HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-02-18, Page 4lCha cIint000-Now3-)Ricoro,
TIIlTRSDAY, I`11131Z;GARY• 18, IP26
'11ne5 Rl' rea5anablyJ honest,: l lirly `
toondiDnA Doti �, . ntelli cut' not an too industi ons —
r Jl°iil 6 Y — -- ---
- _----� was The W. A. o£ St 'JiNhnrs church and as to. their finazxeial staiidut;,, all
m�p�� A most enjoyable evemng the !4: 1VI. S, o:E the rve can say, is that they keep their
rh a YwP the haiine o): 41, and �IVli'..., have j` invitee „ t -e vs-Recoxxl nail
cC��D�"�� � �� sp$nt at
the:n:i!m- Unjted chux•ch'.to Jaln them at tine .suUserrptxyn to 11 e 1V. i
Cecil 01ce
last Tnnday when
------------ � aminal women'>5 day, of pz•ayer to he up:. We have not yet seen a pro5pec- ..
Uoas of the London Rand, L'. h. W: O' chinch at ff'a?clock nn L ii-• Gus and a5 no copy For Same has coziie
f f ° club treated 'their families and e'en- held nn the ;
4 ' n,'frlends :.ta an :oyster ,ztp1-
d Y Feb. I 0th into this office, we presxune it is ,not
���� , ` flet c ei. a. ,
�� social tinle was spent m thetown yet out: ,As, for taking, etocx, we MALT and imoderate .sized. ac-
�* :
Over sixt *sat town to the lxo nett- over one would advise caution. Woodpeckers,
E 9 S Ball Tl.nt'sduy'evening when oV w d
ladeni tables olid all auose' wit.n
• fully ' ' , t:estsl were'anEcv- are notorious lrnocicers and crows are-;, counts as well. aslargeones •
�linLon by 041to ll PCOIlle A n'o •'rain fol.• hxzndred xnviled e: We oiled lx the. Bank of
�1a<Ic tin satisfied lcelin; . 1 g d' s i Mr: y
qq twined l and' Vlrs. E..'Chu ,:x. .]ticely to caws pleixty of tronbl are welt
rl. r1, g's by T Miss Bessie
and'Mr, The evening was spent,in e ehre incl iliigli' have, answered this letter' Inad Montreal. The service of this.
ay, N . Llmex Lege. n I
olin selections by Sins ell time danctn", 'which continued fidentzally;if a stamped envelope
ndsR v '. Bank is adapted to all and tine
Stackhouse and Mr, Jade David- until-midnight, aftar'whic<h lunch was been enel,osed, but have been c -, aality of thatservice is tite same
Solos by bliss Oari•ie Oke and served and all went hot ne £eelin,gi v-ry fur to say nothing that will can ,us wherever and whenever is lis_
W. Stackhouse and selectiomA by ntucli indeltecl to the'host and lxost- a libel quit:—Ed:) �a
q ott-Lioyci Orchestra and scion t ass. , tendered.,
hold :hes by tine lno t•prn St
oiuinent ancn L'entcn sciv, ccs willbe
phursday�� �'1' �,$a3>1jf16'�d
all much appreciated Dancing John's chuxcl every;' 11"O14
ghta very pleasant' evenm;.; to' ,ing thin n 6 -Lent.-, Rev:- mr. Paull will l
ise. take charge of the sea vices .„ Mxss Ada Galbraith has lately re-
tinned from i, most delightful trip
.T. Campbell is Nav1A
in .s sale NIn G. H. ,Ile ttty' spent 'the; weelr cjctencling over .Give months time, hav
giving: nn faruung, abd Mr. ._Ancl end with his sister,; Vtiss Gladys, In
' ing visited friends and relatives at:
{'will take over Jbe farm, )vhieln London Douglas, 'Wyom.; Denver,-=Col , Mozi-
urchasecl fi aiii 'Mr.'A Gat ttiva ighr Messrs. l7: Elliott and tiV. rP'tYlot' ,son and Seattle, Wash; Vancouver-, I r ' p
