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- Full allowance for your old Piano.
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Dealer in all Musical Instruments '
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Miss A. Foote of London spent the
Easter holiday with her' brother, Mr.
Andrew Foote of Bannockburn.
A great number of our citizens are
laid up with the flu.
Miss Welsh is spending Easter
week with her sister, Mrs. Elliott of
London. "
Mi s Erna Diehl is home Inc the
Easter holidays.
Miss Clarke of Heneall Spent the
week -end with Mrs. Lloyd Keys.
The sympathy of the community
is extended; to the bereaved widow
and familrof the late Mr, Edmund
Elliott, whose remains were laid to
rest in Bayfield cemetery last Friday
afternoon. The late Mr. Elliott was
formerly n Stanley boy and was wide-
ly known .and a highly respected citi-
Several of the villagers attended
• the funeral of the late Mr. -E. Troyer
of Hillsgreen, Who died Very sudden-
ly at his home an Friday.
(piwn Another Correspondent)
The funeral took place et Bayfield
on Good Friday of Edmund Lang El-
liott,. who had been teaching at Fair -
bank school at Toronto, but formerly,
Bayfield and.' Goderich township,
.Mr, Elliott had been ill 'since Christ-
mas. He was born in Stanley -town,
thin and at the time of death was in
his 58th year. He is survived by hia
wife, two daughters, two sonk teio
brothers and one sister.
(Int4nded fo). 1a2qt week)
On Sunday, march '28th, the Mein -
berg of the Organized Adult Bible
'Class, preattrited ' their teacher, Mrs.
Robert Rogerson; With a set of Coin-
mentaries of the Cambridge I33ble1
Series. At the close of the session
the pastor, Rev. Mr. Snell, occupied
the chair and called upon Mts. Ernest
Adams, who read. the addiess, atm: -
which Mrs. Peter Lindsay illade the,
,peesentation. Althugh taken entirely
• by surprise, Mrs. Rogerson in a few
evell-choeen words expressed her ap-
preciation ot the gift.
Mr, R. Clarke, superintendent of the
Sabbath -school, in a short address en-
dorsed the feelings of the class. The
following is the address:
"Dear Mrs. Rogerson: We, the
members of your Bible Class wish to
convey to you our hearty thanks Inc
your painstaking labors in teaching
our class. Your extensive • and care=
ful preparation of the lesson provides
ne with nontieued information and
inspiration. On the eve of entering
upon a nine Months' study in the Old
Testament, we ask you to accept these
Commentaries of the Cambridge Bible -
`Series, on the books of Genesis, Exe-
• clue, Leviticus, joseva, Ruth and 1st
Samuel, from which lessons are to be,
taken, as a alight token of our apprec-
• iation of your splendid work Inc the
class. It is our earnest wish that
these books may ,he Useful •instru-
meats of assistance to you in tile pre"-
paration of the lessons and that you
may be long spared to teach our class.
' Signed en behalf of the -class: T. E.
I,ivingston, president; C., Dexter, thc-.
The analtuil election of officers 'for
the Ladies' Aid. was held 'on Tuesday
afternoon; President, Mrs, W. Clark;
vice, Mrs. P, Lindsay; secretary, Mrs.
Joe Riley; treasurer, Pergu-
MTS. Geo. Dale is spending- a 'few
• days midi. her sort in , .
Chas.Riley has •bee sick
TS.• ,
• this week with. quinsy: /
1 .. tkub.urn ,
The funeral 'of the .late Mrs. Rut: -
ledge took place trom the home of lift
daughter, Mt's. Rebert Phinket of.
West Watvanosh to Maitland cefue-
tery, Godenieh, on Saturday, April
2rd. , 1
Mr, Will noniron of Stratford is
visiting his parents here,
Mrs. E. Lawson is spending the"
holiday at Seaforth.
Mr, Elwin: Raitbby came" up from
Guelph on Saturday to visit his moth-
er, Mrs. Cleo. Raithby, who is very ill,
Mrs, Johnston of -Smith's Hill is
visiting. at Dr. Weir's.
Mr..Claybort Baxter of Toronto Uni-
versity is visiting. Rev., and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Sot Farrow and Doro-
thy of Mitchell are spending the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H.
