HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-02-04, Page 5.a'1Y1:tan Ners7RCc6rd TI-IC7RSDAY, .110P71UATi'Y k 'A,ryu{i 1. .,•' I CARD.car TII ivIKS _ F'hl�➢tmS i'DAihttf� G ' ' '�j''Qldr. I A ` a I a1n11 ni vt , .. ,1 a, -thank Ilave: those, pho'og'r'aPizs ignite nolo:. wanted i u end_; .md atcquaintimccs f tfieii YOU will be glad of it in fter.•years. kind.;cxpxe cions of synij>athy.10 E,� 4y Zi c ,Wake a speei�lty nF. - izildly � : To have your x`ioolca give you m --- ups and Wedding Photographs..' p u a bet- , woiuen's l•:xc iaiti r Groups Studio open every. Tuesday tel- profit; it is necessary to Beep cul- .' �►1���@S3i l , be • - would ,lihe'to bear fxZun all who Iteiiiember the hours during the'win- . , ' lin Out the,, hens that are not wlali yo. ncicasc, their iiicortte by cin- tet' months, 11..,U a.u1: to 2:30 p,u„ A :fll h gra e: 'Radio C �'�➢e et tributinb rc ularty to ''a "Women's � pxroducing. � •' � one startingauC • We da finishing for Amatetu•s q� ( Exchange Fauey work, I,nittiil4'4' with* $ I� t/ inlife ever expeCCS li,ian''s Waal, Useful household, a1CXl of all. Burgess, Portrait ,Studio w` tofA Youthisalways lelesc:ic,,—to be sold on Coinnisc;ion, r We ore always'ih the market for ° Please tivrite-at-once''to Box 138 �1' MITCHELL AND CLINTON Th Il, an e PAGE G Radio ,Set,,;w111 and e you. Come vi` and heiir hopeful, but hope alone' toa •oz• Phone, 1;7: 43-tf. poultry and eggs at top prices, it: r Compare it with an sot o the`:ma ,lc• U (• , y . n za cn. Qutstaudino points— (�� f ,. r Excellent 'Cote, Quality, Distance, Selectivity, Volume,: Service and bti CO2?3?ot bring SUCc85S. N) EDLCS A vD RI AIRS 1 OIZ Price: If your haste, is to see yatxr':l�o a success' in the CUi in'g " L 1 uy ,R -1, W. Piercy off: Collingwooij Sewing,Machines � A 4 -Tube. Setwith Loud Spea,tcx, 14 UY1(1,S@cixririgrndep�Cideilcea2ld'comfoXt•—thei%1SLOri kfiown froliCHalifak to N. W. °1lrewal►tha� "' WHITE, SINGE GER NEW . With Built In Loud ea ,x.: , one of- Canada's foxewo,L lnteri ars, E, S N , ,N Iib14IL etc. Sp ,. l� ...r ... , : • :. .. . . :. ... . ... .?.130:00 Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w of So tnariy, yet the lYtalnineAr, pf so feW—adopt d iii literature, will be at the 33aptist' These rice a' INCUBATORS AND p s re yon, ;total cost setup in your home :YegirlaY 5aV1ngS,plaIl !or lr]m'riow, ailcl ,teach him ln.: church, on the evening, of Feb. 23rd•...._ I'OULTItY, S:UPPLIES.:. hist Wateh' for further information. INSIST (IPON IIEARTNG TI3E " r ender, ears the value of'sat�iYrg. softie, ing out of uYl .x Grit, She11 Beef Scrap:..... BreakfA's �.a (; PAGE G BEFORE B every dollar. Royal Purple, Calf Meal and Specifics We also have a full line of Rado arts, Tubes, etc. Skati•iig Party . ' pp TI3,1T WAY UIS HIS SUCCESS. A skating patty will be''held in the' E+ . •L.: �J[°,�'tt + LL Tr '' a Sil�all quantity local arena on Tuesday evenni •,A,1eb. o 9th, undo, the auspices df.th. C C. I. Next to Watson's Grocery' g ala ��ffee �� I -Bank25e. Lunch 100 _ ssinn'. - el 8 1� Y�J csJ m .Goa 6Ak Boys', Athletic' :Society.' Admi 43 1, has real strength L. y�a. Rowland's Old Stand For sale - F'm . DARR� of d ��c flavor sena - A, 'quantity of alfalfa, and timothy a TELEPHONE 53 CHI-NAil1EL STORD{ . t . 