wears ago. ,hs
a tax' load of erotic to
Toronto'Satulday. Victoria, Winnipeg- and Toronto
The friends of !Vire. R Errant, who, On Tuesday afternoon of last week, y i'/ � Si ablisheil l$i' ,
,endi 1Peb. 9th;;Mis.•William Stirliii en .r, ;
Hoin1lesvi{i11? underwent an operation for apl -
inorc of 7.aricll in Seaforth hospital on.Saturday tailed a numben�of.the:older ladies of total resects l
r,, and Mrs. Whit the village, Mr's. -Bailey, Mrs. Sux- 1
Sunday with their daughter, Kill be pleased to hear she is doing as-`mm�nniimmnm plpn nnniu l�
It St Y " well as coni be expected. <.. geon, Mrs.' Dunlop, Mrs. Campbell, ;i -R.-.- .-,r,., _ ,. rsr+, : in excess:of
.,am- m 1 nun nm nn num m ��
MT. Win. Kerslake of Exeter. pent p
.'W. C. Jervis. Spent :..Miss Cuni .bell, -Mrs Reid; Mrs. '�'
oltnesville- Cheese and But Cc• the;weelc end with his
cousiin,loon a•nd Mt•s. Falconer. The time II I'I
a bee hating' ice oit.Me.nday• was spent in a social chat, followed,
G, Reid,
W, II,;,Lobb..was Calirl•tor We are sorry'to report that :Rias by music and a delicious suptcr� To
: '
ria. on ,Monday owing to'tlio ill- S.',l; St°_tlteiison of-the Babylont•line•.:say.that;they all.tharaugltly, eu) Y
of Ilex• daughter,-Mrs. INT. J: Vint i5 again confined t'oh
wer bed, but hope the party is liutting it mildly.
ho underwent an `operation S.:n- soon to. see her around. again, The fishermexi are ,"making hay 1
evening:' - while the sun shines as .tbe ic•.•fish- ,I
I, ��
Liss Dorothy :Jervis spent Sunday the iS partieulai+lir good ;ust now on .. j I of l 14 " �j, 11 i �G
ting friends in this community. �$ ' Towns � � Tine Y. P. S. Valentine Party - (P . _ } r"�" �,ll4l
ir, Howard Trewartha' has solei i(s,°t`Dmieri Friday last was quite a''sueeess The I �I {i �} i ,i� ! :�{
farm all tile 9th concession to, !tis Despite the stormy evening the debar c "Resolved—Than Compel
fliers -Eert and Edgar .And has Y 'social lielil at St. •James' church, .has dcne more for the Prosperity of tr • r , , T` p� q L {= r ; 4,I.. , Nip,
ght one. of NIr,-Lorne Tyndall's .Middleton,.on Monday was a decided. tine Farrier than has .Cooperatn li. 'na,
lies in Hullett township. t success. The,hrogratn wtis well re- was very 'lnterestmg and.v,ell debit,- j ! i( L9onee
;oma and enjoy the imique program ,eeiued. St consisted of songs, hum,- ed• E. Brown and Fred Reard-stood•.
ic11 N,,ill be given' at'the Black and orous selections,.:. maridolizk sofas and
fox, file •affirmative,' .while :�rdell' �lII ( i � . III II�I I} �J��IIIII��I��III�I�I jI�Ill���hr
rte Social, in the _ ehurch on the a play „A Case,_ of Suspension," in Grainger anti Brown Stewart upheld iIIIII�� VIII ��'dip ��l tn'' I� II'.li'l' . aIW la
;icing of Fell. 24th, Lunch Will he •tN,lplalic� the parts- were till Creditably the negative side of the question. Thz 111 f l
vel at the close. Under the au- taken. A couple of terrine songs Ug -nudges, Missy M. Howell, Miss H. Clinton Branch: H. R. SHARP, Manager
ces .of the Ladies,, Aid. Mr, Dunn of Bayfield were much-ap- . Gerrie, Rev. F.
