The Clinton News Record, 1926-04-15, Page 2CLINTON '• ,RECORD GLINION, ON'TARio T, nis of Suhscrlption•--$8•09 per y0ar advance, to Canadian addressee; 112.60 to the U.S. or, other foreign cowatrie4:.'. No paper discontinued until. all arrears arepaidunlolts at the 'optionof the publisher. .The date to which every subscription to paid ie denoted on• the label Advertising ';Rates-'l'rausient adver- tiainr 12e peer_ count line for first _.lose}•Lion, 8o' for each eubsegnent insertion. `..Heading 'counts 2 lines. Small adver•tiseurcatw not to exceed one inch, shear as 'Wanted, ,','Lost" "Strayed," etc. :inserted once for 35c, each eubsegnent insertion 15c, \dvertisentents sent in, without In- structions as to the number of in- sortions -ivanted will run until order- ed' out and will be charged'accord- Rates for display advertising made known on application. • Comntuntcation, intendedfor publi- -cation must, as o guarantee. of goad faith, be,;accemparitea by the :manic of ,the. writer. G. P. HALL M. A. CLARK, Proprte;tor: Editor. G. D. McTAGGART ,M. ID,'14TeTAGGART , ART DROS.' eTAGG THE WEEK'S MARKETS TORONTO. Man- wheat-No,,1 North., 31.53%; No, 2 North, $1.55%; No. 3 Ne.rtar,, not. quoted., Man. oats -No. 2 CW, nominal; No. 3; not quoted; No. 1 feed, 491/4; No. 2 feed, 47b4c; Western grain quota- tions on c.Lf, bay ports. Am. corn -No. 2 yellow, track, To- ronto 85e; No. 3 yellow, 88c. Mlllfeed-Del, Montreal freigh•a. bags included: Brat: ,• per ton. 530.25. to $31;25; shorts, per ton, 532.25 to' $88.25; middlings, $89.25 to $40.25; good. feed ^flour, ' or bag, 52.80. Ont. ''oats -40 to 42c, f.o.b. shipping -points. . ' Ont. good milling wheat -$1.30 to $1.32; £o.b. chipping points, according to freights.' Barley, malting=Q2 to 64e, ckwheat-40o: 2, 72e. Rye -No: 2, 85c. Am. •corn, track, Toronto ---No. ' 2 ye:1oiy, 8415c; No. 8 yellow, 82tfac. _.. Man. flour -First pat., 58,69, To- ronto; do, 2nd pat., $7.9.0. Ont, Hour -Toronto', 90 per rent. pat., per barrel, in earlots, Toronto, 55.75; seaboard, in bulk, $5.75. Straw -Carlota, per ton, $9 to 59.50. Screenings -Standard recleaned, f. i o.b. bay ports, per ton, $22.50. , - Cheese -New, large '"22e; twine; £21,fre; triplets, 28c; Stilton, 24e. Old, large, 28 to 30c; 'wine, .•29 to 81e; triplete,10 to 82c:• Butter -.finest :: creamer prints, Y 48c• No 1 creamery, '46 to 42 N Z BANKERS A general Banking Business• transact. ed. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. ;Interest, Allowed on Deposits.. Sale Notes •Purchnled. H. T-..RANCE'. ` N'otaryPublic,-Conveyancer. "' Financial, Real Estate: and Fire In- surance,Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance ton:Ponies. " P Oivislon Court Office, Clinton. W. BRYDONE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office: StOAN BLOCK -• CLINTON --DR. J. C. GANDIER Office •Flours: -1.30 to 3,30 p.m., 6.30 to 8.00 p.m., Sundays, 12.90 to 1.30 pm, Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence -- Victoria St. DR. H.S. BROWN; L.M.C.C. , Office Hours • 1.30' to 3.30 p.m. - 7.30 to 9.00 p,m, Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 p.m. Oilier hours. by appointment, Office and 'Residence, Ontario Street. Phone 218. DR. FRED G. THOMPSON Office and Residence:. 'lntarlo Street Clinton, Ont. One door west of Anglican Church. Phone 172, By -es examined and glasses fitted. 45 to 46c. Dairy' prints, 4) 'to 42c. Eggs -Fresh extras, in cartons, 36 to`37c;.fresh extras, loose, 36c; fres firsts, 38c. Dressed poultry -Chickens, spring, Ib., 36 to 37c; hens, over, 4 togs lbs., 80c; do, $ to 4 lbs., 27e; roosters, 25e ducklings, 5, lbs. and 'up, 30` to _81c; turkeys, 40c. Beans -Can. hand-picked, 52.60 per bushels;. primes, : $2.40 per bushel. Maple produce -Syrup, .,per imp gal., $2.40 riser, 5 -gal., 52.30 per gal., Maple sugar, lb 25 to 26c; maple syrup, new, per gal., 52,50. Honey --50-1b. tins, 11% to 12c per ib,; 10-15. tins, -111/2 to 12c; 5-1b, tins, 11 to 12%c; 25 b. tins; 14.to 14%e. Smoked meats -Hams, med., 29 to 610; cooked learns, 43 to 45c; smoked rolls, 22c; -cottage; 25 to 27c; break. faet,bacon 82 co 36e; special brand breakfast bason� 3 to 89c; backs,' boneless,. 