HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-05-27, Page 4UiLSpAY, MAY 27t1t, 72d.,ti
'Made for Men,'Women and,
Children' %n pure . thread . silk
silk "and wool combination_ Ray-'
on silk, Mercerized Lisle' and
Cotton: r '
SuturerY ,st les: Po ular shades,
Lock Stitch, toP revent run
Reinforced toe
cin o id sole.
heel a�
No BetteValdes r in Canada;,
A newand complete line now o display '
complete n n I' Y
i .G. m COOPER.
l Instrument
�•- IViusx�� m
See or Call
Dealer in all Musical Instruments
Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton
The Clinton News -Record
will give away VOTES -in the Pony Contest which is announced
elsewhere in this issue on the following very liberal basis
For Each New Subscription
3000 Votes
For Each Renewal Subscription
2000 Votes
For Subscriptions in Arrears
2000 votes for each year
Boys and Girls this is your opportunity to win a handsome
Shetland -Pony P n Free
Solicit a new subsci•iptipn, turn in to us°the $2.00 and secure
your vote coupes,
in ouur=Dominion Store. This gives -you 'a fine oppor-
-tunity for you to replenish' your fruit'stocks ata very
big saving.
No. 2 TIN
RAISINS SEEDLESS 15 oz. pit. Fbkt
or Thompson Seedless
Canned Fruit
PINEAPPLE Bsilcadn 30c
kr mad PINEAPPLE Crt 19c
siar• APRICOTS 20c
Fresh and Dried-Frut
BULK DATES '2 lbs. 23c -
Cooking FIGS 2 lbs. 25c
PRUNES salla. 16c lb.
Vett„„ LEMONS 23c dor.
ORANGES 45c and 55c
79c lb. '
'ry'3c Ib.
D:S.I.. Bulk
.63c lb...
Thecae Prices in effect
S CAKES 'sch -
3 dcr.29c
• CI•IAT3rC''
Syrup 5btlh: 37c
fibs 2
"A Taste of
-6111 fngzana
14 A:lb. TIN
for one:
eels frtiin date of ;this p
s:ZN ,
CO elrlch TOWlist> ip
1V.5iss Geotg'ina Hudi�e of London
visited, her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
I3udie =' f
IRe-y, Mr. Kennedy of i3ayfiel'il was
unable . to. take hi work: on Sunday
Mr,'Irwin and Rev, Mi. Relines.
of Clinton very ably filled his .place.
Mj+ Maurice Switzer had a bee on
Friday •.raising. his barn Mr. Heard
had charge of the work and every
thing went'.without a hatch,
Everybody srwent ,.'o : Goderich on
.Y y ,ti
Friday to seethe parade"of the eir
cps"but whew rt did riot turn up they
thought it was the first of April
Mrs, Howard Cox is'visiting'friends
Hamilton this week. -
iSeeding• is 'dil banished up and you•
can hear the hum of pi'ffyers going
in•the orchardsthese fine .day$:
•X. a Miss
'Mr. and 'qrs.•C,h :'s Co and
Bertha alsd Mr. and : Mrs. Reid Tor-
rance called on'friends in -Kipper on.
)• riday,
Miss Freida, Stirling of Amherst -
burg was visiting' her Barents, Mr.
and Mrs, uJos: R. Stirling, ,eyer'the
holiday: V
'Vin. and Mrs. R. R.5S1oan''an'd-Mrs.
Bennett have been visiting friends at,
Mrs. Lane of 'Seaforth has been
visiting her lather, Mt A. McGuire•.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morgan' of Port
Stanley vsii e .with the former's sis-
ters, Mrs. McDougall and " Mrs.
Betties, and with his mother, Mrs.
Gdetih C who
Morgan of o
S •..
Mr. Harry Steep has sold his farm
to Albert Townshend and is' moving'
.to Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs. Yeo • are proud of
their bab�!
•i • which arrived last
g rl,
Mr. Erlond Betties of Hillsdale
Standard Bank, who has been -•trans
"'ferred to Calgary, spent a Few days
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos;
Betties before leaving for the west.
Errand looks well and we wish him
success in•his new field.
Keith Stirling, who has been sick
is improving nicely.
Murray McDougall paid a flying,
visit to Brussels last week.
