HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-01-07, Page 7----, ,
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• e:�vlthont•the ,.a , s'-x�%' ,i" •+ ''' .; ,k 3'x.a v In ,iq.
ia:ietal tubes Tiibes maJ
ero cheaP'Bt andlt..tter a r '+ than
Lltcs,0:made with iC.a:
,Yr .,.:. y ,..4 ',i Hii` n.."�'f,s�t;„ �, .{:,:r t. • yc x,rr r �:, �r�y� .
Inventors aetLiit, shauld•;_Uca1v. �� ) y ,.kY'xVc%c: rr ',�,y .k2s;.,{%•ts�'.ff'.,.1 s. � .� '.,x�1�,,,� ,.a; :,�• _
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sunm•911tics. A riati got a� Patel
ctrl -fora evice to :ase, in coal -
Am o r f mil ysf o ry _
Lovcs to sna'r'e tli0rtt to ]iio•n oil. :In.• n ,,,.. ', „•.�' x`� -
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'tile szect<at,on ltio ncludr'd_a'groove, ,: ; . ..>, lb$,s�„ c,yr� x,.�� x{?ra .+mF , n � 4 ' •., s:, �s:„.s;,, s. �%: ^v
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w teii the article yf .: . .
anyilAipping of oil., 1. -. ,> :'�adb ,^ �..' w, :' t7;iz v�"3:. 'E n� tY�� � `�'yh,.c
,,;;. .,,;.. ,cf,•,a '•S;v�:x?k�Jg 4. aY
on the market, it p -old 'flee hot�a� q,q�p tp
ua_ p t 't le iii
bit(, unfoatultatcl) for y r j Sr
ventca soanebod'3.'' discoveied'that it
well-- without the
wotuld weak just us M; (da `1t%fth �,anghterl "
roov'e, So)a pater_tel a'`device enact• £ „i<m w5
?1n f ^:; i ks' ,::r s, . r`.�„ ; ¢ ^s,'q,,,rf,4 ,i<;~`x Sign ou infautsr clothing. s'ee'r -"Let
ly. like the original, mizans :the groove, },� .,r•';� �z�1.'• : kX# ',g F ,„ y.
r It d' no ted=_`etas. a g�� t:, "' a << ¢ S%. I
and the actual invento a 0. :ty. v y Ea y �, ' r u's supAlY your babies;'
Over'sPeeific,dekalls are also danger, HsR v s,mx v ynw s,fiw'A"
r ) ': �''>, �; .>.` w k;', A good obgrts writer is gone who can
ons. -Poi• many years every America"r bx. o. .s,%. s' s .' : �,a s, v ',i:home, run.
otic a"sr ^' $" �`.• T,s.�,4 '� xe. , .?y, 3, " tr y Y, :;, Invent a new synonym, for
otos-car manufacturer except: A.' ,z,'',<,,�",,.� „sa ''?'i., ,dr, %x a ' ..s,
m Bjd ,y.,� . y ' � y�' <,. nMn ?" ,.v a 2 a „a �"' g ;
e cten`t �', ,,,,. „� v. �r , s rr,.:l;� ''`:. <f °" � ..� f.: x;s?� ,:r; �,''� %j
Paid royalties .wiles. P •s;•'s"S%.°x`li , - . >< c<,.. ssr,� .. tFs ,x,<,•.,.>�as'3s: ,...a
R y �� ,:,<$�es�' M^. x x.chiefar tm0nt against lila
f car x Snm z:, a am .m, 6 ,, m,,m ,, ku; The : S1
-2. "'ecru in to cover every kind of -«� ;',;, ,,..�:s a•' :.r'•,,, �. '
. engine, Blit '-if- � :. ',. 'M `t �� ;? s :> �' �r� , . '`,"'�` is sin le -state fs ;a boarding ltousb..; '
Propelled by a -Petrol engi i .. - x;,Ks<� y '; ?• -
.' s u k+, .. yc T •'c-6rta!"'" .�� � � a, ' ;, . v J .. � � a g .
it vaslteld that: it tri` eye.. "f >: u a F .,
tar much litigation � j ,z `'�'s� '. tk
! «< s Frs� Work hard and sago Youz money,
applied only to two-co,clat' engines, £f ^ 3,.
