfat at $2.00 per cwt. or 292,000.00 50c per lb. butterfat Annual Gross Profit $120,464.16 • LESS M,ANUFACT_URING COST 718,320 lbs. butter at 3c $21,550.00 1,261,440 Ibs..Skint Milk and Buttermilk Powder as follows: 788 tans coal at $6.75: .. ... $5,310.00 169,820 K.W. hours electricity at 11,frc 2,647.30 4,862 hours Firemen's time at 60e 2,911.20 1 Foreman at $275.00 per month Y3,300.00. 1 Night man at $150,00 per month 1,800.00 1 Cleanup man (8 hrs. per day) $100 a month 1,200.00- 6,807 barrels with liners' at $1,50 ..•. 9,460.50 $26,538.00 Incidentals $3,000.00 Depreciation 4,000.00 Overhead r . 4,000.00 Royalty • . 12,814,40 Annual Net Profit ``$23,614.40 $71,702.40 $48,761.76 $48,761.76 would be equivalent to a net profit of 33.4c per cwt. of whole' milk or 8.4e per lb. of butterfat. • Wo\ LI:GR` iia Alvin 1C I canard, oiy, on. ofr idrsh •r s Tx ancl 'r'S1t ,, Fred 1 eonax.il of v7,n-' 'a, " M U 1 d t 1` ' C h ty-six i year, re OF MRS. 1, A1lON• lir torr bra 'occurred iii C t , of 1si Iglu e lad Axon ,• lasi wielc reaiiived :at Convoca=not I Hflli, Toronto, the degree: of i town, iii her:• I Hi tl Sl t f. Ar c,• trijm the IJ?nvea sity'. had •been m 6he habit of spending^• the of 'T xdnto toi Mas ek 40 Ivin S• `Pownshoud, winter .vrih hei9"son, whci•is rho•only n•, hi :Alberti Tow ns hen d•,t',s: surviving•meanoer of the 1nnily,,and we a t ha r degto Con tt t ulatimr had been ' good ,health. until due and friendsare exteuding them. a nigetote lel.. passing. Mr. Erskane .:Evans ..'of Dunnville. S:001 oi, 'i J.' $. 'and' Mrs. town, was successful,, in' 'passim; 611 exiimination -in°"a special- course in' connection with the Schoolof Pod.i She was , inernliez ;of , the,Baptist ',church and was -regular in attendance at the 'serticcs liero when ,health per- Mi Pr.anl, A. Mcllardy-S pith sole of 1501.'MYIcHardy-Sm th, formerly of Clinton, was successful in his third year at Osgoode.,:, WILL MEET HERE ' ',The annualMeeting Meetin of the Huron 'bounty Trustees and Ratepayers As' sociation ;will be held in Clinton on Saturclay,- June 19th. -.The subjects for discussion will be '"Nlight Schools and Winter Shoot Course for Vocational Training "The Nees} of Commercial Courses in .the'• High -•,• and, Continuation. Schools:" "Government assistance'. to, High Schools to provide for Agricultural, and Domestic Science courses." Report of ,Resolution' Committee. Open Forum. Report of :nominating Committee, etc. All interested in `raising the - standard of citizenship or who feel that 'we are not getting value for all the money :, expended on Education are invited to come to the meet- ing,' bring resolutions and be :pre - pp. ed to take part in the discussion. AIL teachers cordially invited.,, JUNE CLEARING, '',"111101111 i i►1t Men's Women's Children's. Shoes; Reduce(' Greatly reduced in price—not because of any defect in the shoes, but -because '.we want to start early, clearing our stocks` for new _fall models. Included are shoes for `:women misses and 'Children, in any number of smart and practical styles A complete range of sizes—but not every size in every, style. Come early. Men's Fine Shoes; reg. $8.00 for 43.98 Alien's Pine Shoes reg. $,5.00 and 16.00 for : .....,... • . , ...:.. $3.45 ]' g '.$2.95 up Men's. Work Boots from ... • .. , .: ,Boys'• Boots, regular $4.50 and 15,00 for $3.50 Women's Slippers"and oxfords from • . • • . $1 50 up Misses and Girls' Sandals and Sliwers ringing at $1.35, $1.65 andup Children's Running 'Shoes from . 88c up' BARRY'S SHOE STORE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE CLINTON rnitted. CAR SMASIAED UNDER THEM. Dr, and Mrs. Kay of Lapeer, Mich„ well known in Clinton, were victims of a motor accident on Saturday which resulted in smashing their cm' to splinters, and in their -escape with what it, is hpped will prove hut slight injuries.. .' • 0)r. and bIrs. Kay, Dr. Biggs and a • couple of nurses had been in Toronto attending a clinic and were on their way to 'Clinton to epend the week -end with Mrs. • Kay's father, ,Mr, John Gibbings, and other friends, and at Burlington another car ran into them broadside, smashing their' car to bits: under them. ,Dr. Kay 'called Mr. B. J. •Gibbings' after the accident and said Mrs. Kay had had some ribs" •broken and some other bruises, Dr. Biggs was injured sothewhat, and all were badly shaken 'up. They were 'going to Hamilton and laid. they in.