HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-08, Page 8e'lalNTON''S �LEADiNG JEWELESTOKE lid Exquisite HOVE TY JEWELRY A colorful collection of novelty jewelry with which to adern your Spring eosttune, Included are bracelets, brooches,- �•+- bar pins tat -rings, .pendants,, chokers and vanities: Some 1 ns and in antique eifecst''. seine in very p tiin�desig Gold silver plated, at, inose remarkably low prices. '•5l'EGI.AL SALE OF SPECTACLES l •ULL STOCK :OF MOTO'Rlil�l iGi.ASSES yv RM H.- JOHNSON • Graduate of; Toronto College of Optometry e Fine Jewellery and Repairs • , Next Hovey's Drug Store Plu Clothes Of Ouaiittg Our Spring.stock of Cloth- ing in the new stiyles and fabrics shonTd;interest jou, A, Boys appreciate good clothes. as well as Dad We are arialdng a special effort to increase' our turn- over on Boys' Clothing dur- ing this . month by quoting very close prices. Our Boys' Clothing is well rade by some of the hest ,. nemufacturers, of all wool materials and are real values.. steel Br�s0 PRONE 25i L. W. CURi3ELL—THOS. 'SHIPLEY tpr Your %Order Send it; Here :• Where Quality co;st' less Large Bleached California Celery—Leaf Lettuce—Grapefruit Oranges -New Cabbage "fine" bleernalade—Tams-C ort'—Peas---eromatoes THE C. & S. GROCERS Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 3. lisenftseloal Save the Surface and You Save All PA, ITii PAINT AND VARNISH INCREASE THE VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY—MANY TIMES THEIR COST If done: in time, pai,itingt keeps down the annual maintenance expense by saving money that otherwise would be spent for repairs or lost through depreciation.' ' The paint dollar adds more value than any other dollar spent oil .your property ' • Then too think of the beauty,anra can of paint. Think of the change it will bring in the appearance of your house, and to every- thing your brush tenches. • HOUSE PAINTS—VARNISHES--AUTO PAINTS—OILS.& STAINS .iter• - Perdue HARDWARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING "ePHONE;147w �f nleto Nuns -Record -PHU•.I'iSDAY, APRIL 8, 1926'', .141 jeer;looms froom Your Roos ,rwror volOwN.M1w The walls aro unquestionablj, the most important feature in your rooms, and Wallpaper) constitutes > the chief note to that sense of satisfaction that. only a pleasing interior can give. The pattern you select is amatter for- your okyour own -taste. The price . you pay. is a matter for yaw own judgment. Tho style of decoration j's a spatter for your own, fancy. But when it comes to quality goods, to u -to date- ness to style, to the giving of good values these are matters for our look rout, our responsibility, our concern and work and we try to accomplish,• Wee workmuch to your benefit as lt., Fe know how, • "'••• ''t;' i, *k Our stock comprises a strong offer- ing.pf attractively designed and col- Bred patterns, moderately priced from seven cents to a dollar and a half a Toll. Friendly walls are the first es- sential of a satisfying room and to have -friendly wall§ you must treat them. fairly in their decoration." Re geed your walls not solely as dividing lines between your rooms or as spaces, on which to hang pictures but as an important' part of your hone equip- ment. What is there at the price that will do so much to benefit your home interior' as Wall paper? me W. D. Fair co,- . Often the Cheapest—Always the Best •� to ______1111111Wilalliliallallati iiia, Among the Clinton students and teachers who spent the holidays at their respective homes here were; Mr. W. Grant, London,. Mr. W. Hovey, Toronto. Mr. Will Argent, London. Miss Ruth MeMath, Ayr. Miss Beryl Salter, Toronto. Mr• Ne11is McNeil, Toronto. Mr. Bert Marshall, Toronto. Mr. Ehnen Paisley, Toronto. Mr. Robert Hunter, Toronto. Miss Emma Higgins, GtieeIph, Miss Ruth Higgins, Toronto. Miss Eileen Atkinson, London. Miss Agnes Walker, Kingston. Miss Zetida Salter, St. Thomas. Miss Patricia Cunningham, St. Thomas. 