HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-03-18, Page 8i,. aesseseisasseeimu c _ CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELLERY STORE' ' -If you have a radio, it'll keep hiin 'home off the streets ' away from the'wl'ang companions If you haven't. ac son 'you 'need a radio anyhow, for your own amusement;' ehtertatinnent,, wind enlightenment;,•jS) oo s2m. ';Trans Atlantic, complete'•$425 fi Mai coniphone; compl'etea$225 Vis. H• JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto' College of Optometry • Fine Jewellery- and . Repairs Next, Rovey's Drug Store essiseeseawma C1 + then of ' Clualitg Our Spring stock of Cloth- ing in.. the new styles and fabrics should interest you. Boys appreciate good clothes as well as Dad We are making a special" effort to increase our turn- over on Boys' Clothing dur- ing this month by, quoting very close prices. Our Boys' Clothing is well made Ity some 'of the best manufacturers, of all wool materials and are ieai values, PIurnstee1 PHONE 25. POS. L. W. CURRELL—THOS. SHIPLEY WHAT ELSE PLEASE? SARDINES JAMS CEREALS CATSUP CANNED GOODS POTATOES APPLES ORANGES CELERY HEAD LETTUCE Gathered. here froth all corners of the earth• are nature's most delie. ious food products, ready for yeur instant ordering. Staple and fancy groceries, always fresh and at the lowest Seriees is a rule here. BRING YOUR ORDER HERE • THE C, & S. GROCERS • Main Store, Phone 125 W. Brandi Store, Phone 125 J. ELECTRICAL WORK We do wiring and in- stall all kinds of electrical equipment. Special prices for wiring entire buildings. We carry beautiful modern lighting; fixtures in stock, may we show them to you and give you an estimate on your eye- -Weal needs? Sutter Perdue' BARD WARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING -es ,PHONE 147w • THF VOGUE ■. The Vogue Millinery is now prepared to show all the latest fancies in smart Millinery for immediate wear for the corning season. Your Inspection .is most Cordially Inviter'. 1 IBM We've fined ourselves eight cents en a small sized letter pad and twelve `cents on the large sited pad. These .we -regarded as good value 'a1 20c for the. small size and 30c for the Iarge size, You Collect the Fines' When you buy at twelve cents for the small size and eighteen cents for the large size, 80c for"one of each. One: hundred 'sheets medium 'quality paper in each. The more you buy the more'Yon save. • You know that when you buy away from home it is not doing the home town any particular good and when you do buy in- the hone town the money stays at :home •and you may again possess it in whole or in part. Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best lir l' - i p� IIINpWu111u4t111iillt�� (i se •e cfsnmmol It," Mrs. I3. R. Sharpe visited hers, sister in Aylmer last week. Miss Ruby Irwin was in Toronto the beginning of the 'Week. Mr. ,ICenneth Roberton • has been spending a fortnight's Vacation in Detroit. Mr. and. Mrs. Fletcher Gibbings visit- ed Mr. R. J. and Miss Jean Miller Ms Sunday.' • Miss McMacon of Toronto spent the week -end as the guest of Misses Ward and Stone. Mr. Binee Holland of Lanes was the week -end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Holland. Mr. Frank McCaughey of Toronto was in town Tuesday, attending the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs. J. B. Reynolds. ' Rev. J. E. Ilogg was in. London on Monday attending a meeting of the Rorie Mission committee of the London Conference. Mrs. (Dr.) P. W. Wiiithorpe of Sas- katoon, arrived last week and will spend. a month or so with her father, Mr•. 'W. G. Smyth. Mrs. George Roberton and . Mrs. George McLennan were called to Detroit on Friday last owing to the illness of .their brother, the late George 'MacRae. Mr. George 'Weavers of Orient, Wash., has been in town this week, . being called hither by the illness of his brother, Isaac Weavers, who died this morning.' Mrs. Robert Graham of Birmingham, Eng., arrived in • town last week from Ne* York to visit. Mr, and Mrs. D. B. Cunningham, friends of former years in the Old Country: Mr. Wilson Rath of Stratford spent the week -end with his mother in town, Mr.. Rath is leaving. Stratford for West Toronto, where he is en- tering the employment of the Can- adian General Electric Co. • Mr. A. B. MoBrien of Essex and Mr.. and Mrs. W. 3. SfeBrien of Euliett spent Monday with Mr. R: J. and Miss Sean Miller. Mr. A. a. Me - :Brien left Tuesday morning for Essex. Mrs. W. E. Milletand Mrs. A. Baines and Misses Marion and Ruth and Mrs. S. J. Miller of