HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-08, Page 3MAKING NEW ROCKS FROM OLD
Nature'sGreat Chemist, the Sea, 'Thine the Trick.
s •
Graham Island is an exampleof how the surface df the -earth eemetimee
changes' with rapidity. On July 10, 1831, a column of water 60 feet high roee
in the Mediterranean ' at. a point .between the eouthweet const of Sicily and
the cunt of Africa, Then followed daunts of steam. A submarine volcano had
broken into action, SOon alts cone of --tate voi:;ano rose above the sea, form-
ing =island. By August 4, the islanel'wee 200 feet high and three miles in
eircumferenee. Then it began -to ,grow smaller, By the year 1832 it had.
again ' recoled below the surface o1 the sea. The srketoh =owe how it ap-
peared in 1881.
Secrets of Science. tab). types of =dement. Thus, a e,etli
eyDeVL2 Diem meet of feldspar is broken down into
The atmOBpheze, as, 'we have ween, simpler produ'ets, tu'rnin'g In time into
causes the rook= to crank and decay, clay'
Much of the+reaulting debris !smashedBut' !n ;11103- the water also has an
by the rain into the rivets.. - other very important effect upon these
The rlve3S themselves are 'continual- 'continual- lave df "41111°11'It makes new rooke oust of •them.
ly wearing away the rocks, The mer rusk as men mix sand and lime to
terhil which they wear loose end the make mortar, the .water in tints* ce-
material which the rain -washes' into meats the loose asdi neat into .,solid
them, ie carried along b3' the rivers an reek,
eediment. It will be remembered that the
Moet of tlti3L_s.edttlient ie carried' the water cantatne- many minerals in S(1111-
length of -the river and deposited 'In tion, ,.S'ome of'thesle minerals are'pre
the oceans% eipitated dr deposited hitt of the water,
The oeean'B •thentsnlvee, 1x3 addition, winking into the layers of sediment and
are wearing away the land, eating con• cementing them together. harp, . noire
tinuousl7 into the cent/Dente and is- reek,
lands• These"rocks, are called sedimentary
As a result of these processes great recite,
beds of sediment are being continuous- men. gravel' is cemented into meld
]y deposited In the ocean. • eoclr„ tate resulting rock it known as•
When rocks are broken into rather .Conglomerate or breccia. Sand be -
coarse pieces, the reeu'lting debris, Is Comes sandstone by this mouse, and
known ns gravel. When the debris mud becomes shale.' et
consists• of fine grains, It is known as ` There is also a dieser of sedimentary
sand, Still finer pa�rifclest ere lenawn ` rooks ='Melt consds'ts' entirely of min-
= dust wheu dry and mud when wet. l eral matter precipitated out of 'the
The coarser sediment his dropped water.
near shore, while the finer particles, A. third eles's of reek results from
are carried further out. into the ecean.l.the fact that. the,oeean is full of bei,.
This Can 'be seen along nanny Coasts lioua of adnate organisms—animate
where the shore -lute is .gravel,; grad- end 1plants—which have hard .shell's.
wally' changing to sand and then mud These eheile are'composed of calcium
pe the distenne Brom the shore in. carbonate. When they die, their shells
.,cytases, .. Intuit to tine bottom, teeming in time a
In Addition -,to separating 121e evil- layer, of Iimes,toue. One form of lime -
moult according to its size, the water stone is known: as oliel'k,
also eanset ehemicad' changes, In ear- Next artiele—TTplifttng the Land%
"The Food of Sponges.
Many surprising faote• are ericoun-
tered by the peanson who becem'se ht-
terest6d in the etude' `o2 animal life:
Ono of the hardest &lege to believe is
the,t the sponge you use daily was once
an animal, and not a vegetable grow,til
of the ocean, 'Sponges live their own
lives, and eat thole food an ether melte do.
The separate eels—tenet, of a apienge
begins, with the breaking away from
the parent of a tiny particle? The lat-
ter, after being wbiriedbowt for a
time by.A21e hides, and ouirrente, event-
ually attaches-tsel'f to It piece of rack,
and from. that home it 'seeks its own
The'food of infant spohgee' cgna etc
of yelk ce3L;, which contain a form of
-nourish'men't Later, '3 • the' kponge
grow, it regltires k onethiiag more
solid, and this le brought by tato cur-
rents„which. Sweep into .a bag, half.
mouth, half stomach, minute particle”)
of the new food.
