HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-15, Page 4t:.
yRI7� 5,,x.926;1,
a a, e
Is nuw in• full
u I sw1
v the 'largest gestan
s lect1o
or ..19Z6: that we have everr4W
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Buy 'now W ii '
'While the Stock u�mple
k''f r-.
A� �' Free Sample, Brig � k '
•o � O I
Special Price on -Player Pianos
se' i ' t
Why have your present Piano„1dle g et !v ceout of it b y,
exchanging it on agSelf PIayer Piano, then ,every member of
the family will be able to play and enjoy thelatest music,
'Puil allowance for your old Piaiio:'
See or Call
Dealer ins all Mosical lnstrunients
Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton
South !luroll Member Discusses, Matters of , :•.
Interest to Agriculturists,
Mr. N. W. Trotvartha believes Far vinee. If this poultry,could be dress-
ecl here it would give a large number
niers should Study Markets and emlalbyreent, and if put in good shape
, that: Home Market should be Pro -
thinkconldall:be shipped to England. . I
think it would be a good idea if more
teeted: oC` our poultry were ickpt in Canada
In debate en, the report; of the ag- until finished and shipped to the old
country instead of the United Scutes,•
ricultutal enquiry committee, of
which he is .a member, N. W. Tae- • "In regard to the egg pool, the
wartlia, South Hue•on, 31e1eured on member for East Lambton (Mr. -Oke)
Tuesday evening in the Legislature trade a statement here `solve days ago
to the loss of overseas markets by that tine Her. 0. Co-oanative paid
Canada in various lines, which had more for earthen eompetitors, I
opened "ix wide field for research and think this was a mistaken statement.
recommendation by the committee. The idea of the egg po61 is not in
He also referred to the, effect of the paying the farmers so mach more
T'ordney taii'iff, "It was up to Can: money for their eggs; I don't think
ado.," he said, "to•iwtprove the quality farmers claim they get much more
of her shipments, axtd it. was part of money through the pool, but eg'g's die
the business of the agricultural en- taken' off the market into, the poor
qu%ry committee to show the-farni.ers• when there is a very °'heavy ,pr•oduc-
it was neeesstry. We found in 'New tion, .and in this way it steadies tho
Zealand they had appointed a coni market and saves the dumping and
nvisslon to take care of all the exports' glutting of 'eggs in -Toronto, Mont -
going out of that: country, and the Teal hnd Ottawa, which would make
_result is they feed' the market Of vert%ldw prices. They are put. in the
Great Britian; ' and cause no glut Pool and sold 'to the old countryt in
whatever, and in :.that way :obtain Oetober, and in this way steady the.
. much steadier prices than they +other• market through the .,summer for On-
-wise, would do. That is one of the tario eggs. 7 think this could be
recommendations of the committee done in more lines than eggs. It
this year that there should be a oat- tt could be done lit' 'poultry, butter,.
conal co-operavtivie marketing, corn -1' Cheese ,and a good •many ether anti -
ell for Ontario, and in this way five ,cies-" • ,
,think we can nnalte".a wonderful im-
provement in sending our jiroduce
toe -England. (Applause) >(�OTtn'esville
"At the Woodstock meeting of the
,Committee, there was a delegation of
ladies from the TJ. F; W, 0.eon the
subject,' of eggs. United ;States eggs
demoralize our market just atour
highest cost .period. ' 1 ,think it
little less than a criine that that is This year prospects are gid for 100
• allowed to go. on, and eggs shipped tons, as the routes are taking in more
in at three cents a dozen at a, tame of territory and many of rho herds are
Year when oost;is Very high, and their increased. The directors 'are instal -
duty against us is 8 centts, We have ling a new whey tanit with:denial's the
a large amount of money invested,in capacity of the old one. The far -
poultry buildings, largo poultry niers realize the value of pasteurized
hatcheries, breeding mouses, fattening whey for hog feeding,. Cows and
pens,, and we want to, foster the:in 'hogs are the 11108 -ti profttabie animals
dustry so it willrgrow and develop in a larnter can keep. and 'the British-
, Ontario, • market ie always ready for -Canadian,
• an have a wonderful market. in he.eese • and- bacon,
England for. our poultry ry products,
We all know that Ai. last three
partly caused 'by - our egg -grading Varna
system, onr eggs in England' are set= 1'
ling at.the best price of any eggs in 1 A Ismael- of', the • friends of Mr.
