HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-02-11, Page 4iixuT,;,DAY li>;>;�RARY "11, ,, r Ifh z puilti9li' tVews-R� »Ceref • 'DEATH OF i'IRS.'GEO, FARRURAR Rayson 3"'G. W- Ooll and IV, JJ. & .V. t 'has bee n : � - I f. RIS v elxs' Y,, n c gagiii jz. vouieyboktng, .•name ill the 'llous;p adjoining' the �. oop"� . R `�`(� ° ,,:,1' r 1)1+ 11117 GTLAjr7 L ROAD bows tt Lae Vent,: Sack„, Incl vias a Standat'd Bank.,'-CliffHiss, not flee/i sitter ni the fray..• Mrs. Tiiolii s Canipl eIl of T`or oto' speudm all ,hi tone x g. r of iarbos. Tl,c.) Th” death ocitizrred ori Ttid•ry :circ, "'arid Mr." Winds `.'14Sz°, S�I'•illie Jervt' - , ,, _ John Rayson of ol gest son o1 friends Wish the, your, • couple s, YOuu g � atter an illness of about seven weelc= were here £o, l " =fir. A• -Jervis me 'with i y 9 3 q t. ;t teir ,sister s . funeral, t an aceid< tit on Happy and pl o perous married lite. ci iTrs: George 11 iii Lill o:C tlia Mone„ ty While engaged in felling a } e' � :.� , q itilr.?Parsltihat' and i'aanily v✓is}i to tt•.oe which mi ,I „ l4d8s Vt ei,s}i spent the 'week -earl ®i ,,vel road, Elnllett. express their, thanks to alit th l,e .solious, 'Ad •t g it have , been mote, with (((sorts in London. tile• Sve.,.. ,,• he, tree Toll:, dead loot -. kind. d.itin 1V1arIe ill Cl111161l U. Mrs: Farquhar'; whose inaicley name qo g' A t•s. Par- + snap ped Off an Those,att ndini 5. I111LU11 People l uhar', illness ai 11 d Ily)tib back struck e he sapper and cii- was ellen Rayson; 3va • >born in Grin- s 5 d (silo niaui£ested; YoUn • Jervi5 o tertainnient �+iv n b • , } . such s 'ni a h � S n the head. It is ,110L, b e 3 the yoiln}, pee ton add gilt all her life in thi 3 Pyt y and Ylxpught:fultiess 'thou iit;that ' )Is of Trinity cl a' ' s S. his Injuries arc.., t oras 1 1 yuieh, Bayfield, Basis p he, ai'ter her: death: but st ti Tuesday evening, touts, '.ChrrEY-seven years, ago I U he Lias been laid''up since. I3'is g" ('spelt a:,glood Lina: ti as niaarried to. Mr. George Farquhar l - "' ' friends are glad it 'was no worse, MI% D. Chafer had a vev .,s tc c er=JV and for .maliY fni wood be s„ ._ Y t seal's 'they lived The annuM meetiiig of the Iltillues- e Tuesday afternoon. , Rii'th'e Gravel road; ,Sheds survived $b�grygg$y��[�. vtIIeCheese'and'Butte CPmpar, \vzis, Al s. Y t 9usitn is visiting at the home by a family o two sons incl oiie held m II;ohnesville %esterrla' - ' 'o :, ). y aitel- „l her b other, i"lgr„A. Seeley,df Cl ii- = daughter:: Wilfred Farquhar of Olin- IIPI'mesville..is ](itchy, to have Soule noon, wit.;a,.good ,'attendance. Re- ton.' HOSIERYton, Chester of 'Saskatoon, and SV'Irs, new r sMents shortly of present. plans parts resented showed h p .. the affairs o1• The box -social xi John G. Woou of Coderich: to\vnshi'p, work out. Messrs: John Mulholland' , the. Coni zany to be 'In a' floc ris put t on by be and Son of 'Detroit liav young Peoples Sociei; 'of w7 1 j , flop+ y the United, hl t One brother <tnd six sisters also ixi�- e pmchascd Condition. IYlay:last over -$23,_-' ;', •, - l , vlve. Jelin Rayson of Wiizidsor, ZYIrs, the building lc1 olvn