By the Way, didyou ever try to
"Unsay It With Flowers"7
We,sold more, than a ;iuhcire'd
thousand Rose' Bushes tast'year.
There is a'•'reason, Send for,
Catalogue; t
a-Hol- •no
Fast Ens CSWSuttln'
Guaranteed becaudenladc
from our °wastecd
reRderrdraro A
dC Winter -Clouds.
Winter c1•oude diger from summer
eleuds in ellape; texture, 2Adianey anti
in an indescribable More which all
these happy, years of observing, them
I -have been trying to compel the sed -
reit of, It ever eludes, me. ° These
cilouda appeer to be woven -one e "dff.
fe'ent loom• and are cheanex fahries
Withal, and their sun3'eta less, often in-
vito the Splendors They a-fe draper. -
les Really i0i31 and apparently incap-
able of forming 'other than euntate. et -
Deets, They refuel() to be flocculent.
They are not competent for that rest-
less variety which is' -.the neoeseity
alta mystery of tlouds of summer and
of aoPring• A whiter sky usually lee
garnionted, In these- gauze -woven
The other, evening I witnessed a
carious'' winter: cloud effect. The day
Wad show -clad though thawing a.trifte.
In, the south the Tepees. were winging.
their way 135 clouds that might' herald'
t,ho;sprind ;and climbing:from liertzon
to -zenith were two tykes oG .clouds;
one 'heavy, dark, compact, =illumined
anywhere, then a seam of blue. like a
Norwegian fiord (only the' blue 02 De-
ecember rather time of June), bat,deep-
cun, abrupt, slThere5Sabls-a gorge. as
of deep sea water without a single lee
paai fixating there -an open po1a!7sea.
and south of the chevesse aio,Inspiring
flock of unrelated clouds; Rack cloud
sort came against the edge of the blue
fiord) loolterl down and across :but ad... -
ventured not, Not, one reaching wing
of: either, cloud stretched across, the
abysm: J?hey.w!t apt m)neigl)boirly
neighbors dwelling in eaatlo beside ,a;
gentle stream ;'hut, refusing :ta notice
one another or be neighborly: I' was
not privileged to beheld hog long a
tine these divided heavens continued,
]pint ,that a new thing had been hammer-
ed in my skies .I knew •and was' glad.
Wilt dowels never have done with their
artiabriee and u01133 tedrnessee? Must
the watcher -of the elantds, stand:for-
over on the. wlitehtoivtt-r._
Quayle, fn "A Book of Clouds,"
- Tho total area f the potato and
other coat mid fodder crops of Canada
in 1928 as estimated, 10001(ding to the
Doriinion Bureau. of Statistics' to be
12,181,713 - acres, 0S. 'compared Tith
11,8602,921 ogres in ,192.4.
I`tip Flop
'•Tiolding 'the right 'band as 'in
Figure 1, place a dupe pn the last
joint or ilia middle' finger. 'Fell
your friends that you have. so de
veioped the muscles of 'the finger
that you :can cause `the coin. to bop
up and turn a complete 'somersault
In the air.,
As this IS a trick, the statement
will be taken With a.'grain of salt,
but if you: do the trick well you
will find your friends practtcirig it
- and failing to do it.
When you know the triol),, how-
ever, it , fs very • easy, The thumb
is the silent partner. When you
want the coin to hop up and turn
over, rest the thumb against the
tip of the finger, press, hard and
let the' thumb slip off, just ,as i2
You- were snapping your ringers.
That will do the trick. A little
practice is neededin order to catch;
the coin on the back of the.
(Clip this Oa ami pasta it, -with
--other of the 062256, 001 (1 scrapvook.)