the world. We have a large market and Mis: C' Epps surprised the young
there;: for, poultry products. Just this conga with 'a liiiseellaneous shower
last two years; poultry has been ship on Tuesday evening, about 100`being
• l;ed over. to Great Britain frozen, and ,epresetit, and the many beautiful pre
there is an-unlimited:tnarket there fpr 'writs :show the esteem in, which the
'frozen poultry,-a;•nd 1f ewe could get young, couple are. held Rn the cote -
men' who,could g acle •this'poultiy'and manatee,' The. •presentation address
put it pp in good. Shape there is a was read by Mrs. Chan. Rathwell and
onderful market in Eur e at
Wonderful.. o the an appropriate i°e 1 n
Preply was tache by
r _
° in i
m ..en t o but we f n out in ask- Mr, -
t d. sl Elms, A. en'b. a
i rF >pp Y J Y,lle•,'pro-
ling the Department' of Agrieulture, grans Was given and a; pleasant even -
probably' of both governments; "there ing was spent: Following is the ad -
are very few men capable of grading,- dress;
dressed oultry and uttin • it u. in ! " e
P putting P ` ,::'
- ....Dear 1Vir; � sand Ms. Epps : We,
proper; shape for the British market,
yours erimicTs; ,•.and , peighbors, , have
and •1 think it,nsight be a good sti'g -'gathered here,this,evening to sptynd a
gesti.on. ibr ,either of the departments S;oial +time, arid` to'weicoi' a Mis.,: Ii As:
• -that 'more men; be trained to+but;inp, n ,-:PP
to, our- cominuiiity. 'W'e have mucic
poultry in batter 'shape- for the old • pleasure in makin her ac uaiiatai`ce
counts We could develo i a-mbrketa gq t•
y t , and trust that she rivijj enjoya, our
over there quickly, fog' frozen poultry. friendship. W y ' .
,.,. • We wish you every
But like grbding of eggs, or; bacon cess,end 'mudh,happiness 'through the,
ralling,'ft must be ' dolie-peoperily, years Of •ysuir married'lifs which e
At the
ifresent'tiee there is. a greet' hope Will be nan
, As:a token M our.
, shortage of dressed, poultry. During friendship please
accept• these' g'i>4ts,
the months of ;September...arat9ctober, 'which' nye trust; will be ;found useful,
,live. poultry are shiesped in:lare num-' W'rittelh on ':behalf el the young
bora to the Buffalo and.Bostoh mar- people of, the cbmltii-nity •Thelma
l t ....N w that,is, 'something like i ' -,
ee s a�g Rowson, fern Taylor? Mis.,Charlie
chipping: taw, material out :of our pee- Rathwell" ` 1, Iii yek.
The H o a nx.e 5 7111 e Cooperative
Cheeseand-Butter Co Limited, efhich
gave good satisfaction to its patrons
last ;yoar, is preparing for an increase
in business this season. Last year: 60
tons of cheesewere manufactured:
Bro1Yn' ,said Mas:tee-JohrL
lltown retic nevi, on.•Tiwisday last• de'
ter visiting-3ilx's. Brown's daughter.
Wxndsor fog a cou4e of weeks
Mx's�E. Fea6herttone drake Mess'
Doris Feather stone ::':and° ilii•s ;Chea,,
W, Parker, ctureed'on Tuesday after
having visited the ratter's dAtlgltter;,'
Mas L B, $initlr, in Landon, for a'
week,' 4
Mi William Z Metcalf o£ Ann Ax
.her University carQ;ltonte-on;T'iiday.
