HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-15, Page 57Isststio
r.;15r' a ta26.
e: Man; writ
`HOSEwho li^ave saved:aze able:.,
to buy;andthemanwitlirnoney
in the -bank is always ready, for
any opportunity or emergency.,.
Determine to save'a certain. sum
--ay. 100. ;That $ T , accomjrlished; ,
save a second 400, and • you, will
soon have $1,QQ0 in the bank .q '
Ask1or'our bookl t ?TheMeasureof
Year Income." "ifseiltbap sou.
.F Caa�daf
C1iiiion i3raricli' R.1 r Mariners; IVlandger.
4f ahtekrestto You
and Me
There was: a magnificent display of
Northern: Li •hts fast night,
• ,x a m a ,
We11, we waited for • a fine day fol',
the, spring show, and got tit. "
-Luther Burbank, the'famous' "Plant
W4.zard," diedthe other day at the
age of ;seventycseven.
The sinimen'e rest rogue, • although
not fully equipped, is ojen today for
• the accommodation of visitors to the
Spring Show.
The Sudbury Star thinks that,dress
of modern women should be reformed
• or' abolished. But isn't it the opinion
ofa great many shocked mortals that
, too much has already been abolished?
"Now that spring and summer. are
' ,definitely over we can all settle down
.'end give cur minds to the problems
• of fall and winter."—Manitoba Free
;What's the niq ter with the Free
Press? It scejns to be badly mixed,
'That little "filler" must have been
lying around on a "bunk," galley since
fast December.
"Do ,yon suppose it would do any
good," plaintively enquires The
Ridgetown Dominion, "if we wrote an
editorial on advertisers getting their
'ad copy' into •this office in time for
us to give it the attention they would
like us to give it? Past experience
seems to show ii does no good at all,
' but we would like to have the •opin-
.,ions«£ our readers on this point.:'
It is a curious fact that while ad-
vertisers wish their copy handled
• carefuliy•and as good use as ,possible
made of it; they, at least some of
them, will persist in sending it in so
late that it is impossible to give it
much attention. It means hard work
on the part of the printer to set ads,
If. that work has to be done hurriedly
it cannot always be done in the best
manner. Early copy means .care in
handling and more satisfaction for
• both advertiser and printer.
t k s
April 18-24 is . to be observed, as
"Save the Forest Week." In the mem-
ory of those still' living, adl.this part
of the country has been changed,
from forest into "smiling farms,"
'and -now we are asked to "save" what
is.left of the forests and plant new
ones. Surely it is something of. a
-eonipliment'to the industry of Can-.
.adians, if not to their foresight, that
they have in two generations cleared
the:mighty forests until.' there is dan-
• ger of their extinction.
m *
The .federal Government is pian..
ning to revalue- the Soldier 'Settle-
irient lands,, when applied to for such
revaluation. As for some -time there
has been a feeling that some of the
' lands purchased under the Soldiers
Settlement plan -were a rather dear
bargain, this:mmove on, the part of the
Government will meet with general
approval. A farmer ` who returned
from a .trip to the west a few months.
..ago told the writer that, in many
cases the soldiers were forced to give
up 'their holdings, losing all they had
'invested, because they could not make'
a 'living and vay for their land and
equipment.. The 'Government cam af-
fotdsto be' generous with the returned
men, 'saving what .they; expend upon
-them , on something else. The idea
should be to see that ex -soldiers who
wish to farm be placed in a •position
\to'realky attain a measure of success.
In all dealings with soldiers it were
•better to err, if need, be, on the side
of being too generous rather than
not being generous enough.
* M .
The American 'Ambassador to the
Court of .St. James nes e
s now home on a
holiday, (perhaps the poor elan needs
it), and he has beeif explamit:g to his
fellow -countrymen something about
,English •characteristics.. , One ' thing
whCh he ,has observed .is the English
habit of what he ,describes as "groes-
rng " •',We usually call; it grumbling,'"
painting the darksideof the picture,
We Canadians know. and ;:maim allow-,
anee for this habit but it is not every
American, h
n n w o does
that; . ,th
to take the Englishman ,at
his ;word
when he paints:,:a.gloomy nieture of
affairs- at 'one.. But this American
bas eb4erved that Englishmen do'this
all the time and he says they seem to
consider it aile a <,family privilege ,' i'i
p, g end
rather' resent it when.otlters takeit
up: He eonrrares it to the American,
, `habit of chewing gum. •:,He,says:l,"it
:exercises the sante muscles, is just
about the*same strain of the inteleet,
and it affords a. certain amount of
comfort." We think:' it 38 •a, good •sign
"-When the ,Americans havegi"begun to
unclerstaiid the' habits of Englishmen.
