HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-05-27, Page 8irton ,Newa•-f ecor TI-IUPjSDAY, MAY 27th; 1920, u.. CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE � Ibil[EHsai ail' Ge3) it alit NO -deg 4' Sy�, ('!'01' e .These are the days When. 'songs and weather man and you too; are apt to be all wet, un- '`legis you carry one of our ung brellas. Silks in'colors(or plain. Prices from $1.00 to $6.50 End of May and beginning of June Specials H. J HNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs' Next Hovey's Drug Store Quality Shoes at Close R' vices For real values see our Bite of, ladies Patent and Satin lel nQ Slippers, at . .. IPIO•Wv Men's Black or Brown Oxfords. (IQ ALeader at, per"pan .. ................... ........ v See these in our..north window Special values in heady work•boots in some of the best makes. Now is the timeto'get'shod. fog the kAing work. Get our prices they are right,, w . .. PHONE 25, BPOS. L. W. CURRELL—THOS. SHIPLEY - "WE HAVE 11" SE1.VICE - 'FOUR PART—Call 125w or 125Ifor your need OUR PART -- Prompt Attention—Quick Service -Quality Goods and -Courteous Treatment. • - Grape Fruit -Oranges: Lemons--Bananas—Pineapples New Cabbage--Lettuce—Green Onions—Texas Cooking Onions A, Full Line of the Finest Quality Groceries at" Popular, Prices Variety and Quality to Suit the Taste of the Most Exaeting THE C,&S.GROC S R ER Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J. For Lawns and Gardens -Everybody Admires a beautiful garden or lawn. This store -is headquarters high class tools that will make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood and your garden a source of good things to eat. :Stttter Perdue HARDWARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING PHONE 147w Stallileg Townsitlp Mr. 'Clarence Jackson of the Uni- versity spent .the Week,end and hon., day at his home here. • Misses Betty and Abble Stewart of •'Arthur were borne for the tiveek-end and Victoria Day. Mr. Francis 'Dayn and of Fergus was a week -end ,guest at the •home of Mr. arid Mrs. Adam Stewart: Dr. Milne Homey and Mr. Rudd Gilmour of ;Arthur and Mr. Jack Bawden of Clinton were . guests on Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. Adam Stew - Mr, and Ws. Howard Prttclijtrd are the 'guests of their •cousin, IS.,1- ar- oici Penhale, having .come on a motor trip from Rolaoid, Manitoba, gr, and Mrs. will S'Cotchmer'spent Friday ,with friends in Goderich. Miss Edda Hodgson of London spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. H. Penhale, Mr. Alfred Westlake shipped a car- load of cattle to Toronto on Saturday last, " Miss Vera Pepper of Mount Forest spent the week -end at her home. Miss Ifate,MeGregor of Newmarket and Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Cameron of. Stratford visited at Mr. Neil 'M•c- Gregor's for a few days. Mr, and. Mrs. Angus Gordon and Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Hayden and Mr. john Quaid of Ashfield, spent the 24th at the home of Mr. Thos. Baird. Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Baird and Miss Thelma and Mr. •Thos. Stocltdale, jr., of Toronto, spent the week -end at. the home of Mr. Geo, T. Baird, Of all sports; ever., Sported, commend me to angling. it is the wisest, . virtuousest discreetest, best." Tobe' a successful fisherman re- quites a proper equipment so that; no condition of the day or water can find him wanting in just the necessary in- strument or lures (to make the day a success. It's now .time' to `rdrop the line" and our stock will supply you with the requirements to furnish lovers of the -piscatorial pastime with. the sought forpleasure and profit.:., Stppdse a inan's salary to. be $900.; a year, the purchase of $900 of goods in your town, instead of purchasing outside, means - the addition of one person to your town instead lof that, person being supported abroad. ,. Tile W.D. Fair .- Go. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best is I« 7rf t1 Including June lsto We, are going to make every one of these days especially attractive buying clays for cash Starting off with a carload of Sugar The preserving season has started and Sugar is firm—special in one and five sack lots, for'cash Pineapples are at their best for<preserving this week, per dozen $2.50 and $2.75 We willnot guarantee the price after this week, Something new the Magic Cleanser for pots and pans S. 0, 5., pkg: 15c Aylmer'' Canned Soups '2 tins 25c O'Neil's Soap 6 bars for 25c Apex -Peaches; Strawberries in glass,`- Fresh Strawberries, Tomatoes and New Potatoes OTHER SPECIALS .: Our •Own Baking Powder, per tin ' l8e 2 tins Peas for - 2 tins.Corn . • . •• ..... , .. 25e 3 lbs. Good Rice for , Gold. Dust Scouring Powder 12c 2 lbs. Good Tapioca for 7:: lbs.:Rolled Oats for 28e Large Size 1Vlarmalado, per jar Palm Triie Soap,per dozen 49c Loose Cocoa, per lb.:. Brokert Sodas . 