*rat; :Variatign with his pax:
'ceras i •„ � ..�. t
Mrs If..0 Stott end' l5 ,
(sml�thorpe; ivho, have spent •tine win
lei` nn °Europe, retuxned''11ome on:
Tuesday of"ia@t Wee%
Miss Izetta Merner returned one
Sa+tiir'day to ,Now' Dundee; Miss Eth-
el<'J'dwett to grechiri• and, Miss Jean
tj?oods to; Orton tib resutiie their;
teaiching,dutles •
Wis., M. II tri"'c ,e ,
G no 1 tuaned qn Sat=
tY,a:ilpy after spending• +the holiday at.
her honie ileal Ilxgeasoll
The pa-tY• liven, in the town hall
en'Thursdaylast by a nunnbei:, of. the
young people of theootnnnniity-wa5;
enjoyed by all present °
The V P S met`, on "Friday last.
o NewtoiitBradli ,gave a very initer-
esting and;ennstructive -lecture •on•the
p'esture iieints for stopping hennorr
hages• :in giving I ust Aid. Merton
:Kernel. took the•itonie frdui the stride
book `,Heroes of oar Homelands," af-
ter tiyhirlf tlte!social contartittee. took
charge and .a vein- intereptiiig contest:
on Eplgiish and, American 'poets was
given, '
Mr. aid Mis. W. A. Townshend and
1VIis's ,Gwen Lllirtt•'llatae;- returned to
then home: in Itlanilla.
1Vlr...1. W. Truitt returned -on Mona
day after visiting his slaughter in
Detroit fora a week,
Messrs:' .Merton Merner and David
Dewar have.returned to• their studies
at Clinton •Cellsaiate,
• ' 'Tnseeetoe J. E. Toms visitedthe
school an Tuesday.
Mrs: F. A.' Edwerds returned last
week after •seendin.o .several weeks
with hoe 'sister in Kitchener.
Mr. Thos, Elliott met: with quite a
•serious accident .on Saturday last -
when cutting wood he was accident-
ally cutin the leo; just back of the:
knnee. It was quite a deim cut and
reouired eievon. stitches. • It •is to be
honed that he will -make a speedy re-
covery: •
Mr. Glrcham Dllintt left nn Satter -
clay lee take a position in Kifehener.
I1risses Anns '14;1liot4:awl allva and'
Annie newai left on Sat,nrdav to i'a-
slime their duties on the Toronto
Public Schools staff.
n,n,•reeld Public" 'and Continuation
schord Paster report: •
Senior Room: e
Sr.• 5th--Giaee Jowett;,: Mark El -
little •
Jr. 5th—Isabel Mustard, Doughts
ISr, 4th—Clay>ton • Weston, George
Sturgeon, Annie McLeod*. f'
Jr. 4th --Jessie Lindsay, FredWes.
ton, Lottie Higgins, ',1)largaret El-
liott, Agnes Derr, "George Finley,
Newton Sturgeon, Ella 'Mackay* Isa-
bel Lindsay'. •
Sr. 3rd—Doris Gem,in.hardt, Graf-
ton Weston"', Berthena Sturgeon,
John Brown*, Ilarold McLeod*. ,
Missed one or more extninetions,
—M. H. Gerrie, principal,
Junior Room:
Jr. 8rd—'Craig Kerr, Mary Wid-
combe, K.e•nnoth Merner.
Sr. 2td—Thelma Parker, Isabel
,Osmond; Edith Merner,/ John Wild,
Jack Lindsay, Sandy Mustard, Lawr-
ence Johns.•
Jr, 2nd—IaeithyGeminhrdt, James
Sturgeon, Maud Parker, Dean Castle,
Brown Lindsay, 'Louis Wild, Louise
McLebil, Toni • Castle, Casen Johns,
-Mervin Elliott,
Se. Primary --Charlie Parker, Clara
Parker, 'Doris Featherstone, William
Ailua.w; Woods,asaibtant.
Separate sealed tenders'maiked,
"Tender for ,Contract! No
will •be received by the . undersigned
until 13 o',cloek near Corr Friday, April
30th, 1926, for the following Work on
the Provincial Highways:
Contract No.
26.117 -Clinton westerly 5.6 •"etiles
(Alternative) Mileage 5.6.,
26118.5.6 miles, west of Clinton to
Godeiich (Alternative) Mileage 5:59:
(Black Base)
26-123—Clinton westerly ester
w 5.6 milesY.
