HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-06-03, Page 21LINTON NEWS RECORD CLINTON, ONTARIO Teem£ of Subscription -32,00 per year in advance to Canadian addre nos, 92.50, to the 17.S. at other foreign countries. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid un tcss it the option- of the publisher. The date to which evert subscription is Paid is denoted on the label. Adyertl ing" Rates—, -Transient U0000-. tisini , 12e Per count line fol hist neer ten, Se for each 001)0001 nL insertion Heading counts )nes- Small advertisements not tq' ool0 d one inch, such as r`Wa6iLed,' "Lost,' '. Strayed," etm, inserted once for 35c, each subsequent insertion 15e. Advertisements- sent in without Int struetione" es to the number of in- seirtions wanted will run until order- ed out and will be charged accor'd- ingly, Rates for [Byplay advertising. made known on applicatien, C.omnriuiicatinee iutenlied ter Publi- cation must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the 1151110 O the writer. G. E. HALL, M. 11, CLARK, Proprietor. Editor. alta o `. oast to Coast 'CI 'ptte)cw t 1"canto ue of but and e•cpect to ht r t •olio rt:onrby the raw iui prolus io r cr Can 110) forth 1 e ,n 3liaing of Au ot• I•v o m°le. t3it seasml:792.,1-1.0'27; s 7,5 i I1,rif,i,ltn =ts are p.at.ned for the fo owing I • vl tnalte tk•e tbtil'i co Sono e. nil scson of 1923-192-L, according dint 10 it, - :xp tu� on buildingsand machin- Iiminriry Government r ;I ortti The ery over 1,0 0,000 They will rnanu- I, total-nurlv.r oi' peas of fur-btying,facttre , cine 'lona petrocorn by ntnitls taken during the Kasen 1924- ,t1i D b(o alcrecicing process. They 1925 was 0,820,326, a s mit decrease: win a:so 'erect- a pant : for making ..from the previous year. Prince Ed- brbru ties from -cone con:, ward Island till ds as the Most, T Innes, ?Tan At theDairy imlhnrt;ant proapcer:„f trnch-br ul sail- Sho., lie-cl in London, England, Cann-.• i e is f k that large received here, In the salted Class, an t't' pias surtab for Edmonton dairy won rst prize. an found washed asho0e on the coast of, Ialtic, Man., creamery I ill t -d with $1 , t'`1 6t7 far-,the'two months, which t • Can - 0,s, of 1 oda married G. D. i110-TAGGART "' M. D. McTAGGART McTAG ART BROS. BANKERS o',i the preienor away s • Y trmouth N S -Int resi,has :ate for butter, according to cable advicss.; ly been diaus..d Initis .c. cuan r re the. second 'award went to the Shoal certain 'commercial purpos s are„, Nova Scotia. Each tide brings In .a '-salted class, the Dominion a •lain won genorous quantity of :eaves` or blades, the premier award, a lleeina dream which �6ee torn off the vast underseas ery being the sbtce.sful contestant.• meadows by the action of the waves.? Regina • Seeks—Eighty-seven . ren Thin is hauled out of reach of the cent. of the settlers under the ,qoidier -waves by ox teams and.spread out to. Settlement Board have made hay - dry. OThe main' centre of the industry meats in the current collection period, lies along the shore between-Pubnico,and 88 per cent, of the amount due and Yarmouth where "there are 14: has been ,collected, accoi.•ding ,to the -gathering stations. The annual out -I chairman of the Board. The three put -is about 3,000' tons, for which the• district offices of Saskatchewan lead harvester•is paid :from $9 to $12. a tom! in respect to percentage of settlers Quebec,' ue. 'Authorization Lias', who have paid;:, Saskatoon with 90 per been given by the Pro Q Provincial Govern; I. cent. and, Regina and Prince Albert • meet to the Shawinigan Water and each have,94 per cent. Power Co. for ,tire construction of al Edmonton, Alta.—About four thou - slower line from Quebec to . Ile Mal- sand` men have been placed on Alberta' igne, in, the "Saguenay district. It is farms this spring and the demand has believed that the entire :work of con- I not been fully met; so Walter Smitten, er of Labor reports. h1 cum o A general .Banking Business transact- ed. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued.. Interest Allowed on Deposits. • Sale Notes Purchas8d. ' H. T. RANCaE Notary Public, Conveyancer., Financial, ..Rear Estate and Fire In- eurance Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies,' Division Court Office, Clinton. struction - of t e ine, in 1 d' g th I Commtsston ereetioit of the iron towers to support; Esquimault, B.C.---In anticipation cables, the cutting of the neees- of the completion of the',new.Govern- sar c i through the forest, ment;dxy dock here, Yarrow's Limited, they�i•ignfoft s , preparing to ',establish a_ ship the digging of trenches and:"ditches, aye P P g wit cost i the neighborhood of repairing plant"next to the graving etc., wr, 0 g $6,000,000. Tiiisonburg, Ont,—The Regal Oil Refinery Co., Ltd., have ordered the necessary material for the erection of W. BRYDONE Barrister,' Solicitor, Notary Public,, etc., Office: SLOAN BLOCK - CLINTON DR. J. C. GANDFFR - Office Hours: -1.20 to 3.30 p.m., 6.30 to 8.00. p.m., Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 .m Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence — Victoria St. DR. H. S. BROWN, L.M.C.C; Office -Hours • • 1,30 to 3.30 p.m. 7.30 to 9.00 P.m. Sundays 1,00 to 2.00 p.m, Other hours by appointment. Phones Office and residence, Ontario Street. Phone 218. basin:' The plant will be constructed in units. Work is being rushed in order to have theequipment installed by the time the dry dock is ready for two units of their plant at Tillson-, business. IDR.- FRED G. THOMPSON Office and Residence: Ontario Street - Clinton, Gnt. Cue door west of Anglican Church..., Plume 172. Eyes examined and glasses ratted. BOMB AS WEDDING GIFT KILLS BRIDEGROOM. Father - of Bride Instantly Killed While Daughter is - D K PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street Clinton, Ont. Phone 09 (Formerly occupied ' by the late Dr. O. W. Thompson), Eyes "Examined and Glasses Fitted. Seriously Hurt. Muskegon, Mich. — Federal and State auth orttios 7 i e d in ahunt for the sender of a bomb, delivered through the mail, which killedtwo men and wounded a girl. The dead are: "August Krubaech, owner of the Three Lakes .Tavern, et prominent politician, and supervisor of -Blue Lake Township, and William Frank, aged 20, , who was : to marry Krubaech's daughter, Janet, aged 19, Saturday. The bomb wrecked the tavern a few minutes" after delivery by a postman, Ki ubaech was killed instantly. lie was standing over the package con- taining the bomb, unwrapping it; and puled a string which exploded' the bomb. Frank died while being taken. to the hospital. Misr Krubaech was rushed to a hospital, where doctors re- ported her condition seripds. Officers say the bomb was sent either by a rival of Franc's, who.had learned of extensibe :plans made for his wedding Saturday, `or by a pol- itical enemy of the girl's father. D. IL -McINNES Chiropractor—Masseur Of"Wingham, will be at the Commer- cial Inn, Clinton, on Monday and Thursday forenoons each week. Diseases of all kinds successfully. handled. GEORGE ELI:.IOTT Licensed Auctioneer' for the County -,.of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered, Immediate, arrangements can bemadefor Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed, B. R. HIGGINS Gunton, Ont. General Fire and Llt3Jnsuranoe,'Agent for. Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance. Huron and Erie anis Cana- da Trust Bonds. Appointments made to tweet parties at I3rucefield, Varna and Bayfield. ''Phone 57. - OSCAR. KLOPP Cold Spell in France Shakes -Faith in Mc'on Paris—As if the steadily falling franc was not sufficient to life's dis- comfiture, France is being aggravated by what apparently is a permanently fallen thermometer. About 50 degrees Y i who reigned 'from. 1411 to 1325 Fahrenheit seems the highest the met`- p g curt' can reach in the daytime and 40 B.6.5 was..snubbed by the aristocrats at night. Andthere is freezing of the court, the ]ring ordered the, weather en anything like high ground. snobbish' courtiers to wear around The month's . cold spell has shaken their heck stones that they should re- French faith in one of the strongest =member. that Tiy was his wife. popular traditions by continuing after es the waning -of the "lune rousse." This Last Command of War is the "red -brown moon." After Eas- ter it is credited with turning young vegetation a rusty color. No French - Ilonor Graduate Carey Jones' National School of'Auctionsering, Chicago; Spe- cial course taken in Pore Bled Live Stock, Real Estate, Merchandise and Farm Sales. :Rates In keeping with. prevailing market. Satisfaction as- sured.- Write , or wire, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18.931 0 • LAST OFFICIAL TRIP al B t laying'.hie wreath on Vancouver's monument to the fallen he the Great War on Govft1115 recenty) t to it the Brltiislr Columbia city -during iris last official cross -Canada tarp. occasidn,of: his recentvis the j� ICEBERGS PLENTIFUL NATIONAL RAILWAYS SAN � IAI� PATI �Tp Ash IN EARNINGS Ships Using Northern.Rontes SUBSTANTIAL a4it1®Ili - Warate2l to be E�trr�. C ,. >m � ' . ON ATLANTIC LANES operating ratio from , ; " at This Season.' earnings for the A' drop in the p g Montreal. --Net g Your Brood (lad or Toon and Watery You Ctln tell by the way .you: feel. You need hood's Sarsaparilla io make your blood rich, red and pure, tinglingwithhealth, for every clean. You need it if weakand tired day iu arid day out, 11 your appetite is� poor, sleep: unrefreshing, --for humors, boil's, eruptions,scrofula, rheumatism, ' headaches,' n env ou s prostration. It is simply wonderful to give, strength to your whole body. It is agreeable; pleasant and coli- veuient to take, and embodies a long -tried and' found -true formula. Canadian Wheat Peal. Winnipeg.—The farmers of West- ern Canada. in less-than:three years, have established the largest co- operative organization of its kind in the world. The; Canadian Wheat Pool, with its three units in the ;provinces of Manitoba, :Saskatchewan and Al- berta, now has a total membership of 125,000 farmer's, controlling ; 13,230,- 000 of.the 21,000,000 acres sown: to wheat last' year in the three prairie provinces,: ,It is handling the sale of . the greater part of the wheat produc- tion of Canada, .and. Canada already-. exports. more wheat thin any other : country in the world. -..The largest proportion of the wheat g P. is sold by a" Central Se,:ing'Agency to importers and;buyers in different countries of the world, for the, agency: has direct selling -connections_ with every -wheat importing county, and its own representatives in 51 ports of the, world. The funds which accrue front the sales are disbursed to the members of the three Pools. This method of handling wheat provides a large volume through one agency and g reduces the- cost of operation - to a minimum. The Wheat Pool in Western Canada is a notable example of the advanee- ment made by the farmers ofthisage. Already it has shown the -possibilities and advantages: of co-operative mar- e month of April, 1926 of $2,551,;330:41_ 92.89 Per cent. in April, 1925, to 66.91 Halifax N,S.