'Misses Helen and Jean Middleton of Toronto. Misses Winnie add Sadie Draper, St. Catharines.. Mr. J. E. Reinhart -of. Kitchener was in town on. Monday. Miss Lottie Seeman of Toronto was home over—Eastertide. Mrs. Terrence Tierney of Detroit is visiting her mother in town. Miss Belle Vietch of Ayr has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Penance Mr. and Mrs. Herber8 .Castle have. been visiting friends .in. -London. Mr, Fred Lockwood, who has been in Stratford, has returned to town. Mr, W. Appleby of.+, ,Toronto spent Easter in towit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, James Scott returned Monday evening from Cleveland. blies Kathleen McConnell is home' from Ieloy-dtown for the holidays. , Miss Florence Johnston of Ford City spent. Easter at her home in town. Mr. Ray Marshall of Roseville spent Eastertide with his aunt, Mrs, For- land. • Miss Winnifred Hunt of Toronto spout the Eastertide; at her home in town. 'n Miss Etta Hardy of Manilla is spend- ing Easter week with her parents in town. Miss Anna Taylor is'visiting with her grandparents at, Varna during the holiday period. Mass_ Rose Scott of Norval has been visiting Mrs. Appleby and other friends in town. Mr. T. R. Watts of Stratford spent Easter 'with his arents, Mr. and Mrs: W. H, Watts ' Mrs. D. 'Crawford visited with her daughter, Mrs: J:"'Gibson of Toron- to, over the Eastertide. Miss •Clete Ford of Alma College; staff es spending the vacation per iod at her home in town. Miss Violet .Morris'en- is visiting in Hensel!, with with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Robert:Morfison. Miss Brown of Toronto spent the' weekend as the guest of her broth- er,'Mr. W. C. ;Brown: of town. • Mist Dorpthy Rerke'of Alina College,; St. Thornes, is spending the Raster "vacation at her *home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ie: Garrett of Wroxeter' are spending the vacation time with the lady,'.s mother, Mrs. McCool, Miss Marjorie Davies or Toronto is - spending the holiday period, at the 'home -of Mr. and Mrs. E. IL Wiser Miss Ethel Holmes '• of Toronto spent the week -end .;with her parents, Rev. A. A. and Mrs: Holmes, at 'Wesley parsonage. Miss Kathleen Bennett of Camden, Maine, a student eft Aima College, St. Thomas, is the Easter holiday guest of Miss Dorothy Rorke. Mr. and Mrs :I. H.," Wise, who have been spending the winter in Toron- to, have returned to their home in town. Mr Wise's health has not g� p '�p �t improved as much as her friends' T „. !<Yl31WKINS Would like to ser; • The gi9ring Show, • April 15th. Big attraction kr Show Day, when eve have it. Special price on Sugar in 5 sack lots. lea,Showe3°s 1 of Sugar—While this car lasts we have a"special_price, by the sack, and the market is firm A BIG SHOWER OF IIOUSE CLEANING ARTICLES THERE WILL BE SHOWERS OF GHE SL will help you to house clean ! Finest Canadian Cheese 10 bars P. & G. and Gold soap .. 55e Roquefort Cheese Kleanrhite Polish, per tin . . 25c Steel Wool and Soap, Di'uro • . 15e Pimento Cheese oa h s21 S p C tp , iss fore'. .. . , , .. , .. 25c Sauce an `Deal .. $145 Cream Cheese Lux, per pkg. .... • Ile i Ol'i-Dr,teh t Cleanser, 2fornser 5c 2 .