In order• to get along smoothly'with
our neighbors we must lear'n•te know
and be willing to tolerate their 'little
The financialstatement of the
Huron Presbyterial of the former
Presbyterian- W. M. S. from Jan.',4st
to'1Vl;hrch 31st, 1926, is as follows:
Auxiliaries—• Auburn, 387.09; Bay-
field; 549.00; ' Blake, -534.04. Blyth,
$220.00; Brucefield, 590.00;' Clinton,
$135.00;.' EgmondviIte, 5103.50: Ex-
eter, $57,00 Goderich; 5205,26 Grand
Bend, $52.00; Hensall; $147.39; Hills -
green, 540.00; Kippen, 5142.65; Kirk -
ton, $64.00,; Leeburn,•526;00; Isepndes-
boro and Burns,' -538.00; Melfillop,
530.00; 1Seafortth, 5205.00; Smith's
Hill, $51.50; Thames Road; 576.00;
Union, Goderich Tp., 524.00; Varna',
517.00; Winthrop, 540.00.
:Young Women's Auxiliaries --
Brueefield ' (Kelly Circle), 5114.00;
Egmondvidle (Neil .Sfasy,), $107.57;
Exeter (Logie),^$40.00'-Blyth Y. P.
S., 528.00; 'Smith's dile, C. 1. D.
Class, 530,00.
Mission Bands --- An'burn, $42,00;
Blyth, (MoLean),'•.580.10; Bayfield
(,Lou Gradmm), 58.00; Blake, • 59.25;
Brueefield, (Little IJelpers), 520.00;
Burns, 515.00; Clinton, 547.45; Eg-
mordville; (`Little Yelpers), 513.00;
Iiensall, $13.11; Hillsgreen, $18.00;
Kipper, (Gould}, $20.00; l;eeburn,•
$6.00;. McKillop; 5.1,00. -
Auxiliaries ... ' $1,933.29
'Young Wo -men's Auxiliaries 319.57
Mission Bands ... 301.91
Expense Fund , . , 15.23
Total ......,...52,570.00
The inaugural meeting of the new
Huron Presbyterial in connection
with the United Church of Canada
will be held in Ontario. Street Church,
Clinton, ,on April 27th, 'at 10 ' a.tn.,
when the officers will be elected and
the year's work outlined`
linliett Township•
The following is. the report. of S:
S. No. 2, for the month of March:
Jr:' 4th -Margaret Carbert,• .812;
"Elisabeth • Morrison; ' 677; Harry
Reynolds, 672. 'Agnes Carbert, • 648;
*Gerald Brown, 496; "Theo Flynn,
Sr, 3rd—Jiiii Reynolds, 697; Earl
Reynolds, 567.
•+Jr. 3rd—"Agnes Morrison,: 502.
1st—Margaret Morrison, Reta-Car-
Those narked with an asterisk
have missed one . or more examina-
-..14Iary Flynn, Teacher.
• Ori dJ i'o
n ,Road, East= of Toren, it
fawn colored knitted sbarf. Fnider
please communicate -with C. N. up-
town office, 534-p
Comedy Drama At Auburn
Yiianrio Yonson's Yob, a comedy
drama in three acts will be presented
the Forester's hall, Auburn, on
Wtedrreaday evening, April 21st, 'at 8
pm. under the -auspices of- the IIar:
irony Class of- Knox church, Auburn..
This is -a play with a good plot 'that
keeps up the interest right to the
end. Admission 35c and 20c. 53-1
Private Sale of Household Effects
Dining`room suite and rug; library
table and2 library ohatt's, electric
iight fixtuv_ res for dining -room 'and
living -room," Quebec heater, range,
number of pipet and folding bathtub,
Mrs. R. W.' Ward, Isaac street,
aa1 CCi�le.