Miss Ethel Washington is home
from New Liskeard Inc the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs, 44.,:li..Johnaton went
to Toronto last Monday to attend the
funeral of the late Alvin Wallace, the
former's cousin. • -
. Miss Grace Hamilton and krs. ,T,
J. Robertsmr:went to Detroit Inc the
holidays, ,
-, Mr, Pilgrim, formerly of the Stand-
ard Bank Ilene, now of Palmerston, is
visiting with friends here.
Mrs. Prost of Altilverton is visiting
lit Geo. Dawson's. • `
Mr..W. J. Andrew ceme out •frorri
Godericir for a few days last week.
. Mrs. W. T. Robison of the village
Spent Easter week -with her mother
at Clinton.
On Friday last there, passed away
at her home in • the fiftit concession
an old settler of this township in the
person of Mary McDonald' Reynolda,
widoveof the late James Reynolds.
TheVieceased-was born in Aherdeen,
Scptland, and ctisme-with her family to
Canada and to Hullett when a lass
of eighteen. She tvas wedded to the
late James Reynolds, who predeceased
her by eleven Years, aixty yeers ago
dud came to the home in whiCli she
died, as a •beide, aud there she lived
throughout the intervening years,
She was a winner' of stimrly character,
washleseed with ahundeMii health -and
was cheerful and • neighborly. She
li,ked even up to the last to ,have her
friends come to see her and loved
above all else to talk about' the early
days and many an interesting story
ishe coeld tell of the long -past days.
Three sons and two daughters sur-
vive; John. and ,Joseph and 1VIre.
0 Cennor who resided with her, Mrs.
Jarnes 'Ilya of Clinton and Robert of
Central Park,- B.O. One sister, Mrs.
McDonald of Detroit, and one, brother,
johreMeD,onald Of G,oclerich, also sur‘ -
-The iimulral was held on Monday
• forenoon. from St. ,TOS.epli's. church,
Clinton, -the funeral mass being said
by Rev, Father Gaffney. The funeral
vas largely attended, espegially 1con-
siderihg the state of 'the roads. The
pallbearers were; Messrs. D. Flynn,
-Geo. Garbert and Martin, James, Pat-
rick and ' Dominic Rey -Folds. Inter-,
ment Was ma.clodn theE.' C. cemetery,
nulAditetotn. 4. tile 17....iatives•
from'a distance who attended thefuin-,
eral were: "-Mrs. Helmes, betreiti
Vs` John Coyle W...t1 • Mca.
'Allay', the Misses McDonald and S.
!1.and. J. 13, Reyeo1ds,,q0„derieh, •
• sPending,, her .•,..Eaetee, ',,. Vecatiopf:', With
lign:'aitirt;: lqrS:.•:'.A., '-'4.,ErViin......,...'',.-,.. „.,,.''. ,•,.
I .•11.4..i,M.4i.6.",4i;',,,,.a.6,..,,,,.rt, ..H4iIic.;;,,..''‘,..i.•iifI. '..7,0,1,..y::..1,bowiledtti...i„.i,r,:1.,i
,gatiSple.Of '-"Weeks,-:,in:"-TorOitmi...-:
411,4NS- '..06110l,-,-..40-0'10.0":".,of"-Braiiiiitt :IS:.
Sijending': inie-,;.'lllaSter,•-, ti,g,en0.0,h.:• wit)i..,
;1?,O.P44.te.P.M§;, ,,' ; ..':.','_-.,'•;;;;,,,, .,' ..,:,,,,, '...-,,:"..,',..4
•'""`Mi0ea'"Hiva. -, .and, 'Anal& De`Wbf,".
'Toronto. -,•ane hotrie'ifor tke,.'•EaSt -.4-
- e.alOa.,:'„''.7. ; '''''• • „1-': "",. ':'''',',::.• ''.''..':';.'..':
...tlie..-Easten,"--preek7;end., With'. herqjarent*I"
Misa-"Glacl:-Yeli.1.(aviston":".. reftirniit'ito::,
''..i.lit.i.r:fla.fion,'. 'rkoado,".,' -after),'SPendi i'.,
,..".:KeSais,,r-Lavirence'"indl.pred, Purl. ie
S`eVeral, dayar.-vrit$ 'her M'other;;,''''•-'1..." .."'
