HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-06-03, Page 41.1IIIRSDAY, JUNE l'nta Clic km Neves COO Et Er IronE sier a Made for -men, Women arid. Children in pure thread silk, azlk-arid wool.combination, Ray- on silk, Mercerized Lisle and cotton. Summer styles, Popular shades, ; Lock Stitch to prevent run , Rein toe, t e" ,heel and sole. ©®ill°��i _ „41, ha i `l t 7 he ! ' amotAte,.� No Better rValues in Canada. e A new and ?.. complete`;liue now on display 1 CLINTON' • Clinton S ' M siea1 Instrumen " e '.1 , sentative T. See'or Call J. MeNEIL Dealer in alJ Musical instruments Box, 143 or Nude 273; Clinfon PONY. CUNTEST' The Clinton News -Record will give away VOTES in the Pony Contest Whichis' announced elsewhere in this issue on the fellowieg very liberal basis For 'Each New Subscri P "tion n• 3000 Votes 'For Each Renewal Sobscrip do 2000 -Votes For ,A Subscriptions tions .' irl rrears 2000 votes for each year Boys and Girls -this •is your opportunity to Wine handsome Shetland Pont Free Solicit .a new subscription, turn in to 'us the $2.00 and secure ;your- vote coupon. nee kyi��1 tit•i�,>>9 Q.. jli"�a11P1 ril:i) I I . + .a I , Iy�'�jII F The Floor's .Reality.. Revealed ! The natural' beauty of the wood grann shows. through', the smooth -surface of your floor when CARMOTE FLOOR VARN;IS] is used. It combines all the 1�dvantages of a transparent. varnish with the decorative possibilities of natural wood stain.. Varnishes and stains at the same stroke of, your bnrsh:;Dries hard and smooth—tteiy)er hot nor Bold Water can harm it, 'Solei in eight tine natural wood shades, and clear varnish, ''Equally good for woodwork or furniture. i1f de by earpene -Mair n Company Roston, Luton ;Har •ward and. ,. Furniture o ,,, Cllltg9, i oderiehM1 Townsi<II Mr, and Mrs, D. M. McDonald and fainily`of Detroit spent the week -and Kith the latter's sister, Mrs. H. Iial- aom. Mr. and Mrs. T. Morgan and+Family and Mr. and' Mrs; Wm.' Stirling of Port Stanley called on friends in the neigh°Gorhood c katuid'ty-.and Sunday. Mr, and -lYlrs,-Albert 1-lar•ris and Mr. E. Emmerson motored up from Do, trait on Friday; They returned on Tuesday, accompanied by. Nliss Kate MCI}ougall: o Mr. .John 'McGuire has purchased a new Chevrolet ear. Misses-''-Plarenee 'and Alda eke/el-t- alk of, kDoat- ald„of,' Detroit: spent 'the Week -enol with their br etlien;s.. ltfr. and Mrs# V. Elliott spent .Sim - day in Blyth and Wingham. Mr, 'C, -McDonald, accompanied Mt Wise to Toronto ;Saturday with a car- load of Cattle. • Mr. and Mrs, • Geo. Monk and fain ,ily spent ISu_1iday with the latter:s parents) n Mr. ane Mrs. -Geo Vaulter burgh. r On Monday evening a number' of the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Henhoffor, who have been residing on. the, Maitland for the past ten years blit vene have: this, week'; e- vidved 'to Kitelie]ner, gathered at the, home of Mt and Mrs, Andrew Shep- pard to spend a•social hour with Aem before their departure. Ap leasa't irne was spent and during Lite even - ng an Idnress was read to then: and hey were presented with a purse, as a token of/ esteeni'and regard. The address, which, eollows, was read by 14 Ir. John Mair and the presentation was made by Mr. R. G, Sni th, in be- alf of the community: "Mn and Mrs. Henhaffer and fait- ly: We,your friends and -neighbors, have gathered here tonight to show 11 setae: small nteasnee the.esteeitt in which 'you and, your family have been ctrl in our midst, aed also our regret t your departure from this 'neigh - (yelped. And we would ask you to accept this small gift as a token of me appre`elation of you all. Though on Will be away; from our midst we feel assured you will not be -forgotten nd we hope you will meet with suc- ess and -prosperity -in your new home. Signed on behalf of the gath- e'tng," ` , Mr, and Mrs. Herhoffer and family eft: yesterday for'ICitehenet -. t t h 11 a h 0 y a e d .Council' met on• May -26th for- Court lei Revision Therh were very few` ap- paats. Mr. Bieh. Boncl, Mr, Masan Stirling. and Mr. „Albeit Bond . were lowered $100.00 each,' while Mr, John Mulholland 1 and was $ g .char el 100• add;- tionaf for beeiness assessment.