HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-03-18, Page 3BA:tITERYLESSRADIO SET PROVING V " PEOP ARE WAITING 'F P rztarit3� �a 1dI Stxecesst. of Achievement The'Battei•yless,:iodic elle:[ oPei' -Le''s front either 25 or 50 cyclo electric current hail Isvolntionided. Radlo, The, conveniences ll -of having no batteries; to buy, replace or rundown, thus e.im- inating 52% of Radio troubles, ,e eo! apparent Ithcict the families Dimming to purchase a i'addo 'set now ane na- turally turning to the Rogers Battery - net. Now that the Rogers Set has proven. itiscl'aims by actual use'In-Homes for wro•.v ...-.row, . ....: •_ Regela Battery: sit Radio for Canada, the past seven ittonths, the many nn, Justified , end exaggerated claims • against it have disappeared. The tact that anyone can have it set put in his dome ob approval to ilnd hut, .shows •that the Rogers, dealer bite faith hi 'thio wonderful new Radio invention, If there is no :loges dealer in your cotrnlanuitl',,'.avt•tto the (j•R.S, DSusiio Company Canada, Limited, Toronto; but don't buy ANY Raciio until you first hoar the Rogers, which :is slip- plied on cagy. Orals. ,: RIVE "s EATING AWAY THE. LAND issis'i n 1� fi PP Carries Tons of Sediment Into the Ocean. 1'it+3 sk•Otca sbews the interior -of a ['ave in Somersetehire, Englund, known as Cox's Cave. Note the stalactites hanging from the roof and the stalagmites grouting up from the floor. These are the resutts;of water satur- ated with carbonate of lime dripping through the req. Secrets 'of Science. )3y David Diets. The sun Shining down aeon the ocean, heats• the surface, 'Some of the water is evaporated and passes lute • Mile atmosphere ao. water vapor. Winds blow the water vapor uvea' 'the Mand, teen which it folie in the form of•ra1n. Part of the rain emits into the ground. The rest rure down the Sense ot the kind formingrit f h Is h the de . 'prese1otra itt the land. These unite to form larger dreams, When they • 'reach the valloye, they form etilil .larger streams, known ea eieeeks-•and I roobe when anal:, and rivers when large. - Rivera are among the thief agents • which wear away tele land, • The flowing water wear% away the sides and •bottom of the valley through lwbioh it Rohs. The eedinien't thus termed and the sediment waebed• into the river by the rain, increases its , power to wear away the valley sines etach particle of sediment acts as a cutting tool egainst the river's bed. Rivers are the great transportation 'agent. The current carries along the ltcedllneat fn the river. It is eetimated that the illitsiselppi 1Aiiver annually carries- enough solid 'materiel out into the Gulf of Mexico :to make a column one toile square and 268 feet high. Not elI• the materiel which a river ;tarries in enepensten . reaches . the ocean:"Str ae" aue welch. overflowt1e t lr beaks at times of the year, each a% the ;Nile, deposit much sediment upon the thanks; of the river as the flood recedes. t Tha e deposits. are known se flood • plains: . Many rivers, such at. the Mississippi, depcatt Much motet -Meat their mouths. These deposits are known as deltas. As already noted, parft'of the rain- fall smite Into the' ground. This un-. d'ergronne water la also an hnporUtnt geological agent: The toot that wells can be sunk to almost every -section ot the land and the great abundance of springs M- atting from the slopes or mountains and valleys bear testimony to the great amount of underground water. . Geologists bellevo that it probably extends dawn to a depth of five or six 1 to miles. This makes the rock formations a sort of Chemfoal laboratory in wbich certatu .reactions are going on eon- tinuouely. Where minerals which are soluble in water occur, they are slowly dissolved, leaving the rock in a porous condition, Other reactions also tike place. Water