'of Iioni.lent Spe5t• . Goo4;,r117riday With'',
, eirmaTents.t..;.- . ...`,, ''..'.' ',.."rts , ,•'": •; ' ''
n ,Misa Jean Wood of Orion: is ,hoine
.fernthe Veeetiorn•-, .,,,„..i. , ..,',.,',,,
. •illieS.,,Alina,Nliefit ' ..lef ,.."Porente.. is,
.apendinethe....VaaatiotinWith he..titint,
, .uk, ...raad,:: .mie...*iin `Townghend and
Gwen Elliott '.."(if .:.kaniiia: ,aid.
!pending .the-lialictay's With :their„parn-
Milts), Mr.' and IVIrs.:- Thos.. IL- Ellicitt: • '
•.E." T....Brown .„ of the Standard
Bank returned . on ',Tuesday , after
apending the holiday with hia!„.pareints
Miss S. M. Ross 4 -Woodstock spent.
the Eastertide itl'i" her parents.
' Miss Ruth ,Houston Of LOrlden was
home for the Easter '.weelc-end. ' -
' Miss Nina Heard of Stratfin..d.Nor,"--
• Mal ,sebool is . spending -the .vaeatiOn.
With her •parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. win.
Heard. . • . - . .
., •
IVIiss M. Howell left - on Therecl'hy
for her 'home in Goderich. .
Mr. Allan Pye left on hIond.ay to '
take a nnisition at Chgthare. . •
. !Miss' Izelita Blether of New Dundas
is home for the Easter ciecation,
Miss Lithinde, ' Reid is visiting
friends in Exeter. _
• Mr, J. W. TinThet left on. Monday to
visit his daughter, Mrs. ..P. Dynterit,
in Detroit. " • '
The Y. P. S. will meet on Friday
evening, at the usual hour. ,
Miss Maude mathon. of
Mowat Sanatarium, Portsmouth, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Stir-
ling. - •
' Goderich Tow. nsiiip
Me. Ernest, Townsheid has sold his
farm -in the Bayfield Line to his
brother-in-law, Mr. N. Crich, and has
bought Mi-. 1F. Sterling's farm in the
same line, two ranee west. He has
'also bought one hundred acres oppo-
site the Sterling farm from Mr. W.
Stewart, Mr. Townshend is moving th
his new home.
Mr. Man Sterling has purchased
the George Hanly farm in the Ith
Mrs. Peter Cole has been quite ill
with flu hot is now recovering.
, Miss Alice Corey of Paris spent tlie
Easter holiday with her parents.
The following is the report of 5..."5.
No. 9 for ;the winter term;
5111 Class --Chester Grigg, 64%.
Sr, 4th -Jack Welsh, 64; Mary
Grigg, 60; Muriel Hindle, 60, (missed
12 term. examinations) Frances Pear-
son, 57; Alfred Evans, 50.
Sr. iird-Richard Evans, 69; Mary
Welsh, 67; Jean Miller, 67; David
Welsh, 65..
Jr, Srd-Eve/ya 1.,.trisc, 72; Harold
Yeo, 70; Jack Gilbert, 64 (Missed 4
examinations). .
2nd --Bessie Welsh, 69; Albert
Pearson, 68; Grigg , -66.
lst-Proinoted to 2nd book -Eldon
Yeo, '75; Reginald Miller, 74.
, -Lillian M. Potter, Teaeher.
Health and weather permittinc,-the
postponed Easter services in the -Unit-
ed church will be held next Sunday.
The chole gowne have arrived and
the their . purposes giving four beau-
tiful number; "AWake Up, My Glory"
by Barnhy; "Seek Ye the Lord" by
Roberts.V"How •LoneWilt Thou For-
get- IVIe, O. -lord!' by Pflueger; and
"Still, still with Thee" by Fletcher.
The --regular monthly' meeting, of
'the W. M. S. will be held on Wedae_S-
day, the 14th. .'