• (Alternative) Mileage 5„6.
26-124-5;0 miles west of. Clinton to
.Goderieh (Alternative) Mileage 5.59.
Pleas;•,specifications, information
tobidders tender formers and tender
envelopes -may be,obtained on And af-
ter Monday, April. 19th, 1926; at the.
office of the undersigned or from Mr,
oy, Resident Engineer,
Stratford, Ont;
A narked eheque for $1,000:66 pay-.
aisle to t1te;Minis'ter of Public' Works
and Highwa
Ysi Otvtaxro
s 00 a,
oxnpany's 73rd Bond for a sun'ilar,
amount must beattached to tenders: •
A Guaranty Company's •Contract
Bond fox+ 50%, of the amount of the
entre will `
t x be furnithed by the Coil=
tractor' to the.Deparpnrent when •Con
traet le signed., Mainttenence:'Bonds
if `r'ecldhi:ed foe 25°Io,, of the total of
the-tender.,and extensioneof the work,
if any; shakl be ;furnished„to t'he -I)e-
paitinent where Convect xs'. signed.
All bonids'4nust'be made out:: on de -
pa ,amental forms. 'The,lbwest .or any.
tender.• not necessarily ,aceepte<i.
e ixt in
D Minister •. of Ii
P y., 1 I ghwaYs.
Deparlrment of Public Highways,
'Ontario, 7.gronto, April 8th, 192G, •
;01'oin AnothOr C're 'iond'e
o l snt)`
he annual adneex+ega'tiorMi Meeting
of St,,'Andrelv's ';Urttteii church was
Aga on• Thursdaj!' attei+inoon, April
8th, , with a gpppoly nutlt'11e} of the
members, ani t dhex-ent, .presenia: The
meeting.>was ggoided••over y,by the
pastor, Rev , T; Ilennedy, B DE, :acid
Mis W,,,` W4ilis acted•kits jLsgcretai.'y
>.Tlte fiiipt ltalf'hotii, was: spent' :in; de=
,votional;gxelerses:=afteitWlrigh reports
lyereii6cersed from tfie'vaitous de;
hmenta of the,chuneh,as- followpi°
The tot&17utenvbershi of the isun -
'day school ,ns 62' • the lnia0nt carted
foe ail ,purposes was 158;,' o£ which
'amount^$3$ Oq was ,fol Mis`sicntt`+anii••
10 86 kpr n• Rally bat fond Phe :
school hors kept"orient the whole year
and •tbe ,wort 'liag been ;;inainiMnect
iiuste• bsuieessfu'lly-•tinder,• ail efficient
;stat of•agtficexs hard :teaelieis ; :Mr'
i0.-1sfernei, wa%.n 0electecl superiatend.�
ent :ttf •the seh tel : ' :'-
Tlie ;Laches' Aid isothtutyy.repoi6gd ox
tellent work clung deming,Lhe yeap in,
paying the janitor's e.alauy.and mall-
ing considerable repairs in the Inte =
-nor of -the parsonage, .There has ,been
a: steady increase -in • its' membership -
;and it,repertee,,e. balance, of, over;• $50
on hand. The new president appoint-
ed , a fe)s weeks ago, is • Mis (Rev.)
H., F. Kennedy, with Mrs. Win. Reid
vice-president. ]Vire Re+bt. Scots roar'
Secretary and Mrs, I. Makins • eas-
urea,.:•The retirin . :president, ' s.
g, 1
dWallis wts'eleeterl hoax uy presi-
dent ,:
The Women's Missionary Society
•re•?orted`for fifteen months' ;tram
Jan. 1925,to April 1926, this society
has sent to the Piesbyteriai'treasurer
the anoint •of'$215.00, this being' a
little more* than the total• amount of
their 'allocation,' This society' has
conducted' its work _In -a very credit-
able manner- during the •year under.
• the efficient leadership of Mrs. D. Mc-
Kenzie as president. - -
There -being no 'report. of the Mis-
sion Band presented, the. pastor„ told
of some of the' very interesting' meet-
ings he
eet-inrgs.lte had-attended.and assured the
people. that the work was being well
looked -after 'by :their superintendent,
Mrs. Mc, Tough.
