The Clinton News Record, 1926-04-29, Page 2... ,CLINT0N 1 nada from Coast,:to, Cost ,EWSAm ' RECORD Ke.tvin,, N'S. --Th. discovery is Lang:mil) ' Matb--The ' fishermen repor,ted 0.f several new sca'llep bed's along the Wes,' slier:is of 1 Ali Mani- , t, • . in'tlie' Bay of Puncly, in th'e vicinity of tuba lenee juet closed one of, the ine't• Digby Gap. , The 'llest engaged in atikeessfiii aeasons' in raiz:4i. ;yeara,r, in‚ advance; to, can,adian addresses; „,,,,,e. ,-, , and ti ,h f. ..1 • ..., ... • , ; •.. ''''''' soalop filkhing, no'w ,,,,,•str-, d'),,, ten Thougli the catch bee not :Deem greater during ie mon:, o I. ian in tme il,r,t'b,V,' srason ine nixes $2.50 to the 1.1.S. or other foreign v - e's• , , ; - — , , ootmtrio,„ , No pn.por dta,emannied March record 'catches and priees were securdil havn possobly been the high - until ell arrears are paid, unless tit, realized. ' • • esl. ever received. ...i:• conservative esti- ...,,, the option of the pubtishei, The Saint John, N.B.—According to the mate of. the, total shipments for the date to which every subscription is, ropprt of the, Canadian Co-operafive season frern -two stations alone—Len- paid ,is denoted oa the label. • , Wool ,Growers' Association, the three gratil :inn Aroaranth—placos tits „Advertising Rates—Transient a (Iva).- Maritime Provinces in 1025 accounted 'Value at °et -x-5100,000. , . tia/n.g, 12c per count lirto- for first fa:, ,,, ,„1,, of 345 80, pounds „fl. wool, ._ - , insertion, 52 ,f or .. each su its eduent -• --- .,- ' ' ''' itegina, 8 1.10i."..=--./1..1.71e1101'itie1 in tile illSertiOn. .Heading etients 2 lines. a" c01111fiur4,d it 112,958 Panhds ill' , 1924, Of :be 1925 total;71.703 was :Ix( Pitti;,`„,'T.atei,li.” e°.,:nties, ric'IneMin().,,c't'm'a oosnot: ine1,1,,,sueb, as :"Waiited,"..'Lost," a„,,,,,,,z1In"a".,./-' 1,0 1.se'..ew,Brun's";1.`''Ic; 85,- e-drUcti-i(!in°n'ael2-Co.u”rg; of -if a-1°1114.1e-rs-t.tt,e-S,In- raYea, etc , inserted once tor u19 to Nova Seam; arid 40,027 pounds ;'' • , Srhall advertisements, not to exceed- ,, , , „ .gatc1iewan during the month. of July: . .„,. 35c, each subseqtent insertion ,150, to Prince •Edward Isl‘ n.. , 1a • . • n ..„ t pi oposod to ist, se ,,t• a- 4 , 1 Advertisements sent- in ••villiont, in- menta•eal, on, i,,,,-, it -n, t : struCtions as to the nunlber 01'1P-- eethnate made-lh'i—titi;--17,er4a-g-a,e 0-E° n'' including R,esrina and In'dian Ileac', l'Id- It is also lilteiy that the..paity wil CLINTON, ONTARIO TiirMs of Sulaserlption— $2.00 Der Yea ' BEirtiOM v;-a-nteclovill 01111 until order-Iti002. anci ER -0 united sta_uos Deiyart_ ed out anti will be charged accord- - visit the central section of, the pro- m nt, 05 Commerce Canada ranks ;nee .to ,8.oe how rei,,,,,t4r,g 55 112)00152ingly. Rates for osplay advertising . . -. . . 1 : made k.PNY11 011 aiMliettti.011. , third -in per capita national wealth in on there ns ,,,comparod to the moro Communications intenued for publi- the thirtY`frye nations listed. Can:- ention n1net, as a, „guarantee of good ada's national 'wealth was estimated faith, be acemnpanied by -the name df in 1925as`: $2,400 per ,caPita, as ilie: writer.. , ' againSt $2,918.10 the United States,. G. E. HALL; . ' M. It. CLARK, T `and $2,459 in Geeet Brittain. An esti- Proprietor. ” Editor. mate made in 1a53 gave Canada a per , . , .. . capita wealth of 51,100. ' i Sudbury, Ont.