The Clinton News Record, 1926-03-25, Page 2(LINTON THE WEEK'S MARKETS NEWS-RECOR ' ToRo.Nrro, .. . ..,f,,,,,,,i,,,iatcs.,,,,aszon,,,, 3313c Lospiewe,i;..:, boonbateiod Man. wheat--No..,1 North,, 4,61 2, bone.ess, 35 to Cm., CLI NTON, ONTARiO No. 2 North., $1.551/2; No, 3 North., Cured rnetas--Long 'clear bacorm.50 . .to 70lbs and op $22.54.; lightwatight Terms 'of, Subscription -••-$2,00 'Per Year Man.CN , noel , -,- , rolls, m barrels, ,..42...,0; beint,yw cmh, in a-dvanoe, toTairildian addcwistie'l No, 3not; quoted; No.',1 fs-ed,,,.47,i.iii; ,..0,1.1s, $30.50. per bb].., Lard.,_puro 7$2.50 to the U.S. or other foreign i,,10,;2 feed,.461,,,,e; weuteim gram uo- tierces, 18'to 181/2e; tubs, 18,A to 1.9e; conntries. NO -paper discontiiirle`4. -Lotion on c.i.f. bay -Ports. • Pails, 19% to 20c; prints -,,20% to 21c; uniii all arrears- are' ha°. liaises ,t Am. corn,. track, - Toronto -I -Nor 2 uborteniug, tiesee,„,14-% to.,5,40,; tubs, the option of the lilibilener- "is yellow, 86V, c; NO. 3 yeliow, 841/2.0. '''' 151/ to 15%ci. nails, l53,1, to 16 -Vie Onto to which eveny subscription- is ; Millfeect-Dei. 8100501 freigln,s, .bioc.'it,, 17,4, to 15c. pair: is denoted. on the label..., bags includBran,d: per ton, $30-25 Heavy steers; choice, 57.50 1.6 55; AtiyertIsing 6atca----Tra•n:e.ient'., ladeler: to $31,21; -Aonts, per ion, 582.25 ,t,e do, good, $7.25 to 57.50; butcher Citing, 120 rer count nue los ors,. 5.25., middlings, -535,25 to $40.2o, steers, choice, $7 to 57.25; do, good, insertion, 8c for., each stbsequent geed feed Hour, er bag, 52.00; 56 to 56.75; butcher heifers, choice, inscun. tiofleddllig counts' 2 lines* Ont. outs -40 to 42c, f.o.b. shipping156.50,,. to, 5.7.25; i do, good, 56.00 Small advertisements,, lutt torexc points. - ' 'to 56.50; do, med. • .50 to 55; do, ono.inch, such as "Wanted," "teat," Out. good milling,. wheat ---51.30 to , corn., 4;5 ,to $5.50'; , •,. butaho, - eow,„, "Stlayed,- ete., inserted -on,fin ce for $1.82,,,o.b. shippg points, according;,,eboica, $5 to $5.75; do, fair to good, 35c, each subsequent insertion 00e. to .freights. ., „,..- . . - $4 to $5; butcher bulls; good, 55 A.dvertisenionts sent 'in wilhout in- Bl1, to 55.50; bolognas, $2:25. to $2.75; structIons,, as to Ore number tif ins ., -ii3-iaie.k7,-LnallA ealt.......tNTigo,—, 26;2t72co64e. , ' canners and cutters, 52.50 to 53.50; sortions,"-wanLed will run until. order- ,... Rye—No. 2, 85c. , ' ' springers, choice, 585 to 51,00; good' ' ed out and wil,Pbc• charged 'accord- ,, Man. floar'Finst Pat., 59, Terent°H mileh cows; 570 to $80; modinin cows, • iu1005e0gly. at1005e0fer thiMdar adce.ftisin„, .Lio.second pat., 58-50. _ , 555 to 560; feeders,' good, 56.25 to made known. on atlicatIon.. ,,,, ,-.,, ' knit, flour—Toronto, 50 .per cont.1'56.75; do fair, -55 to 56; , stockers, Communications intended ',for publi- A Pate Per barrel, in earlets; Toronto.. i good, 55 lo 55.50; do,- fair; 54.50 to cahen"nuisd', 310 .31 iguara14°e 0.0 g"..k; 56.90;°:ieabOar'd, in.b1,11k, $5.90. '. ' $5; calves, choice, .512.50 to 513.50: '091111, be Ceconillanled 00'the n'"'Luc, 1-11'. , Stralr—:COTIOLS, per ton„ 59. to 50.59, the writer.. . do, good,- $1,1 00 $12;' do,' grassers, \ sereenings--i-Standard, recleaned, f. 56 to 56.50; good light sheep, 57 to ' C, 1.. HALL, M. R. CLARE, , 6.,1(. bay ports, per ton, $22.50. $8; heavies and bucks, $5.50 to 56,50; Y,:-,ropi'letor. , Editor; ,Cheese•--New,r large, 22c;. -twins, good lamb, $13 to 514; ' do, , mod., 22%c-vtriplets; 33c; Stiltons, 24e.,' Old; $11.50 to ,512; do, bucks, 59 to 511; - - G. D, WheTACGART ' large, 28 to 30c; ',Wins, 29 to 31c; do, culls, 510 to $11; -bogs, thick . , , • M. D. McTAGGART triplets, 30 to 32c.,.