HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-22, Page 2TIM a
• 104100 1114 that' Is f awn:40 aelatit 2g,,,712
ana " IttiCredUetitiali "AR alarart ; ta aly Made
eac-Ine • a ; a'antProaor lona e re
aail,',:f'filaa,rePtien4'''n0P),'"ar.eal hr 'dat "'• the resa
. ,. , „
LINTON ONTARIO 2,000 to $$;aaft0 foe inarriedep.eraotte e Y.,1O0 Sagaia of Q {ieg
straat . •
-‘,„a:" aiiitiaaa,,,,-4ata, „,,eaaaalaatialaer'Laca;ateeMt. laitteasriniportedlaYaShfP
"a, ;in. adVairee Pa.:04.034*a aa-cldreeeeel'.ma1Lez a.T.Tie :ate":
Oa' a e A
tat. tite-tetat.dtaaay;
ateellaidafdildelf?5'A•it.'" ,e*SaaPtiOnee•'-thearate'ana"theaffrat'aeaaa (?.
theIit}tka#: OXS, 'thaatiaand.oita'any apeatieztathetetateWill eaa.,S'PeatareeThesea,now ,paye12% ape.).
. date loaatlateli ,e,VerY•eatiecripliaa- la' he twef,oent �n athf,.„-ateomat'aiu: eMiltaall3.aatieli.::aaetetaiiteaalita .4%, •Per '
: • VOA.; iSattemated. ell: Osexces of two thoaan4 •011 tittitieli, OrltiSiii*est .44k:ea • ag,Vs•at. •,•
Advertein• .S.Siatit-4-iLii`faSPliztiittr.1 adv.eti eitcesS 'of etliree.'ilitiaaihree", Pet" be. free :
a a ..tieliaglaaad apiera eante in '"-eceas --ttaee'thaoaiiiMef "nrideraAiia'aBaittaltaia'eferenele,‘ ,
4naeitaeita.8a. cerlaaequ'ena- l'aa •••••• „.',.!"-aTin p11__- 1e 'akilitla'•iiat.
; tteijaaaaaeadliig,",e0anta' tnet Made in 'Canada' ,laritiall;_ a a:
Spea..11.'eltakertieenaltaapk• tea:la/99Pd'. Per, .0enttea Othe.rath.anigee ,-, -a• .,,te • •fi a, -.,• ,
T. Anniainclia'attela'AftlitlWatitett,il. itiglielairieoneea, a." a," ••" Pr,!---e'ellee'":.' u' eent
laeetteda ogee: . ger; Haateareept:taaa±wai)ad,cautaa..., ,metler . the aantertnedi;ate' and general
3a each eabeequent aleeatiee..fooetage;Orn 'ettera fOr. deliVeri tellge,;"-Plian'kea'fiaede, aa„nouneed':Mt.
" `dthelf' ed:SHtates•isaa'8,,-It• ,•Pbba•Ieeenefat Of, the. cenairig ,
Advertieenatnite aent, in av in. Cana a ,an d
• e'Wuctionts aaa to ,the 'numb, H
„teatleas...amrated ealeetuteureta oed,ee- - ;stored, as fronr ,Domamon ar nexta Past urixers and equipinent 'foe
out aulawiU be otittvd aeem,d7 T, here will be 'nn ht 11°wevera ... • e 1' ' fan
, • ,,
tea for.4.4cipiatsidYertisinz the peeeen . ta ,
ten O'n leatearda' and. gen°ea.ting '1),ti‘v1 fov
,ttwitestiem ,oppietterft „parposes-Duty redueed nreder Beitieh , Next '
" fl,ta No a fleNclrt, e ,110"' faat 44 eee: 'backs,:
N.. px. r t 1,14 _,84.; 72e,4.,,. t361,3p' rxdfLibb2r1v9e' ann.' tt. "lee, 8 WH be foraa °n:d:uti etto :er, :Pt ,
' a breakfait „lattto 45ceen, ""'? AP% ' back to . ,,norsti Y. ettaptiohe, . a
Rao • 2 cave' noildnala 11°' boflel'esa, 85 L tea'. elear batten, 30 '•°- 'a a nervOuti apei s,
iametr tatlef-ed I aaealta -aqua:tar' ;701iisa, 504;;4.Pl .fraltweight: -
, man, oat's"- 0- aelfaer Noe aCaradaaleata-=';a-qa “a2a;70: lent he,adae, ° f digeation and lotel
feedi waa"e/e, ; a; • 20 lfaa. $42S4
of-fwg,01rF4hentsancle'd4ti) get
' gone!, laate'TgalreZdtair.traced to
tO1▪ 'tirct 'eliaf'-‘42-Vo'Pa4rniace traek, rc'K's Paaro-• .,'•`-Prtlaa'°?Ii't feed te health trom the „
▪ coaa•Tal°: , seehe.' 1.61.1S, 530,50- ler ae isv tuetee Boodai Serena
egagal, mieddlIng.aa bag .12,30.1 171h $',5C to $8.25i r-444:11
aced feed -r4 e4tp,piag, ffeavyaateere, Cet $7,25; butcller • Sch001 taroun ,s' .