'hay, sone ,oats, ' also 'dry and green Watson's also 's 'LYrocer_ Clinton. Brancli - K E. Manning, Manager - hardwood. Ernest Townshend, R. R, will be t itis office ~ 43-tf a } - No. 3 Clinton. Phone 23 oil GO, Phone l 11 Clinton �+ �+ y q����• Of l;;t tereSf ttlD�'�OU j Marriages to Clinton each FEED S.r 1t a.l QI �4 Por Sale �dA9Cl a EPPS - ARGENT'— At St. Paul'si Baby's basinetto for sale y A with gold MONDAY Havina erec e °J,(r�(•,SON' Are expecting a car loud of• corn. � t d new coal sheds will rectory, Stratford, 'on Inn. 24th,;bY .btcic and ,all trimmed. Apply Mrs. l S ecial" rices off the c r. L have'Qn hand full stock of coal o 'it was a. pretty spry bear that saw the .Rev, H -W.' Snelli Mary N.; Louis I1� ward, Huron street, Clinton. From 3'to 6 p,m. p a ez; us immediate# r, its shadow on :Tuesday. - youngest daughter. of Mrs. likartha , 43-1_ TOWN .AGENT C,P.R: know gotta reguirelnents. delivery, Prices :reason. 30`-;f. able.. Also a quantity of dry maple Argent of Clinton, .to Clifford H.` p - } is now located in BRAN AND SCREEhiI1VGti wood. - the toes .council seams r have Epps, son of Mr. a*.MTs. E. Epps, Annual Meeting Half a car of. each. of these will .1r- , spade a xesotution to have short seg Varna, The annxial meetntg of the share= H. T, RAI�rCE S OFFICE R- J. I�IJL l6E ' _ � rive at the end of the month. These )� ; ns during 1926 and so far is living holders of the Holmesville -Co-opera a> e, very - hard to . geto4t present and Orders -taken at residence, phone 119 -up to it. + + + . n7rQkis tion Cheese -and Batter Cotnpany,will RATTENBTIRY ST -it will pay all our customers to lay sro r' µ REARI`l-1In tha Clinton Public Hos- be held in Holmes' iia71, Holmesvil�e, Through ticiceis issued to all in what you require Froin now. 'antil The United States is, so mad at Britain for insisting oil payment for pital, on Jan. 31st, to Ill,, Percival pul., dh n general I l b. 10th, at l ;b0 points in the West spring. gw.nerai busiiaess will 'be -ribber needed in the republic that it and Mrs. Hearn, a' :daughter;— transacted and'a dividend -of 6% dis- SEC NEDIGEIt 3O -if TOGS - ' Elizabeth Margaret. - Are in the market far these' ain Wo have a supply of Coke and Soft is going to grow its own rnttlier.• g tributed to the shareholders. JERVIS—At 10G Ii enilworth Avenue, About that•tadio Set you are think- d Gaal. Also. some good dr Slabs. ' Cheese for sale in 20 Ib. lots or y this year, If the firemen are 'not goingto use Toronto, on Jan.' 25th, to Mr, and Leave orders at residence. alio rooms in the FI di Blocwhich • Mrs. Bert C, W:.Jervis, a"daughter. mole any time; present price, 20a lb. 'nt7 about purchasing. We are deal. � � 3 , .t FLOURS E. W Y A W. H; Lobb, president.and salesman.- s nw. Snow Drift,. Ben•Hur Five Jewels Phone 155, Huron S leave been fitted . up for tlfieip we ers Por the DeForest-Crosle Radia and North Stni on hand. We can D 'would suggest that the be turned U6atli' 40 -if y Will n treat g y pay 'the highest market price into a w omen'srest room. GRAHAM—,At Ponoka, Alta., bei Jan. Auction Sate Corporation. Loud Speakers, Tubes, d'Or specially recommend Snow Drift or 27th Evelyn. Maud Car•seallen be- Of farm stock and itnalement .. The Ben But Flours. With both of these ' ' y ' undersignedand Batteries in stock. HORSE HIDES and BEEF HIDES flours several of our customers claim Ladies' ' It eaesn t matter a hoot whether Y e�Ii NZIEE Iu Deroit Melvin 1 ichattt to sell has received SnstructioI