HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-29, Page 1No. 2355 48th 'Yeat.
Cit 'TON
-ONtAttItic,, TEPIR SD
it runes Ysi
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RU., 29, 1926'
VGir6e Will Sive9eiaelrl
t6 the •s�iiceegsful Student
:-because no graduation is complete without a token of appreeiktion
and admiration of that first ttceessaf Life --and because there• is
a'Nornothing like jewelry for pen'tnanency'•ond lasting satisfaction. No.
is there anything that may `li givein to the graduate that will develop
dation." "'These suggestions
g�reater appreciation.- may help you in your
FORIRL -Wrist Watch, Necklace, Pearls, Bracelet, Vanity Cases
FOR BOYS -Watch, , Watchw' Chain; -Cuff„ Links, Tie Clasp, Rings.
Char V�
From a standpoint of
QUALIT3i and
These frock's are
With the advent of
May conies our first show-
ing of sunnier styles
Watch our windows
which will be changed
almost Daily.
Every Man will Dress up at •
It's the coning out time for
Men of all ages.
' Everybody warms rip to the
situation and spruces up a bit.
In case you do not care to in-
vest:,too much ' money " and still.
want to dress well, we 'call your
attention, to our
Two i
• rouser Suits
for Men, and
young, Men
t $22.50 :and -$25.00 i
It'sTop Coat Weather
e and
�' attractive In is Ve
Our showing
contains models to suit the tastes es
of every
er,'garment beaut
f- , .
cut and s 1en
Men'sRaincoats $7.50 to'$15.00.
to $25.00
Deal fat. Ever.
Square'y Man
Wheat, $1,35. -r
Oats ,40e to 45e.
Buckwheat, 600.
Barley, 60c.
Eggs, 20e to 27e..'ri
5 0 26e.
es 2 c
Hogs, 812.75.
The Huron Milk Products, Limited,
has purchased front Mr. 'S.1S..Cooper
the old Molsons Bank building, •Rat-•
tenbury street, the building formerly
occupied by Clinton Club and the
Jackson Mfg. Co.,''the engineers,
Messrs. M. R. Carpenter, Chicago, and
W. A. "Drummond, Toronto, having
decided that it was most suitable for
the purposes of the company. The in-
terior -will be • •altered to suit and 'as
soon as Possible Work will• be conn-
While the building,is being
the company Will fit up an of-
fice in the old Jackson office.
Mr. R=A. Roberton, Massey -Harris
agent; who,was obliged to vacate the
premises in the Hydro bu\ldin g..°°last
year, and who had taken,,a 6easein
this building, is looking for new 'near:`
tees. •
The inaugural meeting of the
Huron Presbyterial Society of. the
Women's Missionary Society of the
United Church of Canada was,' held: in
Ontario street United church on Tues-
day, with morning and afternoon ses-
sions., A large number *ere present,
the church being filled, including the
gallery, especially at the afternoon
Mrs. X. E. Hogg of Clinton pre-
sided. The morning session, after
.the opening devotional exercises and
the address of welcome, delivered by,
MTS. Moorhouse, was givenup to
business, arrangements for- next
meeting, appointment ' of representa-
tives to the "'Conference branch,9,etc.
Mrs. Crowe of Guelph, gave, a talk
nn the suggested constitution and by-
laws: Mrs. Willis of Wingham was
appointed convenor of a nominating
At the hour appointed for conn-
mencing 'the afternoon session, two
o'clock, the' delegates,. led by the re-
presentatives of the three societies
becoming one by union, marched in to
the singing of "The .Church's One
Foundation," and took their places in
the`eentre pews which had been re-
served for them. Mrs..James,Hamil-
ton of Goderich was the representa-
tive of the Presbyterians; Mrs. John
Wilson of Wingham, the Congrega-
tion 1representative and Mrs. J. H.
Colborne of Goderich the Methodist
representative. Mrs. Hogg led the
service and Mrs. 'Willis of. Wingham
led the invocation. After tho singing
of another hymn and the reading of
•passages of scripture, some respons-
ively, a responsive service was gone
through and then the representatives,
one after the other, spoke for their
societies which were giving them-
selves to constitute • one united
society. ' This - "Hallowing of the
Union," was a very impressive ser-
The Rev,: Geo. Telford of Blyth,
chairman of the Presbytery, brought
greetings from the Presbytery and
Mrs. Crowe, who was Dominion presi-•
dent of the W. M. S. of the Congre-
gational Church, gave an inspiration-
al missionary address, which was
listened to with pleasure by 'all pre-
• Mrs. J. G. Chowen of 'Clinton sang
a solo, the chairman of the 'nominat-
ing .committee presented het report
and the - officers were. elected and
then installed by Mrs. Crowe. Mks.