Mr. Bantry of Seaforth has con-
sented to address the Herticulturab
meeting next Thursday evening; ;the'
15th, on the Annual convention of
the HoTtieultural ,SoCiety of Ontario
held 10 Toronto and especially on the
-paper _which he gave there on. "How
to conduct -.a. FloWer !Show." Bir.
Armour hes offered a prize of a. good
bodic on birds for the -Moat 'original
collection of bird housei.shown at the
September Flower Show in 13rucefield,
open to anyone -young on old.
-In °Alen to obtaini ftrst hand -.infor-
mation relating to the Problems that
confront English settlers in Canada,
Mr. jetties Treiman, prominent in
British Jouralistic circles, arrived on
the White`Star liner Donie Halifax;
Saturday March 27th.
Trevnaw is special col/mission• ,.
er nepresenting Allied Newspapere
Ltd,, of Gi`eit Britain and 'has been
assigned'arwrite a series of artieles
dealing -with, the exact ' onditione
that- exist,. on Wnstern Canadian
farms. -
Th,e articles • when neorepleted-Will`
present • a emnprehenel've study of
travelling conditions on both land and
sta;' a description of the farms and
buildings that await them in the
west, and • the experiences of those
who iminigeatecl within the last few
,Ort account, of the unseasonable.
weather` the' !Spring' Show of the
Seaforth • Aginculthral Society • MIS
again been postponed until Tues.(10,
April 20th.,
Vim Magiie'Z'nahnie,who seib
thenWinter•`a t.: Thorned; :
Mi John Sotchuei VS2tIflg
1.0.',4!:t6:' an...40444Y'
•• ,• Geo. Od0On;"Whe TOpent ;the,
Mn ..Ma0gie 'TOPA: !.10SPOOint..
1:her ."Eaetele: -
, ;1601684..2044: MCOaWan"-of
epptheir' thstee.liblielaya. -their
lionieS„ •
to aill410.teMn i„,Soatnitiltd0ffiniaccilk(witinidi•,,
.Winditer for daYS,' . • ,
•;Min -and krs'. peter koffat-and.tivo
thildreit of DathrOes1;„ spent tae „holi-
. (Intended! f� r last, week).
. • •
• „ .
, „
Made lastyweek, of -the
regrettable""deatIef kr. J. 5. Som-
merville of Blanchand- townShip;.
friend who Anew 'hint intimately sends
the .fiillowieg anpreciatiorin, ,
VVihile in apparently the- hest of
health John 5.- SommerVille 'took a
-atro,ke on! Thursday, March '11.th' and'
passed awWthe following Tuesday hi
his 42nd year: John .Sominerville had
the happy faculty Of.thaking and hold.
in"g" friends and his friends were num-
bered- Iv' the score; who will carry
With them the meniory of hie chedry
presence' and kindly heart. ,Tweive
years ago, lest Septeinber; Mr. Som."-
merville was nuirried.to Mary Annie
Taylor of the and. Concession of Stan,
ley, who with 'three children, mourn
the loss .of one who made his home a
truly happy One: The funeral Seryiee'
was held IVIarch 18th,•faterment tak-
ing place in St: Mary's cemetery,"
Report of S. S, No. 10. Those
marked with An. asterisk denote the
absence of a pupil for one o»' more
exams. Pass 60%, honours, 75%;
Sr. 4th--Aldie Mustard, 78; Melvin
785; V. iola Wheeler, 70; Roland
Jr. 4th -Jean Campbell, 58; Ross
Grainger, 56; Mary Woolley, 4
*Dorothy Swan, 30:
8;1%o, 0.
3r8 -.-'Frank McGowan, 70; *Ret
Jr. awl -Anna Aikeithead, 71. Cell
arine Ketchen,"61; Stewart Baird, 6
'Dorothy Woolley,' 56.
Sr. 2nd Kathlyn Mustard, '77
Stanley Collins, 68.
Jr. 2nd-1ay Pepper, 73; ,Evely
CrItinger, 72; Walter Baird, 58; ';'Ne
son Forest.
ist--Randai Pepper, 73; Ken Mc
Cowan, 68.
Priiner-Andrey Swan 72. Jh
Burdge, 68; Alvin Dutht,
-Mary Stewart, teacher.
The following ie the report of S. S
No. 5 for March: Those marked wit
an asterisk have been absent:
Sr. 4th ---Elgin flayter, 180; Emm
McBride, 157*.