- tended n-tended going home by ;train, if 01l. were able for the journey, and up to last night no further word had been received. Their many •Clinton friends are hoping that they will seedily re- cover from their injuries. The car will be a complete lose, probably, A private service was held at .the, hdntc, of Dr. Axon 011 Saturday e'ven- tng; • coiiclucted .115 • rho ' Rev. A. A. Relines, and' on -'Sunday,, the remains wore—taken to ,Caledonia, Brant Cohn- ty, the family home, Where they were lllid to rest in the, Onondaga Baptist, cemetei:.y, within.a' short' distance. of. her birthplace . &1ARY'.AND ,HER. LAMB (Some discussion ,has been going the, iioi,nds' of the newspapers recently, regardi'h r the authorship of the,well- known poenr,' "Mary had • a" little Iamb," and'' Mr. 'Robert Holmes of Tonbi to. formerly . editor of the Clin- ton New Era, wrote The Mail and Empire the ether day 'claiming it for Mrs. I -Tale, mother of the late I-Ior- atio .Hale, a former well-known resi- dent of' Clinton, who was a -writer of some fame and was at time ed- itor of Godey's Lady's Book. The Christian •Science Monitor in a recent issue says: • "The recent purchase; by Henry Ford of three stones taken ;Cram as many corners of the Mold eountry schoolhouse at Sterling, Mass., be- lieved .by many to be -the scene of 'the lamb and school' episode; brings up, once lucre the controversy between this town and Newport, N. II., as to these points. 'Maybe it"will never be settled whether Mary Sawyer was the heroine and John •Roulstone, a' Har- vard student,; its, author, or Sarah Josepha Buell Hale, .both its author and heroine, and really, it makes but little difference."- It has always been supposed in Clin- ton that the mother. of our former townsman was the authoress of the noent. and probably:' she was. We. shall go •onbelieving se, anyway, un. it we are thoroughly convinced to the contrary: • COLLE I?TL INSTITUfLI NOTE'S.' been spending a few days with his father Mr J es" Swan who liar been r s' e as Mr, (. G. J'eeter haviir n d g erb quite ill. We areglad to hear of his principal ci' rho CollegiateInetitute, ,recovery. Mr: •A. I] Pines ; n,aitliematical • .. 4Vord liar been received 'b Mi's. ter, who has been a member of the, y ...Alex. DicIlerazie of rthe passing away',. stall 101 the ,past, -three wears, has 01 ,hey mother', M1s. Pr•ouclloot of been engaged_'as' piuneipal for next Sault Si,- `Marie. Mr_ and illrs:-Proud- yeac. foot were 'well lcnpwn in our village, Miss McLaughlin, art teacher, has as the resided here for a numher o f ilso isdnnd ard IS adver'- s. rifer mny £riendse- ed ti ing e£or•ignen slagbessother.beto-teatX10..,. 0 lsenzreaheiir' heart xtenfelt • 'Ala4I]UiY'Ha Mr. and Mrs.. Aubrey' Dawson, and Harvey of Detroit 'visited friend's here one day this week., -Mr,-Harvey Marten of ' Detroit motored• here Saturday and are visit- ing et Mr., C.. Jackson's. Mrs. Jackson and Miss Lottie are rehire- ing with him to visit for a week, Quite a large number from here Went out on the Moonlight Excursion from Goderich on Monday night. Mrs. Robert Scott and Miss Annie Jones motored' to Detroit . • with Mr. Melbourne Co} to visit for a. short time. • Mrs. Homey of Goderich is visiting with, her ntotlher, Mrs., Jos.Carter. (Received'to late for las1'week) Mrs: R. D. Munro and children' are visiting -with Mrs. Munro's sister at Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs Hairy Beadle mot- ored from Detroit on Friday to visit their parents hero. Mr. Claytoh Ladd of Detroit spent the week -end at his 'home. , 'Miss Viola Wilson 'went to .Detroit on Monday to visit, for a couple of weeks.,,, "Mrs. P. S. Banes went to Hamilton on Thursdby last to visit her sister. lev. P. Banes and Rev, W. R Alp attended