R. ICydd of Exeter made the conse-'
oration "prayer and Mrs.Barnby of
Blyth the closing prayer.
Following is the list 'of officers for
the ensuing eyar:
Hon. Presidents: Mrs. Hamilton
and Mrs. Colborne, Goderich; Its.
Wilson, Wingham.
President: • Mrs. J, E. Tiogg, `Clin-
ton. '•
1st -Vice: Mrs. Mollard, Exeter.
2nd Vice: Mrs. Willis,r Wingham.
3rd Vice Mrs. Andrew, Goderich.
4th Vice: Mrs. McDonald, Egniond-
11 NN .
A:t'qulet 1'ia 4 .was; Solemnized
at the Ontario street United church,
parsonage at high noon ;on Tuesday,
when -Miss `,Lenora, second youngest
daughter of Mr:* • and Mrs: George:
Mann of Hullett township, beta.
the bride of Mr.' William B Pearson
eldest son of Me Benlannin Pearson
of Goderich township. The 4eremony
-was ,performed Eby the ` Rev. C, J.
Moarhouse. ..
The' young couple were, unattended,
•cI'he Beide wore a pretty.frock' of
peach crepe, with .gold trimmings,
and -haat to snatch.
.Mr:. and Mit. Pearson will reside in
Goderich township and :theyhave the
good wishes of their friends for a
happy' married life.
Reports showing splendid financial
in all .
and numerical increases
partinents featured the annual 'meet-
ing of Lucknow .United' Church, at
which the pastor, Rev. T. W. Cosens,
presided. ",There are 346 connmuni-
cants' on the roll, 26 having been• re-
ceived during the year on profession.
of faith and 111 by certificate. On
motion' of Dr. Spence and 5.-o. Rath -
well, a hearty vote' bf appreciation
was extended Eo Rev. and Mrs. Cos -
ens for their faithful . and efficient
work during the year, several two -
minute s2eeclies were"". '.given, all
sounding a note of optim'iin. 'The
stewards were all' re-elected. Rev.
Mr. Cozens is a former pastor of the
Ontario street church, Clinton.
Ontario street church, Clinton, and S.
L. Rathwell is a former member of
the sante church, having been a resi-
dent here for 'several years.
Ontario Street United Church
The monthly fellowship meeting at
ten o'clock.
The morning message: "The
Christian Sign." This `is' the •eons-
munion sei<tice 'and a rally 'of the
members is asked for., Evening.sub-
ject:' "The Prodigal: Wandering in
Sin." •
The Juniors meet on Friday even-
ing at seven o'clock.
Cor. -Secretary: , Miss Counts, Hee-
Of pianos to Seuth Attica, recently. nage of Mnss Gertrude A. O'Neill,
The car deft here at five o'clwck on daughter,of Mrs. Eliza E. O'Neill of
the evening of Tuesday 'April • 1five3t1' Denield, to; Mr. Frank. G. W. Watson,
nmol' retnuhed Halifax at half past .five
on the afternoon of Monday, April;Wingham, formerly of Clinton. The.
is t c •" lee • Taco on Saturda a
1)th, beating, the ' boat,, wh h h ry marriage fey s ] y
were designed tv catch, by 'nearly ,ternoon, Ma' 1, at Sunnyside,, Farm's;
three days. This was pretty good'
Doherty -Pianos shiJpedia car', load'. Invitations are out for the mar -
speed for w ear of freighh,and. show
that• the CanadianNational `ts not 'lA.S GONE TO BRUCE
sleeping on the job.'
Mr. J. Y. t6ellouRh}
• who since last.
