The Clinton News Record, 1926-04-22, Page 3Facing the Warld.
In the effort to impress young,per-
eontc with -the serlousnese of life, their
seldom- fregaently ]told before theft'
the picture of the works aee a heartless,
pltileise monster, waiting to rend end
devour them. liven so in days of 014
the effort was made to frighten people
into virtuous conduct' by &Kling their
blood wall the teerers of perdition. To
Make e life or to earth a living ha, In-
deed a seeton5,, caaatertil ooeupatton. But
it does no good to mian•epreslent the at-
titailo of the world toward the human
beitlge, young and old, who live in it
and aren
n t do -their t air tuty b ' � it '
Y and b Y
themselves. Me Wert die 'bot tufmicai
Ito anybody. Human society fel Made
1p of individuals like oiweelves, with
Lhe e Sbre, the same etruotural
weekueseee, the same proclivities, and
We depend 'on one -e 'other, and If
soave are 'wealtlings and cowards and
refuse to play their eiart,'then °Mete
must take up the burden and carry on
in their places( -There is no time to
lase, ilo, energy to spare for ooneiiira-
cies against the -peace of (hind or the
!industrial place of othere. We ]lave
lour own work to do and We must d 5.
it. The anepr1sing fact is not that in
oompetent and inadequate persons are
oruslled to the 'wail or denied their al--
l-legel right to a livelihood, 8 d but that
there etre constantly, and aVerywhere.
in evidence Men'e indulgent kindmesis
and'toncbin)g charity to^fellow man.
The wdrid (1085 not want us to -fail;•.
it heartily wishes us to succeeds It
does honor to its prophets end heroes,
when: it finde and ]mows therm. It
crowns with its rewards In fortune and
reputation those whe leave striven long
and aamne,5t1Y• Icor the poor" aatd needy
It makes contribution aaztl -tares
thought. gainand-again the busiest
of people put aside their bread-whe-
n/age occupation for some altruistic'
end., honestly rejoice when the goof-ts
reached and then ratline modestly end
quietly to 'their own plate and work,
not asking any trompetipg or praise',
tor the golden lien de d.-.Ciarft ."0`
Bm e 1 " y and
kindness are .'round about us' Ria like,
morning sun and the fresh tart to deny'
It is, to proclaim ourselves ingrates,
The crowd is not a monster, treading.
underfoot those were cannot fight
against It; it le a oreatare With a
yhivalroue heart as ready to be touch-
ed by suffering and infirmity as by a
shining performance of valor on land
or sea; it wants to find' a•,hero it
seeks a leader, it naturally turns to-
ward the light we need not be afraid
of it, for it wants all the -help that; we
can glye to it. .
An acid stomach caused by indigestion often
creates rheumatic syntlitoma.Set your stomach
right with Seigel'. Syrup. Any drug store.
High School Boards and Boards of .Education
Are authorized'by law to establish
With the approval of the Minister of Education.
may be conducted in acoordance with the regulations Issued by
the Department of Education.
le given Iry various trades. The, schools and classes ere under the
Appitcetian for attendance should• be made to the Principal of the
• school.
for -en the Coursesof Study in Public, Sreparate, Continuation and High
Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. '
Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be
-obtained from the Deputy -Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto,
'' Cr s a ;. 5 Prizes of.$10 each
e.a e °r p 10 Prizes.of,• $5 each'
e poo- s'Q .4'o -es yers' citeteatnut trot reeeIVe n to tee
d:. a e- rem et at leant $2,10 value.oc Ca Ito re•.
1st Prize $100 •
2nd Prize $75
3rd Prize $60
4th Prize $50
5th Prize $40
6th Prize $30
7th Prize $25
8th Prize $20
It you count the dots correctly and soli 10 tubes 05 trust nd Stnin Sec n tube you will reeelvn one or these priers. And
you 5911 have n Gnome icor the nee Crab. trite, -when ne ra805vtr your
newer we leltf nem) yen the nutt Iptl Stahl Toon:A a at ante. try
your oltnt now.
U1VITED SUPPLY Cil., Dept, 40, TORONTO,- 3
less tis;, tx. $ ifilesswork
THE Hotpoint Iron, with Its famous Hot Point, enables
you to iron difficult pieces.quickly.. and. easily.Hot-
point's quick, teen heat insures better results, while the
exclusive Hotpoint Thumb Rest and Heel Stand relieve
the strain of gripping and lifting the iron. Inspect the
Hotpoint Iron at your dealer's and you will ]'now why
there are more in use than any other type of ii$m in tho
;world. And the price of a genuine Hotpoiet Iron is only
Special Hotpoint Iron at 0.,00 extra,
rhat's Because Pushing Up of -Ranges,•
rPOleeaed Earth's
An"outline neap ofNorthand South America is reproduced here With tthe
eerthaualreeline along-weetern`Amelica traced on it. .The numhers give the
location of the eight earthquakes which took place on title line between 1389
and 1206. The first was off the'coast of British Columbia f'n'September, 1899.
