HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-01-07, Page 6IN 1P+11C IONS IN II COU r ! tie fici� 803 fol" gild' 39 ( ,. a .�,.�.;,•.. .. ..., .,.-.d- ^a .,. •--.-...•`rr,A-^',"�^'r+ h�M,l�mmk C - ',; „ - ,.: '�_': t,., .:: �^� 41JNI(lAtATIaS i,ai ;. i ' Fiensall In s•>it ';ted eleoti<m Exeter: Foi reeve, W. D. Sander " 'Olven CTeig,er tF1a ", retuiined xceva Tor 1926, defeating his p pp i t 1, T;soiiiais 're-elected; punciIigis, Eli coifltis, Joseph Davis, Joseph H ldbs, W,1- ° m } Iiudsaii, by a mtlorzt,.yof 24. lh 5 be I:am T. Gillespie; Uotii'd of edacatunt; '�J, 9t- z y' . '%Yill Mr, Geiger's third conso-li;t ve Franklin Delhnid,go; Elston and year its reove. r .Ihc received 2033 i;otea William DearinG•, ,Ae question sub- � y - <titd �IIudSuri 17J. Tile Cotuici • teas t .. ..:.. 1 .. oected' by acelamat�ion a weep ago",in Stephen: Reeve, Alex Netb; de tamtbte to tIi d e ratepayers " „... Ape } ori favor of the Council of. 1926 grant- ing'a iieans'e 'to a 'pool bilIkard a v flo6P Of pi}ty,a•ceye, John IIayes; o6uneillors, or room?(" was snowed tinder. , Reuben Goetz,' Chester, 146wbiivmey and Isaiah Tet�e t i Cnikoirie Tot sup: P.eete, C. A. Blyth: James Dodds was re-elect- e4 reeve, d8feating' Di. W, J. Milne, former The c r � � 4 0C&TA KIN hobertson .col}ztcmllors, • l J. reeve. voting' was. heavy, Those to the �,iSALI " .Gold- th'orpe, IIug73 hlmll, Prank Wilson and 1Vi1h Youn6 elected council were S. G. Leslie, Herbert .Dext<<r, ' George { r t®. Neu; Years ni God el iCli Deputy Reeve . J. 1, White and Joint Waymouth. �s,� y�Stock,-Taking. g �y f� /f$ L���14.-® "��' `CZZ�J '. ab.d� "$ i,i 6W�.� g defeated Couneilloi A. J. Pal- zridge:for the deputyr_.reeveship b:' a. Ret , C. G, Armour was unable to lY ad utC`lcai Gift might .p] asant- J ':smile uncomfortable cortin- 'of . ... Q. Y GLS •,.. as' if our, Clinton rices compare With any 0 6'1 majority o£ 405 the poll Ueing' 7$S fur . l4loser' and 380. for Paltridg•e. This contdu+, service Isst Sunday as lie vias suffering frosts a severe cold. The de- wm out your receipt g'eney gra g pt of ' petted Christmas gift or your fo ibex 3 �[7 `7 (7 q7 b - not bpi here Wh send our, money out ( J 3" J J tl' was talo onlyseat contested, .tate re- votioual mart of the service was'. con- foigettingan intended gift. .• tnaindei of the, Council being elected ducted by members of the ses&lin, and ., — by aeclaniation. ' A bylaw'authorizmg Mr. John McIntps i read a Chrls vitas ,Many Happy New "Years may y au 14. lbs. Gx'an lated -Sug•ar for , ......:. ' , . , ti1.0'0 Ilai'z'.v Tiorne's Dainty.Dessert' s5 the Town Coupled t p go ahead with a sermon, which had ;been sent .to ' last, Have with ';unbroken friendslt s and p Special Price'by the ,Bag• new niiinicipal ,hall at an estimated ekiienditure of $ome •$95,000 vas de- Armour by hi:; friend,' Rev. Hugh",ife- Millan, missionary in Formosa, Sub- great accumulation of Cheerful Recollections' and Affections 7 lUs. ILo11e Oats fol 2t3c . ; d Special Price by the Bag .. Cristard .... 1—, . . ' •' ` Harry Horne's Green Peas in , feated,by the small'majority of four, jest, "Christ the Prince`�of Peace." «r We have a 5 lbs. Corsi Syru t 35c 1 ............ ............. ....... x Conforti S Soap Deal with Towel "THANK-IiOU" CARD SPECIAL ---Black Tea, to clear ant at, per .1b. ... ; ...: 48c P, &' G, and Gold Soap, 10 dial r D � LEA CLINTON'SING JEWELLER ST^u11, -. _- w __ serves ut that ve y conveniently sees in mak- m,• ac i tits. ;, y g SPECIAL—Coffee to clear at, per Ib. •..,, , , ...... , 48c —Coffee . p cannot compare with This Tea aocilir Special' Group Tables .'.:. , .. 'Too many articles to mention- ��mm yy�,�,ii Exquisilte mt aahje Silver Priced, at .6 and 10 cents .raced at 6 Oe an better values ata 65c, 7 d 80c Yourself—No articles h Loose Cocoa A Pocket or Office Diary or a Desl> New Valencia Raisins for pies, while they last 2 lbs. for 27c (This is Cocoa; Se q-` Complete service sets. or separate $,•;. places.; Engraved or plana—initialed Calendar saves the memory, helps the business "or professional pari to defy the forget habit. We have a full assortment of Jelly Powders, all flavors ...... • .. • ......:.... . . • . • • .. • 3 for Broken Sodas ..' . . Sweet Biscuits, to clear, per lb if desired. Of finest quality spark- - `x, ; 'Eng silverbearing tate. tradeanarks of the best • known manufacturers— ars— F OR THE Apex ('itl9(?Cl9 Fruit ®e� j and at remarkablylow prices. 5UNDAYLPS, SCIi00L SCHOOLTEACHER We have still f ENGRtiV ING FREE gelouliets Select Notes We are.sole agents for Apex Goods, If you .have leaver " Grape r ill ai,�l0et �... r ' Chests of Silver Arno]ds Practieat•.Cemmentary ' stied any of"these lines it will give you great. satisfaction GRAPES LETTUCE1�C s Priced from 16.50 u;a Ta -bells Teacher's Guide andleaeure to do sa. We foel we can bighiy Tocotnniend p Fish Depar>tme t Coininunity ''slid Rogers Silyerware in every pattern Gist of the Lessons --a book for the pocket, very compact, approved byFresh •them to you. Peaches, Pea;,,s and Raspberries in glass, and Haddock, per lb. the scholars. all varieties of canned goods, ;They are certainly in':a class Cohoe Salmon, per lb. . ,•� I have it sniall.a_mount of Ivozy left by themselves. - Halibut, per db. . -over to -clear at reduced' prices, PILLET+S 33ADI R. JOHNSON � 8 W. I Fair Ga. We announce Miss Susie Sloman successful winner of the clock. Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry~� Often the Cheapest—Always the Best -Afternoon Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug: Store - In the Morning First Delivery a.m. In the First Delivery 2.30 p.m. L. W. Ct3RRELL--`T'IFI€` S. SHIPLEYCash and W-0 T*_ l ..s {b Now is the time for a � �° I Sea•vycc New Year's Resolution � _ _ - to be that a' good council, ,carr'chosen and a successful cil. has 11 - Huron Road Fast � year is It is resolved at this store that the practise of the past towards Messrs. Will and Bert Slorttan have been Our patrons and friends of furnishing Prompt and Courteous Service, returned this week t Chicago. Mr. Fletcher Gibbing•s of the west. ,looked forward to, Following is the Best Quality Goods at.b'air Prices, and a smile for everyone; will be Mr, Jack Bawden returned t e end is visiting his brother; Mr, R. J. Gill- result by sub -divisions: renewed with fresh vigour for the coming year. . of the week to his school work at hinge of.Stapleton, and other friend's For Reeve ? 