-HURON PRESBYTERY MEETS.•,' September, has been assistant; ugricul-
tural representative for Huron county
The Presbytery • of Ilurou'met in
Wchurch on Tuesday, 'morning has- been ` appointed assistant for
and afternoon. ,Almost a fuHrepre-
Bruce county ani] commenced his new
septation of ministers and laymen at duties at Walkerton on Monday. Mr,
tended and' many 'item's of routine
Ke1longh:graduated•,from the 0. A..0..
business was disposed :of. / in 1925. • He was a member of ,th'e
Rev. George Telford, of Blyth, chair- livestock• judging team which relive-
of Presbytery, presided. sorted the 0.A.C at the Toronto
.Speer interest attached to the re -
Toronto. nto he. tl and Chicago International. At
won the
gold medal for
i t crane and Extension .
ports on'Matt e dsheep judging, During the past two
and also on Boundaries. The Rev, W: stannne •s he was connected with the
D.- McDonald of Egntondville ..pre- '.poultry department at the O. A. C.
seined the report on Maintenance and
Extension. The first alocation, $60,- He:is interested in his work, is agree-.
000, -has been, raised. Later the -Pies- able and efficient and will no doubt
bytery wast aeked to take another , succeed, His Clinton friends wish
him success. ••
$10,000. This. has not been raised, t
although some fends are still to cone Mr, D. A. Andrew, who has been
in: According to the report several attending -0. A. C. at -Guelph, has're-
charges in the Presbytery exceeded '"turned td his old work as assistant in
their alocation -considerably. Alto- 'the Clinton office. His old friends
gether it was ,considered an interest- here, ens well as his chief, Representa-
ang and encouraging report. • tive Stothiers, welcome him back to
The report on Boundaries was pre- town. 1 -
sented by the Rev. J. E. Hogg. A de FORMER RESIDENT DIES.
tailed report will be published later,
.somealterations havin
g to be made
Tjie .following is from the Morris
but a great deal of interest attached correspondent 'to the Brussels Post:
to this, as much depends upon the "On Saturday morning, an old resh-
satisfactosy adjustment o£ the born- dent of con. 2 passed away in the per -
theof charges. We hope to have .spit, of ]Mary Ann Campbell, wife of
the' full report for next week.,. George W. Turvey, at the age of 76
CHURCH DECIDED UPON. years, 7 months and 14 days. 'De-
ceased had not enjoyed real good
At a well -attended congregational health for the last 11 years, and suf-
mneeting held yesterday evening a fered a stroke three weeks ago. The
'resolution was 'presented by the board late Mrs.' Turney was born in Scot -
that Wesley church be used for all land, and when a child of 4 years,
church services, that the Presbyter- cane to Canada settling in ,Clinton
ian book• of praisd be used by the, ,for 3 years, where her father followed
congregation and that the Rev. J. E. his trade. They later moved to Mor
Idogg be invited as pastor, was adopt- tis township, and 59 years ago Mrs.
ed. Also the congregation was asked Turvey was united in marriage to her
to vote upon members of a session now bereft partner, and they moved
and a committee of stiwarcls for a to the farm upon which site resided
term of five years. the rest of her life. Besides her bus -
The Rev. Mr. Holmes opened the band, she is survived by two sot's,
meeting, later asking the Rev. Mr. William, in British Columbia and
Hogg. to take :charge. Mr. Hogg, af- Robert, on the homestead, ' and one
ter explaining the object of the gath- daughter,. Mrs. Robert Coulter; East
ening, called for the presentation of Wawanosh, .and one brother. Dun
the resolutions. can Campbell, 1st• con, Mrs: Turvey
JDr• Gandier presented the first was a staunch member of the Presby -
resolution. He explained that the terian church, The funeral on Mon -
two congregations had come together day. afternoon was Conducted by the
in the interests of the success of the Rev. Mr, Walden • of. Bluevale. Inter -
United Church of Canada, and that ment was trade in Bluevale cemetery.
in doing so they entered upon^.'' great The sympathy of the community is
adventure. He believed that the ex- extended to Mr. Turvey and 'family
perinient had been successful and in their loss of wife and mother."
that It would become more so. There ZITTLE LOCALS.
had been a number of difficulties in
the way of such a union, many of The town counicl meets on Monday
which had been surmounted as they even
went along and the several organize-
rganize tions had come together 'without frit. Mrs. R. H, Johnson will receive the
tion. One of the questions which had, first Thursday in each month.
been left to decide was that of a Gedencch-had seven deaths during
permanent church home. - The board the three winter months, January,
had decided that it was best to leave February and March.
this over until the congregation had
become better acquainted, but that Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Peers are
the time had cone when it was moving into their ntw residence, the
thought advisable to have the mat- W'arreuer• house, Mary street, this
ter decided., He thought the board week,
had anted wisely in considering the Mr. II. Crich has purchased from
natter fir3•t.and he hoped the eongre- -NLrs, L. E. Doherty the house which
gation would not only accept the. re- belonged port of the board but would adopt it. to her mother in Victoria
On the motion being put the con- street. "
gregatioii"unanimously adepted it by
a standing vote.