- Mr, Geo,- Flewitt and Mr; Morris Switzer asked not reductions but no action was taken. Messrs, ;Len McGee, -Cliff Lobb; Robt. :Smith, G. O. Sturdy, T. M, Woods, and Mason Stirling returned their dog tags and these were ordered cancelled frotnnthe toll, There were peehaps more :,n-operty changes this year there usual and those corrections had to be made also: Mr. Pellet,' the representative of the Globe Indemnity* Ce., addressed the council to insurance for protect- ing the ntunicijaality in; event of ac- cident for which the township might be Liable. The council decided to in- sure subject to cancellation at the next meeting in July. • The following eccouuits were paid; J, A. McMillan assessor, $86.00; 1.A, {'leM,ilet, postage, 84.60; Chas, :Ty Tier, flowage top low $5,00; Sani Ern- merlon, supt., $18.50. The • council then adjourned to meet en Monden,, July 5th, at 1:80 pan. -On Friday the council made a tour of inspection of at bridges and cul veris fin the township and decided to linnet the bridge'bet-weee lots 15 and 16 on con, 5, also the bridge on tete 4th con. opposite lot 33, As soon .as plans can be i_noeured they will act- vertise for tenders -at.per cubic yard cement 'work, the contractor tore move old structure and -leave the road open for traffic. . R. G.• THOMPSON, Clerk. Pile Sufferers Cats You Answer These Questions? Do you know why ointments do not give you ciuick and5ia;iting relief? `- Whir cutting and op rations fail? Do you know y the cause ofrtes i' p s internal? • That there is a stagnation of .blood; inthe lower bowel ?' Do yon know hat;there is`a harm_ less internal remedy discoyored by. Dr. Leonhatdt and;' known ao IIEM- ROID now, sold by J. B'e, Bovey and druggists everywhere, that is;guaian- teed? H'EMVI-I0OID banishes piles by re' moving' -the cense,` by freeing blood circulation lin the lower bowel., . This simple home ireattnenthes 'anialmost unbelievable record for slue, safe and lasting relief to -thousands, of ,pile sick suffere;s,-aiid saves the needless, Pain end expense of an •operation.,. Don't. delay. T•ty HEM ROID today. It will do the same for you, ti_ Siicinni,j Men , Run Down Men • Nervous Men DON'T MISS THIS . You're. behind the tines if vett don't yl snow that Cod -Liver Extract is one onn-the greatest flesh,pi;odudes in the world. Because' it contains mote nitallting vitamines than airy food you .can get. • You'lI be glad to'- klroiv`that Mc- Coy's Cod 'Liver Extract Tablets come fn•'sugai+.coated form now, •so if you really want. to put 10 or 20 poundt of •solid, healthy flesh orf. -your bones and feel Well and strong have a com- plexion that people ;will admire, ask any druggist for •t'.box of R•lcGoy's. Cod Liner tetrad Tablets. Only GO cents for §0 tablets, and if. You don't -gain five pounds in 30 days. your •druggist will nand you back the motley you have paid foiethem. • It isn't'anythitig unusual for per- eorn to gain eine uope s, in '30 days, and for, old people/with feelelenoss overtaking their they' week' wonders. A1fi12t7 r eu^.tsrd On ;Saturday evening last . sonic. fifty: friends anti neighbors of 'Mr. and Mrs, Sanutel' Cox 'and' Melbourne gathered at the home of NIr, and Mrs, H. 'Mogridgo' on '" fie ,Base 'Tine, -`where Mrs, Cox' .'was Staying: after leaving. • t the C'o e •i • I : dtc r halo iL 1 ' sp a , to eX- press their regret at the departene of Mr, and Mrs. Cox from the neighbor- hood, and at ,the satire time, to show their appreciation of the way in which both Mr. and . Mrs. Cox ,had proved themselves to be good neighbors. When all had.' arrived Mr. and Mrs. Cox and Melbourne were ealled fore p 0 e S t e ,ward and the !ollowiatg, address tea to thein; "Dear Mr. wird Nlrs. Cox and. Mel ;bourne: It was with feeling's sof dee regret that • we, your friends an neighbors, learned of yourintentio to 'leave our: cer :nunity. You ban been; such good neip_hbors to ns -.,al 'thin the'ythonl•ht of your ,depaatitr canne'to us tvithsotneth ng• of s shock When we r•enieinber how- you always carne' to env assistance in - sickness of -in 'trouble we begin to'realize how much we shall miss you, .