HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-05-27, Page 1ttlItes 2359 -- 48'ith
d�r�e x
'� Vo
the d6�
ddj �
-because no graduation is complete without a - token ofappreciation
admiration of that first success of Life -and
because there is
and o
• Y
,. .
othing like jewelry for permanency and lasterF•atusfacti n. Nur
is them anything thatmay be given to the graduate that will develop
suggestions may help you '.our
These su ' •in Y
.eater appreciation:
FOR GIRLS --Wrist Watch Necklace, Pearls; Bracelet, Vanity Cases
FOR BOYS -Watch, Wath , e Chain Cuff Links; Tie Clasp, 'Rings.
Sale of All
Spring Co
: To clear out the balance of our stock
®f spring valyls �.hlch amount 'to about
twenty-five in all, we will give a .
e .lar selling 25 percent off the•r g Price-.
Sizes 32 to 48.Prices range from .$9.75
to $45.00.
BOYS AND GIRLS of Clinton have become very enthus-
iastic over t j l}on e Pony Contest. One. of . our customers took
5,700 votes this week and we are anxious to know what lucky
boy or girl will get these.
iRWI N 's
Le .24th of ay
r a
Straw' y
a Hat here. You.
n your Straw in buys yr
satisfaction �.
Thera ise of great sa of the quality and sure of the price..e
will be saves shapes
style, ted: toall ages of mem; brims of`vainous.
We have shapas 'aday�ted! ,
widths and crowns of various heights. to with
traws ` Sennet§," Pananras, Fancy Braids and San •n
t, -;Split S and for the'youmg fellow whit wants the real finite;
,snappy fancy hands3e
in straws.
$1,25 , 1,.60, $2.0ii, $2x50-$4.00
STRAWS -50c, ric, $1,00• , , $
l?A.N A VIAS- $3.00 - $G:>i0 •
eal Bathing Suits
price in
is no need to pay a ,big.
order, to get a 'good Wool
Suit, if 'you buy it at the
right place, we' mean here.
Men's Wool Bathing; Suits in
navy, • brown, tan,lovetts, with
contrasting colours, sites 34 to. 44.
Special. at" S2.5
I4E ' 1111111S11 CIOTHI�
for:` Ever Man
A Square Deal
Wheat, ;1.20.
0 42c.
'40c t
Buckwheat, 60c.
'Barley, 60e.
to 36c.
Egg .20s to 294.
Live Hog., $13.00.
f. I
, on
of C
thex 1 IClinton
ity are not well supplied with
it surely is not because supplies are
Yesterday, afternoon' and evening.
the ' Clinton Knitting Co. threw open•
their factory for' the inspectionkof any
who wished to see just slow hosiery
was made. Many took' advantage• of
the opportunity and were courteously
sholrn,over the plant and the differ-
ep�tt ;operatinps from the winding' of
the bobbins to the packing room, ,ex-
p1'a'n d.
Whirring machinery and busy
hands, dexterously performing their
tasks with speed and accuracy,'%pre
Sented'an animated scene; A battery
of fifteen -machines, operated day and
night,'are turning out. silk stockings
constantly, some sixty dozen pairs per
day. This, besides many others knit-
ting others kinds of hose, The dif-
ferent operations" of making a pair
of :hose are very'. interesting and well-
wortha study. And, speaking about
wewere'1 0
dif�ferent•colors are turned o
In the lunch room; for the •Company
served refreshments to their visitors,
we noticed a card calling attention to
the fact that -when Clinton -made hose
are bought. the local retail agent gets
a profit, the local company has its
profit, the operator gets bis profit,
wages, the town gets. taxes, and hy-
dro and • waterworks department each
sok as
ret their share.' It certainly looks
:if it 'were good business leepatronize
hone manufacturers, chid in Clinton
we have a. number• which are worthy
,of our patronage.
, "We hope to. see the several manu-
facturing plants in Clinton grow and
axnand to many `,times their present
size, • Their- growth means growth
and prosperity to Clinton.
• Si. Joseph's Church ,
His Loreship, Bishop Fallen, will
administer the 'Sacrament of,COnfir-
nation in this , church on Sunday
morning, May 80, at ten , e'elock.
Baptist Ohureh
Services- as - usual" on Sunday •send
during the week in this church. Mem-
bers are asked toIhe regularin their
attendance,"as their late beloved pas-
tor would 'have wished.