and that Se1C'on'had no'claimpagainst "'°°®" and when you at^o old you can have
the manufacturers,of curs in,,whtch /a the things only young people can era-
, four-cylitl�er engines were used. GRIM RECORound 1 ng aRtSr the OMB ended in interstate Park, near, Bear jam'
There; Is another series of all" in A pair oY stags locked in a loath grapAle, ""—
connection with "naarketug an inven- I IouUtain:' So tightly •vera ilio antlers' looked:ttiat'•they cou•1d not be pried:apart witltoui' fere tlnng the: horns: All jbking aside, these" Intelligence
.ion. yrofessioaial inventors - find a', de -
Char -have really _do indicate •'thaw'.whq
nand fir -sit and then set to work to ' —'__ - - and oompanionship of the .Bene testa brains. 7liosa who have don't
supply: It, whereas amateurs do nearly To ,din Illustrious-hildther. SUN IS GROWING �` lotte KnollYs: take them
'the opposite, ,and consequently many, Queen Alexandra, 1844-1925. SMALLER ]3.t UX QUEEN OF, BRITISH Miss linol9ys, entered Queen Alex-
,patents are almost worthless. Tor andra'a houselitlld at the age of elgh- IY everybody 'toad the tenth, think
, There. is a crown that every ,i HEAR'CS: teen, ew Years after flee majesty how badly the hostess would fool.
Irailway, alrpliances alone,, there, are - wears,, Astronomers Believe That Ac-. _ .� had Co to this country to become
hundreds, that g ill never' be worked, A, sceptre that she wields for good Tickled to Death.
hecause the,.cost of:installatiou would or: ill, COIAritS for Its Ileal' S61g9j=ly '--""'^ two less oY Waller Since then these -•
too 'real, hrone of motherhood Secrets of Science, a's' been felt two l.adi near' ever been parted: Under the`sod,T
rel IngofQueennAlexandrath r the papa', It was eaTIy,'fifty years aigo that Lies Tiia O'Toole,f
bet g And none the t
In any caste, .
Invention: res y can fill BY Dav1d Dietz. He borrowed a I' at6or ^.R
eG a tilt'; return, and same'do not onizo for'th'os•e sbe'bears. ms the loss of a friend, so g3^eattly has Mises Knollys gripe up niarsiage, svitli
gry g of And''fail tong. We seldom slop to thisvlc how ds•. this g'raolous Royal ladyondeared her, the 811L, -1 so that-shemight To tickle a mode.
even begin -to :pay till near the end .. But, If her children prove immortal Self to: every British heart,.eaY6 a Lou -he term of •the.patent'an them. For •, lvendent we are ttp'on,the sun• It the cositlnve in the Service oR. the Royal
h heire sun gave out, the earth would have no elan writer. laxly to whom ,her .companlonship A wom`an's mind, says _old "Bash isi
leu years one yielded uo profit -to Of life's, best crown, and subjects ,light except the feeble light of the , Her loss will, of course, be felt most meant so'much. , as uncertain as- a 8rivefenit's squirt.
patentee, but during the last four yehre of God's will.. - - stars.: -
:, , greatly by those who knew her best. Queen Alexandra never forgot the
it earned him: $36,000. She feels that, when tier heart and The moon, shining b� reflected light sacrifice made Por her payee and, atp, to
heeds lie still; It is a testimony to the loveableness , Many blessings- wear the disguise of'
Wood of the sun, would, of course, go; dant t her life, would<oPten make a curse, and vice versa.,.
the eastern boundary of tb'e W They will not be unworthy of her of Queen Alexandra that everybody ho last of
with the sun. r about 'her,: who had the honar'oY eery. grateful allusion to it to .her lifelong .�
Buffalo parka Subsantial corrals and cares, But worse than that, the earth would Ing her Mojesty,.dlesired to remain in friend. An aanbrtious- young college gr'adu•'
loading platforms were guilt at Wain- get no heat. The ice fields',01*the her service after the, tga W.hen'they ate declared his intention of going out
weight ,and weakly -shipments of 200 Soy Alexaudr, , to thy son wait thou, -north and south poles would begin to would have retired on a comfortable, Solved by Wireless. r and 'taking up the. country. And two
to 260 eu•Oli were made in special. car . Devoted, queenly -tender, watchful, spread over the oceans until they met pension. weeks later he was out selling. alarm
dividVa info -sections and fitted wl sweet; at the equator. Here Y$ a story related to the writer The latest wiretloaa story concerns a t'ot'es
watering and reading facilities. ` -The To, thee "how quickly, turned his foreign vagrant anpippd
be the
Consequently 've are justified in by Mr, William Chut•ch, the late rte-
' re -
first trainload left Wayrcvright on eager feet! wanting to ,know haw long the awn New York pollee interrogated' Neardyall_ways of murdering People
" ward at Marlborough House, which ll- � ±t p
.Juts 15 and reached tile. -end of steel To tiles how loyally' his heart would can loud out the tremendous amount lustratos Queen Alexandra's "tha41011- garding'hia credentials-. But ho --poke h'ave,been tried in Chicago and proved
at Waterways, Alberta; on the 17th: At bow! of energy �rhieh it radiates continous- IulAess for others. an etc police Interpreters
a tongue, successful,
on -
brag polnt the • buffalo were placed- fir And that great lovet_whIeh Son and ly. One night, a few days before Christ • The Police interpreters -were nro-
aTecfally constructed corrals lvltera Mother bare, It has been calculated that the mas, Church was engaged In paeldng lessors and eventually several pro- Don't forge" Haat you Injure your
they: were- watered, fed, and tested for Tile peoples of the 'mighty Empire energy which falls each second on lip and getting ready for the post a Yappers nY modern languages admitted own character when You 'attack that of
thirty-six hours• They warcr then re- share: i each square yard of, surface :oY the large number'of gifts that Queen Alex- At this
j beaten. another.