-You never 'spared "yourselves if'yon thought you could help us and in doing this yot have, set us all an • example of;neigh- borly l.indness and Christian thougst fulness that we . shall not forget Knowing all this, however; we did no want to let you'leave ' us without chewing`you our aepreciation in some more practical' way ten just words And so therefore we ask you to ac- cept these' gifts as a murk of our genuine regard for you. We want them to be the expression of the es- teem and affection that you have won for yourselves whilst living in our midst. It ie : our sincere 'hope that you will be spared to spend many a quiet and happy neer together• seated in these chairs, and as• you Mao may thee& conte to you fond memories 05 the days when you lined here andof the friendships you tirade. We pray that God ,may bless you with hearth and; strength and that the evening time of -your day's may be one of rest and Toy andepeaee, May God's rich- est blessing be upon you in your new •hone' and amid new surroundings." • At the close of the reading of the, address Mr. and Mrs. Cox'tvere pre- sented with two beautiful chairs and Melbourne with a flashlight and a tire tester, - Refreshment were then served and the remainder of the ev- ening was spent in a social way. Mrs. Cox left on Monday tor Flint, Minh., to .visit her son 'Ralph. .On her no - hum Mr. and -Mrs, Cox will reside in Go eric i d h. They take y with them the best wishes of the whole community:- The ommunity.The Rev, 1'9..5 QUfton,- M.A., will speak in Ifuox eburch next Sabbath. morning in the interests of the ' On- tario Prohibition Union, CONSERVATIVE PICNIC,,AT BAYFIELD It is definitely arranged that Hon. Howard Ferguson will ' attend the • Western Ontario Comeervative ,3151110,, to•beeheld at Bey�fieid on Wednesday, `June' 23. This will be: the first of it segies of three eicnies to be. held during thee saintlier by the association. The other er two will be held in Essex and Sim- eon counties, The dates and places have not yet been fixed. In' addition to Mr. Ferguson lie is expected that smite prominent -Feder- al -Conservative leader will be pre- sent. Details of the picnic are in the hands of the Ewen County Conservs"i tive Association. Si. Helens -. Mr. Freci Bond and daughters, Mary .,and Rachel Ramutingtori, of °Kincardine, spent 4Sunday at the home of Pars. R, J. Woods. Mr. Torrance Anderson of Detroit visited at the -home of bis father, Mr. Joe Anderson for a few days. Mr, Wan. Weods and 'son, Arnold, spent' Sunday on the 4th concession of Flueon, visiting the former's daughters, Mrs. Jas. Irwin and Mrs, Richard :Martin. ' • We ase sorry to report the serious illness of Mt, Peter Clark, who suf- feren a stroke on Sunday morning. Mee. John' Patterson is also on the sick list at present, . also • Miss Lyle Humphrey; •Mr. ROA:Barbour and son, Clar- ence„ Miss Viola Berbouo',-Mrs. John Carney„ and Mrs, R. A, harbour . and Bobby Phillips of lierg'ns spatia the 24th visiting,friends around St, Hel- ene. . , Mir, John Neale, a rtrospehtor of. ,$irlsland ,Lake, -New: Ontario, visited with --biother,' gr. : Robt. Neale heinee Mr. ' Neale was on his way to Montreall'to, sleet 'his• wife conning horn .time 010 Land. ` The stork left . a baby boy at the home of. Mr. and Mrs, .Win. Ruther- ford on May 22nd. Miss Antra Stuart of Toronto spent the week -end' at her home here re- cently. ` Mr. and Mrs. Janes C. Douglass spent a few days at the home of her mother here. -Quickly Drives •Out All Rheumatic Poison The first day you t ileo Rheuma, the clean:en remedy, ,that is selling so rapidly, yeu'lI realize, elect ' when Rheuma 'goes ' in Rheumatism -goes out. It matters not whether yotr are tor- tured with pain, crippled with swollen; joints -os• distressed with: octasionaf' twinges, Rheutisa is guaranteed td end your rheumatic . trouble or money Rheuma is just as effective in cases of lumbago, sciatica, arthritis and chronic noulalgia. Rheumatism is a dangerous dis- ease. It 'often affects the heart and'. causes sudden death If yon have it in the slightest .degree- get, a bottle of Rheuma (from. j, E, I-Igvey of any druggist• today and drive' it front your system at once. Ver n'i; Quite a number from the. village attended the play "Engaged," in . ut•On. Ba field Friday p Y Y ' evening'; by the young•-peaole,of the.Angliean church. All report a good trine, The •,futjeral of 'he elate- Miss 35: Err aft of -I c"1oti1 on i'sled through I � rough &itis will ige sol16 day 'lsootweelc. ,Miss Er- ratt was formerly resident of the villa bt. and`a sisfer.of"alar. Henry and John Erratt of the. Babylon line. Mr. Richardson. has moved his saw mill to Mr. -R. Webster's. 