H. Paull; David Lew-
- preciateci. Tlie auction of the- boxes ar, jr., and Colin Campbell, took eon-
by our genial and affable auctioneer, aid
e#able time to amide at the enii- —
AuburnMr. George Elliott; of ,Clutton, passed elusion that those upholding the-noga-
I-1. Stewart, who has been" iii off very briskly. An interesting fea- -five side eci t ao t1-0 55 peon in, r cont p After before ileing suieyitnnuated, that
rtion of � 11ed- As_�Roanus °he for 2 ifer 2 srsR4 ye<ued ll ng
tTrs CS
trait taking trea.� ay. returned to, tare cues the judging of the prettiest: of 45'neras o -funeral tool- place on xalves; 3 young calves. Implements---
c home last' Saturday. Her llusbanii best decorated box, and , the 'fjudges
le the �itv singing there
tl en •thensocials Com- North. Thomas' church, Owen Stand, � YT : yrs;
,nt' over to accompany her home, found-it was no easy til 1 P where -a most irn- eiy G ft. cut; INI: H. cultivator; 11'I.:h.
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley: wino have winner from the varied and beautifixl mitteee, Sv. lrahr Reid, Kennedy, ie charge Anglica iachurch,n from St. George's er,-Hf. cut;, VI.-H. cu Deering mow.
ant the last three months in Tor Array: After some deliberation the and was conducted by
ere last frit, a pair of silver candlestick: Broken hearts, were, passed, the
pRressivDe sJrvD -Naughton, rake; °Wagon new_. 2i single buggies;
to, returned to their home It P
mrsday. wi h candles, kindly donated by Miss to the boys and the other o girls. shortpair bob sleighs;
s sold his Falun. Lulu Elliott, was awarded to Miss When these weitin edcont st was moll Hebxpetivsc4e0, a"Ti#ere�xe foie robe; set harro vst6�seotion;$in-
Mr. W. J. Andrew
'Mr. L. Groos and is• having :in Mary Conk. Proceeds amounted to navel !poenn g Amon `those who eo- box, fiery; Pig crate; Hay rack, ce3a'r;
an sale of farm stock and itnple- over $40.00. The Y. P. S, wish to given. i h°t vcoliple o ~verde atIIthe top rind plel of bG a 11 ere Am agxe ,4 to the pet- gle plow; Wagon box Pig box; Grave
Lett }'
eats and household furltltora on than]- all those who assisted in the F< i school teachers who cedar sills, 14 ft. long; fanning xbill;
March 3rd. program and also those who by their the contestants were to write in twon- tended tlre'service were a large .nein- sills for hay rack, 16• ft. long; air -
ednesday, ale-: sreaence as donators .and: buyers of ty minutes time a"poem of four' litres her' of the publ c
Mr. and Mrs. B. Gibbings of Stk.at- bons ca�ntributed to .the, suc0es 3f with these two words at the end of• had ,permission to close their ed was set scales, 2,000 lb.; land roller, grind
!n spent a few days with the44``1 two of the lines. These were. then and amongst wllont th° deceased was stone; sugar kettle; hay cu; hay
T's sister, Mrs. W J.
-Andrew, the evening. s Tarvmshmid is unfair collected and the judges, NIrs• NI, cult- .very papular cin account of the gr•:at rope, 1G0 ft. long; -hay fork; Bags;
Mr. J. Nicholson Attended the :fun- Mr, Ellie L brick; set double harness•, chains; 2
Oualll At. Credlt011-last Ila file flay to lttArlfet and he tom- I eazie; Mrs. tlB Buchan
to Athe Vestry, educational matte sa always taken tri pulleys; grain bags; -lumber; n00
ml of Ills c r. 'Kenn d. ,
eel:. , ports good ntices. the I The remains
}t itilr. Maurice Switzer, son of 4Ir. Games were then played and
ierst� an- Oiven Sound for inte'wereii>ent n Bayfiel,l forks;brought .[rely' rots l akes;ngle awhiffletrees; neckyokei `
xVe are sorry to'hean''af the dean
f Mr R. Gorcier in Clinton hihp.t11 Jluuos Switzer of the �v relri lbws n-an's ea�The nfollow�ngvxwritten by cemetery. The deceased had been ill I and other articles. Happy Thought
n stove;
nd extend our sympathy to the re- is name frciut thowest, lie
hives here,
been farming tar a number of YeursN wo's. V. Balser and dssgiveMeKen a arelonetdaughter,tMiss Nthelinandlhl paw s°; Capt'tnlstseptitntoxchebedstead;
Rev. NIr• Piercy is to give a Brun_ The A.
