HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-01-14, Page 7� 4 � � � : �
q� E,"XP, : ORT TRA`6E,`,.`,,,,1N I'RON AND, STEEL
I '
, � ' ;!`i!!�l'�;"' � � � I
�10 BF,,";�DOA,iINNF'Ear�,IGIG-.A'ilt � IC TROST
I 'C', . ,� ''. I I �, . �,
1, ._�___._ � 11 .1 I
- , I'll . )n"Yij, � � I ,
�, ek�s it'all frolft London, says:- I t; � -1 Le� A Vz1'AlU1)'&) ,;'ain, In addi-
'hq or t 14 be able to stabiil,/e
, gunization of, tile Garinan Iron i tion, thi,, trus �vi�
, ,
nd sted �ndlislry llito a trust ihr,,yugh � priw� by 'Jimiting the output. to the
� I I I
he foi,t�.coniiii�,�co-,�b'iiidti,iii of prin- ' demand, I 1, , I :i �, I . �:.
ipe Ruhr firms is being closely fol-� 11-11 ilnd'�te6l cin,'e.� adi-nit the a d`
a -,"d by the saoL industyy ir� this vantagos under )yhich ibo� (301111147�
com;try-4an interest wjilab is int'linsi-, trust wi�,l b" Ibl'. to (10 bw,ihie�s an , Cl
ed by indications ,from [he T)zIjt& , , I
I I a 'for that r,�'soli plopb�_,sy tilat it is on'.v
tabes tllat�tlla ll�lv-ntonopo:y is like"'y !,I (.1ties"tion of tirre Yeforo firins in-altber
o be parC,y financed with Ami�ricaa � r,vrol)Lan �,tee!_pi-o(tucbI,,, � C�ouut�i ,s
� � e
� I
Wiley, " , -
, , �tai,�, simil"'r st4, to"i'vd, a,worhing
Th , e pxiuci�lll impression of indus- � agreonient, if not comr,'�ete uniftatiol
rial alitl�orities here is that, the� sIle- � legarding priels Rl�d, cntpct.�
I I I � " I
e�sfulcoiulusion and ON -ration of the '�Vh,an tl)aj; 'ti I I . I I
� , nl�, eozoos—wN,u Lhez�e
! 1, , -
i �enin Land M
t ,-
I ,4,,0a,ia1 and 1 W
. I Betwe:61�Etaro
1 4 de��patch, froan I
I � I
[1 A Rmsiau, !a4T,&dltl,
. 3 �.a ,
Js to st �,-_t shoA:y�fo
I .
I i "' "'I",
I , redirist
� nt of
I � tile. �
I ! 1,�c ft
I , tien
_ -
I , I I I I I � 7 -
I � 1111'r, . 1/� �,
- P,icT I le - I S, LE, 11" I I'll I i
-1 � L, I ." 11 11 "I � _ ,, ", . � I I I
,.� &rve, fOrl , TORONTO, , -
I ., I— ! TVT. , I� " - � ,,, ,� �. � - I
I - , I
� and Asia. iiii.x � _
I , , ''
nilu��r�d ,9Ays:- Man., on
� ,�x I No. 3, 52 �
,of -a Pk,mt1:6n � foad , 118��(
41 1 1 -
the U it' e, lulov7l, 1 Am, , col
ind of Nicholas ye,%,v 9,,ic
Ocean, recen�,ly] , Mii��hed-
ul. ounce- bags inclu
" Z,n t�', 31.2��,
, hi 'd p.b_ $
,$n N, 'i
t f) � -I'd ",
R,, �'01.16; .No_3 North
I— No. 2 �3W, inlyinal.
!�; NO. I lelad,',151c; ,�,r",,,�
, track, IfOl`(mio�LX,. 2
1 1 1 1
D�A, jVT,0'
. nireal fl,�,,igbts,
d - Bran ' Per ton, $3,0.25
"�is, Pcl' ton .$a2 95 to
dlin98, $39,25 'tu $'4"Oi25;
Illy, rer'ba,r.'�,',?, .q(I . 11 I
I � I ____ -------- - � -
I I pount- OiltO-44 tO.46,, 1.0,b, sll* '
I . , tiOlIQ , now Zlt:W,DTk in Val'16US Porte Of illt, 11. I 1 � ipping
tile sovia6'8 tdrraory,,�worldag to aikj � Ont. good milling wheat-:i;L48 to
,to 'tile Wor�ld's : Rdo,��led e -1 * c-o- I - .
1- I I I . -_
I I -
-50 -lb, tinot.111
�/ to 12c per
2 1�,',
" r
). tins, 11 � ,_Ib, tins,
�Ic; 2% -lb. -tins, 14 to :1,41/,,c� .
Tolls, z4c; cottago 23 to 25,�,, break-
fast bacon 39- to' - ; spee brand
" , b ,86c
brcalc):Uilt seen, 38 to 29c; biiclr3,:
boneless, 86 to ne , -
I I Glared incat—Long cle�lj�'b�econ_ �Q
.to 70 lbs., .$22- 70 to 90 lbs., $20,56;' ,
20 lbs. and uo $19,50; lightwfAght ,,
rolls, in b�rrpl,_,: $43.60; heavyweight �
rolls, $39-50 per barv.1. " � . I
HeVY steera, choice, .$8 to ,��8,5o;
do, good, $',.50' to r�.75; buteney. ,
steers, choice, .$7 to $8; do, good,
Ar, to 0, P, , :
i.�, I , ,V - , X.O.Q. shipping Points 11
. Gerrnauk�rlist is alinost, ceytal � �` . 9 - . i -10r, heifeis, choice,
I IIA6 leiul,: is but ,�ne 1 .. �:�� .Clapo�ogy, let � an ,
I I . , �?,ontr�,�,l Zrou and sto,el'orga,,i- � '11, I � vi,ti,] , I , linu ogy : r -d to ireights , 11 !,.apedrding ,yG.,75 � to ,$,, 60.