'Several al attandod.the: Aeaneiy meet- ingtat Belgrave on Thesday, The W. A, of St: John's Chnreh met at the lhoine of Mrs. H. Diehl on Thursday last. 't'he Jay- entitled " l� e .Bashful Mr. Bobby,"put on by Lncl.new•talent on. Tuesday e e n , i a ; s n g was well rendered and much enjoyed by all. :There was a good" attendance, -even though the weather e v: t ash•e ' t i atning. Mr„ Cr, B; Woods' returned to his homoin; Liste• w,l on. Tuesday last,.• Constance - Th ISi Ui The Kinburn I'oo-tba i Club 1 C uU 'has ere gamed again end has entered ii the W. P. Association. competitions: There 'are three teams competing in this district and . we expect to see some fast ball. -this year, as these teams are: getting.., the ,best' of true - sets and Seafo-th players: The games are as follows: -JUNE 4-I£inburn at St. Colnniban, r St, Columban at Winthrop 9—Winthrop at Kinburn, 11 --St, Colutnbatn at. KinbuI'u 14—Winthrop at St. Coluinban 1G—I'i >r tubo • to il at Win i � io . n 18—St- C'alunnbaii at Kinbutn 21—St. Columban at Winthrop 23 -Winthrop at Kinburn 25—Kiuburn at St. Colurtiban 28—Winthrop at St. Colunibam 'JULY 2--Kinburn at `Winthrop tvex ;1a , engine passing tlsvotigh 1Tohme, MulhollandFetors May Brussels, Ont., Florence Mary Ami delude, nightingale Peters, daug�ls tet of Dr. • and Mrs, zanies 1 Peters was united in marriage to Williztn Mulholland i` 0 land oL' Wanton the n, tri<rg ceremony being' performed by Rev. Mr, Staifard, Tho bride and groom of 10 yefirs ago were attended 'by Minnie Mitchell; snow Mist. Ben Col of Clinton and H.- 13. Peters,. broth of thk bride. On May 24th, 1020, at their hone in Holmesville. Mr and Mrs. 1truihol- , bottomed parlor1 belonging 1 e t !I! vine to Goderieb. He reaates'that the At 10 a.m on church seats in those Vlay 24111, 1876,; at the bride',, I'o5'sdays were son high that;as a' boy he could scarcely„ see over thein to view' the preacher. - TTp the aisles, uprights 2x4 inches, ,.were fastened to the seats and r ca dies el • aced on the top of th em -t e light the church. Mr. Mulhollaxtd a1.' so remembers being• trimmed to the tune of the hickory stick for playing hookey._ e They have many relies in their er home `of .eoniter clays, being possess- ors of one of the oldest candlestielts used in Godet•ich township, mid they still have: the beautiful walnut, cane- c hairs e tinging to Mr. neulholland's tnother. Mr.-M'ulhotiand• has leen the "Vil- lage rtIacksmith" for forty year's in Hoimesville, oeining' here " on New Year's Day, s from' Walton in 1880 where he had alrdady spent fifteen years at his trade. Be has been an artisan of the first' order and has en- joyed the well -merited 'patronage of the residents' r of : the community and is still practising his trade as ocaa. Sion demands, He Chas two old anvils, no longer flat but well hollowed out by the constant fashioning of the metals u , a Don thein Both Mr.; and ;Mrs, 'Mulholland re held' in .high esteem by membersofthe colrimunito. In times of sickness and `trouble Mrs. Mulholland has al- ways been• one of the "ministering angels" who -has given her efficient services gladly- . and willingly. ,Both 1. are enjoying.. good health. Both are still' young in spirit.and the sincer°. wishes of then many friends are en - tended that -they may still be; spared to enjoy many years of life together, land celebrated their golden wedding Mr, Mnlholland's parents lived neat Seaforth 1VIrs, lstulholland's father Dreriies Peters,: was a surgeon in Wean War and Florence Night- ingale ight in le e