HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-04-01, Page 1!'TH WUICH IS INCORPORATED THE .CLINTON NEW ERA ttcy. 2:351 -413th Year. SPfliNC ::fAIfl TART®, TJILI:RSU'AY;,•APRIL i, 1926 THE HOI qAaPAPER --� sipoNED Ging to weather coidditions the. show, which was -to be held April 1st also . the Fiddlers'. Contest, has been put off TO TFIIJASEJAY 'When .• Gu ildhluk of Sifts Ykittic of 9eme ry ,�� yr� 4 a� ew• C ede r � i V(We'can Showft' ou a' multitude of Gifts, 1 s, Gifts that lastand; • they are sure to be aPA recrated Th is There no better gift 'tial: • J eweler-� and there i• r g y. s no letter, place to buy it than at ]°lel r s 1 a Jewelery Y Store JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST Add another Dainty''T- Touch to your Spring Outfittingwith ,.. a highly colored georgette Scarf, prettily hand ainted in pastel .., • P shad- es at only $3.75 THEL L TT �-� l� TOTS We have now a nice range of 'Spring - weight reefers in navy, sand and tweed mixtures, ranging in price from $3.95, sizes 2 to 9y rs. ti EASTER TIJIE is Dress -Up Tinie What man or boy does not like to have something new for Easter. We arere ar •• . p p ed to � meet their, p de- mandobe In new suits we have models for the Youth's First Lon Young men Longs, , also models for theSh ort uaan , , the Short stout man: and the . tall man,' also the more con . servatxve styles. Y Men's Sui is x$10 to $35 ., Young Mens , 15.t� • $30 Boys First tongs $10 to $15 Boys on nepair of Knickers ni ck@rs $5 to 1 0. Boys twopair Knickers $6,90 to$ 13,50 SPECIAL—Mens Snit and Extra Trousers s 36 to 46 Price $25,00 THE 6' d MOflRISH.GLOTH1N CO. A Square Deal for Every Man easnramommeseemlb LOCAL MAItIiETS. 1'r'lieat $1,25. Oats, 40e to 45c. Buckwheat, 60c.. Barley, 60c.: Eggs 20c, to 28c. Butter a o 40 t 42c Live Hags .$12.50. MAY PAVE HIGHWAY. The mayor. of Goderich, the Sea - forth reeve and Peeve Middleton of Clinton waited on Highways Super- intendent Squires the ' other 'day to ask that the twelve miles ,of -highway: between- 'Goderich. and Clinton be paved. Arrangements .have been•un-. der way' to pave the highway for four miles -east of Goderich and it is :bee Ii v e ed that it wouldbe ag ood move v to 'have r a e ' ex n t ,ted to Clinton. -. Mr. Squires said he would. bring the mat -- ter n itter to the attention of his chief and something may come of it. LOCAL PRIZE WINNERS. The. Mail and -Empire last week published a .'list of the winners in their last word=picture puzzle, a„nurii- ber of people. from Clinton and vicin- ity having been successful. • • The first prize, $2;000 in cash,: was won by" `M'rs. Charles Ayles of Kil- manath, An Auburn lady Miss Mae Ferguson, won.. third prizebut }gas only awarded ;e20.00. This was be cause she failed :to send in any. sub- scriptions. These contests are put on to buildup circulation and if -anyone had any doubt of it; here is peed.. Had Miss Ferguson sent in the re- quired subscriptions her prize would have been : $1,000. Mrs. Barry J. Fremlin.came seventh, witha, prize' of $60.00, Mrs. M.G.. Thompson. of God-- ,erich township was forty-third;'$3o„ and Mr. J. W. Manning. .of Clinton came' eighty,- eighth;; with $24.00:,". AMONG THE CHURCHES. St. Paul's Church The local officials have been poti- 'lied by the Bishop of Tinrpni•of•the appointutent`bfthe Bev, J., A. Davies •of .Clarksburg es, rector of the parish of St. - Peers 'Clinton:. He• will take charge .the first Sunday in June. .Salvation- Atirty Capt. Pettigrew, who has been .in charge, of the local corps for some -time, has' been .transferred '-to .Han- over, as assistant, -and Capt, 'Sarson of Hanover is here in her stead. Lien::. Bead, has gone;,to. Illoeut-Fore. est and'Lieut. Walker of Mount 'For- est is' here with Capt. Sarson. •Ontario Street United .Church • Baster Fellowship.. service at 10 tram ,The morning message:"Opened Eyes." At the morning service there will be a reception of new menibers. Everting subject: `‘Our ' Salvatioin provided by Christ's death and resure rection." The :choir hove. made provisionfor go special taster music. The Juniors will not meet on Friday night, owing to the Cantata. • The Young Peoeles' League will hold their annual elections en Monday night, There will be a rally Easter service of visiting •leaguers. Presbyterian Church Easter service in the Baptist church on' Sunday at 11 .o'clock: Subbeet: "The Beettreection." Special nmsic, Order of Service Pnelude-!Christ s Risenr.", • Doxology- _ ' Invocation Psalm—"rte gates lift up;your heads" Scriptures reading ilintheni "The:Magdalehe" Hymn -•"Jesus `Christ is -risen today" prayer. Offertory •Anthefn- `Sacred' Head" Obligate by Miss M. McMurchie Prayer Cil Male Quartette—"How they so softly get ]rest" - fact DOES ANYONE 'KNOW? A subscriber to ;1'he News -Record Yfould like -to know ;the year in which`: the Goderiche uffaldr:railwey was slit• veyed arid the date ;of` the running, of the sen a train , P an over it. Does anyreader kilo r d w t hese fact s If;so we) should be glad to hear, front hint',or her and wilt: pass on the quired knowledge.-- THE nowledge • '- THE JUBILEE CONCERT,' There ncert ut o ' o,. p inthe'toiyiz hall on Tuesday. evening ;under the u- spies- ',ot .the Baptist-ohnroh, by he Peerless Jubilee Singers, a company of col r o e m ici d us ails,;. was, much en- joyed,by those who heard. them. They had well-trained veiges and' the selec tions chosen osen were e1 w lh angled If a .thin he u i nY g •t a d enge would have prefee ed mare of the old Southern melodies, which always take so well when sung by realSoutherners, and ,for this, reasois the,' first; part of the program• was especially enjoyed.:. There was a• ve>,iy good audience and those 'responsible:for the cuter= teinment were very well -pleased with the result of`their efforts, SI'RLN�G SHOW POSTPONED: Owing to the unsettled weather the executive of ,the Centre Huron Agri cultural Society decided yesterday to' postpone the. seeing_ shave which was anted to - take, place today, .until, Thursday{ •April 15th. The Fiddlers' Contest is also Postponed.• • The Show, Which, takes place the first Thursday in April, has had on :luny occasions tot. operate against ':tad weather but this year, owing to -$he lateness of the spring and earl: Hess' of the first Thursday has had t double, handicap, tut the executive holed against ]nope `that the, weather Would warm up, ntelt the snow and dry. up'the roads sufficiently to go on with the show. Butt the past weele has been discouraging and the roads are in such state' that it is feated many, exhibitors would .be unable'' td get their stock in. ' t Two weeks'from today, however, vve hope to have such a show as Olin= ton has hot seen "foe years: NO MORE ICE Mr. E. Wendotf,:;pile of our 'enter- prising restaurant•Tkeepers, has just installed a neve frigd air refrigera- tor, which will da away 'with the handlitg,-.ofice �i or.;,, ice cream,. coop drinks, etc, . The Vent is run by a small motor in the cellar. It works on the -same priecipah as the manu- facture artificial ifcalief • Ice of skating, a combination of am,mohla and brine, and a •ocuple of hours' un weft moria- ing keeps ;the cabinet- upstairs suffic- iently geld : during the' twenty-four, houee. One feature is that it works automatically, turning• on when heed- ed 'and off when a "sufficient degree of cold' has been reached. You can along in the assurance that your ice cream is not growing soilt, nor yet getting too hard to dip out. The cab- inet is. large enough. to allow of keep- ing half a dozen kinds of ice cream, besides setece for -bricks. The plant, which costs a good deal of money to install, will be very cone venient and will do away- with the handling of ice, sect the inevitable muss ccotnpanyieg its use. not to mention the work it involved. AN EMINENT ARTIST. ;Clinton had over.the week -end a -rather distinguished visitor in the. person of Mr. John Vincent, a noted artist, who,, accompanied by his wife, Spent the week -end as a guest at Wesley parsonage. Mr. Vincent, who is a native of NewfoundIand,but who has ,been studying and painting in Europe for' some years, eaine across the Atlantic under a: $65,000 cornetist. sion to paint a family group for a ieago•millionaire, but was unable to into that country owing to the that he had been engaged to come over to do that work: The United States is a democratic coun- try, all right. You cannot go to a foreign country and hire a roan to dig a"drain and bring him along with you. And thesante law applies to artists. Some -arrangement is being made, however, as Mr. Vincent ex- pects to go to Chicago in June to commence work on the; group. In •the meantime he has been living in Tor. onto and has been busy with some commissions in that City.