'60 1i:EAD' 01+ GRASS CATTLE
To he sold' about Apr. 26th• or 27th•
Look for>rletailed silt `text week:
G. I. N
Wb• have another eai':.load:'o•i: West-
ern oohs br'dr'ered to be here shortly.
This will probably be' the,last„this
season. • 'We Will sell off the• -gar ,at a.,
reasonable'price for cash I;,et u;; have
yore`' order in good time,
Phone '33-W 53-2
ILsON-14clyfU'R,CiI3Y Atr „St,
ALIindrew's chureii, King stz,eet;;,"Tbr-
onto; on April 1Qth, ' by 'the ,Iter,
Strait Parker, assisted: by'tbe Very
Rev- ;= Canon Cody, , :eetor, Of, St
Faults •church,; Sir John Willispn to
Marjory Jardine" Ramsay s:Mac.
Murchy, youngest ,daughter of, the.
latePrincipal'.;and `Mia,•V:1VIacMurohy,
fer'rnerlyaof Toronto,
YOUNb—In "Goderich - Hospital, on
April 10th, tpMx -arced Mrs Charles
S. Young, ,furmerly•Alta Glazier, of
t' dertch town ship;' a daughter
Vera, Cecelia•
idE$ISIAN-1n Torontiq, on Aprillst,
toDr.. Harry and Mrs. Hessian, a
Deatthl, '
MU,NRO In ;Clic ton v on •April
Harry Edger,,'0nly son: ,of Ar., and
Mrs. E C..1Vlunr; ged 23 -years,•9
months tend 19 days: •
TWITCI•TI1LI -In Windsor, en A'pril
r10th,' Harry Twitchell;` son of the
late James, Twitchell of Clinton and
• Mrs. -Twitchell of Windstir, aged_ 86
, years and 4 months,
GEMMELL In'- loving:" memory sof,
Mrs: i D: Gemmed, 'who ' departed
this'] April April 20th, 1924. ,
"We miss .thee from '• our home,
We miss thee from.thyplace,
A shadow o'er our life is cast, •
We miss the sunshine of thy face:
We miss thy 'kind and willing had,
Thy fond, and earnest care;
Our home is dark without thee, ,
We miss thee everywhere."
-=The Family.
tl quantity of II'emlocic "dumber,
which will be cut to' order, 10, 12, 14
and 16 feet long.
Please "send 'your prders'"
' Phone 624-r-4 -5241
Must Settle Accounts
All accounts due the Clinton Public
Hospital must be placed in the hands
of the treasures, Mrs. N. W. Tre-
wartha, at once: 53-1
' • For_Salo—
A coinforfable frame house, lights
and town water. Also'suinnter kitch-
en which would serve as garage,' or
could be moved' from property. A
very desirable' "property. Mrs. Wm.
AI'gsnt• 53-91
Farm For Sale
Let 15 in the Bayfield •Road; %
nnle west of Varna in Stanley town-
ship, consisting of 86 acres in a high
state pf cultivation, suitable for farm-
ing or grazing. Good bearing or-
ehard; running water • in barn, also
Spring' creek. ' ExcelIent buildings in
good repair. Rural mail and tele-
phone. For further particulars ap-
IiTy to Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Varna, or
phone 5 on 623, ,Clinton central. 52-2
House and Lot For Sale •
Nice, comfortable Six -roomed cot-
tage, in Victoria street. Electric
lights, town watert furnace unci barn.
There are a number of apple and
cherry trees and small fruits. Apply
on premises to W. G. •Smyth: ' 52-3
Tenders Wauted
Sealed tenders will be received • by
the undersigned until'\4pri^lr 20th for
painting, decorating, etc., of the in-
terior and exterior of the school,house
of S. ^S. No. 6, Tuckersmith. A certi-
fied cheek to the value of 10% of ten-
der, must accompany each tender
which will lie returned to the'.unac
cepted tenderers. The lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted. For
further particulars, specifications,
etc., apply" to Samuel H. Whitmore,
sec. -treasurer, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth.
Phone 150-r-23, Seaforth''Central.
