HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-03-18, Page 1lend 2349
47th Year
Old Tyme Fiddlers' Contest in the Town Hall in the evening
When Zion ghitk:Gf Sifts Aid of:
e1 r r'
We can show - you a rnultitude.of Gifts,,Gifts that Y ,,G a last and
sure to be appreciated
There is no better gift than JewelerJewelery, andthere is no heifer
place to buyit than Yan at
te1I ar s
w. a Ye11qar
From Fashion Centres
A New Shipment of Frocks
;desi ned for the matron! W
gyo xnan
as well as Ole more juvenile t
} j
Manyyof our customers will
x alsobe
interestedin the new range of Coats
Just Received
is Dress -Up Time
What man or.'boy does not like to have
something new for Easter.
We are prepared , to meet their de-
In new suits we have
models for . the
Youth's First
Longs, g , Young men, also
models for the Short man, the Short stout
man and the tall man, also the more con-
servative styles.
Men's Sua<ts 10tQ $ 35 l
YoungMens .
Mn $15 to $30/
Boys First'
$10 to $15
Boys one
of Knackers$5 to $10
Boys s two pair
Knickers ,
,.y0 to $13.50
SPECIAL ---Mens Suit, and Extra Trousers
sizes 36 to 46. Price
2. r
" A "Square Deal for EveryFlail "
Post11.1 authorities are urging citi-
zens' to put: their •name and box nuin-
bei on the 'outside of theii•-corres,
pondence, printed . if r`possible. -The
News -Record isar ,e
P p ed to Pint sta-
tionery at reasonable rates We have
a nice line of boxed, stationery, suit-
able Ion ladies.'' correspondence, which
we print very neatly and attractively.
Also; of course; we can supply hus,-
ness stationery, of all -kinds, Punted
stationery is now the. vogue. Come in
and see- what we can do for you:
The' seventh annual meeting of the
Clinton Hospital Association was -held
'in the. Council Chamber on Friday: of»'
terri'oon last, ,Mat'ch'l2th, at,three
o'clock, .Mrs. W. Brydone, president
of the board, presiding. Mra. Brydone
gave revery. eordiar weleonie to the
Asseeiation,•.ancl friends of Clinton
hospital, reporting; that in' so far es
she was a judge, the• board had been
very faithful in their endeavor to
serve the hospital ‘efficiently. She
wished to agaie thank all citizens for
their sympathetic support, and to
make special mention of Mrs:_Howard
Humphries of Jacksonville, Fla,, who
was a, guest for Old Horne Week and
generously gave a, song recite' for
hospital benefit, also two of due grad-
uate nurseg, Miss Mustard and Miss
• Trewartha, who were generous in
their remembrance
@ of the Hospital
from which they received their train-
The business proper of the.meeting
followed, with the adoption'` of the
minutes, the superintendents', treas-
urer's and auditors' 'reports. Mrs.
13fydone paid highest tribute 'to the
Supt., Miss Grainger, and her staff.
Tlie names of the board were present-
ed to the Association for.approvalere-
tiring members, Mrs. Milton Wiltse
and -Mrs. W. Brydone. The advisory
•Board was' represented by Dr. Shaw,
who •congratulated theboard and the
town of 'Clinton on the success of this
past hospital year, making special
mention of the splendid service given
to the hospital by the superintendent.
-In a most interesting manner Dr.
Shaw told of X-ray work in hospitals,
leaving the meeting with many bright
hopes regarding X-ray work for Clin-
ton hospital. Thanks was extended^to
the advisory board anti to Dr. Shaw
for this presentation •af X-ray work.
Mrs:• Brydone, in speaking of hos-
pital work told the meeting that in-
teresting work was in store for all
hospital workers and ievdted.'loyalty
and generous support to the -board of
Following this annual meeting, 'the
board met, expressed' their apprecia-
tion of the service rendered to the
board by the retiring :»resident and
elected the following officers for the
coming year:
Hon. President: Mrs. W. Brydone.
President: Mrs. T. Mason.
1st Viee: Mrs. H. R. Combe.
2nd Vice: Miss A. Howson.
Secretary: Mrs, J. Zapfe.
Cor: Secretary: Mrs, Win. Gunn,
Convener Finance Committee: Mrs.
