The Clinton News Record, 1926-03-25, Page 8aADING:INWFLEY S1QRJ e. are arfaq: El �_ Wear • 1, . HERE! -Jewelers etigi,lie practical,as well as ly ornamental,. ,;fake ,our .watches •for ec ample. They ;aretthe last word in accurate time keeping, ,fashioned of gold or .silver, encircled by _b,andsonlercarving! The hum- ble pin has been.etrttng'ed into an object of rare beauty, s?nin and wrought :of precious metals, into; ,exquisite ;designs, You will find every chicle in our .store will'be the e �x.h ;pride and Joy of every person" who apprec- ii,etes things beautiful.' ' 4vg;t,li Repairinn IJclm ad Setting Export Worl 4ushi,p Oupr, uteed R..R. JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College• of OptometryFine Jewellery and Repairs Nexb'Hoveys Drug Store Clot les,of 4` using Cur Spring stock of Cloth- ing in the new styles and . fabrics should interest yoti:. Boys appreciate good clothes as well as Dad We aro making - a .special effort to increase our turn- over on Boys' Clothing dur- ing this month by quoting very closeprices. l Our Boys' Clothing is well marc. by some of, the best manufacturers, of all wool nraterlllls handl etre real values. Plurnsteej Br�s: PiIONL 2§. • L. t__ w. CURRELL—THOS. SHIPLEY Your Order Send it Here Where Quality Costs less Main• e i to 1'JIURSDA'1, bfARCH 25, J926, qt a tr,+i' Scatter Sunshine with Easter Cards ,Putting :building-ma•terials 1'02;0E-t- ar '02;0 -er so that they develop into skyspr'ap-„ •ers would be easier jor some folks lhan put£ing woe=ds together so that; they pr'odnce lofty and inspiring. thoughts. A seasonable greeting card, and at no, time more than at Easter, fills the need, The sending of them on such occasions is. becoming more and more "the thing to do." They keep alive ,old • friendships, express. thersentiment-you wish, carry' our,, thoughts' -and it 'tate day with well chosen, .meaningful words. At Eas- ter.-- they have - a'' religious t6ndeney 'which is a national need. For the children we have many "Noye1 Novelties." Bunnies and fuzzy cunning little chicks, Peter cot- tontail in ottontail-in gala attire and other novel- ties o2, {bedtime story fame. All at modesdte prices. The W. D. Fair Co. Often the; Cheapest .Always the Best i r,.tuanm+,�R,Veiueuunatiam tli ..��Q Rung' kb. Miss Harriet ilkwkh a rceturned last week from a visit ie} liepaon, • Mr. and _Mrs 4, J. ee speniials were in Goderisb uvea the week -end: Miss CIark spent the week -end with - Toronto and Pickering friends.' Mrs, Hartley Monaghan of Walker- ville is visiting friends hi town. Itev, a'. E. and Mrs. Hogg are spend- ing pent{u g the week with Detroit: friends. 1 K.1.7. W. E. O'Neil of Orlando, Florida, iy, tapelldii?g a short holiday in Olin - ton. Mr. Wellington Cook -of Hamilton has been visiting in Clinton this 'veep, , ,Mr's. W. S. Downs , is visiting - this „ week with Iiarriston and Clifford friends. Miss Viola Livernio!'e spent the wibek- end at the home of her. brother, Mr, • Earl Livermore of Stratford. Mrs. C. Harvey and Miss Elva Har- vey of Exeter visited Mr, and Mrs. A. T., Cooper. on Saturday last. • Mr. 0. Gale, who has been spend- ing 'ilia winter -in the vicinity of Delhi. 'arrived home on Tuesday. Mr .1 +Sterling; who thas been spend- ing the winter with his daughter.in Ja•elcson,Mieh., returned home this week. IVLiss Lottie Judd returned to St. Catharines on- Saturday, having spent tete winter at her home in town. Mrs. R. Macdonald ,of Edmonton is the guest of her sister, Mrs; Fames Escott. Mrs. Scott went to Toronto "to meet her sister. Mr. S. L. Lucas, accountant in the Bank of Montreal, was - called to Alvinsten on Saturday on aecouut of the death of his mother. Mrs. Mason, Who • has been visiting' her sisters-in-law, Mrs. Wise and Mrs. 