HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-06-03, Page 5Neves -Record
PalereS to You
and Me
Straw : hat weather is hese.
'Tis the leafy month of June.
the Federal Parliament will pro
bxbly` .celebrate Canada's national
holiday by concluding its ^lengbhy
You may say what you ,please but
•this part of. Ontario loons about as
good right now as anything you could
'reasonably expect on this planet,
They are holding• conferences again
about getting Alberta coal for the use
of Ontario householders, .What we
should like -CO see • as less talk 'ancl
"No country can keep out all the
.'undesirables without the, tea -operation'
of the stork,", the JerseyC'lty Journal
declares. But suppose we'll have to•
• be resigned to what the 'stork leaves
• on our door step.
The Great War is a long way be=
• hind us. In Wingham the ether nighft
• radio fans, according to The Arivageee
Times, "were '.delighted to hear a
-, splendid program coming in quite clic-
- tine.tly from Germany;' :•
That Caledon man who sentto the
riiglitful'•'oiPner the crhece efoi. $2,000
which he had stolen but couldn't cash
hadn't -the dog -in -the -manger spirit
anyway.': He was willing to let the
• other fellow have ^id if he couldn't
tee it.
Referring to a lacrosse ganee'in
Toronto where the 'referee had to
hand out 27 penalties, The'Stratford
Beacon -herald observes; "All the
goals we ever heard' of have always-
"been netted iby players -who stayed
on the field." -
That is something for lacrosse
-players, or those participating in any
game, to think about. -It pays to
play the game.
Have you learned to pronounce the
-name of Antundson's airship which re-
cently flew to the Pole, the -Norge?
It looks easy but it 'seems few Eng-
fish tongues have been able to com-
par's it. , It should .be,pronounced as
.if spelled "Norgeh," with the accent
on the first three, letters and the g
given the same mined as in give. Nor-
' wegians would - probably be shocked
and disgusted if they heard us pro
nouncing into rhyme with gorge,
The Ridgetown Dominion probably
voices the opinion of -a very large
number Of people in the following,
evnun]ng up in • an editorial in last
week's issue: •
It is probably a safe bet that more
business ability is c1 splayed at any
nnncicipal school board meeting than
has been in evidence at Ottawa since
the begi-nning of the present session.
.And that goes for all parties concern-
ed, All are equally guilty of an un
•pardonable waste of the people's pion-
eyto say nothing. of the squandering
of 'irrecoverable time."
A rum -ruiner in Chicago was shot
and in the investigatiowthat followed
it was found that a few days before
be had, deposrted $7,000 in a bank,
"the profits of two days." The aver-
age worker in t]>;e United States takes
over four years to snake that mush,
yet this :law -Freaking. ,ruin -runner
made it in two days. Human greed
is at the
of nearly al
L the
forces that call police forces into
istence—Stratford Beacon -Herald.
r The sooner people in the United
States and Canada -come to realize
that it is human greed, leather than
human tteed,which-is behind the at-
tacks upon and the agitation for a
modification of the existing "prahibi-
.tion measures,the sooner will they
stiffen :their' hacks and gird their
loins to resist suob attacks.
One thing we'd like to ask the far-
mers to do to oblige us. We'd idle
every than jack of them ,to paint. his
name plainly on his mail box that on
the rare oecheion when we fling our
pen into a -corner and bundle our col-
- 'espgitdenee.into the wastepaper'bas-
ket and decide not to be restrained by.
nny duty but to takea jaunt into the
country, we, may be able to`see at a
glance where 'out respeetec subsecib-
•ere live. It is vastly interesting to
'know as you pass the different farms,
who occupies them. Of course not
•many town residents .show their
names. ',But, then, What is thereni-
teresting about a town house?' It is
just' a, house. A faint is an'estate,-
`° and those whd own /arms should be
sdProud of them that they will give
''theist a, naive aisd be glad to have it
known that Iney live there It woixld
.ell Liu• funded pr`oprietor`s in Can-
•eda'would follow the fa5hlon of timed`
'in the older countries and name, their
farms. , Many clo,:,in a sort of a half
'hearted tvay, ;but they usually tell you
the name tome -whet shamefacedly
when you `'ask ''thenm..' Why net' give
the farm a 'flame, peg ,an arch over
the gate with the naive and -the own-
er's name .thereon. _tt • would' cer-
tainly add, a 'distinction to'a farm
Encrgetito meant 'over. 25, with .car,
to'represent ^'large g'r'owing concern.