The eeeond was in Central Amerfoa in January, 1800. The third was In Ilri-
tieh Columbia again iix October, 1900, The fourth and dith were IiL,Central
America 1n April and September, 1902. The sixth was in South Ameelca, in
January, 1900, Then came the Sari Francisco eartbc]nake fa April, 1906, the
seventh of the serjea The eighth was in Peru and Clrtio in August, 1906,
Secrete of Science..
33y David Dietz. - `
The contraction of the earth') -sur-
'face, as we have seen, ie responsible
for the rise of continents and moun-
tain ranges. All lite upon theearth,
therefore, owes its existence to this
feet -
But while this contraction makes
life slhle, it also results at times
in the destruction of life. For it .le
the chief cauee ot earthquakes.
An earthquake is caused by a sudden
movement or slipping of a part of tb,e
earth's crust: '
Earthquakes occur in certain re-
gions. These are the region of great-
est upheaval-.Rduring the last move-
ments.of the earth's crust which re-
sulted in the 'buckling up of the pre-
sent great iuoun•taiti ranges... ,.
The largest earthquake region ex-
tends along the line of the Alpine-
Ifiiliia5iayan mountain. system. It starts
in the Alpe and extends to central
China, taking ie 'Italy, the eastern
Mediterranean,. the Caspian, and the
Himalayan mountains. These' moun-
tains are among the yptutgest linen the
earth. 11Iany geologists believe that
they are still growing that Is, still be-
ing pushed up by movements of the
earth's crust.
Over one-fifth of the earthquakes
occur In this region.
Another groat earthquake region ex-
tends front file Bay or Bengal :to north.
df : New Zealand. Ie includes the
mountain region through the Manly
A third region starts at I{aluchatka,
a peninsula at the eastern end of
Siberia, and foilows the eastern coast
People Who T'eeI Like TAN -Need
the Help of a Toni' : .
The dictionary defines a tonic as a
medicine that increases the strength
ealti ,gives vigor to tho eyetens. Tha
tells why Dr, Williams' Pink Pills ar
a real tonic. Thousands of Men and
women are atiing to -day, not sick i
beta; but without antblttou to do a full
day's work; though they are forced to
keep on. _. They are aleveye 'tired or
nervotfa, do not sleep well, and awake
In the morning unrefresbed. .I;fany
have headaches( baclraeltes.and stone,
ach trouble. Such people need the
thole help of Dec Williams' Pink Pills.
The beneficial effects of 'tills o edioine
reaches the whole system, Ins Wil'
Banta' Pink ('ills do wore than relieve
the symptoms ---they remove the cause,
Airs E VIrileia Gray, Toseld, Alia-,
bas pyovelt the value of this medicine
ands satys I can sincerely recent.
exere1}tl Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor a
tired and 1)151-iloli•n conditlou of the
eystent, I have renewed the nursing
protoseloal for a ntuuleer of years and
after n fete weelte of liar( or trying
eases r take two or three boxes of Dr.
Willtairisr. Pink pills, anti always with
the very best results. Tho pills also
tiered a greet boon daughter
at a trying age, and I have sena splen-
lleeuits .follow their use in other
The Williams' Pink Pills aro soldby
all medicine -dealers or Sent byroanat. 50 cents a box by The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
of Asia to the Philippine Islands. T•hie
region includes Japan.
There are three earthquake regions
in America. One lies along the- coast
of Alaska and British Columbia.- The.
second begins in California and ends
in Ecuador.
The third is along• the west coast o1
South .America. from Peru to Pata-
Another earthquake region -is the
West Indies.:, Geologists believe that
at Dile time these islands were all con-
nected together into a continent, but
that great regions subsided, owing to
movements ot the earth'e erust, leav-
ing the present archipelago:
A. eouthern earthquake region ex-
tends from South India westward to
Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean.
Another targe earthquake region ex-
tends from North'Afrjen to Spain and
Portugal. A' smaller eaglet,' includes
the Bermuda Islands. _-,
Many,laetore tend to aggravate the
natural instability of these weaker
portions of tho earth's cruet.
One Is the tetmaspherie pressure.
