HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-03-18, Page 5Clinton Neva `s-Itecivr'd
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A steady Vasil Income
YOU can realize on your field crops only once a year,
A but the returns from a regular milk cheque and a
well -selected' flock of poultry will provide a cash
income month by month.
WVitha small initial investment for first-class fowls and
equipment, .poultry will help to make your .farm'- self-
sustaining. They will utilize waste material, prove a,
constant source of xevenue and provide a profitable and
pleasant` diversion for,your wife and children.
Ask fora copy of oar Memoranda gook, cantaiuin8,.
useful information for farmers.
Clinton Branch
R. E. Manning, Manager
.Brlicefleicl. ,.
Fortunately for artists, there are
those who delight in food for the soul
as Welles the kind provided at a box
social or a tea- meeting. The aud-
ience which heard Mrs. ICing of Wind-
sor last Wednesday' . evening. .was a
.disappointingly small one, but made
.up in enthuisasm and ' appreciation
what it'•1deked.-in numbers. Genuine
•disappointment`was felt when it be -
'came known that this artist would not
be .heard. in Brucefield again. The
choir girls sold candy in the base-
ment prior to the concert, the 'pro-
gramm of which consisted of Mrs;
King's song's, her duets with Mr. and
Mrs, Armour, piano number from
Miss Eleanor +Snider, reading from
Miss Irene Snider, viglin solo by Mr,
Jarvis Horton and selections from the
Boyce Orchestra. Mrs. King's gift of
song is loved both -for what it makes
people,forget and what it makes them
remember. This is the luxury of
The Women's Missionary Society
met last Wednesday, Miss Munroe
taking charge of the meeting, Mrs.
Dow leading in prayer, Mrs. Haugh
reading the scripture passage and
Mrs. Johnston conducting the study
period. • `a.•
Oa Tuesday, the 23rd, at 2 o'elock,
there wiil'be the Easter thank offering
meeting, the W. M. S. providing the
program and the Y...W. A. .the after-
noon tea:: The Sunshine Bags of the
Y. W. A. are to be in and members
of each Auxiliary are asked to have
their :Easter offerings ready, Mr.
Armour will be the thief speaker. A11
interested, menand women, ,wil•I be
made welcome.
Mrs. Andrew Scott won ,the prize
rose bush offered by the secretary of.
the Horticultural Society. The co-
operation of the members was splen-
did. All orders werein by the tenth
and duly despatched. The options
were given merely as a guidance in
grouping but were nsed by oraetioally
all, although some members arranged
• to take, as their premimns, stock no,;
printed On the premium list, accord-
ing to agreement. From time to time
there will be benefits as finances per
mit. Special cyclamen seed is coming
over fronts England for distribution
to each member and later on there
wilt be others. An order for stock is
going.out onthe twentieth for the
• convenience of members wishing fur-
ther orders of any stock whatever.
While in Brucefield last week lvira.
King of Windsor was the guest of
• 'her friends, ' Rev.. C. G. and Mrs,
Armour, at the Manse.
The United church choir has been
:meeting at the Manse for the last few
weeks after Wednesday evening ter -
vice. Last week.they planned to have
• the Peerless Jubilee Singers here on
the 29th, a troupe of eight colored
singer's, and they also organized, with
Miss Irene Snider as convenor, Miss
' Elizabeth Scott as secretary-treasur-
-er and Mr. Ellwood .Stackhouse as
rimus:c secretary, these three to form
a general committee of the choir.
Varna ,
Mr,; and Mis. Wm, 'McDonald of
Porter's Bill spent Sunday at the
home "of Mr. and Mrs. F. Weekes of
-the. Pair line.'
A most enjoyable evening was spent
in the township hall Tuesday ev,ening
of last week when a goodly innber
of t r'
e fleasr
h d and neigh bot^s of
Messrs.. Wilmer Reid and GarnetMay-
lop *ere •,entertained at an old time
dance and euchre party, A dainty
lunch was served . epft twelve o'clock,
'after which the hothe waltz was given
and the party broke up,
Misses Annie and Emily Keys, who
have spent. the winter at ,Oshawa,
-have returned to, their home, in the
Mr. a H, Beatty made a business
trip to London Saturday last.