Sr. 3rd -Grace Robinsn, 298; Mal
garet 'Robinson, 214; Edgar McClin
they, 132.
fircl-Vera Smith, 278; Brtic
MeClinchey, 241; Bert Molaride, 112*
Elmore Stephenson, 53*.
Sr. 2nd -Russell Heyter,,369. Nor
ene Robinson, 325; Campbell McKin
ley, 318; 'Elmore McBride; 219*.
Sr. 1st -Allan Armstrong, 184.
Priroer--Hazel Hayter, 175; Mar
garet Lamont, 173; Elva ,MeClin
elleY' 170. -C. E. Reid, teacher..
Tho following is the 'March raper
for S, S. No. 1: .
4th -Marjorie MeEwen, IVfation
Shipley, Bessie ,Corey, Omerine L
Beau, Cecil Shipley.
3rd -Vera Saundercock, Norma
Shipley, Karl ,Strenhury.
2nd -Joe 'Corey, Stuart McEwen
Clarence LeBeau.,
1st -Nora Stewart, Isabel • Satin
dencock, Gladys Saundercock.
Pr. --Jack Henderson. .
-W. E. Gamble, Teacher. .
!Schoolreport for S. S. NO. 4 foi
..Sr. 4th -Frances Mosso -a, 88%
Mary Armstrong', 82; Nellie Patter-
son, 82; Jack Seoteinner, 77. Clarence
Rohner, 61.
Sr. 3rd -Gladwin Westlake, 71;
IVfe.Clinchey 42. '
Jr.,erar.:_,Mario Helmer, 16; Archie
Armstrong, 74: ,
Sr. 2m1--!'hItivie MeClinthey,
ian Cleave, 61; .*Bert Dtinn, 45. `
Jr. 3rd -Anna !Cleave, 881 Beatrice
ueton, 84;. Keith Westlake, • 64.
GorcionnSciitchnier, 58. .
Sr. let --,John Watson, 81. • .
Tinier A.'., ---Donald PaCensen, 76.
Pupilsmarked • with an asterisk
issed examinations.
• -V, J. Minsleman, teachen.
•ne n omen
Gained It pounds
• days
'0,h1Jza,h -Guild, hell fo the 0ohintun±
oionipg. 441; ,d).:4cil
for, th
,deaSoni.,A.l.talle"Pm. the ',Beater. Mee
Mr, :,Alier
Rigiett, .; licti)Petling$
131,:s(4/iv ptyth spent ' 10 the. Cgt;iilig,,Ond
ithnmanTe pefithilqt . at;ids Bps- rtz",
Stew:art, ' '13)10.11-19:u
e. ,Mr• Jas, Medd ris attending edni",:en-i" • - - '• '
s7. ooln' M. alit.' g' 'emery', Ydi°ear'' .11171eSdtt'a'nY'
sayags,aogi,le,d_spn,4.4.tht,,suizr,a.13;,h,e0..thEth;0,1,wolf,o.t.i.iirel lier"years,ible, health had, i)pon. delicate,
but let ie life he enjoyed the bes • •
illustrated bY lantern Slide
These ,Pictunes. y)ortrayeci the o
,Teetts'lItilnediately before Hie crueifie
, , af heallth and he died after being
oiCixlisiftoenraof GLIaortzgieers,bowroh,00:waace_• eshenotflitianecd1.,too'nhe jduifyor5e11,,(18y60.,f,eilvtetleilaynis.0
. ealled to the home a he f Mr wpb' G sill *
d count of the. e;..;atia -erillnees ; 1V14...r, to Ca.nada whea 20' Year: aof '
• ,tiern': The eventa follewing res
-urrealon ivere.sliowmand alto a4ietili,
iliustratioa of' the •aStension
,They' were very beautiful pietares, be
cinge. copies'. of...greatfeaCternrieceh 10
"Will, Icing -,renrain- M inemery, o
'.'those !,who -both Inc their-
, beautY of Coloring" and, the" giaphie
.manner ',whim ,the illustrated the
,ineseage*f hope and eourage given
by Mr.. AbeTy in his address., After
'the addrese three yourignpeople repne-
..senting childhood; youth ,arid old age;
imesetited the pantomine "Jesus, San-
iour; Pilot Thie`'W'as accompan-
led by suitable -veadings and music.