--Speiiking before the `Rotary Club here, -J. L. Agnew, Presi- d'ent of the Inteerrational Niekel Co„ made an important announcement re- garding the future deVnlopment of the nickel industry in the Sudbury d,ie'- triet. Outstanding in the prOgrain'of BANKERS this company, -which calls for a, total A general Banking Bus/n.622 trau.sitat., expenditure of 58,000,000, ii the de - 2)13. -Noteii Discounted. Drafts Issued, velefiment of the Frood Mine, situated Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sale 114 miles from Sudbury. About 2,500 Notes PurChesed, workmen Will 'ultimately, be employed on this development and it is phumed to Imre these people house in Sudbury and not to build a special towrisite. G. D. 'MeTAGGART M. MeTAOGART MeTAGGART BROS. H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer. Financial, Real Estate and Fire In- surance Agent. Represeeting 14 Fire Insuranee Companies. Division Court Office, Clinton. W. BFINDONE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Petinc, etc, Office. SLoAN BLOCK - CLINTON DR. J. C. GANDIER • Office H0urs:.---1,30 to 3.30 p.m., 6,30 o 8.00 pan., Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 pm. Other hours by a93)ointment:m.1Y.- Office and Residence — Victoria St. DR. H. S. -BROWN, la.M.C.C. ` Office flours .30 to 8.36 P.m. 7.80 t 1. o 9.00 p.m, Sundays,. 1.00 to 2.00 p.m. other hour& by appointment, - Phones Office anti Residence, Ontario Strebt. phone 218. DR. FRED G. THOMPSON Office and Resideuee; Ontario Street - Clinton, Ont. One door west of Anglican Church. Phone 172. . Eyes examined -anti glasses fitted. DR..PERCIVAI,., HEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street -Clinton, Ont. - Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by the late Dr, C. W. Thompson). Eyos Examin-ed and Glaeses Fitted, D. H. McINNES chiropractor—masseur O wiughtitu, will he at the C01111)1Ort *fat Inn, Clinton, , on Monday and Thursday fotenoons each Weelt. ' Diseases of all kinds successfullY handled, ' GEORGE ELL1Ofl0. Lleeneed Auctioneer for the County of 1-lucon. Correspondence promptlyanswered. Itantediate arrpngements tan be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaraie teed. B. R. HIGGINS Clinton'Ont. General Pire and Life Insuraime."Ageut for Hertford 'Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sicknese• end Accident resenance.' Huron and Erie and Cana- da Trust Donde. Appointments made to ineet parties at ,Brucefleld, Varna And Bayfield. 'Phone 57. OSCAR KLOPP HonOreOraduate Carey Joe' -National kohool of Atretioneering, Chicago, Sim. course talcen izt ,Pare Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Merdhandise and Farm Sales. 11ate fo Isteping with prevailing market. Satisfeetion as- sured. Write or wire, Zurich, Oat, Phone 18-93. The McKop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont, DIRECTORY: President, James Connolly., Goderich; Vice, James Evans, Benairivoetli Seer. -.Treasurer, Ti108. E. Days, Seaforth. Directors: George McCartney; Sea- einth„D, P.MoGregor, Seaforth;-J G. Grieve, Walton; WM, Bing, Seaferthe M. MeEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, liarlock; John Bennewebe Broclhugen; J6.8. Connolly, Goderich, - Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. IV. Yeo, Goderich; Ecl. Dinchray, Sea- foith; M7. Che,s'ney,,ligniontiville; R. . G, jarmuth, Brodhagen. Any money to. be paid in may be paid to Moorish Clothing co., ainton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to affect Insarance 01 transact Other business will lie Promptly attended to on application to any Of the above officers achires.sed to their respective post office, Lessee inspected by the Director who "lives nearest the scone, 521101a TABLE • Traitis arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Godericb Div. Going EDSt, depart 6,25 21.111. 2.52 p.m,. Going IrVi-1,2:'ur 1110 0.111. " " an 6.08 tip. 6.53 11.211. 10 04 p,rn. Lotition, Huron & Bruce Dlv, Going South, ar 7.56 Lip, 7.56 1.111. 42)) 9.121. 001115North, (lapel l 6.50 p.m, .05 11.15 21.12, southelly districts. Calgary, Atita.