HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-15, Page 8Clintcrn New: Record THU,RSDAy, APRIL 5, 1020;,. CLINTON'S LEADIN'CI ,IEWL•LERy STORE xquiOte. .NOVELTY JEWELRY ,/ A colorful ,00lleetimy of novelty jewelry, with which.. to adorn your'.,$pring costunie. included are bracelets, brooches, bar Ij}ins, ear rings, Sendants,'chokers and vanities. Some in alrtique effect, some :in very plain, designs. Gold and silver platen, at most remaricably low prices., ozi sPEcTAcLEs,' :FULL STOCIt OF .l4IOT Q1t`I.Nfix GS,ASSES: R. 'JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry -Fine jewellery and Repairs Nutt Hovey's Drug Store The� Newest in 'Neckwear la Scotch Plaid Silks, the very latest $1 00 Susgehanna Cr e p o sa , cheerful spring colors, the best wearing tie made, .special price. • $1,25 Fancy Bows, a big seler . , , , 50e t Fine Shirts nglisii` Broadcloth -in novelty pat- terns qr plain. Bombay Cord a Tooke -special., guaranteed for `color and wear. Bengal Dimity and Satinara Mad- ras Arrow Shirts of real quality. Shirts' from 98c to' $2.75, and real values at the price PlumsteeI Bros. i*IIONE '25, L. W. CURREL L --THOS. SHIPLEY Home, Sweet Home Home is home, but the dean home is the sweeter and more in- viting. ,For the Spring house -cleaner we have our shelves restocked with every needed and labor-saving soap, powder and polish. The special prices we are quoting for Home Sweet Home week should be of especial interest to every housewife. THE Ca & S. GROCERS Main Store, Phone 125 W. Braneh Store, -Phone 125. J. These are the days when home lovers find their greatest joy in renewing and refinishing everything inside and outside the home. Keep step with Mother Nature. Brush up whatever would welcome the refreshing touch off paint and varhish.,' Now is the tlnieto cleanup and paint up. BRANDR.AM'HENDERSON PAINTS OIES VAMMNISHES SHELLACS STAINS:AND ENAMELS • EFFECT° AUTO ENAMEL, THE BEST MADE' Sutter ec Perdue HARDWARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING PHONE 147'w , e FT inter Gloorus ri111 Your Rooms lamer The walls are unquestionably the most important feature in your rooms,' and wallpaper constitutes the chief note to that sense of 'satisfaction that only a pleasing interior can give. The pattern you select is a matter for your own taste. ' The price you:: pay is a matter for your own "judgment. The style of decoration is a matter for your own; -fancy, But when it. conies to quality goods, to up-to-date- ness in style, to the giving of good values these are matters for our look- out, our responsibility, : our concern and work and we try to accomplish our work as much to your, benefit as we know how. Our stock comprises a strong offer- ing of attractively designed and col- ored patterns, moderately priced from seven. cents to a dollar and a half a roll: Friendly _walls are the first es- sential of a satisfying ,room and to have friendly walls you must treat them fairly in their deeoration. Re- 'garil'your walla not solely as dividing lines between your rooms or as spaces on which to hang pictures but as an important part of your home equip - merit.' What is there at the price that will do so much to benefit yonr,irome interior as Wallpaper?: • Tie W. D.'Fair -Co Often. the Cheapest—Always the Best r.,71. illlt�pllalnFlulnlll,mPlllpplq Miss Jule Bartliff'returned to Toron- ' to on Saturday. Miss A. Emigh har-'been the guest of Miss Z, Bowden this week, Mrs. F. A. Axonand little son, Fred, are spending. a weep at the lady's home in Chesley, Miss Jennie Grant has returned af= ter having spent the past couple of months in Toronto, Mrs. James Twitchell and 14Ir. Chas. Twitchell of Windsor have been in Mown a few days this. week. Rev. A. A. Holmes was. in Godericb 'on Sunday, taking anniversary ser- vices in Victoria street church. Mrs, Bert Gibbings and little daugh- ter, Edith, of Stapleton, spent the week -end with friends in Goderich. Misses Winnie and Sadie Draper re- turned to .St, Catherincs and Miss Agnes Walker to 1 ingston on Sat- urday. Misses Mary and Phylliis Colyer re- turned the beginning of the week after a pleasant holiday visit with London friends. Miss Elizabeth Ford returned to Osh- awa to resume her teaching duties after spending the Easter vacation, at her home here,` Mrs, J. A. Carter