-Information brought not only show an increase of $1,29,6,- per cent. in April, 1926, was also ac to port by the United States patrol 798.11, or 1 3 per ercent;, over the same complished. are the re - steamer, Modoc, -Capt, . Wolf, which _ c : month of 1925, but also set up a new Equally encouraging arrived. from the ice patrol isthat pounced fox months of the tht North Atlantic steamer lanes are record April oat earnings an suits for'the first f0ui L arnin s from Jan; 1'to infested with icebergs and' that the ear. Grosse g tthe cording to figures issued a National Railways headquarters: At the same` time, net earnings for the first four months of 1986 of $9,689,- 217.53; an increase of 55,914,435.35, or 157 per cent„ over the correspond- ing period of 1925, constitute a record during increasg of $1,494{02666, 2:3 for net earnings over any similar Per ncreaet. ver t-51,49he ,026.65, org p2:3 period since the amalgamation of the red of 1926. Net earnings for the first four months were $9,689,217.63, as against $3,774,782.18 during the same 14 - •period of 1925, an increase :of $5,914,- 435.35, 5,9 , 435.35, or 157 per cent. The operating ratio:during the first t Canadian ice it much farthersouth than a April 30, 1926, amounted to $76,501,- 80, an increase of $7,408,462, or 10.7 same time last year•. ketin The farmer in the, Canadian per cent., as compared with. the: first The oceanographers• on the: Modoc g'ivho' is a member of the Wheat four months 61 1925. Operating ex- said the ice was coming own from root 1 West' realized that uncles- the old penses . amounted to - $66,812,587.47 the north, moving fast an g pod, ilias tea t ed mo , quantitibs, and ,offered consolation by system he sold "his grain to middlemen pointing out that it would disappear who bought "itfor the express purpose ranch earlier. A normal season was of making a profit in the rea:Kling of folcast from Jute -on. All steamers it. Under the old system, too, the usin the northern lanes had been farmer sold his wheat and took what warned to be extra cautious of ice- the market .q'ffered. In the Pool sys- Canadian National System. Gross earnings -during 'month of April, 1926, on the National System, amounted to $19,497,542, as compar- ed v'vith $17,656,889 in April,' 1925, an increase of 51,840,653, or 10.4 per . cent. Operating eo penes amounted four months of 1926' was 37.33 p •to 516,946,211.69, an increase of $543, ---cent., as compared .with 94.54 per 654.89, or 3.3 per gent., over April, .cent. during the corresponding period 1925. last year. Alfonso'Will Display' Progress: in Dairying. • Won Musical Honors. Miss Ivy Snape, of Guelph, Ontario, who went out to Edmontonfor the recent Alberta musical festival and won lirst-Prize In soprano singing. Scientist Finds Egypt Had Cinderella Queen" Chicago.—Ancient Egypt lnad'a ciu- derella for a queen. in Tiy, Professor James H. Breasted, noted Egyptolo- gist of the University of Chicago, re- cently returned e-cently'returned from Egypt, has dis' closed. Interpreting the inscription. of a scarab stone, reported that Queen Tiy, who in spite of her `owly birth as taken to wed by Xing Amenhotep Polo Skill .in England, London,—King Alfonso of Spain this summer will show his kinsman, the Prince of Wales, how to mount a horse and keep. his seat. Alfonso is to play polo at Hurlingham and some of the otherfashionable clubs in Eng- land. He plays the game with the utmost nerve'dashing with zest into tight places after the ball, notwith- standing the dying mallets and the plunging ponies. The King has been injured several times• by his daring and in consequence of pleas in Spain that he be more careful lie gave as- surance that be would sleeken up somewhat on the spirit he threw into the game. • Alfonso, who has not heeu to Lon- don in years, will be accompanied' by Queen Victoria and Princess Beatrix, their eldest daughter. The Princess is 17 years- old and is a good horse- woman, 7,040 Canadian Incomes Over $1.0,000 a Year is to be Sold in France Paris.