HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-01, Page 2t.•
Terms of Sialisoription--$2,00 •Pei }eat
in advance, to Canadian addre eel
$2,50 to -the U,S.-or other eforeign
'601IntrieS. No ..aper clieeontinnod
until ail arre,ers aro paid unless at
the 'melon' of the nubile,her•. Tho
date to which every siebecreptien la
yatd is denoted on the label.
tieing, 1_2c pe'r' count line, tor first
insertion, 8c for each subsequent
insertion..; ` Ileading counts 2 linos.
Small •advertisements, not, to exceed.
one inch, such as "Wanted," "Jost."
"Strayed," •etc.,= ins.orted.. once.,for
35c•' each, aubsequent insertion 15c.
Adventlsemente sent in without in-
etructiens as to the number of ,lft-
' sertloae, wanted will run motel order-•
ed out and..will he charged accord-
ingly, • Rates "for display advertising
nude known -on application.
Cominuniooetions intended for publi-
cetton mist, as a guarantee of good
faith, bo acoompanled' by the name of
the writer. .
Proprietor. Editor.
A despatch from - Warkworth
says: -An open verdict Was returned
at II o'clock Thursday night by the
jury inquiring into the death of Mr.s.
Stuart Shyest epeed80, and her ?year-
old on, Floyd, in a fire which destroy-
ed their homo in Warkworth at
o'clock in the morning of March 0. Tho
jbry was out an
hour, after
nesseshad been down. After this he could remember
a0000 unknown,
death was due to c nothing, he said,
hcard, and found
s presided over by
Locke:of Campbell
Attorney W. P. Kerri
conducted the beim
•t s d N A`er Mc
tied' around it. ;This ono at the time
of the fire Was in his rdoin downstairs,.
and the good lamp was in hie wife's
room upstairs. 1,x1est was awakened
by a smelt, he said, and found fore
coning down from his wife's bedreOm,
He rushed upstairs two-thirds of the
wey and yelled. Then ho was met by
flames find smoke, and resited back
The inquest we
Coroner -Dr. F, W. -
ford, Crowns Atto
K.C. of Cobourg, -
`ttftgeyierarBanking •Buslues0 transact-
ed. Notes Discounted. 'Drafts Issued:
Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sale
..Notee Purchased.
Notary Public, Conveyancer.
Financial, : Real Estate and Fire In-
eurance Agent. Repreoemttng 14 Fire
Insurance Companies.
Division Court Office, Clinton.
Il'o had no recollection of going, up
the road, and could • not explain the
factthatanother witness had found
the stairs free from flames, some time
ination o' tvi nesse., an
after West had left the house. Ile
Coll of Campbellford watched the could not tell how eight or nine cuts
hearing for Dr. West, husband of the came to be on his hands, nor,.how ]tis.
victim. of the tragedy. District In- hairoand eyelashes had become singed,
specter E. C. Gurnett of. Belleville and as he had not been to the room where
Provincial Constable P. W. Cousans the fire was. Heidentified a pair . of
assisted. scissors, carefully treasured by the
Dr. West was said to have been Me- Crown, wrapped up and' not allowed
fering from epilepsy, which caused
him to forget all the events of the
fatal night. Several witnesses gave
evidence to the effect that recently he
had been on much.. better terms with
Mrs. West than for the past two -years.
Dr. West regyeoted, and was grant-
ed protection of., the court in giving
his evidence, which Was presented on
the' condition that it -should not,be•
later used against him.
His said •that :he. met his • late wife
near Brussels, . where he was billeted
with the Canadian Army. Although
their religions were different there.
had been no quarrel, but only some
differences of opinion on petty mat-
ters. •
There were two lamps in the house,
one of which leaked and. had a' rag and hands.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc.
• Office:
Office Hours: -1.30 to 3.30 p.m., 6.30
to 8;00 isms Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m.
Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence - Victoria St.
Office Hours
1.30 to 3.30 .p.m. 7.30 to 9.00 p.m.
Sundays, 1.00 to 2.00 pan:
Other hoursby appointinent.
