HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-29, Page 7= UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO
Summer School
1. Comae in Public-lealth and Bac-s
>,terioio y.
2. Course /12 French Conversation.
3. Review Course inIligh School Algebrato Matriculation.
Also thirty other courses in gitronom ,
Botany, En li Franc Geoi,e Gsr
Y, [: sh, I,,. CY.i
Creek ,tin' Abrar
i".i y,..
Sc n c e, ,lYiali,om:itics and
A splendid social 111111 .,ija-
1ot,c program khroughrrut
the entire six weeks.
13oautifn1 new University
Start on a 13. A. ;Course
now! Six delightful weeks
of study. and recreation.
,JULY SthLo.
roe Infoerneition
terite the Director,i Pr,
B. 13. Kingston, or Dr.
K, P. 1/. ,Vcuitlo, Revs-,
WINGIIAM: Peter MacLaren one.
of Wis g'ham's oldest and highlyre
spooled citizens, died on^,Fliday. ;;De-
ceased was in his 94th, year. He was
born- in Perthshire, Scot'l'and, in 1882,
1 li *. q. Canada at t. e i • of
c.o1 nst, t a h �e 14,
011 receiving � aireduca ion uulif m
t g y j
him for teaching, he taught: school
for ;number of .years when he -mar -
Miss M
ar -
Miss a y- Caipbell and settled
at' in'9iam Junction,
on a',farm. W g J o i,
where ":he'remained Tor twenty years,
until his coiling' to Wiiighag to re-
tire, alis wife predeceased him
R0 yeas ago.' -dae 'slaughter, Jessie,
survives at home. Funeral services
were held on Monday afternoon at his
late res•idelice, ; Centre ''street con-
ducted by the Rev, Dr. Perrie."'' In
terment was made in the 'WSlighath
muscular � ,
elxat'cin .
' ...' ..
essential for healthful sleep
# veyMuafe
Ari• "rising time" comes the test as
to whether' your night's sleep has givers
you the renewed vigor and vitality so
necessary to the busy activities or this
modern age.
If.certain muscles of the liuody re-
main tense for, lack` of resting 'support
nb amount: of sleep- will 'renew their
energy. ,For instance --if the' muscles "' -tatesv
' - enclosing 'the vital iijdominal• organs. The, Marshall 'Spring Mattress, built ; with
- are allowed to sag and assume unnat marl hundred's of highly resilient, ind nd
y b yep
ural positions due.to inipi'pperimattresg. , , antly working springs, fits the natural contour.
support, they are under a strain, and of the body, giving even, gentle su ort to eves
Pke Y.
cannot relax. Sleep therefore, doesn't . muscle. Thiskind of Y body su J ort ensures
rest this, part of the body as well, or true muscular relaxation and health -building
healthfully as it would if proper support sleep. It' is thea Marshall principal of new
rel• ieved the.strain and allowed the sleepin comfort ;that lis changing the steeping' w'•
g g g
tense muscles to relax. habits of generations. ob ,
Send for our free booklet, "Perfect Sleep
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arw.o wsi e-
FORFIVE YEARSlorriamemnummaasawtemaawarceorserraassaisor.manatisomarsrustalmeragrammearann,
$25 2t2
Sold in Clinton by
.. t ,I:
tali1Iadware T ., ffYtuhe Co.
Last Year
more sales were being made, stock
turnovers speeded up and profits in-
creased by ADVERTISING,. •
every -week you let slip by without
ADVERTISING• gives your competi-
tor a bigger opportunity, ,start AD-
The News -Record
asci fait*, -the example of hundreds
of sueceesful Business mensby keep- .
ing your 'business constantly,,sbefore
your customers through steady ad-
Advertising is the most Efficient,
co , omi al
E n c Business-buildingForce
F ce,
at o n •
your c >R malnd�
Progressive Merchants Advertise
g is
Hensel Spring Show '
J3'ensaIl.-wa. -fayored with_, a nice.