$1.00 We have a new "Sandwich Filling ' Ix is delicious sandwiches called; °Marget Kelley Sandwich' Spree," Best Values in Black teas from 48c to 80c ib AFTER SHOWERS COME THE REAL DOWN AND; HERE OUR PRIC'BS' GO DOWN 2 tins Jani for lO tins Soup, Veg'etable,and'liomato $1.00 2e/e lbs. Black Tea. .,• ............ . POUR . $1,00 e 10 pkgs. Corn:Stereh-for ' .:.$1:00 7 lbs: Rolled Oats for .-, , , 28e t 2 jhaere;Broken Sodas ... -' 2fic - 12,1 ;Jars, Peach? Jam . .. • , t 10 tins Olark's Soup . I ...$1.00, cans Corn fen ee "14)0 WE MUST BANE SHOWERS TO MAKE OUR VEGETABLES AND FRUIT GROW. For the present we are selling Southern Vegetables • " New Cabbagee-Spinach—Cauliflower=Radicles—Celery • Lettuce—Green Onions, - ' .SHOWERS—OF JELLYPOWDERS • New FIavors---Mint, Coffee and Black Currant It only takes a little water to realer them, but they are' de - $1.00 Iicious and all on "display in our "New Jelieteria" • $1.00 Nu -Jell and McLarens ... .... 3 pkgs. for 21zi Tea -Demonstration, April 15th. We postponed our Tea Demonstration until our -Spring Show. Everybody is invited, to have 'a cup of tea, 'on that day. In the Morning First :Delivery.9 a,m. In the Afteinoon First Delivery 2.30 p.tn Kindly Order Early , Cash and VA j O'Ne-4217-'Service o •48 • Where "Sells for less "price'prevails. wirpromooloopwwwww000rivilitorwariftwoo ro Miss Ferro! Riggin; spent the evee1 end in London. Mr. •Ches. Hovey of Ingersoll was home for Easter. Miss Marjorie McMath'spent the Eas- tertide in Toronto. Miss Hampton of Goderieh is visiting Mrs. Fred Hanly of town. Miss Jule Barbi{£ of Toronto has been visiting her house in town. -' Miss Gertrude Wallis of Midland ,is home for the Easter vacation. Miss Gerrie Thompson visited with Toronto friends over the holiday. -Miss Pearl Foster of Windsor is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. T. 3, Watt. ler. Thos. Archer of London has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. -Rath of town. Misses Jean Ford and Mary Hovey spent Easter in Detroit with friends, Miss N. C. Bentley of London spent Easter with her sister, Mrs. Moeeee Agnew• Miss Beatrice Jervis of Toronto spent' the Eastertide with her moth- er In town. Mr. D. W. L. Cantelon of Lupknow spent the holiday period with his family in town. Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Wasman and Miss Helen of Toronto are here for the holiday period. Miss Edna, Wasman of Toronto and Miss Ethyle Wasman pf Bath were home for Easter. - Miss Daisy Copp has returned to re- stane her duties on the staff of the Western Hospital, Toronto. Masters Bob and Billy Phoenix of Hamilton have been Easter guests 'with their grandmother, Mrs. R. I. Cluff. Master Bruce Weatherwax of Orillia is spending the vacation at the home of his grandparents, Ma. and "Mrs. D. Cantelon. lela•s. A. Weatherwex and two child- ren of OriI•lia . are visiting at the home of the Iady's perents, Mr. -and Mrs D. Cantelon. Mr.aR. W. Weed, who has • been in Herriston for' the past fortnight or de spent Easter with hie 'family in town, Mr. Ward intends removing tan Harristoil soon. Miss Mary Horning of Palmerston, Miss Sadie Gallighar of Teeswater and Miss Mary •Stowaat-of Seaforth are spending this ,week, - es- the ghosts sof Miss Jean Hogg at the Ms. Mrs.lanHoelmes :of Detroit 'aird- Mrs. Coyle of Windsor were weak -end guests of their cousin, Mrs' Eames ?!Jynn, They carne to attend the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Jas. Reynolds. -,; , Miss Elinor 1,einp,_ •hwo has been spending thee vacation. : at her home in town, a•eturn$- to ,Bruce Mines Shturday, iShe will lie accompanied bylieY mother, who wiIl epe ed sev- eral weeks 'with' her. a Ye Olde Tgnge Fiddlers Huron Central Agricultural Society are holding , A FIDDLERS' COMPETITION SPRING SHOW NIGHT Thurs,, A .;. r.15th Town hall, Clinton at 8 pan. Prizes for Competition as follows: lst, $10.; 2nd, $7.; 3rd, $5.; 4th, $3. Special prizes will also be given of $54 each for the oldest fiddler, the youngest fiddlers and the fiddler coin- ing the greatest distance, RULES 1. Open fo Counties of Bruce, Hur- on and Perth. 