1 2 3 4 5 G We thank very aineerely our patrons who have favoured us wjtIt `Hamilton. in the old home vicinity. • Cox 43 45 77 . 31 5,$ ,35 their business during the past ,year and trust that our pleasant rela- , Salkeld 93 55 19 38 S tions of .the past may be mutually enjoyed in the futurp, Miss Isabel Slornan of Londaty is vis- From a recent copy of the I{finders Corey 9 10 23 '45 10 29 iting her grandmother, Mra. Slo- ley, (bask.) Clarion 'we learn of tine For 'Coujioillors Wa cordially invite you to take full advantage of the Service our mail of town.- election of Mr.: Foster Gibbings as Middleto 83 GO 91 71 Iii 51 business affords. Use fire telephone freely, We will deliver any goods Mrs. ltilatthews of Exeter tea been reeve of that town for the year 1926. Haacke 100 109 84 26 65 42 clteerfully sled promptly: Small and large orders given .equal, atten- vi. Mat Mts. o $. Carter during This -paper in commenting on the el- Jervis G5 33 G2 32 82 35 tion, If you have stat previously given us an ogportunity to serve the as cation calls Mr. Gibbings all "old Churchill 50 38 76 39 12 34 you, we will greattlygppieclate your doing so, . Wr also invite ;back past iveelc• timer;;'' in the Province, he staving tvitlt the New Year thhose who have not ofIate been malting any use Miss Louise Drummond of Hensall Sowerby ,75 29 33 15 21 17 of our store. and its :service for tbeir'grocory reggiremeuts. We ap- visited with Miss Violet Mortison. beal% out 'there for the past twenty Totals—For Reeve: Cox, 289; Sal- preciate lutist favors and trust for future pm ironage, over the New Year, years. He has taken a leading part Iceld, 213;' Corey, 135. rot Council - Ill many public movements and The lora: Middleton 4 C�ir Mr. Rattetburybspentn theMiss New Year Clarion thinks "has the quaomin- Jervis, 309;, Churchill, 272, Sowerby, Main Store, Phone "1 C. O �S enols and ability r make an emir- with Clinton friends. array satisfactory reeve" The 'Gib- 1o6' ' 25 W. Branch Star% Phone 125 J. Mr. D. W. L. •Cantelon •was downngs'family is i The Misses Freida J.. and Xiui iel hi . from Lueicnow with h. is family dor- all old in Huron Sterling returned to Amberstburr to County, have made good citizens here `_ ,•___ __ � ing tate holiday seasonresu5ne their toaching. duties. --^-- -- _ -• and we Have, no doubt- that the Hiss Bessie as ieaSlwoe an a Now York is ( Mrs. Joe Carlin , r. A. Mc a i e. branches 'which: have been transplant. vision �'•° spending week with her mother g her :father, Mr. A. McGuire. and other friends in town. eta elsewhere ere also doing lsketl'ise. Mr. Frank McDonald of Detroit, Mr. Arleen Sylvester of Toronto was Miss Jessie Ball of Ash Grove, -Who who spent a few days visiting friends has been spending her holidays at Per - the guest during the holiday per= in the neighborhood, returned home sod of Mts. Harriet Levis. the home of -liar Parents, Mr. and on Saturday last, Mrs. Wm.. Ball, left on Saturday to �� Mrs. Wesley Russel and baby Jack of !! Mrs. R. R. Sloan has returned '�, I,a u y�d�jy Atte%ipr resume her duties as school te>iaher, , ..Y•- ,� - Taranto are visiting at the home of s from Guelph, where she Yvan visiting , Little Miss Dorothy Holland is slat Q l�ushz%2 �/(�?