Office and Residence, Ontario Street
?hone 218.
Office and Residence:
Ontario Street - • Clinton, Out.
One door west of Anglican Church.
Phone 172.
Eyes examined and glasses fitted..
to be touched. 'They were - his wife's,
he said:. i
George Wiggins said he woe awa
ened by' flames and rang an alarm on
the church bell: He found Dr. West
lying on the verandah, and on enter-
the house found no fire on the
stairs or in the hall: After his arrival
this flames .broke 'through. the ceiling
of the' dining -room:
Joseph Dixon, a neighbor, saw fire
coming out of• an upstairs -window,
and at the same time, be said, saw a
man whom he believed to be Dr. West,
coming quickly down the road toward
the , West house. Dr. West began .to
shout when he got to his verandah
andwitness recognized his voice. Dr.
West had blood on his shirt. sleeves
Office and Residence:
Huron Street Clinton, Ont.
• Phone 69
(Formerly occupied by the late Dr.
• C. W. Thompson).
Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted.
Enter Easter'with its symbols of I When an egg is broken or knocked
Enter Easter with: its new bonnets, to the next coupie-
brides, birds, bunnies and butterflies; Set the eggs in order before each -Ont. good milling wheat -$128 to chola; $$5 to '$6.50; o,• fair to good
1.30. f b. shipping points, according $4 to $5; butcher 'bulls; ''good,. $'ti
with its fragrant violets, yellow'blu:4-� to freights. to $6.60, b gn
BOMB and the pure lilies. •
New life is in the air, and there is
much entertaining for young and old
during the season.
At this season' one should make the
table and the home•sweet,and pretty;
and if one wishes to entertain guests
at this season she has a wealth to
choose' from.
Eggsl, 4. prosaic as they may
Vim), Ridge'Monument Will
Be One of the Finest in
E cistence.
A despatch iroOi Ottawa, says: ---
Colonel H. C. Osborne of the War,
Graves Commission arrived home re-
cently from Europe, where he had
been on b'nsiness 'lor two 'months In
connection -with the battlefields tne-
morials. He said of the eight battle-
field sites al:otted to Canadaasplaces
where Canadians tools an important -or
Rooth Barks
Herbs s ' 'i le ales' - •t
Such to ph'vsiciaus',prescribe for alt.
pif n s ,oi-s the • blood, .stomach, fiver
alta lcldiie.y s ore'.coufbined in :hood's
S:araaparifla Mandrake
Yellow Book Dandelion
lJva Ural Stiliingite
Btuo Fine Pinsissewa
.Gtte!ae Juniper't3crriee,
Gentian Wild Cbeery
and other excellent. tonics, thus mak.
Ing one of the roost successful of all
medicines. Get only Hood's.
decisive .part in France and Belgidm, ea. A)eiil.
seven will bo completed' this summer`:
"The treatment :of ,the sites ha,s ex- Let others call her fickle! I'
r., cited very- "favorable `•Commetit," said Have proved swtat April, true!.
Col. Osborne. The eighth -site - is that Each year I find young budding things
. nt'VimyRidge, where the -main menu_ I.; Just where they always grew.
Ment is being erected. 9t is' a very
large one, and excellent progress is She yearly wakes -the fluting choirs
being. rnade„but it will take two 00 O1' frog -pond, wood -sitd field;
three-yeara before it is entirely com- Her rigors and her growing warmth
filleted." ' It wi,l'1 undoubtedly he, when I; Thesameold magic wield,
finished, one of the finest war memor-
ials in existence, he: continued; ' . Each day, almost, some old-time,
Accompanied by Brig. -General I3. friend -
T. Hughes and Capt. Simian, Col. Expected, loved-appeara
Osborne went to' St. Nazaire; where No bird or blossom hesitates,
Canadian troops first landed. during Or cool reception fears.
the Groat War. The municipal author-
ities 'Canadian
informed., by the '.arty of
the Canadian Government's 'desire to:
erect a bronze,tablet in 'commemora-
tion of that landing. The representa-,;
tives. were received veryi cordially in-
deed by.the municipal authorities,
said Col-Osborne,.'and a permanent
place was allotted"forthe tablet in the
Hotel de Ville. The tablet will be of
peculiar interest because the landing
of Canadian troops constituted the
first landing in Europe of embodied
troops from NorthAmerica to take
part in a European war.