of London, and daughter, Mrs. Sparrow of Buffalo, N, Y., spent a few days last week with Clinton friends, Mrs. Susan Leppington left Tuesday morning for Sarnia, bering ea/led ithene by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Wesley'Lawrenee, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross of Stratford were in town yesterday, having come up to attend the funeral of. the late Harry Twitchell, Miss (Cora Jervis left Monday tore- sume her teaching duties at Palm- erston after, spending the Easter vacation at her home in the ,Base- Line. . Masters Bob., and Billy Pheonix re: ;turned Saturday to their home' in ilanuiton, after spending the -Troll - day week with their grandmother, Mrs: R..i'. Cluff. Mr. B. 3, Gibbings and Dr. J. W. Shaw spent, the week -end es 'the guests of the forme"r's 'sister •and brother-in-law, Dr, W. 3. and Mrs. Kay of Lapeer, Mich. • Mr. T. R. Sherherd left' Monday. for Regina, Sask., after a. week spent at his hone here, having been called hone, by the death of his mother, the late Mrs. James Shepherd.' Miss Mary Chidley returned the end ;of the week to Toronto after spend- 'rig the Easter vacation with her mother, 'Mrs. " T. Jackson. Miss Jean was home also for Easter: hut' returned earlier. Mrs. -Karry 'Twitchell and. Miss Betty of Windsor, ° Mr. John Ross of Or- illia and Mr. and Mrs.: D. J. Ross of Detroit, were the guests of their. sister, Mrs. Murray 'McEwan, this :week, coining on account' of the funeral of the late Harry Twitch,- Ma Brydone, chairman of the. C. I. board, and Iiev. J, E. nogg,' mem- ber;, were in Toronto this week in teiviewing the Minister of Educa- tion asd,Qathering information e- e,ardinCollegiate Institute build' rings. Theyinspected several schools, with a view to getting • the best points of each for use of the board before 'letting the eontradt for Clinton's new school. Varma' On April 6th the two Varna W. 111f. S. Auxiliaries, Methodist and Presby- terian, mut • in the church for the purpose ,of uniting and 'forming one • Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the ma- THAWI INS ed Church of Canada. The' past'ci, ' Suggestions f>t om.,every Department in -our Store,-. ` From Our aleileterfa Nu -jell, Dainty.Puddings, McLaren's jelly Powders all flavors 3 for 25c Sherriffs' ,Jelly Powder with spoon 3Oc,pkg. From Our Croceteria ApexCa'nned Fruits in glass, White' Cherries, Raspberries berri Pineapple Beets and Beans es. From our.Suga'r Department Big Soap Deal Still �n Get our' rice• -;b .the sack,i while Sauce an and Soap $L45 this car Ists for cash: These are beautiful white saucepans Fruit and VegetableDepartmeni; '• Sween juicy oranges 29c, I Rhubarb, New Cabbage, Lettuce 1 Onions, :Cauliflowers; 'Cocoanuts. _Given Away with each purchase -Of one pound Crisco one cake tin free. ug' week in Teas strrting'April'22 to the end of the month. Regular 69c fea selected for 65c, 2 ib. for $1,.-25. Regular.59c, bulk for 48c Here and There All il over'the Sure •Choice Corn,2 Cans for ..... „ 25c Loose Cocoa, per lb , • 10c • Matches, 3 boxes for . , 24e . Cern-: `lakes, $ ekes, for 27c Large 'Size Prunes, per lb, 20e W'ax Beans, Apex, per tin 25c How'about a Salad for Lunch • Pimentoes .,... XOc and 20c' Beaver. Canned Oh ...: icken, each . 25c • Shelled Walnuts, per lb.. 48o Ciub,Iiouse Salad Dressing . 35c 40c Tuna Fish, 7 oz, size In the l)iorning First,gelivery 9 a.m. in the Afternoon First Deliver 2 ` �.30 p:m. Kindly Order Early I ' Cash and ServicVV•1'. 4 Phone 48 aY Where " SeJIs for less ,,price prevails: , LOOK Durrant, took the chair, After the formal opening of the meet- ing by singing and prayer, +the scrip- ture lesson, John 15th, was read al- ternately. By the request -of the meeting Mrs. Geo. Johnston acted as secretary.. Mr. Durrant then read the constitution of the United Women's Missionary Society and it was proved end seconded that the two auxiliaries he united and known hereafter as the Varna Auxiliary of the United Church of •Canada, The following of- ficers were then elected 1 -fon. President: Mrs. A. Foster, President: Mrs, Sparrow. 1st 'Vice: Mrs. McOlynlont. 