• • . smooths, fed and"watered, 515.10',do, Butter—Finest creamery , prints, f o 5 312.50; do country points, , ----- 49c; No. 1 creaMery, 47 to 45,n; No, 2 5/2.25 do, off, etrs,, 513.50; sect ..114aAAG T Bilos 46 to 470., Dairy prints, 41 to 42e. p . E - remium $2 55 - , ggs—Fresh, .extras, in . cartons, • -, - 40. to 41c; fresh extrRs, Riese, •39.to . ' , , ONTREAL 40c; freSh firsts; -35 to 36c. . . ' , ,..M . • ..- 11. KERS Dressed .Pou,ltry4Ch,ickens, -spring, .. ; Oats, Can. West., No. 2, 62*.c; do, A gene,,,a,,, nankitig..T.,aat.te-aa. treneae,t. lb., 32 to 35c •;- hens, over 4• to 5 lb.No. 3, 59c; dd, extra No. 1 feed, 55e. ... L . . . Plour, Man. spring wheat'pets., firsts, deport aliens . who have ordiorod. this ed. Notes Diseoeuted, 'prate Issued, 30c;'do, 8 to 4 'llos,,25c; roost,ers,s22ci; . ' !Merest ALliowed On , Depdsdts. Sale deeklingS, 5 lbs..and up 30 'to 32c; 58.60 .to '58.80; ,do, seconds, $8.10 to country without observing the requir- Notes'Purch`ased; - - .- - - tozkeYs,' 40c, ; ' - ' ' ' 58.30:' Sle, stcSng bakers', $7..90 to ed formalities, with refererice to Can= ,• 13einis--Can. hand -Picked, 52.60 per 58.10. Bran, $30.25; shorts, '535.25; adianS, has been launched by the De - ...1, . buehels; primes, -52.40 per bushel. middlings $39 25. hay, No. 2 per ton, I-1 T. RANCE .Mapla .produce--eSyrup, per imp. car lots,. $'1.3.545. ' ' . : troit o. Moe of the United States Immi- Notary Public, Conveyancer. gale, $2.4.0e per 5 -gal, tin, 52.30 per Cheese, finest weste, 25c; do, finest gration Bureau. , - Financial, Real liIstate and ,Fire In- gal.; maple sugarelli„ 25 to.26c. , easts,,-Quebec; '211,4c. 'Butter, Twenty-five woMen, inost of then) surance Agent. Repi,esenting 14 Fire Honey -750 -lb. 'tins, 11;i' to 12C ner TOwnshiPs, 471/ac. Eggs, freah extras, of Canadian birth,have been arrested 10001901,4 Companies. lb.; 1041). tins; 11%to 12e,;54te. tins; 40 to 41c; 'f_reLlt, first§,' 34 to 36c. Po this week, and are being held atPolice 'Division Court Office Clinton 12 to 12eec; 2%ms -lb...t, 14 to ,14c tatees,-Quebee,.per bag, car lots, -$2.85 headquarters on eharges of violating • Smoked meats—Hams, med.., 29 tor' 52.90. . e unmigra ion lave. . ,• _ - 'W. BRYDONE ' , 81e: cooked hams, 43 to 45e; smoked. ''Calves, $6.50 .to $8.50-; hoga, 513.75 . Eighty. deportation warrants for toffs, 22c; cottage,,25.-to 27c; break- to 514; selects, $14.25. •. Barrister,. Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. ------------------ ,, - . : Office: ' URGE TEN -CENT TARIFF - 3,500 NEW SETTLERS- ' ° si.oAN BLOCK - cLiNron - ON U.S. MAGAZINES - ARRIVE AT WINNIPEG ,.. ,.. • . - . DR: . J.- C: GANDIER ... • _ ........_ ..- Office- Hours:—L30 to 8.30. i).,a,, 5.80 Publishers Allege 'Canadian One of the Special Trains, An to 8.00 pan., Sundays, 12:30 10.1130 p.m. 'Manufacturers Are Suffering, All -Men Train, First of its oqier houTs by aPpointment ouly... _• * - Kind Since War.' ' From Unfair Competition. — Office and Residence —.Victoria St.. - A ;despatch fronf,Ottawri says -re- - A• deepatch frorn Winnipeg says;— ' DR. -,R, L..c.ePointing out that Canadian marnifac- A'solid.phalaifir of nearly 3,500 immi- 1-1. S. BOWNm. turers were suffering from conmeti- grant settlers have hackled Winnipeg - ' ' Office Hours. . . .