House r Sale
A comfortable 2 storey 9 -roomed
house in first" -class condition. Elec-
trio lrgh'ts, tosehlWater,'furnace and
g'oodl cellar . i/s: acre. dot -with good
barn. On Victoria street;, Apply to
Si G. Castle. • • 51-3
?'arms 1i or'Sale or Rent
South` half of Lot 77, Maitland con:,
Goderich Tp,, consisting of 55 acres,
with buildings and running:' water, for.
sale or relit, also lot 78, adjoining this
lot and eon''sisting of about,12$ acres,
suitable' for grazing, having a spring
creek running • through it, for rent.
The latter lot is divided into two marts
and Maybe rented ,separately, each
part baiting running water. For par-
ticulars apply.to Mrs. ' Olive Bedard,.
Conrtright, Ont; '• 51-4
Ip,rthe matter : of ' the Sulo and
Transfer' to certain Stock and Fix-
tures of IIarryBlut$ner, of the Town
of Clinton in -' the - County ;of Huron,
Baker, to William .A. ,Crich; of the
Town , -of Seaforth in the said CbunEy
of Huron. ' • ,
;TAKE ' NOTICE that all =Creditors
'of t'he said Harry: 'luthner;,, entitled
under the provisions of the Bulk
Sales ActChapter` 33,'7' Gebrge V,
Statutes,; of Thtario, to, share in the
pttrchase price-ef thesatd stock are
required ort or before the twenty -
811 • April AT)1926,' to
sewed written 'particulars of =• then
,lanes duly yerified-`by affidavit with •
notifications• of- secui;rties; ifany,held
by then, in,respect'of their elamts to'
R:Mai'' i
E m ng; ,the •duly,appointed
Tiusteo,,uncler the Said, Bullc Sales:
• vunn•i'1'y1t TANG , NOTICE that:
the sari (Trustee wiled after: the said
day of April, AD.,4.1026, proceed, to
distribute ironies received, by him by
reason' oC Isis aforesaid appointment`
in puruanee•-of this terms of the said
-Act,. haying consideration. ',' only to
those creditors rroln whom-hm'sha11'
have received 'prober notice: -
'R. E. MANNI1IG, Hags
' Clinton, Ont,
eta 'halt' s Right"
Burgess, -the Mitchell photograpl er,j
is in his Clint -air studio every Tucsdayi
from:4100 to 2 3U •Wil}4 ire "pleased'
to 'make, good Portraits for you. Be
and come at aiiove hours. Mir'
studio will be warm at all times
,Let us develop find print yourytrlina,+
We takethento our Miteliell-;"attglio'
and;lnail back prdiriptly.to 'you, ',• _-
Burgess, Porrtrat Stutiip°
laeaaslChick Farm.':
and Hatchery
$.+C, W. Leghorn,
eghor, Barron strain
Bred to,lay'Barred' Plymouth Rooks•
Ma ines tet • every week'
P one 218-121hnton:_'
Agent faoind ,MiBroodltiers. 'Incujiat`ors
Sprang'" Muskrat Skins
Badly= Damaged Slcins at Value• •
Clinton, Ont. Phone 89,
• Wewish to announce that we are
showing a beautiful line of upholster=
ing tapestries and other: coverings
from '51.00 ' tip. " Call and see these
goods a ,phone for appointment and.
we will call with'sarupdes. Estimates
cheerfiiliy furnished, Autn or Car-
riage upholstering recovered or re-
ALSO—Have ua reduce that side-
board to a. modern buffet. Cut ;town
that high' wooden; ,bed -or recondition
those chairs. All repairs guaaganteedr
"strong as new."
Shop ^oph. 'Ontario St. Churep. shed'
Phone 95 •
Seed 'Wheat For Sale
Some Western . Kubnnlca Durum
spring wheat, heavy yielder, goof( for
sowing alone or mixing. Ripens same
tune as Marquis. ' Also quantity of
Marquis Wheat Fred G. Ford,
Holmesville. Phone • 16 on. 611, Clin-
ton Central. ' " 51-3
House and 4 Acres of Land
For Sale. The estate of the late
William H. Ball oilers , for sale the
property on Ontario street Iately oc-
cupied by deceased. The property is
most desirable—a good 8 -room dwell-
ing with electric lights and water, a
barn about 30x24' on cement founda-
tion with 'cement Doer, electric light
and water. Four acres of garden, a
deligilttful location and everything' in
first class condition. W. Brydone,
solicitor for the estate. 51-3
•' ' Farm For Sale
In Stanley township, lot 32, con. 3,
containing 95 acres, 21F utiles from
Clinton,'3<_, mile from school. Rural
mail, telephone, two never failing
wells, frame house and barn. 80 acres
cleared, balance in mixed timber, 30.
