HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-02-25, Page 8✓, 38a46 - „ i 4 -..` 6 • - —_ :A _ _ °mm.°^.r�i'�Tuu
C>�Tt` t , 2S ,EkaI
If At
end -Clem up Sale
4JL tax osoap, i?alm,, Congo, per cloa. — 49e JAY powders (with spoon) 3 pkgs. 25c
k diet soap, newest. soaps 10e
l of
Corn flakes,.3 for
Seldom 'neglect an opportunity ' ._ riex� peas, large recn peas 2 for 25c r 28c
I b
per lb, 10e Fig bars, per lb'. 25c
for saving like this'
f Loose, cocoa,
We e��icet ? to do business in the - j /.,.
- 2 for 25c oose Macaroni 2 lbs, 25e
busy season but wo must be sattslicl 2 lbi soap chis 25c,
5e Lux, per pkg,
to. "rush it hlong" In the dull days, 1'0 <bars I'. 8r' G. and Cxold'�aa 55c 10 bars Comfort soap with (towel SSc
�% • d P Our Own " Bakin ' owder }
and with this itx"view we intrgduee to Good brooms 59e F 18C
i b,: ail shortening
If you have a radio, it'll keep hnn. home, off the streets , you a :Writing Tablet. Zt, is .called 3 pkgs, Corn flakes 28c 3 1 F t g 49C
' aw frons the wrong coil'i anions• If you haven't a'son you � Good �tla. k tea, per lb: `48C
Y g F Y � Y Iimnewai'd and in our:jndg- • , �'
need:a radio anyhow; for your own amusement, entertatnment,
niei t of ,,value they should "bound"
and, enli htenment
hitii tl�a hoiiiea'af rile people. There.' If, `yf?Ll VVei'e to asl�. S'.f.�?r the l"�al� Ci ®u>r litfle 14a
into ''we
Trans Atlantic;te `coiri le125
F • $ aretwo•sizes with 10Q a .
sheets in each. Would 'h -eve totell you " It is Lent
iVIarconiphone, complete; $225, ,The. small, size we considered•good
,Herrmg per can4QCvalue ai its re alai price,20e, the We Special Cannye
d chicken en tin 35c
Special.. for L.ent,,Smelts lb 30e Klim. milk in powdered form l
large size assuredly "ag•ood,buy.at its P •. F '- P 85c
x to"serve with"'snnelts Mushroom Catsup; bottle 15c New �Iried;peaehes, ib,
.. Graduate, of Toronto College 'N Optometry regular 30c price. We- offer thein to ::. H'alibtit. - er'lb• ' 3Qc 35.
`' y paha Next $ovey's Drug. Store .. F.. Silver polish, per bottle
Fine Jeweller and Tie
_,. 15c
you as a VERY- SP>CIAL at B. C: Salmon, red- 30c Duro, New aluminum .Cleaner 15e "
>r Finnan Haddie,'-Filletts; Oysters ii Klean Brite new aluminum polish
��c AND, �8C � F sh 25e r
respectively, just to keep the money ;
•�- EPA r-��T� � �'� j
and t ego d our advertisements. Peopio, read �,J fl P.:r j`► j 1 \I 1'1� ,
Quality r ootwi�Ear : tisements. We.
Moderately P'Y'IC�C�.. await the ant war.. 'fitter Oranges for marmalade, per doz. 50C
Sweet oranges, for marmalade 29e
'What more can anyone demand of any o =• .
Bananas, mead Lettuce Celery ;
rI:, a Shoo than to T r De Favi 'Co.
Often the Gheupeat-Always the rest ' orning First~. Delivery 3 a.m. In 167,4fternoon first Ae[ivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Earl
4 the NI
LOOK WELL and r _. - Cash andO.
- _
, •
' �� �o
WNAR WELL. o Qr� l%)<CiQ.r ' s 48 .
r These qualities ale combined in -the � Where '' Sells for •loss "price prevails.