- ... A fiLl.f4N.ING HOMESTEAD 'LANDMARK . . ' Above.plioto slion-s the first stable on. the liornestead, '17 miles from - • . Yorli:ton, Sask., of lion.' Charles A. Dumiing, the recent addition to :lie rederal cabinet, wlicae cate.er been one of ,lie moat pherionienal 111 Cana- dian history, Tho house on the -homestead is now occupied by lolo parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sari Dunning. CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED TO DEPORT ALIENS WHO ARE ILLEGALLY IN UNITED STATES Canadians Arrested 1:>y Detroit Office of Immigration Bureau for Non-payment of Head Tax and Passport Fee. A despatch from -Detroit says :—An inspectors to question the women held intensive_campaign to round up and, at police headquarters. "We are making this humediate ex- amination so that thoSe who are legal- ly in the country may be released as soon as possible," Doig said. "Where we Sind the lew ha's been violated, it is our custom to release the violator on bond of 5500 and immediately begin deportation proceedings. "It is surprising that Canadians, who can enter tkis couetry as non-. quota aliens uporeyayment of the $8, heed tax and the $10 fee for ,a pass - both men and women have been ob. port visa and by submitting to an tained in the last month and by June examinatiOn when they enter 'iLhould 1 the whereabouts of about 500 Can- seek to enter the United States illegal- adian• citizens who are illegally in De- ly. This drive, we hope, will result in troit will he more or less definitely teaching prospective immigrants the known, according to Alexander M. advisibility of entering legally. If Doig, Chief Immigration Inspector for they do not enter legally they Detroit. •can -never become citizens and they Doig said the arrests were being are always- subject to deportation. made on information given his office However, they may apply for' aclmis- by other Canadians living in Detroit. eion to the -United States a year after He detailed a squad of immigration they have been deported." • ' tidd of manufaeturers.in the United during the past 20 hours, for' distri- Natural Resources, Bulletin. if You Are Canadian, newsprint output has al- Toe!, Tired 'to Eaf Hi.1,1 doubled in the past itV(1. y(1•9, 1•11 11.11,111(1 (101.P61 F3101611par/1111, A ViOn- vhile 'that of the 'United States has known Justice of the Peace in, Indi- pra.cticalb7 stood Ail:. To -day the out- put 'of the two countries is sabstan- rthfr0ce0dboitrItYs ligeb9e(aLtf'; Alierate.ril;yi'M'kelaniga ana says flood's Sarsaparilla makes tially the same although the present a day, worke hard, and sleeps.well, year should see Canada assume Pre- ' A grateful woman writes: "1 railer • position' -among-' the; world's earnestly recoil: -wsprint producing countries, ,ns tre.. who wish to be 1010(10 1110' , fe011 W111) fl , al:tend all ' women - thu” ds Plat ''P(Pani°11s 111. s. Sarsaparilla. arc troubled with that tired eling waY sr ,couten?Plilted t!' e10e105 1(1 t ake Hood' 'wonderfully , refieved me a 001,110 section of the Donlinieu, ExTertc, stomach, distress ,and bolobing„" which are largely to the United Slates; . Get Hood's, and only 10000is, have. incres.,50a almost tenfold since pre -way years, and' the proportion of exPoris • to that coin:try should- even When the Neighbors Helped. further increase as 'the various, Am- • erican paper 001100100010ePl3ce thio' In an old-fashioned town where n\Iv-)61h'etesitoe,e1,1,1tyr ane,,1„.hil:ianp0(eii1r'el.11;b,11'1,11 ti.Pii„:0cfrauentr,si pawor aro:(1r1 ont :fit lyclitasipt ii°,111105e.ald7hr'el. nrod vtoratist:niA1061eidiztaany the Childrerirs Soeiety ni7arytublelitcrYf ifnoterefsLttttur exaxiepiariesitolane pro- ,;"'ivoao-snitnlio'cluMth.'ag,i'stdrialeton111111:d. committed itatr duction figures (to the nearest 100,- young delinquent to the Industrial 000 tons), of the „two 'countries since SCheor and the Children's Aid man the war. production of newsprint in the U.S, riled agreed to keep him his hous in 'e oVernight and start on the early morn - "d Cailada. tons' ing train. He wanted to attend. the U.S. Canada prayer meeting‘and, to make sure of 1920, ' 1,500,000 9,00,000 • tho boy, decided' to take him aloag. 