HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-29, Page 4eeeleerelee
'URSDAY, A1' .IL 29,. 1929.
OU can make yours,.just as beautiful.
And the cost will be surprisingly
small, if you use Staunton Semi -
Trimmed ,Wallpaper and make full use
-of the -matched borders obtainable for
any paper you select:
You will find in our complete new'
line of, these lime -saving. Wallpapers the
very paper you need for redecorating any'
room in the house. Come in and look our
stock over -today, if possible..
ee i Price on Player Pianos
Why have your present' Piano';idle get service out of it by
exchanging, it on a,,Self Player Piano, then every member of
the familywill be able to play and enjoy the latest music,
Full allowance for your old Piano.
See or Call
Dealer•'- in-. all Musical Instruments
Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton
1Ctiz.Ofletuu 1Vews-Re:,E51°d
r - e.
n•.�, Londesboro ' PRE ARR•YOUR LA DE
1'llmannual `meeting of the Wo -
..i's Institute will be held in the
comilzllnity, hall on Thursday', May
M. Roll call answered by, paying
fee.,a, A quartette will lie given•by
Mrs, ' Carter, Mi s. ;Manning, Mrs.
Adams iandiiiMrs, H. little. FIastess-
es will be Miss .Br ighlun, Mrs Adams,'
Mrs. 9'. Little and Mrs...9. Crawford.
Mrs. R. Cameron and little son of.
Bonsall spent the pat Week with
friends in the village.
Meigs E. Logan visited with` Clinton
and Ilensall 'friends last week.
Mr.` TIasold Taylor ;' of Detroit is
home for a few days.:
Mr. G, H. Beatty has treated him -
sell to '0 Ford cotrye. `
Mo. Gee. Elliott, who has been in
London fqi the past few years, has
returned to his farm oiP the, Goshen
Mr. Wnt. Taylor shipped a car load
of stock 'to Toronto on Saturday."'
The VV. A. of St. John's'cheircly
Varna, met at the ,hoarse of .Jds's, J.
W. Reid on Thursday afternoon"•' At
the close of the meeting the ladies
presented Mrs. John Reids, jr.,with ti
handsome <Coleman lamp, after wiiich
a dainty lunch- was served by the
hostess. A11 went home feeling that
they had spent a very pleasant af-
Mr. Waif. Beatty of Mount Bridges
called on' friends in the burg on Sat
urday last:
Mrs. A. Austin is in Detroit with
her daughter,; Mrs. Schell, -whose lit-'
.tie son has been very 01.
We are pleased to report that Mrs._
Wm. Colclougll, who underwent an
operation iii Clinbon hospital on Fri:
day, cast, is doing as well as can be
expected. We, hope soon to, see her
back -to her hone again.
Asmall Vegetable' 'Garden on the
Forth or' the Bade Yard Will . Molt
Than Repay 'flute and Trouble.
(Contributed by Ontario Department of
Agrtbultu re,.. 'ro7•onto.)
'The soils' -preferred ,for vegetaiile
Production are sandy, sandy loaur,
clay loamsilt and muck. A sandy
• loam is probably,the most populari
but each type has Ito llmlbatbons, and
some 'crone' are"better suited t& oii&
'Sops -of. .a sandy .:'nature .are .early
soils; because they dry out andwarna
up early in the spring: They are.not
suited, to late growing crops. In gen-
en eral sand soils are low in . fertility
and must be rnanured heavily that
plantifood and-moistute'may be avail-
able to the growing crop.
:.Clay roams retainmolsturo longer
than sands or sand, >foams _arid ,they
are also,,ricller. However, such soils
are not so well elated to the'groivth..
requirements of early crops. Crops
grown during the drier part of the
season find more moisture. in this
type of soil and hence we -find such'.,
crops as late cabbage, late cauli-
flower, .late potatoes, canning factory
sweet corn and tomatoes grown on
such land':'
Nlucik soils on hceouni of their high
organic content, their moisture hold
ing character and the ease with which
such soils cap be waked, are con-
-sidered the best for celery, lettuce,
and onions, Meek soils are some,.
times used for growing potatoes,
beets, parsuips, cabbage, cauli{lower
and spinach. re not suit-
ed to early cropc
sorck glongoils aseason ten-
der crops.
Soil Preparation.
O. Al Co .Nps 144 -OATS
Now . Eligible for ,Rcglstratlon -In'
,Oantcda-•Intorestinl Notes ,on Soil
:and Dalry Matteis.
