HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-06-03, Page 3THE CREAM COLORED PONY When 'I was a smelt boy, both I and 'most 'other boys of my own age and period -the mighty intid-Victorian- were wont to indulge in a day -dream of wildest audacity -to wit,that on some wonderful birthday.morning one would be awak-ened'by the sound of a patvfirg'end• a crunching of the gravel outside, that one would spring from bed with beating heart, would fling. wide the lattioe-window, add looking down wound• see on the carriage -drive a neatly attired geoam^`ifalddng the bridle of a peerless pony, a cream -col- ored perry -it was always• cream -color- ed ---with a long Sowing trail (it always had a long flowing tail), I find, after delicate and •tactful inquiry among boysof the present generation, that much the same dea^ing dream leapt to taunt them as Birthdays draw near with a elight difference due tb the *Lange of :fashion mentioned above: They. too, hope to be awakened by' that same cruneleng of gravel outside; they ,too, exeeet to •spring delightedly front bed and fling the casement wide. What their -enraptured eyes, however, are now to .look down upon is a peer- less oream•colareld_ motor -car with a long flowing wheel -base; or at the very Ieast, It snorting and quivering young motorcycle The vision'•, you see. are 'essentially the same; and doubtless. thelatteris as rarely realized as ever the former was. tVe oom•e now ea the last of my il- I.nstrwtions-the child's ideal of per - tonal property, of those wonderful pos- seeeians• wince he dares to dream may possibly come his way, tkrougir tits Medium of some happy stroke of for tune, of en Arab jinni suddenly etnerg- fug ant of a bottle, or of a fat and oitl godfather suddenly emerging out of The labor of lifting your iron about u hundred end fifty times in the course of an ordinary ironing is the -equivalent of tail- ing nearly half a tom The Hot- point Iron never needs to be lifted ar all, but ahnply tips back on its specially -constructed heel rest. This is out: of the Pour iteatares that make Hotpoint Inman; "the easier way,': Ark your dealer, -. E a train. :Now it may be per'feotly true that a cr'err-m-colored pony no longer says very muola to any of us, at our time of life, But -but --now rani ber•, 'tve are in the confessional to -day -but-.1 low about that crea-coagred'. matoreear? 'And is not that car of our dreams a Super+B.olls-Royce, and is there aaothe:r one on the rtghroads of Europe or America that can compare with it "for speed. for perfeotton of springs,. for inanninity from break- downs? ❑reams of Youth. Then again, there.are some mien 'to whom I should: much like to put this question privately, an soon al I ituew them well enough: At about ` what period at your life was it --when you were, say, thirty, or forty. or fifty-. that yeti sadly but finally laid aside tkeg vision of the ideal steam yacht- Bre wonderful vessel• in which 'you were wont ko -visit all,; the ports and barbers of the world, to lie off tropical islands or breast: the long Alienate rolIersi all on the same eventing? But perhaps you have never really laid. up your steam yaeht, you will atick,to It through thick and thin, and you al- ways mean to? If sb, you are fortun- ate indeed.. ever let it„go. It costs -- nothing; it has no rivals while aiioat; but once it has struck on .the rocks el feet and foundered in deep water it can never- be raised to- the surface again. But perhaps the most usual shape which the cream-ceJored pony a'esunmes hi grown-up dreams is that of the ideal house, estate, 'country property, al- ways jest the right period of arcilitec- ture, just the proper soil, just_ the cor- rect distance from town, and furnish- ed, equipped, staffed and teenaged, just antra, and we alone of all people, could • do the thing' if we had the chance. Now this is never an' ignobly dream, for nothing respende to goner oualyto care, lave, and expenditure as a noble house or estate, or Pastes It- self so dIosely,-about the roots of the ireart.. In this dream; fantasy almost disappears, but beauty has fullest and finest play, 'll'ew unworthy desires find room for growth hare. and one May even slid a' Wiser andya better man after the enjoyment of a natation only built he aloud -land. Soinetimts, in- deed, it is -no, ques•tieh bf ideal sky - building at all; for the elite