BaLg1ielict', ,
141t. and Mrs, W. 'A Voddenl, ;Clip; • A number•. of ,the friends :of .Mr. Miss Ruth Higgins of London spent
on announce fhe engagementement oftheir and Mrs. Wesley Walker of Goderich the holiday
neer Parents. !
red at
li on athc
h viers o
f Canton, Emmeline, to Jos an fox , g
eL and,formerly was •t
Grace ell i' 'astie .of Stratford<
daughter, -
Herman Crich, son of Mr. and Mrs, their home on Friday -week -to stir- 'w week -end visitor with'his parent Mr.
Joseph G Crich eexsmith the prise
them axde celebrate the
and Mrs. George Castle,
marriage to take place in June.: fifth anniversary of their wedding.
r `oil 'evening spent any Miss Ruth Houston of London and
I 0: YOURJiIONFrS >GOES. A very jolly to with `a Mr. Leslie Fielding of Mitchell were
I Si Mrs. Walker was presented
'' Tt , r cake basket. guests' of 'the formeii's parents, Mr.
The-tax notices have been sent out, srlve and. ,Mrs: S. Houston over' the week -
The rate
eek-Therate this -year is 421/2 mills, 'di- ' HIS OWN IDEA. end and holiday. -
as io
h town rate,14x/
L cls
ReeveA.E. Erwin was inLl.
mills, e, aa•unst 12',',' lastesir year; de- We stated last week that C now on Monday on County business
benture, same: as last year, 11 mills; Siong had received word of the pre..
Collegiate In -Mitchell of the missing horse Among those .who, "own cottages
Public school, 10 mil'l's, Co g esense in
stitute, 6z/e ; County,:4.1/ . and buggy taken from the curb at the here; and who spent the week -enc: and;
'postoffiee here last week. But he Victoria Day here, were: Mr, and Mrs.
F LEMING -CARTER. cr .:assurance when 1 e ,left Ih Lawson andalanlily, Miss Kennedy,
hail so.. su le l
Mr. and 1Ti.s.;Islin .of ,Stratford .Dr.
A quiet wedding *as. solemnized at Clinton. He had called •the: Mitchell �
London on, May 2Qth;'when, Miss Clay-; Police' but received•no infer-
and Mrs. E, T. ai hi
te, Mr. and Mrs.
ezna Mad ': Fielning `:;of Watford Chief of
tford was`nation and went to Mitchell, :on a clue C. B. Chapman and family, Mrs. Ill. N.
u iit¢d in marriage to 'William Thanhad worked 11 -To himself, which: Hark and family, Mr. and _Mos. D.
as.Carter, of,London,,son of Mr, ants roved to'be correct, and he found Glass and family, . -and Mrs.'. Pr
M •s" John A. Carter, formerly 54' the horse •;•and rig and the youthful Doig and family,: Mr. and Mrs.' Chas,
Mr. and
Will and family of London;
W a
Clinton. ,The bride. ani groom,' were 'driver of the outfit. y
attended by Miss Violet Lupson and •' Mrs, Thornton Mustard • and family
Mr.` Douglas Garter, brother of the LITTLE LOCALS: ._ and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stevenson
groom. After a short honeymoon tripClinton; thi.�' and family" of Toronto; Dr. and Mg
the Young couple will reside in Li`mChautauqua dates vi
- G. Atkinson' and family of Exeter,
don. , '. year -July lst to 6th. and Mr. Day and son of Detroit, Mich.
AN INTERESTING BANQUET. The Doherty Pianos, Ltde, are very Miss Mary .Will of Toronto visited
On Tuesday'.evenin The
metnbe s" busy just iiow, filling a, large order. her parents here aver the holiday.
g Miss Mina Proctor of Toronto-; Was
of the Excelsior Class of 'Ontario Hilton County ,Council .will meetin the guest of her aunt, i1Xrs•-Geo. King
Street Sunray school were entertained Goderich on Tuesday next, June first, over rre week end.
at' a banquet by th4;,.young ladies of
the Philathea class : in the lecture Mr. Windover has moved his fain- Mr. and =Mrs. H. Loris spent the
n of the church. ,About Sixty-five ily from Sarnia and is.getting settled week -end with the : latter's mother,
room Y
William street. Davison. •
1 }
'their nevi home in W a Mrs. Jno,
laid 'tables. to tastefully
The class colours, blue and white,.,
24th.passhii off very quietly is Miss Gladys Davison of London is
with 'Snapdragons and silverhome fo
candle Clinton.>` Ivlany had company' and fora week's holiday..