—OFing to the eldar atmosphere it le possible/to we 200 miles 111 cortam parteeof A-berta, ai against an average of 50 miles else- where in the world ancdexperiments te see exactly what can be done in this direction are to be conducted this spring by the 13111 Signalling Gorph of this city. The heliograph will be used in an attempt to break existing records. , ' New-Vestminster, B Ce—Work has commenced on the construction of the first unit, of the -Canadian Scottish Paper Co. plant here.. It will cost twelve thoosand chellard, exclusive of machinery. When this unit is COM- plete the company plans expenditure imniediately of a further $125`,000 for extensione. REBUILD SHAKESPEARE" „IVIEMORIAL. THEATRE All English -Speaking Nations to Subscribe Fund of $1,250,000., A despateh from New York says:— An organized appeal to all „English - awaking nations' to subscribe to a fund ef $1,250;000 for rebuilding and endowing thei Shakespeare Memorial Theatre it Stratford-on-Avem Eng- 4and, will coincide thie year with the celebration- of the- birthday of the great dramatist - Committees in England, Australia, Niw Zealand, Canada and the United Stats have completed final details ,Jf the prograrn and the campaign- will open next Monday, the 863rd anniver- sary of Shakespeare's birth. Thousands of Ainericans visited the birthplace of Shakespeare; and thou- satds 1110TA attended the Spring and Summer 'festivals in the memorial theatre in past years before the the- atre was destroyed by fire lust Merch. In rebuilding the'thetre and pro- Firemeres New .Mask ,Riding for a Suitable endowment, till- ' The Ferrell gas mask, a lighter type tons. -of England thought to raise the that it; being lutrodueed in the Toronto „entire sum themselves but were pre - Eire Department, was teed tor the first [vaned upon to invite all English - time' in a Xing Street Rre recently. speaking countries, tro perticipete in It gave very satistatitory results, Queen Mary Denies Request for Shorter Court Gown ----- A despatch from London sayell- The Lord Chamberlain's office, and fashionable modistes of the West End of London and in Paris are at great variance as to how long the skirt of a fashionable gown shoukl be. "Foui or five iechee from the ground?" ie the edict of Queen Mary which has remained unchanged for aeveral years in spite of the exposed knees which Pares designers have been favoring. Women presented at the Court of St. Zentee have been compelled to listen to the dress regulations set forth' by- the Lord Chamberlain's of who urge the commitment of a boy t fice and there is tio indication 'thathat he may "get an education," with- out realizing the kind of education thee, will be ally modification in the he may absorb from evil-mieded mo- nde about skirt- lengths: Many dresamakers have made re- elates in the school. , s o quests that the regulations,be altered AM sentenceshuld be subject to review by an impartial broad-minded to allow this year's court' dresses to be man, backed up, when necessary,,by eight inches from the ground, but a report from a inental expert. There thein request has been refUsed by the Queen. - are 1101 -11 few instances where a Datighter Born to Duke and Duchess of York A. despatch from London says:—: A daughter was born to the Dtike and Put through the- same edueational Duchess of York at. 2.40 o'cloek this grind as at present. Getting relatives, (Wednesday) morning. propee.y interested and co-operating The Duchess occupied her own child -,11" the boy's best Welfare should re - hood bedroom in the town house of eeiw' consideration, If no worthy her father, the Earl of Strathmore, relatives are available then the sooner which added a thrill of sentiment to a reliable