axolotl haine 40 te' 49e• smoked' ionrr You delailattifkge geed blood
' Rood'' ,SareaParlffal
tea tie.re_es, 18 te„:„.1 ttt, : t -is pn 21 „ flitytiley eg t ? .
ji1tifnecctdade.271•Benle,-;'per-;.ersle;hi,$035$0..',2t! ;.-ehaeirlsielia9i,nlart',t.tote,21.°e%ca; 12.55tre/ae''alogt'eell'bec8i 77 • - '
00, tate' '1'33" to .ateeia achtacea$7, o ; - ; • lite
te-1314.,5'1• 1-414a'te' t7 1 Plallfinif for
, ,Oet. '4,0ociitit4ing whoa $ ,
fo,br ahiPpilig•PailataeCaartling 625 i'46.1&;"' ataaeOlna 1.1.c
• ' ti"; beteher -heifers 'cli'ove: ea0 50 't ; Eneoura
arleataamaltang--,62 to 64e, 725 :ado geeeeefe.t, 46-4 • gement- as wall as geni
- Aril, 'cora, track, '.Teronto--214' '2' ae 6',1..doehlatr to good, 44 school; board '
84-aec. , 821/4.a . a I, -nor anee, ' goad a0 to lgara. ate . • . 9 tltretigliet Alt ,
Oat, bate,40. to get • , • 'good, '• '$7 " $7.50; do, rte
otl. ' . •
Buckwheetea-No., 2,' 720, 56'00. 0; do, eto ptcbiie 0%-t asalatanee offered by thO
, ute ar cows, • choice, Canadian Hortieultural CO' it to
•Rye-Nci. 2bu , 85e2 ' 5 25't * •
boogfias $3.50 ta a$4; canners and' an rY to bee IfY their school
'Preference' taYei.pet teet-;, linden The Duke of york, -eeitencteon.otthe„, ' Malal louraa-Firet Pate.. Tai. cutters !UR!' .tO',413•50 -'SPringeas gr"I'd** C'6.1a4lienelag liat Year' aeth"
nadoninctenittuantesWittleate, in..i.e..i.oedr...i..„...t;,,.i., ,,, ,/,11.es „ieii..0_4.,,pit„.7ill,g .c.ards,;.,f,oninerly.
caftan must, AS - a giraraates' OR. good 8 amd•-1.5' cents, ,-aceortliag to Yttlue,of
e .., teith.,..be. aceenatattuted bY '.the Itorati or tit6ii eitySis; lieeettleS 10, mita aapatkaage.
' .the .wrater,' • , , , ,., -e ' e, ' ,: ' '.allite- - f011oWing. ' artatIe,a.' exelniated
' - G. E HALL ' . L Vali. 0•44-111, •from sales.tak; Pot bataey, pearl her-
, , Proprietea. ' . ' . -3dItoley, 'ePlat ' peaga. oil - s Dace, .aa. c ea . :e
. ' • - a ' a 'erhi f ions, menagetieS, ce riaps f r,
G. D, aaLeTAGO-AST . .
- tr V Here 'travellers' baggage,„, heir-
' M. I). MoTAGG-AltT I - a ' ,, ' - • . a- a
-A- general- Banking .Basiliess transact-
ed. Notes Diseounted. 'Drafts -leaned.
. Interest Allowed on Depotatts. _Sale
• Notes Purchased, -- •
. • 14. T. RANCE
Notary Publie, -Conveyancer.
Finateial, Real Et -ate and Flre In-
surance Agent, Representing 14 Fire
Inaurance Companies.' - -
Division Court Office, 'Clinton.,"
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, eta,
Office Hour9:-1.30 to 310 Pane 6.30
to 3.00 pan., Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 pm,
Other hours by a.ppointMent only.
Office .and Residence - victoria St.
- -
ogice Hours,.
' 1.30 to 3.30 p.m. 7.30 to 9.00 pan,
Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 pan.
Other hours by appointment,
Phones •
Office and Resla'enee Ontario Street.