Miss B. Snell spent her vacation
with, herr' parents, ',Rev'. '13: -and Mrs.
Snell at the .paneonage.
• MI% - • and Mrs. . Brodgen visited
Blyih-friends even .theiBaster
Miss O. ‘Brigham of St. Themes
spent the Easter holiday , with her
Parents, Mr., and Mrs„ Win. Brigham.
Misr, IL 'Crawford is.the 'guest ot•
Mns:13`. Shlibbrook of the 13th thia
• Mrs. Watt, wile has been the guest
of Rev. Jas. and Mrs.: Abery for the
past month, has returned to her hoMe
near Harlock.
The W. M. S. meet at the home ofs,
-Mrs, Efficient." on Tuesday afternoon.
There was, a splendid attendance.
The members of the United church
choir and congregation regret very
intleh,having to accept the resignation
of Mrs. Erneet, Adems, who for the
past eight years • has rendered such
acceptable serVice. as organist and
choir leader. We understand she has
.missod very few Sundays and de-
serve% the thanks of both congrega-
tion and choir members Inc her faith-
fulness, She has promised to still
assist the. choir '
Mr. E. Adams and Mr. G. Mc -Vit -tie
-are attending the 0. E. A. convention
5, in Toronto as delegates.
' Mr,, Griffith of Detroit ie this week
a spending Sonle tirrie at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Flunking of the 13th
n were guest's of Mrs. J. Manning on
oi; Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Snowlm of London
. were week -end visitors here.
' •Miss Johnston, teacher, is spending
her vacation with her mother at Au-
bliNrne'ighbors and friends eminent=
, with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sliobbrook
of the thirteenthnin the death of their
a infant daughter. The funeral, which
was private, took place from the fam-
ily residence yesterday, Wednesday,
afternoon, to Blytt cemetery.
h (From `Another Correspondent)
A most interesting service was
, given in the 'United, formerly Metho-
dist. church on Easter Sunday, The
S. 5, had full charge of the morning
_ service, which consisted of several
exercises and a pantomine, which was
e well rendered. Much credit is due to
; thoee -taking nart and also to the
committee in 'charge. The choir con-
sisted of twenty-five S. S. pupils. In
the evening tho pastor gave an ek-
eellent E,aster Message. The splend,
Id Easter music of the choir was
.highly appreciated.
The ingular meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute was held in the Com-
munity hall on April lst, In spit of
the stornirday and bad roads, a good-
ly number attended. After the busi-
ness part `of the meeting was trans-
, acted a good prouam was given. Mrs.
J. E. Maniuug gave a splendid paper
on "Recreation for Children and
Adults" and Mr.S. J. S. 'Carter a read-
ing.: This was followed by various
' recees, given by several of the ihnni-
- bers. Mrs. Cruickshanks of Wing -
ham, the district prditident, was pre -
'sent and gave very interesting talk,
which was much appreciated. Aftev
, the program all repainod to the base-
ment, whde a demonstration On pan
cake making Was given by Mrs, II.
1 Snell and Miss Clara Bare .and all
sat down to a tasty lunch of pan
cakes and inaple sythp with_ other
good things. A hearty vote of
thanks was g.iven to the hostesses,
Mrs. Snell' and Miss Barr.
40:iessccoes anc! May Jamieson of
Toronto spent Eastertide at their
All weak men and women.
All nervOus'Inen`and women.
All skinny men and women.
Can grow stronger, healthiei.• and
more , vigorous and take' on solid,
needed flesh in 80,clayksjust by takipg
MeCey's Cod Liver Extract Tablets
four times a dayr-sugar Coated. ,and
easy to .take as candy. „
And What a hit these flesh produe4
ing• labfets have inade. One druggist
tripled Ms sales in one week.• . '
Everybody ,kritiPis that frill-ft/the
livers, of .the hinnhle codfish, comes • a
'first class vitantine that is' a wonder-
derWeight people are being helped. '
• A box a 60 tablets for,60 eants and
if 'any eleinny man "or woman doesn't
,gain. at -least ,5 pounde in 30 'days---
, money back: Ask 'any .good
any,vithene Atnetica. • • '
Be sure ,aridnget. MeCoy's, the orig-
inal, and gerittine :and don't forgot
1358 56 -nothing on earths -,as good to
ineke. backward, listlessundeweieht
dren `grow'-strengand robust. ,.