1921 1,200,000- 800,000- When they arrived., the members em. 1922 1,400,000 1,100,000 quitted who,the strange youth was and 1923 1.,50000 1,300,000 • they all became greatly interested in 1924 1,500,000 1,400,000 his 010150,1925 ' 1,500,000 • 1,500,000 Finally the' pastor said, "We must duction of recent years .wili le main-, our prayers." It naturally followed make,IhiS , boy the, special, ohkeet of That the increase in Canadian pro- tained seems inevitable; for -as .pointeditliat they all became des.ply concerned - out by the Natural Resources Intelliel about the lad's welfare, Several re- gence Service of the Dept. of the 11171 dies wanted him to dinner, to supper, teriorr most of the large produeinge fot a vie% etc,, and they decided to ecox'pnapiaisnijoens uhiaic%1;eer a codnotidlietroattgraanmd oilf1:1wreacteiutosnt the Magistrate in a body and that sentence be deferred. ,many cases, -under way and financed: i This was agreed to and' the result was - New' organizations, some of 'huge pre- I that the boy never got to the Refeem portions, have been, incorporated, and f` School. He made so xnany friends and are definitely committed to prekinetive learned to think so highly of Jib-nee:if , programs. •consequence, that he applied bun- ' .A, brief review of some of these de- 'self earnestly to work and study and velopments -may be of interest, to shoW, 0SOW 3 ,steadye reliable young • num. not only the magnitude of the propos- ed plans in the'aggregate, but • Inventive ManActive in the also the wide geographical distrihution of the pulpwood stands to be brought into Last ?5 Years.• prOauctioll, will be erected as the resu:t of open- In' the lase twenty-fiv-e years, Man .In Quebec a number of new . ing up more than 5,000 squhre miles ,„ ha,s outstripped other YeSiode in the number and kind'of his inyentions Lake Se John and Ottawa River dis- Popular Mechanics: practicel application, says of virgin limits in .1926 largely in the and tricts. TWO of the most important Of A quarter of a century ago, no one the new mills are those of the St. [11, ad heard of a radio, submarine.% war Regis Coinpany at Cap Rouge and the 'an"--' machine guns,- airplanes and International Company on .the Gat- wireless telephones as, articles ot el- ineau River near Ottawa, tlfe latter 910.0t dallY service, The world then.- wag.doubilng Marceni and the ,then,. mill -alone being designed for an,out- group ot men who believed in radio, put of. 450 tens daily_ The Interim, while . experimenters with airplanes tienal Company. is also enlarging its were .tolerated ace amusing "cranke." Three Rivers plaiirliy nearly 400 tens To -day, the roar of 'the :Mail planes daily, and is expanding its 'sulphite -daily is heard- over' the "route of the mill- at KiPaiva. Other organizations old Pony:Express., armies of the world in the ,T.laree Rieers district adding fight le the air, and it is becoming the substantially to their output are the great highway for peace -time travel Wayagamack, 'the St. Lawrence and the Beigo Canadian and. shipeing. Companies, In important applications and changes the Lake St John district Price Bros, have been made In old inventions, The Limited and the Port Alfred Coin - _ • • 1.80 to 3.30 p.m': 7.30 to 9.00 p,m, States who were able to reach the bution throughout the Westeen prey- EIGHT SURVIVORS OF stuatays 1.00 to'2.00 p.m. Other hours bj, appointment. ganadian consumers with their adver- inces. •' SHARPSHOOTER TROOP Phones itisements adreitted free jilt° this steadyetrearn of newcomers, pour- ' !country in periodicals, and week -end ed into the city by epecial trams on Oilice and Rbaidence, Ontario