acres fall plowed. For further par-
ticulars apply to John Pearson on
premises or phone. 22 on 620, Clinton
central. 49-91
Barley For Sale ,
Two hundred bushels of Barley, 0.
A. C. No. rr
2. Apply . to Jos. Hood,
Kipllen, 48-5-p
Cottage 'For Sale
Seven -room cottage in •'l,bwnshend
street. Verandah, town ,water, elec-
tric lights. 'Good garden attached.
Apply on premises to Mrs. Nickle, sr,
• 50-4-p
Rooms to Rent,
Comfortable 'furnished , 3:00111 to
rent, en suite or single; Also board
if desired. •Every room heated. Bath
room, -'phone and every cenvenience
included. Apply "Spruce, Lodge" cor-
ner 'Ontario and William Streets'
Phone 96. ,50-4-p
Cheese for 'Sale :.
Cheese for sale in 20 lb. lots or
more any time, present` price 211/se Ib.
W. H. Lobb,' president and salesman.
R. R, No. 3, Clinton. ' 40-tf
In the estate of Isaac; Weavers, de-
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons,-Iraving'elainr agains•b the
estate Of Isaac Weavers; late of the
Town of Clinton "in the County of
Huron, laborer, deceased;; who died on
or about the -18th day of March, A.D.
1926, are required to deliver to Robert
Hunter or Fred It Nott 'the' executors.
oX'thesard estate or•,their solicitor, 'on -
or before the 17th day of April,' A.D.
1926, a'; -full statement of their claims,,
together with partichlarsthereof, and
the nature of securities, if any, held
'by theme all duly verified by affi-
davit. ,
AND TARE NOTICE' that: after
the said
last mentioned date the said
win proceed
to distribute
the estate of the deceased amongst
the persons entitled • thereto having
regard only 'to suc13claims as they
shall have reeeiaed due notice and in
accordance therewith.
,, Dated at.Clinton, Ontario, this 31st
day of March A.D.'1926.
4V. Brydoney.;Clirtton, Ontario, Soli-
citor for the said executors. 51„3
Clothes Cle i
ab`ed and
Clothes cleaned. pressed' and re-,
paired.. Woolen' goods: ;:dry cleaned,
Rooms "over 'IIeard's barber shop,
W. J. Juga. .-83-tf
To have: your flobks give you a bets
terprofit it is necessary to keelrt cul-
ling out the oyerfiat,lrens that are not,
are. afways''1 the,niarlcet for
poultry and•eggsat top prices °
! !•.' Trewaetha -.
Phones—Office; 514j= Ttesidence, 214w
R; D.
will be aE:.lris office_
in Clinton each
Pram 3.to & p,m; •
Clinton Rotor o Truck
,and'Machine Co.
Tires and Tubes
Patching Material, -
-- Storage Batteries'
Batter Repairing and'Ch
.Y P g signs
Gasoline, Oil and Grease
Auto :.Assessories and Repairin'
W. J. Nedige
Chinaware Sale
on all Chinaware in the store. This
is the celebrated "Cloverleaf” design.
We have Tea plates, Breakfast plates,
Dinner plates.«and Cups and. Saucers.
Spring Clean-up season has ar-
rived and we are ready with a good
stock of Soaps, Polishes, • Brooms,
Mops, etc. ,
Classic Cleanser .. 2 for 25c
OId Dutch CIeanser 2 for 25c
Magic Puna1ture Polish . 25c and 50c
Farm For Sale
In Goderich township, on the. Pro-
vincial Highway, 5 miles east of God
Crich, 3 miles west of Clinton, adjac-
ent to church and school, comprising
30 acres of first class land, well tile -
chained: Good cement block 7•room
house, bank barn 40x50, driving house
and garage 3040, Orchard of 55
good winter; apple trees. Never -fail-
ing water supply: For 'further par-
ticulars apply to ;Oswald Gini`, R: R.