��: I Y, 1 a I . I I I . I do, good, $ 5,7 .5
to ,sbuilay- action by iron inid "ste"I 1 izatio�l in 'wery European country. -it ,", I � 1.. � oth,r� sci-ences., .I I I 11 � Maltin I
� I , �
nianufacturers �ill othel� . I , lit - anticipste I d that strenuous affori� , ", ] , ;�: , � I Abbut 900 nilles south of th '' BarleY� 9-65 to 67c, . to $0-26� do, nicd,, ,$5 to $5.50; do,
courltj�i I r � cpean, is' , � . I e North Buckwhiaat�No 3, 70c� , , ' , coni,, $4.50 to $4.75; butcher cowq,
Qp� hicluding Great -Bxftain',�-%,611 be made �'o frame an agreement , '� I I Ry, --No. 2, 90�
. � Po7le, Lcnin' Land,'a huge islandy was ' choice, 0 to $5.25; do fair to good, :
MM -m- � this is achieved, the correspon-Iregaiiiing prices and outpu�- between �.:,- , :1 : , � �, I discovered by, ilia Ru,�sjan oy I Man. fl6ur-pirst'.pat ,$930 To- $4 1�o $4,50; butchey; bull§, good, $4.50 I
- . 1. � -lylorer to ��5.75; bolog
1. VEldusltY in 1913. It ha's never been O,t; flOuiTor6dt�,' 9� ' ' , canners arid C�itters, $3; !
,dent is atthorii;ativelY in�ornled,, the i the various intioruil combines for , :. J � routO;� do, second pat. .$�'80 , , , nas, $3.2r, to
.) $3.50; �
next .step NVIll: Ila an atteelpt to raach I Europ s.1 11 a , nd. parbaps -�vorld L3,�ad 1: - � - I * 0 pal" eaut. sprjugar8, choice, ,$2.26 to
- a. .� , Nol eki�lored nor pr6porly charted. hs� pat. $110; good
an , agr'sclilent, betivc�ell tllc� .. - ide"d of a -lar'! ,� -1 , 1�21 ,� Par barTel, in earlots�, Toronto. milch cows, $76 to P090' to '
I...., , %'10 .; 1 a' b0-'icyad to ox�tend 6.G seaboard,An brilk, $6.6o. "
� . .�., M11 4,; $8'5; medium cows, ,
: I., %"10 W11
-e �,i, g.,�� �T
tru5n regarding European', if � , n G ,ail I � I I for, into the Arctic, Ocea , have" - - ,545 to $60; feeders, good, $5,75 to
,,�(,�ctwn of the I t I
��a untional I That is the present ' 0 oms, whicl 6;
I�I, ndustry, bo i., 1, I I I I ley, Straw-Carlot8, Per thp, $9 to $9.5o, $6.50.; do, fair, $4,5.0 to $5; stockera,
trade in, Iron .,and ste�]�, Britain and G,rmaiiy. Dur"i i � 1-1 I ,been establish,�, , - n .,
-11 11 expert � � ulc� tile �aSt I .,,:, ".. i I .11,
I '$i$K� . . ....
I I ,.�,�.i� � Scr'a0IIim9-.Standa:rd, retleaned f, good, � $4.75 to $5�50; do, fair, $4 to :
cloning to the information here, 1 year tli�arq have been ,.I r um, , , � Great imp.ort�nc,D4 attached to this o.b. bay ports, p;�r tonj $2D. - . ' , $4,50';_ calves, ehoice, $13, to - $18.60,
� _� I ,, I I," 11.1 "m , a; . , q
- timst: whon orgaa-'co,ifercnce�� bet ,n T : �' llecause it is believed- the � Lar
wee opres nat . expe ition
the' lipw G<ir , �-- � i ,-, ;i � .. � " , -�O ti(Vees, 18 to 18�fic; do, good, $11 to �12; .da, gras,sers
all , . "'
,in � (, . � , �i , - .11,11, . _ 11,� I d-vul
lzed -�vill cont ol fcrby per cent. of the'of, t1is heavy industry -of those tyvo 1 r1-1111 1--l- � �;;;;;" X , .11 11, - I � ,rve ins'a base for aerial tu.U�, i8j� to ige. poi.1G, 19 t
, � I isdarid may i;c . "� ,6 :L94ci $5 to $5.25; good 11g,11t,gheep, $6,50 ��
lroll' and steel output of thatccubtry.�' crunttics regn, rding th& posf [ I and wirelesis co Prints,
!i� Aii,-'.:o-Gei,m _ L . .. I I runlunication I between 1 20 to 201/2c shortenifig tlorseW, $7.50;' heavies arid bucks, $4.50 to:
This is without'. the Krupps, which are" an ae�raeroellt, , L 134ADK) MAY Rr-STOREGIRUS SPEECH AND. HEARING - � Europe ' ' ISV2 to 3.4c; tubs,' 14 to 14y' -� ambs, $14.50 t $15; (iq,
deill , - _ Th �� I � 'L I I , ,nifillAsia,' Owing,to Rs ex, .,C; pad-ls, $5,50; goo1_1 ,6
nitely, understood to h4ve refused Initiative, it aid here, arne,f 1\f!Ss,� Mole Hh)�6i, 25j � 'cleaf an,a fi R I , 14% to 15c'- hlbeks, IW2 to,16c�r -o $13.50; do, bucks $10,
- - - , � ussian I I ; rhed,, $12.50 1
although the Gr-rniany. . ,��,ho�vai-'ab,ove,,,�;ic,:,L,ad� at ,tile, radlo 6et whicb, it hs, clakned, way le��,tora both scientists believe it offers a Chaese�Xew large, 22, to 221A to $:
to, enter the combine, i , is s, C, rom 1, -1 cf��Wlm,dijpag, h ,aura']) S'Ino(y 01111a o"% '21 tylaITTS � northeyn location
. I I I , . I . I ri exce2ed 11; do; biills,' $1j to $12; �Qgs,
� teLfull'y With it_�io,_ - 1 , _� ,r llic,aiing =d speech, 'spot for ch I twins 22% ;' etz C; thick smooths rd
-11 co-cip-ta I iL 23c, tripl fad a watered,
firna wi � - B,ritish industrialirts, howe'ver' 0 his Miev 1-1a�,.as' IlLaal"d her fir-5t"Sehird Over the MiILO, I s6rvations, of d, '
, I I I I L .1 . I stoo-rol-g- StiltOns, 25c, Old, larp 86;
gurding outputand,13T, I �ar, h!,�ve t. Dalc. Ph�r,Aciaan - trip eta, �o& ' ' 2 't �4c' $13-10; do,, f.01,, '$12.50;, do, country
I leal conditions .a�id, the movement of 29c : Win.�,
.1 �
,� The Kliupp . is, it is f, akon the stand., fint, ilia' J�ast, Week, and lmmodia6bly ,afterwavd, malle am effort"to �, r I I , � . I I points, � $12.2-15; 1 ,do, off cars, $13.50,�
urldorslo6d, are it is imposzib'6 .to inake such an�ar- exp�ect funt,q , the polar ice.,, . . � - I I I I .