We are sorry to report that Mrs,
'Wn. ,Colclough is again under the
doctor's care. 4
Miss Clark, who has been with Mrs.
Keys for the past month, bas re-
turned to her home in ,Hensall:
Miss Mossop spent the week -end at
the home of her brothel., Mr. J. Mot -
sop of the Bronson• line.
Mise Welsh spent the week -end in.
Our merchants are unloading a ear.
of 'salt at Brucefield on Friday, Mer;
L. 0. L. No. 1935 will hold their
next regular meeting ` on Wednesday
evening, March 24th. After the busi-.
nese is concluded there will be a
program of songs, music, Members
are 'requested to provide lunch. Vis-
itors welcome.
Messrs. B. Rathwoll, Co, Master of
South Finron, L. Epps and C. Diehl
attended the Provincial Grarid Lodge
f Ontario West, held in Landon 1ast
• <il ullett Township
On Jan. 29th cast Mr. John Mer-
gers of Woodrow, Sask., but for many
years a resident of-Goderich town-
ship, celebrated his eighty-eighth
year. Word comes from his western
home that Mr. Marquis enjoys .the
best of health and is in possession of
all' ^his faculties, He went west about'
fifteen years ago, several mindsets of
his family residing there, and adapted
himself to his new surroundingss with
the readiness of a man much younger.
Mr. W Marquis of the Base line is a
Mr. L. Tyndall has sold his farm on
the third concession to Isis sen -in-law,
Mr. Howard .Trewartha of Goderich
township, who takes possession in the.
coming spring. Mr. Tyndall intends
having a sale of his stock; etc., in
the course of a few weeks but for the
present he and Mrs. Tyndall will re•
main in the house, which in a coln-
modiops one, Mr. Tyndall has been
far7n'ing in Mullett for a number of
years and by hard work•and close at-
tention to business has made a suc-
cess of it. ` The family lived for a time
in East Wawanosh, then carne down
and rented the Colclough farm, where
for twelve years they carried en a
dairy business in Clinton, Mr. A. J.
Tyndall being connected with it.
Belong,' Sewing and Rummage Sale
The ladies of the Salvation Array
will put on a Homemade baking sale,
sewing sale and rummage sale at 2
o'clock hi Mr. T. Hawkins' Hardware
store on Spring Show Day, Apr. 1
For Sale
Good top buggy, good cutter, demo-
crat and set of single harness. Apply
to A. J. Courtin, Hohnesville. Phone
6 on 601, Clinton central. 49-1
House With Land Wanted
Wanted to rent, a small house with
with 50 acres or less within 3 miles of
Clinton. Gerald W. Wyndham, R. R.
No. 7, Guelph, Ontario. - 49-2-1i
Safe For Sale
J. J. Taylor safe • in first class con=
dition, inside dimensions: 155x17x18
inches. Apply to A. Seeley. • 49-8
Notice to Housekeepers
Get your paperhanging done early
to avoid the rush and give the paper-
hangers a chance.. My work is guar-
anteed. If not, satisfactory I will
snake it so. You will do well to see
my samples before you buy elsewhere.
I live four miles north of Clinton and
will be house to callers on Friday, af-
ternoons and Saturday riioryiings until
April 3rd. Evered L. Johnston.
• 49.1-p
;Farm For Salle or Rent
Good grass farm of 100 acres, 8
mike from Clinton. There are on
the premises a frame house,' a bank
barn, an orchard and spring water,
also 4 acres of:hard maple bush, Ap-
ply to James T. Reynolds, Seaforth,
Ont. 49-2-p
Privato Sale
.On Tuesday and Wednesday, Mar
23rd and 24th,'•froin 2.pi:ni: to 6 p.m.,
black walnut bed and dresser, set of -
walnut drawers, mirror, 1 washstand,
tables, rockers, kitchen • chairs, linol
euros, crockery, pictures,, books, etc:
Mrs. Farnham, Rattenbur'y street.