Street. , any. ReScue Column Pick Up Rein - t h Th d X 11- . , and w no aving urs ay, one o w , an a men Phone 218. •• . newspapers siness cstabiishnoenton this countri, train, was the lint of its kind since DR. FRED -G. -THOMPSON did not have te pay taxes in Catiada, the war. By evening a total of nearly a deleghtion from the Magazine Pub- 2,000 "new 'Canadians" had reached • Office and Residenee: lishing Association of Canada inter- the city, a new day's ieeord in Can - Ontario Street • • Clinton, Ont. Viewed Premier W. L. Mackenzie adais co.onization history, After a day arid night of terror, hair - One door west of Anglican Church. King, memf members o- the Cabinet and 'The first contingent was exclusively breadth escapes from the Brines; and Plione 172.Leaders of the C,oneervative and Pro- nunfrcomposed' of iigrints from. Central fighting, the eight survivors of a coin - Byes examined and glasses fittect-le't gressive partieS, • Europe. Later arrivals included puny of French and Sengalese sharp - As a solution of this problem.the eBritishers, French, , SeandinaSianis,1 shooters have been picked up by a DR. PERCIVAL HEARN , delegation suggested the ' imnosing of Ukrainians and Poles. *Everjr mem- rescue 0011111111. a, tariff of 10 cents a pound on all ber of the men's special were brought, periodicals and -week-end magazines from the farms of Hungary.' They entering Canada. will proeeed to jobs previously ob- This tariff, they pointed out, would tained ,for them.' equal the existing tariff of 15 cents a Westbound trains carry their quota. pound on all advertisements entering negrer their ultimate( destinations. On the country under any other' guise one tJin which left for the west than publications. The present tariff Thursday afternoon 286 settlers were is also subject to a 21/e emit ad valor- booked. for Edmonton, •, em setvice tax:. The ,proposed taeriff would, the delegation claimed, eqazol the percentage of advertising matter carried in incoming publications. Figures produced by the delegation indicated, that an -average of 40,000,e 000 copies of ;United States Magazines entered Canada 1,elte1i arid approxi- mately 15,000,000 copies of 'United States week -end newspapers. If taxed !,s suggested the revenue to the Gov- ernment would approximate 55,000,000 yearly on the present circulation of imported publications: - The Canadian publishing trade was also suffering from outside conmeti- _ tion, the delegation pointed out, by be- ing subjected to heavy taxation on both material and general business. It was suggested that the proposed tariff Would assist. -in checking the influx. of obnoxious foreign publica- tions. s don Flying Fie:d by a fleet' of -planes which went out to meet him, in one of WIAch. Mrs, Cobham was.a passen- ger. 'Cobham completed- hie long jour- ney by flying from Lyons by way of nant of French and Paris. He arrived here on the fifteenth day Senegalese. • after leaving .Capetown, beating the A eldspatch from Paris says:— Steamier Windsor Castle, which left Capetown the same day with, whieli he was ra.cing. The steamer' is due at Southanipton Monday. Cobham already had some remark- able long distance flights to his credit 0 before his round trip journey to the The company was trapped on the Cape, He began his flight to Capetown heights of Nedeha, the day before yes- November 16, reaching his destinatiot terdaY, and after hours of fighting February 17. His return journey was attempted to escape during the night. begun February 26, and in the fleet Dragging their Ivotinded, they struck seven days he covered 5,000 miles. out across country. But having only Terrific heat and dust storms added to just landed in Syria they lost