aosoo da iifor its o�r'r
y, . p 7 to allow; Toes -
day' of last :week and a large crowd'
was present,'RIost";el the entries
were well filled, Solite lime ups were
vexyattriketive.• In the boy's judging
contest .the interest was keail.: -Most
of the boys who entered shelved. that
they knew, quite a bit about horses
and cattle. Besides the money prizes,
given, quite e. ,imanber of local Men
gave other prizes, Amongst those
noti'ced•'in town for the show were:
N. W. Trewartha, M.P P„ quid' Geo.
Elliott of Clinton; David McNaughton
and Reeve iVIarro.i, o'1 Stanley. 'Eimer
azul -Oscar Kropp anti Chris Eillrer-al'
Zurich; Wm. Coates and Dan Dew1'of.
Usborne;. ;B. Ilicl.s, :Centralia W, D.
Saunders, Paul Coates, Win. 'Deering,
Richard and John Hunter and .FI•ed
Ellerington. The following is the
prize list: Clydesdale of Shire stallion.
aged, Alex Colguhoun, John• 'YIiller,
Wm. McLaren;• Standard Bred, aged
stallion, Alex Stewart, F. Llleringtgn,
E. ,Oesch. 'Agricultural class,'teaini
T. Forsyth, Nelson Keys & Sons, co.G
E. Thompson; Mare in foal, Alex
Colq.houn, ,Wm. Chapnlan, James
Jarret 3 -year old 'filly or gelding,
1923, 8. Thompson, G•°'.' Simon'
old' filly or gelding,: 1924, John.Me-
Leari. Draug•lit for -Agricultural foals,;
1925 Thos. E. Blake, W. S. Broad-;
foot, C. ' Hudsoai,; ;General purpose,
class, team 'Wm., Decker; Oatriage
class; William Hyde; Roadster -class,
team,' ',Gee. F. Thompson;,: Single
Roadsters, John Decker, W. Tl.otnp-.
son, E. Oesch, C, Siemon; draught ar
Agricultural mare:' or gelding anyage`
Broadfoot Bros., A Sinclair,' Geo.
Lowery;' Roadster- or carriage 1.'2132,
1924, J, Park, Alex 33i/charm/I; Bar,
iless'I-lorsos heavy draught laaugs, A,
,Sinclair, Geo. • flowery, C1' Siemon,
Ii':eav'y draught mare in foal, Broad -
foot, Bros,, E. Sproat, A. Buchanan:
3-y1'. old filly or gelding, 1923, Wm.
Alexander; 2 -yr. gold draught filly or
gelding foaled in 1924, Win. Chain -ban,.
Single carriage horse, J.° B. Davis, 11.
J. Scott ; Ross: Love; Best matched
team, light horse, J. Decker;' the Joe'
Burney silver cup Tor best Clydesdale,
Blare or gelding; won in, 1928 'by, Don-
ald 'Burns;, 1.924 -25 -by Alex Sinclair,
won'this year by'Broad'foot Eros., 2nd
prize, Alex Sinclair, .3rci. Geo. Lowery.
,Best Clydesdale stallion, Alex Colqu
hour; • Teani coining longest di lance,
Geo. Lowery; 'Seaforth,,
Cattle—Aberdeen Angus, bull
calved in 1924-25 E. Klopp;.heifer un-
der 2 yrs. H. C.',,Soldan, E. Klopp;.
Butcher steer or heifer, M. Crich Wan.
Dougal.; Baliy beef not to exceed 850
lllis. H. Kercher, M: Crich, E. Klapp;
Dairy eows, any breed, Wm: Sangster,
A. Buchanan; Dr.r. Peck' silver cup
beat ' shorthorn female, M. Crich.
This cup is to he won three times.
.fudges -For cattle, H. Smith,: of
,Exeter; for horses; J 1‘;t. `Gardhouse,
If Weston and Wm Merrifield, of-
WilY'NOT GRoytr T$E-
Snapdragons are easily within the
reach of tine ,humblest gardener. They'
are easy to'grow and no finer annual
for gardenaleeoration and for boquets
can be grown.- The snapdragon, too,
is a perennial and may be kept over
in the open 'ground if kept dry.• '"It
is not particularlysusceptible o,cold
weather but winter wet , rots •lit. " In
well -drained soil it often survives
.with 'a protecting mulch.