foster home can be found the happy event, ' the better. Interest the boy in him - The Duke of York is the second gee self. Develop whatever good and of the British Sovereign and his mar_ kindly qualities he may possess with- riage to Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyorf' out alluding to,pag faVuies or dwell - took place in Westiniester Abbey, iTs> onhis faults—and his refertnation April 4, 1923. This is their first child is more likely to be assured, 1 Easter Near April' 1 Hurts Fret-AC/1 Finns French confectioners hav,e a griev- ance against the calendar, and earrn estly hope tb.e League of Nations amends it -se that Easter Sunday never falls so near the first of April as this Easter 82121202" 10 marife11 in Fritheb ley pieSente ot chocolate egps, While chocolate fish are the traditional gifts for April Fools' Day, The cantle' sellers find that when theee days oc- cur in the same week their sales diminish ,serlously. 'Charles O. Frater Leading To'ronto educationist and prin- cipal for the past 20 Years of Manning Avenue public 0011001. it whose honor the institutin is to be -re -named. Ile will thus Itav'e the unicnie experience of heading a school bearing his Oval name:- ' • 300,000 Persons Affected by Floods in Brazil - . A despatch_frorn itio -De Janeiro says :---Summer rains, which ha-ve been falling steadily since January over theemeth.ceatrel plateau of Bra- zil, have resulted in serious 'flood, causing distress to more- than 300,000 persons, Enormous property damage and loss of lives have taken place, ae- cording to information received by tiv Federal Meteorologicel Service. The Sao Francisco and Parnahyba Rivers have reached record flood stegere the Sao Francisco -being up 33 feet;frorn its low-water lever, • the drive. The l3r1tish committee M headed by Premier Baldwin, Ramsay MacDonald, the Earl of Asquith and Oxford, and Thomas Hardy, Dean of Contempor- ary English Literature. Delinquent Youth. "Committing a lad to a Reformatory us a matter of serious import and should, be carefully considered in view of all that is involved," said X. S. Kelso in an interview recently. Mis- takes are often made in condemning a boy for one bad offence; the Magis- trate,rney too readily accept the testi- mony of prejudiced witnesses, or he may allow an angry consteble to have his way. Then too, there are people change of neighborhood and eongenial surroundings would have effected the necessary improvement in conduct. There is a:80 the importatt qtiestion of classification and the -kind of train- ing needed, for all boys should not be 34 VittasIberveternen at FashiOne.bie Werkllng rty-f.our -Was iminv o tem 10010 itinong the invitelegunsts 2)1 1)10 receut wedding of Lady Sheila Scott, (laugh - Sir John Pickford ter, of the Countese of Slorimb113-Eo Chief commissioner of tho British 7307 Maj<Ilr IlIonsell Jackson. ' Scouts anti commissioner for ()VeMeaT The Countees‚ of Clonmell owns a scouts ance Migration, is now in. Can- hand larmary in Oeford Strs.et, and, ada seeking to melte arrerigemeets el, she Pnr1 hor deughter are we') ;lc.' whereb!,' , this counCry will receive, a 0001211ed With. ell 'the women employ - TORONTO. Mnr Ye/teat—No, 1 flerthe „ .76; - No. 2 Nortii,, .51.71 ;• No, trNorth pot quoted.' " " . Men. oats ---3'01. 2 ClAT,,,` nominal; No. 3, not quoted; No, 1 feed, 62c; No, 2 . feed, 501•1c; Western grain quotations . on c.i.f. bay ports. , • , An. corn, track, 'foronto---No. yellow. 85140; No. 8 yellUw, 981,4c. , Mil:feed—Del„ Montreal freights,. bags included: Bonn,perton, 531-.•25; , shorts, per ton; 533.25; middlings, ili10:25; geed fe•ed flour, per bag, 52.30, ' Ont. onts.