The Clinton News Record, 1926-05-27, Page 2wee.
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Proprietor. Editor.'
A general i3anicing Business transact-
ed. Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued,
Interest Allowed on Depoets. Sale
D:otes-Purchesed. `
H. T. RA NCE -
Notary Public, Conveyancer.
Financial, Real Estate and Fire In-
surance Agent. Representing 14,Fire
Insurance Companies
• Division Court Office, Clinton.
Barrister, SoIicli r, Notary Public, etc.
Office: •
Of$ce Hours, --1.30 to 3,30 p.m., 6.30,
to 3,00-p,m,, Sundays, 12.30 to 1,30 p.m,
Other hours by appointment only.
• Office and -Reeitfenoo - Victoria St.
DR, I•I, S. BROWN-rieliA.C.C.
• Office Hours •
1.30 to-- 8.30 pan. -7.30 .to 9.00 nat.
Sundays 1;00 to 2.00 p.m.
Ofber'houra liy'appointment:
013ce a11d Residence, Ontario S"treo.t.
Phones 213.'
DR.. FRED G. .-
01fce and Residence:
Ontario Street Clinton, Ont.
• One door west of Anglican Mouth.
• Phone 172.
Eyes examined atilt glasses; fitted.
DR. PERCI'V.,L I rsp -.
�araAZ.t.?l' Mee and Residence:
• Huron Street Clinton, Ont.'
Phone 69
(Formerly occupied by the late Dr.
C. 4V. Thompsoiti. •
Eyes Examined and, Glasses Fitted.
D. FL Mc1NN -
Chlropractor.. Masseu,,
Of Wingham, will be at the Cell -mer.
clef Inn, Clinton, on Monday and
Thursday forenoons each week
Diseases 08 all kinds staccessfully
hendled. .
Licensed to C
Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence ifromptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be made
for Sales Date 63 The News -Record
Clinton, 01' 'by Calling Pltone 203,. '
Charges ,Moderate and' .Satisfactio
Clinton, Ont."
General Fire and Llfe Insurance:<lgent
for Hartford' Windstorm, Live Stook,
Automobile and Sickness and Accident
Insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana-
da Trust .Bonds,' Appointments made'
to meet parties at Brucefieid, barna-
anti Bayfield.: ,'Phdne 57,
honor Graduate Carey Jones' Nat
Schoolopp AuctioneerIn , toil
dial course taken in PurehioBaed Spe'
'Stock, ,Real Estate, Mercbend e and
Farm Sales, Rates in keeping with
.,prevailing Market ; Satisfaction as -
mired,, Write or wtra,- Zurich, Ont
Phony 18-93,
tL s ,
Heat$ Office, Serforth,
: �D:]t: ex
m asci -0 RY:
From factory girl to paean s - biog- was this fact which decid•
ed 1110 ex. l`
rebel Is a big step, but it, a 0112 ivhlch factory girl to ,n'lte to the Queen and
has been taken by a Londoner, Kath-- aslc,perm, stop to set about tier task,
Moo 1,Voodward, nine has just received Note only did the Queerr'readily 400'01)1
the 5001141 consent oO King,George and alis suggestion,' but she, prolerreci a
Queen Mary to pith:eli a. "Life" of the helping hand, and Miss Woodward' WZS
lotto,, given; the entree into the royal homes;
l we,ve ;cars ago Miss 'Woodward iu England and Seotl$nd and intro-.
worked in, tl South London coffin' fax- d1lced to people who livid icn0nor ,'the
tory, When the 'war carne she joined Queen in, her childhood and who had
the Women's Auxiliary Army: Corps, been her friends. in girlhood.
the "Saes," as they =rere known ..48 Might ha expected, Miss 'Wood -
throughout the British.Army, and x055 ward Was able to -glean" a lot of in-
to 'be quart rnieeter sergeant, When teresting information at �Wbidso'i as-
tho "Woes"Were diebanded sha "went tie, York Cottage at Sandringham, and
to South Africa, working her passago at�13a1Alo1a1, the home al. Britain's
as a stewart els, and it was- not until royal family- when they are in -Scot=
a year or so ago that she returned to laird. A year `was_spont in collecting
.London and was taken with ,the great a mass -of material and then, ;the book.