You Can Lay the Foundation of
Good. HealtIi'Now by Building
Up Your Blood and S,„trength-
ening Your Nerves Through
the Use of Dr. -Williams' Piny
The good' odd fashion oftaking a
tonin in the . Springtineey, like most of
the enstomeof -our grandparents, is,
based upon sound common sense and
good- medical practice. Winter is, al-
ways a trying eine /be :those who are
not in rugged health. ]Many men, wo-
nlen ani children go tbrcugh the win-
ter on reserve etrengt2i they have
stored up eluting' tIle sunny summer
mouths, .mid ::grow increasingly pale
end languid • as, the spring days' an-
prenelt. A 'touts for the blood and
nerves at t23fee time will, do rnueh for
serail people; but putting color in the
ch,eelts-and Bann al ing that tired' feel-
ing 'diet worries tinousands of ;people
at tltia'e,easodt of the year.
It is impossible to be energetic if
yourblood: is 'thin and weak, or if
pourr nerves are Hayed or shattered,
You cannot 001096te with ethers if
yet do not get refreshing sleep hit
night, or ,if your appetite is, poor or
yea areI1sing weigilt, You need a
tonic at this .tithe. to add to yottr em
ei'znay now. nes well as' -to save you
from suffering taker ou. And in all the
realm et medicin,e, 'Neva lib no nater or
better tonic titan Dr: Williams' Pink
P1Cds These pills tome and enrich the
blood whLeh'circulates" bltroug2i every
portion 02 ,the 'body, steengthening
jaded nerves wird ruaelowx1 orgali6,`and
bringing to Heeding of new strengtleand
energy to weak, easily thee, despond-
ent roan, women and 'children.
liaise 1i, Sines, Kamiouraelca, Que.,
says;:•—"I would feel that 1 was neg-
Teeting an opportunity pro help eel=
other, poor reit-ewer it I failed t0 tell'
You. how much benefit I bad through
the- us'e of Dr, Viriilia;ntsl Pink Pillet.
13efere'taking file pills I was in 1. bad-
3y run-down 'conddtien. I was very
weak, pate and breathless at the least
exertion. - I Often had headaebes and
"fay appetite was peon I began taking
tie pulls and they restored ' me to bet-
ter .health
etter.::health titan I hart enjoyed fel a
long time;' in fact,- my health le now
the beet, aril I am sure that what this
medicine leas done for me it Will do
for all weak, ailing people,"
Yea can get these- pills from any
)n,edieine'd'ealer, or by mail et 8(intents
a box Irene Tlne Dr. M-etlieine
Qe., Brockville; Ont..
A Poem' Worth knowing.
"The Gems She Wore."
It is passible tbet Tonn Moore 1 es
popular to England a.S, in 1relatnd, al-.
Weigh he has been eald08L for se long
the 11001011 l poet of the Emerald Isle:
Ile was ono of the ver/201 posts vvba
made a fortune out et poetr!,,;,
Rich' ;and rare were the grans she were,
And a bright gold ring on her wand she
bare; •
But, oh! hei.beanty was far beyond
Ilse spereliug germs and snow-whit0
wallet. - ,
. . I
"'T,ivlyl dost then not ,mear .to : stray,
So lone and loveiy, through this bleak
Are '1Thln s .5011 so good or so cold
,As" not to ha, •temp3eil' by 'woman or
"Sir Knight! I feel .not the least
No son of Kritt,ivill offer me 111)110;
For :though they love WOnran %anl gold -
Sir Knight! 3110!' love hoiic1 and
On„svle went smiler mnaicden ,5nyite
In: safety lighted her round the en
And'brest forever ls. she who relied.
Upon. Pyran s tenor anal Erin's pride!
•Detatled'information concerning
Manning,' buildthg,-financing, de-
corating,furnishing and garden-'
ing%is conta`ine'd 0 the MacLean
Builders,' Guide. Each issue shows
several prcticai designs in picture
and plan, Send Twenty Cents for
a copy. Questions answered. Mac-
Lean Building Reports.- Ltd.;:394
Adelaide Sf, West, Toronto.
Minard's Liniment for ... n COtde;
Qtolet Dayn
t p 'u323 0 have 009'; ppinces .,
r e dela; ik1 th tr 61091300 "
r l L.Iillp5Ff� f t 30 1041(30P(1
Ln quiet lifO rn$1)3 ,
Ea it ti ortuna fare, k#•,Y•.
S'htg Sweet' in ehnl2iti4rn} infi?