_ new spring lines; now coming into. g
it Dur lines of Ladies' Strap Slippers y- per on "Health Through Cleaniii.eis:" _
In it the said cleanliness is a word M.. -
✓ pis- With a very broad meanings eyvn ,. e, ,. ,
at $4.00 and $4.50 are reat'values, MLs. J, C, Mc1Ylath is visiting'her s°+qtr
r ter in Sirathroy, when it definitely, affects our health
Q 14Ien s Oxfnrde, blaci{ or tent $4,40t up, Mr. John Zalife spent a fele days Cleanliness tray be said to be next to v
erviceable work boots of ( last ileek''wvith.his mother. in ICit- Godliness lihen we vision the error "t '"�T°"`
best makes
charier, thous `saving in human life whin n,
Stt 4tY s
,4 ebb aryl.,
• at close prices; Miss Erni.. llorrisonn' o£ Ilereall vis- Kpuld'J:nere from absolute ^leanli ��
ited her brother M1 E, W. Morrl• neap. There We be no such thing.
i ' as contageus illiseases and colds 1d
son, last week. d i
Q Mr, R. A. z Bell left Tuesdi tar would esdmost unknown,- e ay and i
' best,
flesh air and sunshine are the e
North Bay, where site el<pects to be bolt• cleansing agents known: Both � •t,�,
i PRONE 25. fqr some time. li 1 `d �j'j� � e
� hot water and sunshinie Help to de: � `-'��-r� ��, till j,� `��•L°�� �v
Mnssea Isabelle and Alice Beattie stroy germs, Our windows should be ll
haveetud ttown own to resume
o en to adtuii, both sunshine and air '��IAJIt119111�t tt ' fl`k�ll .i�+�
'their millinery business. P i I f t
and bed monis• Should be well aped
.�..�. Miss MacDonald has returned and during the night, sutmnei and win-
,will coxitinue tier millinery business .ter. Ml;s: W. Dow .asked'over twee- ,
in Clinton the coming season,' t questions of the members on health w l
L. ;UR 1l i.I �''i`kl1d�SHIPLEY sale
Mrs, Hanson of Ailsa Craig has beell, laws and many' of the answers; were �+ �t
visiting with Rev. My. Snowdon verq he$nful. Arra, A. Caldwell react
— and his niece, Miss Mary Walls, a paper,on "Rural Schools,,, Mrs. C, lava=
Mr, T. X. McKenzie. of Toronto Spent G. Armour sang a solo, Miss R. Tay -
several days last weak with his for and Miss Eva Staekbouse gave a
Telephone parents, ,Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Me After taking stock we find too much of the 4 piecesedroom Suite in Bud's Eye Maple, regular
Kenzie. violin aelecL'ion,'wltich was much- ap higher class goods on hand, so we are going bo.sac- 8190., Sale Price ...... . . .. . ..... . ......$160
Your grocery order to 125,you may rest contented that when your px eciated.. A dainty lunch was served rifice them between now and March 1st, and you -4 piece; Bedroom ,Suite in al
Tatra 1 and. our friends sit down to ..dinner that you are servin 1Vtr.: Ernest Bradshaw of Detroit, who P Walnut, xegutax $$135
iY n Y -_ wlnicki'was,also', -much enjoyed, ;.+rad' will be the winner, Look -over' this Ilst, then look 'Sale, Price :.................. $i35
quality food, fresh and wvholesotne, and be certain of aatisfyinp, the had been Visiting ;his sister m Lain. after thanlrntg; the hostess for het over oar stock and be eonvmced. t Also s ecials .on Dinin Room Furnit
most exacting, You need never feel wgrxied, as, to the puccoss.ot' any, i Cldon, spent the week -end with Olin- kindness all de lofted to their homes 9 Room Furniture Skirt Boxes Kitchen Cure' eta
meal, under these oandttions, t4ni friends. l 3 piece Chesterfield Suite, in best Moliatr, a real Library Tables, In fact everytliiii in the furniture.