-44 to 46c, f.o.b. shippinif points„'; Ont, good milling. wheat -51.37 to 51.39, f.o.b. shipping 'points, according to freights.' Barley, malting -62 to 64e. Buckwheat—No, 2, 72e. . -11ye—No. 2, 85e. ,Man, deur—First pat., $9, Toronto; do,' second pat. $$.50. Ont. flour-2Terente, 90 per cent. pat., per barrel, in earlots,. Toronto, $ .20, eeaboaid,, in bulk, 56.0. Straw—Carlots, per ton, 59 to $9,50, -Screeniegs—Standa-rd recleaned f. 0.10, bay Porte, per ton, -$22.50. Cheese—New,- large 20e; twins, 21e; triplets, 22e; StiltOns, -23ce Old, large, 26c; twins, 26c; triplets, 27c. Butter --Finest creamery prints, - 391/e to eifi1/2c; 1 'creamery, 89 to 40c; No. 2, 37 to 38c, Dairy prints, 83' to* 35c. ' " Eggs—Fresh extras, in cartons, 35 - to 86e; fresh extras, loose, 33,C; freili firsts, 31c; fresh seconds, 26 te 27c. . Dressed. poultry-r-Chiekense lb., 70,te 80ce chickeneeilbe 8510 37o, hens, oVer 4 to.5 bac 4 lbs., 270; roosters; 25c; ducklings, 5 lbs, and up, 30 to 31c; tbrkeya, '40c. Beans—Can. hand-picked, .$2.a0,per bushel; primes, -52,40 per bushel: ' Maple- produee—Symip, • per imp. gal., $2.40; per fegal, $2.30 per gal..; maple sugar, lb„ 25 to 26c; maple syrup, new, pee gal., $2.50. • • Honey -50 -lb, tins, 11% to 12c per Ib.; 10 -lb. tins, 1135 to 12c; 5-1b. tins 11 te 12312e; 21h -lb. tins, 14 to 141/fic: • *Smoked- meats—Flems, merY.; 29 to 8lee cooked hams; 46 to 48e; smoked tolls 22c; cottage, 25 to 210; break- fast 'bacon, 32 •to 360; speCial brand New Gold Reel Struck ' ac ma; Australia „ A despatch from Meteurne, Aus- tralia, ,says;—A gold rush has begun to War'ianclyte, Victoria, ighere num- erous claims have already been pegjed out. A new reef has been struck In the bills close to the old Caledonia reef which yielded 79,000 ounces. Sir John go Roheck Who recently aesumed the high reek of admiral of the fleet RoyaTheer "Round -up" in WildMest Fashion A deer "roundqw, presenting scenes more xeminiseent of the Wild 'West of Canada than peaceful rural Eng- land, has been held In Rent to obtain deer to be mixed with the l'ew remalu- ing herde on the aneient eetates of -England. • • Te king's ranger at Richmond Park, Ashridge, was in charge of the "round -up." The procedure wait for riders:do abase the deer tor alll 11.011g -or tiro be pletureseus fashion, with midi shouting and cracking of whips, until the aniumle were tired out. Then they were driven into an incloeed space. , Animals eelected for the herds were then secured, after being thrown much as a cowboy "bulliloge" a. Meer, and loaded on motor truoks for the journey to their Lew ,homes. - re,kftts bacon, .3 mu- cs,s, o 43e, , C u red inents4,-Loug eleai- bacon, 00 to 70 lbs. '524 25; 70 ta 90 110. $213,757 • • 20,1b5, and 'up, 522,34; lightweight t*-• Os$ O APPeb 10 39c; eT:atztireThoutd, od ers tp e: rille es their ionic modieine for that tired feeling, nervous wealcnees, ire - Pure blood, and testify that it makes them feel better, eat and sleep better. Sareaparilla has given en - r°,1," fon, oba„rrcils:- $,4,2,'15°; hvavYweigh'" the satisfaction to threo generations 00"`e 1")" 71)- in the a -esculent, of general debility. , Lard—pure tierces, I '/2 18o; it iestores the,appetite, relieves that tubs, 18 to 3817e,c; palls, 181s to 19c; tired feeling, enables Lilo system to prints, 191/4 to 23c;„ shorionhg, resist infectious di100,50131 tierces, 15 to 161/2c; tubs, 151/2 to Dia; Hood's Sarsaparilla aids digestion pails 16 to ititt,J c ; blocks, 171/2 to 18e: and makes food taste good. A gooe llsavy steers, choice, $7-.50 to 58; 'ev-tharti° do, good, ri to -57.25; butcher s5te6.e2r5s,to‘thi)6.17cee; 5d7o,tcoorn5.7.