Col. Osborne said United States Is
going to erect a large monument
there; hut, he said, he and lois party
did not fail to point out that the Can-
adian troops were the first to land
at 3t. Nazaire.
raauwei1 Booth, 'with :hl .two grandchildren, Stuart
This photegnapk of B
and Betty, was taker: on the' general's eeventletlh birthdaystedetutly at'
homte inHadday Wood,, on the outskirts! of London, "•
THE. WEEK'S �... -
Man. wheat -No. 1 North., $1.591/2 ; ;
No. 2 North., $1.543 ; No. 3 Northern,
51.514i. 2 CW, nominal..
Man. oats -No.
No. 3, not quoted; No. 1' feed, 471kc;
No. 2 feed, 45'4%; western grain quo-
tation on c.i.f. bay ports.'
Am. corn, track, Toronto -NO. 2
yellow, track, Toronto, 84%c;
yellow 82%c.
Milifeed-Del. Montreal ireigha;
bags included: Bran, per ton, $30.25
to $31,25; shorts, per ton, $32.26 to
$33.25: middlings, $89.25 to $40.26;
breakfast bacon,. 33 to 39c; backs,
boneless, 35 to 43c. -
Cured meats --Long clear bacon, CO
to 70 lbs. and up, 522.34; '70 to
90 lbs., 523.75; lightweight yeas,
In barrels, $42.50; heavyweight
rolls, 539.50 per bbl. Lard -Pure
tierces, 18 to 18%c; tuba, 18% to 19c;
pails, 191,1 to 20c; prints, 20% to 21c;
shortening,tierces, 1.1% to 15%c; tubs,
151 to i3 c; pails, 15% to 161/ac;
blocks, 171,1; -to 18c.
Heavy steers, choice,'57.50 'to 58;
do, good, 57.26 to '57:60; butcher
steers, choice, $7 to 57.a5; do, good,
$6 to $6-75. butcher heifers, .choice,
hope, the emblem of all things made more than twelve inches from its peal- goad feed flour ; 3r bag $2.30• $6.60 to ii7.25; do, good, $6.00
new. • (tion, the dancers retire and give place 'Ont. oats -40 to 42c, f.o.b. shipping to 56.50; do, meds, $5.50 to. 56;, do,
ants. 6. to 6.60 • butcher cows,
Ch trop raptor -M aaae ur
Of Wingham, will be at the Commer-
oiel Inn, Clinton, on Monday and,
Thursday forenoons each week.
Diseases of all kinds successfully
Licensed Auctioneer for the County.
of Huron.
Correapondonce promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be made
for Balsa Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by sailing Phone 203.
Charges Moderate and Satisfaotlon
succeeding dance. Whew each couple
has had ono turn and none havo,ac-
complished the feat they can try it
over again with a change of partnere.
Entrees are nice for Easter affairs.