. IXierion4e u rcess rS, We train
you, 'Apply be Drawer
SS, Clinton
Ont • 60-7.
,Engineer To Speak'•
Engineer Irwin willundress a meet-
ing of the patrolmen, andany of the
ratepayers who ere interested in mat-
ters of municipal interest, in'Holmes'
I3al1r,Tlolntesville, on Wednesday eev---
ening eext, June MI,' at 8••o'cloek• "TL.
G. ,Thompson, Clerk., • 60=1 -
Prase hound
On Clinton street' recently, purse
containing small sum oe inpncy. Own-
er may receive Same by calling at
,The News -Record offibe, proving
property and paying for this-adver-'
'tisemelit. 60.1,
li3lerrea'se s
tario street United church, Clinton,
on May • 2nd, by the Rey: C. J.
Mooil-ense assisted by the Red.
Mr, McRae of Chatham, 'Elizabeth
Ann, eldest daughter of Mrand
Mrs: J. Wesley Shobbrook, I,he
Gravel road, Tiullett township, to,
William Alfred Willard of Beffelo,
son: of Ilir. and Mrs:•Wre. Willard,
Buffalo, N.Y..-
LOVE—P]MFIP—At Sarnia, en May
•21st, -Edna -Ellen, younger daughter
of'Mr. and Mrs. William Pfaff, of
Exeter, to Robert M, Love, on of
My. and Mre: john Love, of Grand
Bend. ;
GRANT—At Grand Bend Manse, on
May •18th, to Rev. and Mrs. Grant,
a daughter.
13TIURNETT-In Clinton, on May 29th,
George Burnett, aged 82 years, 3
months and 21 'days.
SIfGBiBROOI{—In Clinton, on May
31st, Ann Shobbrook, widow of the
late John Shobbrook of Hu'llett
township, in her 85th year.
MUTb1QCK--At Brucefield, on June.
2nd, Jane Boyd Martin, wife of Mr.
Robt. D. Murdock, aged 68 years.
DA.VIIS-Suddenly, in Seaforth, en
1Vfay 21st, Montgomery Davis, hus
band of Lena Kerslaki, aged 55
years, '
LAMBERT --In Seaforth, on May
21st, Margaret McCardle, relict of
the late Martin Lambert, aged 76„
B10WLE.Y—In• Morris township, on
May' 23rd,1926,- Margaret E. Mc-`
Call, wife of Joseph Bewley, aged
43 years and 5 months.
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects. The under-
signed auctioneer has .received in-
strudtions to selleby public auction at
the Baptist Parsonage„Clinton, Al -
bent street, north, onBaturday, June'
5, 4. 2:00 o'clock, sharp, the follow-
ing: Theintzman piano, square, in
good tone; parlor suite; dining room
suite; .Chale Bros., Jewel range, ,a1
most new; linoleum rug; Wilten rug;
square of linoleum; kitchen oliairs;
Icitciten table, new; 'parlor table;
study table, new; 3 large rocking
chairs; 2 small rocking chairs; rub-
ber bath tub; sever:I dozen sealers;
carpenter'''s tools; garden tools; lawn
mower; . beds, springs, matrasses;'
chest of drawers; dishes, pots, pans
and other astihles too numerous to
mention. 1923 Ford touring car, •in
good running older; -set single, driv-
ing harness. Terms: Cash.- At the
same time and ^place a large library
of books will be e£fered by private
sae by Rev. W. A. Gunton, Mrs. E.
11T. Youngei, Proprietress. G. 11. El -
Hat, ,Auctioneer.. 60-1
Seed Budwheat for Sale'•
A quantity of choice- buckwheat for
seed.- This' grain did not get any
rain last fall. Apply R, 1L. Sloan,
Bayfield. Phone 15-r-600, 00-2.
Fur Collar Lost
At Bayfield, or on the road by way
of Bayfield Road, a large mail,: col-
lar. Finder please leave at Commer-
cial Hotel, Bayfield, or at C. & S.
Grocers, Clinton. Reward. 60-lep
Buckwheat For Sale
200 •bushels of clean :buckwheat,
suitable for seed, Apply to Peter
A'IcDougalI, R. R. No. 1, Goderich.