-t5o9;medrio:, g$5°8toci' Y MAY 56; butcher heifers, choice56.50 to ASCEND THRONE 57•25; tie, good, 56 to, $6.50; „de, corm, 55 to 55,50; butcher cows, choice, $5.25 to $6; clo, fair to ghter of Date and 13ttCheaa ------- a> $5; butcher bulls, good, $5 -to $5.75; • bolognas, 33:50 te. $4; cannera and a York is lleiret irt Line cutters, _stso to $3.50; springers, of Socce.‘,r43ion. choice,, $80 to $901 good /Mich cows, 570 to $80;erneclium cows, $45 to $60; A despatch from London says:—All feeders, gond, 56.21 to $6.75; do, fait, day 10115 there 'eres 31 procession of 55 to $6; stoc,icers, good, 5 to 55,150; visitors and messengers do, fair, $4.1.- to $5; calvez, choice, coming and going from the Bruton $12 to $12,75;' de, good, $10 to $11; do, lights 55 to $9,50; good lambs, $14 to $1,490; do, med„ 512.5010 $13; do, culls, $10 to $11.50; good light sheep, $7 to $9; heavy sheep and bucks,- $5-.50 to $6,60; hope thick smooths, fed and watered, 5l3.60; do, f.o.b., $13; do, country points, $12.75; de, off cars, $14; do, thick fats f o b 112;50; select premiurn,‚,.$2,65. Oats, No.M2°C1\TWTR„E7A0cL;. No-. 8 CW., 66an.-sp e; 47.xtrrIngNove.hleafeed, 62.:4firsts,eF'51°u6r; M seconds, 58.50; strong bakers', $8.30; winter ,pats., choice, $6.40 to $6.§.0. , , BBr°alan(4 °5a3tils.2,5b.48''S0h0ortTh'ss'' S$33:33.205tp. 5M13.41. dlings, 540.25. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, 513.50. : Butter, No. 1 pasteurized, 311/2 10 32c. Eggs, fresh 'extras, 36c; fresh .firsts, 33 to 34e. Potatoes., Quebec, per bag, car lots, $4 to $4.25. Com. crittle,, $3.25 to $4,50; craves, ordinary quality, 56.75 to $7,25; do, better grades, '57.60 to $7.75; hogs, seas, and Empress of India. Alo 1818- $14,50: tory would be repeating, itself„ for 7, Queen Victoria came to the Throne under,just such ciretinistances. Vic- toeia's father was dead, and a;though Iwo youngir sons of George III. were living, the crown passed to her. As it is, the new baby is tbe fourth lady of the landeranking in soelal pre- cedence' only behind Queen Mary, Princess Mary and the Duchess .0( York. 'Street hem° of the Earl of Strath- more, where the Duchess of York, on April 21st, gave birth to her first child, a chTlegliter, Announcement of the birth thrlliled thousands of British subjects almost as much as_ it did the Royal family and nearly pushed cricket and the coal crisis out of thetnews. For this is a very inmortant baby, mere important than the Kirirts two other grandchildren, the sons of Prine ems Meey.' One (lay the child may be Queen of Englahel, 2)8 she is third in the line of succession. Should the Prinn a Wales have no direct heir, should the Duke and Duch- ess of York ,never have a son, and should the daughter outlive King George, the Prince of Wales and her' father, she would become by the Grace of, God Queen of the United Kiegdorn -ofGreat Britain and Ireland, and of ` the British dominions beyond the Stolen Crown of Kaiserin Worn by Hermia at Doorn A despatch from Berlin says:—New clues Van been -uncovered by Prussian State deteetives in the hunt for the .48760O0 jeweled crown of the late Queen Augusta, first- wife of Kaiser William II., which mysteriously die - :appeared from the Royal' Palace on Miter den Linden more than three years ago. „ The Information virtually establish- es that the crown was smuggled opt of the palace in 1922, and that Prin- cess, Herinine von Reuss wore' it Adorn, Holland, wheii sh,e married the former monarch iii exile. The crown legally belongs to the Pruseian Gov- ernment. former court jeweler told the police thee the crown was brought to him in a leather het box by' a man who represented himself as an agent for the former Raiser. The man, it is said, told the jeweler it was Williden'e greatest desire to see Princess Ber- mint Wear the crown of his former Queen at the 'altar. From measure- ments the Kaiser lknew the crown -would not fit the Princess and asked that it be made smaller. The jeweller said the agent tailed for the crown after it had been re- modeled with the remark that he was taking it to Doorn for the wedding, November 6,.1W2-. 