as `+I3ohnes; 1ia11',' 00 ha been' 'o�hnzch ex. Tuesday evening roved a'' Q p pltld out to ` arsons,'West Wtilter,ViTebstei of Wes Tiand M 5 acid intend openin uh a;.n i n„ great success,. although -"rife night i �t'� � " ,,o. a,: S - aiage rind 4hivets, etc., The following officers wa rather gat, t s station in it. The s stouny: The half `Sy;ts Addie Raison, Mrs. PartloW, .11Ii g y will put the were. appointed: prr.,sidentr'.' W. iI';, as 13 Thomas Mrs, Albeit Ball building into good shape and at is the 7 ebbvice:, filled and,a very.' pleasant evenilig , J. L. Cox,, dirO toys, T, d ` / and Mrs, W. Bar)ies all of Toronto. Intention to keep the upper floor for • R. Jenldris E. J. Tr spent,J�lhe ladies surpassed 'theni- / the ]ioldin i, ewaxtha,'FS Os- selves in providing' beautifull ai- n Mrs: Fargahar \Vas a devoted y.F.e g of public-giithernig's, s Laldeston.':Auditor: J. R, Sterlin Y and mother and. Wi1I be njttCli missed at present. This will 'be an addition fanged alit(, well-filled boxes. ' A lino to our villa - --- -- grain. of a high order w4s. ” ' by her :family. -She was Iia l�n�licanI village dud 's Mr: Mnllxolland given, 'the but during the -bast suniiner'had been and family are foritter residents they music, selections, readings, y; etc,, be-` attending the 1?resby eclat( secs%tee do not come to as as strangers.': 1+, is V�'19"il� "" Sag well renders ,and much" enjoyed.' • ,A vote. of thanks was 1 in the Baptist church Incl'it,was the expeeteil that tlie3* Will arrive akcut 4 given diose TowsF.zlra, Rev. A. Macfarlane Who. condttet:etl Ancil 1st, Mls, A.MeConnell has returned nf- .assisting iii'the program:: Mr.'G. Ii: ~ tel spending n the art tionth with bet• LIliott cf'ERT LANGFORD the Alneyal services on Monday. TIG' front Saskatchewan p p }' P Clinton,, who, also tools part or a raper wed sisters and friends ' in St. Paul'ancY;"in, Uhe mnogsam,:;dislllayed.,mueh slci:ll 'Dealer Picone: P51 "^ pallbearers M1vere: .john Farquhar, learn that Mr;' Harold Lavas; sort of Minneapolis: tit handling th Albert Morrell, . William Fear,. John Mi- E Lavis, formerly, of this vicil - 1VIr. C '>✓` S is fitting u his esale'of the boxes, Phe pP 6 P s neyr,.proceeds.awoavited to $52.85. Help an Iilrlustry,thal Help '.You. i meq.m Am i a STRAWggr�y� AWNE TT}} CAALOTS, CLEAN, BALED WHEAT STRAW' PRICE 28.50 Per lion, F.O.B. CLINTON; ONT OFFICE 5-21 REFRIES ST., TORONTO Ad•�i} s Cel-lboar,id,Co., Limited TELEPHONES Main 6241, LfJMZA'RD 3680_-' n Ship"lents to Au , nda.,•Ont.' 43-'4 babo e YOU will never know how go6d your. recipes are—ana how well you can make pies, cakes, puddings and bread, until you've dsed Purity Flour. Your dealer knows. Ask him. SEND FOR THIJ'Pll9127 PLollit COOK nooK RTYSteed Aarfor the 180 page Pariq ' -lprrr Cotlk 9grl, Srnt po17[iaia:. ' ? WESTERN CANADA 171,0111t171,0111tMILLS CO, h , - r� LIMITBn 'HeadOlBoq-•TORONTO •Jtd��'Q&Li�YI'11I'tJ�d/f;,[)1� HrahchesFromtoAettocoagt • ., z ro, A S, ZE IN, C ' . . nFREE, 9- 0, -PR ASH, ,5 0 ORTU TITIES AT VACATION TEEAS)ME "'WIT. A ST :PRIZE. OF Q Q00 0� FOR U! Are you a doer or a dreainter? I)o ,' - Iyer ayaitt success sold happiness?' I)o you (vent a real Vac ltidn' Ltds 9tnietnor-the gtolttesc� tiro finest the happies4 vacation to all semi JiFe:tlt(1 reallzatlon of your, vile rn,s? - 4 s,.. it Then Intel+ The :lvdail and 1"nlpi e's `^B -word" picture Puzr,113.IGame to -'day. ALhuv ma elltor:-to=lilorr ~ , ally gats,{i0cd and vcady to Will .