Ste in and secure a flea 'aani to of a fi e new Biscuit::.. well pleased with their outing. g
it dandy, regular $230; Sole Price•. ............. $205 department will be subject to the Cut irises during
P p S Mr. and with
li Cn, tolen of Watforl SYIrs: Tahn Ross of Sh¢unadon. 3 apiece Chesterfield Suite hl'Good Tapestry, Mar- February. -
Fresh California Celery I3,ead Lettuce— west Oranges were with'Clinton£rends for a feW ' `
Grapefruit--Banatias Sash., visited at the home of finer shall Cushions, regular $160., Sale Price .....$145 The Big Ideals to turn these Goads into Cash
days, having accompanied the'ce- mother-iri-law, stirs, Alex. Boss of our Furniture
mains d the late . Cantelon from wx1A goodIisimnnber met�ln the`Unitsd r Hardware ' and, r` urnitur + Company,
- z
Watford last week. y ClintonliCIIC"1�
, Mr. and Mrs, George McKenzie and church. on Fzxday afternoon to par-
THE S. GROCERS Master Malcolm of Dungannon tieipato in the Women's Day of g`
were week -end guests at the kotue Prayer for Missions; 1viein is now so
of the former's parents in town, widellr recognized among Christian
Branch Store. Phone 125 J.. ]RADIO
Store, P3loiie 125 W. w Mrs. Thos. Mel enzie. women. -The ;opening hymn was
_ Mr. 'and M
Mr.'W. L. King of. the Hamilton ;Her "The Church's One Foundation -is Worn out tubes which lig&t'oup ve-
- - - Sidi with Mrs, King: And son, Byrle, Sesur• ,Ch;l,St, oils• i Lord," The V I. M. Iuveiiated... Price 25e each. No charge-
_ were herd thio week, comm ' U to S: President Mi : I?attenbury, -gave a for testing. T
& p' ,®'
attend thefunexai of. the Toriners .,short talk: on the urrose of the
another, the late Mrs. W. G. Smyth. meeting, this being followed by the FOR SALES=One De Fo$est Oros -
Mr. L, E: Doherty. of '•Stratford was Scriptpure reading ' from Psa.m 95` ley 3 -tube set, this year's model, all and
Sutter e�idue � in town Yesterday, tittendiiig the end Johii 19 bye rite President of, the new tubes, batteries, Musieone loud
Doherty's inother, Y. W. A., Mrs 'Arthur McQueen' who speaker•.. large solid mahogany cab- Think t
theelate �rsTrW:''G. Smyth: Drts. also made a v8ry capable chairman,. ;net, with room inside for batteries. 1
HeedqtiUlearters for ' Doherty had been with her mother MrA Dowd mode a Prayer of Confes Price $125,00, Also oue two tube sett
for some time prior, to her deatli. cion. ''The wonien in :unisolt gave, a all -complete. Price $50.00. Brenner- I
RANDTtAM-IiEN'DERSON- ENGLISH PAINTS, AND VARNISHES , Mrs. A. J. McMurray,wh has been 'General- -Thanksgiving. fiblil "Tire TuIley.:three.;tube sets; all complete;
$ It is only 6 more weeks till Easter, so 1t'is not too'soon to
staying .with her ssterQ Mea E. 'Missibinary Maistiy."Mrs, 13any;•Ii $75.00 to , 104.00.
rCCLARY'•S FAMOUS STOVES, Furnaces, Granite and Tinware, Xfinufidy; since the death of,their• rayed, that Gpd, 'the holy Spirit, every Set Guaranteed One Year yth•n t`
p. "' think o! a Spring salt or Spring odercoat.
mother, the late Mrs, Colquhoun, migbt be recognized" -as the source of
INS-MANVIL + ASBESTOS ROOFING and Shingles -Absolute returned to her home in HairistoYn ,all, power in the Church, Airs: Ar �• A•,. HOVI+Ythe new cloths are arriving now and.we have a nice range
� - do your insurance. last •weeks , aecomnariied by 'Mrs. nnour read a story. of direct answers ' � _ - - from $3D. to $50.
ly fire proof.,, hereof with these and save u Kennuedy, who will remain as hot 'to' prayer.•• Mrsi Robt. Watso 'prayed Semi Ready suits From; $21:50 up.
guest far a trine. for •,tine ' Missionary work�of rho Biltmore bats n i
F,FECTO AZiTO- T]NAMEL—The. kind that ou can apply yourselft u well cap8 in rite
y Mrs.-Henry73for Mason who has been vis- Chw!ch . in ."Corrado 'and other lands' p
with the assuranc that pu •will have a perfect job. iting in New York for the, past six Miss Martha MacDonald prayed fon � , • new spring colors and shApes.