These may. be made of eggs, or in
form . ' of egg-shaped croquettes. 6.75; • seaboard, in bully, $5.76. 1 do, good, $11 to $12; do, grassers,
Chicken, fish, oysters, eggs, vegetables Straw -Carlota; per ton,•$9 to 59.60. , $6 to $6.50; good light sheep, 57 to
and rice and such like may be made . Screenings -Standard, recleaned, f. ($B; heavies and bucks, 56.b9 to $6.60:
into these croquettes. They should be o.b. bay ports, per ton, •$22.50. good1 lambs, 513, to $14; do, med.,
served. in nests made of cooked aspar- Cheese -Newt large, 22c; twins, .511.60 to 512; do, bucks, 59 to 511;
agus, cress, parsley :or other greens- 221/2c; triplets, 23c; Stiton, 24c. 01d, t do, culls, 510- to v11;• hcga, thick
There are all sorts of possibilities largo•28 tet 30s: 'wins, !9 to 31c; smooths. fed and watered, $13.35;• do,
tri lets 30 to 32c. , ' 2 76 • do, country penis,
1 s 52.25 to $2.76;
Barley, malting -02 to 64e. canners and gutters, 52.60 to $3.60
Buckwheat -No. 2, 720 I springers, choice, 585 t19 5100; goon
Rye -No. 2, 85c. • milch cows, 570 to 580; medium cows,
Man. 2iour--First pat., $9, Toronto; $46 to $60; feeders, good, $6.25 to
do, second pat., $8.50. 156.75; do, fair. $5. to ;6; atoakers,
Ont. flour -Toronto, 90 . per cent. good, $5 to $5.5o; de, fair, $4.60 to
at., per barrel, in varlets, Toronto, $5. calves choice, $12.60 to $13.50;
Emotional, she. smiles or frets,
Or delicately frowns;
Her fitful tears enamel green
The, gtubbio's r lusty bro*ne
faithful hands she bears her gifts,
3n# t
4- Her secrets, -new, yet old;
Rebirth, renewal -dreams and
And faith in things untold!
-Marie L. Eglinton.,
` --e----- '
Spring at the Pane.
When Spring peeped in the window
I put my work aside,
, The tasks could wait, • I • must away,
I For oh, the fields stretched wide. I
1Her smile, or was it sunshine?
Turned mg and chair to gold,
• And sudden joy possessed me
Farm Hand Found And more than I could hold.
Guilty - of Manslaughter In garden,ways I found her,
The Spring, so young and fair,
A despatch nrom a Ottawae,24, farm And all the op'niug blossoms
Louis Napoleon Pelletier,of farm t Were bang'•:ed in•her hair.
.sooner, Was found guilty of man-, Alix Thorn.
slaughter by the jury at the Carleton s
County Assizes Thursday evening,' Home Bank Inquiry
after being tried on a charge of mar- Cost fry $75,000
Bering Miss Mary ICilfoyle, aged 30,
Irmo -
in a lonely farmhouse near Manotick,
Ont., on January 6 asst. Mists Ki;foy:e A despatch from Ottawa says: -
was found with her head entailed, ap- Expenses of investigations in connee-
parently by blows from an axe. A tion with the Horne Bank failure, in -
plea of self defence and insanity was eluding' Royal Commission of Inquiry
entered. When informed of the ver- and prosecutions, total 575,956.62.
diet, Pelletier said: "AM .all the same Suma-paidto;counselwere: E. Lafleur,
to me; I would jJst as soon be" K.C., $4,875.58; 11..1. Symington, LC,
hanged." 55,093.80; H. J. Scott, LC., $28,600.
ish pretty decorations. So, When you when it comes to salads. Potatoes may utter -Finest creamery prints, f.o.b., i 12. oil crs, ;13.76; sins.
are doing your cake baking before be eat or molded in egg shapes, dress- 49c; No. 1 creamery,47 to 48c; No. 2 12.50; t, $2.60; th{ck fats, sole t
Easter, empty your eggshells care- ed with French or mayonnaise dress- 46 to 47c. Dairy prnts, 41 to 42c. (12.25:
fully. Make a very small opening at ings and served in little 'nests of let- Eggs -Fresh extras, in cartons, 39 bIONTREA[,
taco, endive or cress. t 440c; fresh extras, loose, 38 to 89c; Oats, Can. west. No. 2, nasi do,
one and and a Ie yo•enough one at the fresh firsts 35c.
other to let the yolks out. Blow or Cottage cheese may be l! r divided into _
Dressed poultry -Chickens, Cliickons, spring, No. 3, 58c; extra o. 1 feed, 56c.