The main"factor in growing 'snap-
dragons is to sow early and grow
cool. • The seed San started to good
advantage in a room which is just 'a
little above 'the freezing point at the
coldest; and . not above 50 at the
warmest the seedlings came up •and
apparently stand still for a -bine, but
they ere gaining speed or a 'sprint
when they get outside.
If yu so happen to "be in the know"
Y011 will undoubtedly refer to this old-
fashioned plant' as `hn antirrhinum.
That is its scientific name and one
taken up by fiesists when they made
the snapdragon a popular greenhouse
product. R
You can grow as fine spikes as a
florist if you want to t(11< the trine
and trouble, but shorter Spikes and
more 'of them give the,best effect in
the garden. For a sheet of bloom the
intermediate class is beat. For edg-
ing the Tom Thumb type is excellent,
and for massive spikes, the giant or
majus type.
Do not plant snapdragons it freshly
manured soil. They do best in soil
which was well fertilized and culti-
vated the previous year. They will
like a phosphetie manure during
their growing season; This' meads
bone heal, the 'finest in texture pro-
curable. They need good drainage
and it is better to give thein a good
mulch of lawn clippings in hot, dry
spells than to water frequently. An
occasional soaking and mulch takes
them along in fine style.
To grow the big spikes, plant the
majus or giant type seeds; Confine
the plant to one stein and pinch out
the side branches as they appear, a
few at a time so as net to_pprove . too
much sof a shock to the plarst. Give,
the plants s square foot of room and
full sun and they; will snap into it.
Ontario 'wholesale houses are ell-
joying a slightly improved•"volume of
trade compared with last year, ac-
cording to returns received by financial
concerns. Retail. sales of seasonable.
'Easter goods, however, were retard-
ed by inclement weather. Collections
are ,.being satisfactorily met. Work
onthe land will commence a fortnight
,later than a year:. ago,. There is. an
abundance of moisture, fall wheat has :.
wintered well, and conditions from
the agricultural viewpoint are 'pro.
pitious. Farmer's dispersal sales are
marked by good attendance and good
prices, and snitch cows are in special
demand. Industry ns a whole' is more
active. Pulp and paper companies
continue to produce at capaeity.. 'Ag-
ricultural tni',lilemeilt manufaeturer;s
are busy, and finished steel soul
panies"are'well employed. Recent re-
ductions in the tariff on motor cars
make it necessary for manufacturers
to: sibnlit the changes embodied in
the_ Budget to ,an intensive study •be-
fore they, areable to gauge the full.
effects. With the advent of :open
weather, activity in . the Northern
mining camps is increasing. ' w
The gross •earnings 'of the Canadian
National Railways for the week end -
,ed April 21,1926 were 134,466,208, as
twins/nod with $3,870.491 for the
same 'period of 1925, an increase of
$595,717 or fifteen per cent..
EXETER; -The Oddfellaws march-
ed in :a "body to Caven church 'oei iSun-
day evening toattendworship. There
were 60 in the line-up, under the
leadership of W. W. Taman. , At the
close -,of the service a „musical pro -
.gram oras rendered. •
A correspondent to the. Family
Herald 'the other day was, given the
following information regarding the
Order of Oddfellows It will be seen
that it is • one' hundred and,,.seven
years since Oddfellowship :was intro-
duced on' this continent . and; eighty
three years since it came to Canada:
"Great antiquity has been claimed
for the •Order of Oddfellows, one pop-
ular tradition -ascribing it • to the
Jewish'legiosi under the Roman Em-
peror Titus. However, it is now gen-
erally admitted that the institution
cannot be traced back beyond the
first half of the eighteenth century,
The distinguished literary man, Dan-
iel Defoe, author of historical works
as well as the famous story, "Robin-.
