HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-29, Page 5.4.•••"7,-"7-1 ^ s. • 4.„,. • , 'Marrtags The Fltriliter , itd • 'April daug mileetv W:12.C. hu 'eh InnsP on egoole ' p,R EA t , nage,' ' shoulH d • , ,,„ta to ' , s 1' west son ' h'tessinshi)-1.- :house,' AGeoeRe Mann13:1,eaceesone k Acco Imte,,•Livestock most farms sPani .1i3:rkeA%acoigua.;',. and other are • _ '• • ,• special care Pf'the'rfathe','s fi, • N, • • cones frq _ 'es9nrce, is re7 wife and .111611T •tllat This nicirte3r if' deposited • regularly in a Savings count 1,4"i11 soon grow to a considerable' sum. Several hundred dollars in. the Bank will give a wonderful feeling of security. - '1 r rev The Royal Ban Canada , Clinton Branch 'e R. E. Wiarnaing, Manager 'Of Interest to Yea :eery, instead of allowing them to mi. __. • and Reba satorday is May Day. Surely Kay Will bring its balmy Weather and help -us forget our old friend, the North "Wind. The Brandon Sun says pedestrain used to describe a "sateen' walking; now it describes a dangerous occupe iti on. . • • . • Sunday, May 9th, will be obsersed as "Mothers' Day." Will you wear the "White Flower of a (your moth. er's) Blameless Life?" * 5, * grate to another country, and, putting in 'their places citizens of a lower type, from, Europe. A policy that will keep, „Canadians. happy and bon-. tented in Canada is the best possible policy fee. this,country. A policy that. tend's Citizens • seelcingebomes outside the country Is a poor polieyen� mat- ter what class or,hesvi lerge n erase it assists materially. "Kees Canad- ians in danacia," The °riffle:Packet has the follow- ing to say about the recent tariff changes. • ' eine widget brought down by - the Hon. J. A. Robb; Minister of Fin - i" ance, last Thursday, contained, very - Phe average woman's clothes this e•ratifying, and exceedingly regret- , summer will eweigh about thirty table ieataires. Most Canadians -ounces, 'tis said, Looks as if the av- will rejoice in the reduction in the erage woinail was "getting out from income taierthough there will. be es: - under," cloesra it? The Fort Francis Times ayere that beart grOase inakes good pastry. But Irene of our green's keep it. If you ask them for grease to make pastry they will hand you ont'common hog's lard. 5 5 eeptions .rainong; those who find that the readjustment compel thein to pay mere than they have been doing' in the past. But in lowering 'by over 40 -per cent, the duty en automobiles' the Government has shown the same callous, indifference to the welfare of the industries and ofthe work- mgmen -of Ontario that has marked Talking abont .a tax on American their -course ever sifts the retire.' ,publications, it looks as if something plea of Mr, Fielding. Apparently the drop of duty irons 35 per cent. to 20 per cent. was made Without any careful enquiry into the prebhble effect. As a result, what a.ehbrt week ago WAS probably the most flourish- ing indpstry in • the •Provinae' of Ontario is in rnine, and thousands Of worlcingmen are faced with loss of employment. A fresh exodus to the United States is to b4 feared, 'The 'Government evidently 'wanted to gain favor with the- Western Progressives and with those who have been stirring up feeling over difference .in • prides of Canadian and American ears. .But they could have materially reduced this dif- ference by •cutting of the high impost which they take from pur- chasers of cars in the form of sales and %luxury taxes. This amounts to 1.0 per cent. on ears whose whole - might be done to stem the tide of lits erature from the United States, •a great deal of which is mighty poor stuff and all of it Amer- ican not 'Canadian in sentinienti. W admit each year about 60,000,000 .American magazines. * 5'5 "Cheer up: Nearly six thousand people entered Canada at Quebec yesterday after crossing the ocean. Population is what we need," Toronto Star, Fine! But -we'd rather keep 6,000 native born Canadians here than get 12,000 new ones, no matter how de- sirable they may be as new citizens. * We note that Bro. J. L. 