2 lbs. for 25c Mn IL W. Gould spent the week -end in Toronto. Miss Eva Carter spent the week -end with Kitchener friends. Mr. Sidney Thompson of Simcoe was yin town over they week-end,- Miss eek-end,Miss Vera Dodd of Toronto was hone for the week -end and holiday. Miss Violet Latsch 'has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Folland of town, Miss Vera Trick of London was in. town and vicinity over the week- end. 1iViiss Etta Hardy of. ManilIa was home for the week -end arid Victoria Day. Miss Helen Onion of 'Stratford via- ited over the week -end with Miss Isabel Biggart, Mr. Norman Cress' of New Dundee spent the week -end with his moth- er, Mrs. Tolland. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richardson of Rs - sex are guests of 'Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Hogg at the 'manse. Miss •Bessie Chowen of Toronto earns up to spend the week -end and Vic- toria Day at .her hone here. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Torrance and babe of Galt visited the former's parents over the week -end and holi- •day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rumball and. Mas- ter Jack .of London spent the week- end with "'the former's mother in town. • - Miss Catherine Campbell. of Toronto' visited with her cousins, Misses Mary, Phyllis and Ruth ,Collye_r, of t0\vn. Mr. Clyde Kennedy of Toronto will, home with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Kennedy, for the week -end. Misses Annie and Almeda Crittenden visited with Blyth and Winghano friends overthe week -end and. Vic- toria ictoria Day. Mr, and Mrs. G. H. Elliott and fam- ily motored' to Port -Huron and spent the week -end and holiday with friends. Miss Marjorie Glew returned to Tort onto on Friday last. after 'spending two week's ,vacation,with'her moth-, er, Mys. M. Glew. Mr. Cecil Ashton and Mr. 'N. At- kinson of Hamilton were the week- end guests of the,.former's parents,' Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton. Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Hall, Mr. Gordon' Hall and Miss Evelyn Hlall motored to Langton and spent the week -end and Victoria Day with'`re'latives. Mi, aid Mrs. Dean" Courtice and lit- tle Miss .Betty of Hamilton motored. up to spend the week -end with Ms•. E. G. Courtice and Miss Hattie Courtice. TS. T. A. Greig and Mr. and Mrs. W. Greig and children of Toronto were the guests of Mr: and Mr5 F. A. Jenkins and other relatives here over" the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John Fairservice;and family of Elyth and ' Mr, Stewart Scott of - Wingham visited at the • .home ,of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Critten- den on Saturday last. Mrs. James Dunford and Master Ross of Toronto spent the week -end and holiday visiting with Mrs,. W. G. )4'0:fatt of the. Landon ',toad and Mrs, W. Pickett: of Clinton, Rev. A. Macfarlane was in Dundee over the week -end, taking the work ef,the .Rev. J. A. Shaver, who•een- d,octed anniversary services for -the :Presbyterian congregation in Clin- ton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carter and daughter, Doris, of Oakville and Mr. Ray Carr of Toronto Normal motored' up o ,Clinton and spent the week- end and holiday at the home of the. latter'' parents, Mo. and Mrs.. T. T. Carter A Big<'ea Week, from 48c to 80c lbs. Our own special blend, of coffee from 48c to 70c per lb. During seeding and the busy season we will deliver orders of $10. and up Within-aradius of ten miles , 30c 25e 30c 50c • 10c hi, the Morning' First Delivery 9 a.m.• . In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early Cash andW Phone Service ®. T. '48 Where "Sells for less " price prevails. People You -Know Mise Marjorie Hunter was in Seaforth for the holiday. Miss Winnie McMath is home from Toronto . University. Mr. W. Hovey of the Toronto Uni- versity is Home for the vacation. MVTiss Luella Walkinshaw was up :from Toronto, . over the week -end and holiday. Miss Sadie Draper was home front St. 'Catharines over the week -end and holiday. Miss Eileen Atkinson of the Western Universityis home for the vaca- tion time. Miss Pratt of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs: James Livermore over Victoria 'Day, Miss Hobbs of the C..C. I. staff spent the week -end and holiday at her home in Thonndale. Miss H. I. Graham of Seaforth spent the week -end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James ,Scott. . Miss Norma'. Bentley of London spent the' week -end and holiday with hee sister, Mrs. Morgan Agnew • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton and Miss Irene spent the week -end and .holi- day with relatived In Mitchell. Mrs. John Cuninghane and Miss. Florence spent a couple of days at Mitehell and London this week. Mrs. J. J. Maguire returned fast week after a month's visit with 'members of her family at Wlallaceburg and Detroit. • Mr. and Mit. Huntley of Aylmer were the guests of Rev. T. J. ,Snow- don and his