welch lies dissolved one miner- al will come ht contact with other rocks. Isere a reaetfon ` may take place, 'which causes the -tsetse' to pre eipitate or lose the mineral which it hen in eolu•tion. This brings about the formation of new typea of roar. Sometimes a very complex action tapes place, the wetter precipitating one mineral and et the sable time dis- solving a sewed. • Sometimes the underground water will diat-wlve mit large portions of reek In their entirety, This' causes the :for- mations of Valves. • One of the -.best. knowu regions of cae. is i Kentucky nR t tuck � mi .. y d southern Indiana. When the ,roof 01 a cave becomes. ti, ' teen end [telt[[; it frequently a q y cottP des causing 61l •• r g rho �u face of the . round to sink • Next article: The Work ot. the Gia- Wens. i"Lights. Are Burning Bright." , It wars within an hour oi. Midnight,, �Tlto moon bad eat. O was idling amid Ships. about the ship's shadowy struc" ture wiben. I was. elited' to take charge of the bridge tilt eight bells; . )The skipped• said he would not keep Mme up there `1ong. I.ehad but to cellit a light came trite view, and to keep at eye on the wheelliduse. Alt, but It is long since i played at .ships, and Warr a pirate eaptain. I rememberedthen) are Stull folk who wonder what It feeie like to be a king. The king does hot knew. Ask the- mail boy who Is sur - 'wised with an: order to'; hold a hoiee's head, I took mp promotion, mounting the steep ladder to theopen height. A bell rahg beside mo in the night. It wee answered'ht once from sono - where cleat]. - Others;, then, were Joureeytug with me; The void was peopled,' though the travolletts'were all invisible; and: I hewed a confident voice call, "Lights are bumnlhg bright." Phe lights were, I could see thatenut when tee profundities, at'e about you, and you think you arf,alone .in outer night, that is the kind et word to hear. Joyously I sllotited Into what seemed to be boundless nothing, "A11 Right!" ,- H. 114.• Tomlinson, In "The Sea and the Jungle." The road to ;Success is crowded- be - ;cause ft ien't a onewny,street. COUGHS THAT PASS 14 THE NIGHT are enroll y those :helped Ease and Comfort 0 come vintla the very first spoor fro: MOTHERS WHO HIVE USED BABY'S i U Y tS OWNTABLETS Always Strori l y Strongly .Recommend • 'Thelii to Other- Mothers.' Once a motherhat used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones alio will use l frothing else - actual experience teaches her that 'there is ' no other medicine to equal leen[ for any of the -minor ailments Yore which her baby or lithe aces: suffer. Hat -tug -found ' the value of the Tablets in iter own home, rho !s aNvays anxious that other moth- ers should share her knowledge. That is why Mrs. Creighton. -White, North Noel )toad, N.L,, writes the fliilowing: -'i1 :rave a baby seventeen months' old and bavo ,given hini nothing but Baby's Own Tabiete ever since he was a Week cid. I know. of a10 other medi- cine to; equal theta, and 1t is certainly a pleasure to reemernettdl then, to other mothers." Baby's Own Tablets, are a mild but thorough laxative that regulate the stomach and bowels; banish -constipa- tion and indigestion; break up tends a.nd simple fevers end make the. sickly baby well and lemey again. Theyare sold by medicine lea see or by mail at 26 cents a box from The ler. Wil- liams/ Medicine 0o., Brockeil:e; Out.' St The Remote Tonin - 1 y "Mumma, didn't you say last w-cak you Anted the carving - knife' acid the chopper si_larpdneci?" H i4Trs,. Br0n-"Jndeed L did. Bless hie. little heart! Iiow thoughtful you aro:„ Nell T'll take them around to the cutler's for you," "How sweet of you to offer to do such things for your mamma, dear, 111 wrap them ,rue" No, don't wrap theist' up: I ,want (111111 (0 (h0W 1ber0's a bon out (hero waiting to fight, ate; but