$2,000 as your Vacation Treasure, y ow or nett week., 'Mur jolt is to enter, ttlld start (light now, Vett lt{43'C IS0 oftanCC$ at ' 0,0e0 iTl Ctlsl]•—tl/t3 {t'rCil(E}4L Opportuulty, the'largest prize list .la lii3tOr$'. 'I.�{SQ present ,'t�,(Ctllre puLZyle Is,the CRai(!ytLl t0 $sive Of" il•Tl . publlsltcd by The Afali find Y mpire, IC Ji) sialplot hue es(hlg; edututionaT—an(l Svortll while. y How Yjany Ob,�ects 'Begz�aaain With ,the .Letter `.`B" Can fou�. Find in This Pk-t're . . t The Picture below canttiins• a number of tlbJecta,aiul arucle� beg -1401C x3th starting with the letter '+'B>�- tiv(il :be. ells for on.: y . . . f. - y y to see: Tbera.'lg nothing diflACUlt Or - the latter 17", .Son Hill rind III sorts oY things thin bckht with the letter tBn-111ce - (lard toiiludelwtitlld• i'On cart see—a "B-a•"is. there' an ++ 1' •+:- b , d a B -melt"; and a Il -(cyclo" ;t illy". "But", ",BaIN,., *Barrel,', etc.. Set) hazy many yon caul find. This is not a:- are afso tllere, 'One almuh•Od and Fifty Cnali. I'1•izt+s will be giic1l fol• 1110 ]UU..besG lists LYIcf. puzzle; livtXtipg is' hidden and you clon'C have to 1�ttrn rife Picture ttE>tildc down` of S+lords submitted In answer to this puzzle. The answer Ls�vlug Cite largest and nearest correct list of visible objects and emitter( In the fi Or slden'ilys.- Wo aIle p;iving you .this large pleiure so;.that all objects and artieles,.. letter 'B" U111 be awarded First Prize; se<?Ord best, I5tcond Prba, t :start With ti:u e. YOUR AI iS ER TOINE I R- ORD11 PUZZLE MUST BE NAILED NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, MARd .3rd s10 iThe Mail and. Empke Has NOR Way $201388 yo$pppp{(��3�J1lrr�114 f X9.17 ,,••' l ROt1ct 411 iE1ilor8 i [4- . ruR-REN* con 0qq����yyyy y1�+ ��••yyt1 7 Pashal list of Priznb'innsrs In Reran! ltl}zzia Contests Til svinnera I!rn T ffi.Al�n _\� � .n. e.,.•,,.,, ... '', �1 I. �t h. ,l:d► � �is,�, r `,�,.� 'fit' :�.� .t,.,i +-+ �-�..� } . —MIrI — n( r yrivu. •m+,OP _-iiiry Goo. f11f �y _ _ AtgJnigmh : t1unWAanON. ' Ilesid(w the above • ( a �, - a� , 21 prize whiners, ... t. oleic were 288 more • r„+"� t , whulctre, making a ion, Nye - loon o and llabildreu who b4 -ye b e 0 n + . i •� award'ai A Cash iirizo t in • Tito Dian and (Empire's series of I>9ote:rN Puzzle Games, �M a ,. • �,•-.�•.