Several went away: No ,celebration
was a in Clinton.
Mi. aro Snell, en at' the
C. 0. I. won •second. rtize for pole
vault at'the W. O. S. S. to ay
at London on Saturday..
The Win ham High `School soft
ball and Ibasket ball teams wt pay
h Clinton C. I. teams on eColleg-
grounds after four Friday after-
noon, May 28t .
People You Know
sticks added to the dainty appear-
' Mr. and Mrs: J. Dixon and Miss
ance. of the tables.' h ld ' Cl t Carrie Dixon, visited their daughter,
After the banquet, which 'was much, , Mrs,, F. H. Paull over the holiday.
enjoyed, the following toasts were H Id S 11 student Mr.•Jas. Ferguson of London spent
proposed and responded to, Mrs, (Die) p the holiday with. his . mother, Mrs.
Brown acting as -toastmistress: "The A field d .las. Ferguson.
King," ' Piano Dupe Donna Stevens
�, 1 , 'Miss H. Gerrie returned on MrondaY
and. Marion Thompson. "Excelsior ,r e g g after having spent the week -end at
•Class,'.,: Jean Plumsteel, Jack Gib- \ 'll I her home in Ingersoll.
hinge. Instrumental by Mary Collyer.
the h the Mr. E. T, BMovvn of the Standard
"Philathea Class," Mr. Stothers, Mrs.
W;endorf. Solo by Carol Evans. "The Bank spent the holiday with friends
Land of the Maple Leaf," Plerence h in Windsor.
Lindsay, Rev. O. J. Moorhouse. -In- 1VIr.,lind Mrs. E. H. Johns anMas-
strumentel by Lu1a.;Grich. tens Laurence and. Cnrsen Johns plot-
.After the program • there were ored to Wiertse on Saturday and
some games to complete the happy University i spentther. an luors. sa'' there:
Lon -
evening. cloonloccuaed their cottage, A. ldut in f Lthe
vb k d n g g
' The.first draft of the settlement Mrs. WalterJ. Johnston and babe
committee of the London Conference visited in Clinton over' the holiday.
of the United 'Church"of Canada was y �4iiss Thelma. Ritz of Stratford
'given out yesterday. Following are spent Victoria Day with her mother,
the changes in so far as Huron Pies- h h 1'd MrsrT. C. Bailey.
bytery is concern.] as Mr. and Mrs, Henry Miller: and lit-,
a rth goes to Gan- tee slaughter; Mi: J. Mandol of Mount
R. F. Irwin of Se fo g Clemens, Mich.,and Miss Lola Elliott
tralia and W. P. Lane of Knox. church, of "Detroit were guests of the latter's
Embro, ,comes to •Seaforth. W. De 1 r mother, Mrs. M. 'Elliott, on Sunday
McIntosh, :who has been co -pastor ill and Monday. ' •
the Winglsar United church,
IQnox church, Embro.
eneze>. Dunlop, more familiarly knows
to every o se .as ` Rickey.
The deceased was `; in, her eighty-
third year. She was born in Saxvvi-
i+nia and came. here as a
ncere, Gerniany, i}y, L
child with her parents from }lam: ar&
e ice With
an' -has resided here even since, vl!
exception of a short time in 7-ur-
ich. She was ,_wice-married, her se=
Gond husband having predeceased: her,
about twenty years ago. The only
h family is
•i "t member of the a h x
remaining b f i
r 1 J
n Chrystal rsss lei' of this village,
soD s
For many years she has had very
poor eye sight and has been totally
blind for neasdy four years, but she
had a very cheerful' nature and de-
spite her trouble she always hada
cheery greeting for : ;everyone., ,Por,
the past few years she had not hast
very good' health and lived with Mrs,
John Toms, •
Miss Bather Trewartha pf •Toronto
nivers: s home.
Mr, Fred. Runiball •of Torontg„,vvas
home forthe ee -en .
Mr. Ernest Hunter of Toronto_ svas
here for. the holiday time.