idea of writing anintintate lire -of her written, the. biographer: 'sent it. to-
Queen, '" Sandringham, inhere the Qtieeu was
Though 1011011 is published about the,staying, Botir:the Ring' and Queen
saying and doings of the Prince of read it carefully " and they were;' so
Wales and his brothert.and sister,:few pleased with the way it was done that
people know very 111/011 about the 31113. they at once gave their consent -to its
mate life of their royal' mother, and it publication,
Judge W. G. Fisher
Of Defer's' County, who died suddenly
at Orangeville on May 18.
One in Stirling,Township and
Other in Pic River. Country:
Port Arthur, Ont.—Two new forest -
fires in the district. were reported to
the hdadquartd1s of the forestry ser-
vice. One is located in the north por-
tion of" Stirling Township aria is
burning briskly, bat the extent of
dainege is at present unknown. The
other is in the Pic River Country,
north of Heron Bay. This fire was
.potted by hydroplane and men were
taken to the. scene by planes. To
reach the fire it was necessary for
the 'planes to land on White Fish
Lake, following which they left on
an overland trip of three miles.
The fire in Stir`:ing Township hal
been under Observation for some days,
but leaped into ferocity fanned by a
high wind. ' -.
Gov, -Gen. Urges Canadians
to Drop . Parochialism
'Vancouver.—Baroit Byng's farewell
advice to the Canadian people whose of the leading matters has designed a
P p' � high boot in Biased kid.
Governor-General he has been'fer the It is neither Russian nor Wellington -
five years, Is to droit' parochial- ittu apliarance, but essentially Parisian
ism and be•true Canadians. and voted to be very chic for a prom. Lennon, of the University of Toron-
Such 'was the message he gave to evade in -the Bois, A Paris dress_ to, and the Lorne Pierce Medal o Dr.
Birch's old Soup: Shop
a huge luncheon meeting of represen-to
maker' who has been called the best' Charles Gr D. Roberts, anther and
Now Closed in London
tative Paucouver bustlress
Trapped by Flames in Quebec
Village of Ste. Therese, Vic-
-finis Jump from Windows.
Montreal.—Thirteen workmen were
injured, one of whom may die, when
fire, thought to. have been eaused by
a spark from an electric motor, de-
stroyed the piano and gramophone
factory of .the Colonial Piano Com-
pany, Limited, at Ste. Therese, about
19 miles north of • Montreal. The
flames also - destroyed' a large water
tank -of" the. Canadian Pacific Rail-
way, •and burned down some sheds.
The' damage wars estimated: by
Ovid0 Hogue, secretary,treasu er of
the Colonial firth, at $175,000, partly
covered by insurance.
The victims were injured when they
were trapped by the dames follow-
ing an explosion in the,top floor of
the building. The men jumped -from
windows or held on to the sill, with
the flames licking their hands and
faces until ladders could be raised
to rescue thein. 1
Moise Binette, 47, is not expected
to -live from injuries he sustained
when he .jumped. ; He and another
workman had leaped together and
collided 'as they were taking off, with
the resu_t that Binette landed on Isis
back. He was unconscious -when
picked up, A priest was summoned
after Binette had been carried to a
neighboring house and the. last rites
of. his church administered.
For a time the entire portion of
St. Therese lying on the side of
the railroad track containing the
factory seemed doomed,•'and aid was
Summoned from Montreal. Later
this danger was warded off and the
flee confined to its immediate area.