Delicate measuring instruments prore
to the eatisfactloll of geoldgiatie that
when the atmospherlo pressure is
heaviest In western Japan and when'
heavy mins fall there, the result is, an
upward tilt of eastern Japau. It is um
noticeable of course, except for the
nebula made by exceptionally deli-
cate apparatus. •
Strains in the earth's crust are )leo
aggravated by the tidal pull of the
moon and by the tact that the earth
does not rotate smoothly upon Its axis
but wobbles somewhat es it roteto,s.
Next article --Volcanoes.
""'The Four 8easone, •
Father (examining son .in general
knowledge)—"Now, George, name the
four eeasone,"
gecrge (after much thought) -"Salt'
mustard, vinegar atld pepper!"
Fastest Plane.
Fly13ng Bullet, said to be the fastest
t fighting airplane yet designed in ptng-
e land„ le being assembled urea' South.
amnion under direetlon of A, V. Doe,
British aviation pioneer,
Minard'e Liniment used by physicians.
As the greater part of•Iife fs spent
at work, the .workroom should bo Cie
(place beantitu1!".—Sri Thomas J,
Ii;atroducing G,.r'ahans Bread.
When you eat afioaf of graham
bread do you realize that in order: to
enable .you to do tee someone neatly a
e.eutury ago passed through a Period
of martyrdom that tcarr-ante, i•ecognie
tion in aur thouglit to -duty? At least,
so Gee Logic, a monthly publication
put out by the Consolidated Qac Com -
puny of Now York, telleets in a short
item published -trader the Caption, '.'The
Bootee -Hero of Graham Bread:"—It ail.
Pea,rei that ler. Graliam's 1r1'eas on eat-
ing moved tete bakers and -the ilntohe:ie
to rho. throwii3- of stones and brick.
bats. It was itt 1840 eha(advocated.
the nee of this bread, but when .he
tried to put his ideas forward in Bos-
ton, lie was denied the 1750 of Armory
Hall, The owner el a lhotel, however,
offered biro a 1'o su5 but the Mayor pro-
teeted that his police force, was not
st'efficient to protect the courageone
doctor, -so, that • the- hotel proprietor
borrlcaded the 'iower story,' and posted
a shovel brigade with 01ao1$ed Eine on
the reef, Those were, indeed; the
good -old doy,e!"
Mlearcra Liniment for wide.
Duet Dip to Tint or
io Dye
Dace, 15-ct:nt pack
age contains dirse- simple any
woman can tint soft,
delicate shades or
deer irch, permanent
colors in lingerie,
silks; rlbboes, skirts,
.t a l s t dresses,
c.e a t s - nto115ings,,
sweaters, drapetioei
el-erInge, hangings
Buy Diamond Dyes—no otleer Wetl—
and tell ycur druggist whether the -ma-
terial you vrish to color le wdol dr silk,
or whether It Le linen, cotton or mixed
All Tired Qut—Feel
Miserable; Generally?
If you feel out of.Imets, your kisnetys
and liver are not acting naturally,
Don't delay but go to" }our druggist
and get a bottle of Warner's Safe re:H-
uey and Liver Remedy
and "thlre )rodding, F1'�`-'a•"`
to directions: In a
short time you shquld
notice the benefit from
this remedy Made from
herbs and other bone-
Betel ingredients, treed
for over 50 year) ^by,',
Mi.11ians In all parts of
the world, Pan yotu
health's salve talcs care;:
of your kidnej^a unit
Sold by all drugs sty, - Price e1.25
per bottle. Wain .er's Sere Remedies
Co., Toronto Ontario
ISSUE No, 10--'20.
n One Illotil'ei' There is
Votizing to: Pttu 11 Them.
A constant ns* of Baby's Own Tab-
lets. for their children has proven .to
tl:ousand.s of mothers that tile" are
s+itiout'an equal fol; babyhood and
childhood ailments, ; One mother, '11m.
L W Jack son Tutor, 1, Giifood Ont.,.
writes: --"We leave used Baby's Osyn
T tb1ets e1 •iee. env first 'baby w
born 011-515051
er6yne•irs ago., Wo haveoe
seven fine healthy children, rind the
Tablets IS the only medicine they'le-
1-15500)5'11i,tltetr early years, Our baby
le ono ansa half years t)Id, to waiktng
and Cueing ;tad weighs 25 pounds,
i3aby's ()ism Table2z3 is the' only meds^
cine Ile has ever hat(."
Baby'u Own Tablets, and
to be itb&olutely safe for even the ne'iv-
born babe,. They are free froitri-opiates
and narcotics; act as a gentle laxeilve"
Dn the. stomach and bowels ,and Ileum
relieve' constipation and indigestion/
break up. colds and. simple' fevers and
makeb 1
cti 13 thy and strong.
rote cat. }et Baby's Own Tablets
from your druggist or direct by mail
at 25
from .The l eD•
t. wit.