_ a
T11" dnolil t r llt And Sb,tf111,
Aro vend of as • deelt
Thy nc,v1) 113 )9) hiitiv sp'b1,efill
It 116 t -li i .;Pavel wait
Cin favtrrite pre unr3 duo4e _
Who e pride r vain'?tnt},aunriptuotils.-
111 day, lb flocite each tcptieth;
: At n g,tt'rth yltake their rest;
l ilO gule thu r wl}i> .1nllotie
�`. 171s 01119' into tb a lee3,
3hero galea arid,pieer," are 1c007,
231tt gel:Li/vs, Vet ' aialn,,y.
For to 3070 1 and, their meat -ling,
r „r rr •
{,, ,, y.:
t ey es�Lc 1 i sot v ,t ate;
Fhc.y think that hna,�st.m�tiiing
lu,of lig:elf a Mae,,: -
'(Z72 to co Ju(Igetli plcilu19
They 530004 no Money vatilrly,
OAi- b03)97 whb thus131vethzt'
Not caring mucin ,for gold;
With clothing ovbteh su1n!s tv
To 11302).11111 fkin the cold!
Though potty and' Plain has diet'
Yet merry. it is, and quiet.
—From W1Nlan) ` . Byrd's Collection
(1682), -
The Man Himself. "
Complex\edjustm,ents in statecraft
and the' mutations of world Polities
prove again and•.agent that the pro
cesisa of social evolution, though de=
liberate, are net impersonal ' Again
ak'aaga�in there is a crisis which d:
mantle a man and a /eater Of meta.
Ted he comes upon. the scene there IS
confusion;. among the leaderless these
is groping and, .speculatle and: an
eager quest or light. All the sou3Lese
machinery that line been•vut Into the
world, the fleets and arulssments, the
re -enforced eonere'te of tremendous
buildings', tate Mileage: of'ra1dways, the.
Coe:Heel steam>tshipa3 cannot dtisrpense
with the force 'of lneral,and. bum=
centre', Steel• cannot replace flesh
and Meal nor electrieity functiou in
the -place of nerves nor any automaton
st:pplant 'tho mind. That le wby it Is
a mistake to impress en men 232x1 we-
mentheir inconsequence in the urs
vernal eeheme sand to bell• theta that
they do not matter; that they might
as well not be; ,that there are eo erany
portions upon earth and we are email.
and inoonepicttoue when we and our
wetted -are meae11red against the stars•.
Each of use in his own place, at 1316
awn work, does more than 'report for
a duty and fulfill a rputtne and collect
the reward of has »performance /record-
ing to re quality. Each bas a respell.
sdbtltty to all the, rest, and tine others
depend on ,him. even ae he hooks •to.
thein in tarn to pray their part. It is
a demdcratle age and the public holds
the ondy absolute aavereiguty there is.
But that rule is a comp/es:Rte -of what
we severally and-indtvidually are. The
survival of civilization rests not situp•
15' with the race as a whole but with
the man . Himself, 'wherever and who-
ever Ire may be,
Divine�••,o ands
`.r n]IYt 7
W e are no pilots: let us timid our bark,
Idtraculeus, alert, not' made with
hen -de,
That feels' a magic inspulse through
the dark,
And leaps Mean. 0116 coarse it under.°
" stands
lOrom shores unknown to unimagined
Resists the helm we give it, but
• divLnlee--
13eLng itself divine --divine comm ends;
And =severe to no tempest save the
1.1,eiroling deepest betty= Where the
Udine ehleeay '
John jay Chapman, lie Atllautio
Just Dip to 'Sint' or Boil
to `Dye
Each 18 -cent pack
age • contains direr'
tines eo simple any -
woman can
ny.woman.can tilt soft,
dentate - shades or
dye rich, permanent
colors in lingerie,
Bilks, ribbogs, skirts,
waints, dresses,.
sweaters, 'draperies,
coverings, hangings
Buy' Diamond Ilyes-no otber kind
rind tell year druggist whether the ma-
terial you. wish to color is irool or Silk,
Or whether' it IS linen, Colton or mixed
Don't -expect your children to :do
tapings the way we used to 30 yeaos
ago; you can't teach a newv,dog .old
9 ric]ts.
Minard's Liniment for sore throat.
Diogenes' was once Asked what
beasts had the most dangei'ous'bit.e.