a w hi' g s s assisting nirr�se and 11 named hie clangihtee after her a Florenee Nightingale's request, 1VIi. Mulltofand's grartdfather,3rWit- ham . Small,- was one of the eaelies<t pioneer' settlers around Holmesvil'le, in 1833, he and hiswife came from Toronto to Gadericch Tp, :and settled in the 'wilderness 'on the "Crown Land" farm later known as the Mee Lead ecce t and a p t •e -property, pt sent owned rev Michael Flick, on theHuronRoad West: The journey was not made in those -days by automobile: but in an ox -cart, taking a. .week or more to make the -trip. Dhose were the good old days, for the first morning after' they -'settled -on their farm they en- joyed a breakfast on - fine speckled trout :caught in the` stream that flowed thvongh their fain. Mr. Small in later days was manager of the Piser's Flour 'mill, the first flour mill in ,Goderich, owned by the Can- ada Co, M. Sinal was a man of avoirdu- pois, .weighing around 250 pounds. At that time the land on which the God- erieh -Court House noty stands was swampy ground. Among the pioneers of those days were the Acheson, the Holmes, the Rutledges- and the Fords, Mr. and Mrs1 Mulholland have en- joyed happiness and prosperity through all the 'years. Their home - has been blessed by a family of :six children, one, son,- Harvey, deceased. The remaining five are, Mrs. W. 1Z• Cole of Winnipeg; Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Draper of Detroit; Fred G, ,on the farm, Enron Road West, and John' F. in the garage business, Hoimesville. Tltey` have sixteen grandchildren And three groat grand- children living. The two sons, Fred and John, and their families, has their -wedding dinner with brideand groom of fifty years ago and the parents.had their twa daughters from, Detroit to visit them on Sunday, -May Seth' Mr. Mulholland has a wonderful memory and recalls many interesting. and anmusing,incidents from pioneer clays. nes a boy he saw the first C. 1 • Huitelt Township , Mr. George Hesselwood, , who hen been very ill for the past three weeks at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Janes Collinson of the 13th .eon. is not improving very fast, but -is still in a• weak condition. Mrs. Wm. Medd of Trowbridge spent last week with her brother, Mr, liesselwood. - Kipplen On Wednesday evening of Iast -week Messrs. Robt. Cooper, Cleave Cochrane, Thos. Chapman; • Robt. Darymple and Alex. McKenzie Mot- ored up to•'Carlow, Colborne township, to Morning Star Lodge, A. ] .''tee A. 111., the occasion being the official visit of thole D. G.111, Dr. Orme oe Lucan. On; initiation • was put through, after which Dr. Orme gave a splendid address to the members, Supper then, was handed around, en- ter -ter which more addresses were given and all present spent a very pleasant evening. A huge number •of the God- erieh brethren were ,present, also brethren from Zurich S,odge,-Iiensall. Mrs, A. P. Walker, of Toronto, who bas been visiting her father, Alex. Me1Kenzie of the-vilalge; and other re- lativestin the e County, left for ben home_ in the city on Monday after a very pleasant visit. • Mr. Cliff Watson, wife and fancily arrived last week ' from Detroit, where they have been living for a number of years. They came by motor car and. have taken up their abode with Mr. Henry ,Shafer in the hotel. We are glad to welcome them back to the village and feel assured it will rejoice the heart of their aged grandfather, who has been living all .aloire for soma years, to have his grandson and great grandchildren around him in his declining years. Mrs, -.Gower, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Johns; hero for .the past couple of weeks, went down last week to visit her uncle, Mr.: Ben Mn - king, of the town -line, Stephen, ` ton riving back he re onMonday night. Mr. Jas, unwa serious operBaweyation its -whoClintonder'hospitaentl sevei'al'weeks agoeand carne home re- cently •is making good,progressto- wards ,recovery, whith is "cause' for cotgratulations from his , many friends bete: •Thee reeent' nine showers of rein were very -acceptable and cause:for thankfulness. 