35 to 48e. Cured..meats-.-Long clear bacon, i3O to 70 lbs., `?1.25;.71) to 110 lbs., $23.75; 20 lbs., and up, .522.34; lightweight rolls in barrels, 542.50;' heavyweight rolls, $30.50 per bbl. Lard --Pure tierces, 18 to 182,5e; tubs, 18% to 19c; pails, 19% to 20e; prints, 20'tc to 21c; shortening, tierces, 15 to 15%,c; tubs, 151/ to 16c; pails, 15 to 161,ec; -blocks, 17%, 'to 18c. Heavy steers,' choice, $7.50 to 38.25; do, good, • $7 to 57.25f butcheii. steels, "choice, $7 to'57.50; do, good, 6.25 to $6:75; do, corn to mod., $5 to. S6;' butcher heifers, choice, $6.50 • to 57.25; do, good, 56 to 55,50; do, corn., 55 to $5.50; butcher cows choice, 55.25 to 56; do, fait to good, $4 to $5; butcher bulls,' good, '$5 to $5,75; bologuae, $3.60 to $4;/ canners. Ind cutters,, 52.50 to 53.50; springers, choice,; $80,to 590; good milch cows, $70 to•$80; medium cows, $45 to $60; _feeders, good, 56.25 to $6.75;'do, fair, $5 to $6; stockers,.good, 5 to $5.50;. do, fair,' 54.50 to $5; calves, choice, $12,to $12.25;,do, good, $10 to $11; do, lights, 55 to: 59.50; good lambe, 318.75 to 514• do, reed., $12.75,, to 518.so; °ae, culls, $10 to '511; good. light' sheep, $7 to $9; heavy sheep and bucks, $5.50 , to' 16.50; hogs, thick' smooths, fed'and watered, $13.00;' do, fo.b.,:$13;.do, eo3intry points, $12.75; is '00, eft came, $14;„ do, thick' faf.o.b., 512,50; select premiums, $2.65, MONTREAL. Oats,• Can. west., No. 2,, 67c; do, No. hd 59c . Flour, 8, 63c; extra No. 1 feed, , Mau., spring :'wheat pats., firsts, -58.60; seconds, 58.10; strong bakers', $7.90; winter pats., choice, $6.10 to 56.15. Rolled oats, 'bag i90 lbs., $3;20 to $8.30. cote DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office -and Residence Huron Street ' ' Ciin.tone,Ont. Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by the late Dr, ':C. W,Thompsou), Eyes Examined and- Glosses Fatted. D. H. McINNES Chiropractor -Masseur Of Wingham, will be at the Conimer• aial Inn,: Clinton, on Monday and Thursday forenoons each week. Diseases of" ail kimdo suocesefirily handled. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangement& can be made for Sales Date' at The News -Record, Clinton,, or by calling Phone 203., • . Charges Moderate. and Satisfaction Guaranteed. B. R, HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. ' General Fire and Life Insuranco,'Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance, Huron and Erie and Cana- da Trust' Bonds, ° Appointments made to meet parties at Brucefield, Varna and Bayfield, ' hone 57. OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones?ai N tonal School of Auctioneering, Chicago. spa- eial course taken in Pure eBred Live Stock, Real Estate, Merchandise and Farm Sales. Rates ,in' keeping with prevailing, market:.. Satisfaction\ as- sured. Write or wire, Zurich, Ont. Phone 1S-93 . - .The McKillop Mutual Fi�e lug �e C® Bran, 330.26. Shorts, $82.26. dlings, $89.25. : Hay,. No. 2, per ton, car Acts, 518.50, Cheese, finest West- erns, 25c. Butter, No, 1 pasteurized, 88% to 89c. Eggs, fresh' extras, 88e; d'o:, ue ec •Pota toes b fli�ats 34c., per fresh, Q bag, car lots, $3.50. Cows, cantor and cutter quality,. $2.60 to $8.25; calves, fair quality, $7; do, poorer qua,ity, 56 to. $6.25; hogs, $1460. Natural Resources Bulletin. The snow in not yet off the, ground, neve- theless_every mail brings inquir- ies from the United States for in- formation about automobile" roads, canoe routes, camp sites and other de- tails regarding summer holiday possi- bilities h3 Canada. Letters front such widely scattered points as Ann Arbor,, Michigan; Shrewsbury, New }Jersey; Madieon, Wisconsin. Lowville,. New York;. Texarkana, Texas;;: Indiana- polis, Indiana; uncle, Orwlzburg, Pen- syvenia, have arrived in. an interval of a few hours. Mostof the inquiries are 'relatively dimple requests for maps and informa- tion about automobile road conditions and accommodation that may be ex- pected. A great many 'want to visit the