tap gently on the small end if the several portions, ono colored with lb 35 to 37c; hens, over, 4 to 5 lbs., Flour, Man. spring wheat pats., firsts,
8.10 to
outtthesdo.not come she is and dry.st freely. Wash - parsley oraprika cress still another ono with enced with! duck Ings 5 th lbs.s ands; roosters, up 30 to 32c; 58.30;; 58.60 1o do 8 strong bakers', ds, 57.90 to
They may be decorated on the out- the hard -cooked egg yolks. These are ' turkeys, 40c. 58.10. Winter pats., choice. 56.10 to
side with bees, butterflies and flowers, formed in egg shapes and one of each' Beans -Can. hand-picked, 52.60 per 5615. Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs., 58.20
or with chicks and bunnies. - color is placed in little nests of cress, bushels; primes, $2.40 per bushel. to 58.30. Bran, $30.25; shorts, $30.25;
may -be inclosed and lettuce or other greens. Maple produce -Syrup, per imp. middlings, 39.25. Hay, No. 2, per
Little trinkets y gal., 52.40; per 5 -gal., 52.30 per gal.; ten, car lots, $13.60.
Vegetables gilt or silver stars or disks pasted over and fruits jellied.wnth
maple sugar, lb., 26 to 26c; maple Cheese, finest Wests, 26c. Butter,
the end to conceal the openings. Little ,gelatin and molded in eggshells are syrup, new, per al., 52.60. No. 1 pasteurized, 45 to 451/sc. Eggs,
cups or reeeptaples may be made with nice served . in nests of greens and Honeyy-50-ib. tins, 111,4 to 12e per fresh extras, 40 to 41c; do, fresh firsts,
them; or they may be used as molds' dressed with a whipped cream dress- lb.10-lit. tins, 11% to 12c; 5-1b. tins, 35c. Potatoes, Quebec, per bag, car
for desserts and candies. ing tinted green. 11.10 12%c; 21/4-1b. tine, 14 to 141/4c, lots, $3.00.
R EGGS FOR CENTREPIECE. If you do not care to bother with Smoked meats -Hams, med., 29 to Com. dairy cows, 53.50 to 53.75;
Arra0 the egg-shaped molds, carry out the 31c; cooked hams, 43 to 45e; smoked calves, ordinary quality, 57; do, bet -
Arrange a nest of excelsior or green Easter colors of yellow, green and rolls, 22c; cottage, 25 to 27c; break- ter lots, $7.50 to 57.75; hogs, 514 to
paper in the centro of the table and white in the salads. This is quite easy fast bacon, •32 to a60; special brand 514.26; sows, 512,25 to 512.60.
sound, -can be depended upon to furn-
Clinton, Ont.
General J'±re and Life .Insurance.'Agent
for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock,
Automobile and Sickness and Accident
Ineuranee. Huron and Erie and Cana-
da Trust Bonds. Appointments made
to meet parties at Brucelleid, Varna
and Bayfield, 'Phone 57.
Honor Graduate CaseyJones' Natidnal
School of Auctioneering, Chicago -Spe-
cial course taken in Pure Bred Live
Stock, Real Estate, Merchandise and
Farm Sulea. Rates in keeping with
prevailing market. ' Satisfaction as-
sured. Wrtt@or wire, Eufich, Ont.
Phone 18-93.
The McKillop Mutual
conceal with evergreen or vines. Place to do with yellow and green fruits and
the. "colored Easter eggs in the nest, vegetables, or with the yellow note in
each • wrapped lengthwise andacross the dressing.
with baby ribbon. Let the ribbons be Little Surprise Cakes made a tempt -
long enough to have there. reach out ing Raster dessert. Bake any nice
to each plate, whore they are attached take batter in muffin pans and cool.
to egg-shaped cauls. ' Cut a slice from the top of each and
Among the evergreen place is fecv scoop out .as much of the centres as
fluffy chicks. At the close of the meal possible rill the cakes with a thick
What Is He Worth?