Mr. H. •Mclhvaih; wbo has been
very sick, is improving nicely. -
1VIr. and Airs. Theron Betties,. Mr.
and Mrs. T. Young and families vis-
ited,at the hobne of their.paients,'Mr,
and Mrs. Betties. •
•Rev, C .G. Armour of Brucefield
preached at Bethel church last Sun-
day, taking the work of Rev. Mr. Ken-
nedy, who is -not well. Hope he will
soon be aroundagain.
Mrs. Adapt Raupp and two daugh-
ters of Detroit visited `over the week-
end with their cousin, Mrs. Robert
Pearson, and Mr. and Mrs, Wm,
Walker and Mr, and Mrs. W, Cole
of Clinton were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Pearson on Victoria Day.
Mr. and Mrs, Tied Lobb spent Mon-
day with friends at Mitchell.
Mr. and 1VIrs. Ira Merrill attended
an Old Boys' Reunion at Brigden
over the week -end.
Mrs. Snyder of Godei+ieh is visiting
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
John Tebbutt. -
Mz 3. ,ohiels and son of,' Detroit
spent a few dttys`; with h' s 'lkalf
'brother, Mr. Thos .Pollard
Mr "and' Mrs Frank Hall wand Mr.
Bernard final of Lozdesboro and Mise`
li ainie Hall of ffanover were V Bitot?`
at Mr, C, boGregor's ,oh Sunday , `• ,-
',rMigs VernaAdai>ls" spent Sunday;
and Monday„.tivith her. parents,. Mi+.
odd Mrs. Miller Adams..
• :Mr, George Lawson is; present
kionte siek;`with the;flu find;pleurisy;
MTS. dew' • uidock.
.Mx. and.M s. °An r . M of
Detroit are visiting at the home` of
the •for'nret•'s •parents, Mr.; and Mrs.
Robt. Murdbek, ; this.' week The"
many friends' of Mrs MurdockGwill re
g'et tb hear that she is very ill.
Miss Laura Swan of Toronto is.
'visiting at the ,home of her; parents;'',
Mr: and'Mis. George Swan;' this week.
Mr: W4al, Berry; jr., has purchased
a new Ford coups. •
Mr. Jas.- McQueen has traded his.
touring car fer a Ford sedan. .
Londlesbc rte
On Tuesday afternoon: last one of
-4est£keld s most highly esteemed.
citizens crpssed the Great' Divide
the person of 'Wm. Fothergill. He
'was bern in
Bait. Wa asosh 'on loot
34, con. 7`, where his family now re-
sides, He leaves to mourn his widow,
who was Annie Braithwaite,:daughter
of 'Mr. bi, Braithwaite, Londesboro,
and three small children, Edwin, Irene
and Margaret. ar et. - r
a er
Mr, Fothergill was a v y 'lovable
moan and there was general regret
felt at word. of the sad accident, which
caused his death. He was an adher-
ent of the Westfield United, formerly
Methodist, church.
The funeral•took place from his late
residence to the Westfield church on
Thursday afternoon; May 20th, where
a very effective sermonwas preached
by iris pastor, Rev. Mr. Baines of
Auburn. The funeral was attended
by many of his old friends and assoc-
iates. The pallbearers were: Messrs.
Cyrus Scott, Charles Whitman, Jo-
seph Stonehouse; Wan. Hewett, Alva
McDowell and Joseph Vodden.
The remains were laid beside those
of his father and mother in Westfield
Rev: and Mrs. Snell went to Strat-
ford on Wednesday to attend 'confer-
ence. The two congregations of the
United church will have a union ser-
vice on Sunday, it being held it the
former Methodist church..
Mr. and Mrs: Watt of Toronto mot-
ored up on Friday and were guests of
the Iatter's parents, Rev, J. and Mrs,
Abcry at the manse, ever the week-
Miss Grainger of Toronto spent the
24th with her mother, Mrs. John
Grainger. ,
Miss A. Garrett of Stratford Nor-
mal, who enjoyed a short holiday at
her hone here, 'returned Tuesday to
resume her studies.
Mr. and Mrs, Govier of Port Col-
borne is visiting the former's moth-
er, who is ill and with other relatives:
Dr. Stackhouse of Ridgeway palled
on friends here on Tuesday:"
Miss B. Brogden of London spent
the week -end with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. G. Bredgen.