Mrs. John Clair and Miss Mame went
to Bayfield for the holiday.
Miss Ruth 1VLeMath of Ayr was with
her mother in town forte holiday.
Miss Linnie Nediger of Stratford
Normal was home over the week-
end. "
MissM. Sloman of Toronto spent -the
her home in
holiday week -end at• e e
1VliseAgnes Combe of St. Hilda's Col
'lege, Toronto, is home for the va-
s -cation. •
Mr. and Mrs. John Zapfe'went to
Kitchener to spendthe week -end
and olt a.
F. Walaman spent the week-
end and holiday with members of
his family in Toronto.
'VL r Stewat London Nor-
mal spen the wee --epi with
' Mrs. J. 0. Stewart. '
Miss Mildred 'Livermore of St. Cath-
arines was with her mother, Mrs.
S. G. ,Castle, over the week -end..
Rev. J. It Coiclough of eenuire
motored over this weelc,to spend a
1 f days with his mother.
_Miss ,Shone of the Commercial Col
• lege spentthe week -end an Vit-
i -
i Dayhi her home inEssex:
Dr.: Shaw and Dr. Brown are .in at-
tendance at.the eonven ,on of
'Ontario Medical Association in, Lon-,
is week.
Meble]l Wand Robert
41unte.r of the University of Tor-
onto ave home for the long vasa:
Mrs. W. P ams ee and
•un a as
of Mr. and Mrs. John n e ; Sutton -
and son and Mrs.
• need ';Elliott of Toronto spent. the
.waek-end with Dr. J. 0,, and Mrs:
Gaudier, •
l nn s
. week -end and holiday as a guests
Mr. and rs,Reinhardt•
!Mr. Clarence Livermohe of Toronto
,end withs pare
altheu •h for a time Ise took up his ents, Councillor Fred and Mrs.
work again. Re was a patient at )3y Livermore.
ron for the past year and a half and Mrs. Barr and Miss, Dora Barr of.
p the week -anti and
it was known that his,recovery was - London spent vest of Mr. and
not to lie expected, although he Ching - holiday as•the ,.guests
to life- and. hoped: to bo restored. Mr's. W. T. Henry. Hamburg, who
i Church • He is survived by'liis wife, his Miss Rennie -of New g,
t . un- mother, Mrs. R. A. Govier of town will speak at Ontario street church
The anniversary sssful. Teas S a'Sunday niornin • next, will be
day were most successful. The :church. and nye brother, ' Wilt'red. iBiggin, 'of an Y &
s filled toca acity at bath services, Goderich township. the `guest while in, town of Mrs,
wa p to . he funeral lace on Monday Harti5ton Wilt'
many in the evening being: unableT took py se.
entrance: The eloquent and afternoon from .'tee home of Mrs. Mr, W.' R. Miller, Miss :Marion Miller,
forceful addresses of Rev. J::A; Shay- Islizabeth ' K;ennedy, Ontario street., ' Miss Z. Little and :Mrs. Fred Mo:
et -were 'ninth appreciated, and the The services were conducted by the Neil of Toronto"were the guests t
musical part of the ,'service was of a Rev. C. J..Moorhouse and.during the Mr.""'E. G. -and Miss Hattie Cour-
-high ordeg.of-excellence. The emigres, seyviee Dr. P. G. Thoiripson• sang as tice: over_the) week -end.
r it song of he de- Mr, and Mrs. -Archei and Mre.'M
heartal singing• .was exceedingly ca olo a favorite maid and IY r' anal Mrs. Urges of
hearty. and inspiring, while the spec-: ceased s,- Tennvson's 'Crossing the D d rs]ntan anci;
i'al numbers rendered by the choir and Bar." The pallbearers were three re- Lonsiim motoredvests of'
and • the solos by turned :nen: Dr.' : Thompson, L. W. ,spent Victoria' Day as the g
Me male o,quartet, and Mr Curtell- and T. Morgan, any, Messrs. ' • the former's' daughter, Mrs. I.,•
Mrs. Easton, Mr, Jackson
John MoDerinid added much to the W; Mille:', Glen Cornish and Frank Rath.