Paris Accepts Boots
in Satin, Kid and Silk
After some hesitation Paris. now
seems decided in favor of .boots, and
custom shoemakers are making thein.
in sating 001 and silk, for walking, re-
ceptions and even for dancing. One
The above is a composite fjcturetlian-air' machine has successfully"Nor e" a fey•
g , \ hours later. It in
shoieing the Amundsen-E1lsworthAoxn over the top of the world.: TheRoes such.. as (;Hese that- ]ase .year's
Nobile dirigibia, "Norge,' as she. was nsuudseu expedition is the third toAmundsen-Etiswortk party .was lost
described flying over the polar regione.reach the coveted goal, Peary ,beingfor thirtyday8. •
This 16 the first time in the historythe first in 1909, followed by Lt. Coni
of polar exploration that 'a lighter -minder -Byrd on May 9- and the
Professor McLennan and Doc-
tor Charles G. D. Robers
Receive Royal Society
Ottawa. --Two prominent Cana -
to light from the. A'trora Borealis.
During the war Prof, 1411Lennan was•
scientific adviser to the Government,
and it was safe to say now that
many of his devices for the discov-
ery of .submarine bombs had assist-
ed materially in ending the war.
Dr. Parks, in presenting the .Lorne
Pierce Medal .to Dr. Roberts, gave
a resume of the author's achieve-
ments and expressed t3,ie Lope that
diens, :a scientist and,an author, were he would reside in Canada in future.
honored by -the Royal Society of Can -
Mc -
ada, when they were presented with
medals embteihatic of outstanding
achievements In their- line of work.
W, A. Parks, of Toronto, president
of the association, presented the Fla-
velle Medal 'tnl Professor J. C. Mc-
Dr, Roberts was born in' Frederic-
ton, N.B., and-edecatedat the Uni-
versity of New Brunswick, but foi-
a number of years -had resided in
'London, England..
„ dressed woman in the city is wearing
You have the virility of youth and boats 'for evenings. These evening
that quality you call pep, which is
boots are magnificent affairs In satin,
so good,"said his Excellency. Is ,Soft kid or moire and sometimes stud-
ihere any fly to the ointment?,..None ded,with gents, Panama influence has
that I, can see if you will' be Cana,
The Plavelie Medal, donated by
Sir Joseph F1aveIle for meritorious.
achievements in seietlee, was award-
ed to Professor McLennan, not so
diun. Drop
descended from the head to the feet, much for individual achievement as
petty y paroghal schemes Charming models of Panama: shoes are for. his consistent :line service in the murk since 1690. Many sentimental
for the benefit of the whose of your' being made in various rotors, with cause of Medical service. In Toronto folk visited the lac Friday
country,. I have- tried in my visit place iviv for Len-
to and gar an si kid and he had built' up a laboratory that last mealin a cations survival of Lon -
to Canada to talk unity :because 1
adorned with Bulgarian g desi s
fest 'it so strongly—more even per- �' '
haps than you, because 3 see all the' ' '"'""o-'^"""
The shatters \vent lin for the last
time recently on Birch's famous old
soup shop and restaurant in the shad.
ow of the Royal Exchange in Corahill,
London, wlyicli has been a city laud -
Berlin Muieum- Inkstand_
Mocking Former Kaiser
The English table upon 0111011 Diaper -
re. William Signed the mobilisation. or Confederation. A total of 551. final
der August 1, 1914, for the 'comutence• • decrees were issued, 134 byethe' Fed-
men.t of the Wet -A War is now on eral Parliament to Ontario and, Que;
display in the imperial Cfi le in pen. bee residents, and 417 by the courts
Pighteeti additional rooms of the to citizens of other provinces. In
cu:slde.haVe jnst been opened to visit- 1924 the total number ori' divorces ob-
ors, rained in the' Dominion was 543.