Goderich were visitors Thursday last at the home of Mr. R. J. Miller, of ..town, All had been guests at the Gibbings MoBrien wedding in Mullett on Wednesday. • - Constance; "Evergreen ,Grove" the •home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MoBrien,; was the scene of a very pretty wedding' on Wednesday afternoon, March ,10th, when their second daughter, • Amy Viola, became the bride of Fletcher Benjamin '•Gibbings, of Kindersley, Sask., son of R. J. Gi:bbings, •formerly if Tuckersrnith, The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T. I3. •Brown of .Seaforth, under an arch of evergreen from the centre of which hong a white wedding bell. As the little nieces of the bride, Miss Madelon Mason and Miss Elean- or Mclerien held two ribbon stream- ers forming an aisle, the bridal party entered, theroom to the strains of Lohengrin's bridal chorus, played by Mies Mary McBrien.. The bride Was lovely in a gown of orchid georgette over peach satin and carried a sheaf of ` roses and carna- tions. Miss Grace Landsborough, Who acted as bridesmaid, was$ beano frilly gowned in chantilly crepe and carried sweet peas and carnations, The Froom was attended by,"Mr. Se- cord McBrien, brother of the bride, Following the ceremony a wedding, dinner was daintily served 10 some. Qin famt Nevri Record HUES") Y, MARCI1 ill, ;1$2$. elf 1e'd •:' Ou*r. North Window is _+ul1 of Owls If you , would be as Wise as an Owl -Watch these BARGAIN , PRIG BIRDS Every Bird a Special for you. Do not miss a Bird. Do; not let then Fly Away lb...'Granulated Sugar for .. $1.00 Pot Barley; per ib 7 lbs. Rolled Oats for .. 28c 5e 5 lbs. Corn :Meal for '' 25c Blacked Wheat, 4 lbs.for 48e 2 lbs. Dried'Peas for Black iver Tea,er lb, , .. ' 25c Silver Polish, per bottle , A$E 8 cans Oorii' for• $1.00 Klenbrite, per lin • . 25c Soda Biscuits, broken, 2 lbs. for 25c Red Salmon,' per tan , , Hoeni -About. the Crow ? :.. We feel Like crowing about our Fruit and Early South Vegetables. Juicy Sweet Oranges per dozen, 29e and up Large Florida Grape Fruit —,Southern California Cabbage Lettuce—Radishes1-4Cauliflowers Spinach—Carrots The Birds in Florida andCalifornia aiequite"as wonderful as this Fruit A Bird in the Nand is Worth two hi the Nest And the ":.Earliest Birds to catih the Easter Eggs are the wisest ones. We have a complete assortment from tiny eggs. to large beautiful Bunnies and Roosters,all chocolate of 'course. • We have china mugs with . eggs for . . , .. 25e China Cups and 'Saucers for 60e China Egg Cups, Chicken Coops 5c -10e -15c Tea Demionstiration Our Tea Demonstration will be on Show Day, April 1. We will lie pleased to give you a cup of -tea—Our demonstrator will gadly explain the real value and -quality of this special line. Be sure you'are up early with the Birds on Show Day and don't miss this demonstration, A .Little Bird Has told us to tell you about the newest Soap Deal—And: it is a` real orie. We only regret'` we have just ai limited supply of these Sauce Pan Deals, but we will reserve you one. Heavy` white' enamel Sauce Pan containing 1 large CChipsoe 9 GeRld or P. & G., 2 Guest Ivory, 1 Ivory, regular $2.20, coni- eletct for $1.45. We hope to open these out Monday, 'march 22nd • - We have an Ahnouncement tomake regarding our "New Jeliyteria." Wehope to have it ori -display for Show 'Day., Further News Later. In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. '' Kind!), Order Early Cash and Service Wa1 Pr to Neil Where "Sells for Less "price prevails. - d47#4s KPMIV°00010111A0 wovit IMvo Phone 48 forty-five. guests. Mr. Brown, the jovial toastmaster, spoke in very high terms' of the bride, to which toast the groom made an excellent reply. Later in the evening a reception was. given for the many friends and neighbors. Those'present front' a distance were: Mrs, W. E. Miller, Mrs. A. Barnes and daughter, Marion, of Royal Oak, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. G. R. MoBrien,. Detroit, Mich.; - Mrs. A. R. MoBrien, Misses Olive and Mary MaBrien of Essex; Miss Myrtle Lalveon of Tor- onto; Mr. Robert Gibbings of Rose - town, Sask., and Mrs. Louisa of Goderich. • The many lovely gifts betoken the high esteem in which the young cou- ple are held and a host of good wish- es follo'g the to their new home in the West. Miss. Jean Lawson was able to be brought home an Sunday from the hospital. We hope she will continue to improve.' Mrs. Wiu. Britton was called to Forest on account of the illness acid death of per mother, Mrs, VICRoria. ' •Misses Martha and Mary Cook of