• son Cr'usoe," who died in April, 1731,
makes mention of the society of Odd -
fellows. The oldest +lodge of which
the name has been handed down is
the Loyal Aristarcus, Ne. 9, which,
met in 1745 "at the Oalsley Arms,
Borough of Southward; Globe Tavern,
'Hatton Green. or the Boar's Head in
Smithfield, as the noble master may
•direct." Other lodges were formed;
They •gradually adopted a definite
common ritual and became confeder-
ated tinder the nartle of the Patrietie
Order. The society continued` to exist
as the 'Union `Order of Oddfellows
until 1809. In 1813, at a .convention
in Manchester (England, of 'course),
was formed the Independent Order of
Oddfe'llows, Manchester Unity, known
throuhgout the English-speaking
Oddfellowship was introducedinto
the United States from the Manches-
ter Unity in 1819 alfa the Grand
Lodge of Maryland and the United
States was constituted on Feb. 22,
1821. In 1843 it issued a dispenses
tionfor rolj'ening the Prince of Wales
Lodge No. 1, in Montreal, Canada."
COuntto News
GODERICH: A pronounced •sue-
cess,avas the verdict' heard on all sides
by those who attended the public ex-
hibition of the Hobby Fair at Victoria
School here Friday night. The event
is the first attempt sof its kind by the
pupils, but gives promise of being an
annual affair. Much of itiio.'work to-
wards making'it a success' was done
by the 'members of the Horne and
School Club .of Victoria. School, who.
also donated the prize money. To R.
Stonehouse, principal of •the school,
belongs the credit for the fair, as he:
got and put into effect( an idea +cone
tailed in an address by Mr. Jenkins
on hobbies- broadcast through-CJGC
et Lan don :some weeks ,ago.. In all
288 entrief were on, exhibit, Included
in the list were Home baking,fancy-
work, •bird houses, toys, candy and.
other product's of the scholars. The
fancywork. of the girls wasoutstand-
ing and .=the ' judges had•,difficulty in
allotting the prizes. During; the ev-
ening, W. Ir. Robertson, editor of The
Signal, gave an interesting address
to the large gathering on "Hobbles."
TURNPERRY:, . Following a 'lin-
gerina illness, Mies Isabella McPher-
son died on Sunday in her 62nd year.
Deceased had made her home with
her brother, • Alexander McPherson,
who survives. Funeral services were
held at theresidence of her brother
on S'Vednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Intern?ept being linade O'the Wing-
Ilam Cemetery.
A wide variety of subjeets'.in the,
field of the outdoors is covered' in the
Mali issue of Rod -and Gun which has
just been issued: In connection with
the •opening of the .camping and fish-'
seasons, the current issue of the
magazine contains a mathet of in.
teresting articles which should' prove
of -Value tothose planning te-visit'the
woods or stream. The 'regular de-
partments of Fishing Notes and Out-
door Talk carry .articles ;particularly
appropriate. to the season.
-Bonnycastle Dale's contribution to
the May issue is a novel one, giving
sportsmen an insight into the coin-
mercial side of fishing for mackerel;
Raymond Thompson presents " an in-
teresting; nature study of the bear
and there te 'also an interesting ar-
title on Jasper National Park' and a
fiction story "Never Stay Die" by
Harry M, 'Moore.
Rod and _Gun is publishedsnoonthly
by 'W. J.Taylor, Limited, Woodstock,
Seaforth Spring Show
The Seaforth Spring ;.i Show, -which
had been twice dost lone(i: on aC our t
of the condition of the roads wa's
favored on Tuesday; :April..20tii, with
the best weather and rthe largest
crowd it has seed :for , 50310'Y ears.
There` has never been an occasion
whelf the quality' , of the horses has
been so nearly 'equal. The competi-
tion was so keen and the •number pl:
entries scAarge tliwt the judges Mound
it difficult to make their decisions:
'1'ho entry of carriage and agricul-
tural ,Horses was tli dies't 'on
e, record,'
the quality also being above the -aver
age, Several-. offers were made for
teams at tip-top prices but the owls-
ers refused to self, then. There were
no .cattle in the exhibit.