leaded on two barges, and, after an A. B. Coopoei.l.earth In •tho form of sunlight !s, the ands -had purchased for frien'da! At roa juncture gilt ea occurred
ufneyeutful trip dowtr the Clearwater,- equivalet, of four fifths af' a horse- The' pncicing'oP these; slits was a big that broadcasting might be of service. A dollar has got so it acts 1llco
a", -
Athabaska, and Slave rivers, arrived Q=. ' Listeners to the nearest broadcasting
ed �. • }flower. And We earth receives .oaulY task and it was past midnight before Lirauy it
every time you try to eti
at, their destination on Time 21,' T_ Qyp dear s live' Music. about one two -billionth of the total it .was` completed. At eleven o'clock station were accordingly a acquainted change .it for. merchand9&e.,
-buffalo wsre release' at th'e'gateway elate, to+the ceremon'Y energy radiated by the sun, the door .of the room where 'Church with the circumstances; and the luck- _
of their new home by means, of an an, Music appiop less individual was instrueted to Speaks
a It was Rest thought that the sun's was at.wo6 in, earI and .Queen Alex. There pa a bird called the seagull,
closed wharY and Janeway, from ivliich into the microphone, fel distressing
s of seeing the old Year out varies in I'm sD•eaklug now o. tlse he gull,
r a.' few huladred yards ray that discloses in rcnnr3ritabie fes- heat was duo to eon}bustiou ]flee an anilra came in, beating a silver tray, appeal tvas•heard by a fellow-conutry-, He goes on Tong flights, Por days and
'they raced for y hien the: variety. of'matn'ar outlook. On ordinary fire. But matluematical eta- "I expect you are tired and hun8ry,'
brought man W it1}, thre _result that the. hick is Itas°d oa' the m
and then settled ,down to graze p the the one hand, the Watch.Mght 13eT• for nights,
inviting Brass before further. explore- of the Churches fl a its most 'prep, the
l n
vice * wholemSun wasvcompos�ed of�pure coal Y Itsnase chars t�sio of the was
ie� 4sfled the police w she-gu.11.
t c o it would burn itself out at the present w
Experiment a Success.'
popular music in hymns oY soemntty wvia adlowed.to depart.
of warning, or of emphasis• upon the rate in little over 6000 yeais. kind we lady than she brought the refresh -
the ^ We suggest that the head Or the
Seven times during the. summer,
this passage of times The, trowels' In the have reason. for believing that sun penin herself rather than send them
floime made the elver journey. streets ora beat satlsiied to'p'ing either has already been shining tot• more to Church by a servant. Radio Talk ori Trail Ridirig Ditch•Digger� Union bre called the
unique King of Spades•• .
and dulling ills Ilrst neelc in August music whicb is frankly hilarious, or than 100,000,000 years. Giving Away" Her Income. -in the ROCl{IES.