ill' J I I I 6� improvyin, 6L ta be ,00aditiola,, ' ., - I I Vatter-F ides,t I
a T , � . I I I 'ect 2.57. ,�
unwilling to join the co biri'D becausefrangolr� I I 1. 11 . � creamery Prints, Sel Pr4nalunT, $ 11
-lifiwiKing to sink ths� name'of the f6�' I ent until the iron and steel -- 7____ ____ - _... I _____=4-_ . 47c:, � No. I creamery, 46c;*1 No� 2, Y44 , _L -,MONTREAL. I I ,
I � � , I I ___�___... ,� I I I I =ff, - i � . L I
1'iridllstri�Ls of. tbe', countries * concerned � . I Womift Murde�ed On' , , to 45c. .Dairy , I
mous'flrm in the new trust, paytly� for have become trusts I , 'or at leasi,,st, I CARDINAL P,&RCIER'S COAL CONTESTANTS' � Prints 41 to 42c. .. Oats, No. �2 C'N'66 - do No, So
11 I. I I arted - V '
I , . XtTas, in cartons, 61t; do, extra No. 1'fead,'68cl do No
sentimental reison8,:and .partly on ac- to operate under a close �.Nvorld g � Lonily Vaim'Near Manotick 'ggs'"Ilres'll - .
I I . . . � Ing CONDITIONIS SERIOUS '� ' �MAR'K: -TIME AGAI I . f 54e; fresh extras, -loose, 62c; fresi . .
I I � I � I h 2 ,local w1i , -in '
c'! the - ,. firsts, 500; Gtdraga, extras� 45c; stor- wheat pats�, firstsi '$9.30;- seconds,
eptint of the trade value name.! agilealnellt; and second, that it would �__ . , , I . I . - , - .fte, 56c. Flour, IASI e;i g
. . �
� I I . 1 ,� — � " A,�despateh from ()it 'ays:- age, firsts, 42p; storage Seconds, 34 $8.80; strong bakers, $8.40 'to $8.6Q.
. � .The organizers 'of the combine pihn � be dmcult-, if not ImPossib'e, to Arrive Belgian Prelate Troubled With Conference Has Been Fruitless Murdered by im ' awa r .
to reduce manufactiliffig, eosts'arie, at a, Satisfactory :Agmeriderit which . .1 an known assallant'as to 35c. . I � I Rdll�odoats,,bagg4lb-f�.,$8.40to$3.56,
dolil-ara ton,which in the present days'does doli,iliclude all European irOn and Persistent Heart Weaknebs of�ResuW', and, End"of Strike She was about to- put,.a batch -of his-. Dressed poultry -Chickens, spring, Braii,$1
� , , I I I 80,25to $81.25. 8hiorts, $32.25-
� . , a, I crilts'Into the oven to bake MissM lb,,� 80c; hens, over 4 to 5 lbs.; 24 to to $3-3,25. Middlings,'$39.25 to $40.25.
of smal'� market aryd'flerce cbmpefi-,�Stae1:prOaiic;ng 'countries. , , Followin'�'Q�eration.. is Uncertain. � , I dry 26c , do 3 to'A abs
__ __ 'S . , , .� � . I , � - I � Kilfoyle, Aged �70 years, waa'.1ound' 1 18c; HAY, 9b. 2, Porten, car lotil $14.50.
17---- .. _. - �. I - __2? 1 - 11 I I .1 22c; xoostey�s,
I . � I I I I . � . I A desp-tch from Brussels says:- A despatch from Now York says.- -7 dying in her .16riely farm home near d ' d ii, ,to 9 Chadee, flneot W`6sbs, 20% to 21c.
I . . � _ -1 I I I � - I - - .;, "'. ' I lacklings, 5 lbs. .An p, So- 34c; 1
OORN IMPLICATED' I . � Cardinal Mercier's condition is regard- Anthracite miners and 4eratOTS, Manotick;-flfteerl miles fiGral hets. turkeys, 35c;'gee* 22 to 25c, Butter, No. I 'pasteurized, 421/,L to
1. I I I IN ROYALIST PLOT' I 11 � ,ad as Vary serious, owing to Persistent deadlqpkod in_theif'attem]pt' to Win), I , She Beana�Can. hand-pielved, lb�, 6c; 421/a. 11999i storage extams, ,44 to
- I , . died on her way to hospital without �
I I , 11 ! "'.., - my'l; a I Primes 5. to 51Ac , . . 45e;, storage firsts, 40c; Storage, see-
� , I ; ��M*�g:;. . 'he gaining consciousness, Ma�fo produc ' S top, Imp. onds, 83 to �6c; fresh extras, 52e;
. I .,J;,�,� he w.'akn.ess -and, ,uhsatisfactory Viate it new wage contract And, end t 17e I O.- 't
. - nutrition. It is dedared by the attsud-- hard coal strike, ,are alipaxently wait- Napoleon Palliabler; of Ma oti k,,al� ai., $2.40;,I)e , '
. . 7,.��: �
rwc.Kaiseir , Said to� Have� - n e g r 5.gaf �2
1 1�1_` I
� I., , �� I Un,. ,,3.0 pot fresh firsts, 476' Potatoes,, -par bag,
I X' n dw n arid Appraved I ........ I ,4.��,�.�.i �,, , Ing- physicians that, although there i,,7 Ing for something to turn uPor for loged toi-lyaye been-jnXisg a].; maplo.augar,�Ih,, 2 c
I I-.
,�,,..1111. 5 to , car lbts Quebec, $3 to $3.25. ,
I � I I 1104.1.��:, no himnediate danger, it is foare�d the one or the other Side to break u a ploy_ we I � Kilfoyle's 9 I I . _� I
I I Hungarian- Scheme. , ! :�.-,:,z�'�',.��-., Ca-i'dul.,iimay,gxadually waste,away.' joint conforence. '� I ll their in � s -arrested iu`Otta,Ao�. - -- I . . � . I . .