may be in. aotnal eifetenee,' may even the truces - teal, and long known and loved as,, Such; It passed away from youper- haps by: some hard turn -of fortuue- bet it mayNeale/Be reach and pesdlbiY "-ennth day' atteleabie-and then your dream may be In, truth a noble ambition, shaping and driving yeu towards fine ends, as ail Crus amu linens mtist,-.Keunetit Grahame, In The Yale'Reylerv. Nice Little Japanese Children, Japanaese children seem totally to lack the Matelot for destruction that Is a marked-charaeterisiio of Ameri- can youth.' In the bay of Yokohama, says Dorothy Dix le 'My Trip Around the World," there 1ssame sort of a lit- tle pink barnacle, about the size of a Weer dime, that fastens Itself' on any- thing east into the water. Tile Japan- ese put in little twegs aid sticks, and when these have became covered with the pinkish shells they neat thein to. gather between babrhoo poles and a make of theme fence that looks Odie a wail of mother-of-pearl: It Is the - meet beautiful, the most. ethereal, the. frailest structure that it is possible to' imagine, and yet you see blocks 01 this fence along a -public highway, on evhich thousands of little boys pass .and play every day. And it Isn't touched. Get that? 'A steall boy and a mother-of-pearl fence, existing at one anti the same time -and' in the same piacet l' regard that as the chiefest of all the marvels of. Jap- an. I redeeted that such a fence wbttld laze about three minutes in America, but, being. of an optimistic nature, 1: rilroaJably exaggerated 'the time limit; eremites 'children .ere the soul of courtesy, Wherever you meet a, group of them they stop still and throw lie their Skinny little arms above their heads and Shout Me: "Bansai. 0 mete - Fee!" which meets, "111:urrah,'honer- table stranger, may you live tett thous- and yearsee And sometimes they be-, glut reciting the atp'hebet, and call af- ter you a, b, c, 1, e, f to show that they are: studying'Engllth,' for' English is 'taught in all the Japanese schools. e Jai:anese children izever cry. They never howl, or fight, or make any of the. nerve -reeking noises that cause •e`veryeue -who ha's to live with Ameri- can children to pray for deafness. What a pity we cannot give tee Japain- eto our religious Ideas and scientfee education end- receive. in exchange lOheii Ideas. of' politeness end the man - gement of;ahildreel -': N Standard Hotpoint iron X5.50. Special Hotpoint iron $1 extta. .� li,g7-A1 A Canadian General Electric Product .4 New Dairy ` Pail at a Po alar Price See the new $311,i* Dairy,Pail next time pia are in town.. They Ate made of ape ialuai- gqift high 'finished tin, Mase Sit a dairy pail earl tiveted ri'itlt large rivets, soldered' Hush. 100%o sanitary. Cut'. ont this advertisement Sltocv it to your regular dealer. He Las our authority to give you a special low price on a pal$ of theme fine Rails. If. you are a e:eve, your may -write year own eman0ipation".proo:amation. Freedom hem %bad habits beats' aria Mether kind of freedom,.- Hewers onthly, 100 Miles l'er'101100-of' Gas On the New Single %Parley -Davidson Motor cycle, -Less than one. cent per•niile L'o operate Write tor catalogue and Prices. Walter .Andrews, Ltd. 148 Yongo $t. Toronto The eketoli shows a modern type of brown alga known by the pictu ^esque name of '_The Devil's Apron String." It growson the bottom of the No nth Sea, Secrets of $ctenco. . By David Dietz. Geological Tirne, as, we lfave seen, is 'esttulated at 801,000,000 years: (7f this time, the first 400,000,000 yearn Over' aonsumed'by the first two eras, the Archeosoic and Proterozoic. That means that over half of the ate one celled marine animals, called history of the -earth passed before lite radiolara, and marks that are taken had emerged beyond the simplest to be the tracks• of worms that wallow - stage. _ ell in the primal mud. The oldest rock formations now The shierreason for believing that Iife existee prior ect this is based upon the fact that deposits of graphite and of red and-blaek oxide of iron are found in these early rooks. The beds of graphite are 'taken to - be the remains of marine plants. And the presence of the iron oxides leads to the belief that certain types of bacteria •known `as the "iron -forming baeteria existed then. Another. reason for believing that life existed during this lolled le that a `kreet- variety of fossils