—French soldier -authors are man, educated or uneducated,.expeets holding a gale of their books, as well flee weather until its reign is over. its as •of various souvenirs, among which departure this . year, ,however, failed the most interesting is the last official to bring the confidently expected communique issued by the •French Change. . ..ri Canadians Con - ute to French Franc -Fund his signature, "Closed on account of awn `victory," which Petah) added in his Army on Nov. ' 11, 1918. The com- munique is om-muniqueis the original signed by Marshal Potain—then a General—and bergs.tem he 'delivers his grain when con- - -- - `' -"'-"' venient and obtains the average price I of the selling period, rod together with the saving in the handling costs. The Pool price to every member is the price at Fort William, Less handling charges and freight charges. .; The atter, of course, vary according to the length of the haul. Withthe development of Canada's I agricultural areas, only 'one-fifth of which are as yet under cultivation, the growth of the Canadian Wheat Pool may reach a magnitude never be- fore conceived in co-operative market- ing. - Ottawa.—In lest;. than 20 years the dairy production of Canada has in- creased in value from $94,000,000 to $800,000,000. Dr. Ruddick, Canadian Government ISairy. Commissioner, in a recent state- ment, points out that the returns from defiling in Canada are greatly in ex- cess of the revenue from 'the mines which mast year produced minerals to the valua, 06 $209,583,406. Though Ontario and Quebec are the chief centres of dairying in Canada, it is also .a profitable industry in each of the provinces.. In recent years the ;Prairie Provinces of ;Western Canada have made remarkable progress and are now large exporters of: butter. oir Gives • Resery Way Flooding Tonin in Japan Akita, Japan. -Official announce- ment as made that 114 houses were Washed away when the town of Kit- xura was swept by a flood released when an irrigation reservoir gave way. The bodies of five men and thirr Ottawa,—Answering a question in teen women have been discovered in the House of Commons, the Minister the wreckage. of Customs stated that 225,514, indi- viduals paid personal income tax in the fiscal year 1924. Of these 218,474 had incomes below $10,000. It is believed the loss of life will be comparatively small, as .the disaster. took place in. the .daytime; giving the people.' a chance to flee to safety. hears the manuscript sentence under' Montreal Que.—Announcement was hand, . made'by•the committee for the stabil- a — ization'of the. French franc fund of of , 10o 000 francs by British Railway the subscription Companies the 'Bank of Montreal:: ' This carries `. Figure Their' Strike Losses the 'total amountto date to 475,000 francs, as a' 'nenit of the Canadian yondo�i.—The ,gross losses suliered gra The ell! ®p by ' thefour bit, railway companies of 1fEM 1 cautpai Great Britain as 'a result of the, gen- eral strike and the coal miner's' strike Insurance Ontario Student nine' amount to £6,490,000; according to the Fire I���rauce atll f'Drake Priae at li/?C�'aill Railway Gazette. The Gazette points o ` out.'that prior to May'1 'tire receipts Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. btoritreal, Qu .—Hi:tgn John Me- of each 01 eh' railway companies for DIRECTORY. " Keown, of Russell, Ont.; has been ad- the cuiSeelit year up to that crate were President, : , Jarties Connolly, Goderich; judged d winner of the .Joseph Morley substantially higher -than for the cor- - Vice, amiss Evans, Betebwood; Sec,- Dral eeprize" for the student of McGill' responding, period of 1925. T$e re- Treasurer, Thos. I:, Bays, Seaforth• University making the highest. num- 'turns for the week ending May '23 Directors: George McCartney, .Sea marks in pathology in the show that these itereases are more forth; D. F. McGregor, aboil of P y g , Se for th; '3 G. fourth car' tnedica7', esAM! rations, than wiped out. y Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth; M. Mci4weu, 'Clinton; Robert Ferries, Haclock• John Benno wsit ,3rodha eu; Jas. Connolly; Oodericli: Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton;' J. W. Yeo, Godorich; Dd. Hiuchray, Sea-, forth; W. Chesney, .Egmondville;• R. G. Jarmuth,,Brodhagen., Any money to be paid -in may be paid to Moorish Clothing CO., Clinton, or at Ctttt's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to affect Insurance or transact other business will bo promptly attended -to on application to any of the above officers addressed to so their respective post office. 