HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-15, Page 3•
It Vr?:
tip and '� e CO "' the
Mr. It."
The French eau claire the distinc-
tion of hexing the shortest surname
le the world, rt is "O;e and is 'quite
Usanie;on in Paris, A Madame'pherasa
el was for many years the proprietress
ce a Parisian cafe. t O" is also _ the,
atanre of a village• in Normandy,,'emi
the chateau is occupied by the 1Kai
quis• d'O!
The, next shortest surname is Irish
-"Eke; this, salsofound in Swedeu.
An explorer, well-known in his day,
was named'-Tohsi' Ek, and one of his
a'eeendanta, lvaan,od.F,da Ek,, could prob.
ably claim ,that:,she had the shortest
names in :the werlel
f: r •
O towns with, aures the c
are "A" in Sweden and.''U" In the
Chtnaaa province or Henan 'There is.
also. in another province, a :village.
with 'the • name of 'T." In Europe
there are several rivers' named "Aa,"
but the palm, genn?raphically, mustbe
given to "X,'' a senate nay lathe Zuyder
In "England there are .many tltree-
Ietteied•,namese but .in the churchyard
round.a rained Dorset church there
are gravestones erected in memory of
several members of a family named
"It" Tbie name Was either changed
or .the family • bus: died out for none
bear it to -day,
Peanut Shell Alcohol..
A faotory .for the manufacture of
industrial alcohol' from peanut ,Thelia
is to be estahife'he 1 at Marseilles,
France. .
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
We Offer.Toronto's Rest Prices.
tit. Lawrence learket Toronto 2
a++e.-SHI P'''US YDUl2+- :•
PHie todoyfLrprieos-tvo guarantee
Mon fisr a Week ahead
FPp uurt&co„tIMtTEO
1.39 oaOaRo{erYs,Montre
l ..i•
The labor of lifting your Iron
about a hundred end`5ftyt times
ire the course of en ordinary
ironing ie the equivalent of rais-
ing nearly half a ton. The Hot-
point Iron Bever needs to bo
Lifted et all, but tdtnply tips back
on its epecially-conetmeted heel
teat. Thie ie one of the Four
Features that snake Hatpoint
Ironing "the easier way".
Ask your dealer.
Standard Hotpoint 'Iron ¢13,50.
Spade) Hotpoitit Iron $1 cadre.
Why ' April . Chosen. ; for ,
Save -the -Forest -Week.
His Excellency the 'Governor Gen-
eral has appointed; by B vel Pr'oel •
matlon 'the"Q,ay Aprll'18 to 24 inclti
sive eo Save -the -Forest -Week. .Lapt
Year a week at about the raise period
wigs designated for tlife perpose, There'
wage loyal enthusiastic reaponee to
the.proplalnatiou and much' good
s ft0d from the work done.
3uggas tions have beoimado Ilea,,
publicity directed towards forest fire
preventien'shiouid not be eooflned to
any, one Week blit should be eoutlnuous.
This• is,-otcourse, very true and the
.foreet authorftles' throughout Canada
have, work organtzed;on it yaw -long
bads. -Nevertheless' the locuselng ot
the public mind on the subject through`
oou entratonof all farce's during a epe-
sial tweek lase also very imeeetant.ed-
van'tages, chief of which is, that for a
short pealoda'high degree of intensity
of •publicity crap be attained!" The for•
est- authorities and co-operating or-
ganizations have not the resources or
faclltttes at theta disposed to, sustain
shaft intensive effort over long periods
of time, For these reasons .a special
Save -the -Forest -Week Is considered
advantageous- '
The week chosen is eeleoted in the
month of April for two reasons. Tice
first of these le that in. it large, part of
Canada' the, period of highest fire haz-
ard in the forest is the fortnight sue,
coedivgthe dialappearance of the snow
from the woods. During the warm
days,.which come at this Hine, the sun
berate down through leafless' trees, and
the dead leaves and twigs and the
dried -out gran;- and herbage of;the pre-
vious seasons growth beeotne'tinder,
in whioh the smallest spark may start
a conflagration In• another fortnight
new growth appears end,the.danger is
over until dry weather brings,- other
hazards later In the season.