2. Each contestant to play two se- lections, one selected. by . pommittee and the other by contestant. 3. No entry fee charged and $1.00 paid each contestant not reeeiving a prize. Any or all ,contestants liable for service: during dance. 4. Accompanist provided. 5, Jueges award is final. ' 6. Committee in eharge reserves the right to make any additional rules that may appear necessary,. 7. Old time music to eebasis of contest, " 8. Professionals are not eligible. • Old Time Boyce After Concert 1 Admission 50c Proceeds to go .to Spring Show Funds H. C. Cox, Pres. W. J. Miller, Treas. E. Rozell, S. B. Stothers, Secretaries If you wient-to laugh your ills away, SEE— " OH DOCTOR ' With Reginald Denny and Mary Astor at - STAR THEATRE - , on Mon., Tues., Wed. April 12,1j, 14 Under the auspices of St. Paul's A.Y.P.A. ADMISSION 25e and 35e. Expert Plumbing Stearn, Ilot Air or Hot Water Heating Have us give you an esti- inate on ' the job' you are' eontemplating thin COM. Jog sumnsei. Phone 244 forr tit,4timates Sole Agents for Mai tin-Senaur Paints and Varnishes GIVE ',U$ A CALL Hardware 'and Plumbing. ■ i gt How about your fiaor coverings for spring? We have a fine assortment of the newest •patteens of Linoleums, Congolegms and Oilcloths to suit any room in the house, as well as carpet/ rugs in Wiltons, Axninisters, 'Brussels and Tapestries.. We have lots of rpom and are always pleased to show them. In, putting away your furs you will be wise to consider a Cedar Chest. They are absolutely moth proof. And don't forget • we always carry a well assorted stock of Springs and Mattresses at prices to suit everybody. Soine Real Specials in Coil Springs HARDWARE DEPT. Try a package ef. Sootfo to clean your; stove pipes and chimneys. Will prevent rust and creosote dripping from pipes and chimneys., Easy to apply and saves a lot of dirty work. Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo. FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 196 TAILOR MADE means BEST MADE Once you -have experienced the satisfaction of selecting your own ,style and you' :own•material. then feeling the comfort of an absolutely perfect fit, yon.will" knew vhy`partieular men will never wear any- thing belt tailored -to -their neeeere.clothing, You'll wonder how you ,ever wore, "off .the shelf" garme it's, •after wearing one of our suits! TAILf R=MARE CLOTHING' IS NOT EXPENSIVE ASK• ONE OF OUR. CbSTOMERS• BJLTMOILR •AND BORS,A:bINO HATS:FIT-'U=WRGL CAPS Davis sic Herman: VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224,W Spot. Cash for Eggs and Poultry. Chianti) Counts We are in the market for Eggs and Poultry all seasons of the year, prepared to pay top prices for, top quality. Nearly half'of our customers had no undergrades last week - GUNN, LANCLOIS & Co., Limited HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL, QUE. Clinton Branch open each day from, 7 a,m. to 3 p.m. Write, Phone or Call for any further information you requre,. GUINN, LANGLOIS , & CO.,, LIMITED. CLINTON, ONT., 'BRANCH PHONE. 190