I fancy when he sees (50 miming he'll go home," Minard's Liniment ;c- r .l.qy ph1s.,Iclans, INDIAN BRAVES COMPETED AT BANFF endfa1 reserva"tiene in.:Alberta•eent their beata nc1 esi[ htieelt young )nen to eermpe'to ill i'ariotrr• contests wile% were ;staged at Baufeduring the Winited' Cu •nivel, , Imemiiately on arriving in Bondi the yopng neliaat braves but uP tlieir`wieevant's• in the, middle• of the street, unrol.Ied,their blandtots, anti pre- pared to lnalt,e thonlselvee at kerne for a fortnight, The Indian competitions consisted of packing and unpacking thee, sup plies and clothing, as for hunting or exploring expeditions shooting with bow and arrow at a heed mark; and running, jtunping and swineleg: UTTERLYDISCOUIRAGED. This - Was the Condition of a P,II,I. Woman Before Taking ., Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills. "My illness began," says :Mrs, M. J. Ahern, I2, 11. No. 2, Atherton, P,E:I, "when my husband went overseas -and I wars lett with the care or a farm and stook, with no help but that of a young boy. My health broke down and for the first time In niy life I became ut- terer tterly discouraged. I lest'tny appetite, had no strength, and war ready to :lave a dying epell any moment of rho day, as the work loomed up ahead of me. A. friend happened to speak. one day of the good Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had done bar and urged me to try them. I _bad not energy enough, or perhaps Confidence enough, to try there, but elm would not be denied and sant me three boxes and by the time I had taken thein I knew they were helping me and was anxlons for more. I continued taking the pills- for nearly six months and by that time I had safe- ly paesed acritical period in my life, and regained my usual good health. Tp all overworked, nerve -racked wo- men-ea/el there are a•great malty of them -I still• say, and at all times take Dr; Williams' Pink Pilin and I know You will regain your energy." There are many troubles due to weak, watery blood easily overcome by a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.' The whole mission of this medi- cine 'i nits 1s tour p !fy and enrich the blood,, and when that le done all.: tee varied s'y'mptoms of anaemia disappear and good health returnse You can get Dr, Williams' Pink Pills from any dreg - gist or by mail at 50 cents a box from The DDr, Will+lents' Medicine Co„ Brock- ville, Ont. Kitchen Estates. After breakfast she dries the foamy soapsuds 'from the nose of the Dres- den cream pitcher -suds that rest no Babe air leugbter on the Mims pieces of her obeli -pink and white chocolate set. The Dresden' pitcher, with its gt:tceful lines and. redtipped- cover like a rakish tam-a-shatlter, Is a pretty sitapherdeaa to the young housewife. She places it gently on tate lower shelf of the glass -inclosed cupboard, where the abepherdeaa may gaze through the Trench- Windows at the yellow jonqulls in the garden. - The tallP the r itch e of set le a countess, of comtnnnding height and bearing. There are austere and clas- sical lines in her pose. She holds her iong and aristocr tie noea1 of from m tee sude in the crinkles or her base, which flow like 2aide o£ a trailing robe. The yoliug housewife smiles .at her predicament as alts carefully dries the neols: of the countess, handling her with all the honor due to her•`rank. I'ler position ie in the inner, circle of the elect, amid the' gallery of nobility on the higher shelf: There are che- valiers and ladies, bisects and mar- guises, dukes, and duejteaaes, and oven a queen, who ie the silver teapot rent- ing on a tray 111re a low throne,, and wearing a crown :formed by the en- graved 11*0 on the coven. But in the third estate, the pawn's of the kitclleu rest on the lasesat Shelves, tee poesaats, the•plain people, the see viceah.le