HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-06-10, Page 1TIS ALLOT S. INCORPORATED 'THE , CLINTON NEW ER. ra. 23O — 4$$h WHAT G1100 IS QU.AUTY VALUE, EBVII •CLIN•:"T`'• > Iall' 4•og 1 $iiverivare -. if `, f s` a G he et ► a 7 3 ed • ,Silver is the perfect gift for brides. Those =in pal n'ni .n 6 gift t those plotting marriagecannot do better khan to give silver, either co" etc sets or separate pieces. It serves doublybecauseof its utility and untold pleasure, When you your selection at 3e.lyar's o you will be sure of :a choice.: gift will be pleasure for its quality' and its beauty. ' Engraved orplain. BRING IN YOUR FILMS TQ BE DEVELOPED AND PRINTED ONE DAY'+SERVICE /0 Ytehjar JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST 1 r. r_ TabieLinens. For June Brides All Linen Table Damask in Sets or odd" clothes and napkins, direct from 'the mills in Belfast Ireland. The tremendous reductions in the`price of linens during' the last few months placethese goods within the reach of all, During the balance -of the month of June we will have special prices on all Table linens, We will be glad to de- nlonsirate our values if you are interested. IBWIN'S GET YOUR PONY CONTEST •tALLOTS' HERE Hatchway No Button Underwear 200,000 Canadians bought Hatchway last year and discovered a new comfort! Hatchway fits beta er than any other Underwear because it is ' „ a tailored in every, curve: and seam. than an other b It feels. better # ` - y stance it is made of fabrics that wash softer and wear longer. It is more 'convenient' than anyother ...,.. i because t slips on' and of without a but- ton front or back and it never needs mending or 'button :repairs. Definately Hatchway is the most com- fortable- underwear made and you can prove it yourself_by' trying Hatchway for your next Underwear. Hot - eathe,r :9oods for flays.' Boys'khaki duck .overall swith red trimmings 50c Boys plain khaki knickers 50c Boys' play suits 75c, \$1,00, $1.25 $1.00, .$1.25 35c, 50c • 250.. 30c, 50c Khaki: pants for the little fellow Boys' cotton sweaters Boys'ob caps Anti -Aare celluloid peaks THE MORRISH-CLOTHING " A 'Squ are; Deal for Every Mani CO, THE TOWN COUNCIL The council met Monday evening, all members being present and the mayor inthe chair. yor, of 1 i nt rani tion i nc On cirri red the nd in- c' nd a et%ng e;at ute nd tion ead- for iv- on- to v=on-to FL ni- ttee 11e set the ski nd est ed et ch se. ns lie t en wee the the on tr- ey rs e= o1• d d ve t s d e 1'+ 0 d e -4 telegram addressed to the ma was read from the management the Cleveland -Canada Day Com tee for Ont., asking how many f Clinton would attend the celebra in the Ohio,city. ,This was filed. Mr. James Cook wrote complain La of a nuisance near his place. motion of Reeve Middleton Councillor Johnston this was refer to the Board,of Health. By-law No. 7, providin for closing• a. portion of Bond'street a also Cross and Centre streets was troduced and. given first .and se' reading. It is !being Advertised will be considered at the ,July me of the council% This is being don the request of the Collegiate Instit board, which has. acquired the la butting on these streets as an addit the school gToixnds. By-law l o. 8 was given three r Ings and passed. This provides' an amendment to ' Medical Hea Act, municipalities' having this pr ilege, making it coittpulsory for c tractors putting in sceptic tanks obtain permits from the local M.O. *.;Chairman Johns of the special co mittee reported that the comm[ had interviewed Mr. Steep, who. wi continue' his work as sanitary offic and also take overtlie work of stir cleaning, weekly during the mon of June, July,. August and Septemb fortnightly in October. A man a team was provided for the fi cleaning, a man only will be sitepii for subsequent eleanings. 