The second reason le that April
comes in the season ia: which people
usually ,make their plans for holidaying
in the Woods, , and a word, a suggestion
or a warning now will bear good Trutt
during the weele'danger period. -The
fart that tithe year -the United. States
autitoriti'es' have ,teeieoted the same
week ea Canada shows that it is•gene
elaily agreed- that_ the seleetlon of a
week In the month of April may be ex-
xpooted to preelet ec the beet insults,
Shalkspea Stlpi'elme.
Shakespeare contented' ills reign as
the most popular foreign dramatist in
the German 'Olathe in the:, season just
closing,- Ar though modern 'English and.
tmerlean productidws titre ,sheared
hl over increaefng numbers, there was
ne dramatist able to •cha'llenge. the
Bard of Avon's bold en the favor of
the Gernton public
This season there have bosh more
than 2000 mode -clone of twenty-seven
Shekeepearean dramas by about "200
eeparate oompautes. "Twelfth Night"
headed the Ilet, having been given 231
three by thirty-four cone/settes. Next
in order cameo ''The Taming bf the
Shrove," "The Merchant or "Venice,"
"A Midsummer ,Night's , Dream,"
"Othello" and "Macbeth." "Hamlet
ranked only twelfth on the list this
season, while "A»thony and Cleopatra"
canoe twenty-third.
More than twenty-five German cities Ia
had fifteen or more ; Sllakeseeareen
presentations, I3erifn leading with
mare thein 600.-
A sketeh ot the Matterhorn, the'famoue •AIpIae pe�alclte-reiiroduced'i ere;
It is 1.4,705 feet:high. A party. -headed by Edward Wliym oi- wa,o the tilsi, to
ascend iG Sot tout of th•e jiarty'lost their live -th the. attempt. neat was In
Secrets. of Science.-
By Daviel Dietz:
The atnlospheree-reins, revers, gee-."
ciers and oceans, as we' have seen. are
•coatinuously at work wearing away
• tits land.
Ifjhese forces were tlieonly ones at
work. the, continents would be level-
led into featureless, plains stretching
DOM ocean to ocean and all the Fedi
n1eeltary'rocks trouild be In even layers
upon the ocean bottom.
`But a seaond•group of forces conn-
terrbalancethe work or the first group..
This second group tends to uplift the
As a result of these forces. we find
the eontinents- marked with great
duo to shrinkage, the heavier' ocean
bods tend to rime while the lighter
mere e ' composing
�,•. q a the continents are
pushed up and elevated; - .
• Geologists have. a theory known as
Che theory of isistaey. .Aceordlrig to
this theory, ten crust of the earth le
eonricleeed as floating, to to tfpeek,
upon Uu molten but rigid interior of
the earth.
According to tltig-ileeory, the heavier
burterighe, such as the omen beds'. set-
tle down because ofbeir wo ebt, Thie
Causes the lighter inateriafs,.41ie con
tinents, to -rise,
Because 0I'the rigidity of the earthe.
the oontractiote process etinitot -be a
gradual One.
It le periodic.' The tendency toward
chains of mountains. We,fiu'si layera shrinkage sets up t emendouc atralne
of sedimentary rocks wbicll formed in' the structure of the -earth's crust.
These strains' next get so great that
the. material gives way to them,
The shrinkage first gets up strains
which cause sash movements of por-
tions of the ,earth' surface, The dif-
ference of elevation: -caused. by these
under water now lifted high above sea -
level and bent and fiuokled and twist-
ed out of their orlgina•1'shape.
We also find : a third type of rock
whose farniatlon'wae bioughtabout-by
these forces.