• Pliene 218.
- Office and Residence:
Ontario Street - ,Clintoit, Out.
One door west at Anglican °hunch.
Phone 172.
Eyes examared and glasses fitted.
- Office and Reeldence:
Huron Street Cantata Ont.
Phone 69
(Formeely occupied by the late Dia
C. W. Thompsou)•
Eyes Examined and Glaases Pitted.
Ot Whist:am, will be at the Commer•
*hal Inn, Clinton, . on • Monday and
Thursday forenoons each 'week,
• Diseases of all Wilde successfully
handled. '
Licensed' Auction'aer for the Ccenty
of Huron. •
Correspondenee promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be made
• for Sale& Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. .
Charges Moderate and Satiefaetion
_ Guaranteed.
Clanton, Ont.
General Fire and Life InsuranceaAgent
for Hartford Windetorm, Live Stock,
Automobile and Sicknees and Accideut
aneurance. Huron mid nate aad Cana.
• da 'nrust.13ontle, Appointments made
to meet .parties at Brucellelda Verna
and laayfield. 'Phone e7.
Hoeor Graduate Carey Jones' National
School of Atietioneeriag, Chicago- Spe-
cial comase talteri in Pare Bred tiVe
Stock, Real Estate, aleachandise and ing unnbae to stop Inc train as he had
Farm Sul -es. Rates M keeping with to meet the paesenger taain a few
prevailing Market. Stitistaction as- rep„ee west, Heasucceeded in. waking
eured., Wylie Or Wire, Zurich, Ont
Phone 18-03. ; tne ewe r o ,
f the house. Mr:I. ThirSbe
who with her child and aged 'Mother,
terahadfate' and '-genera,1--,tgrifitk., 'to a-10 illtelf to he dane'de',8. fieeat:gevatar'a °nt0 do," asee3d Pet -48.16a- e114. t580 *90. good '1, ' Petitions W6rO provaded'for in the'dita
'PrIettjea,soirint-0,;0. Prerowlionirteltozai.etel., are;due,,tion's ,,,ralocerth-g oat tecer c ,Ont flur-Torto 90 IlTer.0-1,celtentet; f5e,4,701.1(4i,f/.000;0.dnate. sd61.76 ..te9cw0s,.,i$5115 ati.1.6t;, :loefreiotklioorr 4einglocesi3O.7.tofhile;:paiii;1/4iorn.40,opttirolloy'ire7nitail'' . •
S±eelac`aatilige, in rough '-forri-nanu-- Mike. of Siblit,;,Eala Of Invailleee ' 'and' Stra;ea-aCa:lets;lie-rut.,;;,n,99t.i.6i: 5°A'' 4' to
v6.50; 'I71:anting"
I ed 1. 1' 5 5t;::: tA):,559.5;-0;EI4eYoeoI'elahni°11asea: .1ci.tne.4>:tilatitgi4rs '411;n mln.vi*alaitled,ZcalteCii: -
facture of "Shotguasaa.Duty rednied Xillaan'eY,, 'Caniniander thela.a.S.ereeniagaL-S„tandardi "r' ec ean , to 12: 0; do good, $10 to $11- • ; • -a d
Undee geneaa4etariff to 10 per cent:Jan roYa1 navy aria a group -;capteen. OZ. -the , ob. bay porter per tom, $2250. - ' do, $5' io
gtinastocite. chAty.- reduced -"der „eon., Royal Air Vorce, etaioaea.Ofathe Ghe:,eate---NeW, 'arra' g0c; tw:fhs, ,514ato m
'815; do, ade $1280 to 'focd rezlhtr.6aviehdeeeld tfh;arata.t°,elloset 'i)ethe ait`'1;e4ar:ted-tri
.041 tariff' to'15'per cent" a- litia I-Insearsa the Pae -Seat gov,ereera arge 2c 21.ca triirlets, 22a; Stittona, 28e.- Olds 27c ;
a.af.Minersi-letafety lanuis-a-The duty re- general being •alto a oavalrY. officer, it','e.,,(faa'as; smell; to
19; lierayy, eheen
. • •
and eolon improvement within the year. The
ea, or thhad neaten -la 'P; .42e; No. 1 creatneT4T, 4,2c; IsTo..2, synootbs fed and watered, $egeo; do, of the school'eanning it, hat it does
55,50; hogs, alai& e41) When woo: is Placed in Poseaaaloa
Automehtiee_aeuty- on autoa at re- reo.v,e
e cap,....amp m
fedi , Value of not :more -than $1,2•00a vs and parte, , • , •
aud •motor trucksatind znotorcyales, e
„reduced from 85 to 20 per cent, gen Machinery ,for use only produc-
era] tariff; 17.% per. cerit. kagorrriedl-- 5ng unrefined nil or fertili7'ere from
,hale -Fut on free list aud "exciriPt
On autos valuedett inbre than $1,200,
ate f-IYa cent' BrItialt'Prelereace' ilroni sales tax.