The ;table, which cane ;Exam Eng- 11 remarkable „featur'e, diferent
land' Many years ago as a gift, was, from those of other countries, was
Made out of hoards' from 'Admiral' the -preponderance of divorces grant-
Ne o1 s flagship,.
s 1
At rr
An inkstand -care- t - eel to husband's cath. thanto
jatd,'carv- 'll wives,
ed from sial}lar 180033 in the shape of Final decrees Were. obtained last year
a Spanish. galleon, .is inscribed in by 279--husbands„'while 272 were
TOTAL 551 IN 1925
OttaWti.—Canada established as 00 -
cord during 1925, in the eiet ntber of
divorces granted in any year since
'L,ig.tsli with the battle cry,, "England given to wviv
pects every 05311 80 do Ids dui.'!”
was of inestimable value to Canada
and the United States. Dr. Pairs
mentioned particularly Prof. ttc-
Lennan's work in extracting helium
from natural gas, and more recent-
ly his brilliant discoveries in regard Served.
don't early dayP.
The old shop trout, whish ie au ex=
eelleut example of early architecture,
has been given to the Victorin and Al.
bert 1liiussnn, where it will be ;ire.
Man. wheat—No. 1 North, $1.58
No. 2 North, $1.53.; No. 3 North
Man. oats—No. 2 CW., nominal; No
8, not quoted No. 1 feed, 48r,'zc; No
2 feed, 47e; Western grain quota
tions in c.i,f, bay ports.
Am. corn, track, Toronto—No. 2
yellow, 86c; Na. -8 ye:low, 88c.
• Milifeed--Del, Montreal freights,
bags included: Bran, Per tan, .$3 25;
shoats, per ton, $38,25; middlings,
$400,25 ; good sed flour, per bag, $2.30.
eats -44 to 46c, f.o,b. shipping
Ont. good milling wheat -$L34 to
$1.36, f.o.b. shipping points, accord-
ing to freights.
Barley, matting --02 to 04c.
Buckwheat—No, 2, 72e,
Rye -No, 2, 85c.
Man. flour—First pat., $9, Toronto;
do, second pat., $8,50.
Ont. flour—Toronto, 90 per cent.
late Aer barrel, in carlots, Toronto,
$5.95; seaboard; in hulk, $6.10.
Straw—Carlots, per ton, $9 to $9,30,
Screenings—Standard, recleaned, f.
o,b. bay ports, per ton, $22.50.
Cheese—New, large, 20e; twins,
21c; t, c; , ,
large, 35e;ripletstwin22s, 26e;Sotlltonstriplets23c, 27c.016
Butter-Fittest creamery prints,
88 to 38%e; No. 1 creamery, 36%, to
37}x; No. 2, 84% to 35%c. Dairy
prints, 273 to 1:9'c.
Eggs -Fresh extras, in cartons, 35
to 86c; fresh extras; loose, 34c; fresh
firsts; 32e; fresh seconds, 38 to 20c.
Dressed poultry—Chieisena, spring,
Ib„ 70c; chickens, lb., 35 to 37c;.
hens, aver 4 to 5 lbs., 30c; do, 3 to
lbs., 27c; roosters,' 25c; duckiings, 5
bs. and up, 25e; turkeys, 40c.
Beans—Can. hand-picked, $2.00 per
bushel; primes, $2,40 per bushel,
Maple produce—Syrup, per imp.
gal.,$ ,30 to $2.40; per 6 gal,,.a$3.25 to.
per gal.; �
g maple sugar, - lb,, 25 to
26e; maple syrup, Oslo, per 331,, $3,40.