Mr. II, Drehman, local treasurer of
the Maintenance and Extension Fund,
a'epdrted the ,total amount iof'$175.P0
beang raised from, all sources on this,
fund,; all of which, withthe exception
of, a fewdollars,having been for-
warded to the general treasurer in
Toronto. This annount, represents' the
sunt allotted -ccs this 'charge as,being
over'-subsoribed by $300.00•
The,;report of the session was pre-
sented by..i1lr. 'Colin Campbell, the
clod-, In ;this report was incorporat-
ed a statement. of the steps taken
leading up teethe .ceganizatiein of the
United' church, the apeointing• of the
members of the session the accept-
ance of Rev Mr, Iiemie(dy as pastor
of the charge and his :formal induc-,
time to the pastorate on,,,Oetober lst,
1925. Three official meetings cf the
session were 'helot since, its inaugura,.,
tion and dining ,this time ,those have
been two ebnenanion services held.
Only one member has died during
the year. Four have been removed by
letter. Seven new members were re-
-ceived and the present membeesbip is
125. There are 52 families including
members and adherents of the Bay-
field Cehin ch.
Mi•. E. Merner, 'treasurer of the
Board of 'Stewards, presented a very
encouraging financial report showing
that all the demands- of the church
had been fully met up to March 31st,
including the ministers stipend, re-
pairs to the parsonage, organist's
salary, annual: conference hind, and
other .local church funds. The report
also showed a balance of over $70,00
on hand, ,
The total - amount raised by the
congregation anck its organizations
during the year that has closed is
considerably aver $2,000, '
These reports were receiverlAvith a
great deal of satisfaction to both
neater :aund'people 'and give maple
testimony to the fact that both• spir-
itually and financially the union of
•the two chinches in -this place has
been a very successful' venture. ; , :
The •officers for the ensuing year
were appointed as 'follows: '
Mr. C:.Campbell acid Mr:. L. Clark
were re-Nlected as members of the
session for a term of three years, the
other'• members holding- office for
vax.yi g tenni-being: W. Wallis, .Wm.
Reid, Thos, Broavnett and S. Cleave.
The Board of Stewards were re-
appointed as follows: H..Drelnnan,
W. Stewart, h',: Merner, D. Dewar, S.
Bohner,, J. Seotchinee, P. Cleave}e, D.
McKenzie, and R. • G, Reid.
Mr. E. .Merner was ,appointed sec.
treasurer of the Board of Stewards
and Ii.' Drehinann, treasurer of the
Maintenance and Extension Fund:
This very inteietlting meeting was
brought to a close' by singing "Blest
be the Ties That,, Binds" and pro-
nouneennent of the benediction, after
which a social hour was spent and
light refreshments served:,
Is Your Child
.Thin and �%�'a�C?
Cod. Liver Eottact In Sugar Coated
Tablets Puts on Flesh and Builds
Tent Up
In just: a• few :days—quicker than
you ever:•dreantt. of--these;"wonderfttl
treating ta?
called McCoy',s
-Cad Live; Extract'
Tablets' will start'; to heln!any thin,
underweight little` •one
After. sickness• and where rieltets.
are suspected h
t ey are c especially vahn.,.
able, r
- Most people knowthat from ;he
livers of the lowly'eodfish.:vitamines.
of the first class: are extracted—the
kind that heI' all feeble nnderwe he-
n g
men, women and children.
`' Try these wonderful tablets la 30.
days and it-yeur frail, gaily child dent
greatly benefit—get your money hack.:
A very: sickly child, age 0, gained;
12 pomods in 7 months. • '
Ask any eireiggist :Cor Pv cCoy'r Cod:
'Liver Extract Tablets -•-as . easy to
take as candy iatd-3O tablets, 60 cents.;.
t401",V.BNMEN!l GRAN„1'
•Cj'vatoki, Apr..18 1026.
Editor?,; News4Recoxd;' .1 ivishito.';call
your' a'tt'ention to ane article appear •
ing rni:last wee1 s issue of The News-°.