'Chairman Middleton of.the stre committee`presented his aeport, Brhi was considered clause by clau Ciente h C e 1,ur has of the C e 6000gal l° s to of Rotar B from the Dept. of Pub highways.' A letter was read from Department saying theastuff had be shipped and would olive 'this we The mayor called attention to fact that at the • last •meting of council it was decided that prices tarvia be obtained before any.'pt chase was made. Councillor Pais] said this was the motion and membe of,the council should abide by the d (listens made at the regular meeting lie Said the streets were not ready f the application of the top' dressing, a patching would have to he done, an demurrage would have to be pal while the car stood here. Ree Middleton explained that he had e quii•ed of the clerk two or three time as to whether prices on tarvia ha been obtained ,but none were forth coming, and as time was going on h had consulted with Mayor •Jacksoi who agreed with him that the orde should be sent in, Re als ersplained that he had telephoned an been assured that the shipinent weul be held until sent for. Finally tit clause was passed, -subject to deferr ed shipment. , JCiause 2 •provided for the purchase of some tile for Mary 'street drain, which wase adopted. Olau se 3t to even up county connecting tti glinks ready for thea application of tai pp dressing was also adopted. Chaise .4 providing for the,widening of the roadway at Rift- tenbury and Albert streets, after some discussion. .Clause $, .providing for the purchase of Cold Patch Rotary for repairing " the roadwayswere also adopted, Clause 6, providing for the purchase of an Orillia Safety Silent policeman for Prineess street, at the Clinton Flour Mills corner, was adopted, provided -the device.ean be purchased for $15. Otherwise the committee was to use discretion. It was, the. :general ,.; opieloli that the policeman at•present in use was sat isfactory but that the cost was too high. • • 'Chairman' Currell of the fire and water committee reported the receipt of certain supplies authorized at the• fast' meeting of council. • On motion of Reeve Middleton and Councillor'Paisley and clerk was in- strutted to correspond with the Rail- way Beard- regarding the drainage from overflow front water tank and R. R. property, for engineer's report' - on same. Chairman Paisley ,aresented the fol- lowing financial ,report ..-- LOCAL MARKETS. WO.11(.>,1 aliroleayt , 0gc01,ot ,' 45 c. Bxccwhett, 60c. ' *legs, 20c to 30c. iluG c t Ci 0 0 32c. Live zIa s $14.00. g INKS fIT UTE , MEETING The regular ` nxeetin • of the g g wo- men's Institute omen's'Institute will be held in ,their rooms above the Public Library on Thursday afternoon neat at three o'clock. Tho program will consist of an address by Miss Edith Collins, a "Summer Speaker" sent •'end by the Department, All wo- men who are interested are cordially invited to attend. JN'TKNflV ABO[i iNEhl li fNEhl t51WI' : PAPER -A PEBiI I -A PEBiI E IN 1HE NEIIS-11ECOAll LONG PASTORATE ENDED. The Morden Tithes of June 2nd con- tains a Iengthy Account ,of a farewell banquet tendered .to the Rev. Mark C."Bluebell, D.D,, who was for over thirty-three years pastor , of Knox Presbyterian church in that tower and Who resigned this year., About ',three hundred people attend- ed the banquet and during the even- ing Dr, Rumball was presented with an appreciative address and .$500 in Canada bonds, as a gift from the church' at Morden and its associated congregation at Clegg. Also, during the evening' an ode, containing eight' verses and written in broad Scottish by a member of'the congregation, its theme being "feiendship," was read, and many appreciative words were spoken by parishoners, who had, known Dr. Rumball for many) years. Dr. Rumball, who is an old Goder- ich township boy ..and is ' known to many here, having" visited his rela- tives here frequently, thought it best, on the -anion of the former Presbyter- ian and Methodist congregations in Morden, to resign, leaving the united congregation in charge of a new min- .ister. He hAs accepted a ,charge at McCauley, Man., to which he goes the last week in June. Dr. Rumball spent the past week.' end in 1Clinton on his wayto attend the General •Council ' of the United Church of Canada, which is in sessioh in Montreal this week. AMONG THE CHURCHES. Ba..tist Church Rev. C. J. Cameron, B.A,, of Toron- to, preached an eloquent sermon on Sunday night. The Lord's. Supper was observed at the close of the ser vice. On the following two. Sundays it is expected that Rev. .Mr. Stevens of Toronto will ,preach in view of a call. Service at seven •o'clock. Wesley -Willis s United Churolt' The .Braotherhood at ten •o'clock. The subject of discussion will be "Parasites" and will be introduced by Mr. R, E. Manning: The Rev, R. Fulton Irwin of Sea - forth will preach both, morning and