> And, now. herowig, 11's ! Y0711I i OPPORTUN ITS:. THE G,REA TEST GAME IN CANADIAN HISTORY --ANI THE' ''EASIEST PICTURE` PUZZLE CO RTEST EVER ARRAN EI.1--15® PRIZES TO EE GIVEN AWAY. ) YOU may never In your'' IJ&tIm I/c given another opportull ty. Rite} pry Nye are oll'ering you in ata• Puzzle, Game, to la and learn'! while earning' a 4g caxh prize, your snort help like to .tisol hallt for ';{3.lpords" In L11L9 Yletrr0 I'nzyle. All you need is an observing eye. feet's fill ,join in and have a jolly g(led tine. l�ia m tter what your rigs, it you lltcc to solve pnzzl�8, try yonr )land at this one. It really is ]lot a puzzlo at u11, for all the objects In the big Picture above have been nuula perYertlr l)lain,.ltith no attentpL to dies tilso lir hide thilit. G41t pencil and paper and leo, holy many 1B-ttolds'> yell can find.. *Nilrrn you lurve'ritado pp Yore list of +(B-6VortLti send' it in . ongMa with one, two, or tll'roo, yearly ,subsoriptious to The Alull and Iemplea at LA0 per y r, which will quallf qtax grlstvee tot 1 0 Imrge! Cash Prizes Ya bu atrarde(1 on linreh (trill to th'gse sending In the 160 best Answers, START'YOilAt,LlsT OF "i3 -W0 DS" TQ -PAY AND y 8[J¢[nilt it VACATION, WIN A HANDSOME CASA pT(:I'J,BI "R V01JIT !fallen ''�°q�>11ynship sholvinbr'amounts appropriated to, be � ��,' �h P +�� � �Fnly � �a r nt�i )d wl� Yin cAnnd e�ponded on $lie Pubt1G Highways. \ and le not n rootdont at Tototibs nod. lvhu D nut UI thq it OV of 't Ito. ATAII shrl :�ii7t,l'1•0 nhy tiubmlt art. answer, Miss -Mabel Harvey visited with Treasurer instructed to refund Mitis O r,, Mi Mass Lillie Adams a .few days last Blanche Wheatley the amount of her ' week. taxes -for 1025. as she has also paid' Miss Beatrice Fairservice of theta }ti another lilunicipality,, - Londesboro spent the week-endat the 6olne of lilies Zelda Scott( JOlm,Scott,.Lot-1, Con, 6 aid Frank ' 3• 'ate, write your null (Bona and adgress in qtr u}ipn• - Ta%nblyn 'were appointu'a''auditors,for rIF,11,t ltonp eorner, It You clearre to write Rnytbinl ,'etnn. 111r, and, Mrs. Thoiinas.,.Henderson o, 199'6,, � special .opts • wbereb"'In") '1'. Y You fag 'Nin': greater trill 'lugztiy t)y. ,yendine in UYE Ind family of Saskatchewan are vis Clerk instructednotify tcs the illaarY will be minted. TI1 u t ' a u} Y»usf- i P s be tile ob est ..+r I n >� 7 ti..ean n fit 1^, - tee t ilyd' ting friends in) this communityand tion 1.'oteman on the C: P. R, to have have 7 ' '1��'J� ipr i� s ��I'� i � �' t' Prizes 1t Durham. a h Following are -the minutes' o'i, the the snow removed at the crossingon side road 30 and'31;'con 14• so s to C a fir ,an , i I at is - area /.k .. U,the fltngainr ittubot:ba nuunlext `anti site versa, 6. words of, the s,eillirg".ean 'Oon greeting `of Atlllett council held on be reasonably fit for travel, • Instead d 4 o' ,�qt�iiIpqg 0.®O. f $• O.Ub will be ttwvardcd LO 11tC nnswi)r wlnntn - p50 '+rjday, February 5th, 1926: The, following"aecounts weg ,pa.tsd nah,"d, _ �I -_ Minutes •of former meeting. read ynd appxoved. "G in'uvticatlon fir nit ff ,and .payments ordered:- Municipal Worl(l for letter of information, ' secretary of .Childrelt s Shelter, God- o0c; Duncan udor for wo k T r on S.R. 6 and tawast'runtbr or errors writ be 'm.rdrd -0rst .xis zb, ?te: The prizls will " e' docideti and iayvnrdwa 'un a lu,retnt- 1 basis. NldIng aitch; asking for a donation tkiereto, G, ton,"d3, $900. to Tile, Awl and-Rulphe are sent .In Second 1r 1 - ., 7. Ime, $,tyf)Q.00i Tlilrel I. rtzy, $r10U,00,'Clq:. third Cl'O'suliti of $15.00 was granted. The