Record, which says •'rho Public school
board '''have increased: the Oalanie5 of
th'o teaehere end that -the"Governnnent
have out•'ofl th'e;grant, ''
These statemennts ave_ both inco�r-
rect, ii' ihe'usixel salaries aro iq' of
feet, Arid ,•tlre 'Government grant is
Still naintained,,rt `is•the: irritation of
ache School e oar'd _ to ;. cbgiinu`e. with'
the piyesent salaries, as 'long• es 'the'
Government graxut selnai3ns''the same,'
Y'e11r5',eiec-rely,' ' •
`' W S R .4elie es,
n bolro.
Tl}e' Iatlles of,`the
'KU. S. of ((otic:
churel';gave ai tea alt the home of Mrs.
'xngYafsL oi� Tuesday'.' afternogn of
last.w•eei . 4he.goolety., Was.honoi=ed
by` tl;e: presenbe of Miss: Rogers; re-.
tu3'nei: iissionary"firosp. Koiegi;,and'
the nienvbers :Of . the Migs'igiiery
Society of the 1nited church, Miss
Belle" Scott -presided.• The meeting.
opened with., surging .psalm 84; Miss.
Barr read the Bible lesson ',after
which Mis k;inglanad led in praiyer'
A`short and interesting., program was
given. ' Miss Young gave a fine'`read
ing"Wrong Lee's Easter 'Allies" •
whieir contained'„ many beautiful`
thoughts worth acting upon. - Mrs:'
Rosd•and Mrs, . .Scott contributed a,
.very pleasnng*duet;. Miss Rogers, the
.speaker. of the afternoon, in a very
impressive inannor, • told of her work
in Korea, ae• it now is and of its no's,..
sibilities for the future, touching
briefly on the open deors•-hf the Poi-
eign field e d and its need. Ilex' address
was' most inteie`sting .and tone/dug
and all present felt the cAhaem .of it.
A vote of -thanks was kindlyren•dered
by Miss"Scott to Miss, Rogei 190 her
interesting and helpful talk, After
surging hymn 814, refreshments -were
served and a 'social ltotir closed the
meeting. . •
The K.iiox church Missioe Band will
hold its regular meeting in the church
on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
:At this meeting the mite boxes will
be opened and the pageant arranged
for the last meeting will be given.
There will also- be a short program.
Those in charge 'would like to see all
the:members present. The average
attendance go far is 22, which is
splendid with a membership of 30.
BrucefieLd. 1<
Mr. James Moody and iVlrs, Wm.
McQueen received word last week -of
the death of their; cousin (Jane Robb),
Mrs: William Work, who passed away
EasterSimday' "peacefully after a
long, illness. The • funeral was held
on Wednesday, April 7th, from Mel-
ville ehureh,' Brussels. Interment
took erlaee in Brussels cemetery.
Sincere sympathy is extended to the
bereaved fancily, and friends,
Mfrs. kali of W,inghanr was the
guest of her cousin, Mrs. Janet'Ross,
last week.
Miss Bertha 1,1,ustard of Toronto
is visiting at the honne of her ,par -
ants, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mustard,
1. Mrs. James . Derry:' and her son,
Will, have. moved to oui village and
we *elcgnne them,
Miss McLaren -et Clinton visited at
the home of Mr. Hugh Aikenhead and
attended the funeral of Mis. Alex.
114r, John Whiteman, our oldest
resident; who has been spending the
winter with his daughter, Mrs. Robt.
Dinsdale of the Town Iine, Stanley,
and who has been very 11I recently,
is • now recovering and his many
friends lire ver' glad to hear that he
is in a fair way to regain his old
time vigor. Mr. Whiteman is well
up in the nineties, •
The funeral of the late Mrs. Alex.
McReath ofthe second line, Stanley,
was held Tuesday from the old home.
The services were taken by Rev. R.
A. Lundy of St. Andrews 'United
church, Kippen. Interment was in
Baieds cemetery.