Y. p. A. of Midcl e ting rcoati"st prize• Pia son, Rav, Chas. Ryan bf Owen Sound dishes; lamps; table; stand Grsin—
tic presentation of ,Enoch Arden' church ofhlz a n dail2rs Ming at teen oRaw, row, row your boat, and another son, Fred, of. St, Cath- 500 bushels oats; 300 bushel barley;
n'the Baptist Church on the 24th of ham i0 tons hay;-50 pullets; 25 hens year
!ebruary, recently; when a very pleasant t'auc if you get tired take off Yo'tr c'a}; arises.
was spent. ,But if rite gently breezes blow; '
The Meat's Club of Bayfield Parish old; 2 thoroughbred Rack roosters; `L
Sioist the sail and ]et her go:' held A meeting m the town hall Tues geese Anda gander'. Tel?ms. $ay,
r�+� yI��H� Second pr11e Uy Lucy:R. WOO& slid day evening. It was ladi-resent and a It and ender,
cash; ain fowl over that sums oAmount 12
1~al f�(q�ron :�;Q�ad East Arthur Pec1r, words, given steal,, there were -about sixty
A plans- -months' credit on furnishing approved
Mr. Prank Picot of Goderich fawn and "squeals: 0 very pleasant evening Sp jointnotes; or a discount of 3 per cent.
ship teas the guest of Mr. Carl Mous Mr, James Rolland is sly e''ti� ,When we go to feed the pigs thee' ing , frogratn, waw given, consisting of
ton one evening Inst weal-. very much with tin injured. g, steals trios by Messrs, M. Elliott, We Logan straight allowed for cash on reedit
alter Mair,
Mr. Win. Taylor entertained a man- cowed' some title ago while working With pulls of chop and sone"- of Ings,and DFiedtlMiddlatoter and nlandsL.Ellwood; Goo. R Elliott,tch. amounts, AutioneerPropri k511
bar of his friends to a ate?-off'' on with a cutting box. archil, quartettes by Mesdames Paull and
Friday evening last, Mr, Ernest Val attended They greet us with some hearty q Clearing Auction Sale
Squall moods and Rev, r. A. Paull And 92r•
Mr.. Wan. Scbtchmer, ;who has the a cuolne and da!tce at the home of this they ean'not get` their Pill:' T. A. Edwards, and duets by Mrs. Of Farm Stock and Implements.
guest, of his- brother in T{itcliencr $or Mr. and Mis• Janies Harrison,, Por- 0 Paull and Mrs. Woods, who also aetcd The undeisigned auctioneer has re-
the past week., has returned 11 ne tar's dill; Tuesday night last. Mrs. 'Lloyd• Making anti Miss Ii. as accompanists during the event' 1 • ceived instructions to sell by public
Mr; Hugh McKenzie arrived here Mr. Fred Cool- is spending a' low Gerrie had charge of the lunch, wh'':r Sento galltes were played and a very auction at London Road, i mile south
front Moose Jaw last.week. clays tvttkl his paren'ts> tilt. and Mas. ''was not by ally `means least on rho , ed of Clinton on Wednesday, March 3rd,
mce lunch sery
Miss Grace McGowan, returned =.=of-near hayfield. program. The meeting closed with at 12:30 o'clock Sharp, the following'
home ffoTA Landau 'last Wednesday, Mr. win. Bali has pureliased a Val- the National Anthem. : lienees—Heavy draft horse rising l
Miss Jennie Belle 112cCartney vis table threa-year-old colt from 14ir• There died in Owen Sound on Fri- Auction Sale years; dappled a Phorseron mate,
ited at the homes- ,f Mr. Alex. Thom- .John Dempsey, Goder{ch township. way morning, Feb- 5th, one who was Of Farts Stock and Implements. y , 1, y
Charles T. Edward avill sell by pub-
Years, 1:500 lbs.; driving horse, 3
seri and Mr. Arthur MaQueen fon' a Several fraltl around here attender well-l-noavlt here' amongst the alder ears quiet and reliable; work horse,
fete days. the auction sale at Mr, Jamss Rands residents'of, the -village, Rev. Francis years,
on 'Friday last: Ryan. The, deceased was born in lie auction w hot 1G, Tuesday, Feb,' 10 years; aged horse. Cattle-.-Dur.