reached'the north "Auld Lang Syne,' ilia Precise .mean A second thacry,was that •tile liras a Alexandra's habit So impressive are Ganacla's scenic
the last sltipnteut t In attached to which latter song by It heir be n Quee A certain girl taolc a ride with a
ern park, Since thea the wardens 8 or the sun were replealsliad by: to lteep oil her .writing -table •a box con- playgrounds that soar icit a week pass- man, The engine died; but she didn't
different sdngetkl of it would be d ffi• ink ton to twenty .flve=poirvl notes."without the' unsolicited tribute of
who for some years; have been guard- to state, On the whole it seems meteors falling into the sun. oonea I some competent authority to tie •get out. She wafted for her father to
Ing the wood huffafo against trespasa.I
quit desire the part of all theory, however, has hese .aband ed Evmy morning her oozrosponelence.t fix it. proving that every rule has eti
ars and who are now "responsible for, to Signify a d P . as improbable. corttairued a nuruber. of begging letters. beauty and extontot�tbese forests and
the new arr'lvala, have"reported that concerned in its performance to be on A third theory, and one which In reply`Co any any Woman test exception.
h uu• mountain fastnesses: One of the la
teams oY friendliness with, oath other y'
t1tp. Plains and wood, buffalo are xning- doubtedly accounts correctly for muotz In grant weed and �lis�treSs, leer Majesty to add his testimony is the we'kl known
Lind with the world at large. The traveller and lecturer, Mr. Kilroy Har-
ling freely, and that "hero is very of ills anti's feat, wa Helmholtz.
advanced would sena' a five -pound note, direct 'That ovIid ie ed S ills I11)9
prospector complete amalgamation of mesio of Chase at hilarious
is easy to by tltc'scientist; Heltnitnitz, ria, who a Saturday Queuing, velogu - That David quieted Saul, Iiiilg of
tile two herds. understand. The hilariau5'slsoutings • Ing the envsllipe herself, bar 28, delivered. a .radia 'travelogue Israel, by playing upon his harp, is
h of those Who 8ivo forth eti New Year's According i}to thin theory, the sun . The writer oras the highest authority
So far the experiment has been a -hall Songs of the me- U contracting under the gravitational from, station 1V M A Q, Chicago en- the first auibentie record of the use
v i sono time Eve the mnsrc s g Ear s'tathig that in 1913 Queen Alevan- tltlgd "Trail Riders of the Canadian
Tim -
marked success. Howe o , n are of 'course, merely with a 'attraction of the sun upon its own 'nil- dra was giving away half her income „ of music as a. remedial agah'cy. Titid
sne t, Rockies, which embodied the impreS• la ed the lyre Etrud
mitts elaps,a .before trio outcome eau y to relieve. their feelhtgts ,by in- teripl• This, Pn111ng of ills outer level's and getting herself into finanroial diE- did Si filar err p y
view stens gained Mask summer in the an•
be recorded: In the meantime indi• I Esti on the close of the year as a of t11'a' sun down upon the inner ane fleulties, Tile late Sir Dighton Yrobyn, did simdlM service for lip, O oder the
cations Sive ground for the belief that s lees onsible moinf- would exert a -pressure oY•milldons of nuAl ride of the populair organizatiap recut Mad Klug Philip; of Spain,'
e success at tVainwright' WIN be re• time calling for sqz the the Coinptroller of her liar
I of that name.
the tans neon the central portions of the won heels flip reasoning Power tlzrougli
merit: T.ife Ys certainly a!1 things -fo sun. This tremendous ;pressure is household, had to point out to her:tliat the singing of F'artneili, the COM of
peated on the banks of the Slava and all men. aha could not afford to eoutinuo Gill-
rivers. thought to develop the heat of the Ing ,away money at such a rate, and, .
�� ---4 sun• much to her regret, Queen Alexandra
Praying for. Rain., Generous Johnny, Astronomers have calculated that it bad to curtail Jser considerable done
A minister In a larie Scottish tavin Little rohnnfe lived on a farm in this were the only source of the sun's ties, to charity.
was appointed to preach in a country the *eat and attended a country :iteat, the sun would contract to half
school; in tate district' there were its nresant sdzo in ?,UOA,OOO more years The Two 'SoRings.
parish isle season of greet drought. and that its heat would give out in One of the great sorrows that the
lie was as`ledato he sure is Pray for seteral' needy families.:. Johnute's g
rain. But'vlren Ills prayer was fol- mother always gave :him a'pod lunch 16,000,000 years. War brought to Queen Alexandrea was
lowed b�v such, a deluge that some of so he would not be hungry beforg tb� When radlum was discovered, the the separation it entailed from liar sis-
the crops were destroyed one of the eyeuing,mead, but he often came home theory was, ad6aneed that there might ter, bile Dowager. Empress of Russia,
elders Bald to another: "This tames o' saying, "I am hungry:' be radio-a:etive substances in the still, to, whom -she was so devoted.
intrusting sic 'ii request to -a "canister i ,Ona -day .lila mother Bald 'to lsim: I which contributed to the
niinha not t of tilt The two sister 4 onthere at Marlbor-
wha' Is• ria acclentit wi' agriculture." ' +'Son, why ave'you hinlgry when I Put sun, This is likely, tog ye ough House in 191:eve of war.