are found in -tee rocks of the, next era, the Paleozote Era. These must have. evolved from:. simpler forms of -pre- existent life.,. two great periods of severe.eolti//or• glacial periods in the course of the Proterozoic Bra: Slight traces of life occur' at the close of the Proterozoic Bra. These are vestiges of simple marine plants called algae, the flinty shell's of min" found upon the earth belong to the Archeozoic. Nowhere does the gee-. lagist findany rock' formation which' he thinks constituted the crust of the earth at the close of the formative period. These oldest racks are bent and .twisted out of shape. They have been squeezed into metamorphic rocks, by the intense pressure of great earth movements. • No trace of fossil forint Is bound le any of these Pocks. Some geologists think that there was no life at all in this era. But the majority are inclined .to think that life existed in this area. Tiley think, however, that only the It is assumed that the great majority simplest sort of miclgecdpic fife- of Iife forme itr these early days had one-celaed animals and plants like the no skeletons or shells. 'Hence when present-day amoeba -existed.- they dted, nothing remained which Overlying the Al-cheozoie rooks, we could be preserved Itt the remits as find the rocks of the next era, the fossils.' Proterozoic. • Next artiale-The Tera of Ancient Geelagists believe that there were Life; The Orchards---attLast! We were more than eager to make Wolfe -tile u'lthont further delay, to get lata the land of Evangeline we had come to see. 1 was weary of vtoartous gilntpses' of the aplsle+trees; andknew that 11 we didn't soon ifnd them in their bright abundance we should feel cheated. So without stopping at beetling Fee/011ie we allowed our train to carry us on to this important stop. Just as you meet some people tot: the first time, look into their eyes, and like them; you such manila that the mother has noth- deuldn't help being charmed with this Ong 'but Words of praise for therm vl:lage the moment you stepped upon the 51501011 platform. Perbups it eves tike approach to the town that ltellred to give its' so Werra a feeling for it; for the apple -orchards have used Baby's Own Tablets for were thick and glorious soon atter we nay' ebildtee, and from my experience got out or Bridgetown. It wan like '1 Weald net be without them. T would fielding oneself suddenly ln°a cloud aC ergs every other pother of young bloom. What drifts' of wonder en -children to keep a box of the Tablets veloped ns1 it is a [range and beautt- t in the house." ftt•lsensation to be in so deep an or- Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but ohard that one cannot neo where it be- thorough laxative which regulate the gins or 'ends-soniethftig like sailing bowels and sweeten ttte stoinecii; on a -pink and wbite oeeatl of tenuepe drive ottt constipation and indigestion.; bioseams, with no coast -Tine to tell break up colds and simple -revere and just when the journey will be over, All make teething easy. They are sold by around 03 that magical purity, that medicine dealers or by 01011 at • 21- glery,ot caber and dream. 10„51as as if' cents a -box from 'Glee Dr, MVildianus we had wandered Oe a fairy-tale, tale Medicine Co••, Brockville, Ont. word well lost. Witat drifts of beauty; what Niagnras of wonder poured thole erad!ance epee est We were melted in Joy, bathed In (Meeting beauty, Shoe' - ere of Venancio surrounded tis and THOUSANDS OF THANKFUL MOTHERS Strongly Recommend Baby's Own Tablets to Their Friends. - 5. • Once a mother has used. Baby's -Own Tablets for her little ones s'ha would. use nothing .else. The Tablets' give Among the thousands of mothers throughout Canada who praise the Tabiete is Mrs. David A. Anderson, New Glasgow, N.S., who write: --"1. • Will. If you tbink you are beaten, you are; 01 you think you ore' not, you won't. through the pink -white bloasorns we If yott like to win, ' but • you think you could tee shafts of sunlight falling; can%. and'•new and then a; flake of the Retell- almost certain you dob'tl - nees fele' upon us; as though a star had 01 yeti think you'll lose, you've lost; liglirly touched us, on the aaloudder. For out in the world we•flnd Success begins in a fealowie'will, It's ell 111 the suite of mind, if you 'think you ;are outclassed, you. are Cir,' those clean blossoms! Tit hs so Magically iimong then!, to have them over us, like deeds and drifts of enoyv, making a very heaven of the good earth. , - You've got to 'think high to rise; Three are moments too wogtderIol to, You'veregot to be sure of yoerselt ,be - tell cf, It seem „'1 -to me that -all the , fore magic of all time dwelt In these rloh Ytr'u Dan giber whi a pr110. orchards, that .paver could 1' wish for.'Llee s battles don't' ':ways go anything mere than lite marvel. 