erment was"' made in Mr. i� :les McNeil leaves today for
sponse of the cervices, nTg -was re -Jenkins. Int New Yore: City to play lacrosse
sponse to 'al, , beyond
offeringex. ,ClintonlTfloral o the Toronto University team
o lel the hi Nest ex- The floral offerings were � very with
most liberal, bey t g
• - � r .. Trustees.: beautiful, includin . ° a wreath from against the Yale team for the in•
T11e tong g the Board of g
congregation ration has completed the the Clinton veterans ,and flowers ...ter -national .intercollegiate sham -
first Year of its existence in a vtg•or. Prom many other friemds.., �ponshrv, Sai:u.rday.
and prosperous condition, • and The following fr iendo from out of Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Rev. J.; E.
nus a p P Mr. C.. S. Hawke, Mr. Jame
looks forward to better things en the brawn attended fere funeral: Mr...aud Hogg, A. Irwin are re-
Mrs. Peterbow. Mrs. Schaeffer, Mrs. Scott .and Mr..J,' ntnl C. congregations,.
m the two F F
resp t e
• fC- 'presenting Mr. Gha
Walden, 1
or n. W np
v M
1 hrch n Robinson. i
crt o R R
t, lr
.i i the pI United Ohui•eh .of Canada at
' u 'ent: "The ma and Mt's. "ShewCelt, ,I�inc•tuline;' ,of the
Sr a hi' gt 11 o clec]c. S bt n
,'preaching of • thei'''CYoss." Sunday .i6fYs. Jarrell and Mr, and ,Mi s. -Chas. the Con1'arence of London in
10 o'clock. - -T.hom•nsan, h ndon: Mrs.• 14. Jackson, 'at ,Stratford ,,this week, Rev. A. A
session -
school ise art
The W. A. will meet at the:llome of Stratford; r,: and Mrs. C. Jackson, Holmes :•and. Mr. R. P. Manning
M s, W. 0, Brown on Tuesday after - Auburn 'and. Ethel and. Kate were down for the opening of the
r Conference yesterday.
noon next, Julfo� first, at two' a cIoek:, `Govier; 'Toronto: � ' . " ,
For many, many years she was a
devoted member of Sr Andrew's
Presbyterian. ehurch,'toiwhich she!
7 h work' and
gave generously of her
means and was always an: i0tiva
worker in any good 'cause.
The funeral, which was largely at-
tended, took place from the home of....,
Mr$. John Toms on Monday, May
24th, Rev. Ii, F. Kennedy conducting>
the service, The • pallbearers were
James. Reid, Murdock, Ross, George
Castle and Edward -Meaner.
Mrs: Geo. Holman and Master Har•.
old Holman returned to their home
in Goderich on Tuesday after having
with her. parents,
days wit r
fe s,
spent wn
n a
Mr. and Mrs. Jno.' Pollock.
Mrs, Walter Westlake was stricken.
with appendicitis en •Saturday last
and taken to Goderich hospital, where
she underwent an operation on Sun-
day. At last reports she was pro-
gressing very favourably.
St. Paul' Anglican Church
Rev,' L. C. Harrison. conducted the
opening services . of his ministry. in
St. Paul's on Sunday, when good con-
gregations attended to welcome by
their ',presencethe new rector. Mr. T.
Dunbar of Sarnia, sang at the even-
ing s5JSice.
Mrs. F. W. Johnston and Mrs. Ap-
pleby were delegates -from the W. A.
to. the -thirty-ninth annual meeting of
the Huron Diocesan Boar 1, of the W.
A: held in Brantford last week. They
report" an interesting gathering.
Ontario `Street .United Ohrurch
'Clas'ses will meet at ten o'clock.
The horning service • will be in
charge of the W. M. S•, Miss Rennie
of New Hanllleurg, will give an ad-
dress. A young ladies' choir will
have charge of the morning music.
Mr. D. Andrew will speak at the
evening service.
The Juniors meet Friday at 7:00.
!Mise Rennie will also address the
afternoon semis ice at Turner's.
Mr. B. S. Livermore spoke Sunday
morning.' His message was apprec-
iated 'and he will lee welcome by'his,
church friends again. • '
goes to Mr. Jas. Cameron and,, family "of
J. R. Peters of.Dungannon goes to Toronto spent the holiday with his
mother, Mrs. T. Can:eroit.