0 Thi VV
' flesh ' producer and
filth creator. • -• •
Millions of IVIeCoy's 008 Liver Ex -
et Tablets are Sold every ,week
d •thousands of frail, rundoWe un-
Report of hog' shipments for week
' ending Anril -1926:
Brueefield-Totai hogs, 29; select
bacon, 12. thick smooth, 15; heaviee,
1; lights arid feeders, 1.
Huron County --Total hogs, 1,450;
select bacon, 471; thick smooth, 81.7;
heavies, 61; extra. heavies, 8; shop
hogs, 45; lights and feeders, 16.
WINGHAM: Mr, George Baird of
this town travelled through the Red [
Lake district, which has been so much
in the peblic' eye during the past few
months, as early as 1907. In 1913 he
was through the district again and'
• staked ut a number of claims.
• '
• „Quickly Drives Out All
• , ftheurnatic Poison
T,he first day you take Rheuma, the
clocton's remedy „ that • ie selling so
rapidly, • you'll realize the,"i when
Rheinna goes in Rheumatism goes
ont, •
• It Platters ,not whether you are tor -
blind -with-pairincrippled with swollen
joint* or distressed with oecasional
twinges, Itheunia is guaranteed:to end
your rheumatic trouble ,Or • 1110007 •
back. •, • •
B,hettina is just * effective in cases
of lumbago sciatiCa' ' arthintis .and
'Ithetttnatisin Is a • dangerous dig -
'ease, I1 often, affects the heart and
causes.-stidden death. -If -you have 56
in the Sliglitest degee get ,a,- bottle
of Rheuma from J• II !Hovey or any
,druggist today and %alive it f,roi.
-your system at once. . •
brO•ther, the `date Howard joirnsto?
has return6d honie,
Mr. Theo Dale id not improVing as
rapidly as his many. friends watiln
The follOwing is the repent of S. Si
No. 10 Hullett Gederich for the
• ntonths of February and March:
• 5th -Gladys IVIountain, 75 Ver; Olive
Sprung, 70. ' •,•
4th -Ethel Meehan, 48, •
Jr. 441 -Helen Yuncblutt, 77; The-
odore Henhoeffer,' 61; q'Lonis
Sr. 3rd-Vineent Henhoeffer„ 63,
Sr,?rid-Donald •Sprung, 69; "Uori-
don. Johnston, 57.
ist Class -Wilfrid Ileithoeffer,
settling in Seaforth- Sixty yeara ago '
he motiedith BrusseIe?wbere he had,'
resided, ever 'sinew and wheEe he cer-•
Tied on a merchant tailering businesi
untili his retirement 43 years acoe •'
when he --sold the businese to his son,
DaVid C. Ross. lie was married 67
years ago to MiSs PaltnIr Torrande, Of • -
McMillen township, who predeceased.,
him in 1908., fiert*of a faraily ef eight
ehildren six stirvive, James T., David
C., Mrs, John A, $mith hnd MisS An-
nie, all of .Bittssels, and Thomas and.
Robert,. ef Ohesley. One • daughter,
• Mrs. George Hayeroft, died in 1891,
while another daughter, Mrs.
McKay, died last month. -Mrs. (D)
MeNaughton of Bruseels, is a niece
1,eonard'Yungiblutt, 74; Dorothy Voci-
4 Mr. Ross was a Liberal in polities and
In religion a Presbyteinam ' The fun -
den, 71; Charlie Mitcham 59.
Those marked 1' Were :absent froth
examinations. • .
' -Edith A. Mogridge, teacher.
• The following is the report of ex-
ams. held in month of March in S. S.
No. 4: '
551 -'Edith Josling, 76%.
41;11.--,LloYcl Medd, 73.3; • Ray-
• mond Cartwright) 66. ' -
Sr.\30-John Ifesselwood, 81.