their the difficulties of his journey across way andlwandered into a stroni force Egypt. • He used the same De Ravi - of DrUSeS. All were lcil:ed except land -50 plane on his Indian' and Cape eight, who eurvived in the broken flights. ground until the rescuers came up. . British Airman Finishes Do -wager Queen afs Denmark Flight of_ 16,009 Miles . Suffers from Pneumonia A despatch from Croydon, Eng., says :—Alan J. Cobham, British avie- A despatch • fiem • Copenhagen tor, arrived at the air field here -on says:—The Danish • queen mother, Frtday, completing EiS sensational Louise, is suffering from an attack of 16,000 -mile round trip flight to Cape- pneumonia. . ' Office and Residence:. Huron Street Clinton,. Ont. Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by the late Dr. C. W. Thompson). Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted. D.-. H. McINNES Chlropractoo--Massour Wingleanr, will. be at the Commer. *lel• Inn, Clinton, On IVIondey and 'Thursday forenoons each week. Diseaete of all kinds successfully handled. • GEORGE ELLIOTT . - Licensed 'Auctioneer for the County of Huron.' Correspondence promptly anewered. immdi eate arrangements can•be made fOr-sait. Date at The Neese -Record, Clinton; or by'eallleg Phone -203. Charges Moderate and Satiefaetion" Guaranteed. ' B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. , General Fire and Life Insurance.'Agent - tor Hartford Winestorm, Live Stock; Automobile and Sickness and Accident insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana- da Trust Bonds, APPOintments made to meet parties 81 Brucelleld, Varna and 13ttylield. 'Phone 57. OSCAR .ipLopp •PLAN PRESERVATION Honor Graduate Carey Pines' National OF NIAGARA FALLS School of Auctioneering, Chicago.'Spe- cial 'Courtaken in. Purt e rga ed Live Stock, Real se "Estate, Merehe,nd•e en led -Canadian •Deletion Meets , Farm- 51(1118. Rates in IteePiagewith Americans 'in Ccalference PreValling market Sadsetuction • as- • at Washington eured. Write or wire, •ziniich, Ont. A • despatob from Washington says:Preservation-of Niagara Falls, The ivienilop including methods to prevent enlargs.- Ment of its -notch, was taken up at a . co1ifoinc0 on Thursday between Can - Fire Insurance C6mpaftychits at the. State Dept. here. Hon, acia and United' States Federal - offiCharles Stewart, Dominion Minister Head Office; Se.e,forth, Ont. IDIRECToRY: of the Interior, headed the Canadian group. President, James ConnollyGotherich; Secretary Herbert .Hoover of the Vice, -lames Evans, 13eeclrwood; Sec, ueitee states Dept. of Commerce, who Treasurer, Thos. E. Hays, Seeforthe . Directors; George. McCartney, Sea- declared in a recent •address at Chl- , forth; D. P. mcGregor, se.aforth; J. G. cago that if stepe were net taken to ' Grieve, Walton;• W,m. Ring, Seaforth; prevent beeaking of the escarpment at M. MoIlsen; Clinean; Robert Ferries, the Falls, Niagara would become a Harlockrroba Bennewetr, Brodliagen; great rapids instead of a "gigantic 'Jas, Connolly, Ooderich. Agents.: Alex, Leitch, Clinton; e, -ttr, waterfall, led the representatives or this country. 'J. T. JohnstOrt; Director muchray, sea- forth ;\ W. Chesney, ER: 'and Chief Engineer -of the Canadian greondville: G. jarinath Bradt:igen. . Interior DePt., arc), Dr. 0. D.-81cracm, dOly money to. be . paid in may be Under-Secretary of State for -Extern- , . paid to Moth•Isql Clothing Co., Clinton, „al Affairs, werc also on the ,Canadian or at 091110 Grocery, Coclerich.....