Precision, however, has its. Pslip such:blg'lut>chew for you a,nd your''deiinitely proven. Tile Dowager Emgrresa decided to go
I llre'newe.lt theory advanced by sifch to R 'ssia at once to be with her son,
that day,
FrecLsely how music acts 'qn the
body is not known, but some Of the
results of . its` use on the inludo and
spirits of patlents 'in tuberculosis .
wards are certainly imown, and it to
upon this that aillohnsis 4r ,naw Put,
one striping instance, as told by' illrs..
Isa Maud Ils'anr associate secretary of
tite New York Tuberculosis --_and
Health Association, is of interest in
this connection. At one of the four-
toon instnations to lVilich this associa-
tion tapes nil and' other -divisions
u . there, was a'man: who was [I ruusi'3411.
thinks a contributor to a British Raper, lunch box, is alts a) s empty when you Professor W, D. Harkins, nfShe Tsar. SVh•eui the sisteus ; Against Na#tine's Laws. Tie diseaaw had adv'ancod to the third
as in the petition of a Primitive come hon3e? Don't I Put Inett'otigh? men as the til -fated
University of Chicago, is 'round up lit carted: they ,exchanged -"Ings. They "`"'here's'a•Storm braving." ;stage and tile,
Me was very sick.;
Met1todi's't:laymanalso in time of Than Johnnie said apologetically* 1, t theory of l I nether, leo' was temperamental, as
,: n' ou luuow tltOrO'are the oleotsoz y clatter.- ir>et:aghl'n, live Years later, at 11fat1;1 ?'Phone to ::tile enforcement agent'
debught, Por, though he reverently _ Oh • mother, do t y musicians are libola'. to be•'. AVhnn he
I the needs some children at school Who . do not klRvkinz and others believo that all borons'" IIonae,'in 1919.. The Dowager and have fC ariested at once!''
confessed that to tl1e,i1 sty 9
• • : he � b of an i's'le 'to:eart2" the leuowu elometifts upon Cho earth Empress had: been 'through terrible -- 4A- leaaited that there woe' to be music in
of `the ]and were exactly known, have muc y g suffoi'!n s. HOT soil, 'tlte' Tsar, had Large numbers of persons are leav- the wards, and corridors, he, being im
cone the less decided to,take no: risks �_ p " wero built up orlginully out of atoms g
of the gee known as helium and that been killed' :and' site herself, heti bean, Ing :the country. for the city all the a privafQ rcont, atslted that his door he
and proceeCi•ad to• melte themknown. y Le Yelt music made his
ul lin Use Car Doors With Care, these atoms previously were formed through all the horrors M the Rasslan l t
' Wes do not want, just a spri t titrtQ. This is ver much as rt should closed, as'
: c through a combination of altOms of Revolution. be If all the boys, and girls growing baeaith9ng noMQ diiRenit, He claiur'el
and a spraying that will sicaree moist- ,All experts In automoblIp safety are AlexandtL' atilt had liar ring,
liydrogen. Harkins has shown inatbe- Queen rig rlr tie country should stay -there ilial music In 4.4 time M6 o'-ii,breathing
eu ills parched lips of the ground. Nor agreed that i. -Ile, deet of the car is; a i
matioally' that tremendous etfergy but the ring khat hex Majesty had ive:slro}tid haVn to split our farms 'in easier. Also, that vvlt6 8 Rime bad-ii,
do we wanta deluge that %#Ill•lltin the common form of,hazard. There ase .
crops, 'What we want zs lust a gentle two p.rinefpal things which happen fn
would be liberated if hydrogen gas p'iven.'ter sister on their parting was two altzto-it every generation, which Pasture, .music, in reduced flip ism-
, ,;' ` ' was converted into hediuni gas. gong with all the "otirar jewQllemy of (would he the surest way in the:}varld hfsracing Tulsa sad.
