HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-29, Page 8Clint OA. Ne Y9•.Res, 2lcd:
THURSDAI, 'APRIL 2s, .326,
� pzrn• of,eorareetly'fitted glass-
es will chase the shadows off the
pages.* Squinting and' •straining
your eyes 'make pporvision worse.
I•Iow.ii neeessary and how danger -
a ous to, delay, when, priceless sight
Lis at stake.
Our new gla@ses 'are becoming and are ;twat expensive
Ciente itt and let us „test your eyes:
I do not claiuz'to grind"iny own lens. I send them to an expert
where they are properly ground,' no guess work, That; is why my
are' satisfied.
�i., ' JOHNSON
Graduate q Toronto C011ege, of Optometry
Fine Jewellery and Repairs - •Next Hovey's Drug Store
uality Shoes a
Close Prices
Por real values see your line of ladies Patent and Satin
Slippers, at ...
Men's Black or Brown Oxfords
A Leader, at, per:'pair , , , , ,
See these in our north window
Special values in heavy work boots in -some of- the?best makes.
Now is the time to get shod for the spring work Get our prices—
they are right, i ._ _tet c si i.33t131
Plunisteei Bros.
When you Trade at the
C. 4c S. Grocers
You are assured of FOUR things
Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables
We will be closed every Wedesday afternoon during months of
May, June, July, August and September
THE C. & •. GROCERS : •
main Store, Phone 125 W. 'Branch Store, Phone 125 I.
Five dollars' worth of
(lives many a`family
a new social swan*
Sure, you can paint.the old bus yourself, a few hours of
interesting work, a few dollars worth of Effecto.',and24 to •48
hours of drying wilt, transform' the old weather-beaten car into
a real automobile.
Effect() o.. nishesjincludethe' snappy colors, the gen-
uine original auto enamels. They combine color and° finish'in
one material and are self -leveling;, copsequently° they -goon
easily and evenly,without streaks;' laps or brush marks. Fre-
/quently-one coat will suffice, two are most always enough for
-a good job.
Effecto Auto Finishing, Clear Varnish
Effecto Auto Top & Seat Pressing
Full directions on each can.
Sutter Sc. Perdue -
,,HONE 147w
1 T f'RID•� E. Agatha
NAGS G Miss Bath
O'Connor, daughter. of • Mr, Micheal
O'Connor, died in Detroit last week
the result of being`
as struckby a
)notoi while standing waiting for, a
street ear. Mt' O'
e ss �Connor was a
member of the 1925 graduating class
of St. J.osolih's hospital, Chatam. The
remains were brought home' for inter:.
e ° ,Day is
Sr qday f May 9th
7'o all ':mothers we ' extend greet-
ings,- to the -white-haired .,7ttother, :'to
the mother whose hair is mixed 'with
silver thrads, and to the mother who
fdilows tiny toddleyttrr all day long, In
remembrance of thehr on Mothers''
Day 11;e show our recognition of their
age-old devotion.' ` The . day is la
creasing in popularity every year-
no other day is ad filled with 'senti-
ment. A Greeting, Card.. expresses
that sentiment, it jtells mother "you
remember." She longs for just suck
a message. She will admire the
flowers and taste the candy,'^but she
will read and re -read they greeting
card, the message that is filled with
respect and expressive of affection.
It will il a remembered after the tem-
porary gifts have disappeared, it will
supply the thrill to mother not only
'for the day but perhaps the season or
year. It was a happy day for Moth-
ers when the clay was ';put on the cal-
endar. 'Wilk you make, use of it by
sending a greeting if you are so for-
tunate,as to be in a position to do so?
The W. D. Fair . Co.
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best
ri• `z:r- ncstnsununnnu,unnnie,
Miss Ruth Walkinshaw visited in Tor-
onto last week.
Mr. Ernest Jackson of ilensell was
In town past week.
Mrs. Wm, Brown returned Friday af-
ter a visit with relatives in Bramp-
Miss McLaughlin of the C. L staff
spent the week -end at her home in
Mrs, Crooks of Chatham is visiting
her daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) P. G.
Dr. W. Gunn left Saturady for the
west, where he has interests which
need his attention.
Rev. A. Macfarlane and Mr. T. M.
Johnston are attending the Presby-
terian Synod in London this week.
Mrs. 14IcIiveen of Victoria street re-
turned last week after spending
the winter with her sons at Wat-
ford. •
Mrs. George Potter and Miss Alice
Watson of Blyth visited their aunt,
Mrs, D. B. Kennedy, during 'the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr and little
Miss Mary of Brussels motored
down yesterday evening and.ca'lled
on friends.
Mr. 0, E. Dowding and Master Billy
of Oakville have been in 'town this
week for 'a few days visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stevenson.