7 3 Governor-General Reviews Whitewood Veterans A despateli fix= Whitewood, Sask., says :--His Excellency Baron Byng of Virny, Governor-General of Canada, Was much improved when the special cerrying the viceregal party on a fare- well tobr of Westeen Canada arrived here, The inflammation which had fel- lowed an infection in his foot had sub- sided considerably, and he was able to bake part in the various functions arranged in his honor. Accompanied by Lady Bing and members of this staff, the Governor- General visind the war memorial, at- tended a formal reception given by the Town Connell, reviewed the war vet- eran% and received the citizens,. He eeplied to addressee of welcome, and requested that the sehool children be given a holiday. CARLOAD OF ALESIII PPED AS "GREASED WOOL' DUMPED INTO -NIAGARA RIVER A 'despateh from ,Buffalo saya:—A full freight -ear load of ale from Lon - am, Ont., was dumped into the Nia- gera River op • erder from Fred A. ‚Bradley, Collector, of Customs. ' The ale 'was eeized at Black Rock by Fed- eral agents. • , e ' The Customs had been ieformed that a carload of "greased wool," con- signed froin Chicago to Newark,, tra- veining in bond through Can:icier Would he found to be more liquid than grease, 'and more glass than wobl. .Sevezal cars ,evere inspected at tho United Statee'end of the International Bridge. The seals 011 the "grease" car' were found to be in perfect condi- 1 tion, indicating that the car had been bonded at Detroit The bills of, lading epparently were flawless, but when the car was opened it 'was found to be filled with bottled ale in cases. Falsification of bills of lading. and the affixing of Customs searti, so.that a shlinnent of contraband originating in Canada would cross the border He a shipment' ofe ordinary merchandise, in bend from Detroit` to some other 3.1.8. point, fe the worst smugling evil with which the Customs ha've had to contend, they eaid. Several Months ago there yeas threat,frem Washing- ton that the bonding, privilege would be abrogated. King George, Economizing, Cut His Palace Expenses Buckingham Palace and the other royal residences of King George and Queen Mary have come „within the range of an economy campaign 11180- guratede by the sovereign lihnself. The Ring, speaking at the ()pent* of Parliament, 'emphagized the neces- sity of "etionomy in every sphere," and has now brought his suggestion into practieal effect, It has been announe- Lt.-Ooi. R. Ralkes, 0.S.E, ed that the upkeep for the royal pal - men known. army physician, who ( id aces for the financial • Year will be in Midland, Ontario lest 67, -weelie t geed 31:0,000 ($50,000) less that last year. , The royal residences which are main - re . Mined out of the civil service esti- MEN IN ROWBOAT onatea include Buckingham Palace, HAVE ' 1Viarlborough House, Windeor Castle NARROW ESCAPE and Frogmore Rouse. Caught in Ice Floes in Niagara Poets Paid to "Plaster" River But 1Vlanage to Reach , Shore. Drawing Room Walls • The latest London society craze le 11. 'despatch from Niagara „ „ likely to bring an ere 63 prosperity to O"e" says:—.Niagara 5'611s, Fite- young poets. Mayfair's newest ideas men were called out to the rescue 02, of decoration consist of having the three men In a rowboat who were walls of , rooms coiered with verses caught in the ice -flees near the: written 10 order. A. fee of five gain - .United States • shore. The boat I oas is the general Trite Reid for each was carried tepidly, down stream poem and the demand is so good for before the men succeeded,' in get.