Ile replied: "If you mean wild„beasts;
the. slanderers; If tame ones, the fiat -
4+d! aU
F : ale
r or rob office,
tor a 71 1'S 781 e
Sliltablo ql 61 !! P j
It*' will fold pamphlets,, newspapers,,
just as fast as an, expert can put them
'1t will take. parer of any weight;
book or Wrapping,' sizes up to 38x48,
Newspapers, ,S Of 7'col,, 4'Or S page,3,.
r n caste b ear-
\�r11 tlint,,`loll and I ( Y g
,driven paster) ,and ,deliver either at t
third or Coag t -h fold, faster than can be
folded by three sir;0r more persons
by hand,- Thy rollers are of 'steed, all
turned true on lathe, milled 011)1 accur-
ate, and will not shrink or,mi„behaye
119100 any service.-_' 0110-ennrier II,p:'
motor ts-ample.to fart it.°
The Guide Pol.
l .i3OOOA eanrti Girl T
.83 •tier Lune 'When 11:t.h.e3Lothtl 0as1 o30
YSSlEP'WELL (h J?:ng,feb, th3onr t lltt,1e sac t p
IR Baby 003f9I N4it Enjoy -'Ite-
if1•eSiliHtg Steep',Hs is liar
Prem 'Wets.
The healthy 0131(31 sleeps.. •well .0nd
rlauing it', waiting hours).' 10 nevcti-
•cno a but' .1.01.” hsippy 5U1 Isiuglupg,
It ;only rho2A'a11y child that is.oruss,
and' 9'0evieb. 1!11311sa,..ifyour atilt":
ren do not leeP well; 1f tloy, 013 erose
•an ei yii.gteacile,sW give'•tliFnt 13tiby's
Otvn Tablets 10l' they Wilk 30en0 be
well and happy u;kliu, -
I3ah'y's Own Taelilttto 'a.re.a rand but
thorough laxative which. regulate the
bowels, lsWeeten'vthe steana01), bandsll.
0311stipo,tion ca'lle•aendind�igest.ion'and
woo -note healthful sleep.' They: are
absolu oly guaranteed free from
opiates' and may .`.1 e gluey) ta' tho° new-
born 'baba• with perfect, safety.
You can obtain Baby's Owen Tablets,
131105gh :any medi.cino dealer at :25
cents- a -trox, or by mall, .post pulitl3
from The Dr,•Wirliiil�mst Medicine Co,;
Brocl.vil1 , Ont.
o :a
9,e'az011 olvve time C ou.ta soilrtl
Africa; fol Wit, Ott 1 ton 13)0(•, and
1 +.+ folieh d 30 3urn by :,. r.,n,, 11t1e of
rr,n�;l4.91 ],,lags,-but..tLer llttie South
African. Shoat pemliiited; 903011)3in
slzo alo,d , tengtti .until :tacit*, having
been, tr'an3plautetl from its ndliye 2011,
ii floui•.L.bes lu'=ahc jto3• ,I.13c°_o11!c Liar -
5101 33 ttegeixt's
it ie 0 sp'ich/ten of;the 130311r bread
rant, zen.l E, tv Its 115we ;trrozll• rho fact
tba t_3E pith o1 Sts young shoots con-
tains S'ita5r3111, which is eaten by't1ie nA-
tives, i1Y rho form of breath or sago,
ilia n, uttl »height' cf such, trees , 1e
20ft, This one, however, is only 10ft,
and an c r"
t sp u ,e 75in..1•ound•lits,.eydindr1-,
cel trunk Long leaven with curling
endrtsprout from thetop of the fairly
stnoeth trunk,
Each ,year fresh £rbntlehire , Produced,
the old ones, failing and leaving ecanp,
Thus; by noting the yearly crop o8
leaves,' and, counting the watts) on' the
trunk'ssurfacc, the.age of the tree has
been cr.:limo:tetl',at it thousand years.
The lungs of .o healthy man contain
,y O0_ cubic niches of air,
Facts About ,Goldfish.
There are two facts about goldfish
that owners of goldfish blight to know.
One Is that fish have no ayyends and'
generally live' -whore there is plants,
of shade protection, therefore =lien
they are -put tro transparent globes,
which admit light from all directions
at once, )they cannot cover 'their eyes,
or find a shady place in which tb hide,
and they suffer, -
Sana12 growing planta or bits of
floating wood pmt In the bowl will
make a little shads and give comfort
to ih-e tisk.