I I . . . " . _ k".,. * - . A later I- despatch , from Ott�awd I I ARSENIC POISONING - - '
I, M_
A despatch from.Psrls says: -M.: g -1 " , �N, I I __ * k. I uxiliarY Bishdfrs of Malides To observers, it app6arpl to be an says�--Pohee report that" -Napoleon
. , t; - �. -.0E. �. "M " " The A
. ft . and Brussels have addressed a,letter endura -a test for tile I
'inch -anti Frerldh Minister to Hun -i 11,110 IN IMPORTED APPLES
01 _� - . he negotiatqrs, Palletler, 21 -year-old farm, helperand
�`P-��'. , ,,,,:, I .;. 'b of their dioceses, Aying:' aside fiord the ability of the idle- men aum-ber-jaek, ll�as,_&onfosaed thitt. he I
Vary,, arrived here Tburi;day'evellim, � ! , . - 'to the peop- 4
. � 01 I
I ., 11 I h Cardinal and the. coid compardes to hold, out ki'll-ed-Miss Mary Mlfoyle, -the -aged I
1-tom'Budapest'hud. was soon After. � 11-1111, Archbishop As llot . limproving his indefinitely, I I., � .� . Attention Again Called - to
ward riesived by Premier Briaria arid I . * I woman wbo was found in a dying con- K
Philippe Berthe'ot, Permanent Under- � '1- , weakness is bedoraing acconim.te'd r ared +he table ditioni in her farin horrid near Marld, � , "..; � Danger by British Officials.
. I
�..TV' Foreign Alfairs. He'i ,�� arked that extreme unction be admin- Thursday of all pending proposed tick Station. , ......... tt .. I � i Adespatch from Lon . don says--
, fg.
I I I i
mads a Tull report of the Hungarian' istered, and this request wag complied peaeo'lilatsand other matters vital to , When Pelletier appeared before Br ash offiiials for tile second tims
I i "
,counterfeiting p' ". I .. Ith." . 1, . : . . � ending the controversy, and.returned I .
" Vn I � -
.ot and its Monarch-' 1. .. ,i. . Xagistrato Xoyn Thursday -afternoon, , 1�, !_1 . 'Went weeks have calir-ed attention
istic conliections, and I .::, - I The latest official bulletin Issued to a tlesultory ,,*.� W to the danger Of Arsenic poisoning
t.Ml I
-t was stated "" --_1 . . . . . . . N111, . disellaSion of the he signed u writteir confession sub�' .. ,�,�,-,M .", 11
; T Im A NXI
.aftLrNvard thatthe sensational arrests' ,Says th-it,the Cardinal's condition is various ideas that had alTeady been ktAlItiaillyth4a Same'Re given out by the � �" � M from ilmpo-,�tod apples.
i � I I
already road.- vre.oilly the first, and a .. Stationary and that lie is still very advanced by eith4r side. . police officers, He was' remanded for, Ji _._�,', g
. :
. , 11` I I The Middlesex County Colyaci�l,has
1:� _�,.�_.',' � 11 ,-��Yt'.._. k- �
9 : Ny'aak. . I . . When evening,began. to full Chair- a I I . � I I distributed a ,Ibaflet to deniers refer-
rairabor Of othirsare, to, follolI I �11.` , , . week. - . 11 ��
, I I I
If Information curtent'lli PAris can ,...'�. V1.11- . I manAlvan Markle, the peutraLmem- In ,his signed, statement, Pelletler� 0� , Ang to the recent ,announcement Of
- , , , .. :
. , ,.,.:; : :1 �.:.,� a I I ,
. . ,
be taken as true, the Hungarian plot-. ': , . .... . .: I � I I . bar Of tbe c6nfaiencis,,*suggeated Ad- says the aged woman threw a h - the Minister of Health, that certain
12 d Abions than waWhith- � I . ammer I ,.' I I li z
. � - - Exist- for Thr06 Weeks Jotarnment, and as there 'was nothing -at hirabofora, he, struck her with, the 1;. -
1,,,:,� � " �
I . . �...� 1 imported apples have been fourId. to
, ' � I !, '.:-�. � , ,
-h �� '. �: contain arsenie oil the skin surfckee.
lerlo I and irlclitdad,,g��n- - f4bil. Rodollihe Lamitux , :� ' I I bef6re ,tile conferees thafloblced like axe, and that Jt6 Struck her only once. *.� . �,; ... : * .:,� I
. on Sharks and Gulls a starting point tqw�xcl a. , , ". 1;r ,�..,
.,.., IL"�llo-.�k,h,is-t,,r,evi,,,,wI in Germany Uhamfmousily ro-eleated Speilier of .1 �, . SSW'eydelit He put the rope around- the neek with �. �... I 1, T-. 11 , , The leaffet points out that, in spite
, 11, -,
'41, �
.. � I — I the six miners and six operators Again the idea of Stopping the 4floW Of'blo 1.�� �.�,:i�'1111�1 ','� .
: od� - � : ill, ,��,.'.. ., �� of recerlt precautions, quantities, of
,-as,11jl;i.'The.1*rmer Kaiser is Said to Canada's I fitibeentill parilamoll't. I A doiiipitth from Vancouver says ,.-I filed out of the Union League btdb, . . _*�'_ I � � . :: :� . daAgetouslY contaminated apples Are
is �a , , � the V.ot arid to la"I'Ve - " "' '- L I "I"W".
- ... �� -
I � I � . I . . ,
1'appr�ovadaivt, ran .a were worked __71_�_ A Picture of rum -runners who were I where 1hi'meetings are being hold. I � : .... . . .. � still on sale,'and warns tire public
I � �
out I, a ,A! detail ' ' � Ocoripel'od to live for Ill,; -weeks on a - - � Crown Prince Humbert ' e ... -.I. . against eating the skins. Fruit deal-
, I .. � . ,. .1, � .1111, "! ", Orz
The Aveliduke Albart is said to h . . � Tou- ' !
In October last. Witish. Royalty Shies 'as .
' f'ovre- � oug . shark .11lent'and sea gulls, as the Bel -'Increase Shown in Travel To Makb I r of Europe � . are also warned, to investigate
�.ad se�,L�ml tritarviows w1di the at Marlbot h House giali ship, Gertrude,lay'aff- the Far- U.S L . "I I t� I , .. I ... , 'their stocks and to give instru4ions
I - ,_ — rallone-%Ulands, Niras drawn- by Y W. Bet�veefi Canada and . I Z, � . . . I , I.,
mer GefinoIt � Cmvii Prince and Crown � , . � I A ,despatch'from Rome says -,-Ac- I
, A despatch from London sayls:_� tYye, colinsel for Leo Van Lear, 11 � . _ . . � regarding washing And brushing
uppracht of Bavaria, with. . I . el- & despatch from Prescott . says: -L- cording to the traditioll of the House � I Prof. Adam Shor# ,apples. .