W. J. Stevenson..
Convenor House Committee: Mrs,
J, Zapfe,
Convenor Property Committee:
Mrs. Venter,
The Superintendent's and Treasur-
er's reports follow:
Superintendent's Report
Prom March 1, 1925 to Feb.• 28, 1926
Number of patients remaining in
hospital Feb, 28, 1925 2
Number admitted, County, . 99,
outside equnty, 5; town ,of
Clinton, 60, total ,, 164
Berths .. , ,. , 24
Deaths , 6
Disehargie . 166
Remaining in Hospital . . , 0
Col. days' stay of patients::..... , 20$4
Average days' stay of -patients 1.29i
Number of free patients ; , 3
dol. days' stay atf free patients 58
Av. days' stay of free patients 19
Number of medical eases • • ' 44
Number of major operations . ,. , • 57
Number of minor operations 39
Number of obstetrical cases , , 24
Treasurer's Report .
Patients fees ... .... ....'... $5,543.52
Huron County grant 750.09
Ont. Gov't grant . : 874. i0
Donations . 397,56
Bazaar, birthday, etc... 't , • 542;.87
Refunds ... 126.30
Balance Feb. 28, 1925
Meat . $284, 65
Bread and Flour ... 106,37
$utter• and Eggs .. 371.68
Milk e At 351..04
Groceries 722.89
Vegetables 97.34
Soap,' etc. 129,82
Stamps, stationery i. 37.,:9
Drugs and surgical supplies 704,33
Salaries . 2,620:29
Repairs:: • 1.38.60.
Equipment .. . , . 282.06
Telephone 56.85
Fuel , , . 923.78
Laundry , . . .. • ... 379.611
Dry goods ..:. 183.92
Debentures 691.45.
Interest on loan .. 120.00
Sundries , 177.51
Cash paid attl out...
... 7,4.07
Outstanding oheque,.1926• .. 86:32
Outstendtng cheque, 1925.. 3,75
Balance, Feb. 28, 1026 . , .. 486:53
Wheat, :$1.25.
Oats, 40c -to 45e.
Buckwheat 60c;
Barley, 60c.
Egg's, 22c to 30c.
Buttes 40e to 42e
Live Hogs $12.50..
.Rev. William Barber Moulton, dr
at, Queen Alexandria Sanatarie
London, on Sunday.. The deceased
the son of ilVa. and Mrs, John Mou
ton, of 138 Barker street, Loudon. H
was educated in ,`the London Colle
tate Institute, gradupated from Ilur
Oollege,'and.,was ofdained in 1'91
when he was appointed•to the Meld"
ton Holmesville parish, making Is
home in Clinton, Ins 1919 he legit i
charge and was appointed rector
Christ church, Huntingford, and Tri
ity ellereh,. East Zorra, from which
was compelled •to: resign in 1924 d
to HI -health. Wnen'he fount that
return'to duty 'he•.was se
eraiinnuated. `
Itele fall of 1917 "die ,vas mane
to Emily Charlotte Sparkes,.,•daug
ter of Mr. and Mrs. 8: Sparkes,
Brantford. Besides his .widow be
survived by hi mother•and father.
The funeral was held yesterday
°tornoon from the Church, of t
.Resurrection, London, interment beii
made inMocnt Pleasant cemetery..
g -
e -
The Clinton Hockey Club put on
euchre and old-time dance in the clu
rooms sbove,the Bank of Montreal
Monday evening., which a number a
tended; who report a pleasant eve
inc. The first part of the even
was spent in progressive euchr
Miss Anna Flynn acid Mr, Percy Li
ormore carrying off the prizes.
At the contusion» of the lunch D
J. W. Shaw, who has always been
terested in sport, made a little speec
commending the work of the tow
hockey' league during the past wint
and expressing the hope that th
young people would continue their e
thusiasnt for healthy sports and th
those who had passed their day of '
tics participation woul((1 continue t
encourage sportsmanship in th
younger ones. • He then coiled apo
Mr, G. E. Hall, who presented to M
Frank Mutch,.captain of the winnin
town league hockey teain, the lilyer
cup offered by The News -Record fo
competition by the town league. eI
W. hiutch, secretary of the leagn
then presented to Leslie Pearson
goalkeeper, S. Castle, defence an_
Harold Jervis, forward, the fountai
pens_,offered as prizes by the execu
tive to, the best goalkeeper, defend
and fordward developed during th
Denting was indulged in after th
presentations, the • Muteh orehestr
furnishing the music.
n -
n -
Goderich Stunmer School, to be held
under the auspices of the London Con-
ference of the United Church, from
July 19th to 2011".