The other fest is that there is air In
the water whore fish Live in nature and
pie is a ile4essity of We for fish.
Water in globes is atilt.. and free
from *air ezrd must be aerated, by -fresh
poured water -or by wafter Plante.
Ilornwark ie one of the best.
Wheat fish gasp, they are suffering
from the want of air or oxygen.'
It is to be hoped that .peoosens with
enjoy e,ee1ngAsh in globee will eon -
eider the, virtue of -kindness, even to-
wards fish.
• The injury to children who are
taught to find pleasure and amuse-
ment in the sight of live tnimale con-
fined is unan`etural oondittons ie aleo
relit consideration.
non'; let indigestion after Meals, billoueneso,
heartburn, or drepepsi, take the rep out o£ you.
Take Seigel's Syrup. AnY Srug stOra
We learned a good any lessons at
our mother's knee, and same useful
ones across it, too. e
Mlhard'e Liniment used by physicians.
With ages ranging from eighty-two
to sixty-two, one London family of five
brothers and four sisters have a._total
of 630 years between them.
Do Not Discard—That
Good Coat and Vest
Because the Pants fire Worn.
plait m rho vett, or pans, or. n tangle. •We
submit ,10,310 and 000* of new pant, 30 m5toh,
tor 5000' 03218051.
22 Parkfield Ave. Toronto
A New Dairy Pail
at a Popular Price
See the new LIMP Dairy -Pail
next time you—are in town.
They are made of special qual
ity, high finished tin, :have
large dairy pail ears, riveted
with large rivets, soldered
flush. 100% sanitary. Cut
out this advertisement. Show
it to your regular dealer. i e
has our authority to give you
a special low price on a pair
of these hie pails.
Tree fiUAR11kTEE0
For every purpose In tie
orchard; cutting limbs up
to li inches. Handles--
4,6,8,10and 12feet.
Tau Berlins stater imnn thstn,tte
Our de,cxtpnve elroul20 enol
- to any address on request
or " ate Q (i a8
iitie, rl -r ars
Sal J ithofos has been pre-
rescribed bZ loading physi
clans as an invaluable spe-
hic for the treatment of
Indigestion ,
Constipation ,
Disorders of the
Stomach and Kidneys
•Rheutnaeti0 and
Gouty Conditions
A palatabli, eferve§eent, •
and bodutin Phosphate
highly beneficial and re-
medial in the case of dis-
orders me:itioned.
41 0111:ruggists—titre¢ sees
use end recemmeed. Minard'a
Liniment. Splendie for sprain%
britis'ee, -cute 'chafes, aweitinga
Callsffied Advertieerers
201 ,803,0,
(10» 0011),5(10330 OUT1IIT1: Pott 1**q
, ,:iiltarmn0oa mato warred _55331, Yar3c-xeana
''piIlyy: a:CCRS' OYEtee,' waiTlt F'Oa OADitA
jao 501 a,3 nt_,0051 ons, "Cubn5e'S tants Corn! °.
lacy,. -tea WWI West. Totowa
An authority states that evel-y
square mile of the lett contains 120,..
000,;100 fteh. r
Mlnard'e Liniment for ;dandruff.
' If you have a large kitchen, put
year work -table on easiest. 11i this
way you can "'roll it to the stove, sink
or: 'cxpboard,°thus saving many,'.
ram redefrre Vtgrr VIE
jt8fl Ontario "MEItSeUBffi
2 3 Mao 3t, We,1. none Rvanu, pond.;, Lamest
(00manna aaniMSOO6 In Canada, .lo4uwo1oer,
(loomn. Mitwee4agy, ratacootolom, 3oolaey. Oett
4 132,1 1) a.m. to a p,rn, t" Realty, 2 to a -9.m,
phew. and Church care..
$HIR, LIS 'anew -;ea,
HMCo today,,/brprrfeos-lyo,y'uarcantv6
t tmtfor a iyaek ahead
RP},�y,,Uu4d to•Co, d4ITEp,
�,r �r,ablrt ¢Q o r ;,f- Gs�
$$-39 oat¢eourrh'%lhet-.Mon4Mat
?5,,‘"1/4- ffippd�r •p$p'p1 u S
Temporary F1l ins. •'•'• which
Lean Long now.