h e Y P , n ,
weeks, has returned and will phend' the; Lea .e o£.Natiatis and Clie Peace
LUiti ING AND PL 411BING SUPPLIES. some trine with Mrs. Frances' Wnse of Lecarno. Mrs. Addison s prayer:
before returitiin to her home in was for the Tloines and Youth of all Dj spy .g.�q p �y
Youn Sasli. „It is twent -three nations apd `Mass Mayme, Swan T A. � 1I�Y4iJ
_ -, Years since Mrs. Mason went 'west prayed.for.'K-ing, ,Country auna and ; `!ETERAN TAIIOILS PEIONE 224-�7'
+ and she sees. inany changes in the pire,; 1£he Doxology; ,was s ng.,
—Sets -and aceessories. old `town and vicinity. the Lord's ;lir Iyer repeated and the 'i-
Ble sing given in unison.
yy r
The preiniuni list for rho Iiorticul-
1�!°Rix@�11G1lC�.turaety will be out of
' l
Mrs: Dan iVluairoe received thesad.' thislweek. Itis in tl eainti rests of . J4 " �'�Cash
news of the death of her sister . in .every one concerned ,that the orders �4.J p .
Slut -ter e' Takata and left here on Saturday to r4jie should le in by MaMi 10th, the date
attend the funeral. set by•the'officers. Cooperation with, for
one 174w • , `" • Residence 174j Mr. J. J. Morrison, sec;"etary of.rite the seeretar Y -treasurer is,.asked go . a
Cooperative Company; will ,give. inn in this mattes; as it is case of a Poultry.
ARDWARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING address in Clinton on March 4tli at 2" "first come, first '• served" with. the -Eggs � J
o'clock and in Ilensall oil' Mareli Ole txurseiymen; who +bgok orders, as they _.
„ 3rd at!a 'clgcic. Our farmer firionds come in •and chi in the same order:` Our'new Manager, Mr, M. A.. Wiggins, wvill•be g,Iad to
p /
will be glad to hear'him.
meet all our customers and explain our plaits' for.: 1926.
The monthly tineeting of the U. F: meet,
W. 0. drib was' held on Feb. ,17t1i 'at 7S TIIZ TIME TO. ORDER
the home of
Mrs. C. Haugh who liacl Mr. J. Wilson received thr_ sacs SAP PANS-SPILI S: Co.,indly invited ' the 'women of the uelvs of the cieatlt. of his platen, Il7rs, rLO �. ls>1>snifieel
\ \ school section to be rpresent., There, W, l3"arr,; in Detroit, and left on Sat- 9
M J,� J. orris6n � aril be ready for the sap when it lie- "'HEAD OI'I ICE i — MONTIL�AL, GkUU',
were Over ladies-iiw, attendance. ui•daY to attend `tile fuleial.
The ineeting was opened by tile -new: Mrs. II: Mogridg•e spent a 1cw dayy'" gins to ran
Prov. -Secretary of the ;.United Mariners of Ontario president, °Mrs. C.:•Clifton. After )) ort
last wcel tvitl: her sister, Mrs. W. Hand ihLo ions and buckets nia,de
singing The Maple Leaf Fpt ever,'' Marsh zit Carlow: t Clinton Brandi open each day, from 7 air. to 0 p.m:
will'address amass ineetin <in the e<>i, e
Write, 'phone or C y
g and zepeatzng , til CxeedCitn, i Limon, 1VIi ..T loytl ,l?aithlny left last v, ,to ord z all for an further' information• you vequilq
tine doll was called which t h was for Detroit.
I¢�t' Theatre,Clinton sponged to lY the menibez:s. Lhe" Mr, and Mrs. E. Lear of Blyth y
i" 5 icnt the week -end with the latter's
.Y 114
sttbjecL was.• 'l3ints on Ilealt7t' and ,1 ' �To_ CLINTON, ONT., $ILANCIi°' h�.iil sdraU,arch 49 at 2.30 snahy' a„ei'ul hints were given, AR sisters; 141rs, I-Iift'and Mrs. GG; Sturdy:
ter the business 'for the flay: was Mr. and Mi•s Williams and family 1. PHONE 190,- v
cordial invitation is extended to the public to be present.
;settled Mx•s. Arthur -McQueen :read a, spent •t few clava', tiviC��t the'acly"s TIARDW,ATZE and 7'LUMBING �
most interesting and instmctive pa- brother, M.- G• M.. Stra`hE lion. � Phone 244