Hams, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
Country Boy.
Bofors the first cock ever crowed aloud
Then he was up to greet the early day,
Praising the slow whits paeeing of a
And valleys standing la a inlet of grey.
Here wee the thing to Cherish and
The world •hold in a few email )-ones.
there"•' •
A field to walk through and beyond, a
Leading to mooxeliglrt by a whldeig
O-Countrly, here le your lever, for he
Ilow soft the grass Is end how kind-
the breeze,
And how the rabbita taaott aoroes the
sno-va, •
And how the ' March sap• hurries.
through PRY trees,
Here !e a lad who knows what sweet
fields are, . .
The warmth of night, the fret. Rash
of a star,
. —Harold Vinci.
Mlnard'e Liniment for sore throat,'
Cloche hats, new •so popular 'as to
be almost universal, are made mucfi
toe tight, aecording to. a statement re-
cently mitdo by Sir Robert Armstrong -
Jones, the famous physicitidi,
Y :80 H'd4!'YL ,w'Sr.�,a K..S .,n hA14�1!Y. ,tl'^.•r:
Poultry, Butter, Eggs_
We Offer Torontis'e Best Prices.
8t. Lawrence Market Toronto 2
Take a spoonful•
of ,Sal Lithofos
taz a glass of water
fast and rid your-
self of that dis-
agreeable feeling
of dullness.' An
efficient saline
laxatve that gent-
ly purges the sys-
tem of clogging
poisons artd snakes
a new beingof yoit,
fit. , ,.ydaT�
That Shockingly Painful
There arc .Lew 'of us wilo have not
snifered from this 'ttouble, but little
do we realize that in most cases itis
due to our own neglect.
Medical authorities' agree that
Ilcmorrhoids (piles) could be largely'
avoided wore one to assist nature by
observing nature's laws.
Hemorrhoids are most frequently
brought about: as a result of tonstipar
tion. Therefore, assist nature by as
curing an easy passage of the waste
matter, acid this can best be done by
the use of Nzsjo.
Najd simply softens the waste
matter, and thus permits regulate easy
elimination, without any overtaxing -of
tete intestinal muscles., -
Nujel, the scientific internal lubri-
cant, replaces the lack of nature's
lubricant, and obviates: the possibility
of constipation.
Ask your druggist; for Nujol today
and remember—loolc for the name
"Pider in red on both bottle, Iabel
and package, f
Chapel bands
and ether „slclit teteta,tlosl5,
are quickly relieved by. a
few applicatlohs of 'Wearer*
diettei with )west oil.. ,'
1 es old�Il Routh:,
If only thoughtless pernle
take is littlt 1101)
And thin15 about thea) o0?ghbo)s,
Theft. tiroublea and their seen! .
15 '.ever joist oscine' to them
That, in their selfish way.
Maybe they've tiinuoorl the sunlight,
AMA ; darkened ened 'someone's flay,
If only busy people
Would Ifiiherfor awhile
1nd'stop to do s 1-indly 'act
Then pass on with a 0tn11e, •
The world would`.1re a wanner place
TS only, no O'ait;ls then,
We allwould stay to think a bit
About; our fellow^irisn
-Lily Dean
Mlnard'a Liniment for dandruff.
A little co',d`-tea mixed with warm
water and applied with if soft' woollen
cloth will make stained' woodwork look
bright and fresh: a
MacLean Builders' Guido "con-
tains many a Y Practical Designs by
prominent ' Canadian architect%
actually built and lived in. Also
wellillustrated articlee
on panning, building, 'decorating,
furnishing and gardening,; Profuse-'
iy illustrated; Send. Twenity. Conte
for a copy. Questions answered.
MaeLeau Building Reports, Ltd.,
844 Adelaide St: West, Toronto,
Classiflef <P r verti>aei sctbo
;Spit' SALE
f >r y' 1[t rt
iY i)01 r,: hoes d1ro3 potl,rooll, Ottitn0.-jy
Er.'t2 mire 1t0YOR5 NOT05fp AND SOlAt
n1 Ile, >rrtdenlo't it; .'Toronto,
lit n11541.1t Ili r'r q SfAbe 031 nnril
Ji ,tibio 1f, R'rlt u9 and nm011 5 Sour rv,mtd,
C i )erre, q+_y )151115 Cu._ ))opt �Y_ 10, 9704, h¢¢ntrcaY,
tr1' fit
di TOIY t"i6 tl ItACtfHEi
r neer,ry hut[ (p / J[ 6A/V7fG11
t 1t'A Lee$ Tbue....