best`fishing districts. - A surpris- ingly large proportion state that they wish to get entirely away from the travelled and popular routes. A push -- able road. ush-able-road, a. quiet bit of woods,`a rake and fish, arra what moat of the males and -some of the fainly parties state they want most. Several intend to travel into country' that offers a choice for :.. permanent summer residence, When. they strike the spot thatsuits them they intend to,purchase it for recreation in ,future years, .A. few are interested in the mining camps and still others Want to leave all trod- den rodden paths for the silent stretches of bhe canoe "tratle." Some aro even so venturesome as to lie piannipg canoe tripe into the Hudson and Jaynes Bay country. The routes to Fort Albany and Port Nelson are especially pop- , ar • Indeed the demand for information es to canoe routes has become so in- sistent and widespread that the ser- vice has been obliged to get -out re- ports on upwWards of -a hun red trips of this character, a general summary of which has had to be prepared for the benefit of those who had rather vague ideas as to what part of the country they wished to include in their, travels. , ,. The character of the 1 uestions asked shows that -the. traveling public is learning to pian' its vacations Eery thoroughly end' well in advance of the actunl'tourist movement. The volume of correspondence that has already de- veloped this year indicates clearly tourist -movement for the coming set% son in Canada will exceed all previous records in every way. • Doctors Quarantine✓ Train arid Vaccinate Passengers A despatch frdht Winnipeg says: -e - A trails conveying a patient afflicted with smallpox was' sidetracked on Thursday before it reached the city linni,ts,- tvhi:e every',paseengee and memlie:e of the train crms, was com- pelled to submit to vaccination The train'operateel over a branch line in Manii:olia. Dr. A. J. Douglas, City Medical Health Officer, with a' staff of medical men,'rnet the train.sevelal miles from the city . Every coach was ordered locked and a virtual quarantine' declar- ed. All the passengers -returned to their homes'. _ • The smallpox patient died in a Win- nipeg;hospital, ay Head Office, Seafori:h, Ont. DIRECTORY President, games Connolly; Goderieh;t , Vice, James -Evans, Besohrvood; Sec. Treasurer, Thos. 31. Hays,Seafoi'th, Directors: George McCartney, Sea - forth e D. F. McGregor, Seafortlr • J. G. Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring,.Seafortbee M. ilIblEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, Harlocic; John.Bennewelr', Brodhagen; Jas. Connolly, Goodericlr, .Agents.: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J, W. Yea, oderiah; Ed. Hinchray,• Sea - forth; • W. Chesney, J7gmondville; 11, 0. Jarmuth,.Brodliagen.t . Auk looney to be paid to may be paid" to Motirieh (Clothing do., Clinton, or at Outt's Grocery, Coderich, Partiee desiring to affect Insurance or transact other bossiness will 1)e promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective -post otifct:. Losses - inspected by t11e. Director who lives nearest the scene: HEROIC WOMAN WAR SURGEON Above is Dr, Mary Lee Edwards, of Nei5 York City, formerly -of Toronto, the only Canadian woman to be honored by the French government with the Croix de Guerre, Aside from conducting a private peacti0e iu New York, she 'is on the nor cal staff oftwo hospitals. - rig he Il intending to work among -g[ a P O g ,a Y 13 the women`. -and chiftlren of reTugee families, Dr. Bdwards and two. other women went to France. Their first hospital was blown up before occupation. Asa result, they threw in theirlob0vitlr the French medical service, working In -a large evacuation hospital for eight hour stretches. The building was frequently under bombardment. Canadian Mermaid • Miss Eva Morrison, daughter of the police chief' of Pictou, 31.9., 'Wito 18 planning to swim the English Channel. .NDS : OIL BURSTS BOUNDS FLAMINGFIELD � SPREADING DEVASTATION DEVASTATION Furious Fires in California Cause Loss.of"$15,000,000 in 0i1 and Farm