St, Johns, Middlosex, and J. Masini.;Keyes Mrs. David Prentice returned to
of Woodslee eonrss to Dungannon• her home in Toronto on, Tuesday af-
E. S. leiseox of Peinoton comes to h •d y ter having spent the holiday with her
Crediton. C. truss, ehouse of Grace parents,. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stinian.
church, St. Tlioinas, comes to James Mi. J. T p Ansa Ethel Geminitardt of Toronto
street, Exeter. 1 f n Y t visited her parents over the holiday.
• E. T. Chandler of Walton goes to :Mr. Fred Baker was hone for the
Pordwieh, - Andrew Laing of Ford Miss 11 y t t 1 her holiday.
vviclh goes to Ebenezer church, tin- mother, St t Mr. and Mrs. Gem• s. Berry,'Mr•. and
bro and C. Travenor goes to St. mel-,, Mrs; Victor Burton and two • children
ens. H. W. Stewart of Hickson comes th and Mi:' I-Iarry Baker of London:
to Walton and •C. Cunnings of Stones-- . ar a Miss Margaret Baker - and :-Mr. E.
ens goes lsangens, Middlesex. 'York of Toronto, visited Mtg. F. W.
Some changes may be made in a
later draft:
Wes'Ley-Willis United Church
The Brotherhood at ten o'clock. Mr,
5::13. Stothers will give the address.
Rev. A A. holmes will preach at
the morning service. His subject
will be: "Life's Memory," •
Rev. J. E. Hogg ,in the evening.
His subject: `"The Christian's Boast"
The congregational business meets
ing .was held on Tuesday evening,
when encouraging reports Were pre-
sented by the heads of the several de-
partments of the church, showing the
work to he progressing well.
The pastors and lay delegates are
attending the meetings of ,the Lon-
don Conference in Stratford this
Baker over the week -end. -Mit. Berry
couple a c ay and little Miss Margaret Burt re.,
DEATH OF J. HAROLD BIGGIN; maned to visit for a Week.
The death took place at' Byron 1, d d V c Mr.. L P. Merner"has had the west
Sanatariuln on -Saturday morning of fol a half of his store all redecorated and
John Harold Biggin, youngest son of has opened it es restaurant anci is
the late Thomas Riggin and of Mrs, t' the cream parlor,
R. A. Govier of Clinton. Commencing in June the postoffice
.The late Mr. Biggin had not been donr,th will observe the weekly half. holiday
in good:health for some trine, indeed, Messes. Nelles on Thursday for the summer' months.
not since'' his return from the Great T Mr'. and Mrs. H. McLaren and fain -
War, and his death was not unexpect- ily visited the latter's mother,, Mrs.
ed. Although so'long after the re- Wm. 'Sterling, . over the week -end.
turn of : pease he might* be described Mi, and J 1 t 1 1 'Mrs. Koehler of Zurich and Messrs.
as awar:easual!ty. He was with the family. spent S d y the guests Laurence and Fred Fowlte of London
'Sterling Bank:in Toroto et the out. J h I gl s Stint-
spent the holiday with their parents,
break of the war and curing the fall ford, M1•. and Mrs. Jas. Fowlie.
of 1915: hp enlisted with the 42nd Dr. and Mxs. Miss Nina Heard of Stratford tame
Highlanders in that city', going to 'home on Friday and spent •tete holi-
France • the following summer. He day with her parents.
was wounded on three different Deem-. Mr. John Mitchell of London was
sions always returning to the front,' Mi and.Mrs. James I ly spent the the guest of'Me. and elite. F. A. Ed-.
later, and during the ' last drive in th este wards on Sunday and 'Victoria Day.
:1918' was severely gassed ami was tin of M M 3. F R ' h dt of . The farce comedy "Engaged" is to
able to returgh again. He cants- home Krtehener. be presented by the Trinity church'
aider the Armistice partially restored Dramatic Club in the town hall on
tohealth but never completely well spent the weel. hd Friday evening.
Mrs. M. 'Boss, Miss Heleh'Reas and
Miss. Pinning of Toronto spent the
-week-end in the former's cottage
'SS -smell -Inn".
We are P 1" :eased to report Toni
Elliott, who had his leg badly in-
jured. some weeks _.ago, is now ab]e
to be out again. •
Mrs. A. E. Erwin 'received word on
Saturday -of the death of her brother,
Roland Beattie in Alliston:
Mr. and Mrs. Harold King eel Mr,
Win. Parker of Sarnia spent the`holi-
day with their parents, Mr• and Mrs.