• ' . The Chicago commission as u t the onlyimportant p ort ant one he has ever under- taken, nor is it the most, interesting.' He painted Pope Pius XI; -his holi-. uess giving join eleven sittings, ande the picture hangs now in the Pope's. private chambers in the,Vatican.:IIe has also painted a portyait of King George of England. hymn—"The Day of Resurrection" ,Benedietion - ' Postlude—"Hallelujah Chorus" from Handel's Messiah The W. A. will,meet at the home of Mrs. J. Wiseman • on Tuesday after - amen next, Aprii"6th, at two O'clbek: Wesley -Willis • Special music at both services on Easter ,Day. • Morning Service in Willis 'Church Organ_' Prelude—"Bat 'Thou Did- s't not LeaveHisSoul in Hell" from' Hander's Messiah Choir' Anthem—"As it. Began to Dawn" Geo...C. Martin Soloist -.Miss A. Stewart Quartette—"Consider the Lilies" Mrs, M. Nediger,-.Ms's. ;Chowen'Mr,. Win. Moffatt, Mr. A, McKinnon Sermon`"Immortality" Rev, J. E. Hogg Th Organ Postlude—"Easter Joys" ` part Lefebure Wely tions Evening service in Wesley church for w Organ Prelude—"I know that niy - the . a Redeemer Liveth" the z from Handel's Messiah Sir G Choir Anthem—"0 Death, Where is thi is Thy Sting?" Edmund Irvener finish Solo - Miss -M, R. Stewart as .th SeemonL"Wh,e Gareth TEs The 1 - Mr. Victory" Rev.. A. A. Holmes thirti Organ Postlude—"I-lallelujah Chorus" and s T. F, Handel a ne Brotherhood meeting in Willis ing'•t church bible class room at ten o'clock. ' of ar The address v T e ss n it aIle`given by .Dr. J C. York Gandtez tile t The fust meeting; of the combined studio Wesley -Willis W. .M. S. will be held ;:pent in the Sunday school room +of 'Wesley Mr. church en Thursday evening; 'Apr, known 8th, at eight o'glocle 5t, Jo The Junior League will not meet : of vis on Good Friday evening. close e picture of King George forms of a large picture of the dedica- of the new 'Liverpool Cathedral, Inch he'was especially chosen by rt commission of that city, on ecommendation of the architect, iles Scott. " This picture; which rty-two feet. ,high, is not yet. ed, will not be for some years, e eathedead is not yet completed. Vincent, who is still iiv his, es, was been in Newfocndlan'rl pent his boyhood there. He: had net • gift for painting and wish - o study first took up the study ohitec tete in Boston an New ew Later • an opportunity tt came for pP y. o study, art in Florence. ' TIis is still in Florence but he has much time in England. and .Mrs. Vincent, - having Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Holmes in hns, Nfld., took the opportunity icing them when \they were as as 'Toronto, APfllt BROKE COLLAR BONE.,. • 1' Scheme to Remodel � Mr. Joseph C®ll@ dal@ Not 1 p McIntosh' was thrown h® `'ht from his "sleigh going, over,the.tail way tracks on Monday'and suffered a Practicable by -Experienced • Architect He. slight fracture of the collar bone was removed ed t orpthe los i to and nathe fnaetu � re reduced d and it is hoped. .he 'will soon be all right again: COVERS' ABOUT SA11,1E-GROUND; We are in receipt of a letter from Mr...Arthur -Cantelon regarding, the, relnodelitig of ,the Colleglate. Insti- tute building, but ae itislargely a, repetition of a letter.ptublished before - we have not -•published_ it. Before the last vote on the `;bylaw we -published. a (letter from Mr, Cantelon giving his idea of the possibility of making over the building.i n g So ,` far. as we can see this goes -over pretty ,much the same - ground., . GROVES -JORDAN. A very quiet. wedding was solemn - /zed at olemn-:zed-at the ,home of Rev. Mr. Snowdon on Wednesday manning,- March 31st, whenGladys Veral, youngest daught ter of Mr, and ,Mrs Samuel Jordan of Ciin"tan-was' united"in marriage to Arthur William Groves, at Hullett, formerly of Clinton, Mr Snowdon performing the ceremony.' The bride was dressed in. -pencil blue georgette,. .trimmed with gold .lace;and worn• •a large' pbctuz•e• hat to :thatch. ' After - the ceremony - the happy eouple deft oh the --early -train for a honeymoon trip to London, Windsor. angt Detroit, They''wii]' preb- ably take