(� Mr. and Mrs. W. Rutledge her sister, Mrs. H. Thomas. Means— very well just at present. Miss -Jule Baiter left for a week an Mrs. Shephebrtl Dale is gradually Vis. A. Currie of Saskatchewan is •Saturday after spending a weal: or' improving in health, we are glad to visiting her brother, Mr. Mason Stir- -.No haled, rinsm so nth her mother in town. Mrs, McCannell attended the fun- report. ling. O hand bluing oral of a nephew, Mr. Elmer For_ IMr, acid Mrs. Mtic. McDermid are Mr, R. McClelland has gone to Di - No buttons broken ham of St. Augustine, last ween. nt Seaforth today attending the fun» troit to spend the winter. u itIt . LilIow, of Peterboro was tine oral of thea uncle, Mr. A, IC, Critten- .-No Nooks bent guest over the Now Year of Mn den: No fasteners jammed Wilbur Ford at his home in town, Mr. and. Mrs, Fred Cook spent Chan a Of t Miss Ruth.and Masters Duncan and. New Years at.the home of Mr. and No xcd bands GIemi CartwrigjltL visited with, Lon- Mfrs, Chas. Cook of Gedertch town - No bard -to -iron creases desboi•o friends over the week-pn0: ship, Location No wringer and n0 Miss Mae Rutledge " of Toronto has DR. H. S. ,BROWN is been spending' .the vacation with r extra tubs , leer parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. Rut-. GoderiCh Town begs to announce that he is now oc- °'i/&ko�iirrf adtlxcYa rw.th�°Jkras' Iedge. I cupying his new office end residence (( Wouldn't $iouliketovwaslitho Mr. Wilbur Ford, who spent 'the, "Not for a good -many years," re- on the south ;side of 'Ontario street, Y,a ry-F,ete�7Vagy>' Phono -Chrishornetinatown,caretmuedon eto Peter- township at themarked gn old �antounceme t ofesident of tthe oppositePaul's atraa vameta'!n tnea naor call. ' OFS�ICFJ IiQUItShAShiTSTJAL n bo 0 on. Monday. feral eouut of 'ballots the other day, PHONE 218 Mr. Thos: McMillan was in town the "has there been a more keenly.con- 36-4 H�Aro Shop, Clinton other day, prior to leaving for Ot- tested election in this township with, J taws to be ready for the opening of so much teal good -nature and good USE YOUR OWN UTILITY a'' Parliament today. commonsense displayed." '.Cite inter- a►rII'�� —IT PAYS Misses Edna Wasinaft of Toronto and est kept right-; up to the end and the n! Ethyle W'astnan of South Porcupine .hall, was paeked L.for the finial" alt- spent the mid -winter. vacation at nouneement of results by the return-: If you want to get the highest price ■ �,,,,.,�,,., " their home in town. ing officer. Mr. H: C. Cox was el- for your furs and bides see Mr. and firs, Robt. Morrison ;and acted reeve and Messrs. J. R. Middle- '°"""" "'" ;"a" •"'""� Miss Marlon of Hensail were New ton, Wilmot Haaeke, Q. J, Jervis and Da Vjd B1C'O`IVtI I Year"guesis at the home of Mr. D. T; ,ChmehiII councillors. Mr, Cox and Mrs. Ed, Morrison, had a majorityof 76 over MT. Salkeld, _. at Goderich - --., A, winter vacation at his bomb in town Corey.ltein 7$ dotes Uel reeve.