conference in Stratford last week. Mrs. D. Patterson )aas returned to the home 'of her daughter, Mrs. Win. Anderson. Mrs. M. Ross of •Londesboro spent Sunday v'ith Mrs. Sphul''in the lags. The architect was have Tuesday ev- syanpathy; Or the new..collegiate building shosuitld u oilto Were Che guests of Mrs. Jain - ening' anti ameninand it was, decided that the lVlrs• On Chesney and son of Tor he in; Cho olil Gibbings orchard, which ison last week,. the board has mroeured as 'an addition • 'to theg :rounds: Work will be corn menced soon. Only those. trees .Eich are tinned- idtely in -the way will be -,cut 'down and the ,natural beauty of the site be,preserved as much as possible, X-RAY FOR CLI15TON. At a meeting ok,the,,hoard of man- agement of the Clii It,on' Ptilblie Hos pital -held in the 'boa it •radiit of the town,, hall on •Monday\ evening a Verypleasant surprise ' was sprung. upon -them by the presentation to the hospital -of the led, X -Ray machine abtainatule,. the ' doner being Mr. John E. Howson, o1 Vancouver, who made the presentation' in memory 'of his mother,- the late Mrs. James:Howson, who was a life-long resident of Clin- ton and *he passed away hi 1915. This is cerEainly'a very ,handsome gift and the Hospital authorities are. grateful. ,. An 3( -Ray is'ahnost a Ke -i cessity now in an up-to-date hospital and theboard have had in mind the purchase. of one but lake. -of funds prevented it so far. ,Mr. HioW,son's ge'nerositl', and the tender remem- brance of, his mother, have now made it ,possible to have the best machine: without waiting until funds were available. Mr. Howson is a native of 'Clinton who left here in 1886, when a lad. For a dumber ' of years he, lived in Medicine 'Hat, and a few years ago he retired. from 'business and went to live in Vancouver. During his moth- er's life time he made it a point to visit her every year . and ;since her death: he has visited Ms sister, Miss Amy Howson of Clinton, several -. times. A couple of years ago he and Mr's. ITowson 'motored, all the way.' from Vancouver tp Clinton•and back. The nesv:X-Ray ,nachihe,-which will make the ,Clinton Hospital the equal of' any in the districtand in ,many respects equalfto; many in the larger cities, will be installedas soon as possible. Tenders For Coal Sealed_.. tenders addressed to the Purchasing Agent, Department of Pnhlic Works, Ottawa; 'will be receiv- ed at his office until 12 o'clock. noon (daylight saving), Tuesday, June 29, 1926, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings . throughout the Province of Ontario, • including -the city of Ottawa. . Forms of tender with specifications. and . conditions, attached can be .cib- tained from G. W. Dawson, Parches; ing Agent, Department ofekPublic Woake, Ottawa; and R. Winter, 59-61 Victoria 'Street, Toronto, Ont. Ten= ders Will not be considered unless made ori the forms supplied ,by the Department and it accordance with departmental specifications and con- ditions. The right to demand froth the suc- cessful tenderer a deposit, not exceed- .ing 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, to secure the ;proper fulfil- ment of the contract, is reserved. IBy ,Order, '' S. E. 'O'HRIEN, de&retary:' Department .of Public Works, Ottawa, June 1, 1926. Sealed 'tender's addressed to the VII; dersigned, and endorsed `Tender for River Breakwater Reoonstzaction , Goderich, Ont," will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight Saving) T15tit sday, June' 17,. 