s " SCRAP METAL they had to rgTLt barcings on account ttentt�� the Bear saw his shadow on Tuesda , Z , on y' 1t is auction ' at Lot 35, ar not, We'll have six weeks of win Jan. 29th- Gordon Alexander, soil con. 2, Tuckersmith, on Thursday, Storage T3ttttexies Charged, repaired GEESE and DUdrs, FEATHERS of rising and Qverfiewing the pans: I am prepared to do first class re - ter; anyway, and will be very glad of Mr, and Mrs. Ronald McKenzie, Feb. 11th, at 1 o'clock sharp the fol- . and stoxed for winter months .. GRAIN WANTED pair, work • for' all makes of 'Sewing w if spring comes then. formerly of Biucefield, aged 1 lowing: Horses -2 working,' marea, t ' A quantity of Oats,. Barley aitd Machines. There is a tett month and 2 days. rising 6 years., Cattle -Cow, 7 years Let us overhaul o Wheat. Also a full stock of pretty general idea that old, due -time, of sale; cow, 5 yeat„s, your sax and put it Deliver to my residence the.ta%hig of amateurs sporting events Opposite Cameron's Carriage Shop --- ... 1�Teedies, Belts'and Parts ;. „ P» S due May tat; waw, 7 years, due March in shape fol spring for all makes is lather smali`rtotatoes on the hart THAT GOOD OLD NA1VfE--SD'T1'1'iI Ci: Phone x97 and I will call 25th; cow, 6 years old freshened' Sept.. y p Sole Agent for the Singer Of the Government and that such tax InrEngland there are'6d0,000 pax- 26th, milking` good; • cow, due May 35-13 J. A. FOR® s� SON should- be removed. In this 'day of sons of the name of Smith, and 204,000 10th; September calf; steer and half- f '�,i-EG LEN COOK Reve h tial snort many peapro be- ' ex'ca14, 8 months,; cow, freshened in Phone 123' of •thorn have t for their first 0; thl. Clinton �$�r Track 't ,,,-Flour and Feed Merchants and Phone 1713• P.O. Box 201, Clinton o that encouraged; that sports should le The John Smiths number 47,000: rite Deeenibor cow, fxesliened is Nevem ]ANTE" hulbethat aux young people bell. Implerytonts X. -H..7 ft. binder; . I x Grain Buyers j ;"' Q9 should be lauded in an ahem t to re Salm W. Sihiths, $30,000 and the Sohn a12d�h�e'� mom. p William Smiths, 5,00, M, -H• plower, 6 1t. cut; 1<x: -H. ettltiva. vive clean, amateur sports and that tor, nearly'new; X. -H. side delivery -Good maple, hemlock, basswood and instead of taxing them the powers Robe Lost Take; rubber cushion tire buggy with white ash logs, delivered in our mill that be should offer some induce- Clinton, between rite railway Tudhope seat; first 'class driving RAijIO yard at Bayfield, iuents for taking them upr Members , harness; set double harness with tol- 1 `tis crossing at Gnnrrsoand the Graham Eveready dry :cells last.twice'as Custom Sawing will be done at of .making sponte clubs have e wily Entree, a brown cutter robe with reel lags; Del uvai crenae separator, Nn' Thos. Wallis, 4 th con: Goderich T ., of making money except 'fire spas- 10 ,Delis churn; set Manitoba slez hs fang as any other kind.. Custotueis p , medic Rapport of their- home town 'anolie Sam lining , Finder: please, ' y g report three to six months use fruit and at Clinton and Bayfield as usual. + A pl Phone Sam. Switzer, 31 on G1L 45-1 with wood scala; water trough; 2. p S E citizens And in small towns ilei is buggies; potato digger Clinton fan. one battery.,. Price!60c each. flava meagre enough. Everyone who at, nen ;mill se I�t✓Ei"3J4/E,n Bra's. Boardors Wanted 8 t scales, 