Following are the winners;
(Special for best three horses fr..i
,.township — James ;Broadfoot, Alex.
Broadfoot; A. Sinclair.,
Clydesdales— Fred Colguhoun,
Bothwell; Robert Burchill, Dublin,
Sweepstakes -Fred : Coltiuhoun. •
Percheron stallion=.John J. (Geis,
Roadster stallion, standard bred "--
—trotting--J. Decker, jr„ Zurich; Stew-
art and Elleringtois, Hay; Edmund
Oeseh,' 'Zurich.
' Agriciilturai',Class,
Brood mare in foal ---James Jarrett,.
Bensalh; ,James'Doyle, Dublin.
Filly or gelding, foaled in 1925—
Thomas N. Forsythe, . Kippen. Pat-,
rick Maloney, jr., Dublin. '
Filly or gelding, fealed in 1924—
Robert Wright, ` Seaforth; John Itic-•
Filly or gelding, foaled M 1923
W. S. Broadfoot, Ifippen; Thomas E.
Blake, Seaforth; Frank.,Flynn, Clin-
ton. `
Mare, filly or gelding, any age -
Charles .Stewart, 'Londeaboro; George`
Lowery, ,Seaforth; Alex. Wl ight,
Team in -harness--George Lowery,
Seaforth; Charles Stewart, Lond(3l-
bore; Thomas N., Forsythe, Kippen.
Sweepstakes — Charles Stewart,
Londesbaro. , ie.
desl oro; Joe -Nichol
ltfit die .
i± ll
G`arrlllgehorse in h0.1'ne5S-J. Bt.
Davis; Clilrton; Reboot'',MeLaren Hen -
sell -Joseph French; Mitchell: .
Bei -heavy Best hau 3 draft ..aagLicultural
mare, (illy or gelding, any :age—A.'
and J J.)-Broadfoot, Seaforth.
Boys' Competition
Boy 15 years or under displaying
best ability in exhibiting a' horse on
the halter—Cha1'les Wright, Seaforth,
George Rowell, Seafortb.
.Boys' judging competition Jack
Daly; Matthew Coyne, Stara and
John Pothering -ham (equal).
Foals of 1925,sired by British Hero
--George Po e
Judges — .Light Horses -
Phipps, Burford;' heavy horses—W.
Orton, Burford. '
-.Heavy Draft -
iBrood mare in • foal—A. and J:
Broadfoot, •Seaforth. Earl Sproat,
Kippen;..Robert Burchill, Dublin;
Filly or gelding, foaled in 1923—
.A. and 3. Broadfoot; 2 and 2, Alex.
Filly or gelding, foaled- in 1925 --=
George T. Dale, !Clinton; Peter Situp-
-son, .Seaforth; Andrew Park, • Mitchell.
-Mare, .filly or gelding, any age -1.
and 2, A. and J. Broadfoot; Alex.
Teale in harness --IA„ and J. Bread -
foot, Alex. Sinclair. ;
Sweepstakes A. and X. d3roadfoot..
General Purpose
Tea13o in harness—Russel'J. Scott,
Roadster in harness—Robert Mc-
Laren, Hansall; Manning Bros., Lon-
Here a ar
the facts
When 3 telephone order
carr be taken in the time .
required for - one ,order
over the- counter - as,
has been proven --and',. i
the amount Of a telephone 1
sale averages almost a
third more, as, it does, 1
can there be any doubt
in your mind that the
merchant who uses• the
telephone consistently
will win out over the
rival who does not?
Can you afford to over-
look the rapidly increas-
ing `importance of the
telephone in your busi-
ness for increasing sales
and reducing the cost ora
Be open-minded. Try it
not spasmodically, but
consistently, and judge
for yourself,
A Column Prepared Especially for Women. -.-
Bi Not Forbidden to Men
Every' task however simple sets the
soli that does it free;
Every deed of love and mercy, done
to man, is done- to Me.
--�Dr. Van Dyke.