Tasking with a group o'f*friends on
the subject of children, a Mother made
the proud boast that she would not
part with her boy for a million dol-
lars. A bachelor who was standing
nearby, knowing something of the
the eggs can be purled out of the nests. ` orange custard or whipped cream. Put boy's mischievous nature, remarked_
Instead of a nest may be used a pretty on the removed slices, and ice the in an undertone, "And I wouldn't
basket of raffia or reed, filled with! cakes on tops and sides, Sprinkle with
straw, in which are many -colored chopped nut meats. . -
eggs. • I There are many other homemade
A great bow- of yellow and blue rib- desserts that may be molded in the
bon is tied to the handle and little shape of eggs, sdch as jellied fruits,
fluffy chicks stand guard on the edge ...eornetavch blanc mange and rice.
of the basket. I These may be served with whipped
At each plate may be gilt eggshell cream ora sauce.
vases each holding a few jonquils, For children's parties mashed pota- the service we may be rendering to
pansies or violets. Very small bee- toes may be formed into the shape of the nation.
kots may be filled with egg-shaped .chickens and bunnies, Marshma•$-ows -•..
eandies, S. srnali fluffy chick perched if softened a few minutes in, the oven; New Century.
on the edge of each. may also be molded in. form of chicjcs
ECG GASIE t'OR EASTER. and bunnies, using cloves for eyes and ,l'hsy tired inleeir vogue task of
Have the mailman come in and hand blanched almonds for tails and wings. . touching y Co
. Canon RevJ.
out an envelope to each' person pres- Cookies may be chit in the shape of I'or Ile was higher than their highest of St PaRev AngllciaJu Cod Toronto,
ent, and have hies followed by a boy chicks, bunnies and eggs; sandwiches ' hill, the
or girl carrying a basket of eggs. may also. Fondant• may be molded in And higher tha's: 'their 'highest bird's woo
gbussl/io to ld'sach tigos loonor of
$ .
These may be they
mays filled with lit- egg shape and dipped in melted fon- •i higher abode,thare Eternity. And still lists s'ernnon at the coming assembly of
tie gifts, or they may be paper pack- dents of various velars or costes. with And g the League' of Nattone.
give ten cents for hint." Moth-
ers usually incline to' the higher
valuation, and they are right,: The po-
tential value of a boy is beyond com-
putation. He may become an illus-
trious leader and benefactor and make
the whole world his debtor. In help-
ing's child.ive can never tell how great
The principle of insurance involves - Tho Canadian. Government has
the aceelitance of a certain small loss erected a similar tablet in Mons,
In order to provide against the posts;.- which the Canadians captured from
biltty of a greater loss. --Sir James the Germans on the last day of the
war, said the Colonel.
Canada from Coast to Coast
Charlottetown, P.E.I.-Value of 1 to be the aluminum
It my conjure tian
fisheries production of Prince Edward 4with the water power development at
Island in 1925 was in 9,
as come Chute a Caron. The cost of erecting
pared with 51,201,772 in 1924. These' this model city will be.borneby the
totals represent the of the pro- American Aluminum Corperaticn. `
duct as marketed, whether in it fresh Toronto, Ont. -Claims "staked in the
state or caa nned, cured or otherwise Red Lake gold mining field are keep -
prepared. The principal kinds of fish, ing the recorder's office busy. Pros -
viz„ lobsters, cod, smelts and herring
how increases in quantity of catch ectors are of the belief that the area
afrom Red Lake to the Manitoba boons
nd in marketed value. dary is promising said already many
Halifax, x, N.S.-The Canada Process square miles of territory west of Red
Fuel Co., Ltd., incorporated under Do -Lake has been ,staked, '
minion Charter, with a .capital of Winnipeg, Man. -One of the larg-
establ,000, is said to be contemplating, est business transactions'i•ecorded in
establishing a branch plant here. This the West took place here on March
concern has been granted the right lilth last when the Canadian Co-oper-
to mine, quarry; purchase or other-, ative Wheat Producers mailed approx-
wiso acquire oil shales, etc., and to imately 190,000 cheques amounting to
ages of Ogg shape.
Fife • InsuranceCompany In each envelope are a number and
a verse; each package in the basket
Head Office, Stforthy Ont. has a "corresponding • number.The
Di -RECTORY: verse' is supposed to describe in hidden
President, ,lames Connolly, Goderich: language the gift within Ilse egg bear
Vice,. James Evans, Beechwood; Sec.• ing the same number- Each person in
Treasurer,•Thos. E. Hays, S•eaforth. turn reads out loud the verse found in
Directors: George McCartney, Sea- his er her : envelope.
• forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; J. G. Then each makes a guess as to what
Grieve, Walton; Wnn. Ring, Seaforth it may be. Tlie• packages are then
M. '14riock; ,To Clinton; Robert rt h gen; opened and the records are gone over
I•Iarinck; Jolie Benneweir, Broclbagen; P
Jas. Connolly, Goderich, to see who has the nearest correct Iist.
Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W. A prize of a box of chocolate eggs may
Yeo, Goderich I]d, Hinohray, Sea; be given if desired.
forth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; R. THE EGG DANCE.
G. Jarnmth; Brodhegen,
Any money to be paid iu may be This is lin old game, so old that
paid to Moorish Clothing Co„ Clinton, many of this generation are not ae-
, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderfeh.
Parties desiring to affect Ineuranee
or transact other husine-s will be
promptly atl;essed to an application to
• any of the above officers sddreseed to
their respective' post aloe. Losses'
inspected by the Director wlto;llvea
nearest the scene.
Trains will arrive at end depart from
Clinton as follows
Buffalo and Goderich Div.
Going IDool, depart 6,25 ELM.
2,52 pan.
ta5 i 1 Oi!1 Slna '�,.
quainted with it at all. To prepare
for it, blow the contents from the operating revenues in the past cog
shells, color eight red, gild four and years,
leave one white. The Object in remov-
ing the contents from the eggs is to
save the carpet.
Place. the shells on the floor in two
circles. The outer circle, formed of
the red eggs placed et equal distances
Rainy, recurrent Aptil came, persist-
Year 1925 Most Profitable And wound her' silver ladders dawn
Railways Have Experienced And they were newly driven, and they
the air
go twisting
A. despatch from Ottawa says: Once more, as always, up the end•ess
The year 1925 was the most profitable stair. --George Ii. D� len.
Canadian steam .railways -have had
from an operating point of view, says 1
the Bureau of Statistics. Net operat-
ing revenues aggregating $83,567,427
were 519,872,980 -greater than for
1924, and 518,224,060 greater than in
1923, •
On the Canadian National, net op-
erating' revenues were more than
double those of either 1924 or 1925.
The C.P.R. earned the largest net
Woman Living in London
Once Saw Pirates Hanged.
apart, should measure about eight feet A despatch from London says: -
in diameter. The white egg must be The oldest` inhabitant of the City of
exactly in the centre of the circle.- London is Mrs. Emilia Oliver, aged
The company is divided into couples, 101. This, however, dose not mean
each in turn to try the dance. The 'that she is the oldest woman its the
first couple takes•' position within the vast metropolis of London, but that
outer circle --that is, between the red she is the oldest in the "City," which
t Yr W e p ince John
Mother in Critical State from
Burns -Defective Chimney
Cause of Total Loss.
Going `.Vest, ar, ' 11:10 a.m. eggs and ,gilded. ot., asci to wa to is the business /0011011 nncl• tie E ].ul t rt L1s btansLotm, the anal es
tl t. 5.53 sen. dance avbnnd the circle fuel nucleus o1 London. Asn tits the world. It lire
' ar. 6.08 t 1 ntusic they c c,deit tate in ti
ar. 10.0$ pen. three times
historic inciden}s she has ma a the h.,tt jen .t.. .tis :,ul ttiir. land and
• London, Ht yon Hylic; Div. Entering the inner tirc e they wait:% v✓edchiig of Quesrn Victoria 111 s3,1,
Going South, ar. 7,50 dD: 7.55 a.m. .lir turd the central egg, and the Duke of We. It„tcn's funeral. 1 1 etr. r t ct ii:; Flt al miles with
' � o N who idolize their.
produce, extract, etc., and deal in
petroleum and other mineral oils.