evening en Sunday and will also take' the bible class in the afternoon. The Sunday school will meet during the hour of the morning service, as last Sunday, un a for. the Y, summer mont hs. Rev. A. A. ol II, ti ies ill. W preach in Seafort h. on Sunday and Rev. J. E. Hogg takes anniversary "services in Roy's church, near Exeter, Electric Light/Account ProPerty Account P. IL Com. light, ball and lanips .6.42 I j% Cook, painting band room. 21.25 Ontario Street United Church Classes will meet Sundayat ten 'The morning message, "The Un- bounded Life:" The evening theme; "What Christ Caine t'or." Juniors meet on Friday evening at 7:00, o'elook + ' The. W. M. S. meeting was held at the parsonage on Tuesday afternoon, with a good attendance A. very excellent meport.; of the Branch Convention, held in Louden on: May 13th, was prepared by Mrs, Gunn, and given by Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Brown sang a beautiful solo, "That's Why t , Love Ilia "-- At. the conclusion Of the meeting dainty re- freshments were served 'by the host, ess,her assistants being Mrs. Brown, Miss Plutnsteel • and, Miss Grant: ' • lie St. Paul's Ckureli lit "'Confusion'• best desribes modern conditions in the: ',Island Empire of swe Japan." Such at least was the apin-':get ion of Rev..: 0, C. Robinson, Missionary sv e of the church of England in Canada ,M to.Japatt and at present on Furlough. the Mit Robinson was the special preach'; Wier et, on Friday evening last in St Paul's Vet church. He saw confusion in civic• et dihR t Tie t Me" c 'ter. - orat - brid n ton ENGAq MENTS, ANNOUNCED 'nix and Mrs. W. J Fergusot Cx,oderich township annonnce the gdg'eeteet nf_ their only daughter NEW 'HYYTDRO. RATES of - At the • first of. June a new schedule en -'of hydro rates went into effect The , domestic rates are slightly higher, es-. A e e tag notice ne uelc i' per Mr M Elsie Myrtle, to Mr. Thomas Middleton, rein n coir of Mi and Mrs. J Middleton n of o Granton,the gait to,tal e place the latter part of 3 Mr. and Mrs ,Gifford Crich, T et iii h s tt ,annonnce the enGa crush their only daughter, Edna Mae,to Oliver John Cole, son et Mr:Tho R. Cole, Clinton, the marriage to t place quietly in June. THE FIRST'`BAND CONCERT. n peciaily,for users of ranges, wh'il e muter t o cal rates have ben reduce e somewhat Power users will the difference,as the rate has heell - reduced from 9550 to $40 Ler hors. f p ower. Street p lights g s havo been re duced from $12.00 to $11.00. May th • good work go on. Y LITTLE LOCAL'S. Hog's are commanding the highes price within the past five 'years. The os their animal " bazaar•; or street fair early ri1 October. 'Y'esterday was the'nit no- day half holiday we've Pied so far thi ould season. . A large anther from Clinton am the vicinity tools in the moonlight ex this-cursion out of Goderieh Monday ev a5 ,, ening'. ter- 1 Mr, and Mrs. David . Crawford on n lit Friday Iast celebrated the' twent re- .fifth anniversary' of their- marriage ee A nuneber of friends were entertained yed 'and a very pleasant time spent, and The person who left a small pares ome by - mistake in the wrong buggy in mac arse The first band concert of the Son was given in the town park Thursday evening last, ,when a v nice crowd gathered to hear it. evening was rather' cool, which doubt kept some at home who iv have been the otherwise. This was the first concert in Park, where they will,be given season. "It's a real plaee'to. pl remarked Band "Leader Kutch, of wards, "There is- some satisfactio slaying when the sound doesn't bound. from a brick. wall. back your head." The :program' pia through was 'a very pleasing `ono those who listened to it will c again, SCRUTON--HOUGH. • sea Th Hospital Board intend holding on cry The Y est Wednes- s W: I. ELECT OFFICERS • The local branch f li o the Women's n en's. Institute held their, annual meeting recently, when the following officers were appointed o nted forh Ppthe en Y President, ales. + I s. I'I t ] 11 Y 1st Vice President, Mrs.F Jenkin$, 2nd. Vice President, Mrs, (Dr.) .1;'. G. Thompson. Secret • az Mrs. . 0 L.Pat s] e Y• 'Treasurer, Mrs: W G. Cool:, District Dieeetor,Mts. Kirk Branch Directors, Mrs, Wtn. L, Mair, •Mrs, J.