Dr. Gandier thanked the people,
on behalf of the board, for the unmi-
mods endorsation of their decision,
Rev. Mr. Hogg also thanked the
congregation for their invitation to
himself. He said he was aware of
the responsibility involved in remain-
ing as the pastor of 'the united con-.
gregation, part of which he had
served for, over 'nine years, in this
day a long pastorate. He asked the
-cooperation, assistance and sym-
pathy of the people and said he be -
inaugural -Service, as used by the lieved it 'was his duty to accept and
Presbyterial Society 'of the W.. M.- S. trusted the work would prosper under
the united efforts of pastor and peo-
Mr. R. E: Manning presented the
following names, the board of ses-
sion and the committee of stewards,
which;, combined and with the heads
of departniehts of church work, con-
stitute the -.official board of the
ahuach-which `he hoped would nieet
withthe approval of the congrega-
- os
Board Of 'Session J. Scott', D. Me -
Ewan, J. Diehl, B.• R Higgins, Glen
Cook, J, Lindsay, Dr, J. C:, Gaudier,
J. Cuninghaine, N. W. Trewartha, C.
J., Wallis, A.J. Tyndall, H. E. Realm,
A., F. Johns, G. W. Layton, A. T.
Coope]•, G. WanHorne, M.,T. Corless,
R. Pearson,
r �. Tor-
Comtnittee of Stewa ds
ranee, Gam' Cook, D. Cameron, Dr,
P. Rearm, W.11, Mair, . W.. McEwan,.
G. Howes, W.Muteh, II. B. Client,
R, E. Maiming, T: TL. Jenkins, 3. A"
Sutter•, 1. Glen, J. P. ' Sheppard, W.
1t. Hellyar, W. Higgins, J., Jarvis, H.
• Presbyterian Church
Service in the Baptist churcen
Sunday at .J1 o'clock, Subject: "The
Religion of the Commonplace." Sun-
day school at 10 o'clock.
Mid -week service `on Wednesday
evening at 7:30. Choir" Practice -int-.
mediately after.'
'The W. A. will meet at the home
Roberton on Tuesday
Rabe n
of Mrs. G. D.
afternoon next at two o'colck.
Baptist Church
The members of Cilnton Lodge No.
83, I.0,0.F. attended divine service
in the Baptist church on Sunday ev-
ening last, about fifty being present.
It was in celebration of the 107th an-
niversary of the introduction of Odd -
fellowship on this continent. Mr. T.
Morgast acted as marshal.
The pastor, the Rev. W. Younger,
preached, taking for his subject.
",Brotherhood," and preaching a very
impressive and earnest sermon. The
choir, which rendered excellent music
during the service, was made up of
members of both the Baptist and
Presbyterian choirs. Miss Jean Me-
Murchie presided at the organ,
Wesley -Willis United Church
The Brotherhood will meet in Wil-
lis church bible class room •at ten
o'clock Sunday morning, Mr. 3, W.
Moore will introduce the subject:
"Brotherhood -A'
Morning ;service in Willis church..
Rev. J. 30. Hogg will take 'the tenth
subject in the" doctrinal series: 'The
Sacraments." The sacrament of .bap-
tism will be administered, at this ser,
didec.;Se4etary; Mrs, Grier, Wing-
Treasurer,',1Vfrs. F. Gardner, Blyth.
Supply Secretary: Mrs._ T. Vernier,'
Misbioriary . Monthly - Secretary:
Mrs. Fowler,. Clinton. •
Young Peoples' Secretary: Miss E.
Hume, ' Goderich.
M ssioi and, Baby Band Secretary:
Miss Mooney, Goderich.
Strangers'7Secr tary:: Mrs, (Rev.)
C. L. ,Clarke,Godoileh: ._,.
• Christian Stewardship.and Finance:
Mrs. Archibald, Seaforth.'
Delegates to Conference Branch:,
Mrs, Gunn, Clinton; ' Mrs. IVfeKenzie,
Egnooncltiile; ::'Mrs. Smith Brussels;
Mrs. Howie, Exeter; Mrs. Irwin;: Sea
forth; Mrs. Banes, Auburn.