Miss S. bioCool +of Ottawa came
home on Saturday and intends spend-
ing' several months with her mother.
Mr. W. McCool has' returned to
Toronto after a .short visit at the
hone sof his brother, Mr. J. McCool.
Miss Alvetta Brighaii of St.
Thomas was the guest of her parents
over Victoria Day.
Mrs, H: Little spent last Friday in
Mr, and Mrs. D. FIoody called on
friends here on Saturday.
Mr. Braitheivaibe has returned af-
ter spending soine days with his
daughter at Westfield. •
Mr.lSteivart has moved into Mr. C.
Mr'. and Mrs, Joseph Carter of Port
Elgin motored here Saturday to visit
Mr. and Mrs Jas. Carter, the former's
parents, over the holiday.
Mr: Pilgrim visited Auburn friends
over the holiday.
Rev. W. R. Alp preached anni-
versary sermons at Benmiller on Sun-
day last, service in Knox United
church being withdrawn in the even-
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jenkins and
son George of London and Miss M.
and Mr. R. Jenkins of Clinton visited
relatives here on the 24th.
Mr. 0. E, Erratt was •called to Lon-
don on Motlday owing to the death of
his aunt, Miss Eir.att,
Mr. Frank Hibbert of Goderich vis-
ited here over the week -end.,
Mr. Wilmer Wallis and Mrs, C. J.
Wallis of .Clinton visited friends here
on Victoria -Day.
Mr. Walker and Miss Pearl Tay-
loik motored to Toronto .on.Saturday.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Sarlcs
took place from her residence in the
village' on Wednesday afternoon, May
26th, interment being tnade in BaII's
Evangelistic services ase-:bei•dg held.
in the Baptist church by Mr,:and Mrs.
W. A. Gunton from May 25th to
June 6. Everyone is welcome,
Mrs. E. `Youngb'lut an,d Everett
have returned to their home 'here of
ter spending the winter at New Ham-'
burg with' Mrs.' Youngbltitis tlouglr
ter, • Mrs, (Rev`) Zeigler.
'Quick Pile Relief
Can only come by . removing the
cause—bad :circulation. in the - lower`
bowel. Nothing •but'an internal rem-
edy can bring quick and suretirelief:
That's why ointments and operations•
fail.. Dr. Leonardt's HEM-ROID,ban-
ishes piles by removing='tbe . cause,
Money refunded if not satisfied. T.
E. Hovey and druggists everywhere.
Rheumatic Pains Go
Swollen Joints Vanish
Twisted, swollen, unsightly joints
are rapidly freed<. from pain rid -
brought back to normal with itheunta.
Lame ,people walk without aid;
.sleep comes to those who hate been
unable to fie in bed; Bands that were
helpless to.
of 'terrible` rheuma-
tism are now able to.do their share.
fer • the support ,of the' family.
Rheurna it. a wonderful remedy..for,
rheumatism, ghat;, neuritis, Ittlnbago
said neuralgia. �'
it is a.wonder-worker; it • never fair
tors, never gives up untilevery'ves
tige- of poison is, e,xpelltd.' from the
;Rheutna, ets on stemath; •liver, kid
1 a. nd
nets and bladder all. t oa`tce a
quickly.brings long .prayed for com-
fort to+ distressed sufferers: ,T. 7:.,
Hovey and. all druggists sell -it with
guarantee of money back if it isn't
r ' Harold J'olinston ,of , the' Bank `1,EST' WE' FORCE`I,
Toroiytp staff;=: London,'spent the rr�
Eg`itor� Clinton,ijcws-Record'
:' Mr. Archie. Wells', and iritic -M-iss .... , Albalt i 4 e r •sa `'o 5.ya.' g the writer
Joan :of, Teronto•'spentthe week=end Packed his ,trunk ,-arid, : with the •lit,
wjth hiri; ,tathel,, :Mr: Jphni. Wells Aerited anibitibit'to see and knew more
eels -end, attha h me 1 ze
Mr. Fiuxl� ,5aundelcoelc•and dattg'h
tet Miss, Ve1ntai ;o London epent'tie
week-enet 1,Vith the foa meri's bnothety
;Mr. Harman $epder
i cocic,-'of the 1,3th'
• Mlss'iBertha Webster of CIinton
spent the week -end at ltei hpmeoit
the• 1,3tI Concession.
w;`J,ones,`who bas'been
mg Sher parents,; Mr.° and. Mrs, .Iohe
Fingland; rellurned to Is hone last
Mr,, `and Mrs. J. Ciidmoie and fain-
ily spent Sunday' as guests of Mr.
and Mrs, Wm, Bromley.