'Losses inspected by, the Director who lives nearestthe scene. 1..:. , , , Yl4tl •�AL- 111Y:�11 �� Sri+ ;�AN�t1�AN A N f All _.•�.. __ilii. ... . TIME TABLE' .Trains will arrive at acid dopart frim Clinton as :follows: Buffalo-and.Goderich Diva C,oii g East, depart 6.25 a.m. u 2.52 p.m:' West, ail. 11.10 a:m, Going W or. 6.08 fin. 6.53 p.10,. ar, 10;04 p.m. London, -Huron 4, Sruce Div. Going Sot, ar. 7,14 rip. 7.56.a.in. South, ' 4.1.0 p.m. ilcing North, depart 6;50 p.m. 81.15 ' 11.15 aim, H��., , �s SIXTY_ ii�;ii p �§�AN � Ad �j �s Fo J6.t {� INE SYlI A�r , E MN TR A T�� Scranton, - Pa.—Sixty-three • oven trapped in the 11 -foot vein of Mount Lookout colliery of the ',Temple An- thraciteat W ori r , near here, thracite Co, y ,} g suffocation death .from by wet., saved by the heroism of Thomas-Ilislop, t mine foreman whose quick assistant - , wit and courage made successful the to lives •t0 spare tl F only possible plan p of the entrapped Fire bo 1co out in the timbering about 20 .feet from the mouth of the shaft, a 'dangerous spot for; a mine fire, as it received the full impact of the forced'` air pumped into the mines ,for ventilat on. It was discovered by men working in :the :ower: lovely, who noticed the smoke being drawn•'into rho shaft:. 'i lot was outside when the fire. Ifs 1 . was reported and;;irnnreeia$ely 'went below. His Son,- Robert; employed at WEEK'S MARKETS A� � M THE 0 lir; brews special brand Man. wheat—No. 1 North. $1.64, 1 breakfast bacon, J3 to 139c; backs, No. 2 North., $1.59x/2 ; No.' 8 North., boneless, 39 to 450. $1,541,5. Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 10 Man. oats-�-No. 2 CW., nominal: No. 70 lbs., $24.25, 70 t0 90 lbs:, $23.751 8, not quotod; No, 1 feed, 49811 No, 2 20 Ms; and up,' $22:34; lightweight - - TORONTO. trolls, -22c: cottage. 25' t fast bacon, 32 to , p ,I feed, feed, 4814.c; Western grant quotations ro11s in barrels, $42.60; heavyweight in c,iyf.-bay ports. Am. corn, track, 'Toronto—No..2 yellow, 85c; No. 3 yellow, 82c, n,a e — rolls, $89,50, per' bbl. Lard -Pure tierces, 17-14, to 18c; prints,o c; • Dr. Alex, Primrose Prominent Toronto surgeon, who was sleeted a vice=president of the Ameri- can Surgical Association' at the annual convention in Detroit. 0 -- Agricultural Wealth. Ottawa:—Grose agricultural wealth of Canada at the end of 1925 was 57” 'smoke while travelling through the 832,942,000, an increase of $324,685,: forest 000 over' 1924, aecording to an esti- -_ mate recently issued ,by the Canadian C1Stlri8 111E land Have Government Bureau of Statistics, The P' total agricultural revenue of the Do- Decreased by One -Half minion last year was $1,708,567,000, Chief talk on Indians to Save Woods From Fire Quebec.—An appeal to all the In— dians, dians, but particularly to the braves of the Algonquin tribe, has just b`den Issued by one of their. oldest Chiefs, Louis Tenascon,>on the north shore, for care and precaution against 'for- est fires. A notice has been written in the Algonquin dialect, and has been fastened to trees all through the ter- ritory over er-ritoryover which the men of. the trite are liable to travel, calling upon then to put out all fires they notice, or at once to notify the forest rangers if they cannot themselves roaster the flames. The braves are asked not to an increase of $264,890,000 over the Montreal, Que.