1;200 lb caput- also Eveready hot shot radio batter � i tends a local match is a taxtayer in rty; M. -II. seed drill, 1S hoe,•' M. -H, ids, a volts, hid volts and 6 volts: I'hoaa G24 -r-4, Clintoncentral A few boarders wanted,. Apply -to "# some form and so are the players, or ha loader, M. -H. low down manuro Priced at $2,65 and $2,76 each., t t Mrs. H, Castle Corner of Cu ter and y r , d0.tf forfathers, more likely, they being > set drama dli harrows 4los, cin le; Two six volt storage batteries for for the most part non-earnbxs, Pro James streets; Clinton. 43-1-1r "'p , g p r sale $10,00.each. large salaries sport, a, tvhexe players get walking lows; seufFler • 140 ft. hay YORKSHIRES ' large salaries and :gate rete' is run Box Seoul 6 p , H. A. IIOVEY A. box -social will be given; tinder fork -rope; light wagon; 2 farm wa- Breeding stock for sale at all times. ;into large sums, are fair game far the auspices of the A: Y. P. A, of St, gone with box and Stay rack; 2% h.p. 41-tf Also two high-class boars for service. J 'the tax -r, amateur sports James' church, Middleton, on Monday engine, and other articles too Womac- s These boars were bred by G. W, Dein- ought to go free, eyeiling, pleb. 15th, when the play, !,A :ons toamention. Teriits: All sums of For Sale ors; Exeter and J. X. Featherston, For Alen Case of Suspension, will be .present 510 tai under, casbi over that . 'Electric stove and washing ma- Streetsville, and have .lprovetr their and IV/omen s ed. • Also -gather numbers: .'Program amount, 10 months' credit will be chino, Apply at St. Paul's rectory, ability to sire the right sort of $tock,• Lo ' Road followed .by auction of boxes by G: given on furnishing approved juin. Clinton, 42-2 Fee, $1.50. "Stappleton" the home of • H. Elliott. Prize offered for the notes, or a discount of 5 per cent. quality Yorkshires.. Phone 617 -r -X5. + Mr. 3', T, McKnight has purchased straight off for Cash - ori. credit Farm. For Sale BERT GIB'BINGS 89.8- , pettiest, hest decorated box:' Admis- g ' Ir, Fred Leonards •farm on the 16th amounts. Harvey Jobns ,Pro rietor. 150 acres first class soil p Sian, gentlemen 25e, 'bays under four y � p ,good {'� of Goderich township and takes pos- teen 15c, Ladies kindly pr'o#ide boxes: .G, H, Elliott, Auctioneer. 4:i 1 'buildings, 36 - acres fall ploughing Clothes Cleaned and Pressed session arrant the .middle of March. 43-2^p done, 4. acres not ploughed, fit for -r y cs _c oe C� D?r. and iSTxs, McKnight intend moo- Box Social roots, 14 acres hardwood bush 91 Clothes cleaned pressed and re- 7 Paired. goods dry cleaned, 1 ins to the Goderich 'township' faun- Pastime Dance' j The X"owtg Peoples' Society "of the: antes alfalfa timothy and, sweet' clo- aired. Woolen y .and will be much missed 'by their United Church, 'Varna, will hold a box ver, 5 Acres covered with orchard and ,Rooms over Beard's barber* shop, 6rs here, Tn clubrooms, Friday .evening. W. J. Jago•-88-tf a. Zen .over the ]tone :farm. soil will take Dancing social in>the towhship ball an the ev- buildings, 4.miles east of Clintond g `fi`om-$,3Q. to 1:00, Gentle, it AKA neteudoY :Shaer men 60c, ladios, 25c, I:Ordue's Or- ening: of Tuesday, Feb. Otk. Good 3a/.i'miles west of Seaforth oil the ,.� make walk me a reaE as follows will' be pelt on: beat gravel highw,Ay in Ontario, Will ;A 'Are. mAev vr+macttr RCH DEFENDERS a 1 chests. 