- lyrics, which vange between eight ting it clear of the ice, The iden- lines and twenty, that pries are likely tity of the pnen was not ascertained, ,The inen,. were first noticed by some t° rise' fishermen, They battled with pikes and poles to free the craft, without avail. It was goon surrounded by flees and being carried down toward the Upper river and the falls. Lasalle, N.Y., boatmen tried to get to the boat, but were compelled to put into. shore when their own boats were menaced th it y 0 e. The police and firemen were called out, hut the men were able to Obeer into shore beton the more dangerous part a tbe rapids was reached. Usually ,the rooms chosen for t tie - • fad eree,etnall music rooms, studies and batuloirs, but 'several persons have started such deeoratione on the walls of drawing, rooms. Prospective bridegrooms have given orders for verses of welcieme for the bride, „ Fatal Habit. Dumb—"Do you think growieg old Is a habit?" San---nYealf, au' a bad ono. too. Eeep it up an' it'll sum get yen." WHEAT CROP OF INDIA MAY SHOWDECREASE Reduced Yield baidiatecl by First Forecast of 1926 Production. • A 4.1eSpatchs f rem 0 ttaw a says :— The Indian• -director .0f statistics at Calcutta has cabled that the first fore- cast of the eroductioe 1,2 wheat iu fridia fee, -the 'season of 1925.24; is e:10,205,000 bushels from 29,609,000, a dr e s , 'as "tempered with 321,651,0001 letithels from 81,778;000 tres, ehe final; eslienates for 1924-25, and with 329,-' 611.000 bushels from 25,784,000 acres,. the'annual average for the fire years ertled 1923. ‘' I The area now reported represente decrease of 1,874,000 acres, or 6 per, cent, and the production a decrease of 4:448,000 bushels, or 1,4 per, cent,' es compared with the fieal 6,itimate 'fin' 1924-231 1 Tion'tletitmn too long, it will lead to chronic Indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miaerable, s ick headaches, nen, vousnese, depree- eion and aallow complexion.Just try, CHAli/fBERLAIN'S STOMACH & LIVER TABLETS. Theyee- lieve fermentation, indigestion -- gently but surely Beane, the waters and keep the stomach andliverinperfect running order. ,At all druggists, 210„ 05 117 millions 11 Chamberlain 1VIedieme Go., Toronto &Aria flood These Arnasing Stories of Success, nonta stu :re, Woll. red'IMS' *nom Ap site Osr e s- our.s:lb tin1O' 51 10615 yea eon easily master the,secretS'Of aelling that make Star Salesmen. Whatever your experience hos been—WM(0e0 you may be doing nowt -whether or netyou think you ean just answer thls gueo118n7 Arr, YOts o0,1118101,0 to Oars WOO Year? .Thea get In tomb with me ot oncel X will prove to you Ivitbout; cost or obligation thht yog earl easily berm, 1 Star Salesman. I will eb‘ew you how tbO Salesmanship Training and aye. EmIllOymcat Sernee of the f7.0,,T,A,t,11,1ite1170‘,1.10 qOilk success in Salsa. ' "r" $1 0 000 A Year Selliirlg Secrets greater share 01' Cie British boys now ess, front seats were reserved for emigratieg to the cleminiceis. Sir Rem- these hi, the 'g'allerV, of St.: Mark's 139 3 PERRY 11108 SCHOOL EURNS Milehaticany denies-, euggestions that chnree North liejelley greeet wee-0 ',here ls snewn all that 'remnies of 1.110-o'el' /nen reheel the scoot movement is, militaristic:, tee .fasbeenahle wedding. (rink piece, One weieh up in snicite 117, Tho Scents 61 52), Solosnong.r, AA loofnt by the V, r, 11 A. hos enabled' nousonlo, (111.10.. 01gh0 lenvo 1,1101 foy ever no 004)5611'nntl Donn soy of bnyi•ollOy sobs soak loot) uothors 3.0 mans. onot you 00 110)0 dOillg, 110 50)6 01 moiling otos, you A oin future, Uot, no facts. flational Salesnien'a Training Assecieti.-,r. tarmdirtn Mve. Oo% 368 `Toronto. Ont. -ottosse.s