'Herr of the Brussels Post sang a solo . in Mel- ville chureli, that town, last Sunday evening. Glad to see he's riot hiding his light under a bushel, as he' was sa/e value run up to $1,200 and 15 rather inelined to do when residing per cent, above that sum. The here. When we do not use our tai. United States tax is only 8 per cent: ents they sometimes have a tendency -to leave ns. So our advice would he, te "keep at it." .5'1'4* A witness before the Senate Pro. hibition %Committee in Washington, the other day testified that he had seen a mother feeding her three-year- old child moonshine., • Well, that sort of a mother is hopeless. Before pro- hibition came in she'd have been feed- ing it beer, and 'about the only bit- ference is that the moonshine will Probably kill the kid qtiicker. "The worst shock came to us the other day," says the aViarton Echo, "when we received a cheque from Walkerton for e'forty-five cents (45 cents), please note, ehe large amount. At the bank they. soaked tis 15 cents exchange, -which figures out tet 33% per cent. Now, we are writing this for the benefit of those subscribers :and others who send •us small --cheques,- so hereafter Please add ex- - change or send us P.O. orders." • The 'Toronto 'Star Weekly on Sat- urday last had a picture of yremiei Ferguson milking a eow, iseeglling the youth 'of the premier, *hen Inc worked on the farm. The first thing anyone who knows anything about -cows or Milking noticed about „ that picture -was the milker was • sitting on the -wrong side of the cow. Was it just ignorance on the part of the artist or did Inc wish to slyly suggest that the Ilene Iieward always .goes the wrong -way about doing things? In other words, mein mg customs duty on parts, the Dominion Govern- ment absorbs from $100 to 6300 of the. difference in price -between American' and Oaesidian cars—and the menu - fee -term, get all the blame. It would have.been better to sacrifice this re - vertu° than ruin a fine city like Osh- awa. Incredible es Mr. Robbs action was it seems stlik more Incredible that something will not be done to rectify -the mitfalte a1 -id enable the Canadian automobile factories to con - thine operations. Meanwhile howev-er the confidence of investors and man. eafacithrers in the stability of indus. trial conditions has been' further shaken; and this is, perhaps, the most serious result -of all," •• • - Constance Mr, Addison johns of Clinton, took the Church,„service on Sunday. after-. noon, in .place of Rev. Mr. Snell, who is sick. , 1VIr. Sidney Dulmagd of -*Detroit spent•sz few dayS here with his wife and family.' Mr. and 1Vkrs. IVIcArthur of Goder- ich spent Sunday in the villagrd. Mrs. .tritton, Mrs. E. Lawson and 33iIrs.'11. Rogerson were the dele- gates, to the Pfeelayterial in Clinton on Tuesday. - StanIej Township ,„ Miss Pat Macfarlane entertained a nuerber of her friends on Friday els. "The Toronto Globe theother day ennig last to a progressive euchre referred to a 'bright remark made by an Ontario contemporary," remarks the Stratford Beacon -Herald, "and we've just been looking over our baek papers to see what date we wrote it." Now ien't that feet like the conceit f those city ? The Globe Wa S probably quoting from The News - Record, ow some other rural -weekly, and didn't inentien the sourse for fear all the other 4dailies would talc to reading them too, and sb there in -the good things there derived. The Christian Science Monitor re- eently published a Canadian Edition,' featuring emany of Canada's leading - attractions. It was anice, neighobr- ey act and an attractive jotueial and a leading editorial the editor stated that while Canada had -many valuable resources,/its richest asset wasits people. Because -Canadian are the .beet asset Canada has is the reaSon why we, should try to keep turned with him on SundaSr and Mrs. violin ebligate. Those