drizzle•drozz.e, drizzle-drozzle, for connection with the; ntistue of doors,
-r, It is now, believed that this action the. Dowager_ Empress, to in Peasants of our farmers, Penatnre, It was agreed to give him
about a -weal The door rs left open when it cugilt e times azul be consented
may be going on fn the sun cht,Q b ilio ver Faithful Friend. � music in trues
s eyrie the .ratnniwg I Wlzere rn brido bas, two or -moors at- to hallo hda dear o.peaod. Iia express-
o---- to be shut, proioct a of t oncoming+ttemandtsus preseurGs wlilclia'*a exert
u board, gots In the Way ucle"give'"
tsh towns have the ton 'tie ries lit the,sun .and that It we t matter of `great- thaul.Iu1- tendants" these are always known as es. great Dlcasnre in the m
Ottly two, Eng car or k,,,ocicg• somebody Clown. Again; '
• •' ` . - nor I ed t p g of 9ie ne5as 'to Qn•sou Alexandra that lne• I ridesmaids. It is iviraro there .is only azul beot}ma quiet and cltserfnl: Two
-Ig to drspcay a Standard of Ifo s a habit to Slam autalnolsite doom,; this accounts tor'the energy t b
with ,it 1 i. which had deprived flee of $
o manybld one
attoudant- , that the term."best weoh, later he weLgomed the- ri"ns"e!
gained. through a long connectionbod knows why. But the habit ,sun.
s'o ai'o Launceston And' nobody - Next aitic:e:' T1vQ Solar S3'ateui: friends, still -spared to 1161 the 'service'gi11"ds now often tired. brought and no Ydiiger talked oboe$ .,
Royalty. ,The Ileads.to many people being hurl., ';
Iiertford. _ cleric; his door against It. If tbi
patient . is casrznt -'in his defluctiwr
_ __—---
At That, `Spivis Mn& a dose l'xiies �v .
13 Bud, Fisher. _ . —_�,_ , _ .>.-
about the effect oY tempo on breathing :
_.._.. _.. - it of know �� and pulse, se
c 1 a vary 'us'e'ful b d
C So SAYS 12fGFC[o; ANA Nfl2ouA'tLaYD livT tiE CLAIhnS v - Sea,.-_ � SEc?,itE IS h L1ACt' ledge has Oartaindy bean uomQ upon
J4c- RIGt{"m. HuD H AL G�' S.rt2000. tic --NNS CVC-RY • !fi liNoWS EV< -Ry f{G1�o,;SPlvis! tlG SAYS f�Y vALAtzy' as a guide to future:.vr"otic.
bMFls THAT DbdG CAl�13An1Ks i MoUtt srAtzS'
MA _C to 00o Ilion! SATUT66Y' iN tAIS PA`/ T11 IS Stci 510 oP the value of musical diversion that
, , l5'1WCNTY.13vCK4 , Perhaps t
00 ' E'NVCLO('C 5ALARY• HOW I , UCH Does o
. eied'wt positive evidence
Mehl Awe -
c -Iii JeFF D2Av� Amb Yev kNow h mos nt be the attitude'
to S `i1•ltNke SPIVIs , - could ys off, u'ld
WEC-t< D(�(�N lU6i L �' of plu}stcians asu3 teres who% have
WAS -CJ\Q iWG 'DOWN ? ::n" prjL J' GCT charge of,:and tore ill intimate contact
tllnsc ARc- \ TtkR0QGt1 the ' N tNe Movtc;-
f.t / n N� llLb the 'patients: Unlvemally they
^' al s,o
Five "o CA(� ro , AYs r, •_ I w prove olid •commend • the use rn
f}tovSAN17 !r
? o FIGVRCS. It u :, 4 G�tT 1 mnislc in the wands.
__ ) BUCis•�:: .�n yilit� 67i
music ngga ttb'sut a greater degree"
-¢s h1 eontonhn east P1, that itf doing this
ditirtl;l becnma
i�edntcas complaints.
Q 1 Ey ai �IJJjI �R^ more amena.bae to hilt sc 1`inQ of the
sanitarium- whirh means that the
care and treatment planned far thews
r will be more effective bogatrae of bat
ter co••o.psration. T11Qy ftriil' that 'pa-
!t I.i}, If. j'• "tienl.sl appetites are stinntl'atsit snd
til " food avl iclr before looked unap-
o pctlng liovt u,eenrs; gime edible,
101111, fli? I:1=II(illi111111 –o;
I`• -^y III ����II�� IJI if — lUlll # speaker is
(��I III nnl!il!f �1lllll I I = �LWllW!ll / `5 I I_aS� The world's tarn d load ,.
nosy beingbui t inEvctrtan' Vrlien
hilg c.l have
tlttelbQ1,itlouths each ncasv
_ r.-
,. ft. across and ' 110 1t��n? he iu•ing 40