The forces • which cause the uplifting email warnings le usually only several
of the continents and the mountain hundred feet -
ranges upon them, are due to the con- These small wnrpings in time set up
traction of the earth, many geologlsts, grains which cruise a breaking and
believe. greater re-edjpstmesit between Lie Hee
Contraction is thought to be duo to. ing.. and settling portion. At' these
loss of heat and to molecular `rear- times, the shortening, eolding..;and
rangemcnt of the peaterials in the in- breaking. of • the earth's crust causes
tetior of the earth.oM
ito the earth contracts, the outer the ruse Is sgithat
Aeolhgists believe,that eight read -
crust or surface of the earth becomes •jnstmonte of this nature have taken;
too large for it. Coneenuently -it col- place la North,,Arneiica in the. course
lapses. Parts sink, Other parte are of the world's history. •
buckled upinto great wrinkles by dills 'Final1Y there are the neat :pariode'
sinking. •••• .':of major re-agijuetmint when Lite con-
Geologialts know that elle uo h tinents thients are lifted are unite above sea -
are composed of lighter rocks_suth tie level. ,
the granites. while the:aoean•beds :are Ceologfsts believe there bare been
composted of heavier rooks known as six such niajer..readjustmenta in the
batelts, world's }idstory.
Contequen'Lly hi these -readjustments 1 Next article -Earthquakes.
' Popular Colors Among
Winged Folk.
IN TI•iiat SP p j G Bees and humming birds, as well as
i y A tstti�d boys and girls and grown folk,' have
their favorite colors, ' Bees and hum-
niing' birds; however, continue their.
Calle st Be Guarded With preference to Rowers, end' do not in,
Baby's Own Tablets.' elude neckties, gowns said- ,hats.
Sir John Lubbock' proved by sonic
The Spiing 18 a limo of anxiety -to '81 t.zing experiments ,that bees, prefer
mothers who have -little ones hi the blue to ale etlfer',shadeg in bloaefeiils.
home,. ' Conttttione make it necessary; Tile dilative'? itits'likewt'-'been made
to keep the baby indoors. He ie often that where reed flowers are most plenti-
confined ' to , -overheated, badly vont fui, there wilf be foend most tS'equent-
ted rooms and catches colds which IY thedainty, bumming bird, Of
Oonrse, this 'does not mean that bees
and humming binds do not visit flow -
eras of. o,illee shades as well, It only
shows that when -they tan, they turn
to the color -each lures best.' Bees. are
espettally fond of•the Igoe deur°de-lis,
the Canadian btuoilag of the marshy
meadows. -. They .delight In the blue -
capped lobelia, -too; nem than in Re
((:dusts, 'tie native' ea2'dirlal iiowei.l
Other blue fiowtrS qd garden and flel'd
mid. roadside have been found to be
to the 'bees' parti'cttiar lifting.
.Iled flowers, on,tile other hand, to
which the hnmmiog hirds•: eagerly, fly,
are the blos,i'om o1 the trumpet creep-
er, the "trumpet boueeeenekle, the, red
columbine, the cardinal' flower; and in
the, garden tiie.,little "ruby throat" is
often found ltoveeing over the gladi-
olas blooms, the )host common C0101e
at wli:tch have a•1ways ranged from
pinit -to citmeon.Fe l- ,eernet Better
Homes ,fid. G'ardeneo•
No Pacifiers of Babies.
French babies may howl, but their
mothers may no longer hush them
with pacifiers, nipples, which attached
to rings, 'merely defraud infantile de-
elms. Dr, Pinard, a famous .baby-
e,pec mist, has had a law put through
the Chamber' of Deputies forbidding
indnufacturo of-"eucettes," as the
French cal- them, as causing adenoids
_and'rnany childish complaints.
Id inard's Liniment used :by'physicians.