31 years old andawa,e married -kern 26, ,•Daire prime, aata '47e, f.o.b., '1.2.50; do, country paints, not become the pernianent PrePertY
• off 13.50; do thick of an echocar-until it has been won
1-gg to Lady lqlfze,a-betll Bc'wea-LYcna Elag Fresh elttras, cartons, 35, $12.2a, do, o cars, $
te 3be; fresh extrai, loose, 33e; fresh' fats, f.ob , 512. sel t Y
•c tic ens,- aa 37c,,,1 oals, Gee. weir No.
6,00. dwx gives en award of merit certiOcate.
ewe et 7% er bens, over 4 to 5 lbe..„,'3..qc; do, 3- to .3 4 at • , o. avii.oh may be framed • t
...Yeti' use in the busher; primes, $2.40 eer,bushel wirt,,,ter pats choice $g 90 tt', $6 30 are asked to supply photogoa he of the
A , 3,40. aloe' giourals with the letter advle-
Ethylene kt. . d . liumeations in dance noels ana manta - , a aaottee oats bag 90 le $3 30 to $ a - • ' •- - -
lecture of explosiaes, to be free ing effects which"the'dan h
„ dance as gal 12 40-, 5 I •
aaanie produce -Syrup, per imp. Bran, $31.25. Shorts, 583,95 Iiird ing of the intention to enaer the corn- _
, . per -ga $2.30 per gal ; $40.25. Hay No "er 1 p
DRA-WBACKS. introeuced into the MeSt select Private map- le sugaia, to 26e; maPle car lots, $13 '0 P ton' tacrtYtti°07 'thMer'CLanardiaBninoo‘vrtel'culturlla "
-three tim•
es not necesstaril •
Glass Dance Floor Lighted firsts, 81e1 fee0.6 /5°°I'tas 2f3e. " Premium, 52.55.
cession,. WItle each cup theY. 'ictousrtuaeii-
-Beneath, Popular' in London ib D'rlefrthed8OP°•ultitY-4-a ChiAeas' sprIugMONTREAL
taritf r,edueed .steitt„6„tt, 271/4 teAireraft engines and comialete parta
e,, and 10 tier cent. under the ing its close, hao be remarkable for 1bs'
I3eans-Can. tiand-picked, $2.60 c, extra Ne, feed, me, Flour, aad Itesp by the ,
t t. uedet the inter, The London social season, no ear- 4 lbe., 27c; roostere, 25c; ducklings, 5' ' fi
Man. spring wheat 'pats., firsts, ool as a permanent record. No
njetha1 , 30 to 31e; tu , 40 seconds, $8.80; strong bakers' $8,1`0',; entry fees are required, but applicants
generaleentil July 1, 1928: the popularity of da cin and f
per cent.; intermediate tom pea cent.; L -Free under British peefetence, duti-
British preference TO 15 per cent. To.
encourage - Canadian atito- induatal,
drawback of 25 per eent.rwa'A-beaia".3d
on materials used in manufactUre_ Of
aloae-mentionaaa motor Veldeleseepro-
vided that at least fiftyper cent. of
the cost of the finished afticles is
produced in Canada. "
Cocoa beans"-LInceeased in general
4a:1'M from $1.50 to $2.00 per hundred
pounds: Corresponding increase made
in certain cocoa prodficts.
Coffee, green, free under British
Ginger, spie'es,,matmage, _mace and,
aerowroot-rates reduced in- compli-
ance with West Ladies agreement.
Bananas-Vree under all tariffs,
but Governor -in -Council given power
to impose duty a -fifty cents a bunch
under general alid intermediate tar -
We; leaving them free under British
preference when shipped direet.