chinaware, the cups and saucers which are used every day in the happy menage, where evea•yon.c is on famflSe. The Math people 01 the third tier are covered with bluebirds •of happi• noes. Each: cup has;.: one or two of these birds . where yolks, of eggs have been, but are noli^clean nt ceililren in fresh pinafores. These people of tine third estate have the heat view of'the garden that has been planted beneath the French windows. of .the klechen, Glean and fragrant from recent -crystal suds, they view the blue sky with its, ever-changing, clouds which travel aoross the vision of the cues and saucers, so content with their modest position in -Lie kitchen of the young Isom o5, ire. After Rain.'' O wayside puddles, boasting' of the sky; How you repeat a great• A11 -geeing ]lye! - All little fl0odo(t gutter.oracks, you, too,' - Are etnffed with sky''. rind hoarding Heaven's blue. Branches of trees, that strike such ' • flame in air, How you exult .to vis with 'sunlight . there! L'iagstoues; imbedded petite sunlit awe, You imitate the Tablets of the Law. Lawn-fowers, tngdins tip -toe in the sod-- Eavesdropping, od-Eavesdropping, hove you been again, on Clod? :- -Louie Ginsberg. The Legacy. There le no bequest a man can make. to hie family that a moreto be de- sired, than his: good name. This world will never become • so mechanized as to lose eight of the merit or demerit of human beings' taken one by one. Half the meaning of patriotic celebration,. biograehIc study or heraldic lore, when these ,Mean anything at all, is the inspiration of a message from the past to the living present; and any parent has succeeded in teie world -when he Miasmata to hie offspring an honorable reputation built up by years of'MMean, -fair dealing. ") When the assets of a busin'eae are estimated, beyond the value of the buildinge made with bandit is the in- tangible but real structure built with minds' that Would not descend to any kind of crooked practice and, through adversity or prosrertty, have kept the faith with Every one. Any business company in our generation cares for fits historlo tradition; . there is. some- thing the matter 1f the *Mane pre- tence to be so busy now that they have no time to remember anything that happened yesterday. What applies in tee ethical tradition of commerce is true of a family see eeasdou. The world Greece little of a man who endlessly prates of 'what his forbears did ever go long ago and seems to think their service justl8es- Trim In expecting a deference now which in his own person, on lila otva account, he never did anything to earn. 1f he is proud of west is transmitted to him to 'enlarge end improve -and not simply to Bove and to hold -let hint at owitb by playing mans part isor a world, which sorely needs what every man and woman, wattle or crip- pled, strong or enfeebled, can do. Let Trim not boast est o f dollars that have come into hie h ltd al s which ho dtd'notlr- ing to earn, bat let hhu spend himself as well ae• his tunes on the day's toil in a man't world, remembering alwayie. that conscience and character are the better part et any paternal; legacy. Flowers as Food.; To suggest that we add flowers to our daily menu would to many people seem like foolishness•. But a eamous French food authority expresses. sue prise that we do hotmalts more use of flowers' 111 this way: He reminds 115 that we eat cauliflowers, 'artichokes, acid brussels sprouts, all .of which *mats under this heeding..' In China flowers aften figure on the table is part el a•nieal, One of the nat- Boucle dielhes ie a scarp made of the day lily, over: 4,000 tone of blooms being sed for this pn'rposes every year; A chrysanthemum salad is one of Japan's most highly -favored . dishes. The flowers are carefully washed tied served in .the way' that we serve let Moe or watirtercress. In some Eastern countries the petals cf the yellow water -lily are used as fee- quently for dessert as apples aed oranges in. this. country.. tt U*,et stomach' stnggish,liver, 552 acid condi, than cause bad airman. Seigel's Syrup gots at the cause, Try It aril!. have a wholesome breath.. Any drusStore. A pound of melancholy will not pay an ounce,of debts. Minard's Liniment for colds. A good book and a good Woman are both 'very excellent things. But be. w"irvs ol.