—Prisons in England previous year. By provinces the >rev --'have decreased by one-half, and the number of inmates by two-thirds, ac- cording to Captain Casey, head of the Anglican Church Army Mission, now visiting Montreal,' Captain Casey is a visiting elm's -alit to His Majesty's,prisons in England. At one time, said Captain Casey, Ed- ward there were 66 prisons and 30,000 in - In • the same report the • average mates behind lock and key. . To -day yield' of wheat per acre in Canada for there are 83 prisons :in Englend an 1 the ten', years 1916.25 is shown to only 10,090 inmates. -have been 15.2 bushels oats, " 31 5 bushes; barley, 25 bushels; rye, 15.6 enue from agriculture last year was: Ontario, $477,159,000; Saskatchewan, 5416,022,000;. Quebec, $282,739,000; Alberta, 5245,662,000; Manitoba, Columbia, 42- $142,046,000 ; British , Co a, $ 444,000; New Brunswick, $39,506,000; Nova Scotia, $89,120,000; Prince Ed- d Island $23,869,000. bushe s•.corn for' husking, 46.4 bush- els. • Wheat in 1925 sold at an aver- 18 to 18 c . ails 18,0 to 190; age price of- $1.12 per bushel. ,,The ttbs, ' P . total crop was 416,849,700 bushels M'1e 8 Del Montreal _freights, 20 t 21 ' shortening from 21,972,732. acres, second hors- bags included: Bran, per ton, $31.25, tierces, 14'/z to 16c; tubs, 15 to 15xFic, „ shorts, , per ton, 533.25; middlings, pails; 16 to 161tc; blocks, 17 to 1Tii0; est crop on -record. $40.25; good feed flour, .per bag, $2;30, heavy Steers,choice,-,$7:50 to $8.25; Ont. eats -44 to 46c, f.0, . shipping do good. 17 to $7.25; Butcher Home is Burned D�oxi+rrz points steer•s clronce $7 to $8, butcher Father lbtl'S to gall heifers choice, $650 to $7.60; .do,' _ good, $6.00 to $6.50; do, common, rug to.freights. $5.00•. to $5.50; butcher cows, choice, Orilea--Whibo George Post of Parley, malting --02 to G•tc. $5.50' to $6.50; do, fair -to good, $4: Washago, charged with sealing liquor liuekwhe.t—No. 2, 72e:' bo'$5.25; butcher buts, soca, 6 to to,. Indian9, was being .tined •ltefore Rye—No. 2; 85c. n as 3 GO to 54; canners Clark his house.wa's:burn- y flour—First 0 Toronto; . $Gies: Be:ogn , 5 . r Magistrate Man, front l rtst Oat„ $ , and: cutters, $2.50; to $8:50; good, mulch ed Ilona, and his family of 11 cliil- do; second oat., $8,50, cows 85.00 io 596.00; springers, , ndered homeless. , Post Ont. -Actin—Toronto; . 90 per cent. - $ 16:00 red, -cows i dr.on were re at. per barter in. carlots, Toronto; c}ioice, $9 0 to 91 was convicted and sentenced 'to four ,- P $ 0 � d '$6 GO t Ont.good ruffling • wheat`—$1.36 toas g points, aceord'= 3-e 51.38, f.o.b. shipping 1 t the foot of the shaft, was fighting the' blanc when the father rushed through' the flames to give warning. The son followed and aided in the rescue. Real- izing that it would take only a matter of minutes to fill the entire ;workings with the suffocating smoke, Bishop through way„hro their and his son battled g until they reached the doors leading from the main tunnel to the chamber's, They threw open these doors, on eight and left of the main tunnel, diverting the All current and causing it to cariio t3 4.90; seaboard, in bulk, $6. s Straw—Carlots, per' ton, $9 to $9.e0, Screenings—Standard, recleaned, f. o.b. ba its per ton, 522.50. Y Po P Cheese—New,' large;• 20c, • twins,. 21c; triplets, 22c;. ,5tiltonb, 23c, Old, large, 25e; twins; 26c; triplets, 270. Butter—Finest creamery prints, 58 to 3854c; No. 1' creamery, a6%_ to 514.50; do, f.o.b., ?13:75 to $13,90; do, 87x/a; No.:2, 34x/2. to-sphe. Dairy ountrpoints,, $13.50 to $13,65;" do, prints, "27i/ to 29r/ c off cars, $1.4.75 to 51.4.90; 90, thick Eggs-Isresll extras, in cartons, 36 fate, 13. 25 to $13;40; soled -prem - to 37c; fresh extras, loose, 35c; fresh Tuts, $2,81 to $2.86. firsts; 320; fresh seconds, 28 to 299. o o,— months in jail, Ids eldest daughter 45` to $6 ; feeders, go .