Ches. W. .Parker. ..
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boug of Wind-
sor returned on Monday after spend-
ing a few• days at their summer home.
We are glad to report that Rev, I3.
P. Kennedy, who has been ill. is now
able to be .out again. Rev. "'A. A.
Holmes and Mr. J: A. -Jr -win of Clin-
tonennduoted• ih'e morning ,eervise
and Rev: Jas, Abrey of Londesbor'o
the evening -service , in St. Andrew's
o.hurch and Rev. ':G: 'G. Armour of
Brunefieid tool.' the aftornoon ser vi• e
ate Betlre] oiwing' to the pastor's rll--
neS5. 5 --
Rev: ;H. -F: Kennedy and -Mr, T.
Brown left' on Wednesday to attend
the conference of the •United church
at S
the -cleat,
This week we r ,
which rrxurred on Friday, May 21,
of one of our oldest and most :respect-
ed.residents in the person . of Fred,
.+idea Dressier, widow' of the late Ela-
- Mf•: and Mrs. Arthur Clark of Port
Stanley,- Mrs. Will Clark of Vnion,,,'.
and Mrs. •C. F. Clark of St. Thomas •
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Toms over the holiday.
The Payillion opened on Saturday,
but owing to the cold weather there
were not many p>:esent. There" was,
however, a large crowd on Victoria
Day, Cody's Orchestra from London
vvas in attendance.
A few evenings ago the girls of .
Miss Courtice's Sunday school class
met at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Walter, and presented Miss ;Courtice
with a neat . address .and two toilet
articles of French ivory. Miss Cour-
tice -was compeltely surprised. A
pleasant evening was spent In games
and music and a dainty luncle-
served. Miss Courtice and her father
expect to leave for Winnipeg anrt
other points in the course of a few
days. They are held in high esteem
here and will be greatly missed.
However, we hope to have diem lxtok
Following is 'the address read to
Miss Courtice:
"Dear- Miss Courtice: We, the
pupils of your class, have learned
with deep regret that you' are about
to sever your eonnection with us. Aa
a class we take this opportunity of
meeting with you this evening to ex-
press to you Swathing of the love
and` esteem we `•feel for you. You
have for several-. years been teacher
..our class. We feel. sure' that in
•ftitire".years your teaching will al-
ways stay with• us.-•
As s token of our appreciation we
•ask , yen to accept this 'little gilt
Signed on behalf" -of the class,"
'Miss .Washington' of Clinton spent
the week -end at the,honie of Mrs..
Mr. •Hawke of Clinton occupied the
pulpit of .the United, Church on Sun-
Mr. E. Epps -has secured the set,
view) of Mr. Hoffman of Eketer to
assist )#ith, the blacksmith work:
Mr. and -Mrs. Austin of Blyth spent
Sunday with IVIr, A: Austin's family
in the burg. '
Mids.-Erma Diehl spent the holiday
at her. home. `
ML. 'Win. Taylor shipped a ear load
of stock to Toronto Saturday.
Miss Welshspent the week -end in
Miss Myrtle Johnston has returned•a
to Flint after spending a fesv days -
with her parents!; Mr. and :Mrs, ' 0.
Mr. Wm. Beatty of Mount Bridges,
accompanied by his brother and'sis-
ter, Mr., Geo. Beatty and Mrs. F.
Weekes, spent Sunday at Listowel
with their sister, .Mrs. W. C. Woods.
Mr. M. Elliott spent the holiday
Mrs..: Weekes, who has spent the
winter with her daughter, N1 -re.
McAsh of London, has returned rte'+
her haine,- -Mrs, •Weekes hag'`aiways a.
warn: spot: in her heart for her Vactia
friends. " -
Mrs. L. Beatty spent Sunday at her
home in the village.
NLr. and Mrs. W. McAsh motored
from London on Sunday and spent the.'
holiday in the village,
3D..G.'B. Woods"af 'Toronto Un1-
versii;y is visiting'yevith relatives in
the Ibtirg.` ,
Misses Roxy and Adelene Palmer'
Of Hamilton spent, the holiday witle
r elA tives.in the community.
rir. Bert .MeN
au hton of
visited with friends here over the
week -end.
Miss ,Hassel spent. a few days R
her ,home on the Bronson line" ".;,u,..•