Mrs:. Norman•Hunkin and family'
spent a few days visiting friends' in
the community.
Mr. and Mr`s. Jack Armstrong mot-
ored to Hamilton for over the holiday.
Messrs. Cecil' Griffiths, Albert
Shaddock and, Charlie Lee, who are
working at :Beeehville, spent the holi-
day at their homes here:
Miss' Mamie Hall was' a week -end
visitor with Ihoi; parents, Mr. and, MTS.
F.B. Hall, of the 13th Concession..
Miss Gertie Robes•ton of Toronto
visited' at her home this week,
11Ir, and Mrs.' Won. Tarnblyn of
n at -the home of
Toronto were g ,gists •it• t
the farmer's mother, Mrs. J. Tamblyn
for the: 24th,
Miss Della and Mr., Wellington: Me -
were holiday.
1 f Toronto
C00 ,a. TO
with their'brother, Mr. Jas.McCool
hIr. John Snell of Port Huron is
visiting his son, Rev. B. +Snell:~
Rev. Mr. Irwin of Seaforth tool: the
evening service in the United church
onSunday. St v
Mr. ;ancl'MTS. C. •Cott of Goderich
spent Monday with Mr.' and Mrs. Al-
bert Radford.
The congregational meeting and W.
M. S. at=home held last Friday even-
ing were fairly well attended. The
program consisted of - a .number of
recitations, a playlet entitled, "Tired
of Missions," given by;the
and also the reports ,of the various -or.
ganizations of the church. Lunch
was served at the close.
There will be. ball practice on the
conn iimnity playground on Friday
Miss Holmes of Clinton was a Sun-
day visitor in. the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wells, Nis. H.
Tittle, Miss Dorothy Little and Mr.
R. Townshend spent Sunday in Ex-
Watson's house: •
Miss Antiie Garrett, of Stratford
Normal spent the holiday at her home.
Mr. Harold Richards of Toronto
Normal spent the holiday itt bus hone.
Keep the day in mind. See .seine
of the world famed horses perform
before .going to the big. races across
b g
the bbrder. One 'horse starting :holds
three world records and is entered in
over $100,000. of stakes.
Races--2:10,.:purse '$300.00; 2:20,
luso $300.00; 2:25, purse $300,00.
If enough green hprses there ,will be.
a gieett race.' '
Free : entrance; 5% off winners.
Ususil money division 50, 2 j, 15,10.
Concert at night. Colne to the
best races Teeswater ever,,,had. :Ex-
cellent half • mile track, beautiful
grounds,' splendid accommodation,
glorious sport.'Everybody corner
Is Your Child
Thin and Weak?
t; a ,convention 'held in Wiirgham
on'TIsesday MA, Charles A. Robert-
son, r'eeve' of •Collbor'ae township and
,of the world outside of the.limited an ex-warslen of I•Iuiron, vvas :harem
possibilttiee•Q#i red,in-Clihton, started ',to;:airy ths,,Liberai "banner 'inlNorth
out rovith` thelessin g • of ' , g¢o d ,, parents Huron in the heat Provincial' election,
,and,with all ;due respect•to Ott first A,.great many names *ere Put for;
town ' settled an . after c'rose'im,, g•the ward -but only three; went to• ballot, ,
ocean'nearly 55 yearsag'o, timever:y Dr:. Gallaw:of Goderich, Abner Cos -
pleasant reoohlections';'of.the ma ens of Wingbam ati'd Mr. Robertson. !tl'
,friends made, the good ,times of those Two ballots were - necessary, although':
r t e'Ro e t o' had; o e
days; In early manhood,:, haveno xea_ Mq b r sn a very good lead
i:.£ ..
t ' he fist one •- •v .