• IT 1 It 1to
North Side United church, Seaforth,
,has invited the Rev. W. 'P. Lane of
Ernbro, to become their pastor. Mr.
Lane has accepted and has resigned
his charge at Embro, which he has
held for the past twelve years.
Presbyterian Church
Service on Sunday int the. Baptist
church at 11 o'clock. Subject: "Lis-
toning In." Sunday school at 10
Prayer meeting on Wednesday ev-
ening art 7:30.` ,.
Baptist Church
Eventing service on Sunday, the
pastor, the Rev. W. Younger, preach-
ing. His subject will be; "Do Our
Sins Always Find us Out?"
The B. Y. P. U. will hold a social
evening at the hone of Mrs. R.
Currie on Monday evening.
• Prayer meeting at eight o'clock on
Wednesday evening;
• Wcslcy-WiTiis
The Brotherhood `meets in Willis
bible class room at ten o'clock on
Sunday morning. The subject: "The
Value of Seeing tine Other Side of
Things," will be introduced by Mr:
J. P. Sheppard. ,
Next Sueday morning in Willis~
church, the subject Th the 'doctrinal
series. will •be: "The W'ay of- Salva
tion "' l
Evening service in Wesley church.
Rev. A. A. Holmes will " preach, his
subject being: "te ,'Man's Market
Value." t
Ontario Street ,Church
Morning classes meet at ten o'clock.
Morning. message ,°The, Way of
Salvation, Evening subject "The
Question of, Profit and Loss.
The Jirn ors meet on Friday night
et 7:00 p.ni,
The Young; .People's League met
on Monday night. The president had
charge. The vice-president was not
able to be present. Dr. Hearn gave
the topic of the evening. "The Ef-
fects of Alcohol on the Moral Nature,"
He presented it from the practical
side, showing how seriously it inter-
foiled with the'poise of the judgment
and was so,. often used to the disad-
vantage of those' under its influence,
Thosewho w io vrere puvileged to heal
the doctor's message Will be ready to
fortify themselves against the evil in-
fluence of alcohol. A social 'evening
is .%d)e]itgy prepared for next Monday
The W. M. S. ;will meet on Tuesday
afternoon next in the lecture room
;7 y $8,798.81 ;for the election of offieers.
Isaac Weavers, who: has been un-
dergoing treatment in the Clinton`
ITospitaI for the -past ten days or so,
passed away this morning in his ser-=
enty second year. The funeral takes
place from St Paul's church Satin
day afte$noon service to conrmanee
at three o'clock. A.4ull obituary will
be given e
v "
n nes t Week.
George' MaeRite of Detroit,"son of
the late Mr, and Mrs, George MacRae
of Clinton,. died on Sueday afters a
short Illness of •pneumonia'.
Mi; MacRae had ..beeu.a resident of
Detroit for •a good Inany years. Ile
is survived by one son, : Edwin, his
wife having died a few years ago, and
four brothers- c rs and, three sisters.Ar-
thu t, T io mss and William kIacRae of
Detroit, James of London; Mrs G. D.
lioberto, and. Mrs.' George'McLennan
of Clinton •and 2.1 s. Chat'lestvorth,
Grand Forks ,,
The funeraitook
elace yesterday in
Detroit,: Mrs. •Roberton and Mrs. Me-
Lennan went to Detroit Friday, on
learning of .their brother's 'condition;
and remained for -the funnel. '
Murphy Lodge No. 710 is giving its
annual 'at-home this evening in the
lodge rooms.
The annualt. i
S Patrick's Day sap-
per was held in: Wesley church yes-
'terday evening.
The W. C. T. U. will meet in Wes-
ley church school room at three
o'clock Friday afternoon.
Mr. R. E. Manning has purchased
the residence in Huron street, which
he has occupied for some years.
Messrs. McEwan and. Phelan have
begun oterations in their new cloth-
ing factory. Citizens wish them suc-
cess in their 'undertaking.
Dust was flying in Clinton .last
March but the only dust flying around
so far. this year is that kicked up by
shovelling' coal into the furnace. •
Airs. A, J. Grigg returned last week
from London and Montreal. She is
somewhat improved in health and it
is' hoped will continue to• improve,
$150,000 for the improvement of
Goderich harbor is included in the es-
timates brought down by Minister of
Finance Robb in the House the other
Miss Freda Schoenhals injured her
back tobogganing the other day and
bas beau eoufined to bed for a few.
days. 'It is hoped she will be about
again soon.