Township, on Tuesday, ham cow,'5 years due in March; Dur-
THE CHATEAU FIR Mr, and Mrs: Robert McFarlane of Jan., 1847, in the County,of Middle- 1•tlary 23rd, commencing at 1 a'clock
QUEBEC—AND WINTER ' Goderich spent Sunday' at the home De-
Box, Ont , and received his theological sharp, the following: horses—.tged liam cow, G years, freshened in De- t
SPORTS PROGRAM of Mr, Chas, Maim. training' at the Western University, team; heavy draught mare, 5 years cembei; Hereford r; 8 years, fresh-
seasonable weather prevail- iilare. Cattle—(Polled ened in November; Guernsey heifer,
London, Nvliere Tried
obtained, the d^gree old; s)--o-Co flue!, int. ,A,pril; 3 black steers, 'rising 2
Ing and. a, nice blanl-et..of •snow an W00L.D•BE ,SHAREHOLbFRS of B.D• He maetr dao 1�W rinwe' Cannier Angus)—Cow, 4 Years old, milking; years; 4 Durham steers, rising 2
the ground) winter sport season nit ter of the fat I cow, 6 years old, dtte in March; cow, years;.:yearling steer; Hogs-7 store
Quebec City is now well tinder way. ARE,CAUTIOUS of this village, who ptedeeeased•him :0 years old, due ih May; cow, 3 years., bov,, shoats; sow due to-farrow
The snow;=wreathed 15cauty,and exhil- h' rebruar 15th; 1ti20. tour Year's ago. old due in July; cow; 5 years old, due March. 22; .sow due to farrow April
re., . Y
During his ministry he was reehig ili.'June; fat.cow, steer and heifer,.
alAtiiop_ 'of �d lnWintercasp arts x Ire To the Financial'' Editor of sized as an able organizer and to 'and heifer, 1 12; sow due to farrow April 18; 30
growing,, rising 2 years; steer reel. pullets; 40 rock hens, 1 year old;
quick olid effective :restoratives, The News -Record, Clinton, Ont• k incredit slid memory stand sever year; 3 heifers,., 8 months; calfase. 2 geese and a gander. Implements--
bringing to You the enJoymeiits of Dent .Sir,-We stitiv last nation churches erected in the Moose months, Poultry--•80 hens; 3 ge Massey-Harris binder, 7 it. out; Mas-
glowing' youth, Up ,fn, the spruce; your paper rlicutloll of tile, f Huron through his untiring energy. Implements�Masaey-Halrts binder, sey:Tlarris, mower,.B ft. cut; Massey-
country, where amidst' the color, ';f' a„ Woodpecker-brow CompaiiY, H° wtis a tvoudexful student and an ft, cut; 14lassey-Hartle 13 hoe drs Harris sleighs, nearly new; wagon;
mirth' 'and hos italit Of ora Queb�a,' �nth..,a fret af, its p>omotors., Will drill; is disc; hay rake,
p Y inveterate. reader and excelled. in,his nearly- new; Oliver riding plow; side
the' true winter Carnival spirit is'- to ya>1'liiridly give us a confidil iaillave knowlodgo of Greek. and Latins. Ice' .cultivator; mower, delivery rae; bean puller and scuff-
oat and Wood
be found: ! port of those connected, xvxtli was a man of sterling character and Cookshutt riding plough,LFleury walls-
ent. fire at the Canadbia they a: good reyut: ion,, are they hon- sound principles -and in pout!cs :a iu lough; Cocleshutt double plough; ler combined; Wald -drill, b set k;
The 'ret o p g p iron .harrows; seed .drill; hay Pack;
Pacific's 'famqus, hotel, the '"Chatedl est, " nutelligent; industi?ious; 'final statirich Conservuti"ve. Among other 4=section harrow; grain rollep; fan- Stan-