51 wan- To 'the strongest or fastest mein, , der•urg ibrotigh.tbese.aisles ot beauty; hutsoon'or tato the reran ivho' YItte theta lanes of delight. If but” this 111•a1iC coulrilast foreeerl 1P-tltls iyhit • glor1 n aid ne.V r ";end this rrnoment Ce4 Is :Great. - abide a1w lysw- 'It"wag'a proe•aic s%hieele that summoned us.b'ack to our train. We left our orcbard silently, WtatPully. -From "Ambling Through Acadia," by Cahrlee ITansou Powtie, Is the one who thinks he can, May Phantasy. If all my dreams anti fanoles Should dance upon the green, Arta all my hopes and wishes Should join them --what a scene! Yet;,it wou•ld`be a ple1Une `hat I eliotld-lova to see When'' these lovely' visions. Slioul,tstep delight.fpi• tee` Air, then pga'fia rs I'd know The ones J' love the best, If ;they were all arrayed there In May day splendors. dressed 1- • -George tillleton. A Tiirlctsh Oress Order. • ,Pits uiunicilialrty,'of. Bastin,: in Ana- tolia. haepissued a .circular ordering the W0111 en Itrhabilants to dress in Moderil fasltiou and problbiling-orien- tal dress. Mina:'d's LlnRnent for backache. It is'good fox any nrall.to1. be alone with 'natal% and himself, -or with a friend taho knows When 'silenceis more sociable than •talk, "In the wilder- nese nione,'there where naturti'wor- ships God:" Itis Well to be in places' where- man is little and God'ls great-- whets reat-whets what be noes all around frim lies tlic same. look 118' it bad -a thous rrusl years, ago, and will bate the same, in a:1 likeltheed, whett,lte has been a thousand years in hie grave, ,Ittit s: and-reC i A C Res a met, , nl , if he is worth tib proces6.-Sy0ney fenifia. 'When yo ,get the tired, lay.irie.down-and,die feeling take. 15 to 15 drops of 5014e1'5 Syrupp in og: "' Maas of water. Doers the trick and safely, Yotitl feel lilt0 naw: Roasted e Shell, Two' old gypsies who lit a•catnp fire in 0 wood near Amiens, France, inad.' vertently roasted a 'hell, which blew. up and killed, 'them. .' TOkONTO•^OFFGRS• t3f 0T MARKET FOR Fot11try,..:Btltterr Eggs We Ofter•Toronto'a Beit 'Prieee. LINES, LIPr11TED 3t, Lawrence Market Toronto 2 al;x°r.',r, of 1i 0 Pegoti Firs „fit_•aie ue no-;a.;n crop .a s„for' eeat will, Picbablyba .the gr. heti,1)01- f-i,-;,mage in =World 1.11s:tory-the^0i5,000, 1)00 monrireu's'.of the American L eglolr,.. r%vo &11W service in the treat 10ur, to the United • States- 'ceni,rtorie s in 10101000. 1'10 ''Legionaries" -will laird in li'ratoee-in Septon,b sal', `1027, just. ten year; after tlol.ricau troops received their baptism of fire. -The Tenth Son-`.. vection of Otto Legion will be 110.1 in Pails, and will bo Ocllox-od by ,a p11-. gri?ilaga to the Argonne battle•flcld5 a:ira_c metcries, after' whieit the. four, Oslo. Ban do what they lhcs. Twenty: seven liners are to carry this groat array ce pilgrims across, thoeette. .antic, and X11 is estimated that about AVO" -thirds of them will travel on Bri-` tish, drips. .England's ay also benefit by;,,tho pilgrimage in other ways, as a' large number or'the exsoldfers will probe bly•els it the old.Country before refereeing 'to :the States, Savings banks have 'Been stetted by the Legion to 100:11 the men to save foe the trip. ' any:of the Legionatiee.will travel 10,000 miles, and„ though ape- eial,"rock bottom' fares have been ar- ranged,. Itis reckoned that the average cost of the ,pilgrimage will work out at A MEDICINE THAT GIVES New Jealth 'Caines to Those Who Blond Up Their Blood by the Use -of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Dr. Williams! Pink Pills are a strengthening-. reed/Mee. Surely and eftfeotively theybuild up the blend, in- vigorate the appetite, -tone up the di- gestion, give 'brightness 10 the eye, color to the cheeks and lips, and quick - nese to the step.. These pills have direct eater' on the blood, snaking 11 a health -hearing stream thus no• part of the body can escape:their beneficial action. Weak