Invitations are out for the aimiuel
I. 0: 0. F. at-home, to be held in the
ienitting Company's club rooms over
the Baulk of Montreal, on Tuesday
evening ne-ve.
Muster Albert Watts, son of Mr.
Thos, Watts, Oshawa, formerly of
Clinton, and grandson of Mr. and
Mrs. Pennebaker, was taken ill last
week and had to be taken to the
Hospital and operated on for appen-
dicitis. At last reports he was get -
tine along nicely. Alberts- Clinton
friends wish him a speedy recovery,
Clinton citizens were greatly
on Sunday., Y, when wh it becam
generally known in town that Mrs. J
B. Reynolds of Goderich, fornterl
of Clinton, had .passed away the day
Mrs, Reynolds had been in' St. Jos-
seph's hospital, ,London, where she
had undergone m operation two weeks
before. She was progressing very
favorably and it was expected that
she would be able to be taken home in
a few days, when She eedeenly began
to rink ant! died within a few litinutee.
The deceased lady was a .daughter
of Mr, and •Mrs. J. J. McCaughey al
Clinton and was born. in Hullett town-
ship. Her girlhood was spent in Cline
ton and vicinity.: Since her marriage
she hast spent most of the time here
and in Goderich. For a time Mr. and
Mrs. Reynolds had charge of •the
Huron County Home, where she was
greatly beloved by the inmates, She
was a woman of twinning and lovable
disposition and all who came in con-
tact with • her acknowledged her
charm. she was active in all church
work in St. Joseph's church, while a
-resident here, and also in St.. Peter's
church, .Goderich, Being possessed of
A fine soprano voice she was a valued
member of the choir. and for a time
acted as organist in St, Peter's church,
only resigning from the. choir when
her: health' failed and- she felt the
strain .toe much .for her strength. Be-
sides her: 'bereaved husband,' her par-
ents and a ••brother and three s,std'rs
survive: Frank McCaughey' of Tor-
onto, Mts. Chas; Shanahan, Clinton,
Mrs. J: Flynn, Detroit, and Airs. I. A.
Mahon- of Montreal,
The funeral took place-,froin St.
Peter's ehurdh, Goderich, on 'Tuesday,
where solemn I1igh Mass was sear.
Rev.' Father Gaffney of Clinton: ,Rev.
Father Dean of A"sltfiel'd, and Rev,
Father Contpion took part' in the fun-
eral rites' and during' the service Mrs.
Leo Whitely sang 'Face to Face,"
which was one of Mrs. -Reynolds' fav-
orite solos.
Relatives and friends were present
fon.' the :funeral from New York, De-
troit, London, Toronto, Seaforth and
Blyth, besides many : who went up'
frons Clinton. and vicinity, The re-
mains were brought to Clinton on the;
2 a2. train andinterred' i ,
zlnne t
There were many expressions of
sympathy, both floral and spiritual,
sent by friends near and far, for
which the family feel deeply grateful.
Much sympathy is felt for the' hug,
hand and members of her oWti fea-
tly in their sudden bereavement.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Walters
Benmiller announce the engeg•em
of their daughter, Maisie, to
Daniel Gliddon, jr„ youngest. son -
Mr. and Mrs, „Daniel Glidden, Ilolin
trifle, the marriage° to take' place 't
of: .Mr. R. G.'Smith,
who. bought the
mat local rink a eoktnle of -Years. ago and
Mr, has been .in inagmg it very. succe'ss-
of frilly since, has sold it to Mr: T.
es- Marshall of towse ' the deal ' having
he been pet through last week.
The rink under the.emeagement of
Mr. Smith •has given good satisfac-
• Mon to • patrons; the ice beteg f.,rined
early,in the season is, s a3gn and, !dept in good
k's condition throughout: He has been
ng very obliging, also,. and citizens regret
en his departure, but we hope the new
as manager will nme:Isere up, The young
st- •,people find skating a pleasant and
a healthful forst of amusement during
nt, the winter ared a rink' , is a necessity
ng for' the' -devotees of 'Canada's `winter
• sport—hodteye
latter pert of Manch,
Miss: Geeta tea V
a e and M'
Elsie Snyder gave i little' St Patric
Day party `to some of ,their you
friends at the hoine "of the former
Friday evening- last. The house W
prettily decorated and the young ho
esses and each of the guests wore
token in honour .of the frith Sal
A very jolly and enjoyable even,
Wee spent by the young people.