The syrup malting which got get
back fora week or ten days during
the cold weather we had is in full
saving this week. and with the frosty
nights and the warm, sunny days of
this week g000 runs' of sap are re-
ported, •
:Mrs, Johne Smith of •. he Zurich
road is visiting this week the home
of leer sat, Mr. Emmerson Smith, of
the village, • . •-
The warm , sun of the past -,veek
has made great larvae of the snow.
and nothing now remains but the.
heavy snow banks and the faiifiiers.
fire busy poeparing'for seeding, Which
will' be about two weeks later than
usual. "
' Quick Pile, Relief
Can only come by removing the
cause bad circulation in the dower
bowel. Nothing but an internal reitl-
-edy can bring quick; and sure relief.
That's why ointments and operations
fail. Dr. Leonardt's Hi;M-ROID bah-
ishes piles by -removing the cause:
Money refunded if not satisfied. J.
E. Hovey and druggists everywhere.
i6iG1#A1tl• 1155 ! ednesday Sukf• . �A? C TCFI, ' The will ,ef' the late (I'
bol ! ty,will, eolniner:4e 'litre the first •Oiat•les .Criryin `.contains- a :beciuest of,
'Wednesday iii, May ,and eontirrae nttr1 ;050'0 to the .A.iexanii•a, Marina and
the. end of•,Oeto1o' ;GomsalITospital,
Helping Yqt to
®®♦� rS, it was first designed life •insurance
., served only as a ,1iieans Whereby, a
pian mi •ht: provide for' his, roved odes
ins case ea
of • death.
.5eivice' is
only one, of the man'
needs which Iif %xnsu'xance• Y
By means; of life • insurance men .provide
fronds to educate their Children -guarantee
the'payment of mortgages, on their homes;
.ir onicie ;813' age . incomes" ' fioi themselves;
, .provide financial security for their-.bust
Life 'insurance will help you. toaneet
most any financial obligatiorx which you
may have, 'but to obtain the fullest bean-
- fit whieh . life ,insurance offers you should
choose' the kind of, policy most suited to
• your particluar' reciruirementS.
Information on this subject will'be-- gladly
furnished you.
Agent for The Ontario Equitable Life -and Accident
Insurance Company.
Great Rejoicing >< n
J g b Y
Rheumatictip ri.
C i les =
Tf So'C,rippled You Can't Use Aruna civ
Legs, Rheunut Will Help You or
Nothing to Pay
.Get :oi bottle of Rheunia -today- and
wear a satisfied smile on your, "face..
tomorrow., '
It's a'-reinody that is astonishing*
the 'whole country, 'and, it's just as
good fol gout, >sciatica and .lumbago
as for rheunnatisiu. •
I' d >ive :; he of ono /y a `
k �, . S t � s tis w Ste ficin`
the joints and muscles=that's the'
secret of'Rhetnna',s success..
.Bu 't t vet. don
riuto tate •ou
word for go ta 1. E. Hovey ty
druggfit and get a bettie of Rhouma(
today; if it'. doesn't' do as we promise;
get your xn6Yiey back. It will be there
waiting for Yot .-,Advt.
Reports on
Canada's ” .% sir"
cit 1• _s �'„
���:�-;=� �• erg,
iehi1+ -,
At frequent intervals throughout
the season the Bank of Montreal
issues reports on the progress of
the erops in -Canada, These re -
'ports, telegraphed to headquarters
from the Managers. of the Bank's
600 Branches, cover every Prov-
ince and form a .reliable index.:of
crop conditions.
The reports are furnished free,
Upon 'request at any Branch of the
.Bank your name will Gat placed. on
our mailing list,
Total Assets in Excess of $750,000,000.00
WHITE BEANS 6 lbs. 25c
BULK lbs.
** s�
l L
2 tins
591b. $b.
AU Beehive D Crown r s31
35 ox. BOTTLE
Raymond's �a�►C
p nd s Sour Mused
,��'"+� ��yy''aa �g 22C
Ibs. .
®,- -?000 Gold' uick
z Q
T�>kos•. Clntocola#e I'uddflng
1 ..
P CHIPS 2 250
No. 3 PAIL
Eaeifirst or
TLeses 1'ricon in effect for ons week from datb of iliaP P pa a
'ytss' fC 041.':.