There were between "'fdur and five
hundred present, between delegates,
and. visitors, .representinig all the aux-
iliaries of the three societies in -Hur-
on. These included three members, of
the Congregational W.AX.S. iii Wing -
ham, 'who havecontinued their, work,
although there has net bean for some
• 'zed branchof th
,years an 'omgan
Church in Wingham. They with Mrs.
Crowe, i'.epresented that branch of
the uniting churches on, Tuesday.;
The ; women of Ontario street
church served' lmneh arid supper in
the Siintiday school room to the dele-
• Evening service in Wesley church.
1 •
Rev,: A. A. Helmer will take for his
subject: "Our 'Spiritual Contest," ..
Tho first meeting of the We'sley-
Willis W. M. S., held on Tuesday ev-
ening last, was well attended. --The
REV. W S i`l
who has been appointed rector of 5t.
Paul's eh
arch, Clinton, and who will
take on his neiw charge in May.
There were not enough present_at
the meeting called yesterday,.evening
to organize a lacrosse team or teams
for the season, so another meeting
will be held on Wednesday evening
next, in the Pastime Club rooms, at
7:30. All interested are invited. The
season is advancing and it is felt
i• should be com-
that an organization
pelted as soon as possible.
of the United Church, was followed.
Greetings from the former Presby.-
te;i'ian Society were brought by Mrs.
Gunn and from the former Methodist
Society, - by Mrs -Pickard. 'Mrs.
Fowler gave an inspirislg missionary
address and a very appropriate duet
Was sung by Mrs. Fitzsimons and'
Mrs: M. Nediger.
An interesting letterfrom tho mis-
China was read
sion field in by M
Cuninghame. An enjoyable social
hour followed.
A meeting was held ,on Friday ev-
ening for the amalgamation of the
Junior League, 'alp •:organization of
the former Wesley'; congregation, 'and
the; Mission,; Band, all, organization]
the. former' Willis eongregation. The
League was an organization for the
religious instruction of children, -'for
training, aleng nisssonary lines andd
'in Citizenship, etc.,, the Mission: Band.
was an organization ruder the control
of. the Wi, ll�i. S. .with` training prink
cipally along missionary lines. "These•
organizations have : now been amal-
gamated, 'the .meetings wall _be held
weekly foxy the training of the young
people in all-around Christian work.
The: officers elected .are as follews:
Piesi dent• Joe Gandier,
Vice: Ruth Veinier.
zit e i
Reggie 2nd Vice. gg Cook.
aril Vice: Grace HelI,yar..
Secretary: Annie Taylor./ ;
Treasurer Wilheanisia Trewartha.
Fiani„t: Helen Manning.
Assistant: Dorothy Hohnes.
a unani-
d by
as also adopted This w o d ,. l?
iirous standing vote. -
On motion of A.:1, Tyndall and Dr
Hearst it was decided to commence
the morning, seamless in Wesley
church on May 16th
,'..which will be
anniversary Sunday The 'stewai:ds;
will take 'in hand the ]'ratter, of allot-
ment of pews, which have been open'
in both churches since the , union of.
the two congregations;,
Mrs. J. C4. Chowen prediled atthe
piano during the evening.
Last Friday's morning London.
Free Press had the- following write-
up of the newly -appointed rector to
St. Paul's parish: -
"Rev. Lawrence C. Harrison of
Windsor, well known in this city, has
been appointed in charge of the Par-
ish of Clinton by Rt. Rev. David Wil-
liams, Bishop of Huron, 1'te will
take charge of his new parish shortly
after the annual synod being held
here, commencing May 10th.
The newly -appointed rector of the '
Clinton parish, to which it was some
time ago rumored that Bishop J. D.
Lucas woulci''be appointed in capacity
of auxiliary bishop of Huron, is a son
of the late Prof: F. T. Harrison, pub-
lic analyst at Landon, and a prom-
inent member of .the early staff of
Western 'University, and Mrs. Harri-
son, 624 Talbot street. Miss Evelyn
Harrison is a sister.
Mr. Harrison was graduated in arts
by the University of Toronto
M 1914.
After a short attendance at Wycliffe
College, he proceeded overseas with
the First Division, He had a distin-
guished overseas record of over four
Returning, he was ordained in the
ministry of the Church of England in
After an illness of some duration.