For Sale '
Good big work team, 7 years old,
slightly blemished, but all sight on
farm. $65 takes the pair.' Ed. John-
ston, .Clinton,• Route- 4. Phone 3 on
,636. 49=1-p
Attention, Boys!
Canadian boy,. 10-14• years .of age,
wanted to represent Young Canada
Booster Club and Canada's Natienal
Magazine. Regular Meanie twice a
month, betides prizes, including bi-
cycle, radio,.carpenters' tools, musical
instruments,'carnping outfits and sup-
plies, sporting goods, etc., old de-
scribed in 60 -page free catalogue of
'prizes, and 'information. Easy work
looking after'route of customers. • Free
start sent on application. Write.
Drawer B•,• care 7. he. News -Record,
Clinton, Ont. 42-1.
Farm For Sale
In Stanley township, lot 32, con. 3,
containing' 95. acres, 21/2 miles from
Clinton, k, -mile from school. Rural
mail, telephone, two never failing
wells, frame house and barn, 80 aeres
.cleared,balance in mixed timber,80
acres fall plowed. For further par-
" ticulars apply to John. Pearson on
premises or plioiie 22 on 620, Clinton
Clanton Flour *Mills
We have just received a car of high`
grade American kiln dried •corn, 90e
•per ,bushel. •
Western' Oats, per bushel, 57e
Chopping Wedesesday'and Saturday
3c per' bag.
• " : ' Marriages
GI13.BI•NOS -. M&BR7EN - At the
home of the brides' parents; on
Mac'..1 th, lay the Rev. T. H. Brown
of Seaforth, Amy Viola, second
daiigh>er of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Me -
Brien of ' Mullett, to Fletcher B.
Giibbings of Kindersley, Sask., son
of Mr. R, J. Gitbings, formeedy'of
BAilEM•AN HODG•ES - In Santa
Ana; California, on Mar. 11th, Anna
Ma's, daughter' -of Mr. land -Mrs.
James A;' Hodges; to Ernest Ed-
ward Bateman,. son of .Mrs. Henry
Livermore; of . Upland, Calif., for..
rnerly of Tuekersmith, . and grand.
son of,Mrs E. Herman, Clinton.
ton on Marcii 13th, by the Rev. R.
Perdue; Tena, youngest daughter of
.-Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tanner•,' to
Robert H. Johnson of Clinton, son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. John John-
son of Williscroft.
GLAILK33-41rIERRIFF-At the home
of Mrs and Mrs.' W. W. Sloan, 167
•Close avenue, Toronto, on Mier. 8th,
by the Rev. B. W, Thompson o3'
Parkdale United church, Rev, C. P.
Clarke of Goderich, to Mas. Ethel
M. Sherriff, formerly of Winnipeg,
home of the bride's brother, Mr.
Leask McGee, Whitechurch, on Mar.
10th, by Rev. Jas. Scobie of Bei -
grave, Mrs. Elizabeth May Menzies
to George M. Robertson of East
WRIGHT-In Hullett, on Mar. 12th,
John Wright, in his 53r4 year.
REYNOLDS - In London, on Mar.
13, Harriet E. McCaughey, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. McCaugh-
ey of Clinton and wite'of James B.
Reynolds of Goderich.
MOULTON -. At Queen Alexandria
-•Senates:hu , on Mar. 14th, Rev.
William B. Moulton, formerly in-
cumbent of Middleton-Holmesvitle
parish, in his 36th year,
SPALDING-In Calgary, Alta,, on
March 15th, Helen Fair, wife of Mr.
W. P, Spalding, formerly of Clinton.
MacRAE-In Detroit, on Mar, 14th,
George MacRae, sap of the late
George MacRae of Clinton.
JOHNNSTON-In loving memory of
Mrs. John Johnston, who passed
way March 13th, 1925.
"When mother breathed her last fare-
The shock was inose than tongue .can
This world seems quite another place,
Without the smile of mother's face.
Grant that we when „ death's cold
Gather darkly o'er our heads.
Yield our spirits to the Giver,
Calmly as dear mother did."
-Husband and family.