Workers in. the artificial ail fat
terries seem to bo- almost lirmmune from
influenza, because of the chemicals
r rr e
541 Cyl®'r 1 d r -
r t ser
Do you tackle your deities: with
pep . and vini or does every -task
seem atrial? You'can'twork well
un1,ess you feel well. •• Keep your
'body free of those.denaerous tonic
poisons that are at the root of so
many physical ailments by reg-
ularly using '
the gentle, : effcl'vescent is ath'e.
A spoonful ire a glass of water be-
fore Meals
e-foremeals and at bedtime provides
an effective dose ofspurldii'ig 'esti- :. :.
tress very pleasant to. take. .
For rheumatic end gouty co ad1ttone it
is also recagnieed as an ttive1u,,ble
specific fn three srxas-all c; t: siafs,
The Wingate Chemical Co. Limited, helot-arca-
1111111111ii111M1l i$71i1111 t'i�t"' 11111MI iftliilillillDDDlllitfii i1il
rack, his whole system,. To guard
against this a box -ot Babes Own
Tablets s'houidbe kept in the douse
and an occasional dos6'•given the baby
ere keep his stomach and bowels work-
ing regularly: This will prevent colds,
constipation or -colic and keep baby
0ve11. Tete Tablets are sold by medi-
oine dealers' or by mall at 25 cents a
box from 'The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
-The Twinge.
I was tiny when Mother died
neatly I do not iniad •
Living alone. My thoughts, range wide;
Everyone is kind;
Lite slips smoothly'along the groove.
Iwitnl too schooled to in,
What I never was free to have-
' Love and, a'lover`a klee..
Only my vanity feels a. twinge!'
Now I shall never_ a -o vee •
'Whether loev.O wohld have turned- the
hinge •
Had I been free te'got" ,
For I have the chin of the Wentworth
Unsought women; but then '
I have eyes• like ene mothers even
That had the "corse hither", for men.
Life is good and 1 am content `
With its peaceful ebb and flow,
Only -my -vanity feels a twinge.
Now I, shall never know! "
• -May. Williams Ward.
In Nottcorlba'+ WpocL
Otte never knaves It may be'you will
No 'ono at alt. 21. may be fairy feet
Will tiptoe lightlydown the MOO
splashed glade,;
Andy -they will stand and wa.tc}t you
'then vanish., Sometimes Peter Rabbit
Will stop'to fled upon his homeward
And once=long years ago -(1 ehant
forget `..
That summer evening) -God I3in1e11:
I met."
-Teo Walker.
Gas,' biliousness, hodi•ttiorn, dyspepsia, and
siniiliar ilis will not trouble you, if you take
Sclg11 i Syrup,. Any drag afore. •
'11THEP RI -
77 -7
D Jilllit l�' Piftlr' Pillo as a
load• IMproviang, .Healbih
l= ,estoring Tunic.
Irvery_ man, woman anti elitist needs
new, "rich, real •bleed• at' this time ' of
the year. T'hat•10 o sotentlflc tact. OZ.
ddetofo know -<it. The blood g1- ei'a,
thin sod pcor'in=the vitiator iters=. -.is
not enough of it, aid spring
the effect. Take n0 tcetoend sea
many pcop0 aro : pale and srh003 01.
this -.time or the your. They' oonlphzin'
o . being ottani; tired, their :appetite is
poor. .. and tile, cue often Cl.to ceee
and la ,a- g1i ile l., Mut-is Molh t Net
t.ure - 11r,l-1g tneui' to iniplo\o,th•ei1
blood dimly; bat often t11olg•dtgerr:ian
5,.. s eaiki.ne.t ro hat tlley,'Menet turn
loos into bland without help Nerot'1_
N, hero modern inc-t3 al sal'enes eetnes
to the fes tie 1)a. Williams,' Pink
t L0 e a direct 10 1I II o.1 i:tw 1 1 r•:1 and
enable<r Co' i, in
t I t O ht. a t
a p.� 1 o f t 1 a
meLtccns si nu,nts in your reale You
goon foel their effect -you appetite
Improves, - year nerves, are steadier,
color returns ,to ,the eil•eolfs and life
yon have mare 0370 anki energy and
09,11 work wIth-2008 fa•tiguo,
Tie value of Dot 'Milkuins' Pink Pills,
to all who 'are in what 18'. kn 'nee n
rum.down condition df imolai is provoU
by tbci'-eeporie00e',el Mw..Alex. Mc
)Cane! r .