Honey -50.1b. tins, 11,5, to 1:2c per
b.; 10-1b, tins, 11%, iec; Mb. tins,
2 to 12%e; 21,y lb. this, 14 to 14%,c,
Smoked..meats-limns, meth, 32 to
tams, to c; smoked
Root; Bertgiq,s
. erba a , !tern° .. ,
Such asphysicians:prescribr for til;
menta of the.Nlood, etosnach, irtior
and kidneys; aroi.ombinod,Iioocl'
S`arsaparillal I`'
Sersaaarllln' Mandrake`
Yellow Dock Dandelion
Uva Urs Stillinoia
Bloc Flag Pipsiseowa
Cusioe Juniper Berrie.•,
Gentian Wild"C!ierry
and other excellent tonics, thus mak-
tog one of the'most:euceessful -of all •
medicines, Got only idood'e,
do, good, to $7.25; butcher
Ltoers, choice, $7 to $7.75' butcher
heifers, choice, $6.50 to '$7.50; do,
good, $6.00 to $6.50; do, common,
15:00 to $5.50;butcher cows, choice,
$5.25 to $6.40 do, fair to ggood, $4.00
to 86.00; butcher bulls, good, $5:00
to 86.00; Bolognas $8.50 to $4.00;
canners and cutters $2.50 to $3.50;
springers, choice, $95 to $115; good
milch cows, $85to.$95; medium cows;
$45 to $60; readers, good, $6.25 to
$6:75; do, fair, $5 to $6; calves,
choice, $11 to 012.54; do, good, $0,50
to $10.50; do, lights, $5 to $7.50; good
Iambs, $14 to $15; dot medium, $12.50
to $13; do, dulls, $10 to 811.50; geed
light sheep, $8 to ''9,50; hetxvy sheep
and bucks, $5.50 to $6.50; -hogs, thick
smooths, fed and watered,, $14.10; do.
f.o.b., • $13.50; do, country points,
$13.25; do, off cars, $14.50; do, thick
fats, $13; select premiums, $2,76,.
Oats, No 2 0.W., 613c• No. 3 C.W.
56Yac; extra No, -1 feed, 54c Flour,
Man, spring wheat pats., firsts., $9;
seconds„ $8,50; strong bakers, $8,30;
winter pats, .choice, $8.71 to 86,80.
Rolled oats, bag, 90 lbs., $3,20.
Bran, $31.25. Shorts, $83.25, Mid-
dlings, $40.25. ' Hay, No. 2, per ton,
car lots, $14.50,.
Cheese—Finest westerns, 18% to
1814c. ' Butter—No. 1, pasteurized,
33c. Eggs, fresh extras, 36e; fresh
firsts, 38 to 34c. Potatoes, Quebec,
per bag, car lots, $3.. Common tofair
$7.50. Gows od Medium $$8, quality
$15 to. $15.25, Sows .$11.
nc pal of the Hamilton Normal
School. and one of Ontario's. best.
, ;known educationists, who died on
, Canada Furnishes More t1r Than
- Half the World's Exports
of Wheat in 1925-26.
Fairly light trade to the end of this
summer with moderate purehasei by
European importing' countries; prices
probably lower than miti-Agri: revolt'
unless present crop prospects chun•e;
tow or moderate carry-overs into the
new crop year; these are the BitIent
points of the world wheat outlook for
the next few months.
The 1925-20 world wheat crop hag
'been the largest since 1915 if Rliseia
is included. Without Russia it le the
largest•ever reported, except in 1923.
International 'trade has been light.
Surpluses genuinely p g umely avaiiub:e for ex-
port have been email except in Can-
ada, which has furnished ov:r half
the total exports. The United States
has exported little except of durum
(macaroni wheat) and' of flou, and
has imported for home use ohne mod-
erate quantities of Canadian wheal.-
The international situation wn:a:d
have been tighter had Euro not
had largo domestic crops end hal
therefore no need to import Iniad.,.
Prospects fpr the 13, . crop of
1826-27 are that it wilt !:o larger
than in .1925-20, bat th tt ,f l moa'
of the rest of the Northern Ile ni-
spheres the trop wo i t : .0.1 wieli
smaller, ,`.Che new harve Ls :t,e ex-
peeted to relieve the le rsn inthe
wheat trade that has pt-sai ,1 sin
/November—hence the heavy d i i u t,
of new crop futures til Math
raider the May future.