William Henry, Ball, a _respect
resident of Clinton, passed: away ve
suddenly this morning. Mr. -13a11.11
notbeen i h
x n e
f healthfor
'year' dr two, abut had. been goi
about as usual and no one thought
condition so serious. Ile had be
down'•town Monday. The funeral
a5:ranged for Saturday afternoon, s
vice at his late- residence at 1:
o'clock. A fuller notice will be giv
!lest week.
but .fret
ty ,wedding t
solemnized. ,at the home of Mr. a
Mrs, R. L. Tanner, Walkerton,
Saturday, March 13th, at high no
when their youngest daughter, Te
was united in holy bonds of matt
mony to Mr. R. H. Johnson, Uinta
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jo
Johnson of Wiliiscroft, by the Rev.
Perdue. The bride was eharmin t
dressed in .rosewood satin crop
trimmed with cut velvet and chin
stones. The br'idegroom's gift to
bride was a beautiful string of pear
After partaking of a dainty lunche
they 'left amid showers of confetti f
London and other points east. 0
their return they will reside in Cli
ton, where Mr. Johnson has for ti
past fete years conducted a jewel
business. His friends here unite
congratulations and good wishes.
ed 1 agfieitct
ad 'There passed
a 1 ss d to rest on Wednesday, •
March loth, at the home of her sis-
lie ter, Meer Chas. W. Parker, ,pne of
his Hayfield's oldest and Most highly re -
en, residents in the person of
is Miss Jane Johnston in her seventy-
er- seventh year, alto: an illness of two
30 years.
en Miss`Johnston has lived all her life
1 in this vicinity. She was been on
April 27th, 1849, an the Sanble line
and later moved[ into the village.
vas She was a member of Trinity
nil church acid in her, younger days was
on an active worker in the Sunday school
on, and Iter bright and cheery nature m-
ita, dearest her to all woo knew her:.
'1- though having been i11 for two years
o , she was only confined to bed for the
lin past eight weeks,
R• The deceased is survived by four
g y brothers, Robert and William of Bay -
e, field; Rev. Thomas of Omemee, N.
e- Dak., and Willington of Nekoma, N.
the Dake, and Lorne R. Johnston of "Thief
le. River, a nephew whom' she raised,,
on also four sisters: Mrs. R. Fields,
or Mrs. E,, Attwood, her twin and Mrs.
n Chas. Parker, all of Bayfield and Mrs.
n- T. E. Parker of Naicom, Sask.
to • The funeral, which was largely at-
ery tended, was held! front-'l'rinity'churclt
in oh Friday afternoon at 2;30. The
services were conducted by the Rev.
F. II. Pauli and interment was ntitde
in Bayfield eetrletery. Six nephews
acted as pallbearers, Jack Howard,
William, Walter and Percy Johnston,
and T. Chris. and Jack Parker.
Those who did not attend the home
and School Club meeting on Tuesday
evening missed a very interesting
Program. Very encouraging reports
were given by the different commit-
tees. Papers on the past, present and
future work of the club were read by
Mrs: W. Plumsteel, Mrs. Axon and
Mr's. A. T. Cooper: Mrs. Chowen :ren-
dered a solo which was much apprec-
iated, Several of the trustees were
present and gave short addresses,
speaking partielearly of their interest
in the' Club work, Mr, Feed, chair -
than, of behalf, of the boatel, ex-
pressed the apps eggiatioe of the boar
of the work`acconipiished, particular.
ly mentioning the donation of a num
bar of handsome pictures. In an inter
mission the member's visited the def
ferent rooms and viewed the picture
recently procured and hung. This wa
followed by a social •hour.
Mrs. E. Attwood and .Mrs. Char,
Parker with to. thank the Many
friends for their ldindness, sympathy
and floral tributes during the illness
and death of their sister, the late Miss,
Jane Johnston.