Mortgage Sale
Uyider the powers contained- in a
certain mortgage which will be Pro -
dna at the time of sale there will
be offeredfor sale by public auction
by. George Elliott, Auctioneer, at the
Graham House in the. Town of Clinton
on Friday, March 26th, at one o'clock
in the afternoon the valuable farm
property'in the Township of Goderich,
in the County of Minn, containing
two hundred and fifty acres snore or
less, and .being composed of lots• num-
bers 53, 54, 65 and -66 in tile Maitland
Concession.. The property :will be
sold subject: to a reserve .bid, Terms
•of, Sale; 10 per cent of the purchase
price to be paid on the clay of sale,
and the balairce as` arranged, within
thirty days thereafter; Forfurther
particularsand conditions of sale ap-
ply to Mnbride, • and,IVacrfentie,
Waterloo, ; Ontario, Solicitors for the
Vendor. Dated this 27th'day of Feb-
ruary,.1926. 47-3
.Clearing Auction Sale
01. Farm Stock. and• Implements.
Blake. Gent .will sell by public auc-
tion at. Lot 23, . Maitland Concession,
Colborne, on Tuesday, March 23rd,
commencing at 1 o'clock, sharp, the
following: horses -Mare, 6 years
old; snare, 7 years old; bay mare..6
years old. Cattle- .blaelt cow, to
freshen about time of sale; cow, 5
years"old, due in., October; cow, 5
years old,tfresh; eow, 4. years old:clue
in May; black cow, 3 years, . due in
July; roan cow, 7. years, due in May;
red eow, 7 years, due in May; farrow
cow, 4 years; -4 steers, 2 years old;
2 steers; 1 year old; 2 heifers,.1 year
old; 1 steer- 2 years old; 2 heifers 11`
months old; 2 Polled Angua calves; 2
Durham„ calves; 2 calves about 2
months old. Sheep -3 Oxford ewes
to lamb in. April ITons-30 Rock
pullets; 30 year old .. hens, Innple-
ments---11Massey-Barris binder; Mc-
Cormick mower; ' Deering hay rake,
new;, Oliver corn scufi'1er; walking
plow; wagon and hay rack; gravel
box; set Mf bob sleighs; set of iron.
harrows; William ' Dore top buggy;
Portland' cutter; set single harness; i drat For Sale,
set double . harness; set chidne bells, In Goderich township, en the Pro -
new; robe; -milk can; wheelharrew, vincial Highway, 5 anises east of God -
new; forks, shovels and other articles erieli, 6 chiles west, of Clinton, adjac
too numerous tomention,. Terms: All ent to church and school, comprising
sums of $10 and under, cash; over 30 acres of first class land,well tile -
• Yes That's light
Burgess,• the Mitchell photograpl.er,
is yl: Clinton studio every Tuesday
Treat 11:30 to 2:30. Will be pleased
to make good Poett•aits ;for your Be
sure and• conic at above hours. y
studio will be warm, at all h,
Let us develop and print your films.
We take them to our Mitchell Studio
and mail bask promptly to you.
Burgess, Portrait Studio.
Elanslea Chick Farm
and Hatchery
S C. W. S,eghorn, Barron strain
Bred to -lay Barred Plyuiouth Rocks
Maehines set'every week
Phone 213 -Clinton
Agent for Miller Incubators
and Brooders
will be at his,office
in Clinton each
From 3 to 6 p.m.
Raw Furs Wanted
Will meet, any offer made by any
other dealer ANYWHERE.
Ford Coupe
Overhauled and repainted
and in good condition
Several Radio Sets
at reduced prices
Also some 12 -inch rail wood
Clinton Motor. Truck
and Machine Co.