A well-known woman writer takes
the ground that men keep their youth
longer than women. She says a man
keeps .always in his heart the image
•of the little boy he used to be, while
a woman when she grows up' is
'nightly grown up and leaves behind
cher . for all time the little gill she
used to be. Perhaps - there is some
truth in this. At lesat we often meet
men of middle age who are quitenet-
=allyand 'agreeably "boyish," while
if a middle aged woman tries to be
"girlish" -she usually appears silly.
Alm„• we will often, notice that a
middle-aged wife will appear Calder
than her husband, although she may
actually be yonnger in years.
Nowadays when women are be-
ginning to think ou`t things for thein-
selves and lto find out what manner
of women they are, (fox up Ina
paratively short thne ago lrlen were
the ones who took upon themselves
the task of •analyzing women and
Melling her what she was and how the
should think and act, and a sorry
mess she has ,made' in many ;cases
trying to live up to the .ideal which
magi; set for+ her). But' now women
,having taken in hand the. manage-
ment of
anage-ment.of her own life to a greater ex-
tent than ever before in the history of
the race, she should"- look into this
matter and try to find out why a
woman grows old' quicker that a
Perhaps it is looking ,after and
mothering the little boy which still
lives in the heart of the man who ie
her husband,as well asthe children
which'' , she has borne •that
ages her. Everyone "has seen
wives' who did actually "mother"
their husliande. We should imagine
this tobe rather trying on any wife
and we -would suggest that she be.
gin playing with the little boy in her
husband's heart, instead of mothering
hint. Care, anxiety and worry ages
nlueh quicker and much more effect-
natty than the years do. The average
woman should learn not to carry any
more than her share •of the care, :anx-
iety and worryof the family. She
should learn to relax, and to see the
funny sides of things. Oh yes!: 1'
know .that women are not supposed to
have a sense of -humor. Men -have
been telling them that; through the
printed page ever since the art of
printing was invented, and probably
told thein by word of mouth .boforo
that, tshouldn't be a bit surprised
if M the old Egytian manuscripts
which have been dug up from time to
time, there should be found some re-
ference to this supposed lack in wo-
men. But, nevertheless, whether 0
be a modern growth or not, a great
many women have quite a consid-
erable sense df: humor,and goodness
knows, they need itio It is a good
thing to cultivate because it helps
-oyer many a rough- spot. Women
should learn to see the funny side of
themselves. A woman who has learn-
ed to take a quiet chuckle at her
own inconsistencies has gone quite a
way; and she should learn
to take up the burdens
of life and carry thorn mahout grow '
thin-lipped and grim, to. be eap-
able without being hard. Personally,
I don't believe the . little girldies in
the heart of a woman; she only gets
buried under : so many cares , and 'bur-
dens, which women consider so impor-
tant, often to others rather than her-
self, that .she - shops functioning. I'd
be for dragging the little maid into
the open, curling her. hair and put-
ting 021 her a pretty f ock and having
her ready to be trotted out whenever
an opportunity occurs. If women
would do this she would' be ,more ag-
reeable and companionable for every-
body, would be a more successfuil.
`mother, and .the next trine that
middle-aged husband' of hers became
the little "boy he used'to be sir could,
instead of meeting his mood with the
patient senile sof an indulgent mother,
she could meet hint on his own
ground. The'shock might be hard on
the poor man at first' Milt Fd be wil-
ling to wager he'd come to like it in
The male bachelor inenibel.'s of the
House of -Commons in' England held
their dinner the other night'' The
bachelor girl member was not invited.
Probably she was just as glad. Prom
accounts it wasn't a very .gay or en- -
joyable affair. The toast te-the mem-
bens who had been ;married since the
last banquet and therefore not pre-
sent at this, we are told, was drunk
in "meleneholy silenee. The infer-
ence was, that the taelaneholly was
caused by the falling from grace of
these members, but who knows that
it was not caused by envy of their
happler lot? An this fuss made by
these bachelors looks 'very much to
me like the case sof the little holy,
'W+bistftg-to keep his courage up.