sea. o regret step':�then taken... n ]
Sipco, leaving Gunton ,hav o alwa s Those',wlio. withdrew their. names
subseribecl far the ,local, paper wish- were: W. Ii. Robertson, editorof The
ing to keep in
tench with the old Si'guai, God'erieh; Gordon Toting, of
town; (and which I consider a:' very Colborne, president of the riding. as-
9hea"-investment) ant often aha • ' d l seeiation;, Hugh : Hill, of 'C'olltorne;
with +bein • 'sentimentalwhich isrgoMorgan ,._Dalton, of ,cingsbridge;
g not_ .
denied 004 for whicha1 have no apolo- Charles Stewart 'af Ashl;ield; Areh.
g'Y.;to oiler. The above -is onl an incl Hislop, ex-M.P.; Duncan Marshall and
dent to what „is in niy mind yet a clear John McNa3i, of Grey township.
eoniteetion t t e matt r Spenkeils of •the clay were Alex: Mac-
o h e , few wlafcla ,
1 wisii to ,write mom paaticula ly. Gregor, late apponent • of -Six' Henry
Was notgreatly':-surpr seDrayton lea -West York;',.A. P11VIe-
. surprised to read
in the NsivgRecord;ofthe 20thinst. whainney, MLA' West Bruee; Mrs. 3. -.I
of the passing away' of one move, of H. Purdy, of Toronto; Duncan. Marsh
land; an
Clinton's moble citizens, W. ased t- all and Nelsori Parliament, provincial
and was more than pleased to g g
read the obituary notice in the :sante
issue. Mr. Harland was 'truly "a.
nest 1oyable 'man,"'would that the
world h6d more of.sueh men.
It a to
s great w 'esu
y gi at p a re to know
Mr. Harland for many years and as se
rule called to see him on my visits to
Clinton and: cannot bit feel that a
good od and true friend has passed away.
He will surely be missed in the town
where he had resided to long and
borne such an enviable character.
Since leaving Clinton I have had a
rather wide de an
d varied experience,
noall 'sunshine,
t although I have been
prospered by `akind Providence, have
made many good friends, yet am free
to say that for the population :of
Olinton have never\ Lived in any place
with a larger percentage of honest.
upright and conscientious men" whose
word. and business dealings were
alcove reproach;
Sometimes we hear it said that the
world is growing worse and point
back to:the times of long ago, the
writer is not one of this type, when
we take a survey'of the many good
things we bare today that we did not
have 50 years ago, the question in niy
mind is how much do we owe to our
forefathers for the priceles heritage Take advantage of our generous
they have left us of their sterling up-
right character? Humanly speaking trial offer and have a clear
their lives, blameless unconsciously
sowing seeds that are now bearing , marble -smooth skin aglow
fruit. Eternity alone can answer
A change of which every muniei-
polity in Ontario will approve, in the
law regarding indigents -vas made in
the closing hours ori the last session
of the Ontario Legislature. Hitherto
the maintenance of indigent patients
in hospitals has ben charged up to
the icunicipality given by the patient
as his place of abode, and the onus of
disproving the charge lay with the
municipality. In future the charge
-will be made :against the County, and
the :County Councillors will deter•
mineamong themselves to which
intinicipality.:the patient belongs.
Cod Liver Extract In Sugar Coated
Tablets Puts on. Flesh and Builds
Thein Up
In just a few days'• -quicker than
yeti ever dreamt of --these wonderful
health building, flesh creating tablets
called: McCoy's Cod Liver Extract
Tablets will start` to help any thin;
underweight little:. one. • ,
After sickness and" where rickets
are -suspected they are especially tSalu-
Most people know that, from the
livers.,of the lowly codfish vitamines
of the first the
kind that help all feeble, unclerweight
men, women and Children.
Try these wonderful tablets fel; 30
days and if your frail, Tpttny child don't
greatly benefit—get your money back:,`
A ver sickl.. child .a e 9,gained
y Y g
19 pounds in7 ;months,
Ask any druggist for McCoy's Ced
Liver Extract, Tablets—az easy to'
take is candy and 60 tablets, 60 dents
or'anizer. Mr. MacGregor got his
speech in early, in order to catch a
,train, and the balloting took so long
that the other addresses were cut
C op! ex!ous
The Skin of Youth is Yours
All unsightly blemishes reproved
by dissolving the mask of
Cosmos Beauty Clay
the question.
Let us seek to emulate these noble
characters and thereby seek to leave
this world a little better for having
lived in it.