Pineapples -When in air -tight tins,
rate reduced from 1%c a pound
under British preference.. Proposed that efter janeary 1, 1927, of a-miiiror. A pneumatic &owe floor
Faesli ments-Geeeral tariff in- benefits of the British preferential is being laid at tho Savoy Hotel to
creased Yee P'er pound. tariff shall Apply only to goods con- give guests the experience of "dancing
Floots laid on sprang:a are passing
out. What is sought now is a smooth,
firmly laid floor suitable to the slow
movertients of the waltz and tango and
eliminating the "shimmy" effect which
has been in vogue
lb 25
; e, a homes, of Mayfair. This is in part a syrup, new, per gal., $2.50: • Butter, No. 1 pasteurized, 36%ca- Council at Ottawa, is prepared to sup -
Ninety -nine per cent. on sugar used
in manufacture of loganberry wine. result et the competition of the fash-
ienable night clubs, which hostesses
top1SigahnttlY wilsrteetnttilonJantaii;eyia11, s119112c8s.' have found they must meet in order th
keep their guest lists filled. ,
Eighty per cent. 'on artificial silk rphe eiess dance gem, is theamost
popular novelty, and -these have been
laid in the bellroonis of many fashion-
able residences. The 'glassi,is -treated
so, it will not be too slippery, lights
are ataaced under the glass and the
whOle Root is laid on a thick white
rubber' mishit:Ma to give the desired
Another -new effect is provided by
installations outside -private ballroom
windows, from which lightsof inany
colors may be used to Rood the danc-
ing space. Miss Mary Borden, novel-
ist, has a steel- floor in. her, ballroom
which reflects light with the brilliaece
yarns enumerated tariff item 582A
when imported prior to January
1926, and manufactured before isenu-
ary 1, 1927. e
Ninety-niae per cat. orI oellulose
leeta.te inpowder foferi when imported
after April 30, 1927, and before Nov-
ember 1, 1927, and manufactured be-
fore -December 1, 1927. .
• Eighty per cent, on yarns produced
from cellulose acetato dry spun'when
imported after October 31,-1926, and
prior to August 1, 1927, and manta
featured before September 1, 1927.
Seeds -Tree Seeds for reeafforeata- veyed direct to a Sea or river port of
tion on free list. Canada. .
Sugar --For refining', testing de- Tax on carbonic acid gas as speei-
grees of polarization, xeduced under- fled in schedule two of the special
She British preference 16.288 cents per War Revenue Act repealed.
John Catto
Who came up the St. Lawrence by boat
in 1854 to •establish Torontoas' second
dry goods store.. He was 03 last week.
Train Whistle Saves People
From Fire Which Razes Home
A despatch from Port Arthus'
says: -The engineer of a Canadian
Pacific freight train pasaing Ifirrkett
on a recent rimming noticed a house on
fire. He blew his whistle shrilly, be -
The McKillop ' Mutual _ m
. ade their escape from -the burning
building. The husband WtIS at theatime
• in Port Aither. It was entirely clue
Fire insurance Companytofic the vigilance or the Canadian Pa-
ciengineer that no lives were lost
Head Office, Seaforth 0 t in the fire, which destroyed the house.
, it . _.......-_ --,:,..........,_......
president, James' Connolly, Gotlerich; Prince cf Wal6 Will
VicereTarnes Hyena, Beechwood; Seca Visit Irelarid in 1927
Treasurer, Thos. Fa. Hays- Sear„ertla
Chicago's Action - Strenuously
-Opposed Lake Carriers'
A despatch from Clevelama Ohio,
says:-Telegrarns protesting against
further avatee withdrawals at Chi-
cago, "ueder pretext of improving
navigation in the Illinois River"- were
sent by members of the Lake Carriers'.
Association to 'Speaker Longworth of
the House. The assoeiatiop elosed its
annual meeting Thursday night.
The association also adopted. a
memorandum asking Congress to con-
struct dams to raise lake levels.
Newton D. Baker, attorney for the
association, declared a last-ditch fight
by the association would be necessary
against "powerful and widespread in-
terests" to preserve ?Alm. levels and
"prevent increase in shipping rates.
The association asked active sup
port of every industry and shipping
industry at Great Lake ports in its
battle to have Coegrese elimieate the
Illinois River project from the Rivere
and 'Harbors Bial,
Customs Investigation -Cosi;
$1O,918 to March 27
A despatch from Ottawa says: --
Auditors' fees and expenees for spe-
cial work in. -connection with the cus-
toms probe amounted to $10,915 for
She period reb. 19 to March 27, this
yean This was stated in the House
of Commons in answee to a question,
The auditors will] continue their ser-
vices, with ti much smallee staff, until
the committee has finished its won't.
Another question elicited the fact
that, R. L.. Calder, X.C., sPesial coun-
sel for the committee, is beipg paid
$200 pee diem and 515 per diem ex-
penses, "when , so engaged easewhere
than in Montreal." •
Honey -5041. tins, 115 to 12c per Egg, fresh extras, 37e; fresh firsts, ply such furthSr information as may
Ib.; `10-11). tine, 11% to 12c; 5-113. tins, 34c. .Potatb-al, Quebec,. per bag, ear
be desired, as well, as suggestions re-
11 to 12%e; 2% -lb. tins, 1410 1415c. lots, 54.,25 to $45,,0.
and their arrangement in the grounds.