regular meetings of the Codlt- Inst plz%le but only Osie Prigo''will be an•Arded to 'wtil ' Com limitation from Ontario Mun- e}pal Association', also from Ontario til will, be'lleid on the -last Thursomy -of each month instead of the lust FrIL -.Rist prize,. provided Tl•11114Gki (new or rdnelval) yearly �: au11s it •bolls to The Mail alld Y arn,,sottt In;. "100Md VIIJZ • .'rood Roads Association giving notice If, their annual meeting; and asking day, as formerly,owing-to the'c flange nnrtiitlllAni. or grant 1, ag .,tit thereto.. NO action ta..en; of`da s in whit h y h the Baand, open in Londesboro:�ohn Fillgland, Clerl(: itame manner. If o • .Pile your an8wur-la nitaliiled by-yHRl; i'1. yen�rtYgulJSCri t)LiUus„ �vl Notice from the, Municipality of �. Y and, ou' four Y n fourth -n•12e o you will Y•e(ialy I e Goy a t ,1U\vi $ t Lla' e till/ 1 t c 1st.. •a + 't Y tad in un 1. .uts,v1 g s not •lz i 1 n � 9.fai• this ins o' ' 7 1 A , rlorris that wort has been''proceedii:g yx: +.'ll nngwnra 'i-1 r It rbaglvo t:ha Tania lonsidnratlon rlgil t',dJonI of whr(her Gi• not a subnerl dolt tG'-Tt 'L ii r n nv - '- Buba Willi, subssr)pl:�kti:te wins '$1G.U0, '" '- 52'Pnr• .OWn aUU§el'JptiPn will dP tl n,i: ('.P sal>tit')']r'.tit'1 ii `i BLa.t't n the McArthur Drain and that at pay dents thereto are due and ayable. p 1 NILE: The marriage took Taco Il act .,A Judg It f:to ' selt;0; io winnorH,. anti o LY 'd1. liar Uel li lq In Gg�iil::(herr eltewery to 1er]k instructed to notify interested recently at the'hom+~>of the :brida's parents of claughtez o£, Mr' ers ns accordingly. Q gY Thomas 14Iillea' , Council' ,Nellie, and Mrs. M s Abner e Morris an E ? award r .addressc £ , •ipurchase fel n to a d:'' ria`'' Ot g p Q., -air 'Johnston L. Johnston,tit , 0 of, s Mrs. , Ed 'r . y v1 d of Goderieh. -The Rev, Le-, nused street adjoining his -'s property. de instruct t 'h v t' 1_ lk ed o a e z)o,iees post - Ro white Y of Nile was the official i d accorilinla' to statute,' The trustees Of TJ. S. S, o. 2 T N 1 Y minister. SEA;FORTH:' 14Ir, . W. D. McLean, 1 , ad 'G. addressed Glouncil objecting t I ng o x proposed o ed change, of ea e p 91,_ St half : of � a son of rho -late M. Y; l'ichean o£ the Seafortli Expositor, formerly nC " The $9,000 Firlie List Winning Anawar9q will eegelve--the rOnn t3rtadtq(J and Fifty Cash V,tz.a noeordina to the table bo�plotsr Alt AIL JGO ----------------------------- Grand' ;r < 1.".•Cco. 1'rizma w e ry1 q ,1. m w. let rrizq . $,30,00 $600,00 $t,celi ft $2 Qb0 00 nd I4Ire 24,Ob 340,00 .600.00 1;100,00 . 3rd rrlre ., 20,00 240.00 '600.06 1,e"'all U11 Y rite:.. 18,00• 140,00 800.00 600,00 6th iBrize.'., '18,00 100.00- 240.00 000,00 ath rlizo.., 14.00 40,04 109.00 2tfo.00 I'll Y;fae ,. 1$.00, -' MOil � 80.60 1:0,00 - eth Prizb. , , 10.00 20.94 fl0:00 - 84.00 9th Prlao. , .. 0.00 ' ' 18.00. ) 80.00 ' 60.06 10th Prize... 0.04 10.04 20.90 48.04.' - kith tl 26th relic: IDOL $.00 8,04 Y8,01 98.00. 28th to 40th rriza incl:'. 4.40 7140 15A0 50.00 Gtrto 160th zo Inei.