` "VYr. t Mr. W. D. Grant, who spent the mid- who came g second for ow eve Salk- \ a left Monday to resume his."teacbin old. Mr. Salkeld took the largest P 0, Boy. 424 Phone 270 Goilei•7 h, . duties at Flmton,'Ontario.' vote polled in any one poll for the d `4 Mr_ and Mrs. Wilson Rata: and little reeyesbip,:seeuring 43 :in No. 1: Mr. e son. of Stratford spent New Year's Middleton led the poll for councillor, Day and the week -end' with the. ,00iling 432 votes, with Mr. Hawke former', mother; Mrs,. L. Rath. coming second, 'bar. Haacke was•the 11110 Mrs J: A McConnell and little Miss only lean :who -polled one hundred or ' Eileen and:Miss Dorothy Pruden of more votes in any one, sub -division, "+Lond'on ,viAted Mr: and Mrs. Jas.; Nos., I and 2 giving Bins 100 and 109 McConnell during. the vacation sea- respectively, Messrs, ,Middleton amp son.IIaacke are the new mens .oil the coon-' 0V Jt 14" S pails, Edna ,Lavin teacher, and Miss ell but ,M1', Middleton may hao,e in - Elva Ltivis, nurse, both of Toronto, hevited sgnne of, his father', .mnnici- u ' spent :tale mid -Whiter vacation witb pal ability, bo'having served the town. „ yp lL their mother,,M s• Harriet Lavis of. shin for many years. When the it We }fav a sew stoves or ehe C�uehec t e,. both coa l Slt1tS ala 4 town: d been announced'Clerk R. G. r and heating w.tich we are offering at bargain, prices , beforeMisses Zara and Isabel Godfrey re- Thompson Nvas asked to take, the .,Stock taking. turn ad:to their lioine in Georgetown 'chair and a short tinie was „spent is y on Monday after s��ending the boli- -speech inakine', The candidates Wert: C�.lm1� RFl d loci tt9�>f qtr day season as the guests of :puri asked to 'Spealc and those who bad WC LVi311 eve yore cillor and Mrs. P. W. Johnston, been entrusted with the'task of look- �y l headquarters, i Miss Ella Rutledge; wito carne hone ing aftej the aft -":airs of the township IlsippY Ideal Year We are still i ad uarters for Radio. Rece b In Sets. A q g some weelcs beforo tale opening, of fo• 1926; spoke—briefly,' the 5 tube Fada Neutrodyne"$'190 complete. 3 tube Lincoln $95 ttie'Christmas holiday's, otvinp•- to 'electors for the trust reposed in them complete. the illness of. her mother, lett"Moii and expressumg•'their intentions oi do - day to ,resume }ter voaching duties - ing their• besi to earrv,, on for the - r -e- pear Waiiaeebur'„�. 'i;ood of the old, tow,?,hili Mr.H. � Mr. And Mrs. R. J. Fisher of glial Sallceld,,althout;'h ;tot successful; also q�er cc street,' wino lave been Visiting, lit inade •i_ cheer�ui htt,t¢ ,pectis. 6haiik- EL' f the .west; for somite time,,:with their.' ing; those vho bad :uli;iprted hint and � Phone 174w Residetice 174i two daughters, ells, s I leaner a;iti sl owing hin:ss%lf a good. loser. 'The HARDWARE PLUMBING. EIIECTRIC WIRING 11a7el,'.spent Christmas with Mrs. successful, eandidites .treated tate HARDWARE and PLUMBIN Fisher's sister Mrs.'J; T.;Watt of ctoc•d to candies before the 1 iiliei'io __ � -'-'• Caxrol:'Man. c..sr..,rsrd.,_ The cenera.l oni,liov_ Photno 244 For a Hat We want to thank yc .,this community For your g enee in our integrity and , now as the old year passe, herald the coming of 192 the 'sincerest .of Good Happiness. Clintorfflar w FUNERAL DIRECTORS Furniture Phone: 104 JustI A complete r Fit -u We specialize in Custom VETERAN TAILORS 17," We pay farmers a pie and eggs to our :plant acco explain to you if you will I list is free for ,tile asking < real profit TTyyto You, ggLet us r AM HEAD OFFICE Clinton Branch open Write, Phone, or Call fo: GUNN", LAN CLINT, i90 .... .Alwac