men and women,_ boys and girls find new health and strength through khe.uaeof this' world-renown- ed blood builder. Mr. 1+f, PI. Langvflie, C.N.R. agent at New Germany, N.S., says:-"Jn November,' 1024,-.I bail a severe.whioh left One in a Very run-down condition.:1 got. a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink --Pills and derived great benefit' from ,them, 517 appetite itnkst-oved,' and a gain In weight which is now normal I own to the use of these pills. I, can therefore recommend Dr, Williams' Pink Pills ,as a fine tonin." Try De. Williams' .Pink Pula for anaemia, rheumatism,• neuralgia, ner- vousness. Tttko them as a tome if you are not in the best pbysle,a1 con- dition and cultivate a resistance -that will keep you well and strong, Get a box from the nearest drug store or by mail at 50 cents a box from. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Chances, While one pian Is COmelainiug that there la no chance, another man sees stud Makes one. lit, liee'a eever•ceas- Ing 'drama we =St promptly take the COO, or the play halts with the fltllure of cur own part of 11. And when the opportunity knocks at 007 door, we must be ea eager to eeeejve it as any radia devotee is to catch the least faint audibility from any distant place. For sometimes the sound of that- rareand precious knocicis very faint, and It may not recur, however 8orgy we are that we have Missed It. A good deal of the talk of Mee about their luck Is very tiresome, '['hey had Just as much of a Ohanea,to make sand 08 anybody had, but they did not'per- ceive it or they did i,ot know show to use It. They are really enough,to rise up and decry or 51117 hint who Canto and worked that vein where they found nothing and deelared it barren.' But the rewards rightly go to those who hold on, atter the test decide that 1t is quitting -time, Nature and .tate, such impartial distributors of profit and loss, are eerty.isr)y never going to play feeprites foc' the benefit of quit- ters, And .the public Steell, In the long run, Is just in its assesiresnts and appraisals; et bee JO own way of thew - tug that. It can tell the differemie be- tween it man and "a stick' with a col- lar on it." Hct, Does. Oho Spell "Criticise?" "Hare yoil a competent .typist?" "Yes," answered Mr, Cunrtrox, "She is 90 highly educated that I'm almost afraid to dictate to het1 for fear she'll criticize my grammar." Mlnard's tlfifment for burns: New Ticket Machine, • A new. ticket machine in the Landon Underground flan:ways will print, num- ber, ,date and delrver`.ut the rate of five per second, BEAUTIFY IT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Just Dip to Tint or Boil to Dye Eacht1fi-cent pry5k age i:oltalns dri rt. tions 'ea eintple ii15Y woman can tint edit, delicate sh ds,s 00 dye rich„ t14gmansnt colors in lingerie, stilts, 'ribbous skins, w t a dro?ises, coats, stockings, eweater'S, dr'apgrlee, coverings, 'hanghrtgs -eyel ytiiingt Buy' Diamond Dyes --no other kind'' - and to 1 ye-ur druggist whether Oho ma- teriai :on -visit to color is wool or stilt, or whether• It Is linen cotton or mixed good A. Salads and Salad Dressings--,Saheliviches' , Cheese and Egg Disheo :- Ilome-rsado 'Pickles end Relishes. telling how to melte many of these delectable dishes, IVlailed free ter request. COLMAN-Itgms (Canada) 0I0IT15, Dept, 157 1000 Amherst -Street, ..Montreal .,'. as ivengrws•.ct:a.aas;�;a The Above letters; wileet properly srransed form the name of a late Preeldene, Everyone' Bandies in the correct solution will be ewnrded a beauu'fgj lot, eatroa 20 x 100 feet, 'FREE and clear of all encumbrances, located In one of our sub. divisions between New York and Atlantic City, This offer expires July 15, 1828. MaximDevelepmelptCor1b - 110 -40th St, sept. 1200 ,NowYorkayity aur • ,r,t. t,, ;aY .art:.�:,M^9 e. '�m, . . f.4+" :A4He. ,.A.