Fredericton, N.'13. -It. is announced
that an agreement with regard to the
development on Grand Falls has been
reached between the Provincial Gov-
ernment the International Paper Co.
a total of4$37,000,000, to member's of
the wheat pool. This is an- interim
payment of twenty cents on all grades
of wheat; six cents per bushel. on oats
and barley; ten • cents on rye and
twenty -fry; cents on flax.
Calgary, Alta. -Winter recorrls in
and F rt ear's Ltd., which, when con-; Alberta went overboard. when George.
summated, is confideintly expected to. Bedell, Taber farrer,',sowcd a field' of
bring about an industrial era of a alfalfa on February 8 last. -Pile first
magnitude- hitherto unknown ,in the.; wheat in Alberta was sown leear Card -
province. The Premier, its quoted as atoll on February ,27th. .
saying that the development will rrob-i 'Kamloops, B.C.-At its recent meet.
ably run into an expenditure of from ing the Bottrd of.Trade-ipspected tine
525,000,000 and possibly 540,000,000, brooms made in 'Vancouvei' from
besides securing constant employment broom corn grown at Tran tuille Sana -
for several thousands of m'en. � torium Farm. Great interest was
Quebec,.Que,-Out of the wilderness manifested, es it has beendemonstret-
in the Lake St. Cohn district of the � ed that this product can be grown
province is td spring up within almost advantageol main the, dryebelt.ant.
short tine ,a salty modern in eVety 1 This straw, co b I
respect and in which it is expected up, to now hits been insported,room the
some 30,0(10 ,people •tvi:l ,live.. This is Southern States.
A. despatch from Palmerston,
says: -Pearl, aged 6, and Ross; aged
2, two of the five children of Mr., and
Mrs. Charles . Windslade of Arthur
Township, were burned to death:
Thursday morning when fire,' believed
to have been caused by a defective
chimney, totally destroyed the Wind-
slade home. Mrs. Windslade is lying
at the home of a neighbor in a critical
condition from burns which she suffer-
ed while attempting to save her chil-
dren. -
The fire broke out after two of the
older children had left for school: Mr,.
and Mrs. Windslade were in the :barn
when they discovered 'smoke.: corning
from an upper room' of their home,'
Mr. Windstade was able to,gave his
4-year-o:d son. The house was a mass.
of Raines when Mrs. Windslade mt-
successfully endeavored to mail Ross
and Pearl,
three times } t. .l o t 11,0 , , t
„ 4.10 11.m.
r ,and all this. i , s..0 lrc done tv .hcut Shu also witnessed in 1 FIs4 the,hang.. 1 •r
6.10 p.m i„ •
u 11.05 1L15 ani, greatly disturbing or breaking. an egg. itis oO' five• pirates at Old
Going North; depart
Two Long Lakes
Lake naigal, Siberia, 10 1110017 as
long as Lake SniteriCr:
1t,00i1 Is. a title image o1.
.;\ flii�l.t
the Dalai. u ::o;pt;leot0
"No more headache for ';yo11!•--take these"
Don't itut ";mother" the headache without removing the canoe.
Take Chamberlain'. Stomach and Liver Tablet.. They not -only cure
the hcadhche but give you a buoyant. healthful fcellug becauiw that'
tone thu aver, tweoton the etomaoh and cleanea the bowels. Trythom.
A l Drenlito, 250., or l y moll
.ta,oato,-Olt. .13
t ,�a,�ny]a. z..�e i „fir,
CtStbiseoys yM.difr3 t. -
What these ;na hive one, you can dal Ii, vosr slat o time
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Star Salesmen. .Whatever your experience has been -whatever
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Just miawer this question: Are you ambitioustoearn $10,000 a
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Free Tmntoytnent•Scrvlcb of the N. S. T. A. twill bele you to quick
success In 5011515 , $1 0000 A Yealr' Selling Secy ets
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enabled thousands,11, 1 Minot
il. obi that hurl no behind
for ever ,ate r -what err! small 1110 of v i
now Jo nC, the rept u. selling ottor9 ray a PM Iuturn, fiat the tarts.
OM 40Mrt
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