No. 1, Goderich. Phone 16-603, God -
rich Central. 36-tf-5025
FOR. IO,000le
You may think that being a coal
deo et• is a. dirty,,,uninteresting= job.
But we don't.
We are proud of the feet that we
are furnishing you with warmth and
comfort, health and •happiness.
Itis an interesting study --the dif-
ferent kinds
if-ferent'kinds of coal for each purpose,
the kinds best suited to your furnace,
Your kitchen range e or grate.
What help' ca we eve
p g yon with -
your, heating, problem? ?
Call the -
'for good, o
od, alealt coal
i. .
I$nown as, Clinton. Garage, on ;l?ro
vil�cial higiyway, between Stratford.
and Gocderiddh, A good buy for right
man. Property, fixtures and' -stock,•
'Apply Drawer; N, Clinton Garage,
Clinton, Ont. 40
.onJraencng :Saturday, 'April 3rd,
i ter• • ardware `Co.. ',Clinton -.
naugurate a'
al"'Pedal $ale
and follow each` Saturda there
after .
This Sale will be on:Satuyday only and the ;,merclxurfdise-coy=
erel.iit these sales will be.'displayed
in our., windows' each Fri-
day for Saturdays sale only,
You will save money on every y article offerin '
Watch our • Windows ,Every Friday -
for 'these Saturday Specials
Rowiand's Old Stand .-
�"� ' ` Having erected new coal sired, will-
Have a complete stock on hand
of Alfalfti ` Alsike, Timothy, Yellow
and White Sweet ,Clovers, all No. 1
graded`' seeds; a15o Mangels, Turnips
and all garden seeds in bulk. We
have taken 'great care in our selection
of stock this year. Our prices ate
right and our twenty years experience
in seeds at your disposal.
B• eeds
Have a complete line, Bran, Shorts,
Middlings, Screenings, hominy, Feed-
ing Molasses, Oatmeal, (,.,'hick Feeds,
Oyster Shell, Beef Meal, Meat Meal,
Tankage, etr,.
Snow Drift, Five Roses and Pur-
ity in 24 lbs., 49 lbs. and 98 lbs.
*Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
• Mercy
Buyers -
have on liand full stock' of coal for
-immediate delivery. Prices reason-
able. Also, a 'quantity of dry maple,.
Orders taken at. residence, phone 119
Stove and Nut. Coal, Coke, Soft Coal
and Kennel Coal ,
Also Some Wood •
Phone 155. Huron Street,
Ladies' Attention
I am prepared to do first class re.
pair work for all makes of Sewing
Machines. -.•
• Also a full stock of
Needles; Belts and Parts 3, '
'for all makes
Sole,Agent for th'e Singer
Phone 171J P.O. Box 201, Clintoti
Areh Defender 8hoei'
h real
At the : o They part 92,
At t— d Impart 8 b the
Impart 4 boor-,
ant spring to your ,tap.
Chit Slating $ egt
a1 as
' ret
For Men
and Women
of cietv1.6j
A RCH DEFENDERS are not an
.C1 orthopaedic freak --
they are
elegant shoes made in the Acme pf
Style and Quality. But they'4re also
made with the patented feature of a
'spring support --a hand shaped insole
moulded on a true foot -form last.
Thus your foot -arch is supported, not bya
rigid prop that is clumsy, heavy,and cramping
but by the spring steel support concealed under
the insole, extending from the heel, to, right
under the Scaphoid Bone which is the keystone.'.
of your,foot arch,
.7f you have the slightest degree' of trouble ^'
Arch Defenders will gfvt you quick relief:,
f Fred Jackson -
dude at Galt, Ont,.by
The: Defender 8hos Oo.
- - .5
H.VENNER, a:r1�11�13�R
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs. ['gone a�
F!ollr.0 Feed' &
We sell the Maple Leaf Flour, the 'Cream of the. ,Vilest
alsot first
a r
class ass. flour.
B1 •an Sone Calf
> rtMeal and O'1=co
... r dec ,.
We have Barley also a full line of other seed
on hand at a reasonable 'rice.
.P •
W. Jenkins &'SOn