- a.40 "@:Ori 12,00 ".00 1..01bt to 160th xleheq Inel. 2.00 6.00 10,00'' 15,00 In the eye at of a Tiq. for an7 prlro ottmred, tba fall nraeuat of snmh priko itii bo pati[ to. —ell tied partielpaut. e . . obs er r6. B (L c� PAYABLE IN ADVANCE W.T. ' The Mail and Empire anywhere in CanAda by mail $5,00 per, year. Delivered by Cartier boy -in 142=- ` iltoin, $6.00 per year. _ �0 PRIZES WILL BE` AWARDED ` ., Jto wletibra in tort»erkieturo fuzzlo (lattice call - 4`1101d b Moro aThr The Unit anti l9ntviro, (sinning $00.00 or ' set sero at pili Ltelpatb ill NVe poach ' in , 199 nand as must b,6 ni@lied hr1Crdnlod»y, 6Yurcti 9rd, 1954, and addressed to Rizxle.1iahuttor,' moeo, The "B -Wordy Bleturo'.Purzie Grains is a eltln a{ n._ $'n'tP Increase Yh`a The Afali and Enal,re; Taranto, . �•POPUlar{tY`of The Mail and I!lnipire, It tosts auol ng,to take Vac•t, •Incl 'M1. All lista- of tlanrin 'should be writtdn on one aide of qlq. Miller ant anti ti m,ar' ,lee I A y u l eti n agtJvoly 1.'21- . y" do not have to send In a subscription, to whv`a•. pr{a+(,, ,2f your P'f 3• 'ate, write your null (Bona and adgress in qtr u}ipn• - ,,list B-Words".ie awarded first prize by (be ,judges roll will Will. $30.00•, 1)Ut rIF,11,t ltonp eorner, It You clearre to write Rnytbinl ,'etnn. . it. you Would )life, to win;ihore than $30,00 we' -are, making the fdliowlnt; `- 4e¢. 5l»egpArate. flh CCf, special .opts • wbereb"'In") '1'. Y You fag 'Nin': greater trill 'lugztiy t)y. ,yendine in UYE G..tlnly suglt ,words Lhiit are l»G»ne clmis an 1 w no Appear In Wooster'"' plc, �, c nx lta or C TW or THR7 J yearly Y ar subsc i { `t Y r t P r. L T' A U ha V all Ja alit( ]ul ' •e 1. tit .. illaarY will be minted. TI1 u t ' a u} Y»usf- i P s be tile ob est ..+r I n >� 7 ti..ean n fit 1^, - tee t ilyd' ... - •' e tts11 abown,p a l not una hKI, til Euro. DIDDo w 7 ' '1��'J� ipr i� s ��I'� i � �' t' Prizes n l(l in thwords, Do rel WOO Orund wi)irJs'rir Ivorda Ydrnuill It)' thn. oenlhlnagon of LwG:nrmori clnijsletl IOngliais-avlydti. , bagh-at •W ltiCb In lttle17, i9. tirp llnh,. of tib)ogt, Where. . t ani�6 r;. 'm _. pq� will $' � i�idy, 'Be' Awarded, C a fir ,an , i I at is - area /.k .. U,the fltngainr ittubot:ba nuunlext `anti site versa, 6. words of, the s,eillirg".ean 'Oon . �t'7i �•M19 4FL '6.Yi.�l:: U,at Ez �. . - , saniti be used d even i t, a qt o e, read to ' deglgnntq ' different ghjeata of Instead d 4 o' ,�qt�iiIpqg 0.®O. f $• O.Ub will be ttwvardcd LO 11tC nnswi)r wlnntn - p50 8. ),It .it abs rGt ar 116wve fir Ir.1l urn bei (amara( "illy o"a Tltiwever, any visible pare. or an q„biagL may.' also be - W Y. ., Rrst'prizcl tt CZy.PI. yearly..stiltgtiriptli)u to 'Ltlitt. Pfnll nah,"d, _ �I -_ au! Umpire, 0.1,$5.0, per year. by in ali, ha$. bred .sent Ill,' (''i ) .f1(s e, 5.300.0(); 7, Tile anewmr flavin :.the tar ns� alt-.