Property Two Lives Lost. She fa at present training In Boston, Huge Crop of Winter Wheat Expected in. Western States despatch front Rochester N.Y., A sp , says :-A record crop of winter wheat, amounting to 840,000,000 bushe'.s, iv1:5 A despatch from San Luis Obisre, California, says: -Heralded by a ser ieseof thunderous exp;onions in reser- voir No. 2,,.a flaming sea of oil on Thursday night burst the bounds of CANADIAN DOLLAR ABOVE PAR ITS N. YORK l'�ar x ;vat Tinto to •Titin Year `c'1Tlion Money Com hands" Prerniuin A d retell from Now York. says',- For ,- k`or ti first time chis year, the Can- adiru 118..0r:r001802 to n premium last we lc in the' New York forelgo ex- change market. It v+a.t quoted at 1.04 of:9_,per eent.•over par, as against a discount that had prevai;ed',since the first of this year andthat had -result - The Economy' o �ood's Sursapargila Appeald'to every family is tho?e,3ays, From no other medicine ean,you got �. so much real medicinal effect'as trout this. Itis a highly concentrated.. extract of" several valuable Medicinal ingredients, pure' and wholesome. `.1he dose is small, only a teaspoonful 1tbree times a day. Hoods Sarsaparilla is a wonderful tonic medicine for the blood, stem- acb, liver and kidneys, prompt in giving relief. It is plea:aut to take, r agreeable to the stomach, gives"a thrill of new life. Why not, try it ed in a steady shipment of gold from the Dominion to the United States. If the present. relationship should be "TRAIL OF '98" LEAVES maintained, hankers believe that a re PI`I`TANCF'S IN ITS WAKE.. turn movement' of gold from the Un jted States to Canada maty set in in the Heirs of'Klondike,Gelid Ve€er. tear future. The highest discount on the Can ars Who Died in North -Re- ad'ian dollar that has prevailed this i' ceive Dwindled 'Esteates.. year was 5-8, of -»7. per cent., establish- a A despatch from Ottawa s tys:' ed on Marc3. Canadian exchange s boon raduah strengthening in The history of the early rush to the re s , : e g g h:ondiko gold' Heide in the nineties, recent days; and the discouiat on wed. , essday has been reduced to 3-32 of 1 of the trials, the hopes and the tragic per cent. ;Unusual activity developed deaths of, the veterans of the `Trail, and andel'' a liberal demand" -the rate of '98," is' all recorded in cold figure. ALA Iiuslred over par. - in theaecords of the Auditor -General's TI) ri urnpticm of sailings frog., Departthent in Ottawa. These records Canadian ports and general naviga are those of the; unclaimed estates of tion on' the Great Lakes, which are Yukoners,`who died leaving properties Taunted on to result in largely iitcreia- 'which have eine° dwind'_ed to -'nothing ed exports from _Canada, were doe:ar= 'by the -depreciation of ethegoid eIlain . Of the 54 estates 'recorded, the total ed- to -be', the chief factors responsibleex- change. amount approximates onl . 9 000, for' the strength in Canadian ex y $ , cion e. Itwae the seasonal shrinkage 'ar P•�Mackenzie, former Gold in United States :purchases Zf Can-tOommissioner of the Yulcon, now in alien commodities last whiter khat, charge of exploration work and Arctic used a`reversakof the nrov iaent of :expeditions of t1te. Called:an Govern- ment, knowT-most of the "sourdoughs" gold from the. United. States to Can - included in the records. Amongthose oda. lie, ersonale :ree.o lects are O,Iuf .0:. American shipanents of gold to Can- P Y when the exchange soli, at one time Dawson City's wealth- oda lase October, g lest and -most influential citizen. His . roto was in the neighborhood of pies- vast real estate holdings, purchased gat figure, amounted to about $40; with his profits, deteriorated when the 000,000. Canadian .ahipmve to the gold craze ceased. His unclaimed for - United: States this year, have been ap tune has been reduced to 52,300. proximately $66,000,000. e ent'ioiv move rates in the Another famous character was B The pr s y er J.McGee _of ilio. Home, --mi» and e large sup- plies W , market th New York k p w ng p plies of funds available here are fighter, gambler and lover,, said