'McLaughlin, during' the past 'winter, has returned to her 'hbn,e in Saskatchewan. • ti LiteSBleached California' Celery—Leaf Lettuce—Grapefruit Oranges :Naw Cabbage "firm" . !. Marmalade - Jains—C orn—Peas---lTomatoes • THE C.& S. GROCERS Store, Phone 126 W. Branch Store,': Phone 125 J. Don't Miss the Easter Carols.! ThNlear Easter morning. air will be filled with joyous .Easter Carols, reverent deep throated Organs will be heard from coast to coast and services by the most famous pastors will be on the air. If you haven't a radio, you will of course -miss all these beautiful things. But why should youimiss them? There .• is a radio for,.every purse! You cant' say ,you ,can't afford one! ',Because you can! Every day and evening of the - eiitb'e year is filled with the world's choicest music, talks by the world's best speakers. Things educating., interesting, entertaining, amusing and worth while. COME IN AND LET US DDMONSTRATE OUR NEW MODEL RADIOS ANI) ACCESSORI1•;S Sutter '8c Perdue HARDWARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING ,e,g1ROM iPHONE 147w Auburn, A Iarge number of women attended • the Institute heli} at the home of Mrs, Chas. Howson on Mar. 16th. Papers were read by Mrs.. Herb Mogridge on "System tic. Housecleaning" and Mrs. Cruikshanks of .Wingham,> district president on "Children in the Home,." After which® a social half hour and dainty lunch was served. 'MTS. Wm. Bogie of Leeburn is vis- iting at the home of her : son, 'Mr. Harold Bogie. Mrs. Wm. Stewart went to Detroit on Tuesday last 'Mr. and Mrs J. J. 'Washington vis- ited friends in Clinton on Friday last.. ReV.E Mr. Small of IIarriston preached in Knox. United church on Sunday morning. Rev. Small was a former pastor here. The funeral of the late Mr's. Chas. Thom' took place from the home of her son, Mr, Wm. Thorn of Colborne township, on Monday • at 12 o'clock. Interment was made in Wingham. cemetery. , bir, mut liars. Bert Mills spent Sun- day at the home' of the latter's par- ents here, ,Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Reber - ton. Mr. 0. E. Erratt was in Toronto last week:- We are sorry to report that Mr, Gordon Taylor is on the siok list.: Miss Lottie Jackson is kissisting• in the store. Tuckersmitn Township It is our sad duty to announce the death of iilr. John Johnston, which took place at his home, lot 28, con. 1, --en March 17th. .„Mr. Johnston Was only iI1 a few days froth severe at - If you;;rould not be April Fooled see our Bargain Dollar Day List, Show Day, April lst. FIeazr about onu1, Car of Sugar to be unloaded about Show Day—Special Price;April 1st By thc, ,'pag or in five hag lots, took at qur Easter Window Display. Chocolate Bunnies, Rabbit and Eoosters APl IL HOUSE CLEANING Steel Wool'and ,Soap • . , . ' 15e We will tell you how 'to make a good l'oole the of tel keepers would' pilco to bei NO hl'JCl7,' FOOL DEMONSTRATION The eo 1 ho o£ Tea 1 ie$ Mit of thrs Sob! 7 p e who have secured aux" bars Soap, P & Cx: or Gold , 55e Call and Irave a ; cup of tea -daintily SAUCE PAN DEAL Yleaxibrite Polish , 25e served with a cookie. Real value in Tea have Not Been April Fooled 'Real Demonstrator . TII'RY ARE EXCEPTIONAL VALUE 'eare TntioelueingyH April 1st Nf.