Goderich township spent a few days with their sister, Mrs. Jas, Riley. The King's Daughters are having a box social here on Thursday night of this week. • ' Mr. WM. Britton attended the fun- eral of his another -in-law,. Mos. Me- Rorie, at Forest on Thursday. The assessor, Mr. John Smith, Iias been making his annual visits. Peerless Jubilee Concert The Peerless Jubilee Concert Co, will give an, entertainment under the auspices of the Baptist church in the Town Hall, Clinton on Tuesday, March 30th at 8 o'clock , Watch for Further Announcement Admission—Adults, 50e; Children, 26c 49-2 Masquerade D > nee In the Pastime Club Rooms on FRIDAY EVEN/NG, MARCH 19th Dancing from 8:80 to 1 o'clock. Gentlemen $1. Ladies please provide 49-1 RADIO - A CANTATA MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 29th the 'choir of Ontario, street United church will render, for the benefit of the W. M. S.,' the beautiful cantata "The King Eternal" This will be; a rare musical treat. Come and enjoy it. Tickets Only 25c ' Ye Okla Tlrne Fiddlers Huron Central Agricultural Society are holding A FIDDLERS' COMPETITION' SPRING SHOW b GIFT - Thursdau, Apr,' Town hail, Clllntota Prizes for Competition as follows: 1st, $10.; 2nd, $7.; 3rd, $5.; 4th, $8. RULES 1Open to Counties 'of Bruce, I Inr- on and Perth.• 2. Each contestant to play two se- lections, one selected by committee and the other by contestant. ' 8. No entry fee charged' and $1:00 paid oath contestant not receiving a prize. Any or all contestants liable for service during dance.. 4. Accompanist provided, 5. Judges award is final. 6, Committee in charge reserves the right to stake any additional rules that may appear necessary,; 7. Old time waste to be'basis of contest. 8. Professionals are not eligible. Old Time Dance After Concert AdmissionlContest, 25e, no reserve seats. 'Dance, 25c. Proceeds' to go to Spring Show Funds H. C. Cox, Pres. W. J. Miller, Treas. E. Resell, S. B. Stothers$ Secr'etaries Worn out tubes which light up re- juvenated. Price 25c each. No charge for testing. OR SALE --One De Forest ,Crbs- ley -8-tube set, this year's model, all new tubes, baeteries, Muscone loud speaker. Large solid mahogany cab- inet, with room inside for, batteries. Price $125.43. Mso one two tube set, all complete. 'Price 950.00. Eremer- Tuliey three tube sets, all complete, $75.00 to $100.00. Every Set Guaranteed One Year H. A. HOVEY IS THE TIME TO ORDER SAP PANS-BUCKETS—SPIRES and be ready. for the sap when;it.be- gins to run Eland snec e pans and buckets made to order, 'r HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 SPRIN Is Just Around the Corner And May be Here Any Any —Hope So , We are ready for all you'' requirements for houseclean- ing with a large stock of Muresco — the housewife's friend—In all colors. It eau be applied over old paper and makes a good looking job. A full stock of the cele - b r• a t e d Sherwin-Williams Paints, Varnishes and Stains for both inside and outside work. Ask fora deinonstrtion of Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher- This is a real labor saver. Lots of Floor Wax of all kinds. See our specials in Blue and White Granite, your' choise at $1,19 FURNITURE DEPARTMENT As usual we are ready with a fine new steels of Congoleunr Rugs, all sizes, and Congoleunr by the yard. • Linoieums in different pat- terns and widths and Oilcloths galore. Rugs in Wilton, Axminsters, Brussels and Tapestrys. Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo. FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT bEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 Stop and Think Nis only 3 more weeks till c,aster, so it is not too soon to think of a Spring'suit or Spring 'overcoat. The new cloths are arriving now and we have a nice range - from $30. to $50, Semi Ready suits from $21.50 up. Biltmore Hats. and Fit -u -well caps in the. new spring colors and shapes. Davis & Herman VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W Spot Cash for Eggs and Poultry We are in the market for Eggs and Poultry all seasons of the year, prepared to, pay top prices for top quality. Last week 96 percent of our egg receipts',• from farmers graded Extras and firsts: Grading Counts •'Old hens should be disposed of now. Our prices are riget for good quality stock. GUNN,.. LANGLOIS & Co., Limited READ OFFICE ` MONTREAL, QUE. ' Clinton Branch open each day from 7 a.m, to 6 p.m. Write, Phone or Call for any further information you require GUNN,. LANGLOIS & CO., LIMITED. ' \ CLINTON, ONT., BRANCH PHONE 160