who miesed these, al; hoMe,•bliilding usi the eoun- John PraSer ao.00e1Pahlect lain). as far the tFemeneloas helpfultiege Of Mr, 00 607, Clinton central, 54 if T3'inda-11:"11. IL No. Pllene ePHONE '74 CLINTON51 - • • • , enarty. Miss ,IVIary Stewart and Mr, Kenneth Stewart -.were, ,the winners of first`prize, . while 'Mies Eleanor IVIeEsven and Mr. Edwerd:Gleii Won the' booby priies.. A -very pleasant time was Spent by -% Miss Myrtle Pearson was lioine, oydr•-the Week-eact. - , . . pat Macfarlane left- Monday for Toronto to reseme-her Sthdies , Grade Flospltal., Miss- Pat has 'bn• hoirie for several inentliS on tick Irvein' Jackson of Toronto is spending ,rZonie time -with his' -brother, Mr. James Jackson, . .11agfield Mr. Teeviisheed IV/anilla carne' on Saturday' last 'for hie' cars which"he svas obligedo leave here at Christmas, 'Mist 'Gwen Elliott,` -re - 6 r25tit,o fr. ,1411f3?..(7otn,hr.crns LQ,j3 1,1A:oxP,rial ' 4 ELLio,rT_In Exeter,, on April .1.1'th to• Mr, and 1- lirfre; John E,Iliottt; ISADFORD.1-n East Wawanosh, on April 23rc5, to Mr, and Mrs, Nor- anan, Radford, a son,---ICameeth • Ross. E.1;ettss ' GILMOUR.— In, Clinton, on April 28th -Margaret Isabella 1VIeEwan, wifeef Mr, iugh %Gilmour of Stan- •:* ley, aged 46 years and 2 months. „„ SCoTT—In Bruee.fielcl, on April 24th, Andrew T. Scott, agga 56 years, TREWARTIIA—In GolleY101-1* town- • ship, on April 24th, Charlotte Am- elia Jervis, witiowof the late John Trewartha, inher 75th year. ELtIOTT-In,Goderich, on Apr, 21st, john, H. Elliott, formerly of Bay- field, aged 72 yeare, MOEWEN—In Bayfield; on Aril- 24, Elizabeth McCullough, widow of the late Joseph MeEwen, aged 84"Years. GOLDING—In ,Seaforth, on April 22, Mrs, Elizabeth Golding, • aged 77 years. ' • IVIACKAY—In Beaforth, On April 21, Mary McIntosh, relict of the late John Campbell Mackay, in her 84th MILLION ---In Colborne township, on , April 17th, Harold Elwin, infant son of Mr. and ' Mrs; Ed. Million, aged 2 months and 17 days. JOHNSON -- At Toronto General Hospital, on April 2S11,Htta Mary, beloved wife of Harold C. Johnson, • 1264 Lansdowrie avenue, in her 37th year, , as Toronto, where she' is visiting her nieces, MitIes A. and B. Elliott and also attending the Provincial meet- ing of the W. M. S. of the Presby- terian church, Mr. Arthur Cooney of London came 'lest week to be with her broth- er, George Orr, who is ill at the home of his niece, 111-rs, Walter Westlake. Messrs. Lawrence and Fred Fowlie of London spent the week -end with their parents and retruned on Sunday by • motor. • The warm 'breezes on,Friday and Saturday tempted severed of the own- ers' of sifinmer residences to motor here on Saturday and Sunday, ge, Thos. Orr and son jeck of Sthatford were here on Saturday and Kr. and Mrs. H. A. Lawson and family of Stratford, Mrs. Hart and Misses M, and D. Hart and Mr, Ted Hart and Mr. and Mrs.,. W. D. Stevenson and family of London spent Sunday in the - Mr. Wan. Parker left last week to take a position in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. A.. J. Carver Aid tle daughter, who have spent the past Winter in Detroit, returned'io the vil- lage 'last week. Mr, -Chris. Packer moved to the fain, which he recently ,p'urchasecl, the end last week. There died in Goedrich on W'ednes- day, April 21st, John -II, Elliott in his seventy-fourth year. The deceased was born in Bayfield on Aug. 12, 1854, When about twenty years of age Inc went West and farmed and later he Worked on the.railroad for about five years... Ile then returned to Bayfield for a few years and was 111.01Tied '&0 Miss Victoria Davison, He then left for Seattle, where he was engaged in railway 'work for twenty years,. after which he -moved to Los Angeles for a few y,ears.