Nona Reek, '70; Phyllis Medd, 68.3;
Benny Riley, 67.8; Earle Cartwright,
62,7; Marion Stewart, 61,8; Percy
Riley, 50.5; Vera Riley, 40.5. -
Sr. 2nd -Lloyd Stewart, 69,
Jr. 2n8 -Lizzie Fairservice, 69;
Bobbie Riley, 58.
First - George Hoggart, Beatrice
-M. D. Laithwaite, teacher
Huron Road East
Mr. Frank Wilson of Georgetown
spent the week -end at the home -of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook had a
number of their friendefin Inc tea
on Monday evening.
The heavy snow storms of late have
made extra work fon: the patrolman,
keeping the road passable.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Irwin of Toron-
to are spending a few days at the
home of Mr. Fred Cook,
Mn. Frank Glew sold his valuable
team last week,
We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
Shep. Dale, who has been so long
sick, is not improving as fast as her
111:3117 friends would have her.
Miss Sadie Ball and Mr. Stewart
Ball attended choir practice in Turn-
er's church on Friday night last.
Dapper Davies, a strong' man from
Wales, -was among the new citizens
who arrived in Canada when the Doric
decked at Halifax the other day. Me.
Davies, whO is known as the "Samson
of Ebbw Vale, Wales," was through
the South African and Great Wars
and Was given a send-off by the vet-
erans of his home district, has gone
to Edmonton to He should .he
able to wrest a living feom the Oil.
MYTH: Dr." and Mrs. Wilford
and farnili, CM their way from China,
where Dr. Wilford is a inedical mis-
sionary, are now in Edinboro, Scot-
land, They are expected this spring
to visit the Doctor's mother, Mrs, A.
B. Carr,
EXETER: Our local onion! Men
are starting this week to ship out the
onion sets that have been stored in
the large onion warehouses lthee this
winter. They report that the onions
have k4t well.. -Times -Advocate: • .
eral will, be held on Thursday after-
noon from hiMate residence to Brus- •
sels cemetery.
GODERICH: -Another vote on thee -
bylaw for the erection of a new town
hall will he taken May 4th.
iBLYTHf William Siris, former .
postmaster here, died last week after
a lengthy illness. The late Mr. Sims'
was born in Scotland hut came to
Canada when a .child. He had been a
resident of Blyth sino 1874. He car-
ried on a blecksmithing and carriage -
making business for a number of
ears, in mirtnership with Mr. Robert
Slater. In 1910 he was appointed
postmaster, a position he continued to
hold until tlast year, When owing to
failing health he was obliged to re-
sign. He is survived by his widow
and three sons.
Goderich: G. W. Holman, county
clerk, has been appointed a justice of
the peace in alai for the County of
Whitechunch: Fire of unknown or-
igin destroyed the elevator here on
Thursday night -week, together with
a quantity of grain. The building' and
machinery was only partly insured.
• The grain which belonged to Ray Bros
Listowel, was insured. -
)Goderich: At dinner given by the
Ladies' Aid of North street United
church, last week to the choir, the of-
ficers of the Sunday school and of the
Mission Band, the pastor, the Rev. C.
F. Clarke, was offered felicitations
and his bride welcomed to the elturelf. '
EXETER: Dr. W. E. siAreekes, of
Exeter, has been appointed . coroner
for Huron, to succeed the late Dr.
Hyndrium, Dr.. Weelres has been
practicing in Exeter for about a year.
Look & Liste
While in Clinton on Spring Fair
day:, don't forget to call on the old
reliable Massey -Harris stand and get.
our special prices on new and second-
hand Machines and get :Your rePaits
and be ready when the rush comes.
It is just around the corner. A. large
Stock 'of repairs always on hand.
R. A. Roberton, Agent
s'AiriikRALTT 2 »s 25c
Ceylon 7191c
Marton Brand
. b.
2 Plits• 25c.
113. m
rrIN A %no„,..
Gherkins 49 p
AAcH ic
53 TOMATOES tie .14C
Glacier or Jutland
3 ems 25c
Specially Prepared
3 8" 29f
Those Prices in effect Inc one irock from date of thio nmesar
A7'8,,,fittav*;4d'O,8»0; tNscoykte