48.1 program„ ° s a tm n a bl[cAe /� loadings by 14Xrss Vera Hudson, e1o� be sold on very easy terms. ,Apply . a $ '- L� Ortho S re not an. ' cutianist; violin selections by Boys to Gea.:;A Siddait, broker, L>icknow, g +f�y� a s eLring tm roar eteu. orthopaedic freak—they are B)C'11C�1�1t; Cil. TENDERS WANTIID Trio; selections by barna Orchestra, tint, : 4i-3 j1• i•s.1n s elegant shoes made in the Acme of Far Sale of Farm Instead of on the seeond Wednes Tenders; will be- xecived by tate un-, and other local talent. Auctioneer: - Style anfl. Quality. But they are also ••day of the month, the W.ZS, of .the 'dersf nod u to.and including G, H, Elliott.; Admission, gentlemen Lawn Bowling Euchre a - inacle with the patented fgAture of a g p ng the 8th .,; United church will pfeet according to' 25e, boys under 14, 16c.. Ladies kind ~.A euelire, art will be spring Su , dby..of;Mareh.tioxt, for the sale (or Party given m rite Apart --a hand shaped insole . . custoin, at 1:80 pmt. -on Friday, the ly provide boxes. 42-2 rose Lovell, the. Bank of Montreal, jtfX moulded on a true foot -form last. purchase) of th,e •East 50 acres of ns' 12th, just pilar to the Preparatory faringlet 2; in rho 'Lake Road West; under the auspices, of the Ladies' communion service at 2:30 m.. Wit) Wanted Lawn Bo}vlin Club y 9 «the ;Thus your foot -arch is supported, not by a p Wr Concession, township of Stanley, g , on Tuesday ev. Aichottke a. view ;to following the ;tud book Exper'lenced maid, il ust be fond of ening, •Feb. 9th : ,8 o' �StiawsFoat rigid prop that is cluStsy, heavy and cramping: Y , county of Huron. This property- is 1 g, ttt clerk. ,,Tick• �YDT bus by thesprmgsteal support concealed under, ",'"Prayer and Missions," b Helen , children: Apply Mrs. C, L. Jackson, etc 50e.., 41;8 DRINK 7Q ME oNIY ' � tfusSFmirrcySYgr•E the insole, extendin y situated about one half mile South of . WITH 101"P. Eyet, ` 5i � under the' - h ` g from the, heel to right Montgomery, more closely and .with Bayfield: It has been used for: years care Standard Bank of Canada, God t/te . tdBotr¢ p ofd Bane which is the koya0 e deepened. interest, a number of. the, for astitie has iieyer+failiii ercelt erieh:, Phone. 305. 42 2 Farm Fpr Sale Pirlli I WiU.I�CEpGE WITH' MINS of your Soot arch ` members have already obtained and soil is , ood, I artti.•of one -hundred, aeresA.ocated """"'""` " '-"- g The Best 11"Yan have dhrs ill,test degree oft nlie , copies,, Others wishing. to .add this Fur•thei artlerilars may e - erase to ,town; no.,. waste •land,,'Bank (iH�'i�E.{.ii FOLkS:NESiItNCrQCi Arck De eadr l t p Y b ou : Most -effective .cud 1iy. t barn frame house small .orchard' Y i�iE GiitATE 4s ' f nr wrlg,ve you quicfi retiej.. priceless li tle volume to their home pAtverfitl e , m f Aex46re tamed upon appTIeatfon to the'Admin- harmless" reined' for Diseased Toll- snrinlcliitg o$ fine trees;. Tot =acres in ALL TNE• as ma Tibxary should ediniounicate with the Y $4 BtFaleid, Mrs. Isabella `111:'.Woods; 'ails Tonsilitis; Cough; Catarrh; Ade- t , MAKE A secretary;..'Mrs. Addison. All *omen Bayfield or the.undexsigneil. ..'' .. ,� ' , fall wheat, about 2G acres timotYt3 • . 