Mr. John and Miss Jennie Ford, who
spent the winter in their town
house, have returned to the farm
near Bolmesviile for the summer,,,
Mr, J, B. Kennedy of Detroit has
been _spending a few day' with his
mother, Mrs. D. B. Kennedy, who
is undergoing treatment in the
local hospital,
Mr. E. W. Rodaway, who accompanied
by his wife, spent the winter at
Wblkervill'e and Chicago, returned'
home last week, Mrs. Itodaway re-
turns this week.
Mrs. Addison of Brucefield , las been
visiting with 11fr. and Mrs. Saville,
to be near her daughter, Miss
(Grace Addison, who is, a paint itt
the Clinton hospital, ,
Messrs. J. W. Moore, H. W. Gould, J.
Wiseman, J. A. Sutter, W. L. john -
son -and G. L. Hull attended the
funeral of the( late A. T. Scott of
Bruceifeld on Tuesday afternoon.
Councillor F. W. Johnston and Mrs.
Johnston returnedhome' Saturday
last, the former `from a 'business
'trip to Winnipeg' and. .the Iatter
from a month's • visit with friends
at Georgetown.
Mr. Jacob Taylor Of 'Toronto is in
town tl%s week. Mr. .Taylor has
just recently returned from Cold-
water, Fla., where, accompanied by
his wife and daughter, he has sperit
the winter. -
'Miss Birdie McRoberts of . London
eazne•dp Thursday last to visit Misr
Dorothy Cantdlon but ori reaching,
here found a message informing her
of tke sudden death of her brothel',"
the late J. H. McRoberts of Brace
bridge. She returned to London en
Mr, Ezra Pickarc 'and Mrs. W. Melo;
and and Miss L. Cantelon at-
tended the, funeral of the
late J. It McRoberts, Public school
inspector, who died very -suddenly
• at Braoebridge on Wendesday last.
The funeral took place at Granton
on Saturday,,
Mi. Edgar 'Maguire, who has been
visiting at the house of -Dy. Thos.
Allen of fit d
`G Buffalosicethe,en
u January, is'aaw a ,guest at the
• -summer home . of his ;cousin, Dr..
Louise' Burrell of Rochester, N.Y.,
• on the north side • of Lake Ontario.
Hie will'" spend several weeks there.
With something 'on it for everybody Watch our windows fpr Bargains. yf you are anxious to see green trees
'""an ".green,grass again, you will be refreshed• by loo {ging at our Family.Tree with its refreshing: prices'
,• We are .all longing and'looking for Spirng and if is coming.
Apex Pears,
sur Fruit and Vegetable Branch
hi • r ---
W to Cherries. .Apex-Ve etables.•--Peas, Corn '
g •� Asparagus, Beets, . Spinac
Big Tomato` Week;.May 2nd. to 8th.
'Another new Branch of -our Store is Our Jelleteria'Department. A11 new flavors of Jelly Powder.
Something new for Sandwiches, Margaret Kelly's Sandwich Spree 35c
In -Qui" -Fruit Braijch
Fresh Lettuce, Asparagus, Cabbage, ` Tomatoes,
Cocoanuts, : Oranges •
Right at the very 'trunk'of our tree we quote " Sugar''
by the sack. Special in five sack lots.
The market is very firm and advancing.
there and There
lit different Branches.of the Store
Canned,Canned; Chicken, each . 35e
3 pkgs. Corn Flakes . 87e /
Shelled Walnuts, per lb.... 48e r
Wax Beans .'.. 25e h - 1
Tuna Fish .
Club House Salad Dressing 35e
2 Cans Choice Corn . . 25t
We will be closed Wednesday afternoons during the months of May, June, July, August and September
• ` In the Morning. First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m.
Cash , a>��� O'Neil
Where " Sells for less" price prevails.
People Yon Know
Mrs. Gordon -Cuninghame is in Tor-
onto this week.
Mrs. L. E. • poherty of Stratford was
in Clinton aver the week -end. •
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sloman and babe
of Latchford are here visiting at
the former's home.
IVir:.-and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil and Miss
Delle O'Neil arrived Last night
from Orlando, Fla,, where Mr. and
Mrs. O'Neil. have been for the past
couple of years. Mr, O'Neil stood
the journey very well and it is
hoped when he has rested and the
weather improves he will be able to
get out and see his old friends.
Many in this vicinity will read with
sorrowful interest the following taken
from Tho London Free Press of Fri-
day last, Mr. McRoberts as a young
man taught school in No. 9, Goder-
ich township and Holmesville and
he was well-known and highly es-
teemed by many hereabouts. His wife
was formerly Miss Flossie Pickard of
"Stricken with an attack of heart
trouble while making an inspection of
Monck school near Braeebridge Wed-
nesday, John H. McRoberts, a former
well-known member of the Londen
mobile school and later the collegiate
teaching staff, passed away suddenly
before medical aid could be summoned,
Mr. McRoberts complained of feeling
unwell and stepped • outside the
school. One of the teachers went out
to see if he could aid the stricken in-
spector in any way; but he found 'life
extinct, .