Would like very Hauch to have
mentioned many other Haines who
have passed away in Clinton during
the late years but refrsin from doing SIRS:
so for, the reason taint trusting to
memory is rather a treacherous thing
to cid and would be very sorry if a
complete list were not given. "Surely
their works do follow them."
"A good name is rather to be chos-
en than great riches." "Lest we for -
The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion
Enrolment No. 1308 Forst 1'
Will stand for season of 1926
.as follows
Tuesdays at .Joe Flynn's% 6th con.
Hullett, for noon, his awn stable for
night. Saturday, all day at Graham
House Barn, Clinton. Balance of
each week at his ,ovula stable, lot 18,
con. 3, Hullett.
To insure in foal, $12, p%yable
when mare • is known to be in foal,.
Mares not returned regularly to the
Horse will be charged full insurance
whether in foal or not, Parties dis-
posing of mares before foaling time
will. he chased full insurance, All
accidents at risk of owners of mares,
To ` parties breeding Registered
Clydesdale mares I will give written
Contract -,to take the colt . when 4
months old" and pay $100 for 'each.
ED, JOHNSTON, Proprietor. .•-•-
R. R. No. 4, Clinton, Ont.
Phone 8 on 636, 50-tf
Clydesdale Stallion
Sired by King Thomas
Will Ieave his own stable, Bayfield
Road, on Monday meriting and travel
by way of Clinton and Base Line to
M. Butler's, 16th con. of Goderich Tp.
for noon, 'thence by way 'of 16 con.
south to his own stable for night.
Wednesday will, leave his Town stable
and travel by way of iBayfield road to
Won. Lobb's corner, thence by way of
Varna; Road to Ben •Ratliwell'a corner,
thence west to Peter Cole's corner,
along 9th eon. lof Goderich Tp. to
Retaben Ga'iggts far noon, then by way
of 9th con.-Goderich 'Ilp: to'Huron
Road, then to . Holniesville; to 14th
con. to ,Win. Vodden's burner, then to
his own stable for night. Friday
morning will leave his own stable and
go' by way of .Clinton and Huron Road
to 'Alma Corner and then to Kilburn.
`for/ neon; then west to Gravel road
and south on' Gravel road to his own
stable for the night, where he will until re-
main 'iil g -'the f lle in • Monday
rnaitt a w nd y
Thin route v be continued
t•o v it 1
throughotut •the season,' health and
weather permitting.1'
BERMS • To' insure foal, $13.00,
two mares, $25:00, to he paid on or
before March ,1st, 1927. All snares
at riskof owners. • M&res . mutt be
returned r•egyuiarly td horse or will be
charged Whether/in foal oh net.
GUS B7S, AOit, Proprietor.-
with its natural beauty
Cosmos Laboratory Corporation
The Strand Bldg., Toronto; 2
get." Sincerely,
William 'Taylor.. •
963 Wellington TSt.;' ondon, Ont,
Please send me small box of Cos-
mos Beauty Clay at your special
price of 25e.
Address , . , .
,Only one box to each person
E has a memorandum on the `cheque stub•of
rlevery account -•=-and an entry in his bank
book as well—a' double check on his business. The
his bank
cash areshown uY
incoming cheques or also
book. In a flash he can tell when he paid any par.
ticular account or when an.account was paictto him,
His bank book tells him; •
He has no need to go to town to.do his business if
he is rushed. A cheque 'by diail pays• an item or
makes deposits alt lost as quickly as he could do
Today thesafe, efficient, satisfactory method of busi.
ness is through the Bank::
Established 180 •
Total Assets in excess of°47so.00es.oimc;<
TESummer Schoch
0. Conroe in Public Health and Bac-
2. Course in French Conversation,
3. Review Course in High School Algebra
to Matriculation.
Also thirty other coureeo in. Astronomy.
Botany, English, French, :Geology, Goo-
man, Greokl Hlatory, Latin. Library
5 once, Mathamutice ami
Phyai,so. ,.
. A.,plendid oociatand oth-
T tie program throughout.
the entire nice weeks:•
BcautlEutgcw ianivcrsit y
y. Start on a B. A. Course
newt Six delightful weeks
of study and recreation.
JULY Sth to
Por -Information
Write ti+ Director, Dr.
0. i?. Kingston, or Dr.
1C. P. a. Moine, Roe.-