-'Peffers, Mrs. H. Jenkins, Mrs. G. Jenkins.; Plower Committee, Mrs. Cr•ee Cook Mr's. F. Johnston. Pianist, Mrs. T. •Churchill Auditors, Mrs. Fitzsinicnons, Mrs. Schoenhals, HOLLAND -COOTIE 1 A quiet wedding was solemnized at - the Ashfield parsonage 011 Monday,' - Julie 7, at 3:30 p.m. by Rev, Mr, Dick- inson; when ,Bertha ' .May. Cooke' youngest daughter' of Mr. and Mts. Y- Peter : Cooke of Ashfield was united in the -bonds of matrimony to, Mr. s Bruce Uenry Hoiland, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Holland of Clinton, The l bride was becomingly•attieed in a dress of ]brown silk trimmed with sand ' colored crepe -de -chine. The groom's gift to the bride was a hand- some rope. of pearls, ' The young couple left on their honeymoon; Tuesday afternoon for- -Toronto, klamilton, Niagara and other points, On their return they will, reside on the groom's farm on the sixth Concession of Ashfield: McCOOL-JACO A quiet wedding took place at St. Paul's church rectory, Clinton, on • Thursday, June a 3rd, at two o'clock, when Dbr'othy, younger daughter of Mi. and Mrs, William Jago, of Clin- ton, was united in marriage to Mr. Fred McCool, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McOool of , Hullett Township. The bride wore a pretty frock of. bine flat crepe, with silver trimmings, And grey felt hat, with shoes hose and gloves to match. She carried a be- quet of 0•phelia roses stud fern. The young couple were attended by Miss r,ouise Turner, of Clinton, who wore a peach -colored crepe de chute dress and carried sweet peas, and by Mr. James McCool, brothea of the bride- ' groom. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. L. Harrison. Me. and Mrs. McCool left later for Toronto. On their 'return the will reside on the bridegroom:is farm in Hullett, WELCOMED NEW RECTOR. The reception given in 'honour of thu Rev, Lawrence C. Hgrrison and Mrs. Harrison, in Owen Memorial, Hall on Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's church, was well attended by the congregation and proved to be'a very happy affair. The rooms were very •beautifully 'decorated with flowers. Lt -Col. H. B. Combo e.occupied the chair, giving g an appropriate aria PP to o P e' nm address ddre g ss of welcome, the ' , Mr . John ohn Ransford, one' of. the oldest members of the congrega- tion also gave an address, recalling some of the early history of the con- gregation, end giving some -good' ad- vice At to the prover way. to treat a rector. . Rev. A: A. Hermes, pastor of Wes- ley -Willis United church, and Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, pastor of Ontario street United church, each smite, wel- coming the new rector and his tent- ily to Clinton and . wishing them a happy and useful sojourn here. Rev. Mr. Harrison replied to all the ad- dresses of welcome in. a voby fitting and happy manner•. Mr, J, Doherty sang a couple of solos, Mrs. Theo Frei -Min and Miss A. Steep sang a duet and •Mr„ Frank • Dempsey, gave an instrumental. Ab - the conclusion ofj the program the Ladies' 'Guild served refreshments • and a pleasant social half hour was spent.,• DEPARTURE REGRETTED. REGRETTED. The .following from the'. Ashfield ogespondent to" thee ‘Goderieh Star, efers to a :brother . of Councillor F. Johnston of town; "On the eve of their departure from shfield to live in ,Godeiich,'upwards f the ' hundred of the friends and eighbors .of she family of 4li reeve rank Johnston• met' at their.hemei to•' d them good-bye and spend a pleas- - t social evening. .The evening was mit in dancing and: social games', :';•,., hick were "enjoyed "by: all. During e evening the family W,as presented' ith the following address, a0com- nied by a'. liberal pose' of money: ` To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnston d family: It is 'With `a feeling of, ep regret' that we,.your friends and ighbors learn of your deearture cin our ,community td live in 'God - fell, You havo always proved your- Ives to be neighbors of the.very. &hest type always" willing to help, d giving that help, with cheerful s1. - In the capacity of councillor 4 reeve, Mr. • Johnston, you have . owed your executive • ability and.' ad sonnd judgment. The U. F. W. is losing: in Mrs; Johnston a vadu=- l.e worker., 'who will be'greatly seed by her fellow meirulvers. In sting to your home it has always. en our happy pleasure to enjoy the ppy fellowship and kind hospitality the entire family.: We wish you adept this gift as a slight token out appreciation •of your devoted . The marriage took place in Lo on Saturday of Mi-, J, Franklin `.S ton, son- of Mrs. John Scruton Clinton, and Miss Nellie Hough, eldest daughter of Mr. Mrs. D. H: Hough, Thorndale. marriage took place at the home the' bride's grandparents, Mr. Airs. James Dennan, the: ceremony ing performed- by the Rev. A. ()rummer, rector of Christ's chttreh The bride wore a handsome g of white georgette, and the con tional wedding veil She.also tate groom's. gift, a rope' of ,pearls, carded a bouquet of . Cohunbie ros She had twe bridesmaids, her sist Miss Leola, who.wore a pretty fr et apricot georgette and picture h and Miss "]Marion Scruton, sister the bridegroom, who wore a pre Peach crepe dress and picture h Both carried bouquets of carnatio Miss Rata Hough played the weed' music and 4Iiss Alice ,Campbell sa during the signing of the register;. Mr. and Mrs. Scruton made a mo trip to Clinton, Toronto and Niaga Falls and will take up .their reside in Windsor. WILLARD—SEOBBROOK. One o' the r e ' p tttest'weddings of season was that of Bliss Annie She brook and Mn Wm, . Willard, jr., Buffalo, which was solemnized We nesday evening of last week at 0 tario street United church, the ser ninny being per£ormed'by the•Rev. J,' illoorhouse, , pastor of the shut• assisted by the Rev, Ithe McCrea Chatham. The bride, who looked charming i gown n of whito t satin trii'can canton crep trimmed with pearls and with 1 hos n and shoes to match, and wearing veil of white tulle, caught with ange biSssoms, was given in matriag by her father. She carried. a showe bouquet or :lilies -of -the -valley an bridal roses.. Miss Ruth Shabbrook, sister of th bride, was maid of honor. She wor a•gown of sunset canton, trireme with rhinestones and a bandeau t. match,, and white shoes and hose ani. carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses with -lily-of-the-valley. Miss Gladys"Willard, sist,,e'r of ::the groom, -first bridesmaids: wore'soreliid georgette, trimmed , with rhinestones and wore a bandeau to match. She wore white shoes' and hose and car- ried .a bouquet of pink roses and sweet peas. . Miss:Louise ruiner, who was.also a bridesmaid, wore, peach canton crepe, with rhinestone trimmings and bandeau and white shoes and hose. He, Bouquet was of pink' 'roses and y -of -the -valley. ittle Miss {'1i'adolon Murch, looked' et in a dress of honeydew por- e and carried a bouquet of pastel, et peas, n. -Stanley 'Shohbrook, brother .of bride, was best man'." The ethers e Mt. A, Willard and Mr.'Harry finer. rs, 'E. Wendoi'f played the wed- march from Lohengrin and Dr. d .Thompson : sang "0 Pronisa during the signing' of: the regis The chnreh was beautifully dee. ed with palms, ferns and flowers. M11. IShobbrook, mother of the e, was dressed in' rosewood , can crepe with large picture hat and e a corsage of pink sweet peas and of -the -valley. rs. Willard, sr., was . dressed in georgette with hat ta'match and a corsage of orchid sweet -peas. fter'-the wedding ceremony the al party drove to the home of the e's parents, where the wedding` er was served, covers: being laid sixty. The bride's table was des- ed with pink 'and white candles. centred with apple blossoms. The e was beautifully decorated in and white. spring blossoms. r,: and Mrs. Willa d, r,; left aural ers of good wishes on a trip to Weslj;Willis church shed the other, day may halve same by calling at of- fiee of N. W. Trewartha, Lon Complaints were made. after .the Se band concert last week that children of made a noise, during: the numbers When This should be stop_red, as it is very and Annoying to those who go to hear the The music. of DEATH OF MRS. G., HAYES and be.The death occurred at the hone of C her sister, Mrs. A. Wilken, Ontario tr s set • on Tuesday mornin • of Mr g s own George Hayes, who was in her sev- cony enty-sixth. year. wore Mrs. Hayes' Whose maiden name And was Mary Tebbutt, was the eldest --of es, a family of twelve, children of the 2er late Walgate Tebbutt, , of Goderich . township.. She was born in York county but her parents came -to Hut- at, on,when she was but a ehild•and'set- tty tled in Goderieh township, and there at.' she spent the greater part of her .life. s, On her marriage to the late George Hayes they+ Lived for a time at Luck- ng now, , later moving to the Base line, where they farmed. for some years, for until they retired from farthing . and ra took up their residence in Clinton. neo Mt-. Hayes died. about five years ago, and since that time site has resided with her sister Mrs. Wilken. Mrs. Hayes has not been in good health all winter And just one weep pier of tb thee. her passing she had the misfortune to fall, sustaining a fracture of the df ]tip. The shod: was too: much for her weakened frame and she was .tenable "" to rally from it. e- Mrs, Hayes is survived by six C' brothers and three sisters: Henry ch, Tebbutt of Redlands, California, Wal- of gate of; Druid, Sask., . George and John of ':Goderlch township, Lewis of n Tuckersn$tli, Alfred of Goderieh, Mrs. e Wilson e, Wlr on of Rai' tt Rio , River, Mrs. r.M- Me- e Carta ey of Brtice£ield and Mrs. W31 - a keit if' Glinton. She was a member of r- the Ontario street United, formerly e Methodist, church. affairs.. In that country street car serve great cities _which „yet have,no found side by aide with little orienta mires, unchanged from earlier cen -buries. Confusion is seernen Indus rial life in the, admixture 'of inoder principle holds tine in the intellectual gee_ world, since in the primery schools, M which are attended by 99per cent. of grey II Japanese children, are taught wed- wore and histoey and the child hardly brid mows which to .believe. In the brid .ealm of religion the confusion is ai supp east equally as great because the ger ncient Shints and the almost as aue- (wet ent BUddhiSin can no longer cont and mand the Credulity of enlightened hoes apan," the result, being that most pink resent day Japanese are agnostics. his, said Mr. Robinson, Presents the show R. Hunter, salary for May. ... 71.43 W. Cook, teaming tile. 1.25 ' Fine and Water Account . Grants Account Bell Tel. Co:, tient and acct... . 5,62 p Harding 13TOS. clock dials . 3.81 T 'Grealis; Stock scales, ,18,62 18.62 e challenge to the Chizistian world to- Load ay. We have that, which steadies that Ives hope for this "World afid hone or a future life. -The Gospel of Jests 1hrist is the only mediton by which rder can be brought mit of the chaos f Tepee.. It is tor Christains to meet hat need. A good congregation attended the ission and Mr. Rofbinslon was listen- () to with attentive inteiest, " June N. Y on, Kitehener, Guelph ,and Tor - They will h at home after 10th, at 80. Porest, Ave., Buffalo, Among the out-of-town guests ViC,Ve Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Willard; sr., Mrs. 1Viiddleton, Mrs. Bert Willard, .1113‘, Gladys' Willard, Mrs. E.. N. Graham, •of Buffalo; Mrs. Henderson ,of Sem- forth and Rev, and riles. Illegyea, Clia theta three Duro» ridings met in Clieton last Friday evening to make neces- sary arrangemente for the district Conservativelnenie to be held ie-,Bay- dleton! president of the SoUth Huron Assomation, acted as ehairman, Ar- rangements were made TOr jolting adjoining counties., to participate and the following committees were ap- ISpoets—.Alfred Begin (chairman). Middleton, David McDonald, Dudley Reception—E. R. Wigle, ATLA. r president Western Ontario COneerva- A .Trewarthag Mrs. Joy-nt and Mrs. In- n grant. F (chairman), W. R. Elliott, Henry Eil- 'William Faulkner, Alfred Beeker, A. th Neeb, William 'Carling., aeome Kee, David Cantelon, Dudley Helmes, an William Coates, A. R. Ford, de (chairman), Reheat MeIVIurray, W, fr Stinson, W. S. It Holmes, Alfred Er- er win, C, G. Middleton, Goedon Reid. se Peintieg—C, Sandere (chair- In man). W. R, Elliott, Hall Coates, an Eetertainment — Henry Dorton an !chairman). GeoreP Petty. Mayer H. sh J. 4. MacEwan, of Godepichl George ge Holman. 1,1111 I iam Con sitt, Milton 0. Wanda. limey ,Salkeld. Musin—C. 'G. Middleton (chair- mi man), Bort Allen, 'William Cherchill, eel John McKinley, Adam •Stewart, W, H. be Women's Committee—Mrs, William ef Consitt, Mrs, Haery Salkeld, Mrs. to 'William Elliott, 1Virs. N. W. Trewar- William ,Stinsen, 1VIrs. Milton Woods„ • A• Mrs. Fred Middietom, mrs, diaries Middleton, Mrs. Wesley Beacobt, Mrs., Bert Allen. Robert Higgins , of IIensall, was emet ry of the meeting. services in. the past and we hope that 'this gift wilt recall fond memories • •Signed-oh•behalf • 'of your friends MORE LOCAL ON PAGE POUR