-'Five years ago he re- turned to Bayfield and then niade his home in Goderich. The funeral took place on Friday fromshie late resi- dence in Goderich to the home' of his eister, Mrs. John \Fraser., Bayfield, and thence to Bayfield cemetery for intermente Rev. Mr, Clarke, patter ef Noith- Street United church, ,conducted the funeral services, Besides his widow he leaves to mourn one -sister; Mrs. John .Fraser,'and one brother, Thos.'11,' Elliott,- both of Bayfield. There passed to rest on 'Saturday, Anril 24th, , one of BaYfield's Oldest, and most highly respected' • izens in the person' Elizabeth 1VIeCallough, widow of the' late Joseph McEwen. She was born at Gatehouse in the county of Kirkubright, 'Scotland, Inc 1842, In '1864 she married Joseph McEwen of Liverpool; England; ancl -they later came to Montreal, then '+0 Toronto, and filially, settled in Huron county,: She leaves to mourn their loss three sons and- two daughters: josenh, Fred. and ,Sanniel MeEwen of Bayfield, 'Sarah Jane Malwen, 2480 of Bayfield, and Wire. Charles Knucky • or Mac Tier Muskoka. The funeral, which was 'Conducted, by the Rev. la, IL Paull,. took plaCe ,from her late reeiclence on Tuesday afternoon and interment made in Bayfield-ceinetery. • Tini ikLLE/i• "Yes -BurgeSS ., • '" Photoraplier its•SPeaking will :he in nisis Olinton -Studio eaeh Tnetilay freint 1,0 .Let. na.' Melee. Seine gOed lioeittaits ,for' yeti.•'41114-telArs;14 enans „for' you. 'We, take, them to sMiteliell 'and- mail them to you proMptly.• Sizes:in etock.. • Burgess, Portrait Sudo hilITCHELLANt): cD1141fON Foo pALE-c. , A quantity , 'Hemlock lunaber, which will be cut to order, 16, „12, 14 and %-16 feet long , Please send yonorders - 1VIcEWEN BROS., Phone 624-r-4 52-tf "CLINTON CLIOPPING .111ILL to the increased demand for Western Oats this spring, we have •decided..to ',order another car, this will be here in a dey Qv so, „ . win selifspff the car at a • reduced r'hte ANDREWS 8c, HOWES Phone 33w 55-2 lVfoore's Wide experience', in flowep 'culture and 'gardening have great cause to regret it but it was a grati- fying sight to see. that there were So many interested home and flower lovers bent, on adding to their store of lenewledge, •Coneetierable interest is being shown in the recital of sacred music to be given by an augmented choir hc.theUnited-church on Friday ev- ening. The many friends of Mr. George Swan will be glad to hear that helms recovered from his recent illness and is visiting friends in Toronto this week.Mrand Mrs. George Watts of Clin- ton visited - at the home of Mrs. Watts' brothel., Mr. Jas. IVIeQueen, end her sister, Mrs., Jas, Walker, last week, There wore six delegates and two visitors from Brucefieffl who attended the inaugural service of the Huron Presbyterial Society of the W. M. S. of the United Church of Canesla, which was held Inc Ontario street church, Clinton, en Tuesday, They report a most inspiring and harmon- ious meeting.' The funeral of A. T. Scott, who died on ;Saturday after an illness 'of two years, was held on Tuesday 'af- ternoon. Mn'. Scott, -who ' was born here 56 years •. ago, was one of 'the best-known citizens of the distriet. For many years he conducted a gen- eral store, grain and produce busi- ness'. He was a son of the late Wil- liam. Seott, pioneer merchant and business man of this place. Surviv- ors are the widow, three daughters, Elizabeth, Ina and Ellen May; two sons, Ross and William, and his moth- er. The funeral was held under the auspices of the I. O. 0. E., the ser- vices being conducted by the Rev, C. G. Armour, pastor of the United Church, of which the deceased was a member, interment being . made in I3aircl's Cemetery. • CARD OF THANKS Mr,. and Mrs, E. C. Munro wish to thank their many friends for the sympathy and, kindness shown there during theVrecent bereavement. Young- Cattle For Sale Yearlings and two year olds. Terms to suit purchaser. Tyndall, IC R. No."8 Photn. 