(Contributed by Ontart' Depart,nent of
Agriculture, --;Toronto.) /
Within.' the past three years the
O. A. C. No. 144,, which is'anew
variety originated ;at Guelph, . has
made a particularly, high record
throughout Ontario, as 000 be ;seen
from.. the following table
N The play entitled, "Yiminie Yon -
sons 'Yob," whieh 'Sas postponed,
will be presented in the Forester's
Ration Friday, May 7th, under the
auspices of the Harmony Class'of
Knox United Church. ...-
Mr, Harry Beadle motored from
Detroit en Friday, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Honking and
Clayton Ladd. They 'returned ion
Sunday, taking Mrs. Beadle; who has
been visiting with 'her parents here,
Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler,, home with,
' them.
Itfessrs. Albert .and Wesley Kil-
lough of Detroit are visiting here
with thea sister, Mrs, Earl Raithby.
Mr. Earl McKnight left last week
for another season sailing on the the pressure, if the soil giadua IY
Mrs. Banes and Mrs. Mollard 'of crumbles and breaks it is in good
Exeter, are visiting with Rev+ and Harrcondiowtioningto. dig or• plough:
New.s of
i s ll flappenhi
interment will be made in Maitland-
' bank Cemetery. --Expositor.
'in the ((9ss,rs ! and
'e ROXETER: -The funeral of. Bev-
DLstr,ICt I erly Nash, of the 6th. concession -of'
}Townie, was held Friday afternoon
to the Correa cemetery. sPeceased
SEAI!ORTII: Death removed anwas 39 years ,of -age and the eldest
old and well known resident of Sea-
Veen of Thos. Nash, a former editor
Charles G
Sea -
:forth en Thursday morning when Mrs of the Wroxeter' and Gerrie News. I'I 1
Golding passed away at her had: been critically ill for several
home on North Main Street. ` Mrs. ( weeks following' pleuro pneumonia
Golding has been in poor health for and died early- on Wednesday, Mi.
some time, and on Saturday.; last suf- Nash had the respect of the comntun-
fereeeem attack of pneumonia, against ity in which he had resided all his life
which her enfeebled constitution could He served in the Great War, being
not hold out, and she rapidly sank un- one of the first to enlist in 161s't.
Huron Battaiiou. Ha'is survived by
his parents, two brothers and three
Thorough soil preparation is neces-
say to ensure worth while crops.
Drainage. •
Drainage is the first step in pre -
AQ Ne. 144 1,93 1 169.
A O. No. 72 1.36. 40
A.G. N0.8 1,00 1.2,0
Liberty Renese 1.22 125
09 .all the varieties; strains and',
hybrids 'of nategrown in: the experi-
mental plots 5 0 C
31, R9
No. 144 gave the highest yield per
acre as it did in 1924. At the annual
meeting of the Canadian Seed Grow-
ers' Association'which was held. last
June at Edmonton, `Alberta, this new '.
variety of oats was accepted as tells
ible for registration in Canada. ;This
is the only variety of oats which has
been dded to the eligible list for
several years.
The 0, A. C; No. 144 variety of
oats -yes started froln - a Selection
taken In 1912 from amongst plents
ofebhe 0. A. C. No. 724variety. It is
decidedly different, however, from
the latter and seems distinct from,
,any other of three hundred or more
named vareetions oh oats, which have
been tested for live years and up-
wards at the Ontario Agricultural
The 0. A. C. No. 144 4s a tally.,
vigorous, broad-leaved, exceptionally
stiff-strawed, late variety of oats
which possesses a spreading head and
a long, slightly brownish -white grain
practically free from awn and which
Produces a heavy yield of both grain
and 'straw of good quality. The
ripening crop has abeautiful appear-
ance with a gold tinge. -Dept. enof
paring the heavier types of over
moist soils: Open ditches -tile drains ',Extension, O. A. College.
rind high bedding soon pay for•the
labor and material cost. The better DAIRY NOTES.
ar'eation, Increased availablefood and
early warmth make good drainage
well worth while"
Don't Overfill the C;1iu1n.
Deep soils are needed -by -the vege,e
table crops. The deeper the soil the
more moisture it will hold and the
greater will be the feeding area of-
fered the roots.. Plough or dig deep-
ly. If the surface soil is shallow go
down a little deeper each year.