up their residence in "Clan- ton. Both are popular young people and their friends join in congratulaa tions and good wishes•. - ' HYDRO OFF --BUSINESS ,CPR Clinton WAS without hydro, with the 'attendant stagnation to business, front the .middle of the forenoon, Wednesday, until shortly after day- light Friday. The power did flash on and off a time or two .during Thurs- day night but did not come on to stay until after seven Friday marking. A windstorm raged -all Tuesday eight, .with sleet and snow increasing. toward Wednesday morning and as a consequence telegra ih, telephone and hydro service was badly interfered with, Supt, Chant of thilocal Hydro Conmiission, was unable•to -find out even where -the trouble was until • coni inunieation'had ibeen established, All wheels depending 'upon hydr- fur'pro'pelling" power :were stopped,: which put a stop to • pretty much all' 'business in town, a ncl telephone tand telegraphic Pht o ser i Ce was, badly d clip - pled. The News -Record, which d_ pends upon hydro to ojerate its type- setting machine as well as its. mese- es, was tied up completely 'and Is to - clay (Good Friday) wonting full staffed trying to catch up with its work. We are sorry to have the pap- er go out lata but were •helpless to prevent at, - The storm, which seemed to be pretty general, throughout' -Ontario, did little damage hereabouts. Trains have been running, though a little late. It was impossible to des- patch them properly, owing. to the breakdown in the telegraph service, but they have been running pretty well on time. When the last day of March was reached• without each a storm we'd fondly honed we'd miss it, and if it was winter's last kick, it was a nasty one. -.LITTLE. LOCALS. .. Town council meets on Monday ev- ening. The schools closed yesterday foe ,the. Easter vacation. Mr. T. H. Leppington has pur- chased the lot north of J. P: Wasman, Albert street, and may build on Monday' is theday to vote for the Collegiate bylaw. Get your vote •in early, This has been the longest skating season Clinton has. -known for some years. Skating started before ,Christ- mas and is still going. The Clinton Public Hospital Board will meet in the board -room of the town hall on Monday evening, Apr. 5th,at seven -thirty. A special meeting of the Clinton U. F. 0. Club will be held in the office of the District' Representative on Saturday afternoon, Apr. 3rd, at 2;30. Mk. 11 Turner, customs officer, has. purchased the corner lot opposite W. J. Stevensoli's,, rho old Trowse place. This will make a very nice, building site. What about a town league foe the lacrosse season? A town league brings out the young player and gives. skmorill. e, boys ' , a chance to'sevelop their Maley of ,our . citizens are i11' this week with colds and flu. .Several of the teachers of both Collegiate and Pablic school staffs have been off, tailed ofr their recovery, • Quite a number of our citizens have been in during the past -week with the prevailing cold. Several of the teachers have been off, thus giving the pupils an unexpected holiday. Miss Ferrol Biggins is to assist 'St. James', Anglican, church choir, Lon- don, in Good Friday services, taking soprano solo P "Thu Prodigal Son Sullivan and "Cox Y , "Come e Bless- ed," Scott. Messrs. McEwau' and Phelan are nicely ,started in the 'old Jackson+Mfg. Co.'s fatoory and have about a dozen operators anaking tamples of boys' clothing. They expect: to send a man but on the road very soon. . Mgt I3 CrMelericie, architect, Len - don, was in town. oniesday, Mr. :McBride is ,the architect wiio planned, the 'alterations•,.and . add ;floc .to the- Collegiate Institute several years ago. and we thought- we'd ask him what be :heught •ol,.