to he Ser - understood to be. causing a tendencj `the Hero of many of Robert W. Ser - for the transfer , of money to Canada vices poems 'of the Yukon. Ills for- foi• - financing commercial and iridua. tune has dwindled to•$201. trial activity in that estuary, -. FIVE KILLED, FIFTY' HURT, IN TRAIN WRECK the history of.the American oil In- dustly,`believe that the flames which broke out when lightning struck one of the reservoirs, wi:1' continue on their destructive way for another four the Union Oil Compan$ tank farm or five days. Tho Are cannot be sub - fire here, wiping several farm houses clued, they assert. It must burn' itself off the landscape with its sponge of out. flames as it engulfed a small valley A tremendous column' of dense, b:tie- to'the north' of. the main blaze. black smoke eves rising hundreds of As the second twilight of fire and feet in the air' and was fully three - smoke settled down on Thursday night •quarters of a mile in diameter. over the farm, six great reservoirs Bursts of flame occasionally flashed and at least: several stnal'i'er'surface across its sable sides, and dully muffled tanks were burning. in the centre of explosions that rocked' the earth a flaming field of 'oil that extended -sounded intermittently as the boilinj, from two miles in one - direction and from 25 feet to three-quarters of a utile in the other. More filen 6,000,000 barrels of oil incapable of being salvaged were feed- ing the flames, with an ultimate prob- able loss in oil and equipment df up- wards of $15,000,000. burnin„ fluid spilled over the edges ot'. the reservoirs on to the -rain -soaked" soil. ' San Luis Creek, meandering over two miles of ground and at one place i ginning within tea feet of the coact highway, was a flaming ribbon of light as the burning contents of the reser. '.Two lives were sacrificed in the fire 'voles and tanks poured along its bed. early on Thursday when A. H. Seeber, a Civil War veteran, and his son, Wil- liam I'. Seeber,'were killed in an ex- plosion 'which is Believed to have at- tended the boiling over of one of the tremendous flaming reservoirs. Doris Seeber, daughter of the eider man, was In an effort to prevent this epear•- head of flame crossing the highway, the main 'artery north and south, w largo gang' of men v:ere feverishly throwing 'up earth works. Io the north, along the level ground, at least six .ranch lwures .with their slightly injured in the: blast, which de- barns end outbuildings had been en- moiished their home, about 800 yards gulfed by nightfall. This added die - from the blazing oil: , nater, however, had berm anticipated, an fire experts, helpless in the face nod the occupants, with thele beleng- of the disaster, which is rated as the !riga, moved out' long before the sea. of greatest petroleum conflagration in lire reached the farms. b reduced in the States of TLan_F* Oklahoma, Texas and Nebraska, ac- cording to trade surveys presented to tho Atlantic States Shippers' Advisory Board. This compares with a produc- tion of 141,245,000 bushels for 1925. Tho estimate :was made by the Amer- , lean Railway Association. New Zealand Acquires e pro uc , Headquarters Tri London A despatch from London says: New Ze*dand has followed the lead of South Africa and Australia, and an-. quired liui'.ding at Charing Cross as official headquarters in, London: It. has: purchased' the former home of the British Medical Association. Australia house is at . Aldwycli, 'which was proposed by Earl Grey' as a site for Canada, N1 i A'f1901fAl ALI All'• TIME TABLE Trainwill arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo' and Gado -kb Div. Go ng pas , c 0501 a:in, 2.52 pm. The instruments measin ed 70 'units 55'at tl Going West, a1. 11.10 a.m.loom' compared ;ared wttl 1 units Roar of Niagara Falls Has - Been Definitely 'Measured A despatch from Niagara 'b'alls, Ont says: -Niagara Falls is far noisier 'than any point in New York City, exile -native tests undertaken heave have proved. The lasts showed that the two noisiest spots are at the foot of the American Valls and directly in frroirh of the Cave of the -Winds,: Both these places are defined as deadening. ,.x r. 0.08 dp. 6.53 r.in. .lest matte in NeW Yolk Sixth " ai•. 