3 on 607. • 55-2 For Sale • Large -brown reed baby's sidewalk sulky, almost new. 11/Ire, R. B. Fitz. simone, Huron street, West. 55-2-p Seed Wheat For Sale A quantityl of good Goose wheat, suitable- for seed. .Norrnan. Ball R. R, No. 1, Clinton. Phone 5 on 640. • • 55-1 Beans, Peas and Tlinothy F have a quantity of- beans, peas and timothy for sale. Janice , John- . „sten, R. 4. No. 4, -Clinton, phone 12 oxiAss, • , Bracefield. • A large nuinber" from., Brucefield „attended Mr, 1VLooit's lecture in Kip - pen on -Monday evening on "The Beautification of IIonie Surrolind ings" and -felt • well rewarded. mr, Durrant's 'lafltarn a 1 w s n good ferm and the slides were excellent and Watch Lest beautifullY ordered: showing ..50ale in" On April. 15th between 1111.1sgreen diYidual" eflowei's and glimPaas ° and Clinton 01' be Clinton a lady's manyelovely earderisa Miss Eleanor gold neeoe wateit r,indee kintpy Snider's Piano number was a Scot- .eonvoat N•owo_R000re bee -we 'sr at J. tisk Tone Picture by MacDowell, Mr. MeAsh's store Varria. Jarvis Horton gave "Annie Laurie" . Auction Sale Of Household Effects, IVIr. W. G. Smyth has instructed 'the under- signed to sell by.public auction at his residence, Victoria street on Satur- day, May ist, eommencing at 2:00 e'elock Sharp, the following:, Parlor suite; 2 bedroom. suites; -dining room chairs and table; stoves; rugs, writ- ang des,k, dishes, pots, pans and other articles too nurneroue mention, Ternis—Cash, W. G. -Sinyth,,Propri- eter. Geo. II. Elliott, Auctioneer. Notice The ratepairees of the ToWnship of Hullett are 'notified that the:Previte Mal, Audit is new, in, progress. Mr. Morrison, the attclitor, will be.present at the Township office, (John Pixies - land's -residence), divine -stile week -of May 10th and requests that any late - payer signing the petition for an in- vestigatien wilf attend during- that week. --M, A.RIIISTRONG, Reeve of lIullett. 54-3 • wante . To, have your fleoks. gree 'nipyosbete ',telt jtjt 'nebessallysio keep cute. ling ellit'tbe overt hens that are net" • . . producing, s *,We' are always in the iriarkqt for poultry rind eggs et ten prices'. ""1 -s. -L-• N. W. Trewarillia- Phones•--Office, 2144 Residence; 214W Clinton -Motor Truck and IVIathine Co. IsTires and Tubes Patching Materia! Storage I3atteries • Battery Repairing and Charging Gasoline, 0i1 and Grease Auto' Asessories and Repairing FORD COfJPE FOR SALE 1924 model—In good running order W. J. Nediger 'Manager The hardness out Of work by using the best of Cleansers. We are offer- ing for this week -only Oreesie Cleanser 3 for 32c Oki Dutch , 3 for 35e Pearline , % 3 for 24e Annitonia Powder 3 for 24e P G, Gold, comfort Soap 17 for 51 Watch our window for Tomato Week. First. week in May. --Fresh Tomatoes, Canned Tomatoes, Tomato Catsup and Tomato Soup. Make use of our Delivery Serviee • L. LAWSON CO. Phone 111 For Sale A comfertable frame house, lights and town. water. Also summer kitch- en which would' serve aS garage, or could be moved from property. A very desirable property. Mrs. Wm. Argent.. Farm For Sale • In the Bayfield Goderich town- ship, 7 miles from -Clinton, 3 miles from Bayfield, consisting of 113 -acres good clay loam 100..aeres clear, bal- ance in- bush. Brick house, • large bank barn. Harry Steepe,, Bayfield P.O. Phone 25 on 600. 54-tf Cottage For Sale Seven -room cottage in Townshend street. Verandah, town water, elec- trip lights. Good garden attached. Apply on premises to Mrs. Nickle, sr. 50-6-p Cheese for Sale 'Cheese for sale -in 20 Ib. lots or more any time,,present price 211ke lb. W. H. Lobb, president and salesman. R. It, No. 3, Clinton. 