- • delegation. • Parties desiring to affect insurance traa'sact elhar .businepe• will be Promptly attende4 to on appficatien to tity of the aboVe odieers addresoed to their respective post eillcc. Lesscs inspected by the Director -who lives • nearest the scene. , • TIME TABLE • rl'raina will. arrive 110, /1/111 tlettarl frOin Clinten as follows: Buffalo and Coderfoll Div. Prince, of Wales ans Own 5-10nec A despatch from London says:— Tim Prince of Welee spon will have a new yesidenee in London, Marlborough llome, and he is personelly directieg the .wore ef its prepera1;ion for his occuenticy. As 00011 as the ,105011; was - beguii.lie \vent over iha. plans hirnse:f and made several radical changes. . colag. .001a,Lift 6.25 p.m. • T1111. PrillDni told tile contractors. that 2„ 0.15), wou.d visit the p:acc every ,few'z SPENT YEARS o'rq GOLD BITE i-AVITE101,JT 86809015150 IT, •, Going West., 0)'. 11.10 'tern, days, Fon! onduned that; 1s he inf,ormed The 11'1'T Cr 151 t11.112 11110171 the turival tilfct.s.ch 1055 factor 9'o1'rnte, 'rho have e5.'115.; on " ar. 6.08 d'P. 6.53 P.mof l',11), changes made. in the present or 01 c'Cis n 0.6 ir.11 11 15 !telt art 11 1) aS a tr artper hos ft 1100 a every l' ot cf 15 11111, amuaa wi 1 11 cuu 111 1),13210'1- 11. 10.04 11)1 3 10• ' 0i110, 110 10) of 'William P1o1 1103111 t•1011>.1 Flay 1'01' yc.irs, 111 1,1iltelLyea",e ago, in sea1i,11,ef 1 I GO Le,w0o, • • ILo has asked ins mother, Queen aril. pcsi(11acier,of ,.5111011 WW1) or. 1 . 625 witI0001 'over , suzi usci.vg 1 hitn- . 1 1 eoAI, the lower .}.01;ii c Mary, to s"lect tife. decotatons Err his Lal1e. lo 111(9 1,510 the esnriliii re- {allied .gold. AL tim Aver left are 5Vii- with a tient and pike 1a1..111 0 11 1 01 Couig' Nor1•11 clelmrt 110110 rcside'a-ce, cud t -his• He. r 1\/1-fiiestY glat'elue:Ita jo.11 o Wai of mail' 161,1101159 1/11131 1„1e10 llrayeoLl, 00 , the 123.111.. fle.•1 Laltc. j1005 1, 55 he cticle, i \ 0.1..1,m 1.11.,T, King George Goes to Windsor Instead of Mediterranean . . A despittch from London says:— Ring Geerge's health is so good that lie will not spend Easter in the Medi- terranean as he did last year. He will go to Windsor with Queen Mary foe Easter, and probably stay town, South Africa. there (luring April, , The aviator was eicorterl into Croy- pany ere busily engaged in enlarging reaper, for instance, was. knewn neer-, their facilitiesee.0 a large settle. ly a century ago, but only In the last e Ontario's most notable pulp and pa- tweuty-ftve years has it. been com per developments are about to take - bined with the thresher. Maim' plc - place in the KapuskasingThunder ture, -relaying photographs by radio, , the use of radium and the X-ray, are Bay4ind,Lake bilpigon districts, each o of which centre is to see mills of 500achievemen•tof the present century. ' tons any capacity, according to un- ciai"fermatlee now aVailablc• Movable Glass Eye Made oTflfileealth capital required for these nor-. ern Ontario developments is stated to to Do Everything But See be nearly one hundred million dollars. ---m- Berlin says:— At-7mi Frances the Backus interests A. despatch fro are doubling their newsprint pleat andi Movable glass eyes, which are hard the wallboard industry is 0001005..to distinguish from normal eyes be. cause they are subject to the control, 'Prndt'aur Maritime Province:: num. 01.410 unisal"P have been success - ter of small piante' are under. Con_ fully fitted by Dr. Carl Mueller, of sidthmti,4, 01111(1,61101111(1,611110130'3)n'11110Jena; noted artificial eye specialist. is prop,;•eel (two 106,tion machine> at De.,Mueller found that in 90 out of 13 'Bathurst, N.„,) and a large develop- 100 cases of the loss of an eye the menteunder considerationby the Inter -01050111 and nerves controlling tho , national Peper Co. in cennection with movement of the eye we're unimpaired. Dowager Queen Louise of Demeark the Grand Falls power development. He said he fastens eonnecti ro rn 1851. - The Prairie Provinces are having muscle tissue of animals to a glass eye Wee bo .