0121.p SUBLIME of the i aiYgrdgation will -be inade wee Dated Januar' 28th, 1926: ' voids, Bionehitis of all threat troubles and clover -hay; balance fall ploughed.' son, come at his meetin 1s• Ml's. •Sybilla'S Yid QS g. Without feeling Hays and °Trays, Barristers, ate, pahtr s Tonsilitis.' This A desirable farm proper.:y and Y ASade e,t Gaik Oak, 6y ander any..obhgation to Goin the Good results guaranteed at. Ilohnes may purchased right as owner bas• mite Deteaaar sAme cm. - I . ,society. .The.work of the W. M. S. is Goderich, Ontario. � 43-5 Drug Store, d 4',2 -it ,retired. from.. active faxmitrg. .l'os . carried oil quietly and faithfully and Auction'Sale .. session may be .had imillediately or t_ the `interest of others only serves.:as of Farm Stock and Int 'lent •n ti For :Salo when best suited to purchaser. Write a stimulus, Let there be a •record at- P t Barred Roctc 'Cockerels, .sired by bow 8, Clinton. 4'i:-tf, a;tpui„'ttQ �// r+ �p Ajy�T �. i. will be held at lot.12, eon. 2 Ilu.11et;, birds from -MacDonald College {Qua- .., I;IIN,1H C. �e �A�Altll'�' e4'It'll��ell� tendance ,oil women on Fula , the Y an Friday, Feb, 12, ;beginning at 7:30 ilea Also Pearl Guinea FF w1,, D. C, Noticd'' `lliry li,lQCtfliG Ranges, I'+i7.1ti11T85, i 12th, shartp, as follows:. %Iorses—Draft l: 4 ttllii! I 9u1bs, ldrQA3t'FanS and other f At an earl, date the premium ,is one fi09->"11,, . ,The, Directors, of the Ilolmesville t l -Apj liances v h grey horse zism ' 9 years' r iY derv; 4 for 'the lI•oitieitlt'ural Society' will be, iii, horse'ricin 13 '.ears ; good site '•le Clintontcentral,ielil•• . Ph 4Z` tf Cheese Co have decided to„cori�inve � � Wiring a81(l Repairs. )l 1 g g Y $ g the manufacture ,of,; cheese .throng p • �I.OAO 5)rW m liiints To eshould Meeutive'in its' -or, doublef-Laged ;driving marc; aged Chickens For Sale tl work, nteinbers should make, su +e that driven horse, to winter miontI g', , , good rbadstor. Gatblc' < C A :number of pure : bred Single Mill'. ,ti i Wdnter can't get 'into ,your `hoiiie-- (_ all accounts for fall bulbs axe settled blaelt heifer, 3;:geays,: dust fresh- r vll be received .on YTonday Not oven with a Coal Strilco'to hal, Coinb-.White Leghorn Boosters, Pei- ands Thursday o d in gOod:tinie so that 'the plans for tined grey caro,` T vents' to fro"shed y' £each week' bet him --4f veli let the Heat Folks acrd , its strain. Apply to Mrs: H. Balsoin, the hours of $ a!in..and 3 ;m, til r- �m ` 'Spring tnay: not' be' retariied: about bene of sale grey cow, 9 years, P it, We may not be. able ,to furnish. , i yyp�y� R, R, No.,2, Ba field, Phone 5'on 600 .trier notice, �0 i8lsdL Mr, Lorne Mahson,of Blake was the clue April 14th, 3,,he1fers.'3 years olds: Clint xi Y`?.. o_ you just: no* with the' kind°'of. Coat _ o central. 4� tf . Cheese for 20 lb. lots or more. guest of 'his'cousin,'Nliss Pearl D; u - due in, lieifei', 2:years steer 4 ou have been buying utrwe bave-at' i ? g .> any tone, .present price; 20a Ib:W.'H, y , b .. We have a quantity of Brats, Shorts, Whole and Cracked ]a% fiiis week:' rising j.,,year; one young colt: Imple Span aE$arses Wan ed your service plenty of,Geituine'Poca t . Lobb, President xird salesman 4i) -tf. Corti Oatttieal : b scala; Beed sora Beef meal ' .O s er shell Mrs.. L:.Porrest is visiting �Vltsses- lents-,M. II. binder,, G ft, cut, goon A' s an of g good sire hontas Coal,. and Coke, which can be y , p> V � • p yonn horses; Ro al Aur le Stoc Focds and Ciel C e meal, Ida, and Elizabdth :I'ayW of Science as new;' X -H. drill, 1.2 hoe, in and perfectly sound, l,'oren Tyndall• used anywhere you -'have, beexi.using �+ p k ak me c Garage Por Sale coed shape; .'cultivator, 1.3 : tonllr; :R, R,'No. d, ,Clinton. 