` estimating them as sumo fool- ish mem do, from nothing but the beauty of their covering. SVI ' 1 1 ,N} in the big tub ;coo CI 11 lave the dial pal for . your cic11 Y it yowl: 1 ioml ;o -not to get tiny tlial.er nn the 110 or. Ansi°"'when they're wit„ heid nice and clean .111 Lille yoa`a JiU:1e starch for tile[," ' O N E C TO R PRI The • world's' 'best... Lair. tint, Will re-, Store' hair to its natural color: in 13 min:ufe3, email sl_er $330 by in./11 Doubts size, $$.50 by mail The W. T. l?'elatbcr Steres Limited 120 Yongo S;t., Toronto EASY TRICKS Thirteen Circles . . Here are thirteen eirciee,one o them a black. one. The problem is to start anywhere .you -like and cross eft every thirteenth circle until all, are crossed oft,. the black one to be crossed off last, ' • Call the black circle No. 1 and count to the 'seventh circle.' Begin with , this . circle .•and go around, striking out ` every thirteenth .cir- cle. 'This will enable you to strike out the Meek circle, ,after "baying. . struck out all' of the others. When a-cirele has been struck out it is • not counted. • (Clip this out aedepaste 4t, with other of the series, in a forapbooke. Children's Orchestras. Ls ' the junior acheatra worcth while? The ltonire of individual driI11ng, the days and weeks' of practice, at each dif- ferent part and on men &risentmient separately, the incessant, labor of week rehearsalae with the entire or• chestrar-is all this worth 'while? : Me derabtediy the scientist would call the Junior orches'tra an ideal machine with an efficiency of 100 per cent.; for the Splendid results obtained' for outweigh the effort put and so the junior or chests can not be too highly eeoosn- mended nor too strongly enoouraged. It the prentioe et duet and trio eilaying is so valuable an asset to the pupil, it Js obvious that a larger unit offers equal, if not greater advantagd'o Be sidesdeveloping the very esssnt1a1e. ofmusical requerementsl it proves a valuable aid in the (donation of the pupil's character, 'and promotes a de- sirable sociability, Honor. Honor to him who labore day by day Poe the worldr's weal, forgetful of hie own. Like some the tree that with its state ly head. Endures the solar beam, while under- neath - It yields fresh shelter to the weary. -From the Sanskrit of ICaIidasa MonieeWilltiams). - BEAUTIFY iT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Just Dip to Tint or Boil to Dye 1 Each 15 -cent pack. 1 age contains dine ' tions so simple any woman can tint sett, delicate shades or dye ,rich, permanent colors in lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, coats ; stoekings, sweaters, draperies, coverings, hangings --everything! Bey Diamond Dyes --no other kind - and toll your druggist whether the me tenial you wish to color is wool or silk, or whetheott is !iaen cotton or mixed goods. PIant life,, from the seed bursting until the flower dies, leaving new seed d in its place, has been successfully screened, the whole process being shown in less than half an hour. Minard's Liniment for sore throat. • Telephoning -by wireless from mov- ing blains has been successfully tried on British railways, although ,tunnels 'caused a distinct "fading" of the voice. Old Remedy Relieves Kidney Trouble.' A'Grateful User Tetla: of, His Thank- fulness for Warner's. Wonderful results 110:010 'kips