d'9 � ��Yl+�l9..t
Dozens pt' men and bird societies
have naught end tagged song and in-
sectivorons birds, but on1y_a few hare
tagged. ducks' in Any :great number,
while Jack Miner is the only man who
, ii '
d tagged 1
afile "wild Cau-
ada. goose" and studied its exact mi-
gration.' One morning recently lie
caught and tagged 243 Canada geese, 4c 0003166 1 4? 49 1
Placing loosely on a leg or, each an tion of men ever obtained. All birds Polls, 22c; cotti;;e. 25 tc 2'ir; break•
aluminum tag containing the natural- were: released without being injnrefl I fast bacon, 32 to 38c; special brand
in- este postoince:address 00 one side, and breakfast b n 3 t
ligiens fanatic, but uses thls unique
means of pissing the Word of God
along to the Eskimos. anti Indians of
the far North, The fo:lowiu$ horning
he caught and tagged 168 more, and in
the o
lot discovered 1
tons which pati, been
tagged previously. M. 1915. Thus in 1
this way he is gelnieg migration foots '
of the. birds that, no man or emtihina- e
president, dames Connote G 1
y, •oterecli; Olid l,rck 1S 1$eaanilg Near I3inyeni, in Cerntany, is a
Leal, .Tames 17vans, Beechwood; eo,,
Treasurer, Thos 1: ii ons echo which will toss a sound to
3 Bieck Opal Owner- a n
., act fl•p no less than -70 times,
Directors: Getnl:f ., ye, McCartney
the a
fnr i• � M �G ea
her the opposite, face a verse of Serie-
ture. Sack 1litper is by 110 albens-g 10'
c attney S
b. P. UeGregor, Seaforta; J, G. The owners .of black opals are ex-
rive, 'CValton; Wm, Ring,
g, SeaPorth
in any way. It will be interesting to bnact o 3gr; _i;a.r;
less, 39 to 450.
uote from time to time where and by; Cured meats—Loa l
whom these birds are reported k It t clear l .,b $33. 5;
killed. to 70 lbs., 0 90 lbs., $_>3,75
20 . lbs. 2.34 lightweight
1 s and
up 500
M. ?vic,wen, Clinton;, trentely lucky at present, contrary to .
, Robert 1r erries , Msy s• ry :.. rolls, $39,50 et bbl.
7•Iarlock; JoLnBenne „ the accepted sunerstition :for'\ a .*, . < x Q., ;:l as .,:{ a M :�: gt.,,
w,:ir, 13rodlia .n. ho value w :• . r �8.. a. ;..� .�_ ... M i � ' .., , —
J ge. % :. •., ^•; . , n Lard Pure �ieraes, 17 to 18c
as. Gpnaoliy, God o. these ,. e:
• e1lch, f es gems is rising as they bocolne `'�`� <. , . : ,,., . , . ;:: • s.. , �"'i , r r �::.. ,. +, �',* .. ��." � ,>� t>nbs 1
$ do 13y✓ic; pails 18 to 19ef
Agents: Alex e, c .4`.. a. ¢ f a .a ,. :s,�.... ar, .>^ a,...S•.":rc.:t,: ;.X, ,
i eitrh
C)i more aid moreillto r ,•.. : �r �c
neon ' scarce: The mi prints, 20'
J W mines i to 21shortening,
_ •a" u e em are giv- � .a . { .r � � � 4• ."� u a yz> �reS s ti sf `s 't" r, tierces, to oc; tubs. 15 to 151/2c;
Any money to be palet ht may be clisecrvererl. •
Aatd to Mooi'i,e'h Ch,31, ug Co.,`Clinton, Some of the stones• sown ell' 11ont1
or' at CnMoorish Clothing
Co.,' street, Loeson, are priced at about
Parties desiring to affet;t ranee "100 000 es•Princess or t ailseet'other business \Grill ba 1,,„
tale Inrgest of. these
gems in exist•
prolitptty attended -to onapp1ication to erica. is Oil display.
any the above officers addressed to -- -:
their: respective post 11,]300:, rtis•eeei .