Tho late Mr. •McRoberts was born
in London, township and spent his
early clays in this city and district.
After graduating ..from Normal
School he was appointed in 1905 to
Grand Avenue public school;, in this
city. In 1907 he became principal of
Aberdeen- school, a position he held
until 1909 when he retired to become
public librarian.
In the year 1911 he accepted a
position •on the teaching' staff of the
old Collegiate institute and he're-
maitxed there for she next five years,
leaving in 1916'to go to Port Arthur
where he had been offered the posi-
tion of suepivising ! principal of
schools. In 1924 this 'position was,.
abolished and Mr. McRoberts again
took up collegiate teaching at the
high school in Port Arthur, •
•Wen J. C. Stothers, at, present
publib school inspector here; resigned
his position at•Bracebridge, Mr. -Mc,.
Roberts was named to fill the vadan-
cy and he had only taken up his
duties there seine seven months- ago.
He was declared by those inthis city
who new him ;to be an exceptionally
moble member of the teaching pro-
fession •both in the primary and
secondary schools and his death will
mean a distinct loss to Ontario edu-
cational circles."`
Mr. McRoberts' -death was- due to
an internal hemorrhage, rather
than a heart attack, His remains
were brought. to his old bone at
Grantor, where a brother still ` re-
sides, and the funeral took place` on
;Saturday afternoon to the cemetery
a't' Birr. Mr. E, :Pickard, Mrs. W.
Pielcard and Miss Linda Canteloni of
Clinton went down for the funeral:
His wife and a family of ,three sur-
vive: Rhea, who is a student at the
Toronto College of Education, and
Delmont and %Elsie at home, Five
brothers and four sisters Viso survive,
Kindly Order Early
Phil► e
Papers, Rubbers
The Home and School Club will
make a collection of old papers,
magazines, rubbers, rags, etc. on Sat-
urday, May Sth. ,
•Kindly have same ready Saturday
morning and cars wilt call.
Saturday, May 8th
The Old Tyme Fiddlers' 'Contest
is past, Now for the
Old Tyme Dance •
Women's Exchange
The People's Own Store,
Needlework, Reed work ,
Ladies' and.,Children's Wear
1£ we have not just what you like
we can get it made for you.
Haire -made Candy and Baking,
Saturday Afternoons. Cakes, Pies,
'etc., to order any day, • 55-1.
Let us do your Tinsmithing- or
Plumbing }work for you We guaran-
tee first class work, -
Get our estimates before letting
tire, job
Sole agent for Martin-Senour cele-
brated ,Paints : and Varnishes „; •
Phone 244
Get ,Ready for Sprinor
We have a brand new stock of Baby Carriages, so take the.
baby out in ,one of -cult swell new carriages and enjoy the bracing
spring air.
How 'about your floor coverings for spring? We have a fine
assortment of the newest patterns of Linolenms, Congoletnns and
Oilcloths to, suit any room in the house, as well as carpet rugs in
Wiltons, Axministers, Brussels and Tapestries. We have lots of room
and are always pleased to show then.,
In putting away your furs you will be wise to consider a Cedar
Chest. They are absolutely moth proof.
And don't forget we always carry a well assorted stook of
Springs and Mattresses at prices to suit everybody.
Serie Real Specials in Coil Springs
You will soon be House-cleaning and Gardening
As usual we are ready with a full stock of Paints, Varnishes and
Stains. For a beautiful wall finish use flat -tone and Muresco.
For your Floors use Floor Enamel Waxes, 0 -Cedar Mops and Floor
Polishers—Eleetric and' armstrong power
For your garden try a five pound package of National Fertilizer
and watch things grow. And then, of course, we have a large stock
of garden and lawn tools of ail kinds. Watch our windows.
Clinton Hardware andFurnitureCo
Furniture Phone: 104
Hardware 196
ALSO ---The
Spring Suits and
A spring Suit or Overcoat should be
stylish, well -fitting and in good taste.
To this we have.added quality of mater-
ial plus rare beauty of colorings, Really
you must see our stock of Epring cloths-
to appreciate them. Low prices will
pleasingly surprise you too.
• ,$25, $30 and up
genuine Borsalino and Biltmore Hats in the newest
• Spring colors and shapse,
Davis & Her
Spot Cash for Eggs and Poultry
Quall$tg C®llints
We are in the market for Eggs aid Poultry all seasons of
the year, prepared to pay top prices for top quality,
95" per cent'of Farmer's eggs received last -weep graded
Extras and Firsts: '
GUNN, LANGLOIIS & Co., Limited
Clinton Branch open- each day from '7 a.ni. to 6 p,m.
Write, Phone or Call for anyfurther information you require