`a" 'lots caused no cially strong and otherwise wgrthv of atatuch ere er ti' btationed during, 111,19mill, and bagger; s6ufP:lar; `root flat rack for sleighs; top boggy,
rrontena .hope seat pearl new• high "cutter,
tion in the � social activities there confidence?' Alsg give tis Your opin -his years- of mfuisi`ry are Eseteryulper; wagon, bay rack• wagon`l,ox a ' y pul er; horse
cin alit le aecomiuodatioiis and ion' as to the' advisability of our tak Florence, Durham •arid his last charge, p p nearly new, turnip p p
being p anti stet]- rack; 2 gravel.boxes; hay rake; set-of scales one foot rmerY;
•public rooms for. guests-nor in the ing a block of stock if the same is put fork and car; Set of slings; bobsleigh
a los ectus; Buffalo •robe; set of water proof horse
whiter snorts'program arranged by qn the market. Sibs a p P and box; platform; turnip gcrder; blankets; set of heavy Harness with
the Sporis^Director of Chateau Fant- been issued?—Yours truly, Andrew
anti the Fxontenae Winter Can
,Oliver Johnson.. Get#I :i , Jle[llliljei' ` 'grass seeder; rubber-tired buggy; collars and tops nearly new; set' of
tenmc �`+,�re)1'R-] ®alb' steel-tired buggy; Portland Cutter, on plough hatltess; 'set of driving hat-
Sports Club. Organized `activities (So,far As we latow the,IlromPtora cutter pole,• ladder, 36 ft.;
ess !� set tress nearly now; set of power, ho tc
and interesting, events daily, inelindes 'of the abo, e•conipany axe_ ail, right, gongues; set single h
:skating, snow-shoeing, hockey;'skiing'; Somethitt Must Beo. 'Done and Dolto double haruess;.horse •blankets;'pump clippers, nearly , new; set a aaor,
• .Right No!@v--Quiclr clippers; De Laval cream separtor,
Mardi, Gras ,Ca•;atival,,etc., Varl-col- Hollows i,, Cheeks and Neck Growing jack; feed 'box; , 2 sets whiffletiees No 12, nearly- new; Sawyer-Mas-
orad co-stumes, present •a.bxjlfiaiit Deeper, Every Week and'nockyoka; 3o, bus. Gold Coin Po-
engine nearly new,.. high
spectacle. The season .terminates Tens of thousands ,of thin, run- tatoes 20 tons hay; 400 bus. Irish
with, the open championship bobsled es, and women too -=-are y{rhia. seed oats; 175 bus. need oats; boiler i+ressure, 175 pounds pounds steam,
race§ February 27th. down men : y with 9x10 engine on it. Waterloo
arranged -fttll getting discourage&—are giving UP:, a quantity of mixed grain; Meho tc separator run 5 'yea • ' ' good eon i-
is in d
Hotel' reservationsall hopg of ever being able to twice creatii" sapartoy; Leader churn; 135 tion with Milverton feeder, grain ale-
of railroad- and sleeping ofi flesh and look healthy and strong• 'sap pails and spilesp mail, i5ox, child's vator,'cntter, and wind stacker: tank
car fares gladly furnished 'on appliea- p cot; some lamps and talpet; forks, wagon, complete; number of odd._ pull-
cal saclx' people can' sto worrying d Ckles Every- tion to°'any Canadian Pacific Agent. aid stair' to smile and enjoy life chamS and other airs; belts; double trees; neck yokes;
6 Baader thing must be disposed of as the farm
�. r gilt,tow for McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tvhiffletrees, foot warmer, quantity of