• -their flrst paper milla installed, a 200- land .grafts thesd tissues onto the rem. "POSTA L 'DEPARTMENT" REACHES RED LAKE 1,10,1,3=.0L44 toil plant at Fort Alexender, near the nants of theluroan eye muscles. The mouth of Winnipeg River, and a am, extremely delicate operation requires ond is being discussed.. about an hour, and he has been sac - On the Pacific Coast largo interests cessful in from 80 to 90 per cent, of have reorganized and put nety money his cases. Success (Wanes to a large into „some of the smaller companies, extent, he asserted, upon the condition namely the Beaver Cove and Whalen of the eye eoeket after the loss of organizations and a large ,and perm- the °Ye' anent production is looked for. A neW rayon fibre -plant 18 also being planned Iceberg Boasts Walerfall. for NeW Westminster. In addition to this, extensions amounting in. tIid ag- A despatch from Seward, Kaska, gregate to several million (Fellers are rays :---Exceptional mild weather ,-,fr being, planned , by the Powell River the Alaskan, coast is nieltiug the huge icebergs,. recently broken from tho • This rough sarve.y or the program. Muir and Mendenhall glaciers at a ef expansion in the Canadian news- rapid rate. One large berg was pass- • print industry is by no means a ern- ed by -the steamship Northwestern, plete 'Onet but it will serve to convey whose captain reported seeing a good- beiefly and with emphaSis the iturno- si7,ed waterfall pouring over a steep diate future Tor Canada as a dominat51 e - ing figuri: in the world of neWsprint • Prince of Wales Plans • "Holiday in South France A despatch; from London says: -- The Prince of Wales, The Westminster , Gazette announces, has decided to take a short holiday on the Continent early, • in April. The newspaper 'says that,l according to the Prince's secretary, his I plans are not yet Reed, 001 110 has no engagements from Easter until April • 20. Tile Prince's holiday, about a foet-i 'night, is likely 50be. spent., soniewhere in the South of France. 11,05 11.15 a.m, has agrcsd to 00. You should always keep a bottle • of '•Chelmberlain's Stomach and Lifer Tablets' 00 1110 ohelf. The littlefolk so often need a mild and safe cathartic and they do appreciate Chamberlain's instead of nauseate oils and mixtures, ' Tor 0�flia4Ih sroubtes and constipation, Mvo oneiust befora 'gator to bed, All drlusgiata 551,010 send to CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE 00., '1080300 ID - , Whet these men intro dons, von eon dol In ronr spore tines gickStrettas . r 1 ouirztr o . , R.ead These Amor nst at home you ciin onsily roaster Ihminucts et rolling that make 'Stories of Soecesa Star Salestnen. Whatever your orttoristire has htsn..-r,Itatt,,si10, t , you rosy bc doing noW-whether or not you think you 009 I...I .1 1,o W et L Just aexlver 11:11 question: Arc you ambitious to care 510.000 5 year? Then get hi 50)111511111: 7.0 at once 0 I Will }0.010 to you without cost or obttgation that yolt cell easily beeonte 0 Stoe Salearnan. 1 will ahow yoo hsu. thr Sa50maniih5p Trainiittv nnil Free Employment Sennett of theiS. S. tr. A. Will 1.015 yoa to quicl: 1003010 in Selling. ._ $1 0 00O/A Year `einPSecrets 1.m1 mall pny or 1,1Incl.nlIcy lob, Ow 11,4 tom1:1•14, 1,1 kiInt1er •.•,11,1 y101 ,..,071,11,ivilS„,ea,(.14,1.10,,l,n,,,,,taAl.tg4.,Tin„1:••,,h,1?„,1,2.,s1.1.„1:11.,:,./11,1,,,1f 11.,1:e,,.1,„1., 1,111.L.:1;jr,.1.,,i,,I•ntrity, :II, Ill, CIOillt, tlic. fold a 00Ii0t: 00'000 Vio 0 0ii:5,I0:0. 110,100 1,1, CMI or 1,11, . iational ,...:alesinci•is TrainiriG Associatx. ; c,„,,,>;„„ ms.,., 0,,052 ,T„,.....,,,,, 001, , , v