' g P Madill the lants that rimyheutsed:
AVIATOR DEPARTS ON School ltrustees, teachers and oil
AiRcitc EXPEDITION restetniiv;izes, ininvciltueddinz
Capt. vvilkiiT's Leaves thl)aietTeanitiuooln.ralin this matter at once se
,,_ Fair-aato take advantage -of this 'ear's
coiepetition. „
. Gasoline. _.
banks With Cargo of
Fapirrebantkest,i/eAlast, rifiKiotingareepu
GeorgerFiteacis '1St of
. tcloOr Pastimes
his coining aerial expedition over the
Arctic Ocean te search of land-, Capt A despatch from London sayse-__
George Hubert Wiakins took- off here King George, in taking up horseback
on Thursday in the airplane Aaaekan -riding, now stende atathe top of the
on the third flight to Point Barrow list among theaEuropean monarchs'afh
with suppliei. ' the question of outdoor paetimes. The
Lieut. Oaryol B. Eielson, aviator of British ruler also platys -golf, is an en -
the eipedition, piloted the plane.. -The thuslastic yachtsman, and iB particu-
550,mile trip to the supply base at tarty fond of sport in the !lead (luting,
Point Barrow, the starting point .of the shooting season.
the proposed Arctic flight, was expett- ' The most etrenuous athlete among
'ad to require about five hours. ' the mouarchs, considering his age. is
„., The plane carried 4,330 pounds or the Xing of Sweden, who, although 67
gaeoline, to swell the store a:ready left is an enthusiast at tennis. The Xing
ELL Bari•ow on the previous flights. a Spain plays polar,' and is also a good
The take -off was made after tWo runs yachtsman. The King a the Be.glans
the length of the aviation field of the i8 fond of mouutaineering, and' so 13
Fairlianke Airplane Corporation. The his Queeme King Albert 5150. g,otie in
ground Was -soft . for aviation.
Wilkins undertook the trip despite The least sporting Xing in the out -
an injured hand and arm, which he door sense is the Xing of Italy, whose
sustained Saturday, while guiding the hobby is coin collecting. He has writ-
Alaskatt aeethe plane landed on the ten eight volumes of a history of num-
-ice at the edge of the Arctic Ocean "at ismatology and owns a collection of
Barrow, northern- tip of Alaska.
190,000 coins:
. -----------
e ----
No Reason Given for Tragedy
in Oshawa as Books Are
. in ,Good Shape. - '
A despatch from Oshawa says
C. Anderson, 61 years of age, manager -
of the branch of the' Bank of Montreal
-at the corner of Bond and Siincoe
streets, Dili city, Was found shot
through the head Thurkday afteanoon
in the Laserne»t. of the bank with the
• discharged revolver lying by Inc eide:
Mr. Anderson left bie office About
2.30 and about 3.30 when the bank
messenger was nudting his vounds, he
Sound the body in the paper vela in
the basement. No report of the firing
of the revolver was Booto by the etaff
of the hank or by the inspector who
was paying a visit from the head of-
fiee and who was at work on the floor
above. Thia is accoutited for by the
heavy ,cement work in the walla and
partitions a the basement.
Mr. Anderson sante to Oshawa from
Ottawa about three and a half yeah
ago and had been in the empIo'y 'of
the bank for thirty-five. years and for
the past two years had been treasarer
eof the Oshawa General Hospital.Beard
of Directors.
Coroner Dr. J. 11'. Randell, after
making an investigation found an. in-
quest not necessary. No reason eart Former Soldiers Become
e given for the tragedy as the books Italians toRaise39 Ships
some reported in good shape. Deceased, ,London's Organ Grinders S_unk During War
blc'hilvaasvid6o1VvYeaani.ds otifirleeg°t'ihiisldsrleinr!ived surplpilleaninti)eld"ietdalieaxn-seoft•vglacne • glriteingderhaavhei
says: -An' Italian salvaging, coecean
A despatch from Camstaalinorata
— the street.' of London. A Fascist edict has contracted with the Turkish Gov-
- withholds passports from organ ernment for the...raising aof the 39
grinders because such ineans ef liveli- ships sung In t ar anelles an a:
hood. derogates from the prestige of Mermora and Black Seas during the
Fascist Italy. • Great 'Wale The Turkish Government
vat: receive 90 per cent. of the value
A despatch front Landfall says:- "There were nearly 1,000 Italians
Those who have been conceened over of the salvaged material, while the
1 r London before the
Italian company expecte rnake
placing of the honor of having first War. Now there are only three- or
conceived theaidea 'of the League of four," says Luigi Pesaresi, who has considerable profit out of the remain-
ing 10 per cent, Nine of the wrecks
Nations have been astonished by the been making hand organs and "canned
suggestion of Professor H. A. Giles, of music" ter fifty yeara, Nearly 400 are British, 'chiefly destroyers.