oblate - ed ht combating kidney trouble by fol- lowing .certain n1'.es, of dist'- and the' use of Warner's Sale Kidney and Liver Remedy, a preparation on the market nearly 50 years. ,; A grateful user writhe: "Your medi- cine is a miracle to are. My weight was.reducedfrom 157 to 114 pounds. when I' lett the hospital In despair. began to use Warner's Safe'I{idpey and Liver Remedy and at once coo- menoed to improve, Now everyone is saying ;to nue. that 1 look bettor Start ever. Every word I have written is. true and I can prove it by hundred„ who knetrof myaonditlon' Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy is made from herbs tend' has been. soldfor nearly 60 yeses, a true itidleation of its- worth Get a bottle to -day, Sold by all drtcogicte. Price $1.25 per bottle, WnN,emodles Toronto, Onartarioer's' Safe )ET FEET. Take 310 C1135 C5,3 with colds. Rub your feet Well with Minard's. ISSUE No. 1.1-'23 Nie te i. .s, ✓ . fl0. ADVICE FOR HOME. BUILDERS }Iun1s ede of home ntakenw have availed 1'.heinesIees'of the infol?nar -•tion ou X'lanulhtg, Building, Pima - Decorating, Furnishing and Gardening contained to the Mac- Lean BsilldbrW quina,. P,rofnemly Illustrated. Send 20c for a copy, 4lueetiooe answered. MacLean ; iiliding Reporlt.% Ltd„ 344 Ade. laide S•t, 'West, Toronto, A Cloud. When 1 went out -to call the cowry I crossed a field half plowed[, ' And suddenly I found that I Iiad walked Salto aeloud Like- through a prayer S hissed cow bels, A white dream covered[ use; 1 laughed remembering how men Paint amide in poetry)- -Charles A. Wagner, hi '"Poome of the; Soil and Sea" A hen will drink twenty times her weight in Water in a year.. -' Minard's Liniment for dandruff. Transporting horses to Australia is a costly business; the eheapest,freight being $400, with ether expenses in ;addition. THE NEW WALLPAPERS DEALERS AND DECORATORS, SEND FOR OUR SPECIAL SAMPLE BOOK. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS -*SPLENDID VALUES. The W. J. BOLUS CO,, Ltd. HEAD OFFICE .AND SNOW ROOMS: 818 YONGE ST. - TORONTO NEW ROESAt tutu Prue Frain Yalu Old C®rptta ., Do not throw away your old carpet or rugo. Lot us re -weave them into heautilul new Rugs, handsome in op- - and an economical asset is - any home W, -Oe for Catalogue No. lg. i UERIRN CO. Limits& Ottawa, Oa:, GE G,FTOWNINCUp# $19.95 Canadian Made for Cana- dian Climate, Double wall, Copper Hot Water heating system. Sensitive Automatic regulator. Hatches strong, healthy chicks. Write for FREE Circular "to t- 3.Ir.Machenzio, Georgetown, Ont. *oe . SMlP US YOiJI t POULTRY, GAME, EGGS, 13UTTERAso FEATHERS Kite' WEda yUALrLIcYeEsA-R ROy�UiNaDtrt- tet therm for a week ahead P-PpVLiN&CO. kIP1ITED• ousa ours 14eAGst C•39 Bonsrto, rr ldnrhot-'i\fontrool, i p,ppy,11ire v���'PI���pp[1.w�S ST59PTOOAHACK ..�• /NSF-AA/71V Temporary Fillings.. • hid, Ian a Long Tine. 15c. $01.0 EVFERYWHERE.r 110, eves, S. Weigh, N Ce. ()mired, Ahm'baisn. 'Honer Colds Are Not Necessary Evils Observance of One Fund.a- menial �( Ruleof Teat[Pro- tette a tx A g aiaet Them Whether one catches cold easily is largely a question of physical' condi- tion. If the general vitality is low, resistance to disease is weak and at such a time a cold is easy to contract and difficult to check, Constipation is frequently the cause d such a state of health, with its atten- dant listlessness, biliousness, headaches and aeneral lack of vitality. Poisons' from: the waste matter that remains behind after improper, irregularbo"wel elimination are picked up by the blood and carded to every part of the body, They weaken your resistance to disease. Thousands of people who have suf- fered from self-poisoning in this 'way have found that Nujol, the internal. lubricantandeasy, makes bowel elimination sure 1..'Vrkist softens the. waste matter and. permits thorough and regular elimina- tion without overtaxing the intestinal muscle's. ilrujol can be taken for any length of time with no iii effects. „ If you take cold easily, ask your druggist for Netjol to -day -and remem- ber, look for the name " Nnjol an red 011. both bottle and package. Classified Advertisements. . s'- 031 a4s13—i;l �ea '81)4).vom aSortoNs 011 p7 ulna is and et Lite beet wheat producible (1F t urs- or Seelrstolumenl buildings Worth- *580001. 