5, TOO, e4 co„ 14.54, 0/3.15,155, Tprow1
SM/p t1S roue.,:,,
Mifi $ofrfIavfbrp,-leo,,-7vaghran:ogee
LYtent for' a week &teat$-
'P..e uupi Lo C9„1:lMl'TE0-
31- 9 n COWS a•
These Two Found Relief ef lay
Taking Lydia E. Pankki1amn's
Vegetable Cotnpotand
Ayer's Clirt, Quebec. 7-
been teaching for three years, and
at the end of the
year I s feel
tired and have no
appetite. 1 was
awful sick each
pains in my back
until eometimea I
working.. friend
reCo.nine ended
Lydia/13. Ping -
a::... ham's Vegetable
--Compound to us
and I heard .many wentett telling It
good'1twas so I thou .it it would he
ole. And it did, 'rind
T take s
bottles ever year and recommend Ib
to others.' DONALDA FANTEMI!,
Ayer's Cliff,- Quebec.
"Unable to Work"
Canning; Nova Scotia,—"I had ir-
regular periods and great suffering
at those timece the pains' causing
ing• school and often and gfor some hours
1 would be unable to attend to my
wotherpapers Ili knew oh an f Lydia 15.. Pink
hatn's Vegetable Coanpound, and it
has been of great benefit to me, the
troubles being completely. relieved."
—LennieJ. F.ATOSO, canton,ing's
County, Nova Scotia,o
tuna Machine Knives
VANCOUVFJ;' 67,,101,1N, N.e
«yni' TO7t0NT0 • 13 °..
,r0)Air/ % / il, i
Pi uners
Por every purpose In the
orobard, cutting limbs up,'
to 11 lnohee:' Handles, -
4, d, 8,10 and la feet.
leer !brines Beeler keowithee/ego
Ourdacaiptite circular sent
to eny eddrees on reuiteai.
a aw�wl
1V4krc"akt 1%4
rI•14 it. 4141.i
et5ir a -4i
Your/aao,tlo 015
fa now Woe oj%red to
Better than, before!
East! to 'apply!
Its well-known soothing,
healing. and penetrating
qualitzee have been inten-
wf3ed in the new, compact
Torn •
For over fifty years st has been
a standard household remedy for
sprains, bruises, rheumatic pawls or
museular lameness from any cause.
Generous tutee for 2G, cents.
Sold Everywhere, or by mail from
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto
*oaused a Lot of Pain. itched
Badly, Healed by Cuticura,,,,.
"My trouble began with a rash
of pimples that covered my face and
neck. The pimples grew larger and
started to fester, causing a lot of
pain. They itched badly and I wail
very restless at night, The trouble
lasted four months.
" Afriend advised meto tryCutl-
cora Soap and Ointment so I pur-
chased some, and actor using three
cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box
of Cuticura Ointment f was com-
pletely healed," (Signed) Mies
Martha Martens, R. R. 2, Crediton,
Ont.,i0ov. 8, 1925.
Daily use of Cuticura Soap, with
touches of Cuticura Ointment now
and then, keeps the elfin fresb,
smooth and clear, Cuticura Talcum
also is ideal for the akin.
.ompio. raeb Fu. by Mail Address eattndfen
Depot: Steabaat , Ltd. MontreoC" rrllce, Soap.
25.. nletment 2S and 10 , T,ttcum 15e.
Cuticura Shaving Streit 255, 1
When you use SMP Enameled Ware
Utensils, you never deed to scrape, scour
and scrub the way some wares demand.
Not s1tter, soap, a cloth—that's all you
need lei clean them It washes like
china, has the cleanliness and sur:
face of chine, but wears like steel.
Don't be the slave of your coolting ,
ware- equip with clean, pare sani-
tary, lasting
Proved safe by rnillions and•pl'escriljetby physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache • 'Rheumatism
. ,a -_ _' :gym s <
e Accept only "Bayer" packagr
tivhich remains proven dire testis.
Irately "Meyer" boxes of 'I+i tealet1
Also bottles of 24 once 10J•-•al)rete isle.
,Ssplrin 30. the tends 11 000 (r001415,05 In Catwalk) , BOW tram r el t , 11 1n 1c-.
ueleooterr 01 5o11cy11entld (trit'l 5 1ltvic Art5d 4 S A."). 'raft, It I' Ir., it r.
OA Astatl» meane Barre inantatattort.. t) a.Vxittthe 101150 4t,nlu<f dant , n'. iln '4,11,.. 4
et Sayer Company 10111 b1 115115151011 with 01eir general trade mail,, the 11.5,.5 *.,i p., •