Norm. S. Wrl1h, K Co„ tlmuud, OA ribatap, Tommy
Caused Much Suffering,
Nose Swollen and Sore,
Face Disfigured.
"llczema broke out in red snots
and pimples on my cheeks end
nage." The eruptions grew larger
and my nose Was'swolien, and sore,
It itched and burned so much that
it kept me awake, and scratching
=used eruptions. My face was dia-
dgured and caused much suffering.
I read an advertisement for
Cuticura Soap and Ointment and
went fora freq sample. 1 purchased
more and after threw months' treat..
went my face was healed." (Signed)
Mrs. Corinne Desjardina, Albert-
ville, Sask. •
Daily ape of Cuticura Soap, with
touches"of Curium Ointment now
Ind then, keeps the, akin freab,
smooth and clear.
Oomph goon roe, 1,3, prod. Mdo,t Canadian
We. Ointmetnt 23 andtb0 , TIlloalmo 26ortce, BoaD
1106.-. Cutioura, Shaving St,ok 286.
Ottawa Woman Malde Strong by
Taking Lydia E. Pinliham's
Vegetable Compound
Ottawa, Ontario.—"I was terribly
run-down after the birth of my third
baby. l had awful bearing•downpains
and was afraid I had serious trouble.
I was tired all the time and bad no
appetite. My sister-in-law is taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and cannot praise it too highly
and asked me to try rt. I have had
splendid results and, feel fine all the
tune now. Any one who needs a
thorough pick-me-up soon learns
from me what to take."—Mrs,RENd
PAQIUIN, 320 Cumberland Street, Ot-
tawa, Ontario.
Terrible Backache
Hamilton Ont.—"After my baby
was born I lead terrible backache and
headaches. I could not do mywork and
felt tired from the first minute I got
up. Rut worst of ail were the pains
in my sides when I moved about. I
had to sit or ire down for a while af-
terwards. I could keep My house in
order, but many things had to go un-
done at the time, because of my ail-
ments. I was told by a neighbor to
take Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vegetable
Compound, as she said it would build
me up, I was relieved before I had
taken the first we bought and have
not had any trouble like it since. "—
uSouth, Haelen Ferguson
Banish The Blues
By Observing "
Nature's 'Basic Rule
Those who suffer from despondency,
listlessness asid headaches can usually
trace the cause of these conditions to
Constipation, -
Tlaey are frequently brought about
-by overwork, nervous strain, lack of
outdoor, exercise or sleep, or improper
food, bet more :freq>y)entJy by, the non-
observance of natures baste rule ---
-regular thorough bowel elimination.
Poisons from» Itraste matter left be-
hind are -picked up by the blood and
absorbed by the system, weakening the
nerves and lowering the vitality:
Najod, the scientific.
internal lubri-
cant, corrects constipation til nature's,
own way 16y augmenting the supply of
nature's lubricant.
Nitiol by softening the waste ;natter
thus permits thorough'
elimlatlon without overtax ng the
intestinal muscles. , It is gentle, safe
and natural in its action, and can -be
taken for any length of time without
any ill effect.
Ask your druggist for 1Vtcjol today
and rsmembcr—leak for the name
"Arida" in rete on both bottle,' label
and package. ' -
IS0UC No. 14--
Proved safe by lrtillions and p 'escribed by physicians for
Ne ii.`s .Y
Nur i Colds Headache. Lulnba o
P i
Neuralgia Pain Toothache Rheumatism
Accept only 'Bayer package
which coiltdiii proven dii'ettions.
Handy "Bayer" Hetes of . 12' tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Drtiggists.
lantral [;G ilio' tuale ,,set: (Teklotered In Canada( or rarer Mallaracelre or tlmtoacetle-
pnidestet• Of SalleylX,e)1 tMe'toi Salicyl le.Arai ,i.• C, ,t."1° While It In Well Mourn
tun( Aspirin 10550 Bayer- me
5151l0tru, to'nsela tits rebate nanlnst imlt:dlono, tie 9nblets
of heyer Company rat tie Stamped wteh then: Benera1 trade want, 131, "nares Cross..