= iall, sigii,:4 a contract to the None of tile royal famil "Ims. to gyan st'.1mall, who wag'aharged before A tremanclous Increase in travel ,be- Of Savoy the Cron Prince makes'Arl ' Canada wIll'be Teproiented on th,J . _*_
y "a
� Want to _Uve' At M.1,11lorough Housw, Xaglstrat6 Find',ay with a violation I
effect that in the event 'of success ill i . ;x- Of �ha` (311nadign Shipping Ae for re- twoen Canada and the Unitiod States extensive turapoan'tour After reach- VreoamtO�Y Zonoullo ebnfareiwetE�-Kaiiser's Film Greeted
i the city home of the late Queen Al, t rrom�this portirs shown by tile forjow- Ing, his majorif�, It Is- stated � that which. Is -to -Ile hold III (lanova,shortly WithJeers in Britain
his attempt A�ustrla. would be divided,i I .
betweeri BAVaTia and the Reich. , Andy, Thare. was an effort to set it fusing dirty. - .
A it aside for the Duke' aald�Duchesz or . As ,I,, eiiult oT the diet, 'five, mem- Ing figures:- In 1924 a total of 1�-6,98LI �Flnce Haiii,bert, who has recently by Protfessor Adam. 8,hortt, one tbals,
lbe ,is aikewlse described as bay- Y,ork, and then it was Suggested to bars of t, a crew ' � ,,Parsons crossed the river from this cOr,apldted his twenV-fint year and PrOtes3or at Queen's UiuLveTelty, and, A despatch from Londow says: -
Ing then procesdod to Radio and at I � are now in villicouver
, th0- Py, hospitals, Eyre said, 1 POrt, 111192-15A total of',206,202.crogrZ, been received in, the Senate, will start more lately of Oftwa. , � Sentiment against a filin depicting the
tempted to enlist Mussolini in,th.- plot IncO Of Wales that it wou',d be I . I ed -an increas�o of approximately bij trip shortly. - �. , , " I former Maiser in the %nilitary Splendor
ild -lat*t visitod Rournania 1-a fitting Pkice for the heir to the I . _. -
, $ where 11. throne to live. � __1 I I —,.—. - , 86,000. TiafAc across the St. Uw- His first'40untry will -be Eng',hryd, .
St party. , I But tile Old Palace is "too I I Ude here is as heavy at present'as I es
ado. representations to the National- I . To -after which he *ill visit the northern Nat of plre-war days and -Jllexii� in Doorn
. uril Ing through thaL country fC'-
�Resouwt Bulletin. ,,, spreadi
red English Audience Halts F$n on Inamy days, in mld-sum&r. capij���s add ra,t4rm.thyoiig5-. -�ta=6 or I I p_ . ng
� . liallusby" for th,e younger genepation,of , a- L - . -_ Central Europe. Although it has been The Natural Resources.InteMigelace lowi its, recent angry -recaptiOd by
-I.— .. . nt sors. , of Ex -K iser's Li& at 060M I I -*-- war veterans at Sheffield: Several
I , W* I And they have been rather . � -, . - �, I I 11 Butter and Cream Valitable' frequently rumored, t1i,ab tile crown S01"H410 Of the Dept� of the Interior London theatres which billed it have
Weather Records Were fran k in sayflag so. It waw done over I A ddspAt � all from Sheffield, England, Says Spea.61, Ab ' ' 'rince bad been betrothed to the Prin. At Ottawa S%YS'- . announced its withdrawal.
� . I I :�.' ,, 'Synish6difi,1929 "13 Victorian:,days to c6nforya with oays:-Proteists by�a iiiption picture . . out Piet Less of the PoYel, Housa, qt Brua4els, Canada has ari opportunity At Pm- The film was produced by William
— ' ' I the taste 64 Queen Vittoria,), and, 's �a audience caused, the withdrawal - I" - . I this rumor has as frequently,been de- ,,mt to harves0a.erop at comparative. irldisell from his own soena.rla. At
- A despatch. frt)m Ottawa Pays:-- g6od deal,of a museum. Thoseivere �film, depi6teig.14- of a A despatch from London says.'- died. At the recent weddi O h . triflin "St. that WIDI' TePay.'* Northampton on Thursday the ap-
During 1925 several weather records the days of coll,ectors. 'Gifts of every , lifvof�ithe ex- Milk as 4 food is an enemy of, brain sister, Princess m8fal4a, w the 0 or ni y' t, a over before the pearance of the film was grested with
,sort were herd . Ith I �
Vote brol h ' the Ottawa distric,t.- ad toge'- Kaiser of amainy it Doorn,'his t& w6ikeri,' 'ace6rding' ' " 'Charles 'E. Prince 'Of -Hesse, Scores of elljibl � w
I Ce. in that In houses, Lie�t .n H�,,Jland�., I to . � a coming suan ev is Past_ cries, of "Take it aft, Ws a disgracol"
Tile coldest weather-Ovar -recorded with the iesult that�, Mar.borough . W, 1 Hecht, Honorary Secretary ,of. the primp taking a, ot spell, when atwork In ,One,, theatre.
I _es, ,
led the film started a nia� ;as -wero-gresent, but d5yet the I,— 11 . T- , manager, received an
was ex Hous� has much -of the'look i)t a cut- , rose. Food Educ dio)-i Society, speaking at court � a lkome, bas giveIn no further the, field I or All t the n0 - Or even 4nonyinoils letter saying` -."'If you�putr
poriencod oti January 1% when And tried, "'Take it oir I", A French I University 'ClIallego here on the Subject hint ,of the handsome young Princial, . w* be,X sar, B � I 0
the metcuty � �-.-1 to 36 degrees below'iosify Shop, with a sombre background around the home, whaf is. rdoi; . I- t , aj ill
� wood and heavy drupeties. wonlain who lost her, husbamd in the I of diet WhOe cheese, butter and intentio - � n the screen to -night
zero., The lnonth_of, .Ttily was the of dark I., w1ne' or mor�-e refreshing!'thad -4 Cool it VrIll, bar riddlodwith bullots.11
. �-
fag The: Prince of W0as preferis Yor . audielic 116-RoTal House At Rome there d'ylyk? .