Airs. F. A. Edwards left on Satur-
day to visit relatives in Kitchener,
Mrs. F. H. Paull went on Saturday
to visit her' parents in Galt, ,
ti bits. L. B. Smith returned to her
home' in London on Monday, having
- come to attend. the funeral. of ilei
aunt, the late Miss Jane Johnston,
e Air. W. Brydone, at our request
• furnishes us the followinggatemen
with reference to voting on the C61
iegiate bylatw:
"Many persons are enquiring as to
whether they may have their names
added to the voters' list for the ap•
proaching vote upon the Collegiate
Institute question,
• "We 'are advised that a list of the
'persona qualified to vote twill be post.
ed up and will be accessible torate-
payers in. the Clerk's oefiee ten days
before the day on which the vote is
to be taken. This list is prepared by
the .Clerk frons the last revised
assessment roll.
"Any person ho was rated or was
entitled to be ea ed on the last re-
vised assessment sse n
e ss tenoll', o!
f r sand held in
his or her own right of a value of at
least $200, and whose name has been
omitted from the above mentioned
list, may appeal. to the County Jtidge
and the judge' may . (not later than
five days befo'e the day 'fixed for the
vote) add' to the list the name wrong-
ly omitted.
s The funeral of the late Elizabeth
s Colwell, daughter of Mrs. Ellen Col-
, well, who for many years was at rose
dent of Bayfield, was held front the
I home of her brother; Robert Colwell,
of the first concession, Goderich
t township, on Tuesday. Interment was
made in Bayfield eentetery.
The Y. P. 8: met an ::Friday last,
Miss Marion Davison gave alt excel-
lent paper from the study book on
Leo Tolstoy,. the Russian who put into
• practise his beliefs, after which there
was community singing and the usual
social hour.
The furteru o£ the late bins, Mar-
garet McLarty took place on Monday
at 2 p.m. from the home of her son,
John McCarty -.of Colborne township.
Mrs, McCarty Was was in her ninety-
sixth years and was a pioneer settler
of East Wawattosh, Interment was
made in Ball's cemetery.
'Messes. Prank Raithby and Amos
Andrew attended the Fruit Growers'
Convention and banquet held in God-'
e.ich on Friday last.
Mise Mildred Ring, who has been
visiting•her aunt, Mrs., Win. Medd of
Goderich, returned home last week.
A meetingr of the interim. commit-
tee of the Huron:Preebyterial of the
United Church of Canada was held it
the manse, Clinton; yesterday to ar-
range for the organization of the
Presbyterial, which will be made up
of the Woinett's Missionary Auxiliar.
ies of the former Methodist;.and'Pres-
byterian churches..
Mrs -. J: E, :Rogg ` \vas appointed
"Key" woman for tins district• and
Mrs. Grier of Wiegham, secretary,
Mrs. Hogg ' named the following, who
formed the ntentbers of the committee
Mrs. Andrew, organizer for Goderich
Methodist district, Mrs. Molted or-
ganizer for Exeter district and Mrs.
Georgo Shipley, Clinton. dins.
miugs St: HelensMrs. Tames
ton Goderich and Mrs. George Tel -
ford, Blyth,
It eves (Melded to hold the inaugural
meeting in Ontario street church,
Clinton on Tuesday, April 2711, and
arrangements were made foil this
meeting, when special speakers r
be present. The' president and two
delegates from each ai'txiliary will_
make sup the Presbyterial, which will
cover the entire county, as the Pres-
bytery does.,
'Mrs. Borg enteetined the members
of the committee at her hone yester-
Quite an excitement was caused on
Saturday afternoons when the team
which John Thorn;tson and his broth-
er were driving ran away, The tongue
broke and freed the whiffletrees apd .
the boys were thrown. out. The team -`
then 'free Inn into a large tree in
front: of . Mr, A. C. Jackson's„ One
horse had its back broken and the
other had a splinter turn through' its
hoof. Luckily the boys were not hurt '
save for a shaking up.
The Aubuen •Choral Society intend
putting en 'their recital'. on Frldav,
301.11. Watch for further par.
Mr. 0, F. 'l+:rratt loaded two cars
of cattle and one of hogs this week.
The crows : aro quite numerous in
this section and a few ground hogs
have made their appearance, Sure
hanbengers of Spring.
Stanieg Township
Saturday afternoon •
d noon Ed, C.
Y attuMrs. M
Gien entertained a few of her gal
friends to a St. Patrick's tea in honor
of Miss, Pat McFarlane,' The early
part of the - afternoon was spent at
Irish contests, The hostess was ably
assisted by Miss Alice end Master
Bobble Glen.
Miss Amn Stewart of Clinton. spent
the week -end at her home here,