-Jelly Jelleterna For Show. Day WE 'IIOPI� ' T WILL MOT APRIL Fool, US Birt We expect to:.be able to show it to you and also demonstrate Jellies and Custard "Pudding -."Alli 3:-Iarry Horne's Nu -Jell and Dandy Desserts" Special prizes and coupon pasitak•,es, EASTER EGGS—EASTER FRTIITS AND FRESH FISH FOR GOOD FRIDAY You will not be fooled here FRESH HERRINGS •F;ROM +BAYFIELD h 0 STORAGE OR FROZEN FISH 141/ lbs' Granulated sugar 21/ lbs .Black Tea for -1$'.pkgs Jelly Powder for 12 lbs. Loose Cocoa for 6 ties Baking Powder for 2,0- lbs. Corn Meal for 2 :fins Jam for. 3 large Bottles'.Olives for 10 pkgs. Corn Starch for , , 8,cans:Corn for Real Bargain List ---for Show Day No Fool Prices for You Here All Cash, However ---One $ Day for .........$1.00 151.00 $1.00 $1,00 $1.00 7 Jars Peach Jam for $1.00 10 tins' Clark's 'Soup for . $1.00 '7 tins Campbell's, Soup for • $1.00 2 +Brooms for $1.00 SPECIAL FOR EASTER $1.00 New Assortment of Seniles an' Chuckles pee 114' .,. 39e $1.00 Maple Buds, per lb._. . , , , ; . , ., .... ..:... 39c $1.00 FOR EASTER SUNDAY BREAKFAST- -31.00 Gunn's Breakfast Bacon—Breakfast Sausage 31.00 Easter Special in" Oranges, per dozen ... , . , , • , 29e -- New Cauliflower, Cabbage, Spinach, Tomatoes Lettuce Celery Easter Olives, Stuffed and Plain 39c In the MVlorning First Delivery 9 a.im. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. . Kindly Order Early I Cash and Wrvice O'Neil' hone • ..l ' • 48'. Where "Sells kir less "price prevails. tack of appendicitis, which Proved. fatal, He was in hie 65th years and leaves to mourn their loss a widow and two sons, Alton and Eldon, both at hems. Mr. Johnston will be sorely liliSppd as he was si good neighbor and a Whin father. He was a life long Consel'yktive and a Presbyterian. in religion. The funeral took place from his late residence ori Saturday, March 2,0th, interment let 'Baird's cemetery: Those front a distanoe who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Ross 3ohnstotl and son of Blake; lYLr. and Mrs, F, Turner of Drysdale; 1 r. and Mrs, H. Weido of Zurich; Mr, P J.linstoll of Blake; Mrs, J, otead, •Godexieh, also her two daugh- ters, +14irs. J. Carruthers of London and Mrs. b .D. McMillan of Goderich; Mrs. A. Hdighoffer, Make; Mr. and Mrs. 5., Nicholson, Auburn. Miss E. Johnston, Hensall; Mrs, G. Nicholson, Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnstoin, Clinton; Mrs. Geo. Sheppard; Hohnes- ville; Mr. Andy W 6ir, E. Douglas J. Boyce, {London. The, services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. 0. G. Armour. Mrs. Johnston and sons wish to convey their thanks to the kind friends and neighbors for tale sym- pathy and,kindness shown during Mr. Johnston's illness acid after his death. Mr. Fled Leonard had a very sue - MAKING MAPLE SYRUP IN BRUCE' Jaynes A. Garland, of.ECargill, who -is known ds the maple syrup king of Bruce County, has over 2,400. nsple' trees tapped in his sugar bush south of Cargill, Mr, Garland stated last °Weeik that he, expected to, hgve•an ex- ceptionally good tun of sap this sea- son on aegPunt of the heavy snowfall during the winter. Ye Olde Trite ' Fiddlers `Huron Central Agricultural Society are holding A- FIDDLERS' COMPETITION SPICING SHOW NIGHT Thursdag, Apr°.1 Town hall, Clinton at 8 p.m. Prizes for Competition' as follows: 1st, $10,; 2nd, $7.; 3rd, $5:; 4th, $3.,` ,special prizes will also be given of $5.b0 each for the oldest fiddler, the youngest fiddlers and the fiddler corn- ing the !greatest distance. RULES '-'' 1. 'Open to Counties of Bruce, Hur- on and Perth. a 2. Each contestant to play two se- ilectiops, one selected by committee and the other by contestant. 