Seed Oats For Sale
Registered Abundance variety, 60e
per bushel. Also some young pigs
ready to wean. John Vodden, sr.,
Londesboro P.O. Phone 12 on 640,
Clinton central. 49-1-p
Why Experiment
Waste time and risk •Iife treating
your Tonsil, 'Cough, Bronchitis, Ad-
enoids and other throat troubles with
cheap medicines. Get "Mrs. Sybilla
Spahrr's Tonsilitis," the guaranteed
remedy at Holmes' Drug store,
For Sale
A comfortable frame house, lights
and town water. A very desirable
property. Mrs. Wm. Argent, 46-tf
Hay, Oats And Potatoes
A quantity of hay, oats and po-
tatoes for sale. Mason Sterling,
Stanley. Phone 14 on 608, - 48-2
Wanted to Purchase
In the town •of Clinton, six er seven
roomed cottage. Good location.' Mod-
ern conveniences preferred. Will pay
spot cash if ,desired. Write care
Drawer B, The News -Record. 48-8-p
Barley Pot Sale
Two hundred••bushels of Barley, 0
A. C, No, 72, Apply to °` .Jos. Hood,
l4ippen 4S -5-p
Egg Pool
Ann ual :meeting will be held on
Saturday, March 20th at the Agricul-
tural 0ffice''at 2:80 pan. for election
of officers, etc. 48-2
Apples For Sale
A ;quantity of apples at4 reasonable
prices. 'Bring your own hags. C.
Hoare, Huron Central Fruit Farm,.
Clinton, 48-3
House. For Said
• Frame house, Tinton street, Clin
tan: 'Comfortable and in good re-
pair, town water, electric lights, gar-
den, new garage. '1;tpj,}ly on premise,:,
forenoons or evenings, ;;to Mrs. L
Murch. ; 48-2-p
Repairs, Etc,
DeLaval cream separators, Melotte
repairs, pianos, violins, sheet music;.
double refined cream separator oil.
Ming' la your canand have it filled.
Phone 21, Seaforth. R. Peek. 44-5-p
Cheese for Sale' "
Cheese for sale in 20 'lb. lots or
more any time, present price 21',,c lb.
W. I.1. Lobb, president and salesman.
that amount, 12 months' credit will
be given on furnishing approved joint
notes. A discount of 4 per cent: al-
lowed for cash en 'credit amounts,
Everything must be dispeisecl of as
the farm is sold. Bence- Grigg,.'Pro-
prietor. Geo, H. `Elliott, Auctioneer.
drained, Good cement blocs{ 7.room
house,. bank .barn 40x50, driving 'house
and garage 30x50.- Orchard, of•• 55
good winter apple' trees. Never -fall-
ing water supply. For further par
ticnlars amply to Oswald •Ginn, R. R.
No. 1, Goderich. Phone 16-603, God-
48 rich Central, 36-12-5025
Fat Hens wanted
To have your flocks give ' yarn a bet-
ter profit it is necessary to keep eul-
ling out the overfet hens that are not
We are -always lit the: maeket for
poultry and eggs at top; melees..
IV; VV. Trewartita
Phones -Office; 214i Residence, 214w.
Breakfast s Coffee
Try a small quantity;
of our coffee.
It has a real strength
and rich flavor
.Watson's Grocery
Phone 111 Clinton
Good maple, hemlock, basswood and
white ash logs, delivered in our mill
yard at Bayfield:
Custom • Sawing will be done at
Thos. Wallis, 4 th eon. Goderich Tp.,
and at Clinton and Bayfield as issue'.
M Ewen Brbs.
Picone 624-r-4, •Clinton . central
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Clinton
Hospital Association will be held in
the council chamber on the afternoon
.of Friday, March '' 12th, M three
o'clock. Interesting reports • will be
presented anti a cordial invitation is
extended to all those who have the
ti'eelfare of the hospital at heart to
attend, 47-2
'Farm For Sale
Lot 15 in the Bayfield Road, 0'*
mile west of Varna In,Stenley town-
ship, consisting of 86 acres iii a' high
state of cultivation, suitable for farm-
ing or grazing. Good bearing 'or-
chard; -running water in barn, also
spring creek. Excellent buildings in
good repair'.. Rural snail and tele-
phone. For further particulars ap-'
ply to Mrs. Alex, Mitchell, Varna, or
phone 5 on 623, Clinton central. 47-3
The Industrial Mortgage andrSav-
ings, Company of Sprnia, Ont., has
$250,000.00 to loan on good farm
lands at moderate rates. Parties de-
siring a loan will apply to W.'Bry-
done, Esq., Barrister, Clinton, Ont.