Autumn ploughing is generally desir-
able on all sells, especially the clays ,,ripen cream for chum ng.
and sod. If ploughthg is done in the Ovorloaded churns cause a heavy.
spring chillness elle important. Clay ' 'loss of fat in the buttermilk, Chutes
soils may puddle and bake. Squeeze ,
a handful of soil, ltAd then release ;ah crldannot be filled over ono -half full
,TI a acid -alcohol test for skim -milk
and buttermilk shows that the losses
of fat -In dairy by-products is much
than is commonly supposed -
'about double that shown by the or-
Idinary Babcock method of testing,
Skim milk -and buttermjlk may bo
udensed or powdered and then be
used for feeding pigs and poultry
with satisfactory results. The ad-
vantage oe this plan is that it reduces
the bulk' and puts it lit °enclitipn
where it will keep In storage..
Sour cream may be "neutralized"
with bicarbonate of soda and be used'
for ice eream manufacture. "Im-
provers" or:"r1 eners" shorten the
time required for ageing the cream
without lessening the overrun and
without deteriorating the quality of
the ice cream made by their use, -
Dairy 'Department, 0. A. College.
l 4
County News
Butter of good quality can bee
made >}y ..separating flesh whey at
',the cheese factory and churning the
'whey cream, with or without ripening
;tile cream. '
Skim -milk 'powder nixed at the
irate of one pound. of powder to nine
pounds of pure water ))))))nukes a good
loulture or starter for ipening cream
twhere it is consider d advieeable to
til the end .came on Thursday. The
deceased was •born in'Surry England,
• 77 yrs. ago, but carne to this country
as a child. The family' first settled in
Carlington, and later she moved to
Mitchell, where she .lived for several
years. Forty-seven years ago she
carne to 15etiforth and has lived here
continuously' since.. A family of two
sons and one daughter survive, Mr.
9. P. Bell, of Toronto; Mrs: R. J.
Twitchell, of Brandon. and Mr. G. C.
Bell, of Seaforth, all of whom were
with her when she passed away. A
private funeral will be bele; from her
Mre. P. .S. Banes this week.
The Anglican' Youngr learpiec-
sented their play, "A Poo
Man" in Blyth Memorial Hall on Fri-
day night. -
Miss Lottie Lawlor visited her
parents here over'Sunday,
Miss Thehna Lawlor left on Thurs-
day total ' a a position in London:.
Mrs. Sam Cox went to Goderich
Hospital on Thursday last to -under-
go an operation.
Mts. Maitland Allen returned home
from the Hospital last weelc, we are
glad to report that she is improving
EXETER: Riehard Gidley, one of,
Exeter's oldest residents, died on Sat-
urday week at the home of his daugh-
ter, Mrs. J. Elson. The deceased bad
Kiel -led his 90th year. He was mar-
ried- twice, but both hie wives ;pre-
deceased 'him.; The family consisted
of three' sons,now all deceased, and
one daughter, Mrs.Elson, of Exttet.
W11.1Gi3A1V: Victor.-ia Day will be
Tate home on Saturday afternoon, and ,celebrated here.
Get`', hat
Expennete has -taught us that, an 8 -year-old child ,will develop:
in music faster than at any other time.. in. life. A 'good religious
training With music will carry your child with :Safety the world over.
Start your ,children right on one ref our new pianos. With tits
purity of tone they will have confidence in their playing and advance
faster. Needless to say `that the volume of business done by our
company in .the past year is enough to show our goods are giving
entire satisfaction, and wesell for less.
We are also giving'a check for $25.00 worth of music lessons to any-
one purchasing a piano from us by May 20th.
Write or phone ^at once to 34-616
Your old .piano or phonograph taken as par'•t payment and terms
given on balance.
R. R. No. 2 Seaforth
Misses Reta Hamilton and Luell
Johnston were home from 't
schools for over the week -end. " r
T.uckersmith Township
Capt. A. A. and. Mrs, Fowlie of
Gods ich visited the formers sister,
Mrs. S. G. Switzer of 'this; township
and his niece, Mrs, Noble:Holiand of
the Huron road, on Tuesday. ,
This operation shouldbe perform-
ed asearly in the sp1•ing as the
ground is fit. The hand cultivator,
rake and ]toe, are the small gar-
deners implements for surface tillage.
For heavier soils and for sod, the
disc barrow is invaluable, it should
be followed. 1))' the spike tooth liar
row, which' reduces the soli surface
to to state of fineness and"smooth-
ness. The mucker smoothing harrow
is a very useful immanent with
whieh to anislt agetable area pre-
vious to planting.:vo
hfitntiies and .Peret111zers.