Cambridge noted student"of the cul- hand organs continue to MOIttl in the
Native 4 Canada Dies -
at 110 Years of Age
A- despateh from Now York says: -
Self -supporting until a few weeks ago,
King George to be Host
at Spring House Party
A flutter .of excitemeut in London
society ha e been caused by the an-
nommemeet that Xing George and
Queen Mary are to give a week -end
house party. at Windeor Castle this
spring. There „has been much speen-
lation fie to 'who will be invited, hut
so far there has not been even an ink-
ling as to who will be there beside
the Prinee of Wales.
Guests at the royal house parties
may do as they please, generally-
paay tennis, golf, ride horseback or
play bridge -but the Xing reserves
the mornings te, himself, most of the
afternoons, add it is seldom that the
visitors see His Majesty after eight'
o'clock in the evening.
Sir Arthur Newsliehre
, One of Ilinglandail forenioet Pubile
health leaders, Who is at present, in
America' a atiest of. the New
State' Charitiee Aid Ase,ociationl
Directora: George McCArtney, Sea- A visit to Ireland in 4027 is known 7.77:77.
forth; D. P. McGregor, Seaforth; 3.- G. ,..„„ b„ th,„, et.ogram of the prince
Grieve, Walton; Win. Ring, Seaforth; a ' " '
M. Melalwen Clinton.; Robert Ferries, ef ir'shamtea 7hon"1.aE
t tab;
alarlockalohn Benneweir, 13rodhagen; Prinee in London St.Patrick's
Jae. God:51.101a celebrations have confirmed reports to
Agents: Alex. I:el-tell, plinton; 'a. W. tine areal.
Yeo, Goderiele, 166. Ittoeil,ey,'sea-
'forth; W. Cbesnea, Elgrnondville; R. tai't,e'ie.„..fas" ititleveltaa'yleatrc:
ch jail -mak Brodhagen.
Ana Mow to he paid in may ee
but -he is understood to be anxious to
d t
Paio Moorieh Clotbing Co., Cauton, extend his visit to •aouthernIreland,
or at Outt's Grocery, Goderich, mainly for :aeons aof sepal,. The
Parties cl4siring to _afteet Inemanee Prinee is Pe:rsonaliy populaa in south -
or frame:Let other bueleese , be. en, Ireland, brit eetpoesue quarters
parnoyruopetItyheatarovcleedbflitoe'e:ii.sit'aPdArta.e6steleedn, tt co) fog the time has not ..ilrrived when a
thett. respective "post- L f.aaasormal visit would bci 'free -from embur-
loapeeted ta the Direetor who litreS r4ssolant and eYell danger. .
'Plaine \vat arrive at arlit depart from
" Buffalo and Godarich
Going lihisl„ depart 6.25 11.1n.
ilrg" 05501 . Sr. 33.10 a.m,
0-05 {IP, 0.53 'Wm- the reports a srmill-scae. 510111 pad° e1)-
41 a r. _10.01 p.m.
aueti to, tile 1)orniniera Land ()flies
London, Huron & Bruce Div.
. , clo 41.015. jainieg teat, on which- tiro waa
Going Nolaii, • clapain 6.00 11.tn. raarla we,ti-tf filed by farni,Jys aol
7107 11.15 a.m, rieee mea of A1dill
Oil Strike Reported
in Saskatchewan
A despatch. from MoonJaw, Stislt.,
says :-Confirmation of reports ef an
MI strike near Ard1:1 ltae been aeceiv-
ed e 1110 said ,tliat a good grade
of petroleum WS0 sl ruels, at, a depth of
000 Jost 1o,ow15g ecnifir m agjo a of
China Originated Idea —
for League of Nations
• .
ture and history of China, that China narrow.canyons of London streets, but
made an attempt to create such a the Italians with their -performing
league 646 pears before Christ. monkeye and bears aee•back at home
What is noweChina was then divided practicing,the Fascist' salute.