3. No entry fee charged and $1.00 paid eaSh contestant not reed -King a prize. Any o all contestants liable for service during dance. ,4. Accompanist provided. 5. Judges award is. final. 6. Cemxnittee'in charge reserves the right to make any additional rules that may appear necessary. 7. Old time music to be basis of contest. 8. Professionals are not eligible. Ole If ilk! Dance After Concert Admission -50c Proceeds to go to Spring Show Funds H. C. Cok, Pres. W. J. Miller, Treas, E. Rozell, S. B. Stothers, Secretaries • Peerless Jubilee Concert The Peerless' Jubilee Concert Co. Will give an entertainment under the. auspices of the Baptist church in the Town' Han, Clinton! on Tuesday, March 3Oth at 8 o'clock Watch for FurtherAzinouncenrent Admission--Aduits, 60e; Children, 25e The following is a newspaper com- ment after the appearance of the Singers in St. 'Mays; "Seldom are Sooai music lovers af- forded the opportnyity • of hearing such a splendid concert of so high a calibre as that given by the Peer- less jubilee Singers in the United ehurch.last night, when anaudience of 600 listened to a program of smith - ern melodies and plantation songs beautifully sung. So enthusiastic was the audience that two dpeeial numbers, "Swing Law Sweet Chariot" by the mixed quartette, and "Roll Jordan Roll" by the male quartette, were sung by re- quest." A CANTATA MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 29th the choir of Ontario street United church will tender, for the benefit of the W. M. S., the beautiful cantata "The King Eternal" This will be a rare musical treat. Conic and enjoy it. Tickets Only 25c NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER. SAP PANS--BUCKETS—:-SPILUS and he: ready for the sap when it be- gins to run Hand made pans and buckets evade to order, ittS HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 SPRING Is Just Around the Corner And May be Here Any Day —Hope So We are ready for all your requirements for houseclean- ing with a large stock of Mur'eseo — the housewife's friend—In all colors. It can be applied over old paper and makes a good looking job. • A full stock of the cele - b r a t e d Sherwin-Williams Paints, Varnishes and Stains �r fos-both inside and outside Ask for a dennonstrtion of Johnson'•Etectric Floor Polisher— This is a real labor saver. Lots of Floor Wax of all kinds. See our specials' in Blue and White Granite, your choice nt 31.19. .FURNITURE DEPARTMENT - 'As usual we are ready with a lino new stock of Congoleunt Rugs, all sizes, and Congoleum by the yard, Linoleums in different pat- terns and widths and Oilcloths galore. Rugs in Wiltons, Axnrinsters, Brussels and Tapestrys.. • Clinton Hardware and. Fur c itureCo® MINERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Photo: 104 Hardware 195 Well Dressed He .ds for Easter When yon step out on Easter morn, or any morn, your outfit should be topped off with a Biltmore Hat. - Alt the new shapes in many. beano- fel shades - and only $4.00. Caps tofu, $1.75 and up Davis St 'Hernia VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W Spot Cash for Eggsand Poultry Qualitu Counts We are in the market for Eggs and Poultry all seasons of the year, prepared to pay top prices for tap quality. Last' week 95 percent of our egg receipts from 'farmers graded Extras and first., IJNNLAi CLOIS & Co., Limited 9 HEAD OFFICE — MONTREAL, QUE. Clinton Branch open each day from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Write, Phone tir Call for any further information you require GUNN, LANGLOIS _ & CO„, ;LIMITED. CLINTON, ONT.; 13RANCII - PRONE 190