10.04 pen:. and 3=all Street. The quietest srots London, Huron &, 0race Div. "'s° etre at Terrapin Point. and at 1,11eGoing South rt a 7.55 dp, 7.56 a.l11. Whir:poo` Rapids on this side. Ther 4 10 p.m tests were made with an audiometer," Going North, impart tette p,in, tt 11.071 11,15 a.ee by the J. et: et: Company. Bishop Pleads for' Clean Press. A strong appeal, has bean made for a cleaner press; espeeialty for the eli fnination of crime and 'divorce news in papers largely confined to Sunday circulation, by tho Bishop of Swansea and Brecon, addressing the, delegates of -the National Free Church Council, held at Llandrludod Wells, in Weisel. Ile said it was a strange irony. that the effolte oe the eherch to raise the moral tons of Sunday should be offket by many columna of unwholesome matter calculated to corrupt the_ minds of young people. He added that it was not a case of supply and demand, but a easro whore the snpl)ly created the demand. in his opinion only the prompt passage of the 'clean press bili now before Parliament l Rrould meet the situation, • Other speakers referred to the re- ported intention of the Chancellor of tete Exchequer to place a tax ou bet- ting and said the Government Would tools such it means- of revenue at the price of the degradation of the people and at its own peril Sufficiency. I am but one,, • My power le very serail, But take me, ase me, . T111 setting sun, Thou who art All in All. • .I ant 8.0 frail, Too weak to contemplate, But Thou art mighty, And can avail To xnake my amaline911 great! ---Thomas Curtis: Clarke, e_ 411'•kitgland recon story 51 'l:cl, illhel ycar=old daughter of Mel en's IIg'hi:houeo, Tslo of ..k/Olt, kept ing for three nights storm. • Her parent.• KEPT ,LIGHT HOUSE BEACON •FLASHING FOR THREE NIGHTS tl`• ran Sii.h the to the mainland-l'Cr supplies, were 1 S 1 Co the bcaeoir tower to wind 1110 sae - it . , � lichheeis'tiellgi tna -which I ria all•- s"as and' the father worried in case _shin On the left is Ethel wi it her flashing. The total assets of other famous characters of the "Trail of '98," in- cluding Thomas H. Buchanan, Horace ,$t,ewart and R. Anderson, have dwindled to mere pittances. They all have died in recent years in the "fro - New York -Atlantic City Ex- zen North." press Locomotive Leaps, Into . Air Dragging Six Pulbnans, A despatch from New Yoyk says: - Five persons were, killed- and fifty injured at 5.30 o'toock Thursday after- noon, when the New York -Atlantic Says: -MTs,' Malty Stankowitz, 40- City Express, which left this city at year-old "dream -woman 'Sf Pound," 8.15 p.m. was derailed at Eclair, near who inystilled the medical world by Camden,. N.J. Thetrain bodied for sleepong for 30 months wltheanly three Atlantic City consisted of ten Pullman'1°8'01;98'f or four short intorruptipns, has been parlor cars, occupied mostly by Phita- awakened and returned. to health by fro removal of several Targe Stenon from her kidneys. Surgeons who have observed and at- tended her ease are, of the opinion it is without parallel. For almost three years the patient lay ina comatose condition, able to take liquid food on:'y through a tube. Although. unable to speak or move a muscle white sick) she City, were thrown into the heap and Online to have, been aware of every - buried under wreckage. • Before they. thitrg. going on about her, a fact' died theysobbed and begged 'to be kill -drown to those who attended her. dr g8 ed, and taken out of their misery as l escaping steam scalded then. They Mother Bore' Triplets died before they edudbe'rescued from the 'ivrcek. The ibeomotive, going at a fast rate through the semiedarknese of fog and rain, is believed to have struck an open •switch. Woman Doctor Warns About the "Fat Forties" ,A despatch from London says "Beware of the hungry . forties," is the warning of Do Elizabeth Sloan Chester gives to persons who are in- clined to obesity. So-called "hunger" in the