Sell Ln1Ile}lei• 211 , a
t O , who a3�s:-;
1 0xvt e' in a. sou i-njoteiy rundown .con-
Nerve lsn 1
t s sae essnes,
� S P
and loss oe vitality ware all taking
their toll. I feet ntieorable all the time
and begun to reel that my case was
hopeless), 0e I bad taken a number' ot
remetileeraltii little or no relief. i had
often read of Df Williams' Pink Plies.,
auk finally, decided to, try them. " I
got a half dozen boxes, and' by the
time I bad taken about haQl of ;flesh,
there was 110 doubt Iliad ai-last round
the medicine I -needed to restore my'
health.. 1 continued the use Of the
pills; gaining etreeog'th day by day, un -
tit -2
n-tit-I was. soon 'enjoying good heblth
and-happinegs. I strongly reoomeuend
Dr, Williams' Pink Piaa -to every mean,
women or shod' who le in 'a .rundown
condition -feeling sure that the pi11's
wlll''soon restore einem to heollth and
Whether" you are seriously ill err
merely':feel easily tired and out-of-
e,crifeee you' should, try Dr.: Williams'
Pink Pi31t4 this spring" They are sold
by „medicine de:llere everywhere, .or
will be sent by mail at iL cents a box,
by writing The Dr, W11111 nee Medlcjne
Co.. Brockville;' Ont. • • "
',Knights of.Labor.":.
The cross o4 the elenig1ite of Labor"
Ile A. distinction, planned to remelt the
Merit of French workmen, It is .1n -
tended • to honor `workers who in -an-
nual oon1petltiah may earn 83yeoial die-
tinction for npplldation, ekillor pro-
ductivity. e
A bill before the Member of De-
Petiee awthorizee the government to
prepare the: decoration,' choose the
-color of the ribbon, and announce the
establishment .of the order by decree,
It authorises tba, pomination of 1000
itnights, 100 officers and ten commend.
eas. '
Mlnard'a Lin imentyfor colds.
Our skugs are changing in shape,
according to Miss -V. George, a Lon-
don scientist, •who believes that our
'faces are growing longer and nar-
Where `Stu eng s li' P� I, 't
Hand to :a spectator it spool.' of
cotton thread, Ask lt:in'to double'.
-the 'thread and, to see. whether, or •
not: he cnn breall it with'hie flngera'
. He,,'01121 find aittie diilleulty,_10 doe -
lug thlt, ; Oliheugh 'rho thread
.: tali Satir
rV1)3 s 900, 01)1ruit r0 011" , 8731
i• tt,.i., ,:' 11111 1,r.,.,'.-1701187111, 0114,11o,
311.11 rhe' }iron Ethos of the `Mires
Tito t loht.intoto clot) sing; per.
0110110,0 l e lcuawct .
",4! a ti,rlitg hath come, an0h§dalkeu
the lifter Sitew'(5'
Devotioe while petole' of the 172000 e'
r: eet.,flowers...
---T10n1 Ibs.Japanese :at tiosel. (Chain-
s .:.:..,..,_. -..
Married or'singl 'wanted in this-
town, to introduce our Ladder
Proof Silk Hosiery, Well replace
any pair that. rens from • gaiter -top
down. Orders for but a dozen pairs
will net over Iti.00 profit, Low
pr"ieee, quality and variety make
easy sales. Secure your town
agency at ansa. ' Write today.