001,13b J_V,1Y Since 1891. August k war supported the protest and the I dyeayd_�ur- valu.blo foods,. rimik, 11" In t ". � The organist at a Leads theatre
the driest August since 1899, receiving House, which is Very @mply furnished a cheered as the film -imas'stop- I said, was goI for babless, but not still I re What ara mol* onlHeingr
� &;1 ped, ,L, , I main two younger sisters un- than, thd during. th
ozil.y 1.04 inches of r 0, now. afror& Afreferit, room 1, I foi- �leyl. � 11 0 film on Thursday turned
-tin, while gap- am I . . ' -nq�
. ______ -_ - . � � Trin'rried, Princess Giovarryin and Prila. mairy table delicacies that can bd made the *1%th of-theaudiencts into yoc_ryq�
tembev wai'the wettest September on his entertaining, as he has recently I ____ I during, the hagted, period And which matit 'by playing 1181low Me the Way
. I Cass Maria. � ,
11 I I
record, receiving 6.12-inclier taken ,Over E� suite" in St, JaIrlev * . . are dep rideut upon " lea supply? 'to Go-Hoi-le." � I .
The ,4 of rain. Palace, . . � I � . L I . . ....... �"__ � I I I I
month of October was the coldest . N I �. . Cmada from Coast twi, Coast � , I What 2"ry to the $lie_ 4 1, _.
4ed since . I . I , I � I � I . - An Interesting Bulletin. c,"Pfa is -to riathan a sufficient
O�tobor ever iecor records � C----2—' 1 . .� L . � . . � dairyman Ce
I .
were first started -at the Experimental , I I . I Suirtradraide, P,E.I,-SlIvOr fox -119milto . n, Ont.-ThL National Stc-0 . — , supply of ICA? for 000ling purposes? Prince of Wales is Licensed
Farm, 36 years ago. I - Turning Night Into Day � farming has become. a most important There has Just been issued -a beau. , If,-,ve would have these advantEgas As Medical Practitioner
I rporation, of Harrtlton, NVill tif u'-1 D'y illustrated b6oklet prepared by dirring the coming surnmaj,' I
The mead temperature for 1926 was . Not, for i I Cap, 00 ' I , now is the .1
41.3 degrees; -being slightly below the ) . London Art.4 industry in some part of � Norway, ac- shortly undertzko the manufacture of �tha Royal Ontario Museum of Archae, tim A despatch"from London Says-
- - . I __ , to ding to Tollainies Borge; . I a for,actiob, There are few places
� ., journalist, six_v,,h;9al bus "
�aVara�ga of:41-9L degrees, . A desPateli - r � 4 I I ses, which have become ology and pub,'ished by the Provincial, in 0 The Prince of Wales recently became
. _LrOm London S ' 11 -nada where it is not, aasy',to. 6b- �
. aYs:- of, Bergen, Norway, *hO is visiting recognized ,lately as arnong the most 'University, which, in corijilliction with t YL Use, Slydply licensed to pra tie
- I ______0__ 1-1 There is bad news in the,latest State- all"all! the ice one could 6 a medicine, mid -
L .. �
.1 . Canada to record- his impressions Or important factors in modern munici- the Government of Ontario, infilnt . wifery ond�s gLry,.wben lie ,,vsd'in-
roent by Sir Will1am Orpen, One Of the I I aids for tile 0,Utting and Stor ng, A little vc ur
. n6nt time pal. transportatiod- methods. . Th. -se the musaum - . I ,sted at Y
Large-WAII- Metal Airshio- )oininion. ' '�kt the Pro
: . ilia world's most famous portralt art, theye, are between 120 9nd 160'8i1ver Vehicle$ will be agserdb,. - co-operitiviaWort by grolzaps of farm- I ork House with tile unique
. in the World to be Built ists, for the boys aridgirls of Green- fox,farms ill the S,lid,lore district of -ad ,it the local , In tirisbookiLt there is an,interast- eks wKI make easy tho,harvasting of distinctior,of an honorary diplodis of
11 plant in a department Grgani7ed lot Ing account of a be -,"I! 0 �
. the "Ancient and Hollowlble 'Society.
I— � I U - V1, age, Montmartreand Similar Norway, which is' particularly -suit- that purpose, and in addition the com- Me ander wh;cll is la. possessio 1, of r I ' , an -d in . " He is the.on!y horl-
. I . wl a a portrait head Of 'an ice supply, And a ch wilt
A degraich from New York says ` 61ac,9, who gi n o Kid III plets - f Apothdcdlias� I
rary _
- I ve up most �oir tb�ir -able, ,being Climatical"ly. And, tb_po� pally-,�111,bulljtb6boal,,1 'beplaced -he O'ntil rio - Museum,' rur 0 'llembor,. _
,P,lars; for constructing two dirigibl.le tights to I'lea , to " t Royal t 6 liev)i con"fort Ult OIL
Dl�t�ng atalOsPhere for artistic careens. ward Island. L,8t.auCurmi about 120 1 , -a a —.—
I 11 Vning life" and accumu- graphically �ery similar to Prince Ed- on tbc,bris chassis. , also reduding c6s I ng, tllo�-Tes
br,.Ko,nis, ona, of thain'the largest �11- Ltib:es,o -is�,�ol-d'of"T(Yb�nllaiiii�,d,�,n�, being alyle to keep1resh ineati, milk,
L � .
I of rgypti
. 11 " '111 ' I -Proprletors Na".
metal airship in the worM, were aft -I' 'Sir Wi'F,lam asserted that lie calinot silver foxes, ,estimated to be worth Brandon, Man -Tests conducted At statuettes , k�ds arid a butter, ate. I 'Peapant
nourced at1tv recerit'indeting of the do Satis,factoi - the Manitoba Agricultura"L601: card, Ladik. 'pl�ayur cayj�et;, Students I i of : .The 4.ce supply, .so f.r - I � The, Solati, African gove,rnment has
'Y, Work on less than 1,000,006 kr6her, were shipped from I - 1-19 , by riature, is but a' eely' ,provided . .1
Arnovieen Society 91 Mechanical E114 tive�ys holim Of slceP Out of tiventy- the island to Norway. I.. at -the, P',ailt of tile American Beet'aiplineology arid\ol ancient lord will nother .of Canada!s embarked, upon ti, soh,61111e,to e8tabli!sh
gineel:s in tho, Ejigillem" Club by'Carr"fou-", and dikilt s1a0P at that. He Kontvi'Xe, N.S.�The Acadia Sl i Sugar Co., at Grand Forks; X -D, Of be interested ill AlII Of I these aa,ti , c, Ie a . ddrfu;l natural resources, tba,,da- Peassiat: 1391QPAPAOTe� I with the object.