•the sugges tion that the building be again altered and added to.:: Mr. McBride is Very conse •-' 1vative of s?eech and -sane in his ideas. We should judge that he hover makes: rash statements and that his - words' arehe -� t result 1 of well otdete< 1 thought, . •she building as tt stands is con deemed by -inspectors and does not conte up to the standard demanded by . the Department- of Education. Sonie- thingivile have .to ebe dons, and at,, • once. When we asked why the build- ing could not jie remodeled,' Mr. Mc "Bride called attention to the -fact -that - -in order to bring it.up:to the standard demanded as to seed and lighting, for - the cross lighting- is 'now strongly condemned, the fl.ont " wall and the two end'walls would have to be torn down. This would' leave only the back wall. Then, as Mr. McBride pointed out, with a. building whith has beep up as long as this one has been, when yarl go to tear it down the' probability is that the sails, joists and all timbers would began a state of 'dry :Tot, more or less, the floors certain- ly would, have to he replaced, the ceil- pngs- are not quite high enough and in order to snake tahem high enough • to meet requirements tate- roof would have to be raised... Then, whet you go about remodeling an old building, youeniust be prepared when the job , is finished to •find ,that there are many things you would like to have, had different; if you had had a free hand- But you must keep in mini]. when building : a school, to fatlild ,ac - 'cording to standard.. - "How far,'. we asked, for we should.. really like to know, "would $20;000 or , $25',000 bo;• toward retizodeling tale' buildisi?" Mi Mel3ride'smiled; "It, weelcia t go very, fat" he said, "That is one Of the troubles in making;' over ai braiding. You never lenow whatit- is going to cost, You cannot tell un- til the building; is.down what,.ntaterial can be used again.: But with the roof off and three walls -down I do not see where it is going to be mach of a saving.to. remade], - And are you go - in .. g to havea banding gwh is Will [ at isfy the.Depaztment when it is fin- ished"" . • - - That is the'rub, and so sure.are the -e. board that to. try to• remodel the would ]bo a waste",of money," theyschool are' not:ooli'sidering it at all, If the bylaw• is sustained on Mon- day the (board -will call for plans and will study 'them with a view to get - tint, the best possible building 'fol• the least outlay. ' Some of those who wish to 'defeat the`bylaw are making the statement that a near Collegiate building Will cost $10‘0,Q00, . The bylaw only calls .for the raising of .$80,000 and it is •hoped that this will more than cover the cost. Thea it 'must be remembered that the county takes care of about• forty-. five, per centaoe this initial cost. Clin. ton: has to guarantee it but.it conies back to the town. • A good secondary school is an asset to a town like Clinton.- We wish to keep our growing. families in town. We wish to attract citizens with growing famines, They 'ate•:the sort' of citizens ' which -build up a town. The very first question asked by the parents of such fainilies when they think of changing their places of abode is about 'school facilities. A: good school will . help to .build up Clinton, a poor one will have the 'op- posite effect.: .. AN' ACCIDENT, Mrs. L. Shilton, aged. 60, of 504 On= tario street, Toronto, received a dou- ble fracture of the right wrist when she was struck last Tuesday evening ''by i1 motor car at College 'street and University avci ie, • Mrs: Shiltdn is the'widow of Rev. J. W. Shilton; a one-time pastor of Rattenbury street Methodist' Church, Clinton. She will be remembered by a number of our. eitizeins, A NEW INDUSTRY. ' - Clinton is likely to hare a new in- dustry, a company having obtained an'optien' on the Clinton Crefatmery, •which may be turned into a milk, powder factory: , M4. Miles, • a mem- ber•ef the newcompany, has been io• town looking over the situation and has also 'been 'in Ottawa seeing about a ehalter: The . probability is that when the new industry gets started a number of hien will be employed,. WON ANOTHER 'DEBATE. - afr, E. S. Livermore, who is in his TP first year at Osgoode, has again beeh demonstrable - his ability as -a'debat- er, having won as leader of the Os - geode Hall Liberal Chub. debating team, against that of the University 'Liberal Club at B'ai't House the other' -evening. The subject of debate was "Resolved that it is in the best inter- ests of the Canadian people that ap- peals from the courts -of .Canada to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Cemicil in England should be abolish- ed." Mr. Livermore anon' Mr. J. Pritchard took the affirmative side: Mr. Nelson Parliament was, chairman of the meeting and also donee of the prize, a silver pup. - Mr,. Livernroire, is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. 