inspected bey :the Dirootoi tvlro ,.lives Admirers:Endow Hugo Chair
nearest the eoene. of Literature at Sorbonne
-. rolls in barrels, $42,50; heavyweight
eO, t3ode0 0U: Ed: Ii;iuchra ' Australia which txa a + i
forth; y, Sea s lia w c pi d n t 14 /s 1" t b
W. 1 i
., g d
o in ou 'and, its
t n new 18 1
R, g o sou. 1 to .6 0 i
i nes have ix b o„lcs� 17 0
G,'dN�nttktli, Brod$\' .: e been t 1.7�,zc;
heavy steers, choice, $7.50 to $3,10;
Il' e. rincess Mara', which
4 y'
14111AN; rr ,l4ads:
As areinitof a private su0serlp'tion
raised by a.dnlirors of •the poet and,
novelist, the t7 ieterl3ugo chair has
Tra111e 0111 arrive at and detlat•t iron, just been inaugurated at the Sorbonne
Clltz24n as f01laws:
Buffalo and Goderlch Div.
Going 15eet, depart 6.25 a./n.
„ 2,52
Going Weal, 1r: 1,1,1.0 a.m.
ar. 6,08 (ill. 6.52 12•nl.
„ V. ' 10,04 p.m,
Londoli,`Horon d Bruce Div,
Going Sotrth ar: 7,118 d11. 7.56 a.m,
, ., 4.10 lint,
>Soing Ivn11h, depart 6.50'1001.
with a7,)pl'oprial5 ceremonies at which
the President of the Republic was re-
Tie courses to be given by holders.
bt•the ceaalr will be devoted to French
literature and will be: open to the pub-
lic. -Regret has been expreeee6 that
the initiative' of priVa10 citizens meds•
a need which should have: been'filled�
by the State, but 38'sebscriptimt 05
11.0a 7.7.,15Rau, 140,000 francs was quickly raised,
.,totrIse sheWn with. f eg.
, L he �I .Oleg leant in the ..itowboiirid fasiaiesses at T-lutisnn, Oohalro, s ailo
of 0,5)02(101 "Palest 0nd greet, gol i' rush," Mrs, 31 cr'ris'on e said Cu 1,58e. beim 1118 first wontal „lir the (100115111
town. ..
IYoarly evex;out s has
Zipping,teering headaches
at times, D ,erileru,i stem-
ech-alugvisl, iterduce it.
Cheer 1 ,15' •a
C.o D ,, o lin;.
relief—Cphat., barlain's
Stmachend tivcr Tablets.
-..',They put the stomach and bowels right,
All druggists, 8ilo,. or 68 mall 0-osi 9
Chatxiberlsin Medicine Co., Toronto
niraiTi,et. Arnat'ant
Sto ,e 01 80(083,
.d i 2, •, 3,,),,
Y'., olu.iv
What them `menha50 dote, :you inn a51 ansa that
at home you can Willy raster ti c ettrit ael ins that make
Star Shc4,mon,. 1ahctefm• your e%Ocsl nc hna.b-e,---•anatosor
you 511)0110 dea5' nbri'•,-whother or not yon 11.,14 you can ,cf'.- •
lust answer that Outlaw! Aro you ambitions to earn 310,400 ri
start Tien lot in touch with ,i0 vt act! 1 nil rrovc to;you
wltheet cont or obligation thou you can easily 10bronle A Star
vrnleeere, 9 will slimy your how the Oslcsma,al, r 'Training and
trot-Cmplaytnent Set:slab el the 0. 4. T. A. avlil hots y mt.ts auiek
5000041 00 inS 5(115,
$10 ➢ A. Year .SelliH
Tho'8rcr•t a:' 5101,81, t.-,tn. n7 L1 1;1. 17 the N. R 4 Jo;:'
en blaf 45,01 rd, 0)0811140201(10, L r b h r f 11,\ koro.
d nail:fog Y lllo.-4:240 }dl ,het t ,4 a w iva Mail.,'oft= you'.
aeonow song, the held of 16111, 0„e04
C It qr 0011.
PixL�iunal .,aleanxens "It'xatri <.oaa.,cuafit
'Cnnadln6 Aeot' 8eY_un2 _;0,wa6lo, 001.