'Phone 11 on Ii< o ' Anthracite. n wn as Clinton,Clinto-Garage,, on Ira The many friends of`Mr. arid'. Ire. Deeimg..mower, ; G ft. cut; Verai;y -63G. 42-3 • • Five Roses; Maple Leaf North §ar!'sCltntorr Maple Leaf, uincial hrghtvay, 'between Stratford You can depend: on us For -elle best P P ilcing,: plow, good as new; Baiti' " , • , Crust flout,. Ronald Mield, e Ferry to leaf , of walking, and Goderich. A ood buy Ior right ,Enol thab ban he secured. l'?stty, Flours, Monarch, SIIO.w l�lalce and Pie of Bruen{fold, are sorry to learn of ]umber wagon, in coot. shape; gravel Wanted Winn: Pro ert fin=turn elle loath of their infant sniff; who box; ha iacic, 1G ft.” flat;'"t•ubber p Y, es and sock. J Y Alt energetic and reliable man to Apply Drawer N; Clinton Garage %� real choice line of ft eslt groceries- iftssed away:last wee]{: tiiie4l buggy, in good shape; plane: sell trees and shrubbery. Liberal:pay. Clinton. Ont, 4 , Call the ,lir, Robt. Townshend of,'C'levelanil bion cutter; Clinton' fanning :mzll;,set Cash commission every weoic.. Profit- 10 a �, lr�°�a h ' spent the 'week -end' at the -bonie of heavy, back band harness alt coil We will buy a quantity, of good oats., y g' able, pdimanent'fivorl•. write today. Faros For Sale ' Mr.: 'Ind, Mrs., Alex. •McKenzie. shape;, set single harness.; DeLaval::E. D': Sinith and Sons Winona' bht. In Go •i , � ' ' for . .. ,, , den air township,- on the.Pro- ga�l➢cl, cleatt coal Baled Straw and Hay Mr. W. A. Grant of Clinton visited er'eam separator; - 40 hens;. ,mo -41,Y :Established 1882:. , 42-3 vinciai I•lighway, 5 ,miles east of'.Godti friends in Brucefield and .vicinity Barred Rocks; 2 Barred Rocic roost- —_ _ erich, 6 utiles west; of Clinton ad'ac- this week. ers; small kiteheii table; lar, • ';<it-, Farm For Sale l p 'icing . Mr. and Mrs, James bleQuoen at cher table,' and 'other ent to church and saliool'; Cbnt r a ;trees too Ono hundred acres ill I3uron,( atilt- 30 acres of first class •land, weI1 til e- H'aae�th tended the funeral, of. 'the' late 11Zr's. numerous t,o menti n, Ternis: All ty, three miles from the town of Sea, draiired• 'Geed cenren bl'oei Witt. Carnochall at S'eaforth on Mme ;,ants of , 1d.00 and under t . 7 zoom and fovvi'. tattle, haI1 mile front school; ritiatl house, bank barn 40x50, driving °,house - g SUCCESSOR TO day, cash over that amount 8' month marl. and'tcicphone, Gond''land, good and g tinge 30x50 Orcitarcl of,55 ¢1 a TItG many.. Fx'einds of Mrs. James credit wall be allowed on 'itpprnved ' buildings, nice. 'sugar grove, late. of •ood Y .:, ,` g , winter apple trees: Never flail- s4� �v 'Allen, tivlrb tmdnxtivent an operation at ibint notes. 8 Iter cont, oif'for cash good water. • Pricod s1 ht, for . uick ,, �°J m Jeh' ki, ins ,& Son g q mg water supply. Ior.Sur£liex par- �u g�p� �y -the . Clinton, Public IlospitAIL hist on credit oni.ouni.s,- 7. W: Rands, Pro_ sale,Cor 'GixiIter avticulay`s apply 1 p Y ticulars. ai2lily 'to Os-waid Giai, R. R. OA 'COMPANY PRONE 199 xveelt, will be glad to hear she is' : Iitietor, G: TL Elliott, Auctloneei:. to Robert•W. XcMlllall, It, -R, No, 2, Na. 1; Go;lerich. Phone 16408 God- progtossing favorably. ;3•]. ,8eaforth; Ont. 4''=5-tr rich Central. 56-t£:5026 PHONE 'id CLINTON em