Phone 24 on • 603, Clinton central. 60-2
House For Sale •
Nine -roomed two-storey • brick cot-
tage, electric lights and, town water,
good stable, one half :acre of, land and
good ox'ehard, also fair-sized garden,
Apply to George holland, Ontario
street, east• 60-2
The Human Eye
It is a miracle of efficiency if mg -
mail, butit is the cause of many un-
desirable eenditions if abnormal. And
the sad truth is that most eyes are
abnormal to some extent. Abnormal
eyes mean strained eyes, and *trained
eyes 'mean headaches and other
troubles. Nothing hitt ,glasses -can
tnalce,abnormal eyes' function mor -
mall . GNP your y ,,eo Y r oyesproper atten-
tion by 'hiving 'then” looked after
here. W. H. Heliyar, Ootemetrist,
Clinton, Ont. -
In the Estate. of ChristenweMcbermid,
Notice is ,herby given that all pee --
sots having claims against the es-
tate of �Christena McDermid,' late of
the -town of Clinton in the County ofi
I-inron, wiclow,.:deceased,., who died "on:
'er about the 5th day•of J,anuaxy, A.D}
1926, are required to, deliver •to
Charles McGregor, the administrator
of the said :estate or his solicitor, on
or before the 19th day,of'June A.D:.
1920, a full statement of their elWints.
together with pai-tieulars thereof, and
the nature of the securities; if any,
held by" -them all duly verified by af-
And Take Notice that after the said
last mentioned datethe said dadmmis-
fixator -will proceed to distribute the'
estate of the said' deceased meanesi,
the personss entitled, thereto, eto having
ward only'to Such claims as he shallhave received due 'notice and .in ac
cordanee- therewith. . •
. Dated -'at Clinton
Ontario, this '27tt
clev of ..May, AD, .1926.
W. I3rydone, Clintotl, Ontario, Sol-.
tciior, 9'orr the said Administrator,.
• r,0_1
Ilouse,Pof Sale
'-4, nino'Toone frame house. on Pria-
:cess Mreet tit fireto' class .condition,.
'bath room. furrraee, erect is lihhi!:
cement cellar. Cluerior 'acre' of -lank.
Apply `to' -T'. L. Mittell. • " i 9-3
� Houseor Sale
Comfortable house, contra'l]y' locate
ed in' Ra-tt n
e bury :street, west. Si;:
rooms, electric iight, town water,
garden, small outbidding which
would serve as garage,' Apply ori'
premises to Mies D.' Cantelon. '59.2`
Monday, Tuesday : and Wednesday
of each week.
•Mar uis
Phone 21-638
Wedding r \otos
27TUltSUAY, "JUNE 3, 1,926,
eras ua y aa,
We ntalce a 'specialty of v-edding
portraits, Do not let thisgreat, event
g past without some good portraits
nad'e^at our Studii6
• Hours. 9:30=a.nt. to:5 p.m.
Let us develop and print your snap.
shots and do your "enlarging.
Making Photos is our ,business, th'ztt's
The 73ase. Tine why our work is satisfactory
so trBurgess, Portrait Studio
Farre Bargain
190 Acres
Colborne' township;; 11/_. miles front
•Holinesville,-:5 miles from Clinton
Two comfortable frain'o houses,
barn 40x75, stone, stabling, . all in
good cond.itipn. Good, land, .3^acre$
fine orchard. Gooch; water supply,
rural mail and phone:
Tho biggest bargain in farm prop-
erty on the market and must'' be sold
et an early date. Inspection' invited.
Immediate Possession
Write .or 'Phone
Real Estate, insurance and Bonds
Seaforth, Ontario — Phone 1,52
IJphdlstering and
Our beautiful°lines of Tapestry and
othereoverings..aye•making a hit. We
have at present some remnants suit-
able for an odd chair; also some fult
suite eize pieces whith will go at'
special prices during this month.
Bring along your shabby. 'Suite
or Odd Piece
And We Will Make it Like New
Fraises Repaired or Refinished;, also
Reupholstered or Covered as required,
Repairs or Alterations to all linebeef
Orders taken for crating
OppOS,ite OntSrito
Street Church Shed
°Clinton - hPone 95 06-2-p
Potatoes for Sale
Quantity of early New Yorker
seed potatoes. Apply to T. R. Jen-
kins, R: R.' 3.. -.Phone 23-610. 63-3-p.