40-tf Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes clelined ,bressed and re- paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned, Rooms over Heard's barber ehop, W. T. Jago, —83-tf Clinton's tOPAitlertitt We•KEEP CoAL ON DEPOSIT FOR you AT ALL 'TIMES! You emit- NinoN.' , --------...._ 4c/40NrirvEALTNtleft, ----_,..l<NOWIN6 :now 1 II. 1 It Goozocom. OUR REPUTATION .ASSURES yet.) DEPENDABLE %all ce What does it mean to you to live Inc a community of responsible busie ness institutions? What Would your town Inc without Financially solid banks? Honorable merchants? Conscientious deetors? Reliable public utilities? Dependable coal dealers? These deserve your support. s Give your t lege to torr home institutions and you will get your money's werth gohds and in an assurance of permanent, responsible service. •• Call the, ottnin for go'od, Ile and "The FloWer -Song" 011 his violin, irate!littg" Bogs poevi ±voin and'. Arnieur mouth Barred -Retie eggs for hatch.: A ' 'sang '`Thank God for a Garden by "knee from good Iaylng •strain. Price C PAN dei Kiege antt • "Ficidle end. I," with $3,50 per 100 or 4e. per egg; Roy CO L Ailiss. Irene Snider ars appropriate , C. White Leghposs - and Ply- H:' - oqumenc:„ aratwilradre °A, ay, pri tlitday , and.a'follOw'eachSattirdaY. thereafter TI;is safe.will be On Saturday only and the iner,,illabdise erecl in these sales will be disMayed in our windows each Fri- day for Sa.urdays sale only. You will save money on every article offering: , Watch our Windows Every Friday for these SaY'rdiy-Specials flier Hardware Co. .TELEP •Rowland's Olcl Stand HONE 53 CHT-NAMEL STORE • Ehiaslea Chick Farm - and Hatcheru BABY CHICKS- S. C. W. Leghorns, Barron strain l3red-to-lay Barred"' Plymouth Rocks CUSTOM HATCHING Ntaehines set every week • / L. MITTELL Phone' 213—Clinton Vliller Incubators and Brooders SEEDS Years of experience have gone in- to the seleetien ,of our stock as to quality and price. We have a com- plete line -of Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, Red Clover, White and Yellow Sweet Clovers. All seeds grown in Ontario and specially selected for hardiness, Car load of Bran, Shorts and- Pur- ity Flour expected daily. Special prices, •J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers F. R DARROW BARRISTER will be at his office in Clinton each MONDAY From 3 to.6 p.m. 30-tf. COAL. Having erected new coal sheds will .have on hand full stock of coal for immediate delivery. Prices reason- able., Also a quantity of dry maple wood. R. J. IVIILLER Orders taken at residence, phone 119 COAL Stove and Nut Coal, Coke, Soft Coal and Kennel 'Coal , Also Some Wood E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Street.. Ladies' Attention I am prepared to do first class re- pair work for all makes of Sewing Machines, Also a full stock of Needles, Belts and.Parts • for all makes Sole Agent for the Singer W. GLEN COOK Phone 1714 P,0. Box 061,' Clinton 09 Atestletaleamaxiamil...0....partl-Malllemolayalllans41."3.604*1110.1.171.010001.111110.•••••41.02100. M Depoildable Shoes When you buy pair Of shoes , the first coesideration should be quality. Quality in shoes is not in the grade of leather used only, it includes good Shoemaking. The Shoes ,,,we sell have always bad a reputation for good wearing oualities,_ . They 'are Always Dependable because of the hie quality of leather used and Superior Shoemaking,,.. The true test of Shoe Value is not in the first cost, but the final cost—not what they cost'per pair, but whavthey costverf*em..' ho upon this simple test of value that:the success, of our Shoe business - is based, . due New Spring Lines Show Very .Attractive Prices Ladies', goods. ranging from $2.50 'to 55,50 ,Men's lines from $3.50 to $7,50 • -Super QualgtieS- ranging 'as bigh as 810:50 . • FRED JACKSON The .Big Shoe Store Opposite the Town Hall C. H. VENNER, „Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone 115Ilw . • 010601•11111111•111•••DIMMIOICMCION411•1101011•481110611.01.1111111101•1:001V i10.1•10100141110 ,Itmommmarf.W.N/MMI./...../MISIONINIOANNINIII../IONIIPM1101.10M10.101.14IIVIIMMUM Fl 0 lir Feed & Seed • Sale of Flour, Itilohday, April 26th Maple Loaf and Pive Rose Flour. A chance to put in your summer supply at a reduced price,. Ontario and \Western Oats on hand. SEEDS We !lave a supply of high grade seeds. • No. 1. Grirnms and varigated lfalfas, Alsike, othy Yellow and White'Sweet Clover.. Turnip and Mangle seed, Dutch Sets Flower and Garden ,:eeds, Charleswort PHONE 199 •