W. R. Paul, manager, Sarnia, Ont.
Money Wanted •
To take farm mortgages. W. Bry-
done. 48-1
There aren't many people forgetting
to buy Goal this Winter. News of the
Strike keeps them reminded of it.
But there are still some ,people who
think they can't ,keep warm without
Anthracite. They have something to
leans about Coal.
In the West and South many peo-
ple never burn anything hut bitumin-
ous Coal. And the West, particular-
ly, hat biting, piercing blizzards to
fight against. -
We have a manly of Hi•,Lo Egg,
High in heat and Low in ash, which
will keep you just as warm as An-
thracite., r5end fol‘ your supply.
Call the RaMekt
rferagood, dean coal
Garage For Sale
Known as Clinton Garage, on Pro-
vineial highway, between ,Stratford
and Goderich. A geoil ;buy for right
man. Property, fixtures and stock._
Apply .Drawer N, Clinton Garage,
Clinton. Ont. 40
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleanhd pressed and re-
paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned,
Rooms over Heard's barbel. shop,
W. J. Jago. -83-tf
A high grade Radio 6 Tube Set
within reach of all.
• The, '"PAGE : 6" Radio: Set will amaze you. Come inand hear• /
it. Compare it with any set en the market. Outstanding points-
Excellent Tone;: Quality, Distance,,'Se'ieetivity, Volume, Sem+viee and
A 6 -Tube Setwith Loud Speaker .. $120.00
With Built In Ldud•Speaker ...:........... . ,,......,.$180.00
' These••prices. are your total east set tip in your hone
We also have a full Iine 4f -Rada parts, Tubes,.,ete,
i.e Hardware
Rowland's Old Stand
We are offering this at $96.00 per
ton. HoniinyFeed is one of the high-
est analysis feed's on the market, pro-
tein 10%, fat r%, fibre 5%. It is a
corn feed, cooked and saturated with
malt and sugar, making it betted° than
straight corn. At $36.00 a tom Hom-
iny is cheaper than whole corn at 90c
'per bushel; approximately the same
_price as shorts, although nearly
double its strength, being cooked it
is a safe feed to feed,
Any farmer feeding hags or cattle
will find they can save' nioney by
feeding this. We were lucky to be
able to purchase this at this price for
this district. Before buying come in
and see Hominy, compare sande with
other feeds forprice and quality.
Phone 123
Flour and Peed Merchants and
Grain Buyer
Having erected new coal sheds will
have on hand full stock of coal for
immediate delivery. . Prices reason•.
able. Also a quantity of dry maple
R. 411. MILLER
Orders taken at residence, phone 119
We have a supply of 'Coke and Soft
Coal. Also real Pocahontas coal.
Leave orders at residence.
I:IARII COAL --Stove and Nut
Phone 155. . Huron Street.
Ladies' Attention
I am prepared to do first class re -
Pair work for all makes of Sewing
Also a full stook of
• Needles, Belts and Parts
for all makes -
Sole Agent for the Singer
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clinton
Il 'a,:at`•• zed
For Men
and Women
Arch Defender Shoes
make walking- a real
properly t etthe lobe-eslOhe
arch -and Impart a
ant spring to your step.
s t
shouts -
NOTE Iluaasloot
Cd m
Made aet Goat" O, b>•
,,The Defender Shdkoe 9b, el
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs. Phone 11511e7
cinti ie hot
jk.RCH DEFENDERS are not an
orthopaedic freak -- they are
elegant Shoes made in the Acme of
Style and Quality. But they are also
made with the patented feature of a
spring support -a hand shaped insole .
moulded on a true foot -form last.
Thus your foot -arch is supported, not by a
rigid prop that is clumsy, heavy and cramping
but by the spring steel support concealed under
the insole, extending from the heel to right
under the Scaphoid Bone which is the keystone
of your foot arch.
1f you have the slightest degree of trouble,
Arch Defenders will give you quick relief.
Fred Jackson
Seed time is Coming
We will have a full line .of seeds and will bep
re p ared to
supply our customers.
Platchford's calf meal, Royal Purple calf meal on hand
We -are buying Wheat, Oats and Buckwheat
Hn Charlesworth
W., Jenkins Son