NM 11,16 )?rico'"
' RUGS Your Old Carpels
Do not throw. Myatt yatlr old carpota„
or rugs- Let us re -weave them tufo
beautiful new ;Rosa, handsome in op-
pearaitce end en: economical asset to
any home.
Write for Catalogtio No. 10.
TIIERIEN- CO. Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
100,000 Die Yearly
0, arly
From Kidney Diseases'
Authorities Say 50% Due to Neglect
Kidney disorders are largely caused
by poverty of the bleed causing ner-
voueneso, headache. aleepleeenees, etc,
Warner's Safe - Kidney •
and Liver Rem e d y
helps lm pro,vo the
con-d`itIo1.' of the
blood and its circula-
tion as well as remov-
ing waste , iilatter and
poisons-from'tho blood:;
just Dip to Tint or Boil Xi
ou'tnagieot the-flt•st
`sylnptoms-'but ase ills;
60 year. old remedy.
Neglect'; will soon liave-
Eaci 15 -cent pack ' Betimes troubles de
ago contulns direct veloping•
tions eo 11111)3)10 any 110111 11y all druggists- Price $1.25
weans can tint. soft per bottle. Warner's Safeel1emedies.
delicate 0bades or Co, Toronto. Onthrio.. ,
dye rleh, permanen.. .. _
colors inlingerie
silks, ribbois,'skirts
'110101.73, ,dresses
dressssc 0.9 t s ,' stockings
sweaters, draperies,
coverings, hangings
to, Dye
,Buy Diamond Dyes -no other kind-
antl'te11•y ur druggist whether the eua• .
tertal-'you wish to color is wool or stile 1t
or whether itis linen, cotton or mixed
Some of. the screw's used inwatches
are so 2n10i1 that it taloa380,(100 of
them' to weigh a pound.
--'Minard'sLiniment for dand,ff. ..
Bathe veil wit). Mtnard's
in warn water. It qulclray
000331es and draws--oilt th,<e.,
In ti9,inmation,
selected for ` the trick, should' be
strong enough to make him exert
a little .strength.
Tell hint that thei'
1 theff
e oat he
exertedw s 'a d ue to the fact that no
wee' unable to exert the whole
sti'ength of his arm in the, job.
Ask him to stand erect, hie' kande,
palms in, hanging at his side.
'Now lead the arced twice .around
his body,thet
s rands - resting on:
the middle joints of 'hie. . fingers:
Pull it tightly and tie' it firmly.
He -is pow to break It by the out-
ward pressure of bis hands- 'While,
In reanyo cases; he can do- it. he -.
will find the' effort' reeuired le Out
of :1111 • proportion fo the effort he ,
expendede wh"'n lie broke the e same
thread with his fingers. •
• (Gni this out and paste it, With
other of theasrie,, in a scrapbook.)
The M2aoLsan Builders" Guide
aids hoxi'e., builders; supplies
information not generally obtain --
able except through professional
sources, Profusely 'illustrated.
Severalplans by prominent Cana-
dian Architects. Send Twenty
Cents for a .copy. Questions an-
swered,. MacLean 'Building Re-_ .
ports, Ltd.. 344 Adelaide St. Went,
Toronto_ •
Among the. most tireless helpers of
the Medical Research Council. are
many ladies; one measures and exam-
ines sku2s, a second' inspects worms,
while a third is investigating the clues-
tion of telegraphists` cramp.
Minard's Liniment for sore throat.
It should never be forgotten that
te:ephone .expansive is of snowball
hharacter; every new subscriber In-,.
duces others. --Sir AIexander Roger.
We sold more than a hundred
thousand; Rote Bualies lest .year.
There is a reason. Send for
The Only Reliable
Non -Narcotic. Pain Killer of
Gas and Stomach Maladies.