Birthday Party and Bazaar
The Girls' Club of Wesley -Willis
church will hold a Birthday Party and
_Bazaar on the evening of Friday,
June 78th, at 8 o'clock in the School
Room. Booths, are being arranged
for the sale of home-made cooking,
`candy, aprons, as 'well as a touch -and -
take booth. Lunch will also Ibe served,
and during the evening several "'mei-
eel numbers will be rendered. : Come
and enjoy a pleasant and profitable
evening with the members of the
Club. a
Auetion Sale
Of Farm -Stock and Implements,
will be held et Lot 12, Bayfield line,
3 nt1les east of Bayfield on Wednes•
day, June 9th, at 1 o'clock, sharp,
consisting of the following: Horses
—he.avy.tnare, 11 years old; heavy
gelding, 11 years old; yearling Per -
charm" filly. Cattle — 2 Durham
grade cows, freshened 1 month; Dur-
ham grade cow, freshened 1 week;
Durham grade cow, freshen. time of
sale;; farrow. cow; 3 2 -year-old heif-
ers; 3 2 -year-old steers; 2 yearling
yearling steer; 3 .young
cafes. 10 ewes with; lambs.. About
20 year-old liens Lefirenleets—Msrs-
ey- har'ris binder, 7 -ft. cut, in good
repair; Massey-11ar"ris ' mower, 6-f1.
Cut; Massey -Rallis hay rake, 10 -ft.;
Massey-Harris•drill, 11 runs; Frost
and Wood cultivator;• set diamond
harrows; Sylvester walking plow;
Petrolea wagon, .nearly new; steel
tire buggy; hay rack;; gravel box;
stock rack;; fanning mill; set scales;
set sleighs; cutter; DeLaval cream
"separator,- nearly new, No. 12; .post-
hole•auget'; Daisy churn; liege power
grindstone; set double,harness; quan-
tlty-of ltunber;, about 300 bushel bare
Tey; Home Comfort stove; quantity of
household effects; hoes, forks, whif-
flet eeo,•ancl Aber .tirtleels.too nuiner-
ou mention. s to tit on. TERMS: Ail stink
of 310 ancl' under', cash; over that
amount, 6 months credit will be given
on furnishing: approved joint notes or
a discount' of 6 per cent;. per annum
allowed forcash.oncredit amounts.
Everything to be sold as proprietor
has •sold his farm- Henry Steam -
proprietor. Geo. H. Elliott, Auction
ter. t,.• 59-2
Special Used Pianos on Sale,
1:Square, Plano, good tone and, in
tine, shape at $50.00. 1 Belly Wallikt
uptight grand, geed in privat'S lsoefee
and areal snap: at $1,85.00 1'Doniing
ren `upright grand, usecl.,: $ men'the,.
guaranteed for 10 years, new $630.00,-
630.00;now 3330.00, Get in on these' goods
while -they last..' Son -ghat' E. Hugi11„
Piano Dealer. Phone ,34-616; Clinton
.central. • 58-3
' Wo have a few bags of cholce`po-'
tatoes which wa;held for send of the
New Yorker variety, growing around
12acres, per year., We find this var-
let s rerior _ t o ' many,
y o,l n ,y, and good
keepers.. We offer thetas at $3.50 per
liag.of>11 bus., They are good size
arid Suitable for 'table es well. Phone
84-616,' Clinton central. d;onithdn E.
Hugel'), or drive out mid ace them ;for
yourself, 584
I ownehip of, Stanley
Notice is hereby given that a Coint
of. Revision will be held- in the to,wn-
ship .hale, Varna, on Mcipday, the '7th
day of Juae, 4926 cit.,the' hour of
eleven' o'clock int the ';forenoon for
1120 purpose dif hearing and determin-
ing complaints t
g ins
t the Assess-
ment Roll o l of the said Township for
1920, •Pereens heving busneee with
the said Court will please attend at
the said time and place without ft;r-
they notice ' J."E., T3arnw ell, Toivt-
ship Clerk, Dated at Varna this
18th day 0± 1st y, 1926.' 5II
race Line
Trc' t i$r r
Daily service to Luean, Exeter, 1ten-
sail, Bayfield Clinton and Goderich
_41l goods insured while lir transit
Local and Long Distance Hauling
66. Elzn Street, Loudon,
Orders left with W. J. Nediger,
Clinton, 'promptly attended to, Phone
38, Clinton. 50,5-p
'Used Cars
For Sale at
The Cliingotii Garage
Every Used Car we offer for sale
has been carefully: appraised, thor--
oughly'recontlitioned and warranted
O.K. at time of 'delivery; except only
a few very ohea'p ears' sold "As Is."