£7Y:.3.'i«r, n' .Ms -n v-.,.. .......:...:....:. The Ruby -Throated Hum -- ming -Bird. With a.whir and a hum I hear him some 70 rob my flowers In the minuy hours;. Tlut alt Loan see Is a tiny head,- With ead:•With a long, sharp' bill And a lease of red; While a whir of wings Bides all the rest, As he visits the blossoms' IIe likes the best, Down the- path Where the hollyhocks Grow near the larkspur And fragrant phlox. But none know the touch Of his tiny. feet, As he darts about • Draining nectar sweet, -From each flower cup. 01 the heart of a rose. Like a flash, he has gone- Where? No one knows. -Alice J, Smith, American _visitors 'to London are estimated to spend about 820,000,000 in the metropolis each year. Use Minard's Liniment in the stables. The Consumer. The potato is said to grow wild in Chile, thus dietinguutshing Chill frieal this country, where tit to the potato buyer. BECAUSE Guaranteed to cut 10% more timber in aanae time, With less labor then any other•eaw, 81110008 CAN000 6AW co. 1 10. - meerne. t VANcouvta, ST. J^1111, ma„ Veno170 fi Confession,. When I was young, I made a vow To peep youth in my beast as long As' there were birds upon the bough To gladden me with song. -Frank Dempster Sherman,. fvttnard's Liniment King of Pain. Beauty Parlor for Dogs. Boston has a beauty parlor tor pets where dogs can be made to look their best in preparation for appearance in dog shows. Classified` Advertisements, vi temente ISOTOaS 110110015 0110 '001,35. �fitm. • rrederlek St, Toronto. ANT • 1 term Tor i le.. FRLmrr°\en v erroa.OP 'enn Fours, weak, koote'Ser, we, Self - Poisoning Increasingly • Common Modern, Living Habits Pro- mote Self • Poison' Thousands are Victims ' The average main or woman does no enjoy consistent good health. Lois of " lack oappetitf headaches, eitherss work or play'are constant complaints. Scientists have ascertained that such a condition is usually caused by eelf- poisoning resulting from constipation. natural secro etion modern. ch prromot ssieglte lar elimination by softening the bowel eontents, la often anlongrniddle agedpeople The from waste Matter remaining in the systems of people thus affected is the insidious enemy of good health. rSuch people need Najd, because Raja softens the waste matter and permits thorough and regular bowel .. elimination without overtaxing the intestinal muscles. It helps Nature help you. Ask your drugglat for Meal to -day - and remember, look for the name "Major" in red on both bottle label turd package. some new s summer w via the Santa Fe tothe scenic regions of the Far West, Calle rola --Colorado New bilezde0--Arl210faa If oC>ba,riess, Grand Can- yon , �'attics/Mat Parks Yoseoi jts and Cho ,?reit 'and other Na" tonna parks. / Med Pais soirpon tome 0. el.. Robertson, : 1, '. A. F. T, r0ondry, 0. A:, Santa Pe RY. #00 Ttananewtatlon ;l3.utid tn¢ aietrelt Aitch. �t9 Or Boa Loaat Anent 44 Would like information reaordlna ntwaies trip 1 1 tc 4 There' will. he - - pe i the haetr, �A1id,wail deacriv vo trawl mere' Name . d tate,. aimd.®ra.atm wi iA® a wmametpdmmmed e.av SPRAINS. Apply Mlnard's at. once. It. draws : out infiatnnlatiolt. soothea . the mueoles - alfa ligautente. Calicum Talcum Is Cooling Aust Comforting Daily use of this pure, fragrant, antiseptic Talcum Powder helps to aveeome heavy perspiration end is soothing and refreshing to the skin. settee! 51.,b rho by 15,a, Addeer",s Canadtnti 1101,01' 'uMnkeneo, Ltd Seontne Ile, Prrae, Soap 1�a�Qitaent 26 and GSW Taluaa 5�1Catieura. Skavle5 Stick 28a, CARRIED WIFE TO BED Suffered So She Could Not Welk. "Restored to.Hfealth by Lydia E. Pinkhalxi s • Vegetable Conxpautld Minesing; Ontario,-` 1 ant a prac- tical nurse and I recommend Lydia E. P.tnkham'aVegetable compound to, gutfaring women. For three months I Was almost helpless and could not sit at the table long enough to drink.. a cup of tea. Many a time my hue - bane carried me to bed, 1 would he aoweak. Then he read in the paper of a woman suffering as I did who got better after taking the Vegetable Compound, so lie went and got it for One. When I /lad taken three bottles 1 was just like a now woman and have had splendid health ever stnee, When I ,Feel any bearing,down pains. I always take it; somatmes a•helf bottle or whatever I need, n la my only medicine midi have told litany a one about it. Any one wantinlg. to knowmore about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, 1 will -gladly its to her. :..1 do -all X can to rec. '. end it for I feel I owe my life. a •; gtrpen th to it." . --Mrs, Ne b, Vb, . Sail, ,.12,.1, Minesing, Ontario. mc feel broken-down, nervous, reait sometimes? Do yon`bave terrid feeling of. fear which sone- s comestc women when they are not tvalt? Lydia F. Pinkham •s Veg.: treble Compound is excellent tb take" at such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly and persisttemtly will relieve this eonclitioi1. 0