-- $7.50; do, fair, $5 > to $6; cafes„ and aori le, and choice, $11 to $12.50; do, good, $9.50 is 21 years of age, pp and ' lights, $5 to 7.50; good the youngest' is a child of 2 years 50•do , _ 1e,. , •� to g $ f lambs, ,$19 to :515 ; 1.0 to $11.5, ; good smaller children were taken to the to 513; do, culls, $10 to $11.50; -good Children's_Aid Shelter at Barrie, and r sheep ' heavy sl .8 to 9 P 0 .e Y light sheep, $ , g p' $ thick and bucks, .$5.50'to $6.50; legs, smooths, fed and watered, $14.35 to Don'tlettit run too long, it will; lead to chronic indigestion. in the thednwiule.: you .suffer from miserable, sick headaches, ser- vonsness, depres- sion and sallow conplekion.Justtry CHAMBERLAIN'S 'STOMACH $'i GIVER TABLETS, They re- livve fermentation, indigestion — gently but surely cleaasb the system and kue Lha brdl,r. perfect running mach nndhvenn c a oto 1 -.' At nit2i•aaslks 25c., or by molt from � II Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto: eislibers are looking alter the others• ., a�*,g ' s 'r n Live. poultry-Cbl0l:ens, spring, lb., 60c; chickens, •I6., 22c; hens, over 4 to c; s lbs., '22c; do, 3;oto 4 lbs:; 20c; roost- ers, -20c; ducklings; 5 lbs. and up, 30e; •1 lis re 30,' ti a, Dressed poultry'—Chickens, sprang' lbs: 3:10. lb., 27c; hens, -over lolled oats, bags,'90 , $ '6 chickens, Ib. U c 7-. r 14.fid- 4 to 5.` lbs., 26e: 'do, '3 -to'4 lbs., '2(ic-; Bran, `$31.2.r. .'Shorts, t $33 .,o. 2 .; dvcleclings 5 lbs, and up, dings, $40.25, , Hay, No. 2, per ton, 85c; turkeys, $14.50, : ._ 4.0c., car carlots, 4 . 3513 Inness,. 41.0. ' \vests, 18 re c •- finest t the shaft. - Beans—Can.-hand-picked, $2.00 Per Cheese ----Finest o '1 the smoke back o casts:, 18 to 181 e. ,Butler-- N rushed from chamber Bushell pr001_$2,-- rup, en Hislop then i Maple producerSyrup, per imp. pasteurized; 341/2 to 3ti�l�ic. ` Eggs— to each side covering a 5230 to •2:401 ter 5 -gal., $2.25 to ,, . extras, '13o; fnesh firsts 345 chamber on- ea } gall, F $ r 7 Pr...h 3 000 fest warning 52 .00 per al ; maple sugar lb., 28 to potat:oaa Quebec, hey' loaf;', car lots, distance of almost ,,r theworkmen. The foreman held the 2Gc• maple syrupy new, per .gal, $2.404 Sn 3o to $2.40: • MONTREAL. No, 2.Fic• Oats Con, West., No. 62c; 6 e.' feed,4 extra No. 1 7%z 57c;- eat 8 CW, Flour, Man, spring wheat rats., lsts, $9; ands., $8.50; strong bakers', 58,30; wh I. ""4 0. l 5 ..cies$6.7es �, . C ; iota. v pate 'IVOO int., r. ectioe for 50 b: tins 11;x; to 12.0 per. Cows ,mach:, 94.25-to.85 bu s, co:.ii 63' hien in an .abandon,.d s1{oils, S r0: .ca -vis, 11, tins. 11.1 to` 120; :i -1h. tins; :ani? m_d.', 54 50 to . 5.5 more than f ve howls, ivlieu rescue 11 - , r i . , 7 to .9: r or 0 ` • 12 i t] eins `i'4 -to 143tic 1 : •s $11.50 c o of dt.iar'y, $ $ cti tn= ,_ gnishecb,the rite,. 34c; pelted Rants,• 48. to• 50s., sntolced 0. crews succeeded in citing through i 110 7.• 1 c Y :. r e tort: , -to ;at6.°; sow - '$11 to tho flame's, and' fire fighters t' Smoke0 rl cal ?lams, .1 ttd 32 to. hogs, 514,75 • d cesseant , - z�$w .. ... .. -. . spare time, - •oaenndoi Intpul, n have a men v e What these p wll t •n that mat(p nI sdh i St home you can easily mnstvr.the se)005 s Star Salesman. � o1O0)" et• your cr not ,pit has been—whateverell— you may a doi question: Aro you noani lliiithin(115cYrn ca nu nmL dtou5 t beg 810,000 n: e tloY hot answer this qquaonce! witho ?Lon Ket•on tguch ietlia1 lyout elm eaaly will o you thout I or callow you Salesroom I will allow You holt the Snlesmansidp'i'rnining corp Free Employment Serelce of the N.S, t•, A. will help you to gUielc auccess In Selling, ry� lets ��'® 004. enhtP as toushl br Ilo N. S• T• A i -° Thesaaran , StarSbt000l 1. ,, a far Oar lho dr asaty bon smolt p,'y of l,s E o night; 11,11 ib 01,050 'No mato, .-bat von na smolt p Y t t- h I Ott' pubs root real Yee a bit 0eto1s,• sot Ono fapA: r5 no li ni., the- kW bt sollfna: ORota Y c;liq�.tta ationa' Salesmen's Trainingi1.. �ssociatirn 1' >,t FL',. nasi 367. recent°. OP' cpasal„,