ate "On Of alotrimir flbo Problem of rural imern.
ithe Sugar bpats grovii in'the vlcii'ilty and in the excalleut illugtrations� The ,velopment of , which , ans iiiuch to
V..Fritsebms, d tlia Aircraft Dovelop�I'koas to bad -at 10 O`oladk and Sleeps Co. bas been organized to develop tile , of this city in 1926, hayo shown favor- booldot may to thoSa'bnLihe in the I Swollen
non't 0 ti of Dearborn, Mich.'thrbugh until 10,, the next inorning.' extensive slate 0 d i I obtained fr�e, on'appli- Tarinimilmd's I Plo)—,t A cOnsidembi6 area Of
I Of 2-06;600 clibiefeet Than he has I , deposits I puts in, hy... results. , ' ation to tile Ex�on,ion Office�;, vill- in rilcipalaleg wifee -a community Ice laind li4s, boon leg�--Isd! Wad 80 tairillits
Oil, lshTprP%1ir,.',`bOy` a light hinichoon and King's County, Nova.Scotia, and it is, A larger ,program in c, I U .
I thest testing will be z'ar'ried out in 1926 varsity 69 To�onto, Toronto 6, ' supply is not- available . I I., are alreadY &sttJM,- Motley Is behig
dapapi6y,'br onee tenth the siz�e < the Nvorks while Ilia Tnind: is olear and his Prepared to,proc4od wi � � I I . I I
Shenandoah Mr,. Fritsche' said,. arid, body resst,a1 _ ' � 11 th the deve:Op-,b ,the Brandon, Bo - � ' hdValaCed- for 1111TRI -
icy ard of Trade-in . The,equl curing ice 1 . I � emunts and bouse
� . - ce: The del%sits are ,,juriction ,vith, the 110±tivu'�,taral Prince of Wales' Visit a Small -way is not expensive while al-
'hay� ' l �� inent ,vark at on , , pment for se building, ali& expemts,sre Advising dion
the Ot to be covered with metal I In the late afternoon he wa:RsAn locatedhefween New Minas and White � I - , I
instead of fabric, will have 500,0*0� Hyd,e) Park. He� � I . I Society and from ffty t�o on' hundred - ,, � 'Lany, kind,of a buildirig will ans- And w0ml�n in fam.1mg matteis,
,saYs he enjoys walk- Rock, and the width of the belt, is ve- ,)lots , B inds Tiade to B, vita; 'at ________1r_
I L r .
cubic feet capaci,ty.' 'il . �ing in thee rain asmuch��,s_whon it, is Ported to: be' about 900' feet. The i W.111 be seb out illy oughout, the - ..- I- - in war for -storage )>urposes provided - .
I I � . . ' . . district-' I I � I �_ , I I I there is sufficient ins.ulation of saw. .
, ' .
� _-----<:�-- - . ci-zmr, ariq'that he gets great pleasure Samples are re,portedupou is'compar-1 .M. " A despatch from London says:- dust, flue shavings ol! It a '.. -
� Out Of the' color effLets produced , ose 'Tayr, Saslz.�Ne sii il,', r in teriul
_*�_ �by ,Ing f avolubl � *ith those froill* th, 90tiatiOns That trado has' baggri to f,oXcw the and that drainage is ample. toucar * .',
1. ,�I , � . � . I � , - - ", 1. I 'e' , .�
I , �_ I have basil coillp, led between the Swift y I
:�, , ��'. � . ��;, . , . , 1. I �.." '. . . ,._..� r r London's uncortain weather. I 'Vermont slate quarries. Tha"7 bay Prince of Wales' visit to South Ain- I off the v.,ater froin the me:ting ice. 17 11�
� �:i,:� ,'-,. ��,,�l -,;��� � ,,��.<',v,. I I - � �, Canadian Co., Ltd., and tha City of orica is tEe view, p e,w a, f , 1, . I
�.',..��., �,' ,'_ 11 ... 11. ". ---W-----:- " more metallic ring to tbein, whlch,,1, ax r se n"�usm'cfs - Every farmer. owes it to his family. I
',,'�!�:','o 't � I - dicates Moose Jaw whereby the, company will quirbers Nvith the first,consignment of! 'an fee supply
, . &,,,��,�4-�,�,,�', . - � I �
I ia ,,'T'�.o"�il"', , harder. and more ,compact operate the Tar�_e packing plant erect to provide tbern. with
I Z, �. Prince George Plrys Heroic , - : I
!.%,� - _ . I
. .11, m'�,_Y I , �
�-,u . grain. ' . I - four trainloads of British�stacl win -
,g ". � i � I ! for the hot w6athai,'andi with tbd�very
- I -2v�R,, ��. I � . Part in Hongkdng Fire Saskville, -N,11-kopording-to a. ,,a- d'in this city at ,I cost, of $750 Goo and dow frames, dis atclle� to Argentina. . - many
�.,��gp 4 lformer',Ly conducted by Gordon, Troll- by a London .firm.' The manager of -W I
. 1, - I ,: cost of such supp'y, not
. I — . I i�ort in tile 'Busy East," the deve'op-:_9ld,,.,nd Fares Ltd The � � Ishould be,without ice'liaxt summer. . '�4:�1�1';:"�..'l �, I
�0, I longicongsays:_ ment of a beet sug l9rcenieut this firm says it, is theJar"'est 6on- I —1 . ,
A despatch from I . ,�I';�,,�
001'�, .ar industry in the: _. I., .
-1 Primp George,' youngest son ol'th, Mariti . � aiving attention, Tests i Calls fbiz,the Plant to commence Opera- signment eyer �8en,6 �an(l 119 It (ilrect I f_��-, I
11'pl . ples is reco tioins on: March .
00.'�, ,z
'�,� � Briii3h Sovereign; did hey'610 wori( dur- are ,being made this soason througb� 31st rioxt;, and to be :Riot -of Unemploved I 0.��,,-.,,
( outcome ofAho good w1,111, established ' ",���-.:�; .