` y is sold. Terms:..Hay; grain, and All Potatoes;
quantity of hay; 100 bus,
���� tract Tablets whiel an druggist will
Great ]�¢jolClitg by . tell ,you all about are putting flesh sums of $10 a'nd. under, cash; oven p
Y that amount, efgl� months' credit wil� feed _Beans; . bus. of seal barley,
on hosts of skinny folies ever day 0, A. C. No. 21, G rows; 10 bus: ,
Rheumatic Cripples One woman, tired weak and lis `be given on furnishing approved,joint sweet,,clover, white; 10 Bns. sweet
-COACH Coivaged,'gained 15 pounds m 'five notes: A discount at the rate of G cloverfor , yelloxv; alioiit 1,500 bus', flit-
Il' So Crippled You•Ci n't Use Arms or weeks axil now., feels fine., : per cent per annasiountstill WCC,: o.ff'Ed • nips. lLousehoid Eiiects� rangC, box
.Legs, Rheuma. Will Help You or lit We all ,'know that elle 'Anvers of -cash; on credit stove; bedroom suite; Simmons 'bed;
r Nothing to Pay q Y Cod 7 nein are 11,11 of vitalitiing flesh' ward, Proprietor, Thos. Gui.idi -lining room table, and chairs'; large
Get' a bottle of Rheinna today. and ��+ Y �aA� iSt producing ' vitainines and these'samc 'Autioxicer, cupboard; square of linoleum; single
i ay" �, ons etc
On your, face vxtamunes of the .highest class are duction Snle stretchers; ^ dishes; pots; p
wear a satisfied smile s Cog, Liver Extract
t gg�
.tomorrow,. i ' JL1L t® found in. u rand -
It's aremedy' that is astonishing : TaUlets sugar coated wird as easy to Of Farm ; Steclauctitliieelphse1 e- mention t Everything to. lie solei -Witharticles too ranne"Ol"' -
tine whole country; and it's just as take., candy. The undersign public out reserve as his lease has expired,
'good for gout, sciatica acid lumbago And this shows what faith the! ceivacl,,iiatst otr285 Con to S4,1Base Tina, and theprc,-irietov is giving up farm
g ;
As for rheumatism. " makers have 1A McCoy'sf'or )they sa',V; wittier t Torii ...'.All 5tims of $10 wird
drives the poisonous Waste from f any, Ilii#i person don't gain at least 131tllett; li/z milesr north t Clinton,o Clock under,. cash; over that "amount 9
It , 1:90
the ;joints aril muscles--that's tilt 5. pounds in 30 clays your"dvuggist Thursday, FfollowiYg: Horses;Browti months' credit will Ile given.oti f•irn
secret of Rhetima's success. a• $aiimm will give .yeti 'Your money back--and sharp t
u to twice our .� ` t',0 , of 00 tablets." Ask ally horse, rising G; Aged horse; Driver. fishing bankable paper, or a weditt ,
S But we dont ask yo., Uaxrs,Ezrrh only G0 gents f
to J. E: Hovey. or any l arints 60 to ere n 'North Cattle=)Fresh cow; Polled-Aus refects of
non cent. credit tlamomnt5it 1 oJohn A.
o word for and oat a ,bottle of Rho . B' 4 yrs; 8 black PbAed=Aug .
SRT LA.NGFORD live ,p t
druggist ' t doesn't clo- as we promise Dealer Phone 25,- or South America• the rzsin, 2, �Iexeforcl steer; 2 yrs; Red Campbell, Proprietor. . G. ll. I ll45-2 -2
I today; if i But be sure to get MCCoy's, a
w' get Your money back. IIt will be there - ---� original and genuine.--Advt. steer, 2 yrs; 2 roan steers, 2 yrs; Pol- i Auctioneer.
--- I wanting for you, 'Advt.