4Ev,erything is looking fine and. premises well for the future. The fruit -crop 'will be good if frost keeps ewayr' . 1 fallen:IV:0E0e*. enter Sealed tenders addressed to the tin. dersigned, and endorsed "Tender for River Breakwater Reconstruction, Goderieh, •Ont•'.," will be received until 12 o'clask noon (daylight saving) Thueslay, June 17,'1926, for the re construction of the river breakwater for- a alength of 1,087 feet, at Gode'- ieit, Huron County, Ont. •• - Plans Lind forms of contract can be seen .and specifications and forms of tender obtained at this Department, at the offices of the District Engin- eers, Customs 'Building, tendon' Ont.; Equity building, Teronto,.Ont., and at the Post Office, Goderich, One. Tenders will not be considered un- less .made -on printed forms supplied by the. Department and itt accordance with conditionscontained therein. Each: tender "must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the ,order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 -p.c. of the , amount of the tender. Bonds of,the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Railways, Company will, also be ,•ac- cepted as security, or bonds and a cheque if required to make up an odd amount. NOTE—,Blue prints can be obtained at this Departmentent byde depositing m,g an accepted cheque( for' the sum 'of $20; payable to the order of the Minister of nubile Works which will bereturn- ed if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. 4 By Order, S. B. O'•BRIEN, : -,., Secretary. Department of Peiblie Works, '' • Ottawa, May 26, 1926. 66-2, - The Pure`Bred Clydesdale Stallion GENERAL MILLER, No. 21,103 Enrolment No. 1308 Form 1 Will stand for season of 1926 as follows • Tuesdays at Joe Flynn's, Gth con, Hallett, for noon, his own stable for fright. :Saturday, a]1 day at' Graham House Barn, Clinton. Balance of each week at his awn.stable, lot 18, con. 3 -•vii R etc. ' TERMS To insure An ..foal, $12,• payable when mis knl. Mares notare returnedown rog'ultoarbely int tofoathe %gorse• will be charged full insurance whitherin foal Pr not, Partiestiesdis- posing- of mares before foeling 'tuna will be charged full insurance. All accidents et risk of owners of mares. To Ba'tiee breeding Registered Clydesdale• mares I will give 'written contract to take the -colt when 4 months old and pay $100 for each colt. ED. JOHNSTON, Proprietor. R. R. No, ,i, Clinton, Ont. Phone 3 011 630. 5 9-tf Clydesdale Stallion KING JAMES Sired by Ring Thomas • Will leave his own stable, Bayfield Road, on Monday morning and travel by way of Clinton and Base Line to M. -Butler's, 16th con. of Goderieh Tp. for .noon, thence -by way of 16 eon. south to his own stable for night. Wednesday will leave his own stable and travel by way of Bayfield road to Wni, ,Lobb's -corner, thence by way of Varna Road to Ben Rathwell's corner, thence west to Peter Cole's corner, along '9th con. .sof Goilerich' Tp. to Reuben' Gnigg's for noon, then by way _of 9th ton. Godericb Pp. to Huron Road, then to Holmesville, to 14th eon. to Wm. Vodden's corner, then to his own stable for night. Friday morning,,wiil leave his own stable and go'byway of Clinton and ISuron Road eo Alma Corner -and then to Kinburn for noon, then. west to Gravel road and south on Gravel road to his own stable fsn-the night, where he will re- main until the following Monday 1nprt)in_g'.', This; route ` wilt;- be, 'oontinued tha,'oughout the 'season, health and weather• permitting, TERMS: To insure foal, $13.00, two mares, $25.00,,' to ,be paid'en or nbenore March '..,1st, . 1927.; All mares et -risk of owners, Mares 'must be returned regularly ea horse or will be eliitged whether in. foal on' not. _ GUS BIS -BACK, ,Proprietor,` 69 -til 0 0 It"s`f3afe to buy your tires, wherever, you see•this sign, for'the efficient , Dunlop Of- ficial ;Dealer stakes. - his reputation on and invests his money in thein A24E DUNLOP OFFICIAL ° SERVICE' DEPOTS -- Clinton Nioter Truck cC 'Machine On, Clinton George East, Clinton IIert Langford, Clinton ' J:- °B, Levis, Clinton • W,in. Westlake, Bayfield J, C.; Radford, Londesboro George, I3', Beatty, Verna MaDVOIDADIMir 0