Stable manure. is the best all-round
fertilizer for the garden. It supplies
both plant food and a ineehanioal
condition that favors the retention
of moisture, Applications u$ to 40
tons per ware are made on gardens.
when obtainable. But owing tothe
general scarcity of stable manures
chemical fertilizers are now largely
used in. coniunction with the more.
bulky stable product. Stable manure.
is deficient in phosphorous, so this
element should be added in the form
of acid phosphate at the rate of fol
hundred pounds' per acre. Poultry
manure is valuable, particularly for
thee leaf crops. • Care must be used
in its application to' soils growing
delicate foliage plants like the to
mato. Heavy applications will stim-
ulate tgo'mueltleaf growth on most
soils. - Coarse fresh manure Should be
applied in the wiltunln, and well rot-
ted manure in the spring.
Commercial', Fertilizers.
Report ofhog'shipments, for week
ending April 22, 1926:
Beatefield-Total hogs,- 92; 'select
bacon, 14; thick smooth,' 63; heaVies,
8; shop hogs, -6.
Brecefielcl-Ilatal hogs, 43. select
bacon, 13; thick smooth, 23; heavies,
1; shop hogs, 4.;
Lo}idesbaro=iTotal hags, 141; se-
lect bacon, 72; thiels smooth, 58;
heavies, 4;extra heavies, 1; shop
hogs, 3. lights and feeders, 1.,
Hebron bounty -Total. Inge, 1,219;
select bacon, 349; 4thielc Smooth, 696;
heavies, 69; extra heavies,- 2; shop
hogs, 41; lights and feeders, 28.
Pilei Disappear
No painful cutting or greasy salves
now needed to care piles In any.forin.
Leonhardt's Hem-lioi{l fres- the
blood circulation in .the lower bowel
and removes the cause.. Lt's brought
quick and lasting relief to thousands,
Must do the same for you or -money
refunded 'bY J. E. Hovey. and drug-
gists everywhere.
Commercial fertilizers may be used
successfully. -to .supplement ,a slant'
supply of stable,manure and to make
up the required quantities of the dif-
ferent elements which are needed by
Particular clops. For general use in
a small garden a complete fertilizer,
that is one ready.mixed,,.containing
about four per cent', nitrogen, ,eight
per cent. of phosphorous and' four.
;per cent, of potash, should be fairly
satisfactory, when used at the rate
of -two pounds tor each 100 square
feet of- surface,
Gained 10 Pounds in 22 Days '
That's going some -but .skinny
men, -women and children just 'can't
help petting on good healthy flesh
when they take McCoy's Cod Liver
Extract Tablets.
Chock full`of vitaniues-the kind
that are extract' ted from the livers of
the cod -the lcincl that are a real help
to /frail, rundown, anaerhic, skinny
men and women.
Try thesd sugar ,coated tasteless
tablets;. for 304 days -if they don't
help .greatly get, your money back. ,
Onewoman gained ten poundSS in
twonty=two days. Sixty tablets, sixty
cents. Ask any dreiggisf for McCoy's
Cod Liver Extraot Tablets, Directions
and formula on Seen box.
',`Get McCoy's the original and gen
nine. /
The effect of. nitrogen ' on the
growth of the plant is noted In the
development of the leafy parts, the
deep_ green color being particularly
noticeable.. In 6egetables sueculenee
is a highly desired -quality and nitro-
gen tends to, produce this, k
Phosphorous. `
4SEAFORTH: In the . death of
Mary McIntosh, widow of the late
John Campbell Mackay, the eldest
brother .of''the late Dr. Mackay, the
famous Formosa Missionary, which
occurred at her hone on Godenich
Street, west; at noon on Wednesday,'
this town has lost one of its eldest,
most widely known and esteemed cit-
izens. A slight stroke. two years ago
practically terminated a life of un-
usual activity, as since then she had
been an, invalid, and from last Nov-
ember had been confined to bed. Mrs.
Mackay was a daughter of : the late
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McIntosh, two of.
the first settlers in McKillop Town-..
ship, • where she was; born 84 years
ago. Of poineer pa •encs and born
in a day and. generation when the
first lessons taught to childhood were
industry, courage and resourcefulness,
Mrs. Mackay carried _these .teachings
through her life of many years, a life
of great activity, sometimes of sacrif-
ice, •al helpfulness helpfulness to
others, She was a wonderful wo-
man. Mrs. Mackay. was the last sur
viviitg member of her. family, but
leaves ,to mourn a` great loss, two
sons and three daughters,, Miss Eliz -
beth Mackay and Mr's. Lauchlin Ken-
nedy of Toronto, Dr. Charles Mackay,
Mr. W. C. Mackay and Miss M. W.
ltieokey, of Se,iforth.-Expositor.