- of ik a t . t In -rlure " . !1'h11•dI'.riz0, etC. (n�`ltC SL`e„Ond ce1n 11111 of lig'area In iltlle: in pniz net ni1lnw tat` lelWa nl,l I: to :npbi, Ir, tiro.ole- tlOwt, the lure Ghitt battln wlnt 1110 to list• Pn•', Y911.1i I.h,) Icn9[ 'GI• • _ �gp�-rq (� � 33 tt llM til tile allsllee -1{•11111( " Instead of 8040 will a-'' r' /)s tawast'runtbr or errors writ be 'm.rdrd -0rst .xis zb, ?te: The prizls will " e' docideti and iayvnrdwa 'un a lu,retnt- 1 basis. NldIng 9P•+-!0001.110 0 '. prize , ryt ,. .: rat 1 x(,�If.,1W0 _ illlw Ur renewal) y^,Lrly ytll)SL/rlptlotly at fails• fit• (lttndwfitin�, tluvl,'rtn bCur- '. :Itis Ing dngldins the winners. to Tile, Awl and-Rulphe are sent .In Second 1r 1 - ., 7. Ime, $,tyf)Q.00i Tlilrel I. rtzy, $r10U,00,'Clq:. third .span 8.. tiny' til rnbor"of lmoplo mai i:o-oligrnro . I» 'anl wer- -the (See'. Colman of figures Ill.I'rJze TA.4t:) Inst plz%le but only Osie Prigo''will be an•Arded to 'wtil �p }�6'� Instead of k'$30,00` .will lie awarite N 2' ,000' 0. (l to 1:ho l711q\{,117• li`11t I11111(� : ll»y'.ello b9UBCil Old, nor Prinea b.: awmi'dei, to. inure ,Mull One of. AIiY. crouji where twq'or more -bayp: bean lwor)(Ing together. . -.Rist prize,. provided Tl•11114Gki (new or rdnelval) yearly �: au11s it •bolls to The Mail alld Y arn,,sottt In;. "100Md VIIJZ • 6_2 tato, event Of I/ tle ter hhy%ps•Iz":. olrli 1l tltq .ta)l I. exult otasuel, )prI%O )via hl nw.wdod I. onelit tiMl ,Nym'pltb - s J,aOo t 'lhlld Prizol. $I,000: (;;eti fout•Ul column of ((;;licca in 1'lt}e List) nnrtiitlllAni. And that's not 9:111 1ye.:will give,extrtl amt)nnC9• ; n 111 prNes !On in 7'0. 3nbggClpnbnq (boot. 118W acid'. rennwnl); DAymblo el Allvnnre o: M00 Per sant• by. mall O Ss.r, a'.. clellvered - • i in by i.i r e bo in li'a)nlif n' I y ta. tic •n itaii.` Yi itame manner. If o • .Pile your an8wur-la nitaliiled by-yHRl; i'1. yen�rtYgulJSCri t)LiUus„ �vl .0 . will,) t r , fltib- giirlptiwis !'ordc(IvlrY fti•thn. ty at.-`lyes"oto .win 0o6C- and, ou' four Y n fourth -n•12e o you will Y•e(ialy I e Goy a t ,1U\vi $ t Lla' e till/ 1 t c 1st.. •a + 't Y tad in un 1. .uts,v1 g s not •lz i 1 n � 9.fai• this ins o' ' 7 1 A , toll! 9,10 are�'>ere, le 16 Opportunity it p 1,111LIO, rlpl, ;)1'l7e'{ l{R� OVaCf�: $O,OOQ Where, t110 J.GUtY1 �pi•lze with t•1:�141 7: yx: +.'ll nngwnra 'i-1 r It rbaglvo t:ha Tania lonsidnratlon rlgil t',dJonI of whr(her Gi• not a subnerl dolt tG'-Tt 'L ii r n nv - '- Buba Willi, subssr)pl:�kti:te wins '$1G.U0, '" '- 52'Pnr• .OWn aUU§el'JptiPn will dP tl n,i: ('.P sal>tit')']r'.tit'1 ii `i BLa.t't iu)�i•i41np1ra.tn sent In. 12. Thio Prominent T6fonto 011btelIq,.. hav)»g. no, Coo-' Ilortion with Tho mail anti Flnhlro; -will 1; 1: soleuled Fu .tui a,t BOme 'future date. Just:'wrlte, Oil the order.'•h'hel1. y:iu: want ilio ) - I91)<=c. ${:l,l•ted act .,A Judg It f:to ' selt;0; io winnorH,. anti o LY 'd1. liar Uel li lq In Gg�iil::(herr eltewery to Ititd It will start JanoYuptly d'n th Lt Il•).te. adggUt til" ilaeiolGn •y.J,8j Jhc of rhe. Judgas.ns' Orn! and':eJngh,ei vq, ' "Ill T»tlgos 'w in oil Mardi,501 And•hnnMlnoonlent .. Q •�. ) 4 ,I ,,. 1VQD Sll13 Lrxlj Fdf)N,5 ipi7'' �,t tsiF 9s . ;,r ,. F .,�=�'-•/9 X(Dl7'� tit eeeL a. fill' nl'1dq 1\'til,itei'H sinil eorreat. unit. of )vgrA)i will 'be.. prize inoney "' bta)t and, 77knpirq on Mnruh l.:i:th, o"itd d°1 :bdFC�t D- iFa,Irv'.:a'F1'PL+g '6'.r.'.318.1i .:N .ZF)..1�,dR'!'A� , _. •� lie - prl2ti iiidngl' tvlll .Iso. (nolle(( to. the winnore orotilntly.