into It IIUMber a separate independent In their flacea ate blinded or crip.:
states,• several of which were larger Pled Azar veterans. Occaeionally an
than France or Germany of to -day. A- ex -officer with a black Mack over his Mrs, Susanna Dive, saki to be a -native
covenant was •actually signed by rep- face stands stiffly at the handle of an of Canada and 110 yeavs &tit; died of
reseatatives of various states With a organ. Other organ grinders bring bronchial pneumonia at Bellevue Dos -
view .to putting an tad to war. But .their 'wives or children. to stand- by Taal*
two states held out aad the league them and collect pennies, Accerding to her landlady, who aid -
Tailed. to come into existence. Three .. '''' 0:-.. .... ' pitted the assertieris of b.oapital auth-
hundred yeareelater the states wore •, oritiee that Mrs. Divo was only 99
'entice the China dynaity, • • Bttild Linesito, Gold Fields years old, she had supported herself
IC/making Indian moccaeins and doing
brought together by Warlike methods Two Manitoba Companies. to
- headed Work until sho contracted the
clis,,.tase. ,
King and Queen to liold
Courts on May 13 and 14
A despatch- from Winnipeg -says :-
Subject to the, proviSion thati con-
struction work: commence.withial one
— year anti bee -completed within three
A despatch ti•ora London says -a -I -It Yeats from the date of aPitrolaal, lava+
is officially 3'r:ram:iced that the King hills giving charter rights for the cotT
anu Queen, will _hold courts at Huck- struetion of railway lines into the
irigham Palace, on May 13 and 14. ' Central Manitoba mining district Were
imported by the • Private 13ills
Committee. • One of the tharters was
granted to - the Wianipeg River Rail-
way Co., and the other Ile loe.al inter-
ests headed by Jala„ MeArthar, rail-
way contractor.
Tailere say that the best'llning for
pockets is -hard cash. ,
.ev ery on er has
rippingitenritur headachee
at times. Diaorde.rod atom-
ach-oluggishliver doe. It.
Cheer up 1 here's the real
relief -Ch am berinin'e
Stomach end Liver Tablets.
Thor put tr",.1.2 etononeh sad bownla
211 BrutIgists. 95e., or hy mall front 9
Chamberlain -Mediates Co., Toronto
vkk 4 sa
fir —
wq,att,ac105 e03::1 In your 1517a bola
\trod Theth• Amazing . at heme'you can easily Master' thwoecrets of 'selling that ,,,she
of Succoso Star Saleemen.' Whatever year experience hos been -whatever
ti yeni maylo Bolas' noW-Whother or net you think you ma 501-.'
.70a15a1,Tn.A just answer thin attention; Ate 505 ambitious to earn $1.01000
Te4T7 Then get in touch with mo at oncel 1 will prom to Yam
without cot. or obligation that 'you eau %wily become a Star
r". n. i 1 of , Dv,
i 49
Salesmen. I wt11 allow sea how the Salesmanship 'Iltaimag an
`fill12t,...:' $ / 0,00 0 A Year Selling Secrets-
or7,...,,,q Free Illmniormont borrhic of the N, S. T, A. will help yea to qua*
n " cuooess in SellinB,
Thr...Botrotz of SlAr Sal...m.00.p ,W.t.qught 13Y the N. S. T. Alt
. ,f. MIT:. 7.5'3' 'CI. me,-....,4;......4'24inktn .1.13. '105• .2.44. . -.4'•
. . .....
et,. . i , 4 .2...2.'f14'41"4 . , th
4 :::: at.10:1,14, ,1111,90. over{dcht, to 10.0 brIlin.1 for eVer 11,4 tInittrery
d a !,,g ortct, roo2„hi4 fultao. tiet
Im$1.,.,,,,p1:ppy of')...11na.M1ey ,o01.b.; thnt leml ilowIterv. Ila puatvr hat
. Speetacular .1 re Wbich ,t1eataeyee 'lour 1,giiIrs 'mat flirt:a clarrfalt,‘ ' 153 1111) 4f..nir men,-kt t't.l.c.i$qtc't.,1 1.1.:3. '1,5,11 :''' .
• flelc 6, fierr:grBoiteli, Calif., r6ran; iy.. Tize chfin.,,,.. Wf:S $2.'; 0,000. Tb 6 ‘,r.-1.7/..(3 et:aria-a - by .: he Vrittio4 in a etieunlit • , l'aa: aa. 1 Nattonal Saleamen's Traiidne Assoclatiera ' •
of 0100 ek:capiog t111.0bgh 111 1.-orlic , ' ' ' . - ----- ' ----- 0005)100 Ms-. . Box 362 Toronto, Out.