Mrs. J. R. Trewartha, a native of
Goderich township and mother of
Nelson W. - Trewartha, M,L.A., of.
Clinton, passed ai'ay an Saturday last
at the bone of her daughter,, Mrs.
Albert C. Cox of Goderich township,
in her seventy-fifth year.
The late Mrs. Trewartha, whose ,
maiden. name was Charlotte Amelia
Jervis, was a daughter of the :late
Wiliam Jervis, being the eldest of a
family of eleven, all -torn in Goderich.
township. 0f this family two broth-
ers and four sisters survive: John,,
and Alfred Jervis, Mrs. Thos. Potter
and Mrs. S. Mertill of Goderich town-
ship, Mrs. Charles Holland of Sea -
forth and Mrs, Thomas Holland of
Winnipeg. She was born Sept. 16th,
1851. and in 1877 she was united in
marriage to the late John R. Tre- A
wartha. Of this union there are six`
children, four sons and two daugh-
ters: N. W. of Clinton, Herbert J.,'
Edgar J.,, Howard C., Mrs. A. B. Cox
and Miss Myrtle, who is a nurse, all
living within a few miles of the old
home on•the 9th cancel ion. Mr. Tn.¢ 'Sago,
died 'twenty -fie eats
leaving his wife with her coinpara-
Ms.•. E. Wendell, who underwent an
operation in the hospital' on Thurs-
day last, -is progressing finely, his
friends are glad to know.
Mrs, J, B. Kennedy, who has been
quite ill and ander treatment in the
hospital,is now improving, her
friends will be pleased to know.
Mrs. H. Jervis and her sons, Wil-
fred and Harold, intend removing to
Toronto, • Their Clinton friends will
regret losing this family from town.
The Clinton Hospital Board will
meet in the board room of the town
hall on Monday evening next at 7:30
A. fall attendance of the board is re-
quested.gr000ro of town and
tively young family, who have_alt
some oth.
turned out to be a credit to her and
.er of the business men' intend to take
her training. She was a true mother
and one who retained the respect and
affection of her "family. Her out-
standing ,quality might be shid to be
kindness in the highest degree. She
was a member. of Holmesville United,.
formerly Methodist, church.
the Wednesday half holiday during
the coining five months,'comniencing
en Wednesday next.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Andrew have
returnedto town and are occupying
the cottage next the Ontario street
church, recently vacated -• by Mr, John
and"Miss Jennie Ford. •
Mr. Newton Davies informed The
News -Record en. Saturday that he had
seen martins flying about the tailor
shop, windows.-•' He thinks this, is
early for these little birds.
Mrs; Crooks : 'of Clta;ham
visiting:, Iter, . daughter, 'Mrswho: is
. (Dr.)
n isfortin t0
had i ne
n sari ha e t p
01 s
off a platforms the.•tither day and sits-
tained:a fracture,af the ankle,
Several •Brucefield:I. 0. 0. F. ment-
he's carne up on Tuesday evening,
bringing a candidate for the t4ti•rd.
degree, wliieh was exemplified by the
local degree team. Alter the work
of the lodge room lunch was served.
A number of clerical gentlemen and
lay delegates g•asci aril
also of women
church workers were in town on Tues-
day, when the Huron Presbytery of
the United Ohur'eh and the Huron
Presbyterial of the W. M. S. melt in
Cllntori, the former in Wee/0y church,
the 'latter in Ontario street chureh,
For a time Mrs. Prewartha came
to reside in •Clinton but later, when
her health began 1» fail, s e went to
her daughter, Mrs. Cofx, and during
her last illness she was tenderly
nursed by her two daughters, while.
her sons and their wives also minis'
tered7to her in every way possible.
The funeral was held 'on Mo day
after'n'oon from the home of M1. and.
Mrs." Oex, The services were con-
ducted by the Rev. Mr. S.ilpatrnek
Hohnesville, assisted by the Rev. A.
A. Holmes of Clinton. 'Thepallbear-
erg w
ere her four sons. The remains
Were laid 'iia :Clinton ccinetery :beside
those of ber husband.
Amongst those from a distance
who attended the funeral were Mr:.
Elgyn Waters, Mrs. Alex. Cook and
Mrs. Win, . Cook, nephew and nieces
of the deceased, Arthur. Many old
friends )ind nei
s also
paid the
]art tribute of respect to one they had
known lex long years.
(More local news on page 8),.