511 - Dar, nerd: iuodnoblo terns 01 peimeai.. Addeg05 a,•.,, 7,. Bannon, nayniore, 0µ0h, 00515(0 AF w1OITBSA1dI.. arecsxAT, 'tarty nird't 1018 at ,perm(, Ilan% '5Db*,;. trash havers 'erre by. prdaylitd- eDrintr nolo '11 11011011a wades and henry weirl1te. P'ro1gbt pati. theca - Sherearlo ..prince. esinpies end cetel'igo of Duilde,', AfateMoI, rinn1. ' no Madam Co, 1A1,11.'. ed, 10 3tioaeo0 Street, 7lat,,a(on, egC d)� 0A)Ly—E1TnEn 11/1X -1.1001:11111/1X-1.1001:111 waxD kDe dV"— nne snarienee: l,ceaea,T. WotIe Slaw 135111105 Agency. 7iubi Quo, Cabin Liners 10 EUROPE VAMOUB "0" maniere ere favorites among thousands et dlocriminoting trio elers-•luxuri• CAM accommodations, exceil_016 cuisine, ,Ottantive enpvtee3, rreguent ea111023 between nanrax Cherbourg and Southampton "Tho Comtel[ mhos" OYA1 MAIL 7,1,14. vAe.85dn,8rsdPePAceertdc. 5a donna & son, Inc, drm" ad aroadway,N.Y. or Local Agents Why Bald So Young! Cuticlira Will Help You To prevent loss of hair. Dandruff, usually the cause of premature baldness, may be easily removed by regular shampoos with Cuticura Soap, preceded by touches of Cute cum Ointment. This treatment keeps the scalp clean and healthy and promotes hair growtb. adept ganb Free by Arse, Adrirnss Oanullan Depot: atonbonre, td btootreet" Pre, Sean fed. Ointment 25 and ad. Talcum 0e, Zer" Cuticurn Shaving Stich 28e. PAINS ALL OVER BODY Two More Cases of Feminine III- ness Relieved by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Barrington, N. S. -"I had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side i all d aches and ansover m bo I Py y would have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me good. My husband and my father did my wort, for me as I have two children and we have quite a big place. I read in the paper about Lydia E. 'Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and then got a little book about it through the mall and my husband sent to Eaton's anti got me a bottle and then we got more from the store. T am feeling fine now and do all my work and am able too out around more. I tell my friends rt is Lydia E. Pinitham's Veg- etable Compound that makes me feel so well: "-Mrs. VICTOR. Il•ICiA xoDsoN, Barrington, Nova Scotia. Dull Paine in Back St, Thomas, Ont, -"I took four bottles of Lydia I; Pinkhaun's Vege- table Compound and founts great 10- lief from the dull, heavy paths in the' small of my back and the weakness from which I suffered' for live years after my boy was horn. 'After taking the Vegetable Compound and using Lydia 1;. Pinkbam sSanative Wash I am feeling better than I have for the past. sevenyears, and advise my friends to take it"- Ilfrs.P.Jeiteeort, 49 Moore Street, Se Thomas, Ont. o Proved safe by minions and prescribed by physicians for , Colds Headache: Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DES N T AFFECT THE HEART Accu only `,Bayer" Eackage which contains prover: directions. _tinnlyBuyer" boxes of. 12 tablets Also bottles of 21 and 1'(10--Draggiats, foDlrin Is tae trade ,,n,5 0,1111,1e1.011 In Canada), of Aaycr h1Rm,fsccare rr 5(,anceetle. sdldetr of. Shclayliegeld (:( ttyl :111114.11e eels, e, 11. d,"). Wlllle It 1n loll :mala that nit irin tneang; nnync enfln0 n^.tnre, 11 1100(01 .elle. llu111n (5*111111•, InlItn110,1 the 330111801 el 1Olac Companydrill ha 01,01404 With their ginetal trade mirk, the 'Darer 0roas.'