See oui list this week and the
sample Good Values 'offered.
Ask For
• Salesman in Charge
W. J. Chis i&le
70 York St. ' ti London, Ont.
Rupture Expert. Here
^Do you'sulier from rupture? If so,
your big opportunity has now arrived.
Mr. Reavely the noted rupture expert.
will be at the
'Raetenburo House
for one day only -
F.riday,, une 4th
and will be pleasedto give free exat-
ination to any sufferer and to demon-
strate his famous appliance. This
appliance will contract the opening in
10 to ee5 dayh and will cure cases in
from three to six menthe.. This ap-
pliance is positively demonstrated to
you right on your owl" person without
any .abarge. You •do not spend a
penny unless you are fully satisfied
that it is the right' appliance for you.
A consultation with Mr, Reavely will
cost you nothing, Don't let this
portunity getaway from 'you. Re-
metber the date.—
Advt 'S9-2
Buggy For Sale
Cheap. Good as new. Thomas
Mason, Mill street. . 59.3-p'
For Sale
Ford 'Roadster, suitable ;for truck
or delivery. Good running order.tires Al.. J,' E. Cantelon. Phone 116
- b9 -1-B
Mortgage Sale
butler and by _virtue of the Powers
of Sale contained- in: a certain mort-
gage which will he 'produoed , at the
tht e of sale there will be -offered for
sale by Public Auctiion by George H.
Elliott, Auctionoes, et the premises
otr Satued
S the h 12. da, o
y, e tb . y . f June,
A,D. 1026, at the. hour of two o'clock
`Pithe afternoon the following prop-
orty,"viz:' Tice' South` part of the
South half of Lot Numiber 'Three
hundred• and severity -eight on the
Wirt side'of:Albert Street and ,a Por-
tion >iof Town Lot, Number: Three
hundred end ninety -cline en the South
side of Princess Street tic no' Town
of Clinton 325 \Tic County of Holme
On the premises are', a two-storey
brick bakery and, shop 'on the -ground
flo wiih unsung apartments"an the
surf etoebfi°"
Territs: sT'en''lier cent cash; bal-•
;ante in 30 clays. Tor further terms'
and' particuiars`arto conditions' of sale;`
apply to W. 13rvdono,; Solicitor:fior'the
Vendor. ,' 58-3
_louse to .Rent
' A house and 2 acres- of good gar-
den ground: Apply to. W. Drydone,
Clinton. 57-4-2p.
Eggs Vol- Hatching
Barred Rock eggs<•lfor. hatching,
from birdsbred
from la in g �'
winners. Settings 4 cents per egg,
33;50 per h idled. D. C. Galbraith,,
E3tiyfield, nt. Phoue 609-r-11,, CIin-
tn central. 56-tf"
iJatchingEggs .
S. C. White :Leghorns a;td- Ply-
mouth Barred Rock eggs for hatch-
ing, fnanr' good laying strain. Price,
33,50 ,per 100 or le per egg. Roy
Tyndall, R. R. No. 3, Clinton: Phone;
3 on 607, Clinton central, 59;-tf
Cheese foie Sale
Cheese for sale iu '10 ' lb. "tots ot`
More any time, present price 20c lb.
W. 'H LAO,'
and sate
p sman:
R. R No. 3,"Clinton, 40-tf
Clothes Cleaned and Pressedµ i
Clgthes 'cleaned 'pressed and, re
air C. - �p
ea. ' "W la - Q� �s:491.7AP1'ri A
paired. Woolet goods dry cleaned
Rnoms over Heard's ', barber shop
W. J. Jago. '• 83 -ti P)Elf9NE 7 Cbl1NTf)N
Por .a11 kinds of good,; live poultry.
We advise you: to pick out your stir -
plus poultry -cog* while, the price is
high. .,take "advantage' of ,our high
Always in the market for new -laid
eggs. Our grading' and prices will
please you if you take care of pour
N W.'Trewartn a . .
Phones—Office, 214j Residence; 214w.
Clinton Motor Truck
and Machine Co.
Tires and Tubes
Patching Material.