2nd Viee: Mrs. A. McConnell. Secretary: Mrs, Win. Reid. Cor, Secretary: Mrs. Geo. Johnston. Treasurer: Miss Bertha Diehl. Mes. Sec,: Miss V. McClymoat, See. of Associate or Home'Iielpers: Mrs. 3. Rothwell. Strangers' Sec.: Mrs, Sher, I{eys. Organist: Mrs. Chas. Johnston. It was decided that the Auxiliary would meet the flit Thursday of every month. The meeting was closed by singing "Blest be the .Tie That Binds" and prayer. • Constance On account of the badroads on Sunday, Rev, Mr. Snell of Londesboro was Linable to get out to the service Sunday afternoon. Master Harold Glazier of Clinton spent a few days last week as the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs -.Thos. Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Robt.-Grimbolby,en- tertained a few to a party last week. We. understand, Mr. Ted Stephenson has sold his ,gtore and lot to a' Mr. Hills of near Owen Sound, The new owner gets possession about the lst, of the month. ' Prank Riley has rented TedSte- phenson�s'blacksnmith • shop • and has started to Work there. Ire Olde Tyrne Fiddlers Huron Central Agricultural Society are holding A:FIDDLERS' COMPETITION. SPRING SHOW . NIGHT I'hurs., Apr. 15th Town hall,; Clinton Old Thee Dance After Concert, Admission -50c HEAVY WHITE ENAMEL SAUCE PAN (Best Quality Ware) Toegther 'With— • 1 pkg. Shipso (large size) 9 cakes of Gold or P, .0 G. Sodp 2 cakes Guest Ivory soap 1 cake 6 oz. Ivory soap Regular $2.35 ALL' FOR $1.45 Dominion' Stores, Ltd A. McKinnon, Mgr. Comte to. -the Flower Shop on the Midway FOR YOUR FLOWERS SATURDAY SPECIALS APR. 17th CARNATIONS - Fresh and Fragrant, only A0 a .dPozeRICn ROSES A$1T CUT ES also SWEET PEAS, MIGNONETTE , and SNAPDRAGON J. Cuninghame, Florist Phones ---•31 and 176w COMING The Sea Hawk .. The picture that appeared for 26 consecutive weeks at Regent Theatre, Toronto, t,. Fourteen Brilliant Stars in the Cast. The most extraordinary settings ever built for a motion picture , Pour gigantic vessels of the 16th Century type in actual combat A 11li11ion' Dollar Productiodi With every cent evident on the screen at the STAR THEATRE April, 26, 27 and 28, Under asupices of ROME AMD SCHOOL CLUB ADMISSION 35e, 2c War Tax 53-2 Expert lluznbin ' Steam, Hot Air or Hot Water Heating ' Have, us give you an esti- mate on the job you are •contemplating this corn- ing on,ing summer. Piroue 244 for estimates ,sole Agents for. Martin-Senour Paints and Varnishes GIVE, US A -CALL. Hardware and Plumbing kimo- 110#11t StlRff< -�► Rfl -_ ✓.ice .� N# ,r �4 ���. 7.\�/ I-Iow about your floor coverings for spring? We have a fine assortment of -the newest patterns of Linoleums,-Congoleums and ""Oilcloths to suit any room in the house, as weII as carpet rugs in Wilton, Axministers, Brussels and Tapestries. We have lots of xoom and are always pleased to show their. In putting away your furs you will be wise to consider a Cedar Chest. They are absolutely•moth proof.. And don't forget we always carry a well assorted stock of Springs and -Mattresses at prices to suit bverybody. . Some Real Specials in Coil Springs • HARDWARE DEPT. Try a package of Seotfo to clean your stove pipes and chinmeys, Will prevent rust and creosote dripping from- pipes and chimneys. Easy to amply and saves a lot of dirty work - Clinton Hardware and FnrnitureCne FUNERAL DIRECTORS • MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 TAILOR. MADE means BEST MADE Once you, have experienced the satisfaction of selecting your owii style and goer own material then feeling the conl£ort of an absolutely porfect fit, you will l nosy why particular men Will never wear any- thing but tailored -to -their measure clothing. You'll wonder how you ever wore, "off the shell" garments, after wearing one of our suits! TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING IS NOT EXPENSIVE ASIC ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS RILTMOItE AND BORSALINO BATS—FIT-U-WELL CAPS . Davis& lieirnan- VETERAN TAILORS , - PHONE 224-W Sp®t Cash for Eggs and Poultry Qualitn Counts 'We are in the mallet for Eggs and Poultry seasons of the year, prepared to pay top -prices for top quality. 94 per cent of Farmer's eggs received last week graded. Extras and Firsts, GUNN, . LANCLOIS & Co_, 'Limited: HEAD OFFICE — MONTREAL, QUP. Clinton Branch open each day from 7 a.m. to 0 pain, Write, Phone or Call for any further information you require, GUNN, LANGLOIS & CO., LIMITED., - ` CLINTON, ONT:, BRANCH �. PHONE 100