., ,�. '. - '. - ""'. 11 Ing 4 fire In'', , oiiel-ated�,, c'oritinuous',y . for'� eleven by t 6 n t �f' the Prince of -_ When T hey Find No Work I.-IR11:
-- TV, �. . the id - indications h. rece t visi,
.11 �, IM", , " I Hotel 'Hongkong Out this area'al present t a . I - I I'� .
§ .- M , I ,. I
F. �aq , I I �
, .1
�g 101 �, �� shortly after the New Year bad been are.that beets can be produced in I 0 ye re I I . I I Weles to.the South American republic. . I 1. ",
I .,..,. i -
, 5 I., I ushered in. . . � I M ritirries to compare J, . ___ I I � - --- Taber, 'Alta.- -At least Gile'faymeal ' "There Is do doubt the Prima cap- , ng-
W.gg;'&111�te� . , I I I a . a,;,a,. A despatch from Marieliestor, E
g,� ith any _ ; - - - - - :
�, , �1, i - I 'W". I � De6pita efforts Of firenien troops inyield and sugar content, w III the irrig districts is glad -he turcd�th,6 South American niarkatfor l�and� says:-Threo thousand mlem- I 1:: -,�
I - ff� -,Pi,,.,, � I , I ", � � I ii+ int(� sugaebeet raising, ' ' � iered I
I ,�� . -4., ��. M; I b�uejaekots and volunteers the motel I'lace in North America whore the III- This is� us,11 he as8ertad'. "Heratofoze tbliso ployed inen, many of wbor% gatl '
� - . I I
�,, M"ol". 11.1101-V was wvacked, vAth-dama ' estimated d-ustry-is at praseAt carried 'on, Win; Valgard8onj near here, whd se- 'coutrac�wbavd -be' '_ ' at daybreak and -'other �'�at,,r, after i I
1'.;�� I ,
., 100� ,�, !1. , I 1�wa - I I 4 zu:going to t1le'un-1
; I � �, - 41- 91a - -1 ciii'6dl54-i-ettil-nfi-omthi,ef�,,aiide,oi��, tpd,, States �and G4rrnany;�' , �� . ivaaun�,, mil -s in response teL ,ail -ad- I
I , : - At" , , - at sil 0,oti C06 - Que,---��My own boy Ila
?,� I . j bal : , I
I I Quebec, I �
00 _ a, --- ten, � . vertit,'encient for s' I atdy rn,m�,.storm- 1
1: , - 11,1111 - I The Prince, who is On a tour of been working *as -,a-, fay�hi laboi�ar I'll , f _ypi§ Of4 land,.- - The sugar, fad, ry __�� * X I
L . �
, -r AM ,.. duty in r�aster the Province of 'Quebee since he left' at Raymond is 1haVing a � ad a I'Aa�ory�, wh en they fourld the 0- ,,
N, �,�� naval 9-plendid-run Sir Hugh John Macdonald-
� I � ', � �.,.. � :�; .14 l"'d, I, ,,vate!es, was , . - 4
i: ; ' L R - - -
i�,19 " I earg ago I and the new sugar is in keen de ' E
,,fi�. the ullits I 'from the bat- E ton Ile is back mand jjutje� at, ' I sitions had been MU the 131glt ,--
... � 11 11 , three ye . I
'L Ullk , I I 1 . � , esumes, court i ' ,
I ZZIU11 Hs-1VIrins t'o aSSiStille fl - arid lia8'obtained a good'position, but' in the province. I I . I � I I
L, ro bri . I � -1 � L I I I , Ifore It took the police some time to
I . � , I I � . I I
, .— I , ,
� gades. . I . lie, tells'nia. he is longing to return to I -�-Now Westminateir, B.C. Colly I A despatch from Winnip'eg�qp��:--- �quell �ho 'disturbance, arid in the way ........... lt7-��
� - --Tho ritills , "I'll" ...... :.. . .11 "." ,
, isty,te_�Sir IIII "h � ) , , I � "
11 IM 6 ,The Iclel'�wa�-f Ull Of guests when CArisda'and"I ceitaijilyshall. not stand,'of the now pjant,cyf the British g 0 in Macdor � lald 0 0116i'Lion oraanagerhiredthr�,e I Jolln,v cint :. �': ''�
- ; .1 - " , TI_ Mag . ' , , , t, I
the flames were discovered, and in ny ill his WaY� Thus'ispoko Sir ]3urtc,ii'bi��GypsuM,(,'o.,,Ltd,., boys common I , L
7 eicaP0 13calitily plad. The firo of a I I ced ,,h, I additlonal handy men., ,, ,
I had been, corifined Ao his � horne I I rormerly a Newfol,tudInild flehor lad��
. ��. � �Qeffapal pangofaii I ur;_ Chadwick, -Iiead of tho,ruln of Joseph cru�bing and the first barg, load Of ' has —1 -_ ,lie Iiii; , nov, 1. Toronto, preparalml
I . I - t Jv`,�pIC-
".. . , detqDrmined origin, burired for'sevc I Claadwick & Sori�, shi,pbni`d�xs , and � mateii,,A will ,leave bere = so'l I with, a pold -during the paIi , , � -rvory year two and a half million to goinig to, Cniceg6,,.,vbacrp,.ha. has re-
'relufol' and; infulster ct war in qhoul,si dolni� extensive dnmag,�, an- o' ers, Ll ve resumed, hia,dutia� at the city po�!Ifce , . I .1
, , th 11 d �vrl ,rpool, in a recefit a�dl,ess�,export, kiinux,act=6 of A; I It of silt- and inud have, to be cleared - M on O, pa lit
"ioeem Who 11'ail proclairnied, 111111�.,21,f i a bol el roo I , Court, . He showed no'ill'-�frects f ron-i I Ons cot-vad a $0,006 00 ratiel -t I
I , , . / I 1 , f collap8c�d at about roon, at the, Canadinii Challibey- of �Com- th gypsum plan� will comiilolice�earl'Y the ilbiess, and plunged into tho,:,ork'away to keep, the Port of Lari'don a, group 1�ortraitt Of, ilia frupilly ot Q.
�ot I atw of the colintry.. I -11 N 01 Ave -5 "vere lost, I 11 rieroe, London, England, I inelanuary., ., . I I - - �r I J open, ' � , - 1, . .
I �� I I : I 11 I - � I I I � � I .1 ,� I I I � I I I.. � 1 ,: I I . with his accu8tolued I Vigor. I , I .- 7- . Y.'Bakor, I I . . 11, ...
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