The role given to phosphorous Is
plant growth 16 that it hastens ine-
quity, increases root : development
especially the fibrous roots, improves
the quality of the crop and increases,
the 'resistance of the plant to ,disease.
Potash. •
The third of the elements i6 essen-
tial to starch formation and in. its
subsequent transfer within the plant
itself, Sandy' soils and muck sells
are usually podr in potash. The ad-
ddition of potash except in small -quan-
tities is usually n'ot profitable, ex-
cepting for such crops as the potato.
Send for Bulletin 314 and get the
rest of the story. -Dept, of leontteul-
ture, `0, A. College.
BI.YTHe le,, Milne, farther orDreW.
J. Milne, died at his home early Tues-
day morning. Mr. Milne had been a
resident of 131ytli for 45 years, and
was; horn in Aberdtenshire, 'Scotland,
E 1846. For ten. years the late Me.
Milne , conducted . 'the Connieereial
HIotel, and also engaged in farming
on; elle Caldwell farm just outside the
village Mr. Milne was one of the
largest property owners in Blyth. The
funeral will take place on Thursday
a:fternoon. The services will be con-
ducted by the Rey. Geo. Telford, M,A,,
B.D., oe St. Ahdeew's church, of
which Mr, lVIilne was a member.
Rheumatic Pains Go
Swollen Joints Vanish
Thousands of -sufferers have, freed
themselves from the bondage of rheu-
matism; vice themselves of the tortur-
ing pain; reduced the swollen joints;
thrown away canes and crutches, and
from helpless beings became able to
work and be of use to themselvesd
their families. `
They tools Rheurna; the modern en-
emy. of rheumatism,; lumbago, sciat-
artlrr'itis, and•chronic neuralgia.
Don't be skeptidIbi about' Rheurna.
You will know in a few hours after'
beginning ' the treatment that .the
poisonous waste matter is leaving
your system through the natural
channels. You will' feel better in,a
day; you will 'know you are going to
be helped. rc.cl nl Jess then
c elc
Thele is no guess work about
Rheumy bringing you back to Health,
That's why 3. E,, Hovey awl:druggiets
ell it with gilarantee' of.
everywhere S
money back if it does not give quick
It alight Sarongs YOU to know how
mans Iden and women who have large 'in-
comes carry life insurance solely as a safe
and sure means of saving money.
These peo ;le, who have many attractive
opportunities for investing money, know
that life insurance is one of. the few_ forms
of investment which ere 'entirely fred'from
risk. •
'When your savings are invested in life
• insurance both principal and interest are
*absolutely safe. You are even free
the temptation: to spend your savings.
As your'. income .grows. inceease1,your
savings by adding to your life. insurance
each year.
It will be a• pleasure to give you any
information you may wish eo get on nee
insurance- matters..
M. ''_'. :CORLiSS
Agent for The Ontario Equitable Life and Accident
Insurance Company.
:firm rirp.
Victory Bond Interest
When your interest coupons become due,
or when you receive cheques for interest
on registered bonds, deposit them in a Sav-
avings Account in the Bank of Montreal.
The money you receive on your investment
in bonds will then earn interest for you.
Clinton Branch: M. R. SHARP, Manager
Established 1817
T@I .{
`' '` lb.
D!S.L. C
SULIc 11
LUXiu Toilet 3Cakaa
�,JX Form 25c
STUART'S 31b. Jar
armaaad$e+ 35c
AUT 2 TINS 25c
DUMOULIN Fry's Breakfast 111 NEMAPLE S
RUP : 'i 4.. �.� NES
Large C
®. 107
s in effect for on
Tlieso Price a week ¢roes data o¢ this paper 122•C
Mayfield Brand
Machine Sliced
,tgege.,N .1..911,44'.01.11491V41
° it at 1 lb. Tin. 39cr aN Sockeye 1,4 Ib: Tire 21C
i of ;t Old City Y ASPBilitHY 55c Reg. 65
Pure STRAWBERRY 65c Reg. 69
Bayside or Butterfly. TINS 29C
Choice Quality
, Cii®YCR�! TINS 23c
T@I .{
`' '` lb.
D!S.L. C
SULIc 11
LUXiu Toilet 3Cakaa
�,JX Form 25c
STUART'S 31b. Jar
armaaad$e+ 35c
AUT 2 TINS 25c
DUMOULIN Fry's Breakfast 111 NEMAPLE S
RUP : 'i 4.. �.� NES
Large C
®. 107
s in effect for on
Tlieso Price a week ¢roes data o¢ this paper 122•C
Mayfield Brand
Machine Sliced
,tgege.,N .1..911,44'.01.11491V41