'James 'Livermore of :Clinton. He has shown a decided tal- ent for debate and while in the Uni- versity was a member of the debating team which carried 'off honours on several occasions.` Bal fiek1 " ' Mrs, J,• W. Tippet returned to the village on Tuesday after spending several days with friends in London. Mrs. P. W. Baker came home nn Tuesday after visiting, her daughter, Mrs. Victor Burt, in:London. Mr. Clarence Pollock spent a couple. of days in Losidon last week, Dr^ Newton-Braciy returned on Fri- day after spending sevet•aI days in Toronto. • Miss Jessie L. MeteaaIf of Detroit is spending her holidays with her pare cuts. Mrs. F. 1•t. Paull returned on Satur- day after visiting herparentsin Galt for a couple of weeks. On Easter Day entities and the ser. vibe of Holy Communion will be held in Trinity' church at eleven a.m. Special Baster music will be rendered by the choir, The service will be held at eleven a,m. theoughout„the spring and summer months and Sun- day school at 10 a.m. Huron Road East Miss •Guymer of London is visiting at the home of Mr, Albert Glazier, ,Miss Ronne Cook is spending a few days in Goderich visiting friends, Mr. James Riley has hired with Mr. Mac, McDermicl•, Mrs: Chas. Mann is in Goderich this week. Several of the farmers have tapped their maples and report a very poor rim of the sweet stuff.. WILL NOT REMODEL • COLLEGIATE BUILDING To the Editor of The News -Record: Some persons talking,about the by- law seem to think they are 'voting on the' quedti on of whether we shall build a new scheal or remot5tiel the 'old building. There .is no such alterna- tive before the pedalo. If the bylaw is defeated the Board will not -reined dI or renovate the old :building. Why? Because the Board has'con- sulted a number of architeets and not one of them approves of remodeling of the old building. The Board d wilt not o act against nst their e iert advice; it will not act on the advice of per- sons who have no authority in such matters. I have been asked to publish this statement to correct false enema - Mons, Yours very truly, W. BRYDONE, 'Chairman of C. I. Board, F. S ince on. Friday last. at. Miss s Mary Elliott read the 'very in- teresting and instructive .chapter from "Heroes of our Homelands" on "Louis Pasteur." An Easter party was proposed but•owieg to some dif- ference of opinion on tate subject of dancing the motion was withdrawn. After the community singing the pro- gram committee took charge and a contest was enjoyed by all, The next regular meeting will be on 1!riday, April 9th. On Wednesday ,April 7th the Zur- ich Jnnulor Drainatic Club -present "The Little Olodhopper" ie the town hall under the auspices of the Bay,. field Public Library. This promises to -be a very ainusing play and the Library Boned hope's that there will be a good attendance. - There is quite an epidemic of lir fluenza in the village and surround-, ing' country. The 'gerut apparently develops very meekly and all in some households are suffering from the malady, Tho ice jam in the river last week caused quite a bit of excitement in the village. The fishermen were ob- liged to go .in row 'boats and tie their boats which were drawn out; on land ' a cadre were caught in ars ice house and had to be rescued in, a row boat, and itis reported that the current carried away a post on which one man. had carefully hung his coat while working. The water must have . risen ten n feet »r over but the jam gradually worked out underneath the ice on the lake and the river is now quinitethe lowfall, - Miss Helen- Gerrie left on Wednes- day to spend the vacation at her home near Ingersoll. - Varna Mrs. 1!. Weekes is spending a few days with London: friends. - Mr. 14I. Elliott shipped a car load • of stock, to Toronto Saturday. Clifford Epps is visiting with her another,, Mrs. Argent of ;Clinton. Quite a number front the:village at- tended the Peerless Jubilee Concert' at Br ucefield Mondayevening.. 'Mrs Jn . A Beatty was in Exeter on Tuesday renewing old acquaintances. Service will be held in St. John's ehurch on Good Friday morning at .: 10:30 o'clock, - , Service will be held in the Angli- can chureh t 7. o'clock p.m. Sunday school at sixj o'clock,, commencing: Easter Sunday, April 4th.