192'6, for ,the re- construction of 'the river breallw0ter for a length of 1,087 feet, atGoder- ich, Huron County, Ont. Plans ,and forms of contract can be seen and specifications andforms of tender ;obtained at this'. Department, at the offices of the District' Engin- eerst Customs'tBuildntg, London, Ont.; Equity' building, Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Office,•. Goderich, Ont. Tenders will not be 'considered un less ;made on printedforms supplied by the Department and, in 'accordance with eon4itions contained therein. Each' tender .must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank; Ziayable to the' order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the 'amount of the, tender. Bonds, of the Dominion -of Canada or bonds of ,the. Canadian National Railways .Company will also, be ac- cented as security, or bonds and' a cheque if .required to make up an odd Londesb(ire.' The summer meeting- render the, auspices of the Women's Institute will be held in the community, hall, June. 18th, to be addresed by Miss Edith Collins of Ancaster. A cordial wel- come will be given to all ladies in the community. Miss- Gladys' Grainger, Mrs Ross, Mrs, Scott and Miss May Cartwright will also take part in the program. Mrs. J• Picherall of Spokane, Mrs. Brown of Cochrane, Mrs. Wm. john - ton 'and ohn-ton.'and Miss Beth Johnston' and Miss Betty Brown of Toronto were guests at the home of Mr. Geo. Bair on Sat- urday. Mr. Ralph Cox, who has been vis- iting his parents here, has returned to Flint,; Michigan, accompanied by his -mother. The Auburn. Sunday school Assoc- iation will .hold.; its convention ,on Wed., June 9L --h, in the Baptist church. ,There will be just• one session,in the evening,r,commencing 'at 7:30. Rev. R. 15. •Ferris, General' .Superintendent, will address the meeting. •Sunday school scholars, teachers and anyone. interested in Sunday^school work are given a cordial.invitatien. Miss ,Lottie Lawson has returned from Goclerich where she has been working. NOTE—Blue prints can be .ebtaincd at this Department: by depositing an accepted cheque( for the sum of, $20, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works which will be retitl- ed if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. By Order, S. E. O'IBRIEN,'' Secretary. Depaitnac+nt of Publie.Woohcs, Ottawa, May 26, 1926. 60-2. • B>rucefield.' (Received too"late for last week) Mrs.' W. Stevens is visiing at the home of 'her daughter,, Mrs. Thornp> son of Sarnia this week, Mt: and Mrs. Monteith of London and 1VIr. and Mrs. hustings of Bel - grave visited at the home of Mrs. Janet Ross this wek.,. Mrs. Wm. Scott has sold her house to Mr, Roderick McKenzie of London. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie to our village. ' The many friends of Mr. C. Hough, who was `operated on in the .Seaforth Memorial Hospital two weeks Ago, will' be glad to hear that he is so far recovered as to he removed to his home this week. Dr. Will Swan of Hamilton has eF1IY1 4' Toth 11,5I7 p :ilr•s. Ftanlc Ilabson 'end ;sAhr Llwtr of StI Thomas were the guests of Mo, andlaMst,r's, Alfred Westlake on Mr. John Cowan has purchased a New iMaster Six McLaughlin car, Glad to know that Mr. John Etue, who has been under the weather for the past month : is Ole to be out again. • , 114s', John Turner, who ...Underwent an opperatibn in Goderich Hospital was, r'enioveci to his home, on Sunday y.: lastM.• rs• W: RathweIi and` Miss . oltn- store tools 16 the excursion to Detroit on Tuesday; Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Brownlee and Mrs. Charles ISherritt and Mr, •Ilitner Sheri•itt of London, spent the week - ,end and Mr. and Mr's, J. BIair of God- erich township spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Peter IVIoGee. IMULLETT ' Miss -Annie Bayley of Florida mot- ored over to visit at the home of Iter uncle, Mr. John03ayley, and her autit,', , Mi s: Wm. Hill, of Hullett. • She also • stopped for e *bile with her aunt, Mrs. Janes Reid of Stratford Constance Mr. and Mrs Levi -Parr and ^child- ren and Mrs: Jack ,Staples,of Brussels visited M. aril Mrs. Jas.: Mann on Friday. Mrs. Baldwin of the Soo visited friends°in.the village last week. There wili,be two football matches played ih the village this week. We are very sorry to hear that Mts. Geo. Stephenson'and:Mrs. Alex Leitch aro both on; the sick list. We hope to see them boot around again soon Mr, and MI;S. Russel Marks and`. family were callers on M0. and Mrs. Jas. Mann', on Saturday night. ,o The W. I5 S. will meet this Thurs- day afternoon at the home . of Mrs. Wm. Britto,1. e iandamenseinneseownion BANK F MONTR AL Established 1817 Summary . of o s ., Assets and Liabilities 30th April, 1926 ASSETS Gold, 'Dominion Notes, and Silver coin .. Deposit with Central Gold Reserve Deposits made with and Balances .due from other -Banks in Canada Balances, due by Banks and Banking Corres- pondents elsewhere than in Canada... Call and Short loans on, Bonds Debentures and Stocks,• ... . Dominion and Provincial Government Securi- ties . Railway and other, Bonds, Debentures and Stocks . '• Canadian Municipal' Sequrrties and British, Foreign and Colonial -;Public Securities other than Canadian Notes and cheques of other Banks United Stales and other foreign currencies Loans aitd Discounts. and other Assets Bank Premises_ , Liabilities of customers ''under letters of credit (as per contra) . - ..r • INABILITIES TO PUB Notes in circulation Deposits • Letters of credit outstanding . , ...... Other liabilities $ 74,5?t0,62 28 15,000,000:00 148,397.03 17,224,879.98 142,496,656.35 93,456,444.71 3,566,104.06 33,599,867.70 25,507,822.63 1,259,374.65 3T7,820,255,83 11,950,000.00 12,581,897.90 $749,132,357.12 LIC $ 41,674,442.00 632,412,155.75 12,581,897.90 790,561.31 $687,459,056.96 Excess of Assets over Liabilities to Public $61,673,300.16 . • urn fhtilk 9rduct, imited Perrin Block, Rattenbury Street, East, Clinton. Announces a Limited Public Offering of Units of of• 7 Preferred Shares par value °Cutnulative Pre f = 2 Shares $5.00' each and 2 Shares of Common Stock. par value $50.00 each, 'Price $200.00' per unit. Authorized. Capital $1.50,000 - BUSINESS Huron Road East • Mr. Harold Glew is at present laid up ;by an injury received' while oper- ating a road grader. ' Mr. Win. Ball has Lost another val- uable sheep.' \ (Several from arround here, took in the moonlight .excursion et Goderich Monday night. Mr. Noble Ilolland iS negot iting for a pair of block'foxes. .Mr. --and Mrs. Geo. A. Vaiderburgh and Mr. Ernest Vanderburgh and Miss •Gretta Mann spent Sunday a't Kinlough, "There's nothing, much in a naive,", declares The Stratford BeaCbn-Iles- aid, "for a 'man Called Danrrich has .been scnt"toa poor house in Kansas." The Company under their charter is authorized to. transact a general Milk, Cream and Butter Business. ',-The Cornitanyt however,`*will specialize on the most profitable linos, r.e.a the manufacture r o an d and export rt of mill .products,. evaporated Hulk, semi-solid buttermilk and milk, pbwder for Canadian rad __ demand X conn g, IlurMill. Products Limited, is to ':be equipped with'spray"proeess milk powder machinery 'for nn ensin and for purchasing the, whole mills now produced in the County of Huron, and .part df the - County of Bruce, ' at' all , seasons,, at such prices, that will make it very ,;prpfitabla to the Palmers' of these Counties to -m0intljin large dairy herds • whose .production will +Tray them'acocrding toothee'butter- = tt tr fat. content for as much whole milli as• theycan produce, the greater, the production, themore .payable, 15 thilld .cheques to - the farmer on the first and' fifteenthof every month in the year,• Demand for. Milk Products Whole cream whole milk,' and-eemi-solid'buttermilk 'in powder form is in great demand by dairies, ice'creani plants, bakeries and, candy makers in Canada, the United States,: and all Europa_ - countries. Inquiries for these produetsare continuously published in the Bulletins and the Comnererat Journal, issued by the Department of•Trade and Commerce, coming mainly from buyers who holliknfo Jo in bull. Milk: in condensed form is recognized as 'being 100% ask eientfor anantities tobeshipped ts pro- -duct purposes, thereby maintaining asteady market for all of , this p 100/o efYicient for any o£ the p p a duct obtainable, at such prices that' make it a very:profitable business. Mer The whole issue has. been underwritten and a .IItTllted . for sale in this district H JOl® MILK PRODUCTS alt reserved o SALES COMPANY Ail a.eSA. Office in Perrin Block open evenings from 7 to 10 For Particulars:'. Fill in Coupon HURON MILK PRODUCTS SALES CO. CLINTON, ONT. Please :send me detailed information NAIVPII ADDRESS . iE