Complete ilii gripation r•ega fling
this unrie alIel" art Indian rem-
edy will be promptly xnail,ed YOU
free . of charge, on applida4ion
St., Toronto, 5, Canada. '
Urgent cases should telegraph
five dollars, . with name' and
address,to "EDWARDS,
TORONTO." On receipt of such
messages, East India Drops are
instantly maigd per Parcel Post,
insured, to the --name and resi-
dence of patient. By this means,
lives are saved and incalculable
suffering quickly relieved.,
• . of EJi rd hot
-Good,Ooat'and Vest'
Because the Pent®"Are Ween.,
'Mott tit the. rot. or bash,' x a c0ple
tupan 0007), .0031 11)00 M: new 1,1.11. 110)711,,
tor. yp0r opprarbl. •-
22 Parkfleid Ave.;.; Toronto
y v`
1 ter' .may
pp C�
rllesfr ,
rem ora F"dP
i:oag°�rm7. 15ce.
ae.,,.w a wee a G., reeled, thlearearr,
To,oOO .
i hY
Por every purpoee in the
orchard, cutting limbs up
to 111 inches, Handies--
4,6,8,if) and 12feet.
leer sererere agaisr frame ex tnekt
Ourdeer 1pdve circular east
to any address o,, r*Meet
Cuticura Soap Shampoos
Keep The .Scalp Healthy
Regular shampoos with a suds
of Cuticura Soap and hot water,,
:preceded by, light applications of
Oak= Ointment, are moateffec-
Ave.' They. do much to cleanse the
=scalp of dandruff; allay irritation,
stimulate circulation and promote
the healthy condition necessary to
a luxuriant growth of Bair.
e,oplo rival Fru 1 )raft Adareoa CanadianDo ot: 01,ahoe%e, Lia, E6antsnl` rrir.,`e1,r
Mc. Ointment 21 aad Enc. Taleom ffie.
'• Cutieura Shaine "Stick 200.
Her Suffering Relieved and
Health Restored by Lynda
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Toronto, Ontario.="Iam certainly
very -grateful for the benefit Ihave re-
ceived from Lydia E.Pinkham s Veg-
etable Compound, also the Sanative
Wash and the Liver Pills, , In the
early spring I was suffering so much
from loss of blood that I thought I
y ould Heyerbe any better as doctor's
medicine Allayed mo ' only. fox the
time being. I saw the Vegetable
Compound advertised in the 'Toronto
Star,' and I find the Vegetable Com-
pound Tablets. the best for inc.'I
have been •taking them since Spring"
and t intend keeping them by me all .
the time. After reading your Pri-
vate Text -14510k I 558 it was neces-
sary to use lydia E.'Pinkham's San-
ative. Wasb, and I can safely say ).
feel a difreeent woman.' My friends
blamer wko'hwn;wbeulltL:1looalrm, raamdy te avtearlyl
tilnes to boost voer'medicines."--
Mrs. CRnmLps �'-rIFFIN, 949 Lands-
downe Avenue, Toronto, Ontario,
You may, be having an experience
similar to Mrs. ,Giflin's and will be
interested to know what she did.
Every dick woman can feel confident
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound will help her, since we are
told that it does heip 98 out of every
100 women who take it.
Sold by druggists everywhere. 0
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for,
Colds , Headache "Neuritis Lumbago
Pain , Neuralgia Toothache Rlleumatisin
Accept only "Bayer" package
which contains proven''directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100..Druggiete.
levee 1e' the trade mnric (registered in Cnnndn)'' of Doser Etan)OMetare of Mononcetle-
neldester of: $olleyheachl (Aoely1 enl)eyllc• Aoki, "A 1. 8..1i While tt le. well inoein
0001 Asyaco
lrin t, n,. )1
ysk 01 07010,rc,°to annh:t the politic against lmttdlion0, the ,rn0lota'
of $1ior Camynny wilt he stomped - will their general trade )hurt-, the 'itarer Crass."