case of stout, middle-aged per- sons often is "due to dilated or con- gested digestive organs, which ;teed fasting, rest and re-education," Dr. Chester eayS; "Babies suffering from cvet+eating are often put on -a dietof albumen water for several days, and what suits a baby wvli not hurt a well-nourished, Acbording to the Thirty-Second.An- over=plump adult," Dr. Chester re- nua�l Report of Mr. 3. J. Kelso, the marlaq. Children's Aid Societies of the Pro= "When obesity has overcome a men vince hold in trust for wards of the or woman fasting is usually necessary Society deposits amounting to 5105,- • at the begdnnilig" •el a euro. • No food 000. This money is kept in individual for three or four'd'ays, with pints • of bank accounts and the amounts sun orange or lemon juice, will e:'iminate 10001 $5 to $8,000, It is paid out to a fair quantity of poison from the the children just as soon as they aro systems"' fairly established in life, Surgery Restores.Woman Who Slept for 30 Months A despatch from • Pound, Wis., delphia commuters to Atlantic City. The express, known as train number 1077, wasen route direct from New York to Atlantic City. It -left this city at 3.15 and arrived at 5.10 in Bordentown, N.J., where Philadelphia commuters and others board it. Engineer Prebles and Fireman An- thony Rankin, twenty-seven, Jersey t u- a'twenty-foot ell: every four lours 14)115ton, ,lin 14 - Ste keeper •ofSt. off 13e0brhlge, the beacon barn .during a violent who 1(102 Dene Fable to' return besllcre of the heavy 1 .ra • the girl would net realize the Anl)ort• dog, h'er only companion distil o. her• :After Long Sea Voyage A despatch from Toronto says: - That the hardihood of the newcomers tc Canada is equal bellied of the pion- eers of tire' Dominion was evidenced on Monday by a young mother who gave birth to triplets upon arrival at St. John, Refusing all assistance and accepting nothing in the way of char- ity but a little warm milk' tendered by the Dominion Express messenger, she continued her- journey without delay, and arrived in Toronto safely. Upon arrival she was' taken to the home of Robert MacAdam, 131 Ran- lelgh Ave., where, with her son and two daughters, she was reported as "doing web." Orphans' Bank Accounts. ''01)cc of lighting the lento n, At the_l.ong vigil, On the 017Th she iz zeen. appointed time, however, the Warning ° climbing to the tower, where She had h,r.sh pierced adv darkness. 2511151 had to attend 16 the lanteut, -r 0 There isn't a member of thefamily need sutler from indigestion, sick headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, etc., if he or she will take Chamberlain's Stomach and•Liver Tablete. They cleanse the stoma'4i and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity- and tone up.the whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGHT in the morning. All dremt,t,, 2Se, or by msil from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 16 4:,,,,,,,.....„e fig+;F`� liar' Yew 4i+• t5 q ` ' } t Stat tligua_n 'v0 (Ione leu eah uerlayout stale time • Rand These Amaziu9 et ho ie ycT'citp e m -roster Vie Berets of selling that make Stories of Success Star Tamen-0750ttyOn yoga• oapbr gree has hien-whatet'er , l d l „ Y r Nmk'' ,co ' 0100 m5Y b0:t1o1n0 }h6*.'.wM tl,er or not You Think You can sell-' v 's u,t ' filet answer thea 9uostion: Aro you ambitious to. earn 010.000 a „•,. ii,. v", 6a, aan..em.m fn= -year, Then get in fetich willli me at oncel 1,411 prove to you without coat or obligation Mar you can easily become . a` Star Salesman., I will show 3.00 how Ole 'Soloomans ip 3nmirig Anel Free 1mpio mrint Scrvico a 2310 N, 5 ..9.1'...1 will help you , to: 5)100 st•es, cmbitlin3. - ».awl. $10,000 A Year .. Selling Secrets: 'rho Settotef 000(0 i S le m n t.os !ought )'• n, V a fi A 1 n, eY 4k) ch :npnt, Ai 4 Ant 1,.t ac 1 1 i r rh I i 800w 010 o l o t n :) y of t1 J i v roh tl t i d to 0l S nit a 1h ry-a now m,0, tl r,e,,1 of *dine affur,o', Ia Ina 0W... act the *nth.can o, 00:u.. National Sai ai�n's Training ssociatioi- ' - irneanto. Ont. at , Canadian M1'I.rc.'_�naz 302