Storage Batteries
Battery Repairingand,Charging
Gasoline, Oil and Grease g
Auto Assessories `arid Repairing
1924 model—In good running order
Examiner for applicants for
chauffeur's licenses
W. J. Nediger
DAM -Jager
You Are Liiabdie
TO become involved in a snit for
damages to personsor property while
driving your ear upon the streets, the
highways or byways.
We will assume all liability for in-
jury to yourself or the yublic. To
your car or that of the other fellow.
We will gladly ,furnish you with all
particulars ,
Licensed Agent for
Life, Fire, Automobile, Acdident and
Sickness, Public Liability and all
other lines of insurance-
PHONE 253w •
Sugar and Butter, "Best Sellers"
the Grocery trade are only two of
hundreds we carry ready to fill your
order at a moment's notice. Every-
thing we buy for you nxust be the
best and it must be priced' to save
you money,
141, lbs" Gran: Sugar for , .. , 31.00
3 lb:•Fait Lard for 57c
Brooms, each . . ............ 39c
2 lbs. Baby,r Puffed Raisins , .. 29e
2lbs. Valencia Raisins ' 29e
ALWAYS—A good stock , of Fresh,
Clean Dairy Butter.
Phone 111
,. a
Did you'. ever stop tothink how
many of your elaily activities depend
'on cool? You wake in a warm, com-
fortable'li Coal
lunge. Coal heated it, You
eat a substantial breakfast, -coal'
cooled it. You go, clown town,'to yearfactory. 'Coal generated the power
Which operates 'i i.. A11 day long:coal.
works for you. Be sure and. keep
supplied- with it, ;
Catlike 1,1EAMin
for:. rood clean coal
atehOur ONV�g�
Saturday ' `
will:. ,,a ou to
0 Y
leer Haidw are
Doering and McCormick Agency
Old Stand •
Baba Ohli furls
315.00 per hundred for May
$13.00 per 'hundred for June
$18.00 per hundred for May'.
$16.00 per hundred for June
Custom Hatching 5e per egg
E. J. Trewar> ha
Phone, 611-r-22 57-tf
Years of experience have gone in-
to the selection of our stock as to
quality and price. We have a com-
plete line 'of Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa,
Red Clover, White and. Yellow Sweet
Clovers., All seeds grown in Ontario
and 'specially selected for hardiness,
Car load of Bran, Shorts and Pur-
ity, Flour expected daily. Special
prices, •
J. A.. FORD .& SON
Phone 128
Flour and Peed'Meechants and
Grain Buyers
i.,`4DA ROW
will be at his office
in Clinton each
From 3 to 6 pan.
Having'erected new coal sheds will
have on hand full stock of coal for --
immediate delivery. Prices reason-
able. ,Iso a quantity of dry maple
Orders taken at residence, phone 119
Stove and Nut Coal, Coke, Soft Coal
and Kennel Coal
Also Some Wood
Phone. 155: • Huron Street,
Ladies' Attention
1iu'n prepared to do iiri£" bss re-
pair work for all makes of Sewing
Also a full stock of
Needles,:Belcs and Parts
for all makes
Sole Agent for the Singer
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clinton
Depoitd4ble • Shoes .
When you buy a pair of shoes the first consideration should
be quality. Quality in shoes is not in the grade of leather used only,
it includes good Shoemaking. The Shoes we sell have alwa s' had
., y
a reputation .for good wearing. qualities,
They are Always Dependable
because of the ixigh quality of leather used and Superior Shoemaking.
The true test of Shoe Value is not in the; first cost, bot the final
cost—not what they cost per .pair, but what they cost Per year. It
is upon this simple test of, value that the success of our Shoe business
is based, • t, • t' k a sIr taR�l�
Onr New Spring Lines Show Very Attractive Prices
"Adios' goods ranging from 32,50 to $5:50
Men's lines' from $3.50 to $7.50
Super. Qualities ranging as high as 310.50
The 'Big Shoe Store ` Opposite the Town Hall
':. G.' o •Electrician
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Electric Manges, Fixtures, : ulbs, Irons, Fans and' other
Wiring and Repairs: Phone II3liw
1 Fio-yr Feed Seed
• An assortnient of Bread flowers and. Pastry flour, Pion-
eer Chic feed, d Maple Leaf
p e canned goods, all hinds of break-
fast foods.
We ;carry a full line of 'kawleigll Products also Rundle's
lini hent and 1
r yes.
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