niece, Miss Walls, over the week -end. My. and Mrs. T.,Dunbar and family of 'Sarnia have been visiting at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.e,Burnett.' , lVIrs. M ,H ?Elliott of Toronto spent the week -end with Miss Mabel Har- land and the natter accompanied her to the silty for a visit. Misses Gladys and Irene Fle}velling of Fergus'were the guests of their grandparents, • Mr. and Mrs. A• Maas, over the week -end and boli - day. Mi. and Mre.,E. J. Jenkins' and Mas- . ter George of London were week- "rend guests at the home of Ms'. Rees. arid Miss;, Mary Jenkins, 'Huron road, west. . • Mr. and Mr's. Thomas Wakefield and family of ,Guelph motored'to Clinton on Saturday and spent.the week -end and holiday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thost Leppington. Mrs.. A. T.1 Cooper . was called to. Evanston- 111., on Sunday by the ,,sudden death • df her mother, Mrs. Sellery„ formerly of Kincardine. Mrs. Cooper left Monday, morning. Col. II. B. • and Mrs, Combe .are in Toronto •today attending the grad- uationexercises in connection with the Margaret Eaton School, where their elleat daughter, Miss Barr , is a graduate, Mr. and Mts. Wilbur Welsh arid little daughter' and Mr. Kenneth Whit - snore went to Toronto and Hamilton for the ejeelc-end and htoEiday. They motored home, Mr. Welsh having bought himself a new ear. Miss Bessie Garrett has gone to Winnipeg to visit her sister, Mrs, Joseph Wallace, who had the mis- fortune to fall downstairs and Sus- tained a very bad :fracture to her leg. ,She was removed to the hos pital andis recovering. , Miss Lily Lindsay, who has been spending.the,past few months with her mother in town, left Monday } for Muskoka. Miss Lisidsaywill assist otr; the nursingstaffiof one of the cottages in ;connection with the Murkoka Sanatorium for a,inie Huron Road East a Mi. and Mrs. Chas. Mann and Mrs. Mose M'ann•aspent Sunday, last with,= friends near .Goderich.. :Several from around here attended the circus at Goderich on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. -Ball and family spent Victoria Day near ,Auburn. We are sorry„ to hear that Mr. ;Fred O,o'ok's mother is very sick.. ..Mr: Ernest Vanderburgh spent Sunday last at -the hone of Mr., Wm. Pearson, Goderich township. Tramps have Ibsen quite numerous along this road of late. - June Bazaar The Girls' Auxiliary of the Presby- terian church will hold a bazaar on the lawn of Dr. Shaw, Friday, dune 4th, at -three o'clock, with•the follow- ing booths: FANCY WORK CANDY APRON HOME MADE BAKING RUMMAGE TOUCH AND TAKE AFTERNOON TEA 58-3. SALE OF SPRING AND .SUM;IVIER MILLINERY The Vogue Millinery is having a special sale of Spring and Summer Hats, to commence. Friday and Satur- day, May 28th and 29th. These hats are splepdid value, Some fine Flow- er Trims, $2.50 and up. -Some shapes, $1.50 and up. Children's hats at 50e and up. Come early and get your choice. - , THE VOGUE . . 59-1 Oxo Gas Oil Burners FOR 'RANGES, FURNACES, AND :BOILER'S Call in and see this great burner VERY SIMPLE TO OPERATE is.►' TMARTIN-S1alloUR PAINTS. (10.0%, Pure) SCREEN DOORS and. WINDOWS • SCREEN WIRE CFIIOKEN WIRE Estirnetes cheerfully given on all Plumbing or • Heating .`jobs you are thinking of. VACVCM CLEANER TO RENT HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 ' We Furnish the Home from Cellar to Attie We can supply you with abniost anything necessary for the home. Let us give you estimates on t Bathroom or Plumbing, Roof- ing or Eavestroughing. Coal Oil Stoves or Ranges, Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors and Screen Windows at Real Prices. IN THE FURNITURE DEPARTMENT • As usual we have a large stock of Furniture for the June Brides to select from. We would ask you to call and inspect our stock, -we know we can suit you both in assortment and price, and we will make prompt •delivery to any address, Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo THEA STORES WITH A STOCK • FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 • Hardware 195 0 if . lam! Get that old hat off your mind and put on a Biltfnore Straw! The classiest line in townl Bands of black and colors, We' also have a cdinplete stock 'of''Fit-u-well Gaps and Biltmore Felt Hats for men and boys. .For quality and price—buy your next hat here— , i - ,,w..'K;minSsalLewd New Fashion ST x`11" AWS $1.75 and up Davis. & Her, t' ° an VETERAN TAILORS PHONE,224-W Spot Cash f®r Eggs and Poultry Quailto Counts We are in the market for Eggs and Poultry. all seasons of the year, prepared to pay top prices for top quality. 95 Per cent of Farmer's eggs received last week graded Extras and Firsts. •` GUNN LANGLOIS Co*Limited , ANGLE HEAD OFFICE — MONTREAL, Qt.TE. Clinton Branch open each day from. 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Write, Phone or Call for any further infortttation you require GUNN, LANGLOIS & CO., LIMITED. CLINTON, ONT., BRANCH PIIONE /90.,